Saturday 8 September 2018

Ayurvedic Plant Medicine + Vedic Astrology = Powerful healing synthesis - Join Live Event

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover the Healing Power of Celestial Herbology

Are you dragged down by stress? Feeling challenged by a less-than-strong immune system?

A powerful new synthesis of Ayurvedic Herbology and Vedic Astrology can help you heal and transform on every level of your being — emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual.

And the creator of this pioneering approach, Brazilian healer, Ayurvedic practitioner, and spiritual teacher Arjun Das, will be giving a FREE virtual mini-workshop on Wednesday, September 12 (replay September 15).

I hope you’ll join me for Discover the Power of Celestial Plant Medicine: How to use Herbalism, Essential Oils, and Vedic Astrology for Healing, Happiness & Spiritual Growth.

>> Join us for this live event here (get a recording) << 

Discover the Power of Celestial Plant Medicine: How to use Herbalism, Essential Oils, and Vedic Astrology for Healing, Happiness & Spiritual Growth

During this fascinating online workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A unique synthesis of Ayurvedic herbology and Vedic astrology that can help you heal on multiple levels (from physical all the way to your relationships!)

  • How to create a home pharmacy using local medicinal plants — mapped to the stars and their associated divinities

  • How your mental clarity, emotional wellbeing, and physiology are linked to different medicinal herbs, aromatics, and astrological wisdom

  • How different illnesses, imbalances, and health issues are connected to your life challenges and karma — as revealed in your birth chart

  • How applying specific essential oils (such as palo santo) can heighten your awareness and connection with the Divine, accentuated by complementary archetypes found in the stars

In the ancient Ayurveda wisdom tradition, medicinal plants were classified according to the Sun, Moon, and planets… and how they are aspected can have a big effect on your constitution and physical challenges.

You won’t want to miss your chance to let Arjun guide you to your next level of health, vitality, and emotional and spiritual wellbeing through this pioneering synthesis for holistic healing.

This event will expand your mind and your awareness about all the different and surprising dimensions at play in your health… and all for FREE!

>> Register here for live event << 

If you’re curious about how to create a more tailored way to identify herbs and essential oils to restore emotional balance and boost your immunity and vitality, RSVP for Arjun Das’ free virtual event here

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

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