Tuesday 2 April 2019

Connect with Your Ancestors to Heal Your Lineages & Co-Create A Better World

The Ancestral Healing Summit will benefit anyone who is intrigued by the healing and evolutionary benefits of a rich, and powerful connection with our loved ones beyond the veil.
Whether you’re experimenting with http://po.st/ancestral communication, healing the burden of heavy familial karma, or you’re finding out that life as you know it just won’t do, and you’re looking to fill that void with the love you know is available to you through the deceased, you’ll find eye-opening sessions that will inspire, educate, and empower you.
Join a vibrant global community and an amazing panel of presenters to discover the curative and evolutionary powers of our ancestors — with many practices that you already possess…within!

Read more: Connect with Your Ancestors to Heal Your Lineages & Co-Create A Better World

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