Friday 28 December 2018

Holistic Practitioners & Coaches #1 mistake - Expert Insights - January 5 Live event

Health Hacker f(x)

Get people to book an appointment with you on the spot…

Do you have an irresistible response to this question when asked about your business life?

One that leads people to immediately take notice, ask more questions, and even book an appointment with you on the spot?

The truth is: without a simple, powerful statement, you’re losing business every time you answer this question…

And unfortunately, many coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners fall short in building their businesses because their response doesn’t grab the attention of prospective clients.

On Saturday, January 5, Sharla Jacobs, co-founder of Thrive Academy, will reveal the #1 mistake that coaches and holistic practitioners make in sharing their offer — and how to avoid making that mistake — during a free webinar event: 3 Keys to Building Your Holistic Practice: How to Create an Authentic Offer With Credibility, Specificity & Soul.

>> Register now for this free event here to Learn Holistic Practice tips <<

3 Keys to Building Your Holistic Practice: How to Create an Authentic Offer With Credibility, Specificity & Soul

You’ll discover:

  • Why most “elevator pitch” templates don’t apply to heart-centered businesses 

  • The biggest “What do you do?” mistakes Sharla made when she first started her coaching and acupuncture practice 

  • Exactly what your potential clients need to know before they’ll move forward with you (if you’re missing this, it’s likely that you’ll lose 80% of the people that would be perfect clients for you) 

  • The Major Client Attractors you must have in place before you name your business, build a website, or do anything related to marketing 

  • Why building a successful practice begins with identifying your “What do you do?” trifecta — the three essential keys to include in your response if you want your business to truly thrive

After building her own acupuncture business, Sharla developed a powerful, proven system that works particularly well for holistic professionals. She’s since shared this system with thousands of holistic professionals who have collectively reached over $100M in sales.

If you share what you do and people aren’t saying, “I need to work with you” or “I know someone who needs to work with you,” then you won’t want to miss hearing Sharla’s biggest “What do you do?” mistakes —and how to correct them!

>> You can register here for Live event or get a recording <<

During 3 Keys to Building Your Holistic Practice, you’ll discover why it’s so important that you consciously create your “What Do You Do” statement — so you feel aligned and your ideal potential clients say YES and want to refer their friends.

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Saturday 22 December 2018

Learn to pray in ways that open you to grace, healing, and divine blessings

Health Hacker f(x)

Activate personal and collective healing through a virtual prayer circle

Prayer is an energetic blessing with the potential to create real healing for ourselves, others, and our world.

What if you could receive practical guidance about how to live your life as a prayer, as well as how to pray in a way that aligns you with natural healing forces, including the elements?

On January 9 and 12, you can discover more about the power of prayer ­­— and how to pray in ways that open you to grace, healing, and divine blessings ­­— when you join Universal Healer and Member of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, Grandmother Flordemayo.

>> You can find out more about Discover the Power of Prayer: The Practical Art of Personal & Collective Healing — and reserve your free seat — here <<

Discover the Power of Prayer: The Practical Art of Personal & Collective Healing

During this free virtual event, you’ll:

  • See prayer as a 2-way communication with the Divine in which you are opening to receive and give at the same time

  • Understand why it is so important to build prayer into key parts of your day

  • Receive core teachings of how to work with elements such as fire or water to enhance the power of prayer

  • Discover how you can be a vehicle for greater healing in your own community as you open to your own power of prayer

Grandmother Flordemayo, who was born and raised in the Mayan tradition, was chosen to be one of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, a group predicted by prophecies and committed to bridging the ancient and modern worlds to weave the human family together again.

In this special event, she will activate personal and collective healing through a virtual prayer circle… to help us navigate the times ahead.

>> “See” you there! It’s FREE to attend and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

During Discover the Power of Prayer: The Practical Art of Personal & Collective Healingbeloved Mayan elder Grandmother Flordemayo will show you how to deepen your spiritual practice of prayer — and share the universal wisdom that’s acquired through immersion in Indigenous traditions and a life of prayer.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 21 December 2018

Reinvent Yourself with a List of Personal Goals

One of the most profound moments in literature is in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Alice is walking and comes to a fork in the road. She’s not sure which way she should go, so she asks the Cheshire Cat, “Which road should I take?”

The cat asks her in return, “Well where are you going?”

“I don’t know” Alice replies.

“Then it does not really matter,” the cat tells her, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

An indispensable part of life is to know where you are going. If you don’t, you will find yourself wandering down any road that presents itself to you.

When you have no clear destination, the decisions along the way don’t matter. This is why the fastest way to reinvent yourself is to establish a destination—or, in other words, to establish a list of personal goals.

>> See our brand new Book offer: Reinvent Yourself this New Year! <<

Personal Goals Give You Direction

Moving forward is good; moving in a specific direction is better. Personal goals put a clear direction to your movement. This is why personal goals are vital to any personal reinvention. Most of us are familiar with feeling constantly busy, on the move, and booked with appointments—yet nothing seems to get accomplished.

Personal goals give you a way to organize and direct all your movement into a specific direction so that you can accomplish what you want.

Personal Goals Put You in The Driver’s Seat

The essence of reinventing yourself is taking control of your life. Personal goals allow you to be in the driver’s seat. Goals allow you to take control of your time, energy and effort. Instead of just reacting to things that happen into your life, you take control. You decide where your energy is spent.

Nothing will help you reinvent your life like taking ownership of it via your personal goals.

Goals Inspire During the Mundane

Life is not a movie. We don’t experience a continual stream of magical experiences, one after another. There is a lot of dullness stuffed in-between the highlights of life. That’s OK. This is where our personal goals rise to assist us.

Personal goals can inspire us by reminding us of the bigger picture in life. We can compare that to what we are currently engaged in at any point in time. In other words, personal goals help frame how the smaller aspects of life play into the larger mosaic. Reflecting on how your day-to-day life fits in with your overall goals can thereby give you daily inspiration. Having this is pivotal in reinventing yourself

Goals Help Organize What Is Important

On a day-to-day basis everyone is bombarded with choices. How do you decided when to say yes and when to say no? With personal goals, that decision becomes easy. You can ask yourself: Does this activity align with my personal goals? Does this help me achieve my personal goals? The answer to those questions can help you decide what to invest your time in. It gives you a way to identify what is important to you.

Goals Allow Us to Enjoy Life

Ultimately, life is to be enjoyed, and nothing is more enjoyable than success. Personal goals not only define what success will look like for you, but also will give you the road map to achieving it.

What many people fail to realize is that personal goals will also allow you to enjoy life even when the goals are not accomplished. The ability to learn, progress, and develop yourself when you have not accomplished your goals will bring you an enjoyable personal maturity. These are the many ways that personal goals can bring a greater degree of purpose and fulfillment to your life.

Personal goals are a non-negotiable ingredient in any personal reinvention project. Thankfully you can start with something simple. Start your journey by making your first personal goal: A goal to develop a complete list of personal goals. And now you off!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Reinvent Yourself for Happy New Year! - ebook sale 50% off

Is your life boring, unfulfilling and repetitious?

Special Report Reveals:

How to Reinvent Yourself This New Year

No matter Your Age, and Whether or Not You Have Tried to
Change Yourself Before

If there is one thing that is a constant in life, it is change.
Change is sometimes good, sometimes bad, and having control over change is always preferred over just letting life happen to you.
Truth be told, many of us think that change is impossible. That there is not much we can do about who we are and the lives we live.
Many of us REACT to life rather than ACTING according to a scripted game plan WE have written. We feel powerless and wait for things to happen.
We feel powerless and believe that we are who we are, and nothing can be changed. This often leads to self-doubt, a lack of fulfillment, few real rewards and a feeling of having “missed out” on life.
That is not the best way to live, or to realize your full potential in order to live your most rewarding life.
You probably know this. You likely want to create something new within yourself, but you don't know how. You might even think that reinventing yourself might be the wrong move.
It is understandable if you are fearful of beginning a new journey and leaving the comfort of familiarity and complacency behind.

That begs the question, "How do you know if reinventing 

yourself is the right thing for you"?

Take a look at these questions…

Are you suffering consequences as a result of the status quo?

Do you make unhealthy choices?

Are you disengaged?
Are there character defects you want to fix?

Are you a procrastinator?

Have your priorities changed?
Do you engage in bad habits?

Are you unhappy in your relationships?

Do you struggle to find real joy or purpose?
Are you always questioning your own actions, choices, habits, and abilities?
Are you longing for something new?
Do you ever look back on your life with regret?
Do you ever say, "is this what my life is supposed to look like?"
Do you find yourself seeking distractions to "take you away" from your regular life?
Do you accept failures as who you are, rather than opportunities for growth?
Do you envy and compare yourself to others, rather than to your unique abilities and desires?
Do you see a brilliant and exciting possibility, but figure you are too old to start over?
Do you let society dictate who you should be, how you should dress, what you should buy and how you should live your life?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, it’s time to consider a personal transformation.

Sometimes we have wonderful lives, but we desire change anyway.
Understanding if you would benefit from a reinvention of who you are means getting to know your deep-down values.

The truth is that you can change. You can start over. People do it all the time.

It takes courage to change. Reinventing yourself can be gradual or instant, and it means having the courage to test-drive this new vehicle to see if it suits you.
If you have a life of comfort and safety, with little personal rewards and fulfillment, you may not want to rock the boat. After, good enough is good enough, right?

NEWS FLASH: No person was ever born just for "good enough"

How Do You Know if the Time is Right for Such a Big Change?

Are you too old to start again?
What will people think?
Are these feelings just a whim, or is my soul desperately trying to tell me something?
Would it be smarter to wait a while to reinvent yourself, so you can prepare for the change?
What steps will help you create a new and exciting, rewarding existence that helps you finally become the person you were meant to be?


Sometimes people don’t think of reinvention until some crisis occurs in their life, but this is not the only reason to make changes within yourself.

Proactive Reinvention - Purposefully Forging A New You

Proactive reinvention takes place when you are safe and comfortable at that moment. Major life changes aren’t immediately required. We might even be able to keep on coasting just as we are, but that’s not a satisfying place for us anymore.
Even though reinvention can be scary, we still have the desire to do it. Reinvention seems better than where we are. Maybe we’re simply tired and unfulfilled in our lives, our work, or our relationships. Sometimes all three categories cry out for change.
If you have ever wondered if you are walking along the right life path, and whether you should consider reinventing yourself…


The Guide to Discovering and Creating a New You

Here's what you get in this self-help guide that can help you reset your life and begin a new and exciting, rewarding journey.

  • What it means to reinvent yourself
  • Signs that you need a reinvention
  • The many very real and very powerful benefits of creating a new you
  • What you need to do to reinvent yourself (It may not be easy, and this section of your report will help greatly).
  • 30 specific tools that help you reinvent yourself
  • 54 areas of personal development that help you analyze yourself and find inspiration for your reinvention
  • The steps to follow to develop a new you
  • The times in life when it makes sense to question who you are
  • Why reinvention means constantly assessing where and who you are
  • How to stay on your new path when the familiarity and comfort of your old life beckon
  • What constant distractions may be telling you about your level of contentment with your current life
  • Reinvention after ages 50 and 60
  • And much more
Grab control of who you are. Your destiny is not written in stone.

You CAN change yourself!

Start today and take a trip down a new and fulfilling path.

Reinventing yourself means taking control. Why not get into the driver's seat?
Start now and begin to enjoy the awakening and personal transformation that leads to the best possible you.
If you have more questions than answers and are wondering whether you should change direction or not, you need our report!

It's up to you to act!

Start now and begin to enjoy the awakening and personal transformation

that leads to the best possible you.

Detailed Information That You Can Use Starting Today!



Tuesday 18 December 2018

Finding Your Authentic Writing Voice

Become Reality bending superhuman

Share your authentic experiences and be a force for good in the world

Do you long to make a difference in the lives of others by sharing your unique story?

Yet, when you sit down to unravel your thoughts and commit them to paper, does it feels like looming clouds have gathered between you and your story…

If you’re having difficulty accessing your true voice so you can manifest your vision of being a force for good in the world, I have a very special invitation for you.

Bestselling author and teacher Mark Matousek will be sharing a unique writing process that’s designed to reveal and help you express your true essence during Finding Your Authentic Writing Voice: 3 Keys to Discover, Refine & Communicate Your Story.

>> Discover more and register for this FREE video event here <<

Finding Your Authentic Writing Voice: 3 Keys to Discover, Refine & Communicate Your Story

Mark is a brilliant writer, profound teacher, and humble heart-friend whose passion is helping others create a writing practice that serves as a powerful catalyst for deeper awakening and evolved personal growth.

His writing process guides you to true self-realization and inner power — so you can ultimately bring your vision into the world.

During this virtual mini-masterclass, you’ll discover:

  • The parts of you that you judge, doubt, and underestimate are often key to your originality

  • How exploring personal taboos through writing can help you find your authentic voice

  • How to identify the primary barriers to discovering your key message, and how to move past this resistance

  • A practice to make your writing more powerful, intimate, and moving by identifying your core audience

  • Radical truth-telling as a powerful way to deepen creativity

You wouldn’t be here, open to the idea of sharing your story and bringing your vision into form, if you had not braved past challenges and become a person of depth, insight, and tenacity.

Let Mark show you how to uncover these gifts of wisdom hiding away inside of you, waiting to be unlocked and brought into existence!

>> RSVP here to hold your spot <<

During Finding Your Authentic Writing Voice, you’ll explore how sharing your unique story can empower and inspire others to find the strength they need to overcome their own challenges and live their best lives.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 5 December 2018

Peruvian Shamanism - Spirit of Puma Animal Ally - December 5 & 8 event

Become Reality bending superhuman

Connect to the ancient healing wisdom within you.

It’s time to awaken the life-changing wisdom within you and shapeshift a new reality for yourself…

Shamans of every ancient culture have opened the portals to a deeper wisdom that can reconnect you with the sacred web of life. However, shamanism isn’t just for the ancients!

Today, anyone who chooses can benefit from this wisdom that can powerfully and intimately connect us simultaneously with both Earth and Sky, bridge inner and outer worlds, and expand our capacity to heal our lives.

On Wednesday, December 5 (replay on Saturday), globally respected Peruvian healer don Oscar Miro-Quesada will help you activate a profound relationship with the sacred — through shamanic ritual, prayer, and animal spirit medicine — during Discover the Power of Puma Medicine: Ancient Shamanic Practices to Awaken Your Higher Wisdom.

>> Find out more and register here <<

Discover the Power of Puma Medicine: Ancient Shamanic Practices to Awaken Your Higher Wisdom

During this FREE video event, don Oscar will show you how Puma Medicine can activate your Higher Mind, enabling you to transform difficult situations and relationships, and open to new possibilities for your life.

You’ll discover:

  • The key principles of Universal Shamanism

  • Shamanic techniques to develop your inner vision, awaken your Higher Mind, and experience your unique potential

  • Why the Puma is such a powerful ally — ready to help you navigate any challenging situation that life throws at you

  • How to integrate shamanic practices into your daily life to maintain peace and joy, no matter what’s going on externally

  • How to use thoughts and words to shapeshift a new reality for yourself 

This is a rare opportunity to learn from don Oscar — at no cost — about the transformative powers of shamanic ritual, prayer, and animal spirit medicine.


>> Join us for an extraordinary journey that will help you access the healing wisdom of Puma to awaken your dreams and “shapeshift” your future <<


By learning to nurture your deeper awareness of interdependence with all that is and the great sacred web of life, you become a master of the present moment, standing strong in heart and vision, able to meet each situation with confidence and resolve.

Don’t miss this chance for a free “front row” seat for this FREE video event with one of the world’s foremost teachers of Universal Shamanism, don Oscar Miro-Quesada!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.