Tuesday 26 March 2024

Unleash Your Inner Powerhouse of Love: Nordic Secret to Divine Connection

Expand your capacity for love through an uncluttered connection to Source.

If you’re like many people who are striving to get closer to the all-loving power of the force you may call God, Source, or Spirit, you may be disillusioned by some of the dogma of our conventional religions that imply you’re not already whole… 

… especially after trying for a lifetime to become more spiritual, more enlightened, and better equipped to manifest your best life.

What if God wasn’t a figure outside yourself who casts judgments and punishment and rewards you when you’re “good” — like you may have been raised to believe… 

… but is simply the luminous pulse of unconditional love, REAL love, that lives in the center of your own being and fills you with a sense of delight and joy?

According to Danish-born spiritual mentor and author Anja Steensig, the mystical Nordic approach to spirituality is the simplest way she knows of connecting with the Divine

… because it strips away all the excess layers of what the modern mind has created God to represent, and eliminates the obstacles in the way of simply surrendering to the essence of love, the big love within your own heart. 

Join Anja in a free video event, where she’ll remind you of your true nature — of the love that you ARE — so you may enter into more loving relationships with the Divine, yourself, and others, and become an imprint of love in the world.

This is the Nordic path, in which there’s no spiritual hierarchy, ideas, thought systems, or religious tenets that impose commands about who you should be and how you’re supposed to live. 

It’s a path into the truth that you and everything around you are infused with and radiate God’s essence.

You can register here for Discover the Path of the Nordic Mystic: Enter Into a Direct Connection to the Divine by Accessing the Pure Love in Your Heart <<

Discover the Path of the Nordic Mystic: Enter Into a Direct Connection to the Divine by Accessing the Pure Love in Your Heart

During this heart-opening hour-long session with a true mystic, you’ll:

  • Better understand the true nature of love and how stripping away any excess layers brings you closer to Source

  • Be guided through a meditation to truly experience the power of your all-loving soul, enabling you to grasp your immense capacity for love, strength, and fearlessness

  • Realize the importance of integrating the feminine and masculine aspects of love so you can be held in its fullness and cultivate balanced relationships with yourself and others 

  • Let go of the misconception that love is soft, submissive, and sweet, so you can give yourself permission to rise above your eagerness to please and become a truly loving person

  • Learn that when you make room for and express your justified anger — what Anja calls your “sacred wrath” — you can experience profound healing

This event will help you feel empowered — knowing that you don’t have to search and seek outside yourself because you’re already everything you need to be an incredible resource of love and wisdom — with compassion for yourself and others, and the understanding that we’re all the same. 

>> You can RSVP for free here >>

Read more: Unleash Your Inner Powerhouse of Love: Nordic Secret to Divine Connection

Saturday 23 March 2024

Discover the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice

Discover the shamanic, contemplative, embodied & artistic aspects of your voice.

Imagine your voice as a bridge to the deepest parts of yourself — a place where you don’t need formal training to sing, but an openness to the profound wisdom of the nurturing “Mother voice” within.

Artistic Director at The Vox Mundi School of Sound and the Voice Silvia Nakkach approaches working with the voice in an unconventional way. Her method is a process of unlearning — peeling back the artificial layers we develop in reaction to societal expectations — to reveal the core of who you really are. 

On Saturday, March 23, with Artistic Director at The Vox Mundi School of Sound and the Voice Silvia Nakkach, you’ll be guided you through a powerful shamanic listening practice to receive an Icaro or medicine melody on the spot

… revealing how sound and the very nature of your voice originate from a deep well of silence — helping you understand the truth of who you really are when immersed in silence.

You’ll explore sound in a new way to “become your voice” — focusing on the shamanic, contemplative, embodied, and artistic aspects of your voice. 

You can register here for How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing<<

In How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing with Silvia Nakkach…

In this transformative hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Unlearn what you’ve been taught about voice and sound to discover the core of who you really are

  • Discover that silence is more than just a lack of noise; it’s a physical presence that can help you connect to everything around you

  • Liberate yourself from societal constraints that tell you you need to be a certain way to express yourself

  • Touch the subtle aspects of your being and expand your consciousness through sound and silence

  • Learn how the voice has two aspects — metaphor and materiality — that are constantly in flow with each other so that you can truly liberate or “become” your voice

Join Silvia and discover that silence is not merely the absence of noise but a physical presence, a canvas for the “phantom silence and phantom breath” that shapes your understanding of sound and your voice

>> You can RSVP for free here >>

In How “Becoming Your Voice” Connects You to Source: Explore How to Reawaken the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice for Healing with Silvia Nakkach…

… you’ll explore sound in a new way to become your voice — focusing on the shamanic, contemplative, embodied, and artistic aspects of your voice.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available...

Read more: Discover the Wonder of Your Voice as a Spiritual Practice

Wednesday 20 March 2024

Get Full Healing Power of Your Herbs, Vitamins & Supplements by Synergizing them

Watch as master herbalist David Crow potentizes herbs with nutraceuticals.

How many supplements and herbal remedies do you take on a daily basis? 

Did you know that using herbs and supplements to treat your symptoms can actually make them worse? 

Master herbalist David Crow will share why during his free online event this Thursday, March 21, including demonstrating through hands on mixing and formulating using teas, tinctures, and nutraceutical products how to potentize herbs with nutraceuticals.

>> Register here for Synergizing Herbs & Nutraceuticals for Full-Body Health: Proven Ways to Optimize the Potency of Your Supplements, Vitamins & Herbal Remedies.

watch master herbalist David Crow synergizing herbs & nutraceuticals for full-body health optimize potency of vitamins herbal remedies supplements

The term nutraceuticals denotes the many types of unregulated over-the-counter supplements that have reputed nutritional and therapeutic effects on the body…

… that can either optimize your health, do nothing at all, or potentially aggravate symptoms if you don’t know how to properly use them.

Learning how to combine herbs and nutraceuticals in a holistic way vs just treating your symptoms as most conventional medicines do, can help you obtain full-body health — and prevent and treat a range of physical, mental, and emotional ailments

… whether digestive problems, cognitive issues, boosting cellular health and immunity, detoxifying the body, or easing inflammation.

During David’s illuminating online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the 8 primary categories of nutraceuticals — and how they can be correlated and combined synergistically with herbs and herbal formulas

  • Learn 3 ways that you can potentize herbs with nutraceuticals during a demonstration by David — including mixing and formulating using teas, tinctures, and nutraceutical products

  • Discover the importance of knowing the taste, temperature, and energies of nutraceuticals according to the terminology and concepts of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines

  • Recognize how you can harness the synergies of herbs and nutraceuticals optimizes physiological functions to improve health, reduce symptoms, and prevent illness

  • Discover how correct formulation with herbs can prevent the common misuses and abuses of nutraceuticals products

Preventing and treating yourself for health challenges requires a high level of knowledge about your body, how to use the best remedies to improve current symptoms, and most importantly, how to prevent them from worsening and transforming into more chronic conditions.

With decades of experience and knowledge, David is masterful at harnessing the energetics of plant medicines and nutraceuticals to harmonize and balance your body systems.

I warmly welcome you to join us on Thursday to learn more about best practices and how to increase the efficiency and potency of your herbs and nutraceuticals when self-treating your ailments. You can RSVP here.

Join us this Thursday, March 21, for Synergizing Herbs & Nutraceuticals for Full-Body Health: Proven Ways to Optimize the Potency of Your Supplements, Vitamins & Herbal Remedies…

… a free online event with master herbalist David Crow where you’ll discover how potentizing herbs with nutraceuticals by combining them can help you take your self-care regimen to a higher level of treatment and prevention and consistently optimize your health holistically.

David teaches that herbs and nutraceutical products can be safely synergized and potentized following the principles of Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines — and help us obtain ongoing full-body health.

Read more: Get Full Healing Power of Your Herbs, Vitamins & Supplements by Synergizing them

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Chakradance: Archetypal Healing Dance Practice - Jungian approach

Join Jungian psychotherapist Natalie Southgate in a free online event.

What if your muscle aches and pains are actually remnants of unprocessed emotional trauma? 

And, what if there was a gentle and even enjoyable way to free yourself from the past so you feel healed and uplifted?

>> Register here to join us on Tuesday, March 19, for Jungian psychotherapist Natalie Southgate’s free online event, Explore Embodied Nirvana With Chakradance: Spontaneous Movement Grounded in Eastern Spirituality & Jungian Archetypes to Uplift & Heal You.

learn how Chakradance, a powerful fusion of spontaneous dance, energizing chakra music, and immersive visualizations, can help you shift from pain to hope and possibility

… and learn how Chakradance, a powerful fusion of spontaneous dance, energizing chakra music, and immersive visualizations, can help you shift from pain to hope and possibility. 

Natalie says that Chakradance is a “joyful affirmation of who you truly are,” activating the primal part of you. It invites gentle healing by allowing buried emotions and traumas to slowly surface — layer by layer — through the loving wisdom and awareness of the body.

This creates a deeply satisfying release of what no longer serves.

In this free online event with Natalie, you’ll:

  • Explore how spontaneous movement, archetypes, and chakra-resonant music can help you gently and safely release the past — and reclaim your instincts, passion, power, love, creativity, intuition, and spirituality

  • Be guided in a meditation to awaken the Sacred Mother within through movement, rich visualizations, and base chakra music that ground you in your body and instill connection, aliveness, and vitality

  • Learn about some of the archetypal energies of the chakras through the philosophy of psychoanalyst Carl Jung — and how they can be activated within you as powerful allies of healing, self-actualization, and empowerment

  • Discover Chakadance as a Jungian-based healing movement modality that can help you release buried emotions and trauma in the body, psyche, and energy system — and integrate all that you are to live freely in the truth of who you are 

  • Gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual quest through Jung’s process of individuation — a search for wholeness within the psyche — and explore how Chakradance can help you bring the unconscious aspects of who you are into your awareness to create a new line of communication with your higher self

It’s never too late to make the unconscious conscious, and bring validation, healing, and love to what arises in a way that frees you from its grip — once and for all.

>> I hope you’ll join us! RSVP here. 


When you join us for Explore Embodied Nirvana With Chakradance with Jungian psychotherapist Natalie Southgate…

… you’ll awaken the primordial intelligence of your body and chakras and their power to release traumas and emotions to uplevel your body, psyche, and energy system.

We hope you’ll join us as scheduled on Tuesday, March 19. But if you register and miss it, we’ll send a recording soon after the event concludes. 

Read more: Chakradance: Archetypal Healing Dance Practice - Jungian approach

Saturday 16 March 2024

Unlock Your Limitless Potential 11-day to Wake Up to Your True Destiny Starting Now!

Hear from 22 Experts on Transforming Your Existence - Join This FREE 11-Day Event

Have you ever felt like there was more to life than just going through the daily motions? That there was some greater purpose or potential within you, if only you could unlock it? 


You're not alone. Many of us have a sense that we're meant for something bigger.


That's why I'm thrilled to let you know about an incredible 11 day online event starting TODAY that will help you discover your limitless potential and transform your existence. 


From now until March 26, Gaia is giving you VIP access to 22 of the world's top personal growth experts, spiritual teachers, and thought leaders, all sharing their most powerful, life-changing insights and practices to help you experience accelerated growth and evolution. And the best part? It's 100% free to attend. 


You Can Access this incredible event recording and many others becoming a member of Gaia. Join now & start transform your life! >>

Unlock Your Limitless Potential Emersion 2024


Watching from the comfort of your home, you'll discover how to break through limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. You'll learn scientific, evidence-based techniques to heal and strengthen your mind, body and spirit. And you'll get actionable advice to help you manifest more wealth, happiness, fulfilling relationships and personal freedom into your life.


World-renowned presenters like Dr. Tara Swart, Dr Joe Dispenza, Chris Wark, Marisa Peer, Gregg Braden, Lee Holden, Bruce Lipton, Bonni McCliss, Lynne McTaggart, and others will reveal specialized methods they've spent decades developing, distilled into simple, daily rituals you can start applying right away to radically transform your existence.


Here's just a preview of what you'll discover during the event:

  • How To Transform Stress Into Your Superpower with Dr. Tara Swart

  • How to Journey From Your Head to Your Heart with BLU

  • Discover the Healing Power of Forgiveness with Chris Wark

  • How to Awaken Your Akashic Wisdom with Bonni McCliss

  • Magnetize the Life of Your Wildest Imagination with Emily Fletcher

  • Dynamic Energy Practices to Become Superhuman with Lee Holden

  • Secrets to Lasting Love with Marisa Peer

  • Sensitive is the New Strong with Anita Moorjani

  • Change Your Brain, Change Your World with Jim Kwik

  • Powerful Ways to Protect & Clear Your Energy with Oliver Niño 

  • Dance Your Way to Freedom with Sah D’Simone


Whether you want to reduce stress, increase energy levels, unlock intuitive abilities or align with your soul's purpose, this event will give you an incredible toolbox of practices to help you improve in every area. 


The doors are open now... tune into the live sessions and unlock access to unlimited replays across all 11 days!


You owe it to yourself to invest in yourself and your growth, and open yourself up to the exciting possibilities ahead. I hope you'll join Gaia and these brilliant teachers to begin awakening your true human potential.


>> The next chapter of your life starts now <<

Read more: Unlock Your Limitless Potential 11-day to Wake Up to Your True Destiny Starting Now!

Friday 15 March 2024

See How You Can Decipher Symbols, Omens, Synchronicities & Dreams

Interpret signs from your soul to upgrade your innate psychic abilities.

Do you sometimes sense who’s knocking at your door before you open it? Or have a dream about an old friend you haven’t seen in years and surprisingly run into them the next day?

If so, you’re certainly intuitive, but you may also be well on your way to being an effective psychic.

According to psychic counselor Lisa Campion, dreams like that and “gut” hunches are just two of the many ways to receive psychic messages. She teaches that we all have the ability to access knowledge, wisdom, and guidance from our own soul — or Higher Self — which is always speaking to us through signs and symbols.

Join Lisa in a free video event, in which you’ll get a taste of doing your first soul reading! It’s a transformative process that you can start to practice and apply daily…

…. to obtain guidance and important information that can help you live a more soulful life, find more joy, and navigate the challenges you encounter with skill and conscious awareness.

Lisa will show you how to tap into your intuition — and when you combine your intuition with psychic signs you receive, you’ll be better equipped to interpret those soul-given messages and confirm their validity.

>> You can register here for How to Read Your Own Soul: Upgrade Your Psychic Skills by Tapping Into Messages From Your Higher Self  <<

Interpret signs from your soul to upgrade your innate psychic abilities

In this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Explore how your soul is always speaking to you through your intuition, dreams, signs, omens, synchronicities — offering useful guidance for navigating challenges and living a more soulful life

  • Understand how important it is to discern the difference between the needs and goals of your personal self and the desired evolution of your soul — and how it’s possible to fulfill both

  • Learn how to build trust and confidence in the messages and guidance you’re receiving from your soul by tapping into your intuitive knowing 

  • Learn how to use both sides of your brain to decode psychic messages  

  • Be guided in a meditation to connect with your Higher Self and receive a message about something that’s now unfolding in your life 

Lisa will show you how to enter an alpha brainwave state to tune in to the right side of your brain, which houses your intuition and recognizes signs, symbols, and omens. You can then, at will, allow the left side of your brain to take over, decode, and make meaning of those psychic clues.

If you’re at a crossroads and looking for a deeper connection to your internal guidance system, this hour with Lisa promises to ignite a spark of confidence in the wellspring of knowledge and insight awaiting to be accessed within you.  

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Read more: See How You Can Decipher Symbols, Omens, Synchronicities & Dreams

Sunday 10 March 2024

Attain the Strength, Grace & Agility of Animals with 5-Animal Qigong

Have you ever noticed how animals stay agile and active as they age? What if we could learn their secrets?

Animals intuitively understand when to rest and when to play. And when they’re hungry, they skillfully hunt for food, says Daisy Lee, founder and principal teacher of Radiant Lotus Qigong.

Register to join Daisy on Tuesday, March 12 for a special event with the Shift Network as she shares how the wisdom and wellbeing of animals first inspired China’s renowned master physician Hua Tuo to create the joyful practice of 5-Animal Qigong 1,800 years ago.

>> RSVP here: Rewild Your Senses Through the Practice of “5-Animal” Qigong: Embody the Virtues of Specific Animals Through Movement.

Attain the strength, grace & agility of animals with 5-Animal Qigong

You’ll have the chance to explore how the movements of 5-Animal Qigong emulate animals’ natural agile movements and easy grace. 

It’s an uplifting path to rewild your senses — reconnecting with your most natural state and returning to the wisdom of the animals. Along the way, you’ll cultivate vibrant physical, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing.

In this workshop, you’ll explore:

  • The origins of this playful, joyful 5-Animal Qigong, and why it has lasted through the centuries

  • A guided Qigong form inspired by the tiger that helps you learn how to conserve energy while still being playful, noble, and aligned with the timing of the spring equinox

  • How the inner and outer qualities of the animals can strengthen your body and brain, and balance your emotions

  • How to build your own inner and outer qualities as learned from the animals — including action and restorative rest, strength and flexibility, and a clear and vibrant mind

  • How to cultivate the animals’ natural practices in your daily life, including intuition, rest, action, movement, and natural nutrition

As you connect with the energy of the animals, you’ll retrieve the treasures of the past — a more grounded, centered, and far less complex way of engaging with life in a world inundated by social, global, and technological stressors.

When you join us, you’ll also learn about Daisy’s new live 7-week video course where she’ll guide you through the 5-Animal Qigong form in its entirety, just as she learned it from her lineage teacher, Master Wang San Hua, in Bo Zhou, China.

>> I hope you’ll join us! Register here <<

When you attend celebrated Qigong teacher Daisy Lee’s new online event, Rewild Your Senses Through the Practice of 5-Animal Qigong, you’ll learn a new movement inspired by the Tiger. 

I hope you’ll join us as scheduled on Tuesday, March 12. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes. Register here

Read more: Attain the Strength, Grace & Agility of Animals with 5-Animal Qigong

Thursday 7 March 2024

Combine Power of Your Chakras & Vagus Nerve to Heal Trauma

Discover How to Connect your soul’s desire with your 7 chakras & vagus nerve.

Have you ever wondered what your soul wanted to experience when it decided to have a human life on this earthly plane?

Whether to enjoy the embodied pleasures of a worldly existence or pursue the spiritual fulfillment of purpose and love, your soul wants to take the wheel and live out a meaningful and delightful journey.

As you travel through your life, however, you inevitably encounter traumatic experiences, and the resulting pain and fear become imprinted in your nervous system. Your nervous system then sends you all kinds of warning signals that may stop you from moving forward to manifest your soul’s desires.

How do you manage this conflict— the conundrum of living out the tension between your human and spiritual being-ness? How do you heal this fracture so you can fulfill your soul’s quest? 

Trauma therapist and author C.J. Llewelyn, M.Ed., LPC, specializes in guiding people through this process, asserting that navigating the tension between the soul’s desires and the body’s innate drive for self-preservation is at the core of the human condition.

In this illuminating free online event on Thursday, March 7, C.J. will reveal the intricate connection between your vagus nerve and your seven main chakras — and how, when they’re optimized and working together, they can be a source of profound psychological and spiritual healing.

From C.J.’s groundbreaking perspective, your chakras hold the etheric energy of your soul, while your vagus nerve — the largest part of your autonomic nervous system — keeps you safe.

What C.J. teaches is a one-of-a-kind approach and a paradigm shift that will transform how you interact with your world.

She can show you how to reconcile the passions of your soul (expressed through your chakras) with the fear of your humanity (expressed through your vagus nerve) by weaving the two together so you can live into your fullest potential and highest purpose.
> You can register here for Connect Your Soul’s Desires With Your Chakras & Vagus Nerve: Learn to Calm Your Nervous System So Your Soul Can Guide Your Life <<

Combined power of your chakras & vagus nerve to heal trauma

In this fascinating workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover the duality between what your soul wants to experience as a human being, and how your body  is holding you back from living your soul’s desires because it wants to protect you from danger

  • Be guided in a 7 chakra/vagus nerve visualization to access your own soul messaging as you begin to regulate your vagus nerve

  • Understand how, when you experience trauma, the residue becomes imprinted into your vagus nerve, which can take you off your soul’s course

  • Learn why calming your nervous system and releasing your body’s fears enables your soul to have the fullest experience possible — by weaving together the functionality of your vagus nerve and your chakras

  • Explore yourself as a spiritual being having a human experience — and understand that your soul came into your body to know what it’s like to live in this world

C.J. will explain exactly how your traumatic experiences are stored in your vagus nerve and the ways they influence your perceptions of the world — because your nervous system is built to override the pull of your wiser soul energy when a threat is perceived.

When you actively engage in the practice of calming your nervous system by identifying and navigating signals from your vagus nerve, C.J. explains that you are reprogramming your neural wiring so it doesn’t trigger unnecessary fight/flight/freeze responses.

And, as you move toward a state of sustainable inner peace, your trauma begins to heal and the soul energy of your chakras can start to drive your choices.

You can RSVP for free here

Read more: Combine Power of Your Chakras & Vagus Nerve to Heal Trauma