Wednesday 28 February 2018

How to Activate Your Kundalini (Saturday event) + Special Offer

Sustain the bliss of inner awakening by activating the Kundalini energy within you…

Spiritual seekers have long heard the lore about the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine.

The awakening of Kundalini is a subject surrounded by hype, myth, and tales of caution; however, it is possible to connect with this primal force in a way that is grounded, gentle, and powerfully liberating opening you to mystical awareness and a vast field of blissful energy.

On Saturday, March 3(replay on Tuesday),spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will offer you potent, practical insights for working with this powerful energy safely and harmoniously to deepen and enrich your lifeduring a FREE online event:7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within.

>> Register here for this live event or get a recording later <<

7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within

During this complimentary hour, youll:

  • Understand what true Kundalini is in both spiritual and mystical terms and how it can be explained by science, neuroscience, and modern psychology

  • Explore how to awaken Kundalini safely and why you must begin at your root chakra rather than first attempt to activate your higher centers

  • Discover the 3 regions and 7 centers in your body through which Kundalini works and the key practices for awakening them

  • Understand the esoteric power of your heart chakra and how to activate a golden sheath around your body that protects you from harmful energies

  • Connect with your deepest self and inner bliss and glimpse how Kundalini can help you become an evolved soul and a beacon of light in the world

  • Access a secret sacred mantra that opens the 3 spheres of your body and gives you a taste of pure Ananda or Bliss

In this hour-long mini-workshop, Raja will dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway to work with breath, mudras, and light to open to this extraordinary blessing in your body.

As you open your Kundalini, youll begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world!

If youd like to discover ancient, experiential practices for opening, expanding, and aligning the most powerful spiritual energy in your body in a gentle, grounded way, dont miss:7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within.

>> Joinfree to listen this live event or get a recording here <<

What else?

Renowned Hypnotist Dr. Steve. G. Jones Will Show You How to Raise Your Kundalini… Offering his digital version of training course for Only $7 right now as limited time* offer! (*Expires any time) To take advantage of this generous offer check it out below.

Activating the kundalini will allow you to reach an enlightened state and will give you spiritual advancement.His brand new program,Complete Kundaliniwill teach you how to clear and activate your seven chakras.

Improperly raising the kundalini can be dangerous. However, with a skilled practitioner guiding you, like Steve, you will be able to properly raise the kundalini and harness its power.

You’ll receive 8 audio modules that take you from A to Z in Kundalini activation. And to ensure your success even further, I am going include a powerful hypnosis recording.

You’ll go from a novice to expert >> Click to check out this great offer now <<

Complete Kundalini training on Sale

Kundalini activation will give you new and powerful abilities. Imagine being able to focus for long periods of time. The awakening of the kundalini will allow you to concentrate and focus on anything for a long period of time.

Awakening the kundalini will give you an abundance of energy. Imagine the energy created by this heightened state. Simply put, Kundalini activation will greatly improve your life.

This will revolutionize the way you act in your life. It will enable you to experience all the benefits Kundalini activation has to offer.

Note: Kundalini activationpractice is not recommended for those people having serious body or mind diseases as it moves a lot of energy through the body centers affecting flushing out everything left long time ago which may cause uncomfortable feelings and even physical pain.

See article source: How to Activate Your Kundalini (Saturday event) + Special Offer

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Inspiring Women with Soul: Join 80,000+ Women Community! (March 1-8)

Visionary women share the keys to living your most inspired life!
We are living through such a unique moment in history!
Women around the globe are standing up, stepping forward, and speaking out
Were reclaiming our voices, our bodies, and our power. Were co-creating spaces to nurture, nourish,...

Read more: Inspiring Women with Soul: Join 80,000+ Women Community! (March 1-8)

10th annual Tapping World Summit: Feb 26th - March 8

Read more: 10th annual Tapping World Summit: Feb 26th - March 8

Monday 26 February 2018

Access 25 Free Audios & EFT tapping Videos

Learn More About Tapping at this Amazing Online Event

The 10th annual, 2018 Tapping World Summit, starts February 26, which means that this is your last chance to register for this 100% free online event before it starts.

Everyone is talking about it and with good reason…

This event teaches a phenomenal technique known as “EFT” or “Tapping” and it’s 100% free to attend online.

There are already 616,028 people registered for the event. If you have checked it out and signed up yet, you can do that here.

I can’t recommend this event enough, and here’s why…

This isn’t just an informational event, it’s an experience.

Attendees don’t just leave with ideas or theories on how to make their life better, they leave actually feeling better.

They leave with less stress, anxiety, overwhelm, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions.

They leave having cleared limiting beliefs around money, health, relationships and more.

They leave having cleared childhood traumas.

They leave the event better than when they went in. And you, yes YOU… will leave this event better than when you enter it.

It’s been going on for 10 years. It has a reputation for getting results for attendees, year after year after year. 🙂

Trust me on this one… this technique and this event are truly amazing.

> Go here to learn more and get access to this free online event

Discover how one simple tool can change your entire life during the 10th Annual Tapping World Summit. Throughout this free online event, you'll learn how to use EFT to create financial abundance, how to cope with disease and heal, how to uproot your limiting beliefs, and so much more. Don't miss this opportunity to discover how one easy-to-use tool can put an end to self-sabotage and negative thinking and help you realize your dreams!

Discover how one simple tool can change your entire life during the 10th Annual Tapping World Summit. Throughout this free online event, you’ll learn how to use EFT to create financial abundance, how to cope with disease and heal, how to uproot your limiting beliefs, and so much more. Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how one easy-to-use tool can put an end to self-sabotage and negative thinking and help you realize your dreams!

Also, and this is what the last chance reminder is about…

Because of the amazing feedback from the pre-event video series that features Nick Ortner, Cheryl Richardson and 3 powerful Tapping Meditations, the producers of the event decided to do something really special…

They’re making all three videos, as well as an additional 20 videos in the series, available for viewing or download as a special bonus for those who upgrade to the gold or platinum access before the event starts.

So let me explain what that means…

The event itself is and always will be 100% free to attend during the 10 days of presentations.

The producer of the event, Nick Ortner, always stresses that this is first and foremost a free event, but it also has upgrade options for those who choose them.

So here’s what an “upgrade option” means…

If you want to own the recordings, and the companion 370 page workbook, and the transcripts, and the regular audio bonuses, and the special pre-event video bonuses, you can have them all by upgrading to the Gold access (all digital download) or the Platinum access (where you get the printed workbook and 25 CD’s mailed to your door).

So what I want to remind you about today is simply this upgrade option, because of the special pre-event bonuses that disappear on the 26th at 8 PM EST when the event starts…

These videos include over 11 hours of video with experts Dr. Wayne Dyer, Nick Ortner, Kris Carr, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Iyanla Vanzant, Louise Hay, Dr. Mark Hyman, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Bruce Lipton, Cheryl Richardson, Joe Vitale, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Carol Look, Patricia Carrington, Carol Tuttle, Dr. Christiane Northrup, and Dawson Church.

They’re all extremely powerful videos that are well worth watching.

And since there’s a 6-month guarantee, there is zero risk involved in upgrading today.

To learn more about the upgrade option (and to register for the event if you haven’t yet) just click here.

Whether you decide to upgrade or not, I want you to consider one important recommendation…

Please make sure to at least attend the event online when it starts on February 26th.

Tapping is a powerful technique that can have a life-altering impact for you, but it’s up to you to show up at the event.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Here is some of the feedback from previous years’ events, just to give you an idea of what people think about them…

“What a wonderful ten days! I need to tap on withdrawals from missing the interviews. Jessica was a fabulous interviewer, asking just what I wanted to know at the right time.”

-Suzanne Wright – Oregon, USA

“I hope you guys can somehow hear the thunderous applause that is surely circling the world for you right now. This was a DYNAMITE event, and this grand finale with Jessica today was just fantastic. You guys are the absolute best, you have given phenomenal gifts here with each presentation, and may you receive a thousand blessings in return. EFT has never come alive for me the way you’ve made it do in these last ten days. I am very, very grateful, and yes, I will keep tapping and will tell you what lights come on, what doors open in the coming months.”

~With much love, Natasha Suter – Ithaca, New York

“This trip has been amazing. I am so thankful that you gave me the opportunity to be a part of this, and I will continue to tap – and maybe take an education in EFT later on. Fantastic. A few weeks ago I tapped on hip pain, and it disappeared within a couple of minutes!! Every session has been useful to me, and I will look more into it (I have written it all down) when I finish my education in September. Jessica’s 40 day tapping challenge will be done. Her “mystery bonus audio” was a special experience. It helped me see a lot of experiences/feelings to tap on.”

~ Merete – Bodo, Norway

“OMG! That summit was amazing! I just wanted to say thank you, thank you! I knew about EFT from when I was in LA but I now know so much more and I had ah-ha moments almost every day! especially the one series about Highly Sensitive People – which I found out I am and have been beating myself up about it forever! Now I know how to tap for it and realize it’s a blessing to be so connected to my feelings and intuition!

“I loved, loved, loved the whole series! you are so kind to put all of this information out there and for free- I know this is huge for me and for the world! I can sense huge changes a-brewing! I kinda miss it already! Tell Jessica I am doing the 40 day challenge… this is exciting… who knows where I will be in 40 days! Thank you again!”

~ Love, Christine en route to New York City, NY USA

Read more: Access 25 Free Audios & EFT tapping Videos

Friday 23 February 2018

Spiritual Writing Practice (event)

Open to Your Deepest Gifts With a Spiritual Writing Practice
Were you aware that journalingcan be as powerful as meditation, yoga, or psychotherapy for helping you uncover new possibilities for your life and lifes work?
You may be surprised to hear that your personal writings can be a powerful...

Read more: Spiritual Writing Practice (event)

How to manage chronic stress with EFT tapping

How to Use EFT tapping to Reset your Nervous system

Think about the about the best vacation you ever had…

Do you remember what it felt like?

Do you remember feeling relaxed, happy, at peace, and just full of life?

Shouldn’t we feel like that all the time?! (I’m sure you’re thinking… “yeah, I wish!”)

Now think about how you feel on a regular basis? Would you say you feel more stressed than when you’re on vacation? (duh!) 🙂

I’m pointing this out to give you an idea of what chronic stress is all about…

Chronic stress is that stress that most people deal with on a regular basis, but that they don’t even realize they are holding until they do something like go on vacation, where suddenly they feel a big difference.

And most people blow it off and feel like there’s nothing they can do about it, that’s it just a part of life.

The challenge is that this stress is what leads to so many chronic illnesses in our society.

I want to share a video with you today with an amazing health expert by the name of Dr. Mark Hyman, who you may have heard of since he’s a 10 times New York Times Best-Selling Author.

In the video, Dr. Hyman shares the scary effects that chronic stress can have on your health, and the miraculous turnarounds he’s seen from using one simple technique to deal with stress… Tapping.

Master Your Physical & Emotional Health - Best-Selling Authors, Nick Ortner and Mark Hyman, MD discuss the power of EFT Tapping

Watch Best-Selling Authors, Nick Ortner and Mark Hyman, MD come together to discuss Functional Medicine and the mind-body connection – how chronic stress, love and meaning have a powerful impact on our bodies – and how EFT Tapping can help anyone create more health in their life.


As he says, “There are three things that are critical for healing: it’s what you eat, moving your body, and learning how to reset your nervous system.”

Tapping is one of the most directed and powerful ways to peel those layers away of chronic stress. It’s very effective for very difficult problems.”

If you want to learn about how you can overcome illness, create long-term lasting health, or just get over regular stress and feel better, then we highly recommend you watch this video.

Best-Selling Authors, Nick Ortner and Mark Hyman, MD come together to discuss Functional Medicine and the mind-body connection - how chronic stress, love and meaning have a powerful impact on our bodies - and how EFT Tapping can help anyone create more health in their life.

In this interview, Dr. Hyman shares some pretty amazing information… things that you won’t want to miss, such as…

  • The monkey study that revealed the importance of one particular thing that many take for granted.

  • One of the leading causes of chronic illness that people don’t know about, and that goes all the way back to childhood.

  • Why many of the patients who come to him are in fact doctors who are looking for solutions that work

  • And much more…

>> Watch the video. It could provide a radical shift in your understanding of how to create real long-term health.

The video is being released in the lead up to the 10th Annual Tapping World Summit, an online event that has been attended by over 2 million people over the last 9 years (Wow!). This event is 100% content and well worth attending. We highly recommend showing up for it since it’s free to attend and learning how to use Tapping can dramatically improve your life.


Read more: How to manage chronic stress with EFT tapping

Thursday 22 February 2018

EFT to Control Your Age & Health with your beliefs

Turn back your age with your beliefs…

Do you ever feel old?

Ever feel that you can’t do the things you want to do because of your age and health? That you’re not the “spring chicken” you used to be? Or have you ever thought to yourself “Oh, I’m too old to do that”?

Maybe you’re not saying these things out loud, but we all tend to think these harsh comments to ourselves. And these harsh comments have a bigger impact on our health and our aging than we realize…

I want to share a video with you today that has the ability to add years to your life and more importantly, to dramatically change how old you look and feel!

In this video, you’ll hear from New York Times best-selling author Dr. Christiane Northrup about the effects of our beliefs, emotions, and the people in our lives on our age!

Now the big question is of course… so how do we turn on that fountain of youth and make ourselves look and feel younger? 🙂

In this video with Dr. Northrup you’ll learn about how new science is proving just how powerful our mind is in preventing (or causing) illness, developing our brains and learning new skills, and with slowing down (or speeding up!) our aging!

And you’ll learn what you can do to actually turn back the hands of time.

>> Check it out here <<

In this video with Dr. Northrup you'll learn about how new science is proving just how powerful our mind is in preventing (or causing) illness, developing our brains and learning new skills, and with slowing down (or speeding up!) our aging!

Some of what Dr. Northrup talks about in this video includes:

  • Why you should never share your age (she has a very good reason for this and it’s not what you think).

  • The difference between your chronological vs biological age (the good news is you can turn back your biological age!)

  • How to be an “outlier” that lives a longer and healthier life.

  • The three commonalities that all centenarians have in common that let them live past 100 with life and vibrancy.

  • The “nun study” about dementia that is showing that the symptoms for dementia (and many other illnesses) aren’t as accurate as we think (and how big a role our belief systems actually play in this)

  • Why you need to guard your mind vigilantly when receiving a “diagnosis” because of the effect it alone has on your health.

  • Any much more!

>> If you want to slow down the hands of time, watch this video <<

Watch Dr. Christiane Northrup explains how beliefs and buried emotions lead to disease - and how EFT Tapping can help

The video is being released in the lead up to the 10th Annual Tapping World Summit, an online event that has been attended by over 2 million people over the last 9 years (Wow!). This event is 100% content and well worth attending. I highly recommend showing up for it since it’s free to attend and learning how to use Tapping can dramatically improve your life.

Read more: EFT to Control Your Age & Health with your beliefs

The master key to YOUR better life

Your key to real and LASTING progress

If you want to improve any area of your life permanently, theres only one way to do it

You must change your paradigm.

A paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our behavior is habitual.

It controls the way you view yourself, the world and opportunity. It controls how you approach change and challenges. It controls your success and happiness in life.

>> Go here for more Details about the event and Register for the LIVE Stream <<

Your paradigm is your autopilot. Its who you are.

A Paradigm Shift is the only way to bridge the gap between how youre currently living and how you want to live.

Whether thats more money, improved relationships, a healthier body or more fulfillment, its all possible and completely up to you the possibilities are endless.

Bob Proctor is a master at showing you how to change your paradigm. He changed his own paradigm back in 1961, and it transformed his life so dramatically, he has been studying paradigmsand how to change themever since.

And now, for the first time, Bob will teach the entire process during the LIVE Stream of Paradigm Shift on February 23rd 25th.

People have been waiting for Bob to do an event on this topic for decades, so there will be a huge supportive and interactive online community watching this seminar. If you want to improve any area of your life, I encourage you to join us.

>> Go here for more Details about the event and Register for the LIVE Stream <<

Bob Proctor will teach the entire process during the LIVE Stream of Paradigm Shift on February 23rd 25th

Even if you have plans for the weekend of February 23rd 25th, you can still watch every minute of the seminar. because youll receive the replay to watch at your convenience for a full 14 days. Get all the details here.

Read more: The master key to YOUR better life

Your Chance to Change Your Life for Better… Watch Live Stream 23th-25th February

People have waited decades for this…
When people want to move ahead, they often think about what they’ll have to give up.
Well, Bob Proctor, a man who has gone from down and out to changing the world,says we should be thinking about what’s coming.
Because what’s coming is what we want…
It’s more money, better health, improved relationships, a new business… whatever we have our heart set on.
Of course, it’s easy to want those things. But it’s not so easy to get them. Unless and until you change the thing that is keeping you from your desires.
I’m talking about your paradigm—the mental program that has almost exclusive control over your habitual behavior.
Bob Proctor is a master at showing you how to change your paradigm. It’s how he changed his own life, and it’s what he has been studying for the past 50+ years.
He knows that changing your paradigm is the only way to bridge the gap between how you’re currently living and how you want to live.
And now, for the first time, Bob will teach the entire process during the LIVE Stream of Paradigm Shift on February 23rd – 25th.
People have been waiting for Bob to do an event on this topic for decades, so there will be a huge supportive and interactive online community watching this seminar. If you’d like to move ahead in your life, I encourage you to join us.

Don't Miss This Chance to Change Your Life for Better! Join Live Stream NOW!!

Monday 19 February 2018

Simple Qigong Practices for overall health impovement

Rebooting Your Immune System with QiGong (Saturday video event)
If youd like to explore an effective approach for eliminating daily (or accumulated) stress, rejuvenating your immune system, and improving your overall health,We’re excited to invite you to a free video event on Saturday,...

Read more: Simple Qigong Practices for overall health impovement

Sunday 18 February 2018

Discover healing power of Shamanic Dreaming (February 21 - Live event)

Discover Bear medicine with dream shaman Robert Moss
Did you know that your dream images hold the wisdom you need to make your life more joyous, healthful, and fulfilling even, and sometimes especially, if theyre fromnightmares?
And these images power goes well beyond the myth and magic...

Read more: Discover healing power of Shamanic Dreaming (February 21 - Live event)

Shamanic Journeying to Spirit World Practices 2018 (replay)

Exploring Bardos, Cosmic Contracts & Soul Pods…
What if you could

Discover time-tested shamanic journeying practices

Journey to see how your soul designed your current life

Find out what contracts youve made, and whos in your soul pod

Good news these are real...

Read more: Shamanic Journeying to Spirit World Practices 2018 (replay)

Saturday 17 February 2018

Keys to Manifesting Through Your Chakras (replay)

Activate Your Energy Body! Practical steps for realizing your goals & dreams…
Youve probably heard a fair amount about the chakra energy centers, from yogis, healers, and alternative health practitioners.
What you maynotknow is that the chakra system is not only a map of your energy...

Read more: Keys to Manifesting Through Your Chakras (replay)

Chakra Gateways to Soul Purpose (replay)

Open your 12 Chakra Gateways and live your soul purpose!
Have you ever wondered why your chakras dont stay open or why wounds you thought were healed suddenly resurface?
That can happen when youre not connected to your souls purpose
Life can be difficult when youre out of alignment with the...

Read more: Chakra Gateways to Soul Purpose (replay)

Inner Bonding Method with Dr. Margaret Paul (replay)

The Keys to Finally, Truly Loving Yourself
Have you discovered that loving yourself is the key to your healing, freedom, and joy?
Yet, do you still find yourself anxious, depressed, or repeatedly caught in the trap of trying to get love outside of yourself?
If so, Im excited to introduce you to...

Read more: Inner Bonding Method with Dr. Margaret Paul (replay)

Friday 16 February 2018

Craft effective herbal remedies with confidence

Discover a simple approach crafting effective herbal remedies (free online event)
Did you know that for every aspect of your being your body, mind, and even your spirit there are medicinal herbs that can heal and nourish you?
Countless research studies support these healing plants plethora of...

Read more: Craft effective herbal remedies with confidence

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Stop struggling and try this simple but powerful EFT techniques!

These 10 days will change your life…
Life isn’t always easy. In fact, for most people, it involves a lot of stress and struggle on a daily basis (and it may for you as well).
With finances, work, health, relationships, and a lot more. Most people are dealing with more stress, anxiety...

Read more: Stop struggling and try this simple but powerful EFT techniques!

Anodea Judith’s 7 Keys to Manifesting Through Your Chakras

Discover the practical steps for realizing your goals & dreams
Youve probably heard a fair amount about the chakra energy centers, from yogis, healers, and alternative health practitioners.
What you maynotknow is that the chakra system is not only a map of your energy body its also THE...

Read more: Anodea Judith’s 7 Keys to Manifesting Through Your Chakras

How your mind can heal your body with EFT

Can the mind really heal the body?
You’ve heard things said before like “mind over body” or “your mind can heal anything,” but do you ever think to yourself… “that’s easier said than done!”
After all… if you’re like most people,...

Read more: How your mind can heal your body with EFT

Monday 12 February 2018

EFT to Release Stress, Anxiety & Anger with Tapping Meditations

EFT Tapping can help you relieve stress, release anxiety, and move from anger to peace.
You’ve noticed in the past couple of years, the plethora of research around meditation and mindfulness and its benefit for all aspects of your life.
One of the challenges when it comes to personal ...

Read more: EFT to Release Stress, Anxiety & Anger with Tapping Meditations

Thursday 8 February 2018

Use EFT tapping to overcome fears

Are you aware of the things that hold you back in life?
The things that keep you from growing a business or landing a better job, or from losing weight, or creating deep love in a relationship, or releasing physical pain or just building the inner confidence and happiness you want to feel?

Read more: Use EFT tapping to overcome fears

Sunday 4 February 2018

Get business help with Problemio entrepreneur apps - online training

In this course I will walk you through how to use my mobile apps for entrepreneurs to help you start and grow your business.Ironically, even before I made my first Udemy course, I made a 4-app course on how to start a business. Those 4 apps covered 1) business ideas 2) business planning 3) marketing and 4) raising money.The apps aren't well designed because I designed them myself, but if you are just starting your business, the apps can serve as a good guide to you as you go from business ideas to planning your company to raising money and eventually promoting your product. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Get business help with Problemio entrepreneur apps - online training

How To Be More Resilient And Feel Better Easily - online training

If life is presenting you with any of the following symptoms, building your resilience on this course can help you:StressSleeplessnessLow motivation/depressionWeight issuesLack of fun/enjoyment in your lifeFeeling stuck in a job or relationship you no longer loveThis course is a guide into how your relationships, emotions, stress response, heart and mind all inter-relate to cause some people to thrive under pressure and others to get ill because of it. The only difference between these two extremes is the development of resilience.This course can fill that gap for you. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Be More Resilient And Feel Better Easily - online training

6 Shortcuts to Powerful Persuasion - online training

Introduction This course will provide you with an overview of 6 powerful persuasive techniques to enhance your persuasion.No matter what your job is, much of your success at work will rely on your ability to influence and persuade others. In other words, get others to say yes to your requests. This course draws from scientific research from social psychology to present proven persuasive techniques  to increase your ability to persuade and influence. The course comprises over 67 minutes of video comprising 8 self contained lessons and take away support articles.Structure The course provides over an hour of content structured into 3 sections.  Section 1 provides an insight into the scientific studies of fixed action patterns found in both animals and people. For certain triggers people and animals tend to consistently respond a certain way. Knowing these patterns and how to trigger them can significantly increase the chances that someone will be persuaded by your request. Section 2 covers each of the 6 mental triggers or shortcuts to persuasion in detail. Each shortcut has a dedicated lesson which: defines the shortcut / principle outlines the science behind the principle provides real world examples of how the principle is applied in practice provides tactics or guidelines of how to adopt the principle for use in your own business context.  Section 3 provides a brief summary of the key learnings from the course. So why take this persuasion techniques course? Course is based on the best selling book, “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion”,  with over 1.5million  copies sold and regarded as a seminal read on Persuasion.Course goes beyond the “what” to provide guidelines and tips as to “how” you can implement this learning in your own business contextUnlike many courses, Gerry Hurley is available should you have any queries. Just email him – he’s here to help.The hope is that this will be a living course. As students digest the content and look to implement in their own business context, it is hoped they will share their experiences through the discussion board so that all can benefit. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: 6 Shortcuts to Powerful Persuasion - online training

Join Free: Tantra Touch - Valentine's Day - event

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and Mindvalley has something special to offer to those who are looking for a perfect surprise for their loved ones (or even themselves!). Introducing Tantra Touch – the path to intimacy and extasy. It’s a tool to discover your true sexual nature, unlock profound levels of love, intimacy & pleasure and learn Tantra in 7 Weeks. >> More details…

Read more: Join Free: Tantra Touch - Valentine's Day - event

Friday 2 February 2018

Excel 2016 Course - How To Use Excel Comments - online training

This Excel 2016 tutorial course teaches you how to use Excel comments effectively to make better spreadsheets. Learn how to resize comments, change the colour of comments and delete all comments (very quickly).Course is filmed in Excel 2016 although the material will work in prior versions of Excel.This course serves as a refresher in Excel comments (under 1 hour!)This course also makes use of VBA to do uber cool things to comments!All Mach 42 Productions courses have full discussion forum support.What are you waiting for? – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Excel 2016 Course - How To Use Excel Comments - online training

Pain free with NLP - Fibromyalgia - online training

Pain Free with NLP – Fibromyalgia is a complete beginner's course that explores Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques in depth and brings techniques to life with real examples that you can use to reduce your pain. You will be able to work at your own pace and you gain the tools to continue therapy at home and get the results you need to live a better life. For suffers of Fibromyalgia or other chronic pain conditions.The course teaches a wide range of NLP skills to enable positive thinking and relaxation which is useful for people with fragile systems.Course content is 180 mins. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Pain free with NLP - Fibromyalgia - online training

Recruiter Secrets: How To Find Your Prospects Interests - online training

Talking to strangers is difficult, awkward, and uncomfortable. And by strangers I mean prospects, potential candidates, or someone you've never met before.It's hard to talk to people you don't know. And even harder to do online, over email, or LinkedIn messages.But there's a secret that makes developing rapport and relationships really easy. The secret is just to talk about something they're already interested in.That's what you will learn in this course: How to find out what people are interested in based on their online profiles. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Recruiter Secrets: How To Find Your Prospects Interests - online training

How To Build A Website From Scratch + Blogging Blueprint - online training

LATEST UPDATE: July, 2015If you’ve been struggling to make money online, or even if this is the first time you learn how to build an online business that generates passive income for you and your family, this comprehensive course gives you THE EDGE, and shows you step-by-step how I’ve built an online empire that generates a job replacing income EVERY SINGLE MONTH. If you’ve ever wanted to have a home business and work in your own hours, that’s the best course you can take to achieve the results you’re looking for. Watch behind my shoulder as I’m doing this right in-front of your eyes. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Build A Website From Scratch + Blogging Blueprint - online training

60-Second Anger Management - online training

Instant Anger Management removes Anger in 60 seconds. With another 60 seconds, you will feel energetically confident. This is a powerful, powerful technique. Use it for yourself or coach others through their Anger!This short, introductory program focuses just on this one incredibly powerful technique. To really master Anger Management at a very high level, to learn how to permanently solve Anger issues, get the Deep Anger Management course. Even if you're Angry right now at this moment, in fifteen minutes that Anger could be gone. Learn everything you need to know to understand and apply this technique in less than 45 minutes. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: 60-Second Anger Management - online training

Create Your Own Personal Twitter: How To Setup a Micro-Blog - online training

A microblog is a type of blog where people send short messages consisting of text or media (pictures, video, or sounds). These messages can be sent to a website and shown to either a select small group of people or it can be made public. One great use for a microblog is as an internal communication tool in the workplace – it's like your company having it's own private version of twitter!This is a short, fun course that shows you how to setup your very own twitter-like micro blog in 3 easy steps.Enjoy! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Create Your Own Personal Twitter: How To Setup a Micro-Blog - online training

The Science of Getting Rich: Give Value. Have Fun. Be Nice - online training

'I cannot recommend this course any more highly. I have found few things that are life changing, but this is one of those courses. Thanks so much for putting the information, summaries, teachings, and homework together! It is just plain awesome! ' – Rick. 'The use of the chalkboard lectures and just having Angela and Tom talk about the ideas and their applications is priceless. Plus, as a bonus, they utilize the 13×4 methodology to applying the book to your life. All in all, a mind-blowing experience. Good job! ' – Laura. 'This course will shake up and challenge your existing notions of how the world ‘is’ and reveal a wonderful perspective that will have an immediate impact on your life from day one. If you are even a little curious about the Science behind creating wealth (or anything for that matter) you will love this course.' – Sam. This book should really have been called 'The Science of Giving Value'. But then it's not up to me, I didn't write the book. Wallace Wattles wrote it in 1910 and called it 'The Science of Getting Rich'. Possibly when 'Rich' wasn't such a dirty word. In summary, 'Getting Rich' in this book is all about more life to all. Not, more life to you at the expense of others. It's all about delivering value to others. Indeed you can paraphrase the whole perspective like this: If you're not currently as wealthy as you'd like, you just haven't worked out a way to give enough value to enough people. So, where did the Science of Getting Rich come from? Wallace D Wattles published the book in 1910 as a culmination of all his studies and experiments in the science-based, monistic approach to life, the universe and everything. It's certainly an unusual book. It is not widely known, yet it has more wisdom and practical advice in its 16 short chapters than everything else I have ever read, combined. I have read (or listened to) this book over 1000 times and I keep getting more out of it, every time I read it, I get something new. The gift that keeps on giving. So, why do I like it so much? It advocates an approach that is so different from everything else I've ever read. It's practical. It's simple. It's based on Science. It works. OK, so if it's so good, why hasn't anyone heard of it? Well, it could be something to do with the writing style being pretty dense and unappealing, which is one of the reasons we've turned it into a course. The other reasons we created this programme: We wanted to show how the science behind the book was a century ahead of its time. We wanted to give you stories that support how well it works for everyone we've used it with. We wanted to give you the TOOLS to make it easier to take action on the principles. We wanted to apply our 13×4 system for Advanced Mind Mastery to the Science of Getting Rich, in the hope that everyone around the world will get truly wealthy, rather than this be just 'a book they read once and thought was quite good.' (Read the book and see why we're not just completely out of our minds!!! ) That old 'One Thing at a Time' idea again! Anyway, have a look here at the preface to the Science of Getting Rich and see if you can get why we needed to modernise it a bit! 'This book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who have, so far, found neither the time, the means, nor the opportunity to go deeply into the study of metaphysics, but who want results and who are willing to take the conclusions of science as a basis for action, without going into all the processes by which those conclusions were reached. It is expected that the reader will take the fundamental statements upon faith, just as he would take statements concerning a law of electrical action if they were promulgated by a Marconi or an Edison; and, taking the statements upon faith, that he will prove their truth by acting upon them without fear or hesitation. Every man or woman who does this will certainly get rich; for the science herein applied is an exact science, and failure is impossible. For the benefit, however, of those who wish to investigate philosophical theories and so secure a logical basis for faith, I will here cite certain authorities. The monistic theory of the universe the theory that One is All, and that All is One; That one Substance manifest itself as the seeming many elements of the material world -is of Hindu origin, and has been gradually winning its way into the thought of the western world for two hundred years. It is the foundation of all the Oriental philosophies, and of those of Descartes, Spinoza, Leibnitz, Schopenhauer, Hegel, and Emerson. The reader who would dig to the philosophical foundations of this is advised to read Hegel and Emerson for himself. In writing this book I have sacrificed all other considerations to plainness and simplicity of style, so that all might understand. The plan of action laid down herein was deduced from the conclusions of philosophy; it has been thoroughly tested, and bears the supreme test of practical experiment; it works. If you wish to know how the conclusions were arrived at, read the writings of the authors mentioned above; and if you wish to reap the fruits of their philosophies in actual practice, read this book and do exactly as it tells you to do.' Wallace D Wattles, Author of 'The Science of Getting Rich' Take this Science of Getting Rich course now and learn how to become rich. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: The Science of Getting Rich: Give Value. Have Fun. Be Nice - online training

Want to Learn How To Juggle This Week? - Learn How to Juggle - online training

you've always wanted to learn how to
juggle but haven't quite gotten it, this “Exclusive Juggling Tricks” course
is going to help you finally get it.
I specialize in helping people who consider themselves
hopeless when it comes to juggling. If you think that you are too uncoordinated to
juggle, give this ‘Learn How to Juggle with Exclusive Juggling Tricks “course a
shot and follow the instructions I provide and you will learn to juggle.
Just a warning. It isn't going to be easy. You're going to
want to give up at times and will probably feel like a failure.
Don't worry, it happens to everyone. This is usually the
part of the process where you are finally starting to grasp the concept of
juggling and just need to persevere a little longer to truly get it. It's
really a simple concept and I break it down into simple to follow steps so you
can finally consider yourself a juggler.
you want to learn how to juggle take this course now and apply these exclusive
Juggling Tricks.
– >> Click for More details…

Read more: Want to Learn How To Juggle This Week? - Learn How to Juggle - online training

Beginners - How To Create iPhone And iPad Apps - Zero Coding - online training

A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course.   In this course, you will learn how to create apps for iPhone and iPad devices. Expert trainer and published author Tony Bove introduces you to using the iOS Software Development Kit (SDK) and Xcode to build apps for the iPhone, iPad and Universal apps. Even if you have never programmed before or built apps before, by the end of this course you will be fully capable of building apps and submitting them to the App Store. Before you even start building an app, Tony takes you through what makes a good app, and the limitations you will face on the iPhone and iPad platforms. You will learn how to design a good user interface, how to use the iOS simulator, how to program in Xcode, and how an app runs. From there, you will jump right into building apps: designing the interface, including iAds in your app, animating, timing, and much more. You will also learn how to build iPad specific apps to take advantage of a larger screen and additional features. Finally, you will learn how to package your apps, and prepare them for submission to the app store. By the conclusion of this course you will be fully capable of designing, creating and submitting an app to the Apple App Store, using the iOS SDK and Xcode. The author has included working files, to allow you to work alongside him as he builds an app throughout this video tutorial. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Beginners - How To Create iPhone And iPad Apps - Zero Coding - online training