Friday 2 November 2018

Activate Your Inner Healer through Qi Medicine - November 10 event

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover self-empowering Qigong practices for enhancing your vitality

The power to prevent illness, enhance strength and vitality, and even promote inner peace, lies in discovering the secrets to cultivating what the Chinese call “Qi” through the ancient practice of Qigong.

Indeed, your inner healer is activated through Qi Medicine and the practice of Qigong, which is as relevant today as ever — and given the pace and stress of modern life, perhaps even more so!

And that’s why we’re excited to invite you to a complimentary hour of information and inspiration with Chinese medicine doctor and master Qigong and Tai Chi instructor Roger Jahnke on Saturday, November 10Discover the Power of Qi Medicine: Traditional Chinese Techniques to Prevent Disease & Activate the Healer Within You.

You’ll discover self-empowering, healing, mood-boosting practices for your self-care regimen that complement Western-medicine approaches to your health.

>> Register now for this Live event (get recording later) <<

Discover the Power of Qi Medicine: Traditional Chinese Techniques to Prevent Disease & Activate the Healer Within You


You’ll definitely want to attend this FREE video event so you can discover:

  • Why the most profound medicine is produced in the human body

  • Easy-to-learn, easy-to-practice ancient techniques for activating inner healing

  • A 4-part Qigong breathing practice — the foundation for activating Qi Medicine within

  • How to neutralize stress, overcome sleeplessness, and maximize energyAnd more!

Now is the perfect time to benefit from Dr. Jahnke’s wise and compassionate instruction so you can access your own deep well of healing energy and address the root causes of illness, enhance your vitality, and enjoy life to the fullest!


>> This virtual event is free — but be sure to register here <<



In Discover the Power of Qi Medicine, Dr. Roger Jahnke will share with you daily practices you can do yourself — or with a friend or group of friends — to open and align your various levels of energy and promote the optimal function of your body, mind, and spirit.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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