Tuesday 25 September 2018

Discover Ancestral Medicine - practice of healing family burdens - Live event

Become Reality bending superhuman

Practice to help heal past family burdens for present-day blessings

No matter who we are, we all walk through life carrying the burdens and blessings of our ancestors within us.

Current research suggests that our very DNA can hold the traumas of our ancestors and even increase the likelihood that we’ll develop stress or anxiety disorders.

The good news is that there’s something you can do to help mitigate these inherited patterns AND to draw from the wisdom that’s available to you through your connection with your ancestors.

On Wednesday, September 26, (replay Saturday, September 29) psychotherapist and ancestral healing teacher Daniel Foor will introduce the practice of ancestral medicine — and show you how to connect with your ancestral family guides to transform intergenerational burdens into ancestral blessings.

>> You can find out more about Ancestral Medicine: Discover How to Heal Family Burdens & Reclaim the Blessings of Your Lineage and reserve your spot for FREE here <<

Discover Ancestral Medicine: Discover How to Heal Family Burdens & Reclaim the Blessings of Your Lineage

During this powerful hour, you’ll:

  • Discover ancestral medicine and how it can help you heal yourself, your family, and your community

  • Understand how connecting with guides along your bloodlines can transform how you see yourself and your connections to your ancestral inheritance

  • Explore how emotional, physical, and spiritual suffering passed down through troubled ancestors is a kind of connection — and how it can be transformed

  • Be given ways to view your blood family as a resource for goodness, healing, wisdom, and belonging

  • Experience a short practice to claim ancestral blessings 

Weaving his background as a doctor of psychology with his personal commitment to cultural healing work for social and earth justice, Daniel offers us a path that goes deep into the past to bring its blessings and transformative revelations into the present — and to future generations and communities.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to connect with the helping ancestral guides in your lineage so you can open the door to break free from painful legacies that no longer serve you.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to be freed from the burdens of your past so you can finally and fully express your unique gifts, passion, and purpose in the world, don’t miss: Ancestral Medicine: Discover How to Heal Family Burdens & Reclaim the Blessings of Your Lineage.

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Friday 21 September 2018

Go Beyond Your Energy Body - September 22 (25) Live event

Discover Your Sacred Anatomy

Set aside everything you know about your physical body and energy — and step into the vast, beautiful, and light-filled structure of your subtle energy body…

On Saturday, September 22, (replay Sept. 25) you can experience a truly cutting-edge initiation into what healer and teacher Desda Zuckerman calls your “Sacred Anatomy.”

Your Sacred Anatomy encompasses everything you’ve learned so far about the energy body and energy healing — and exponentially expands who you are 20 feet beyond your physical body

You can register for this FREE virtual event, here Beyond Your Energy Body: Experience an Initiation Into Your Sacred Anatomy

register for this FREE virtual event, here Beyond Your Energy Body: Experience an Initiation Into Your Sacred Anatomy

This is unlike any Higher Self exploration or healing journey you’ve ever taken!

During this fascinating hour, you’ll discover:

  • Your Sacred Anatomy — and that your energy body encompasses much more than your chakras, meridians, and aura

  • Four ancient aspects of of your soul — your personal Board of Directors, which hold the keys to fulfilling your purpose

  • Energy practices and guided meditations that can radically transform your relationship to trauma, anxiety, and emotions

  • The insights of the first and only “cartographer” of the Human Energy Structure — and awaken to the ways that different energy systems “blend” and interact with your consciousness

  • A guided practice to initiate a relationship with your Sacred Anatomy

Born an intuitive with extraordinary clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient abilities, Desda has made an in-depth study of the subtle energies that, since childhood, she has witnessed around all living things.

Desda will initiate you into YOUR Sacred Anatomy, sharing groundbreaking insights about this vast energy structure of your being.

During Beyond Your Energy Body, Desda Zuckerman will help you awaken your connection to your Sacred Anatomy and the four aspects of your soul that you can align with for healing, growth, wisdom, and vitality.

To discover a new (yet ancient) gateway to who you truly are within your vast energy body

>> register for the free event here <<

Read more: Go Beyond Your Energy Body - September 22 (25) Live event

Wednesday 19 September 2018

Discover the Deeper Story of Jesus, Mary Magdalene & Sarah

Become Reality bending superhuman

How to reclaim lost parts of your soul…

What if the real story of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is far different than what we’ve inherited…

And what if the inherited story has contributed to disconnecting us from our bodies, our femininity, our sexuality, and our sovereignty?

This is the bold thesis of Harvard-trained author Sera Beak, who has retrieved a set of memories and “redvelations” that not only have the potential to overturn centuries of religious doctrine, but open new portals to your own Soul.

On September 19 (and 22 replay), Sera will share her memories of Sarah, the daughter of history’s most influential spiritual teachers — Jesus and Mary Magdalene — during a free video event: The ‘Redvelation’ of Jesus, Mary Magdalene & Sarah: Reclaiming Your Soul Through the Original Trinity of True Love.

>> You can find out more and reserve your spot for FREE here <<

Redvelations of Jesus, Mary Magdalene & Sarah: Reclaiming Your Soul Through the Original Trinity of True Love

During this powerful hour, you’ll:

  • Receive the natural truth of Jesus and Mary’s love story, told through the intimate lens of personal memories from Sarah

  • Understand why you might sense that something is missing within yourself, which is a signal of soul loss — and what to do about it

  • Open to a truly gender-balanced view of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, which together birth the Divine Child

  • See why recovering your organic wild nature and embracing your imperfection are key to embodying your humanity and your divinity

  • Enter the Soul Realm and start to re-experience the original and universal Trinity of True Love

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover the “why” behind what you’ve long suspected: there is more to the story of Christianity.

It’s a rewriting of history AND an intimate journey of discovering your own soul in all its complexity.

This is your invitation to listen to Sera’s story and tune in with your very cells to see whether she is, in fact, revealing something vital.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

If you’re ready to remember who you are, where you came from, and why you’re here, let Sera Beak show you how to remember this original Trinity of True Love and rejoin it, during The ‘Redvelation’ of Jesus, Mary Magdalene & Sarah: Reclaiming Your Soul Through the Original Trinity of True Love.

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Thursday 13 September 2018

Must Join - Online Event for Spiritual Awakening, Inspiration, Courage & Action

September 24–October 3, 2018 – Waking Up in the World bringing you tools and insights to become a force for change in the world. 

What does it mean to “wake up in the world?”

It’s not about a belief system or a particular tradition. It is a felt sense that we are all connected and interdependent—with all human beings and all of life.

And the more you awaken from the illusion of separation and isolation, the greater your power to create change becomes.

In Waking Up In the World, a 10-day online event, you’ll experience powerful insights and practical tools from 30 leading teachers, activists, and social visionaries on applying spiritual practice to the challenges of our time.

During this special 10-day gathering, we will be learning from some of the great spiritual teachers and social visionaries of our time to experience:

  • Turning towards our heartbreak and learning how it can be a gateway to our unique calling

  • Training in new skills to tap our inner resources for strength and hope

  • How to take the perspective of “the other,” uncover racial bias and reflect deeply on questions of class and privilege

  • How to find an unconditional joy in our connection with ourselves and each other

  • What it means to stand with the most vulnerable members of our society and put yourself on the critical path of being a change-maker

  • Waking Up in the World is an invitation to explore new perspectives, reflect deeply, and join the ever-growing movement of people who are transforming themselves—and the world.

>> Join us for the Waking Up in The World Online Event<<

Waking up in the world - A Free Online Event to Heal Our Hearts, Cultivate Courage & Inspire Action - September 24–October 3, 2018

This transformational event begins on September 24, 2018, and will include these featured presenters and topics:

  • ECKHART TOLLE, Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller The Power of Now “The Power of Presence in Uncertain Times”

  • VAN JONES, Bestselling Author, CNN Host, and President/Founder of Dream Corps “Breaking Out of Our Resistance Bubble”

  • TARA BRACH, PHD, Author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge “Disarming Our Heart: Letting Go of Blame”

  • CLARISSA PINKOLA ESTÉS, Bestselling Author of Women Who Run With the Wolves “Still, We Rise: Sorting, Saving, Sheltering, and Sowing the Seeds of New Life”

We’re looking forward to sharing this powerful event with you—and coming together with a shared intention for change >> click here to join us now! <<

Read more: Must Join - Online Event for Spiritual Awakening, Inspiration, Courage & Action

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Join: Women Spiritual Empowerment Teacher Sabrina Chaw - Live Event Sept. 15

Become Reality bending superhuman

Women’s Life after 50 – Ushering in Next Creative, Engaging, Fulfilling Adventure…

Stoke the fire burning within you to create a fulfilling & adventurous life!

Are you noticing that what worked for you at an earlier age isn’t bringing you the sense of fulfillment you’re now seeking?  

Many of us are struggling to reconcile the fire we feel inside with our culture’s perception that we’ve passed our peak.

According to women’s spiritual empowerment teacher Sabrina Chaw, it’s not about “acquiescing to time”; it’s about ushering in your next creative, engaging, fulfilling adventure.

On Saturday, September 15, Sabrina will show you how to access five gateways to help you renew your life and reinvent yourself in this next phase during a FREE video event for women: Taking Flight in Your Third Act: The 5 Initiatory Gateways to Your Power, Wisdom & Freedom.

>> Join us here for live event (get a recording) <<

Women Spiritual Empowerment Teacher Sabrina Chaw - Your Life after 50 - Next Creative, Engaging, Fulfilling Adventure

Sabrina’s approach to “life after 50” rejects notions of loss, languishing, and contracting instead of expanding. She’s supported thousands of women in embodying the truth and power of their feminine being.

During this liberating video event, you’ll discover ways to:

  • Reframe and redefine aging so you can EMBRACE the next phase of your life boldly and eagerly

  • Release limiting beliefs and toxic ties that prevent you from taking flight

  • Harvest your true essence as a woman and a wisdom keeper… to move past regret, feel your deepest desires, and reshape your heart

  • Cultivate your inner allies (the Divine, your body, your energy) and your outer allies (your family, your soul tribe, your ancestors, your environment) to create a powerful foundation to launch from

  • Access the ultimate mastery you have in the beingness of now — to strengthen your courage and confidence, unleash your wisdom, and meet life head on

  • Shift from feeling limited to LIMITLESS so you can step into your sovereignty and soar

More than anything, this is an opportunity for you to discover new portals to your power and freedom so you can come home to deeper joy in this luscious phase of your life.

Are you ready to launch into an inspiring, fulfilling next act, filled with passion, purpose, connection, and wholeness?

Join us for Taking Flight in Your Third Act: The 5 Initiatory Gateways to Your Power, Wisdom & Freedom for free, here.

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Saturday 8 September 2018

Ayurvedic Plant Medicine + Vedic Astrology = Powerful healing synthesis - Join Live Event

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover the Healing Power of Celestial Herbology

Are you dragged down by stress? Feeling challenged by a less-than-strong immune system?

A powerful new synthesis of Ayurvedic Herbology and Vedic Astrology can help you heal and transform on every level of your being — emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual.

And the creator of this pioneering approach, Brazilian healer, Ayurvedic practitioner, and spiritual teacher Arjun Das, will be giving a FREE virtual mini-workshop on Wednesday, September 12 (replay September 15).

I hope you’ll join me for Discover the Power of Celestial Plant Medicine: How to use Herbalism, Essential Oils, and Vedic Astrology for Healing, Happiness & Spiritual Growth.

>> Join us for this live event here (get a recording) << 

Discover the Power of Celestial Plant Medicine: How to use Herbalism, Essential Oils, and Vedic Astrology for Healing, Happiness & Spiritual Growth

During this fascinating online workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A unique synthesis of Ayurvedic herbology and Vedic astrology that can help you heal on multiple levels (from physical all the way to your relationships!)

  • How to create a home pharmacy using local medicinal plants — mapped to the stars and their associated divinities

  • How your mental clarity, emotional wellbeing, and physiology are linked to different medicinal herbs, aromatics, and astrological wisdom

  • How different illnesses, imbalances, and health issues are connected to your life challenges and karma — as revealed in your birth chart

  • How applying specific essential oils (such as palo santo) can heighten your awareness and connection with the Divine, accentuated by complementary archetypes found in the stars

In the ancient Ayurveda wisdom tradition, medicinal plants were classified according to the Sun, Moon, and planets… and how they are aspected can have a big effect on your constitution and physical challenges.

You won’t want to miss your chance to let Arjun guide you to your next level of health, vitality, and emotional and spiritual wellbeing through this pioneering synthesis for holistic healing.

This event will expand your mind and your awareness about all the different and surprising dimensions at play in your health… and all for FREE!

>> Register here for live event << 

If you’re curious about how to create a more tailored way to identify herbs and essential oils to restore emotional balance and boost your immunity and vitality, RSVP for Arjun Das’ free virtual event here

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Tuesday 4 September 2018

Join Qigong Global Summit - 2018, Sept. 18-20 - Restore Balance & Experience Deep Healing

Harness Your Life Force to Boost Your Vitality, Rejuvenate Your Spirit, & Strengthen Your Immune System

Are you looking for a simple practice that can help you find more balance… physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually?

Or maybe your energy is low, you’re feeling stressed, or you have a chronic condition, and your go-to remedies and practices aren’t enough to turn things around.

Now, you can take your health into your own hands…

A daily qigong practice, available to everyone, can immediately lower stress, increase energy, prevent illness, and support you in rejuvenating your body, mind, and spirit.

With qigong, you can learn to bring healing energy — known as “qi” — to particular parts of your body to transform anxiety, stress, and disease into self confidence, inner peace, and optimal health.

As your body responds by doing what it’s designed to do — heal and re-balance itself — blockages in your flow of qi disappear and your full life force energy moves smoothly, radiating out into all aspects of your daily life.

This is why I’m passionate about inviting you to join The Qigong Global Summit, where some of the foremost teachers — including Master Mantak Chia, Daisy Lee, Lee Holden, Effie Chow, Roger Jahnke, Master Mingtong Gu, Pedram Shojai, Sifu Ama Lia Wai Ching Lee, Robert Peng, and others — will show you simple yet powerful practices to cultivate abundant qi flow for your health, healing, and daily life.

This first-of-its-kind gathering will feature 20+ leading qigong teachers, masters, and doctors sharing insights into the practices of qigong, tai chi, martial arts, and Traditional Chinese Medicine — as well as how qi is the foundation of all of these ancient arts and more.

Through beautiful, high-quality video, they’ll illuminate both the philosophical and practical components of working with qi, and offer simple practices you can use right away.  

They’ll offer teachings on how to discover your inner healing potential and perspectives on how to flow with the challenges of daily life.

>> RSVP here for The Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

During this inspiring 3-day summit, you’ll discover:

  • How to tune in to your body’s subtle distress signals before your health is compromised & becomes a crisis

  • Simple health exercises from China and Tibet that protect, support and boost your health & immunity

  • Helpful breathing exercises to relieve PTSD & boost your health

  • The concepts of energy (qi) flow and how it plays a role in the physical, mental, & emotional systems in the human body

  • Ways to discover, experience, circulate & build your life force energy

  • That qigong can be used as a self-defense modality

  • Methods for accessing your fountain of “dynamic happiness” in the modern world
With the methods offered in The Qigong Global Summityou’ll have the tools to focus your energy and successfully shift stagnant and blocked patterns in your body, “recharge” areas depleted of qi, and activate your body’s self-healing powers — in effect erasing dense energy that can persist for decades due to trauma and everyday stressors.

And if you’re already experiencing the benefits of qigong, tai chi, martial arts, acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine, you’ll discover new opportunities to refine your current practice.

>> Join us here for The Qigong Global Summit <<

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