Wednesday 30 March 2016

Laughter Medicine: Karma Talk - event

Are you giving up hope that the world will ever change?
If so, Im excited to invite you to a special enlightening up event on Friday, April 1 (yep, April Fools Day!) called: Karma Talk: An April Fools Day Cosmic Comedy Special, with Cosmic Comic Swami Beyondananda!
>RSVP here forLive Event or...

Read more: Laughter Medicine: Karma Talk - event

Sunday 27 March 2016

Simple Energy Medicine Practices to Stay Out of the Doctor’s Office

Energy Medicine Expert insights from Donna Eden
Energy medicine is an exciting new field that brings together the best of Eastern healing disciplines with Western science to cultivate greater health and vitality.
As you learn basic self-care practices from energy medicine, you receive tools to...

Read more: Simple Energy Medicine Practices to Stay Out of the Doctor’s Office

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Trickster Medicine & Astrological Magic - Virtual Frolick

Are you disheartened by the current state of the world, including nasty politics, signs of eco-collapse, and relentless culture wars?
Well, if so… theres actually some good news Id like to share with you today.
Its about an archetype called the Trickster. When we animate the Trickster, we...

Read more: Trickster Medicine & Astrological Magic - Virtual Frolick

Friday 18 March 2016

Elevate Writing into a Transformative Spiritual Practice

Discover a powerful practice to boost creativity & shed the past
I know from personal experience that the tasks I write down get done more consistently than those I dont, and bigger things such as goals for my life tend to manifest more easily when I commit to writing them down.
But while...

Read more: Elevate Writing into a Transformative Spiritual Practice

Sunday 13 March 2016

Plant Medicine to Restore Balance & Experience Deep Healing

Revitalize your health with nature
What if the power to heal was all around you in the natural world?
Since the dawn of humanity, people from across the globe have used what was in natures pharmacy to heal themselves botanical treatments, healing tinctures and medicinal remedies from the herbs,...

Read more: Plant Medicine to Restore Balance & Experience Deep Healing

Discover Quantum Dreaming & the secrets of time travel

A Must Attend free event with dream shaman Robert Moss
For centuries, shamans around the world have reported using dreams as portals for accessing information from the past and future to apply in the present.
They have learned to dream consciously, which can open them to amazing adventures in...

Read more: Discover Quantum Dreaming & the secrets of time travel

Wednesday 9 March 2016

The path of feminine mysticism unveiled - live event & replay

Discover Your True Beloved
So often we spend our lives chasing an experience of being loved in the outer world and forget that a sublime and even ecstatic relationship with the True Beloved is available within us.
Embracing the Divine as our ultimate Beloved is a time-honored spiritual...

Read more: The path of feminine mysticism unveiled - live event & replay

Friday 4 March 2016

Change your old story to a new empowered one

Free virtual event with myth-making genius Luisah Teish
Have you ever taken stock of the stories you tell about yourself and your life?
Are they stories that empower you to new possibilities, or ones that drain your energy and undermine your ability to express your souls full...

Read more: Change your old story to a new empowered one