Tuesday 30 April 2019

Empaths - Turn Your Sensitivity Into Superpower! Join May 14-17 Summit to Learn how...

The visionary teachers in this gathering will offer you a clear path to your next level of sensitivity development — with easy-to-pick-up-and-run-with tools, tips, and practices that will enhance your internal guidance system.
Whether you’re newly aware of being an empath or a highly sensitive person… or you’re ready to step into unstoppable empowerment when it comes to owning your empathic gifts…
… join us for this one-of-a-kind online series (at no charge) as the extraordinary speakers illuminate the path for you to rise to your full potential and fulfill your highest mission and purpose.

Read more: Empaths - Turn Your Sensitivity Into Superpower! Join May 14-17 Summit to Learn how...

Thursday 25 April 2019

You are Literally Wired for Maximum New Human Potential

Health Hacker f(x)

Awaken Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-healing, Longevity & Super-perception

Imagine discovering that you’re not what you’ve been told and are far more than you’ve ever imagined…

That what we thought we knew about the human condition and the very origins of humanity had been misinterpreted and misunderstood…

Human potential pioneer Gregg Braden will share the new science that exposes the limiting beliefs we’ve held about who we are and where we come from when he presents, The New Human Story: Awakening Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-healing, Longevity & Super-perception.

>> Choose your preferred day and time to watch this FREE virtual event here <<

The New Human Story: Awakening Your Evolutionary Potential for Self-healing, Longevity & Super-perception

In this mind-expanding mini-workshop with Gregg Braden, you’ll find out how these new scientific discoveries have the potential to change the way you think about yourself, your relationship to your body, to others, to the Earth, and even to God.

You’ll also discover:

  • How new discoveries have overturned 150 years of scientific thinking — and why that’s relevant to YOUR life story

  • How to tap into your innate capacity to leap beyond self-limiting thoughts and behaviors and step into the grandest vision of the life you once thought was beyond your reach

  • How to access your deep intuition on demand through heart-brain harmonization

  • How to enhance your ability to self-regulate so that you can choose to create a powerful immune response, activate longevity enzymes, and move into the gamma state at will to access deep levels of perception

  • How to work with your mirror neurons to open new doorways to accelerated learning

Join me for this riveting hour that will reveal what you’re actually capable of achieving and becoming!

>> It’s free to attend…simply register here <<

During The New Human Story, Gregg Braden will share new scientific discoveries and techniques for awakening your deep intuition, precognition, and advanced states of self-healing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Here's How Quickly Harmonize Your ‘Electric Body’ with Sound Therapy for Your Wellbeing

Health Hacker f(x)

Experience a whole-body ‘tuning’ to resolve pain, anxiety, sleep, and digestive issues

You’re probably aware that you have an energy field that surrounds and permeates your body, which science refers to as your “biofield”…

But did you know that your biofield has electromagnetic qualities… and that just the right type of sound can have the positive effect of “harmonizing” your “electric body” to help you achieve optimal wellbeing?

Sound-healing therapies are used in medical facilities across the globe to address everything from anxiety, depression, sleep challenges, and grief to fibromyalgia, digestive issues, and autoimmune disorders.

Plus, if you’ve ever experienced sound healing — whether through the vibrations of a tuning fork, drum, Tibetan singing bowls, gong, or even specially composed music — you know that it can leave you in a delicious state of calm and relaxation!

On Wednesday, May 8, renowned sound-therapy practitioner Eileen McKusick will help you discover and experience the balancing effects that a tuning fork can have on your personal energy field during a FREE video event: Discover Your Electric Body: Keys to Tuning Your Biofield for Total Wellbeing.

>> You can reserve your FREE space here <<

Healing Electric Body with Sound Therapy Keys to Tuning Your Biofield for Total Wellbeing

During this experiential hour, you’ll:

  • Discover your electric body and biofield, and how the vibration of sound can “tune” your electromagnetic energy to promote optimal wellbeing

  • Discover how a tuning fork can help address adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and anxiety to bring your body into “harmonic resonance”

  • Learn how to raise your “electric” vibration for better emotional and physical health

    Understand how emotional issues, such as depression and bipolar disorder, can be viewed as a resonance imbalance instead of a chemical imbalance

  • Experience a whole-body “tuning” that can transform the electromagnetic energy in your body from dissonance or “noise” to resonance or a soothing “symphony”

  • You won’t want to miss experiencing this whole-body “tuning,” which can slow down your brain waves and shift every cell in your body from dis-ease to ease!

>> It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

This is the author's quick (excerpt) intro on his method. You can learn more by joining free event: Discover Your Electric Body: Keys to Tuning Your Biofield for Total Wellbeing, and how a tuning fork can help address adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and anxiety to bring your body into “harmonic resonance.” Short link to remember: http://po.st/biotuning

In Discover Your Electric Body: Keys to Tuning Your Biofield for Total Wellbeing, you’ll discover your “electric body” and biofield, and how a tuning fork can help address adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and anxiety to bring your body into “harmonic resonance.”

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 23 April 2019

How to Take the ‘Mind’ out of Mindfulness - 3 Easy Meditations (Live event)

Health Hacker f(x)

Receive micro-meditations to instantly access joy and the flow state

Rest as the awareness that is aware without using thought ~ Loch Kelly

Would you like to discover how to access the spacious awareness, joy, and freedom of your heart-mind — anytime and anywhere?

Well, you can… although the answer may surprise you…

The secret lies in mindfulness and meditation, but NOT in the traditional sense of those practices. In fact, throw out any preconceived notions you have about either one of those words.

You see, to most people, mindfulness and meditation are thought-focused. While such practices can certainly help you access a worthwhile level of presence and relaxation, they may not be the most effective forms of meditation for YOU…

That’s why I’m excited to introduce you to meditation teacher and psychotherapist Loch Kelly, who developed Effortless Mindfulness to move you beyond thought — and re-awaken you to the compassionate subtle state of awareness of your “heart-mind.”

On Wednesday, May 1, Loch, the founder of Open-Hearted Awareness Institute, will share how this advanced form of practice allows you to immediately access profound joy and the “flow state” — during a FREE video event: Taking the ‘Mind’ Out of Mindfulness: 3 Micro-Meditations to Move From Small Mind to Your Heart Mind

>> You can find out more and reserve your spot here <<

Effortless Mindfullness - 3 Micro-Meditations to Move From Small Mind to Your Heart Mind

During this illuminating hour, you’ll discover:

  • An advanced, yet simpler form of mindfulness you can do to improve focus, end anxiety, and enjoy peace RIGHT NOW

  • The “small-glimpse” mindfulness practice you can do anytime, anywhere, to relax, center yourself in the present, and experience the bliss of simple awareness

  • Micro-meditations that can bring you the same sense of wellbeing or “being in the zone,” which you may have experienced while playing a sport or walking in nature

  • Why observing your thoughts may not be the most effective form of meditation for you

  • The difference between what most people understand as mindfulness and Effortless Mindfulness, which connects you with the larger field of consciousness

More than anything, Loch will show you how to move from “thought-driven” meditation to the simple, yet advanced practice of Effortless Mindfulness.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how Effortless Mindfulness can increase your focus, deepen your presence, and put you in a state of flow — at work, at home, in traffic, or anywhere you are during the day!

Would you like to discover how to access the spacious awareness, joy, and freedom of your heart-mind — anytime and anywhere? See: http://po.st/heartmind - The secret lies in mindfulness and meditation, but NOT in the traditional sense of those practices. In fact, throw out any preconceived notions you have about either one of those words.

During Taking the ‘Mind’ out of Mindfulness: 3 Micro-Meditations to Move From Small Mind to Your Heart-Mind you’ll discover how Loch Kelly transformed the advanced practices of Zen and Tibetan meditation techniques into practical micro-meditations, which can be done with your eyes open — any time of day.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Thursday 18 April 2019

Experience a healing ritual to remember ‘the forgotten ones’ in your lineage

Health Hacker f(x)

Heal wounded parts of yourself and ensure a better future for your lineage

Are there parts of yourself and your family history that you’ve lost touch with?

If so, how might your life change if you could reconnect with your ancestral story and witness the truth of your lineage, the difficulties that have been surmounted, and the wisdom that has been earned?

You might become more empowered, wiser, and better able to understand who you are and where you’re headed.

Perhaps you’d also feel a deeper sense of belonging, of your place in the world — and be better able to navigate life and cultivate a brighter future for yourself and others.

On Saturday, April 27, Native American spiritual activist, storyteller, teacher, and singer Gemma Benton will show you how to connect more fully with your ancestors through story and song during a complimentary video event: Reweaving Your Ancestral Story: Ritual, Story & Song to Remember ‘the Forgotten,’ Heal the Past & Rekindle Belonging.

>> You can find out more and reserve your spot for FREE here <<

Discover the Power of Practical Animism - Reclaiming Intimacy and Kinship Through Earth-Honoring Rituals & Practices

During this powerful hour, you’ll:

  • Understand why connecting with ancestors is essential for opening the portal to the Spirit world and your own higher Self

  • Discover how you can cultivate a capacity to witness ancestral stories as a way to increase resilience and navigate life challenges

  • Learn how you can start creating a new mythology for your family that allows you to heal painful stories

  • Receive key principles to bring forth the power and wisdom in the stories of your ancestors and access them in your daily life

  • Participate in a healing ritual to connect with the “Land of the Forgottens” — re-membering and connecting with their power and drawing from their wisdom

Gemma has taught the power of reweaving our ancestral story for close to 30 years, helping people heal debilitating family issues, from abuse to addiction, by addressing the “spirits in the shadows” with an open heart.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to connect with your ancestors to cultivate a deeper sense of belonging… and become a wise and loving elder yourself!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Heal wounded parts of yourself and ensure a better future for your lineage

If you’re ready to live more fully in your power and discover how enjoyable and easy it is to experience ancestral wisdom through story and song, don’t miss: Discover the Power of Practical Animism: Reclaiming Intimacy and Kinship Through Earth-Honoring Rituals & Practices.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 17 April 2019

Unlock Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal @ Energy Medicine & Healing Summit April 22-26

For thousands of years, practitioners around the world have activated the body’s natural healing processes — through balancing qi, healing touch, Ayurvedic medicine, shamanic practices, hands-on healing such as reiki and Chinese reflexology, and many other techniques.
Traditional Western medicine focuses on diagnosing symptoms and treating you from the outside. Energy medicine unlocks your life force to heal you from the inside and addresses the root causes of illness.
During The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit, you’ll discover exactly how to take your health into your own hands (literally!) with today’s top energy medicine experts, health practitioners, and healers, who will guide you toward transforming your overall wellbeing from the inside out.

Read more: Unlock Your Body’s Natural Ability to Heal @ Energy Medicine & Healing Summit April 22-26

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Visualization - Beyond the Limits - The Law of Attraction w/ Michael Bernard Beckwith

Health Hacker f(x)

Discover how to live in a visioning state and fulfill your highest purpose

Have you noticed that The Law of Attraction, affirmations, vision boards, and/or your go-to forms of prayer and meditation, are no longer yielding the “answers” you’re seeking?

If so, you may be ready to move beyond visualization and into living in a visoning state.

In a visioning state, you no longer need to “outpicture” your vision — instead, you radiate it because consciousness is guiding you to operate from the highest expression of yourself.

On Saturday, April 20, bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center, Michael Bernard Beckwith, will help you move beyond the limits of visualization — to begin living asyour vision.

>> Reserve your FREE space for Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond: Discover 4 Frequencies of Consciousness to Radiate Your Soul’s Calling here <<

Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond: Discover 4 Frequencies of Consciousness to Radiate Your Soul’s Calling

During this uplifting hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to move from the limitations of visualization and the Law of Attraction to live in a visioning state — connected with your soul and attuned to the Divine

  • The 4 stages of spiritual growth, development, and unfoldment — Victim, Manifester, Channel, and Being — the characteristics of each stage, and how we move through them

  • Why you may be ideally positioned at this stage to experience your life as a visionary

  • Why visualization may not work for you — and how to live in a visioning state

  • How to integrate ALL that is, as it is (without shame or blame), in moving toward your vision to truly live in a visioning state

  • A powerful practice in which Michael will guide you to begin connecting with the visioning state and the gifts straining to emerge through you

One of Michael’s gifts is helping us remember that we’re each a unique expression of infinite potential, so do join us for this inspiring FREE event in which he’ll share some of his latest teachings on moving beyond visualization into living in a visioning state.

>> Join us here to this Video event to watch Live (get recording) <<

During Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond, you’ll discover the lessons, blessings, and gifts hidden in the four frequencies of your spiritual development — so you can truly live in a visioning state.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Energy Medicine - Unlocking Your Healing Energies - April 22-26 - Healers Gathering

Health Hacker f(x)

Activate, Revitalize & Restore Your Body’s Natural Healing Energies

The power to heal is within you…

You have a keen ability to tap into this potent inner resource at any time — to treat ailments and illnesses, increase vitality, balance emotions, and prevent disease.

For thousands of years, practitioners around the world have activated the body’s natural healing processes — through balancing qi, healing touch, Ayurvedic medicine, shamanic practices, hands-on healing such as reiki and Chinese reflexology, and many other techniques.

Traditional Western medicine focuses on diagnosing symptoms and treating you from the outside. Energy medicine unlocks your life force to heal you from the inside and addresses the root causes of illness.

In fact, Western medicine and energy medicine complement each other beautifully to  support and revitalize your WHOLE being. From reducing anxiety and stress through chakra balancing… to enhancing cancer therapies with the wisdom of Qigong… patients everywhere are taking an active role in their own healing processes.

And science is now showing that different forms of energy medicine promote healing…

During The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit, you’ll discover exactly how to take your health into your own hands (literally!) with today’s top energy medicine experts, health practitioners, and healers, who will guide you toward transforming your overall wellbeing from the inside out.

Free Online Event
The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit

April 22-26, 2019

The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit 2019

I’m passionate about inviting you to join me for The Energy Medicine and Healing Summit, produced by The Shift Network, where you’ll discover 35+ of today’s highly sought-after teachers, doctors, and healers — including Dr. Judith Orloff, Gregg Braden, Donna Eden, Bruce Lipton, Heather Dane, Robert Peng, Wendy De Rosa, Lee Harris, Dr. Sue Morter, Anodea Judith, Daisy Lee, Dawson Church, and others — bringing to light the curative and evolutionary powers of a wide range of proven energy practices!

During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Ways that spiritual practice can create a haven amidst chaos and adversity — an internal place to find stillness before responding to challenging situations

  • The role that energy plays in the connection between mind and body… and why it’s the essential key to healing and living in balance

  • How to improve your vision with Chinese Reflexology

  • Qigong — an ancient healing tool for modern times

  • Leading-edge research about how your mind can shape your destiny

  • Meaningful grounding practices to address your physical, mental, and emotional needs

  • An understanding about how your thoughts hold the power to immediately impact your physical body

  • That coherence between the heart and brain can move you out of trauma

  • Methods for diagnosing excessive or deficient energy in the chakras

  • Scientific research showing how you can create a long-lasting state of bliss, passion, energy, and health

  • Profound practices based on Native American medicine and chakra clearing to remove ego, blockages, traumas, and burdens

  • And many more modalities, all for your own healing. 

And if you’re a healing practitioner or a coach yourself, you’ll be in demand as your clients discover that you possess deep knowledge and a diverse array of leading-edge healing techniques from this comprehensive energy medicine series.

Join us and the amazing panel of other presenters to discover the latest energy science and leading-edge techniques for addressing not only your body, mind, and spirit, but also your emotions, past trauma, and even your relationships!

>> RSVP here for The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit — at no charge <<

spiritual energy healing practices

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Awaken your intuition and empathy with Judith Orloff to enhance your health, relationships, and emotional and physical wellbeing. 

  • Gregg Braden illuminates your super-human healing abilities and critiques mainstream theories of human evolution.

  • Join Donna Eden to discover the sweet spot in your chest and your heart chakra that can connect your soul and mind for whole-body healing.  

  • Bruce Lipton will show you how you can “turn off” disease-producing genes, and turn on genes that promote healing! 

  • Become a “hollow bone” for healing energies of the Great Spirit to flow through, with Native American energy medicine teacher Heather Dane.  

  • Unearth lifetimes of wounding stored in your chakras with Wendy DeRosa, and access the power of sacred love.

  • Receive fascinating insights about your empathic abilities and power to heal from Lee Harris.

  • Daisy Lee will explain how the ancient practice of Qigong works to enable self-healing.

  • Crack your Energy Codes with Dr. Sue Morter to activate your capacity to heal and truly create your own reality.  

  • Get the energy flowing smoothly in your mind, body, and spirit with world-renowned chakra expert Anodea Judith.. 

And more!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Monday 8 April 2019

Feminine Leadership is Needed now More than Ever

Health Hacker f(x)

Step into your power and be the change the world needs

Have you noticed? Women everywhere are creating change in big and small ways…

Ignited by our passion, our values, and yes, our rage, we’re standing up and BEING the change. We’re stepping into more positions of influence and power than ever before — from community action groups to elected office.

Two women who are leading the way to bold, authentic change — in their lives and in the world — are U.S. presidential candidate, bestselling author, and spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson, and nationally renowned mayor, climate change activist, and mindfulness teacher Heidi Harmon.

On Wednesday, April 10, these two bright political lights with strong spiritual roots will empower YOU to create a sustainable path to activism… one that resonates with your heart, values, and unique gifts during a FREE video event: Discover the Heart of Activism: Feminine Leadership for Bold, Authentic Change.

>> You can reserve your free space here <<

Discover the Heart of Activism: Feminine Leadership for Bold, Authentic Change

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover how to:

  • Embody feminine leadership as the key to the change we most need — personally and collectively

  • Find your “why” — what’s in your heart to do and why it matters

  • Dispel the myth of “rigid positivity” and turn your anger into activism

  • Prioritize your spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing to sustain your passion and avoid burnout

  • Step forward and stand in your power — in your life, your community, and beyond

Marianne and Heidi will also share guided practices to inspire you to access your why, and raise the collective frequency for change.  

So do join us if you’re ready to focus your energies and actions beyond marches, election cycles, and political scandals — and overcome the inner and outer critics that keep you from standing in your full power!

>> Join here to receive access details <<

Discover the Heart of Activism: Feminine Leadership for Bold, Authentic Change

Don’t miss your chance to join U.S. Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson and Mayor of San Luis Obispo, California, Heidi Harmon to discover how to align your heart, values, and unique gifts with your passion for meaningful and lasting change!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 6 April 2019

Wake up Every Morning Rested & Revitalized! How to Overcome Insomnia...

Health Hacker f(x)

Identify the hidden culprits preventing you from a good night’s sleep

Do you suffer from lack of sleep or chronic insomnia?

Perhaps you’ve tried all kinds of “cures,” including herbal tinctures, winding down earlier in the evening, daytime meditation, increased exercise, guided imagery,  minimizing late-night screen time, and giving up caffeine and sugar.

These are all good remedies, but if you’re still suffering from insomnia or not getting the quality sleep you crave, you may need to look deeper into your overall health, lifestyle choices, and genetics.

On Wednesday, April 17, plant medicine expert K.P. Khalsa will help you discover what natural remedies to take to wake up refreshed and energized during a FREE video event: Discover How to Get to the Root Causes of Your Sleep Struggles: 5 Essential Keys to Getting Consistent, Good Sleep.

>> You can find out more and reserve your spot here <<

discover what natural remedies to take to wake up refreshed and energized during a FREE video event: Discover How to Get to the Root Causes of Your Sleep Struggles: 5 Essential Keys to Getting Consistent, Good Sleep

During this enlightening hour you’ll discover:

  • How to start to break out of the cycle of insomnia with tips for uncovering the root causes of your sleep challenges 

  • The links between insomnia and adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, digestive challenges, stress, and depression 

  • Why a diagnosis of “it’s just hormones” or menopause may be wrong 

  • Three plant medicine remedies, and two new habits for better health and sleep 

  • How sleep hygiene, such as avoiding late-night screen time or eating sugary foods at night, may not solve your sleep problem

In his 48 years of practicing natural medicine and Ayurvedic herbalism, plant medicine expert K.P. Khalsa has not only helped thousands uncover the mystery of why they can’t sleep, he’s developed a highly personalized program that can help you get a good night’s sleep naturally.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to gain important insights into how to begin to uncover why you’re not getting the sleep your body needs, and how you can start to address this often debilitating challenge.

>> You can RSVP for Live event here or access recording later <<

Discover How to Get to the Root Causes of Your Sleep Struggles: 5 Essential Keys to Getting Consistent, Good Sleep

If you’re ready to discover how to get a good night’s sleep — and the energy boost, clearer thinking, happier disposition, and more vibrant health that comes with it, don’t miss: Discover How to Get to the Root Causes of Your Sleep Struggles: 5 Essential Keys to Getting Consistent, Good Sleep.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Connect with Your Ancestors to Heal Your Lineages & Co-Create A Better World

The Ancestral Healing Summit will benefit anyone who is intrigued by the healing and evolutionary benefits of a rich, and powerful connection with our loved ones beyond the veil.
Whether you’re experimenting with http://po.st/ancestral communication, healing the burden of heavy familial karma, or you’re finding out that life as you know it just won’t do, and you’re looking to fill that void with the love you know is available to you through the deceased, you’ll find eye-opening sessions that will inspire, educate, and empower you.
Join a vibrant global community and an amazing panel of presenters to discover the curative and evolutionary powers of our ancestors — with many practices that you already possess…within!

Read more: Connect with Your Ancestors to Heal Your Lineages & Co-Create A Better World