Friday 28 December 2018

Holistic Practitioners & Coaches #1 mistake - Expert Insights - January 5 Live event

Health Hacker f(x)

Get people to book an appointment with you on the spot…

Do you have an irresistible response to this question when asked about your business life?

One that leads people to immediately take notice, ask more questions, and even book an appointment with you on the spot?

The truth is: without a simple, powerful statement, you’re losing business every time you answer this question…

And unfortunately, many coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners fall short in building their businesses because their response doesn’t grab the attention of prospective clients.

On Saturday, January 5, Sharla Jacobs, co-founder of Thrive Academy, will reveal the #1 mistake that coaches and holistic practitioners make in sharing their offer — and how to avoid making that mistake — during a free webinar event: 3 Keys to Building Your Holistic Practice: How to Create an Authentic Offer With Credibility, Specificity & Soul.

>> Register now for this free event here to Learn Holistic Practice tips <<

3 Keys to Building Your Holistic Practice: How to Create an Authentic Offer With Credibility, Specificity & Soul

You’ll discover:

  • Why most “elevator pitch” templates don’t apply to heart-centered businesses 

  • The biggest “What do you do?” mistakes Sharla made when she first started her coaching and acupuncture practice 

  • Exactly what your potential clients need to know before they’ll move forward with you (if you’re missing this, it’s likely that you’ll lose 80% of the people that would be perfect clients for you) 

  • The Major Client Attractors you must have in place before you name your business, build a website, or do anything related to marketing 

  • Why building a successful practice begins with identifying your “What do you do?” trifecta — the three essential keys to include in your response if you want your business to truly thrive

After building her own acupuncture business, Sharla developed a powerful, proven system that works particularly well for holistic professionals. She’s since shared this system with thousands of holistic professionals who have collectively reached over $100M in sales.

If you share what you do and people aren’t saying, “I need to work with you” or “I know someone who needs to work with you,” then you won’t want to miss hearing Sharla’s biggest “What do you do?” mistakes —and how to correct them!

>> You can register here for Live event or get a recording <<

During 3 Keys to Building Your Holistic Practice, you’ll discover why it’s so important that you consciously create your “What Do You Do” statement — so you feel aligned and your ideal potential clients say YES and want to refer their friends.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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