Wednesday 29 May 2024

Free Qigong Event: Unleash Healing Love Energy (Grandmaster Mantak Chia)

Harness your sexual energy for profound healing and well-being!

Did you know that your Jing Qi, or sexual energy, accounts for 25 percent of your total life-force energy?

Ancient Taoist wisdom teaches that alchemizing arousal energy with Shen Qi, your spiritual energy, creates a heightened healing energy called compassion Qi… 

… a powerful elixir of life that can improve cognitive function, elevate your consciousness, nourish and heal your body — and help you experience more joy. 

Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia will share an overview of the process for cultivating compassion Qi during his free online event, Explore Healing Love Qigong: The Taoist Path to Alchemize Arousal Energy for a Healthy Brain, Vitality & Joy, this Thursday, May 30, at 5:30pm Pacific. >> Register here to join us.

Join renowned Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia for a FREE online event: Explore Healing Love Qigong (Thursday, May 30th, 5:30 PM Pacific)

In this session, you'll discover:

  • Compassion Qi: Learn how to transform your sexual energy (Jing Qi) and spiritual energy (Shen Qi) into a powerful healing force.

  • 9-Flower Qigong Practice: Participate in a guided practice to activate and send healing love to your endocrine system.

  • Brain & Body Health: Explore the connection between arousal energy and cognitive function, vitality, and joy.

  • Taoist Sexual Practices: Gain insights from Grandmaster Chia on harnessing sexual energy for health and spiritual growth.

  • Nervous System & Arousal Energy: Discover the science behind arousal energy's role in DNA revitalization.

  • Cultivating Compassion Qi: Learn practical methods to optimize your health and well-being through this unique energy.

Grandmaster Chia is a leading authority on Taoist practices, and his Universal Healing Tao system has empowered countless individuals.

>> Register Now & Unlock the Secrets of Healing Love Qigong!

P.S. Don't miss this chance to explore a powerful approach to self-healing and transformation!

Read more: Free Qigong Event: Unleash Healing Love Energy (Grandmaster Mantak Chia)

Thursday 16 May 2024

Free Event: Heal Yourself Beyond Western Medicine (Dr. Elena Villanueva)

Heal Yourself Beyond Western Medicine: Free Event with Dr. Elena Villanueva

Western medicine has made incredible strides, but sometimes it focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing the root causes of illness. If you're looking for a more holistic approach to healing and taking charge of your health, this free event is for you!

>> Join renowned Dr. Elena Villanueva, CEO of Modern Holistic Health and co-author of The Longevity Code, for a powerful online event on Thursday, May 16th.

Learn the art of self-healing beyond Western medicine

In this insightful hour, Dr. V will reveal:

  • Why we're sicker than ever: Explore the root causes of the rise in chronic conditions, even with advancements in medicine.

  • Healing beyond the physical: Discover how cutting-edge science and quantum physics can be applied to healing chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, and more.

  • The hidden culprit: Learn how environmental toxins can be a major contributor to health problems, and how to address them.

  • The mind-body connection: Uncover how your emotions and beliefs can impact your physical health and healing potential.

  • Shift your perspective: Learn the powerful Pain Paradigm technique, a neurological rewiring tool that can help you manage pain and create healthier outcomes.

  • Proven success: Dr. Villanueva boasts a 95% success rate in reversing chronic conditions with her holistic approach.

Dr. V's insights are backed by data, case studies, and a commitment to empowering individuals to achieve vibrant health. This free event is a fantastic opportunity to learn cutting-edge strategies for:

  • Self-healing: Activate your body's natural healing power and go beyond symptom management.

  • Detoxification: Eliminate toxins that hinder your health and well-being.

  • Emotional healing: Understand how your emotions impact your physical health and learn tools for emotional well-being.

>> Ready to explore the power of self-healing and take charge of your health? Register for this FREE event today!

P.S. Space is limited, so don't miss out! Even if you can't attend live, you'll receive a recording of the event after it concludes.

Read more: Free Event: Heal Yourself Beyond Western Medicine (Dr. Elena Villanueva)

Wednesday 15 May 2024

5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business (Manual) & Business Breakthrough Challenge June 2024!

Get A Step-By-Step Manual - How to 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business

If you want to make your first million in business this year… John have a gift for you.  

This little known secret, we've got from John Assaraf:

BTW, he’s one of the world’s top business experts and 2X New York Times bestselling author.

It’s called The Fastest Path to Cash and we actually have a copy for you…

You can download it here for FREE right here.

But only for a limited time.

So before this link gets taken down…

Click the link below to save your personal copy:

“How to 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business” strategies book

He put all his best “How to 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business” strategies into this book: 

Do you want to attract so many sales that you’ll be forced to literally turn clients away? 

(These exact same tips created 25,000 new buyers for John’s business!) 

By the way… 

He’s personally creating 100 NEW Millionaires from his and our community this year. 

Do you want to become 1 of the 100 New Millionaires in 2024? Click here to get started.

Like I said: “The Fastest Path to Cash.”

This is ONLY available for limited time. Go there now… 

You’ll be glad you did. 

P.S. After you download your copy, look out for the secret links” inside the Ebook which contain a special time-sensitive discount for John’s new event for Business Owners Only. 

Have you ever thought, “When can I stop working so hard?” 

And… “When will I have a business that works for ME?! Instead of working and stressing endlessly for it?!?”

I mean, let’s face it... attracting clients and customers can feel so hard sometimes – especially if you’re new to business!

What I’m sharing with you today is a unique, FUN and IMMERSIVE approach to attracting clients - that’s all about using proven “Neuro-Marketing” methods and the Law of Attraction… 

…to quite simply attract HUGE sums of sales and income like a magnet. 

Are you in?

Yes! I want to attract clients like a magnet! 



(Now you know why it’s so powerful)

This newBusiness Breakthrough Challengecomes from brain expert John Assaraf. 

In short, there’s no one else teaching this right now. 

You can’t get this kind of high-level business training on YouTube or on a blog somewhere...

Because no one else is showing you how to use scientific breakthroughs and 30+ years of research to improve your business!

And don’t worry – after coaching 10,000 entrepreneurs, John knows how to make it “stupid simple” and easy to follow. So you get results FAST. 

If you’re tired of being stuck or struggling to get the right clients… 

>> Click here to quickly discover how to Activate Your Client-Attraction Superpowers! 


Please bear this in mind. John himself left High School in Grade 11 (after failing Math and English). 

And HE used these 5 “Neuro-Marketing” hacks to build 5 multi-million dollar businesses. 

They’ve also worked for ME and my business ⇒ John is one of my dear friends and most trusted advisors

So it’s virtually guaranteed to work for you. 

What do you have to lose?

John is determined to “help you eliminate mindset blocks, Marketing blunders, and slow-selling offers that keep the clients (and the big bucks) away!”

>> Go register. You can’t miss this.

business growth strategies, tips & hacks that helps you to make more money

If you choose the VIP Experience, you’ll get everything included in the Challenge, PLUS… 10+ hours of LIVE Q&A with John to ask your business questions, get real-time feedback, and proven solutions to overcome any challenge.
As part of our community, you can save 90% your VIP ticket (there is limited space).
Click here and choose VIP treatment now.

These are the type of results we can help you obtain:


“I had so many challenges in my life. I had so many setbacks. After working with John, my business is now generating $25K per month. I can’t recommend this highly enough." - Kevin B.


Brought in $50K today after tweaking my Marketing message.” - Asha S.


“My husband and I did $300,000 this week with our business. It was a hugely successful deal and we profited about $50,000.00 more than we expected. I am ecstatic!- Darlene O.


I was struggling to make $5K a month in sales. Now I’m making $700,000 a month. The biggest thing was getting my mindset right. And programming my brain for success with John.” - Mark L.


After all the years of being lost...I'm going to make it. I now feel that whatever I conceive, I will ACHIEVE...thanks to you, John....thank you, thank you, thank you.” - Eva J.


Best decision I ever made. John is the real deal. My life is changing before my eyes.” - Lucy B.

Read more: 5X Your Coaching & Consulting Business (Manual) & Business Breakthrough Challenge June 2024!

Sunday 12 May 2024

Free Plant Spirit Healing Event: Heal & Connect with Nature (Emma Fitchett)

Unleash Your Inner Plant Whisperer: Discover the Power of Plant Spirit Healing (Free Event!)

Have you ever felt a deep connection with nature? Intuited a plant's wisdom? Plant spirit healing, an ancient practice, can unlock these abilities and more!

Join renowned plant spirit healer Emma Fitchett, MSc, for a FREE online event on Tuesday, May 14th at 5:30 PM Pacific. In this transformative 60-minute session, you'll explore:

  • The magic of plant spirit initiation: Similar to a shaman's journey, this practice fosters a profound connection with nature, leading to deeper healing and self-awareness.

  • Connecting with plant energy: Learn how to quiet your mind, align with a plant's energy field, and sense its unique qualities through your fingertips.

  • Plant communication: Discover how plants, with their innate wisdom, can offer exactly the support you need in any moment.

  • Unveiling your divine nature: Working with plant spirits opens doors to unseen realms, awakening your intuition and facilitating personal growth.

  • Becoming a plant spirit healer: Explore how to collaborate with plants to help yourself and others.

Discover the Power of Plant Spirit Healing! Free Event with Emma Fitchett! Learn to connect with plants, receive healing energy, & awaken your intuition. Register Now!

This event is perfect for anyone seeking:

  • A deeper connection with nature

  • Enhanced intuition and self-awareness

  • Natural healing techniques

  • Personal growth and spiritual exploration

Bonus! Register for the free event and receive a complimentary PDF guide on conducting your own plant spirit initiation.

>> Ready to embark on this transformational journey? Register now! <<

P.S. Even the plants in your home and garden hold immense healing potential. Learn how to connect with them and tap into their wisdom!

Read more: Free Plant Spirit Healing Event: Heal & Connect with Nature (Emma Fitchett)

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Simple & Powerful EFT Tapping Exercise Raising Brainwaves of Positive Emotions

Discover how to align your mind with creating greater health, happiness & fulfilment using just simple tapping - emotional freedom technique.

Science has proven that there’s a strong link between your mind and the world around you… and that you can align your mind with creating greater health, happiness, fulfillment, and more.

As we navigate the uncertainties of life, now more than ever, this capacity to shift our thinking, boost our wellbeing, and manifest our desired future can be a powerful tool…. 

Yet, it can take some mental reframing to access this skill. Like many, you may be in dire need of a positivity boost, perhaps having recently experienced unexpected changes, loss, or a forced transition. 

On Saturday, May 7, Dawson Church, PhD, one of the most brilliant researchers at the leading edge of consciousness science, will distill the results of hundreds of eye-opening studies into a powerful synthesis with groundbreaking implications for your health and life.

You can register here for Discover Mind-to-Matter Science: Train Your Brainwaves to Transform Your Health & Create Your Own Reality

Join Dawson Church to learn simple EFT tapping exercise to promote the brainwave frequency of positive emotions

In this 60-minute mini-workshop, you’ll: 

  • Learn about the scientifically proven mind-to-matter perspective on how human consciousness affects the physical world

  • Discover the power of positivity and how to use mental framing to shift scarcity to abundance and manifest other desired outcomes

  • Explore how particular brainwaves boost reparative cell productivity and increase your overall cognitive ability — AND how to stimulate these body and mind boosters

  • Discover EcoMeditation and how it can help you decrease cortisol levels, heart rate, anxiety, and pain AND increase beneficial brainwave activity, immunity, and happiness

  • Experience the power of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) in a 10-minute exercise where you’ll focus on a current challenge or future fear and see how it diminishes when you access a beneficial brainwave frequency

Dawson has a knack for making leading-edge science accessible and practical, particularly for transforming our lives… 

Whether he’s talking about cultivating the most uplifting brainwaves… or achieving optimal heart-brain coherence… or how your body can repair its own DNA… you come away with a profound understanding and practical tools for meaningful change.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Mind-to-Matter Science: Train Your Brainwaves to Transform Your Health & Create Your Own Reality, you’ll experience an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) exercise for quickly releasing the chemical charge of negative thinking to promote the beneficial brainwave frequency of positive emotions.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Simple & Powerful EFT Tapping Exercise Raising Brainwaves of Positive Emotions