Tuesday 30 January 2024

Here's How Your Electric Health Can Boost Your Immunity, Mood, & Wellbeing

Experience tuning-fork treatments to transmute fear and anxiety (deep in your bones).

These days, many of us are experiencing more fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, overwhelm, and grief than perhaps we ever have before.

These difficult feelings can become energetically stuck in your body, zapping your life-force energy, and even setting off chain reactions that can cause physical and emotional dis-ease. 

And whatever affects your immune system affects your electric health as well. 

That’s because the life-force energies flowing through and around you — in what sound-therapy pioneer Eileen McKusick calls your biofield — have electromagnetic qualities that become disharmonized when your system is out of balance.

The good news is that sound, in the form of the coherent vibrations and tones of a medical tuning fork, can reduce this dissonance and resistance in your body’s electrical system.

Eileen will help you start to harmonize your emotions and electric health during these trying times — right to your bones, where feelings of fear can embed deeply — in a free video event: Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity: Experience the Vibrational Antidotes to Difficult Emotions for Greater Resilience & Vitality.

>> You can reserve your FREE space here <<

Tuning Fork Sound Healing to Boost Immunity & Vibrational Antidotes to Difficult Emotions for Greater Resilience & Vitality

During this healing hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance of your electric health in boosting your immunity, mood, and overall wellbeing

  • Learn the keys to becoming an emotional alchemist, transmuting difficult feelings and bringing more harmony, resilience, and playfulness into your life

  • Discover how sound healing can help you tune in to where your body holds difficult emotions and harmonize those vibrational energies to liberate the healing positive emotions beneath

  • Discover your bone health as core to your vitality — and what happens to your skeletal system when you’re afraid 

  • Experience a tuning fork sound treatment to feel your bones, libratate the fear they hold, and uncover the antidote of greater awareness and trust beneath

  • Experience a guided meditation with tuning fork treatment for a deep presencing of what it feels like to be yourself — separate from your busy mind 

As Eileen teaches, we hold the chaotic energies and vibrational dissonance of our heavy emotions throughout our body.

And as you’ll discover, this proven sound-healing modality actually harmonizes the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy, enhancing your immunity and promoting an overall state of wellbeing.

If you’ve ever experienced Eileen’s virtual biofield tunings, you know that they also feel really good, generally providing a soothing state of relaxation and calm…

>> It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

In Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity: Experience the Vibrational Antidotes to Difficult Emotions for Greater Resilience & Vitality, you’ll experience tuning-fork treatments to become an emotional alchemist — transmuting fear and anxiety (deep in your bones) and liberating the courage and self-trust beneath.

Read more: Here's How Your Electric Health Can Boost Your Immunity, Mood, & Wellbeing

Monday 29 January 2024

Sound Healing Therapy w/ Tuning Forks - Free Workshop & Training Course

Harmonize your WHOLE electric body to calm your nervous system

You’re probably aware that you have an energy field that surrounds and permeates your body, which science refers to as your “biofield”…

But did you know that your biofield has electromagnetic qualities… and that just the right type of sound can have the positive effect of “harmonizing” your “electric body” to help you achieve optimal wellbeing?

Sound-healing therapies are used in medical facilities across the globe to address everything from anxiety, depression, sleep challenges, and grief to fibromyalgia, digestive issues, and autoimmune disorders.

Plus, if you’ve ever experienced sound healing — whether through the vibrations of a tuning fork, drum, Tibetan singing bowls, gong, or even specially composed music — you know that it can leave you in a delicious state of calm and relaxation!

Renowned sound-therapy practitioner Eileen McKusick will help you discover and experience the balancing effects that a tuning fork can have on your personal energy field during a FREE online event: Discover Your Electric Body: Keys to Tuning Your Biofield for Total Wellbeing.

>> Join us for this healing virtual event here <<

Discover the Electric Body Tuning Experience: Harmonize Your Biofield, Clear Blocked Energy & Raise Your Voltage

During this experiential hour, you’ll:

  • Discover your electric body and biofield, and how the vibration of sound can “tune” your electromagnetic energy to promote optimal wellbeing

  • Discover how a tuning fork can help address adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and anxiety to bring your body into “harmonic resonance”

  • Learn how to raise your “electric” vibration for better emotional and physical health

  • Understand how emotional issues, such as depression and bipolar disorder, can be viewed as a resonance imbalance instead of a chemical imbalance

  • Experience a whole-body “tuning” that can transform the electromagnetic energy in your body from dissonance or “noise” to resonance or a soothing “symphony”

You won’t want to miss experiencing this whole-body “tuning,” which can slow down your brain waves and shift every cell in your body from dis-ease to ease!

>> Register here to receive access details <<

In Discover Your Electric Body: Keys to Tuning Your Biofield for Total Wellbeing, you’ll discover your “electric body” and biofield, and how a tuning fork can help address adrenal fatigue, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, and anxiety to bring your body into “harmonic resonance.”

Read more: Sound Healing Therapy w/ Tuning Forks - Free Workshop & Training Course

Enter Next Level Energy Medicine w/ Dr. Sue Morter's Energy Codes

Dr. Sue says, the Energy Codes enable you to “build a set of circuitry so you can live from deep, intuitive space, always guiding your life from a higher vibrational frequency.” Since healing is a byproduct of working with your own energy field, don’t miss your chance to discover these life-changing techniques for working with your energy!

Read more: Enter Next Level Energy Medicine w/ Dr. Sue Morter's Energy Codes

Unlocking Your Inner World w/ Bee Shamanism Dreamwork for Profound Self-Discovery

Welcome Honeybee as Your Guide to Develop a Deeper Relationship with Yourself

You may already know that dream shamanism reveals how your dreams are an entire world that you can cultivate as you wish…

Yet, did you know that welcoming the honeybee as your guide through your intentional dreaming practices can help you develop a deeper, more profound relationship with yourself, Spirit, and the Earth?

European bee shamanism, an ancient branch of shamanism, is revered throughout the world — wherever the honeybee is found.

Especially in this current historical moment of profound change and imbalance with the Earth, bee shamanism continues to reveal powerful truths and insights we can apply to our daily lives.

Ariella Daly, shamanic practitioner, writer, and bee guardian, will introduce you to the bee shamanism tradition, the Path of Pollen, in a fascinating 60-minute event:

>> Join here for Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth <<

Learn Dreamwork Practices of Bee Shamanism Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth

In this free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How the ancient tradition of bee shamanism connects you more deeply to your body — and unlocks profound wisdom about everything from the cosmos to the personal inner work you’re being called to do

  • The history and potentially life-changing significance of the Melissae, the bee priestesses — also known as the womb shamans

  • The dream incubation practices of ancient Greece — and the long-ago revelation that bees are intimately connected to dreams

  • The fascinating story of why the honeybee is sacred, the role of the figure eight in bee shamanism as the primary symbol of the bee tradition, and more

  • How to infuse your dreams with a guided Fire-Sipping practice, a technique for bringing the energy of fire in the form of a beeswax candle into the body as a sacred temple, focusing on a part of your body that needs attention

Ariella will share how dreaming with bees can uniquely affect your dream state, the importance of honeybees as sacred beings in the ancient world and folklore — and why bees are so important to humankind today. 

You’ll discover how, just as the honeybee tends to its garden, you can tend to your own interior garden — and learn more about the world and who you truly are through bee shamanism and intentional dreaming.

>> RSVP for free here to watch this event or get extended training to learn more <<

In Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth

… bee guardian Ariella Daly will guide you to explore the hidden depths of your interior garden through the ancient tradition of bee shamanism — of which Dreamwork is an integral part — to deepen into your own truth, intuition, and healing. 

Read more: Unlocking Your Inner World w/ Bee Shamanism Dreamwork for Profound Self-Discovery

Sunday 28 January 2024

Energy Anatomy Training for Greater Health, Harmony & Vitality | Learn about the Six Energy Systems

Explore your 6 energy systems to reveal a blueprint for balance, vitality & an empowered soul path.

Have you ever experienced the frustration of feeling unwell for a while, going to the doctor, and being told you’re perfectly healthy — but you know something is off?



There’s a reason why — even if your physiological systems are all free of ailments — you may still have a sense of being ill, lack of vitality and resilience, physical or emotional instability, and even mental fogginess.


The reason lies in energetic imbalances. And that’s why energy expert and consciousness educator Prune Harris has devoted her life to understanding the complexities of our energetic makeup.


Join Prune, author of Your Radiant Soul: Understand Your Energy To Transform Your World, for an illuminating free online event on Saturday, February 3


… in which she’ll share her unique wisdom on the six systems that make up what she calls your energetic anatomy — your energetic core, aura, chakras, energy channels, elemental rhythms, and heartfield.


She’ll define for you what each of these systems are, what they’re responsible for, the ways they work together, and how their optimal functionality serves as a bridge for a healthy, conscious, authentic, purposeful life.


Prune believes that a loss of strength of body or mind and even a diminished passion for life is almost always due to constrictions in your energetic anatomy. If even just one aspect of your energy is blocked, your whole being can be knocked out of balance.


Join Prune and she’ll guide you through three experiential techniques you can continue to use — anytime, anywhere — to make minor adjustments to your energy throughout your day…


… if you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or even uncomfortably vulnerable.


>> Register here to Get to Know Your Own Energy Anatomy: Explore Your 6 Energy Systems to Reveal Your Blueprint for Balance, Vitality & an Empowered Soul Path >>

 Get to Know Your Own Energy Anatomy: Explore Your 6 Energy Systems to Reveal Your Blueprint for Balance, Vitality & an Empowered Soul Path

In this hour-long workshop, you’ll:

  • Learn about the six energy systems that underpin every aspect of your being, for enhanced understanding of how energy moves through you and how your unique energy affects your body, mind, and soul

  • Be guided through three processes to ground and expand your aura, enhance your energetic cohesiveness, and reset your nervous system

  • Experience what it feels like to come into a state of relaxation, centeredness, flow, and balance

  • Understand that you can consciously make simple slight adjustments in your energy throughout your days to feel more comfortable in the world and in your own skin

  • Start to assemble a medicine bag of energetic tools that will help you make more conscious decisions — the big, soul-path ones and the smaller moment-by-moment choices

Prune can show you how to determine whether you’re activating your energetic blueprint or diminishing it, so you can show up in your fullness, with an elevated capacity to walk your soul path.


With her guidance, you’ll learn to make sense of the challenging situations in your life, heal old habits, and break through barriers that are holding you hostage.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Read more: Energy Anatomy Training for Greater Health, Harmony & Vitality | Learn about the Six Energy Systems

Friday 26 January 2024

Healing Qigong Practices of Zang Fu Gong for Body Cleansing w/ Daisy Lee

Boost Your Immunity and reach your ideal body weight through Qigong

The rhythms of modern life mean most of us spend a LOT of time sitting — only rarely putting our bodies in motion, engaging our creative muscles, or caring for our emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

And for many of us, life’s general stressors are at an all-time high, which can lead to a sense of stagnation — not just within your body, but in your mind too.

If you’re ready to release pent-up stress and transform it into healing Qi — to promote your body’s health and wellbeing — I have a special invitation for you…

Celebrated Qigong teacher and author Daisy Lee will introduce you to Zang Fu Gong, a graceful, empowering form of Qigong, renowned for its cleansing and rejuvenating powers…

>> Reserve your complimentary space for Qigong to Cleanse Your Organs for Better Health & Energy Flow: Receive Two Zang Fu Gong Practices to Bring Healing Energy to Your Liver & Lungs <<

Healing Zang Fu Gong Qigong Practices to Cleanse Your Body Organs for Better Health & Energy Flow to Your Liver & Lungs

For thousands of years, practitioners of Zang Fu Gong have reported a variety of noticeable health benefits, including stronger immunity, less downtime during illnesses, more emotional stability, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, improved circulation and more energy, greater intuition, and so much more…

During this one-hour special video event, you’ll:

  • Participate in a guided body scan — starting with a series of questions from Daisy to help you tune in to YOUR body from head to toe

  • Let go of pent-up anger that may be building up in your liver with a specific Zang Fu Gong exercise designed to expel stagnant Qi out of your body and restore you to a calm and peaceful sate

  • Release grief and other painful emotions connected to your lungs as Daisy demonstrates another powerful Zang Fu Gong exercise

  • Identify the root emotional issues causing blocked energy in your body that can lead to the specific health problems you’re facing

  • Zero in on the ways you’re experiencing blocked energy as a result of the stressors all around you

  • Receive a calming practice to bring you into vertical alignment; you’ll become better connected to your own body AND more grounded to the earth as you focus on a starpoint in the sky

More than anything, you’ll see how YOU can take responsibility for your own care and wellbeing… all with a gentle, effective practice that’s easy to incorporate into your daily life.

In a world where so much is out of your control, making small but significant changes remains a powerful way to make meaningful and lasting transformations to your health and happiness — and Daisy will show you how to get started.

>> It’s FREE to attend — simply register here <<

In Qigong to Cleanse Your Organs for Better Health & Energy Flow: Receive Two Zang Fu Gong Practices to Bring Healing Energy to Your Liver & Lungs, you’ll explore how Zang Fu Gong — an empowering form of Qigong — boosts energy levels, unlocks radiant health, and releases stress for a balanced and joyful life.

Read more: Healing Qigong Practices of Zang Fu Gong for Body Cleansing w/ Daisy Lee

What is Mindset? The Science of Thoughts and Emotions | Mindset Mastery Explained! 🌟🧠

Unlocking Your Inner Power: The Science of Thoughts and Emotions | Mindset Mastery Explained! 🌟🧠

In this transformative video, dive into the profound connection between your thoughts, emotions, and the reality you experience. Explore the fascinating insights into the mind, consciousness, and the power you hold within. Discover how your emotions, viewed as energy in motion, play a crucial role in shaping your external world. Join us on a journey to understand the mechanics of mindset and learn practical tips to harness your mental and emotional frequencies. Don’t miss out on this enlightening exploration of the mind’s incredible capabilities! 🚀✨

🔗 Helpful Links:

📘 Get the mind-expanding PDF mentioned in the video!   

 🎓 Dive deeper into the science of mindset: https://bityl.co/revivalofwisdom 

 🌐 Connect with our community worldwide and share your insights: https://linktr.ee/selfimprove.co

Remember, your reality begins with your thoughts – take control and start shaping the life you desire! 🌈✨ 

Monday 22 January 2024

Qigong w/ Lee Holden to Clear Stress & Boost Immunity - Free Event & Training

Increase resilience & remain balanced in times of challenge.

In a world where stress and uncertainty can take a toll on our well-being, imagine tapping into your own innate energetic power to clear stress, boost immunity, and increase resilience. Renowned Qigong teacher Lee Holden invites you to embark on a special online event, where you'll discover the art of effortless power and the potential for positive transformation in your health and life.

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of your body's energy flow and harness its innate power for healing? Qigong, an ancient practice, offers you the key to uncovering and healing the root cause of ailments. Join Lee Holden, an expert Qigong teacher, in his free online event, "Discover Qigong Practices for Clearing Stress & Building Your Supercharged Immune System," on Saturday, January 27. This unique event promises to introduce you to potent Qigong practices that can support your body in building a powerful immune system – a crucial aspect of resilience and balance in challenging times.

>> RSVP Free to watch Live and/or get recording later <<

Qigong teacher Lee holden will show how to Clear stress & build a supercharged immune system with Qigong

The Art of Effortless Power

Lee Holden describes Qigong as the art of effortless power. Research has shown that dedicating just a few minutes a day to focused Qigong practice can have dramatic effects on well-being, stress levels, and even long-term health issues. In this special hour with Lee Holden, a globally recognized meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong teacher, you'll explore how Qigong can elevate your energy, reduce stress, and guide you into a life-changing flow state of ease, balance, and well-being.

Tapping into Ancient Wisdom

Qigong masters from past millennia were the original scientists of the subtle energy body. They understood the circulation of Qi through coordinated movements and meditation, aiming for increased health, immunity, happiness, calmness, longevity, and more. Lee Holden will show you that this ancient wisdom is not a secret exclusive to a chosen few; it's about accessing your own inner power and cultivating the incredibly useful skill of applying your Qi.

Your Qi: True Healthcare

As a system of self-cultivation developed over 3,000 years ago, Qigong can help you access your life-force energy, known as Qi. Discover how to wield this healing power for preventing illness, reducing pain, healing ailments, and increasing longevity. Join Lee Holden on Saturday, January 27, for a free online event, "Discover Qigong Practices for Clearing Stress & Building Your Supercharged Immune System." Explore the opportunity to elevate your energy, reduce stress, and enter a potentially life-changing flow state of ease, balance, and well-being through powerful Qigong practices.

>> RSVP for Your Journey Within <<

Your Qi is the true healthcare that expert healers talk about – a powerful medicine sourced within you for healing, calm, clarity, and resilience. Join us on this transformative online journey with Qigong teacher Lee Holden. Discover the three key Qigong exercises for building a supercharged immune system, a three-minute breathing exercise for stress relief, the history of Chinese medicine, and much more.

Don't miss the chance to unlock the power within you! Register here for Qigong teacher Lee Holden’s free online event on Saturday, January 27. Clear stress, boost immunity, and increase resilience – your transformative journey begins now.

Read more: Qigong w/ Lee Holden to Clear Stress & Boost Immunity - Free Event & Training

Learn How to Activate Your Intuition & Effectively Translate Messages You Receive.

Join clairvoyant medium Marie Manuchehri for a FREE online event.

How are you wielding the incredible intuitive power that you inherently possess?

As clairvoyant medium Marie Manuchehri teaches, one major benefit of activating your multisensory awareness is how it can help you connect with the other side to receive clear guidance from the spiritual world.

Marie’s free online event on Tuesday, January 23, will introduce you to a powerful process for expanding your intuition and immediately shifting into a vibration that helps you connect more tangibly with the other side — and effectively translate the messages you receive.

>> Register here for How to Upgrade Your Intuition: Embracing Multisensory Messages, Refining Your Perceptions & Dancing With the Spirit Realm <<

Explore how love and appreciation can help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open to the greater potential of your multisensory and mediumship gifts by joining us on January 23 for clairvoyant medium Marie Manuchehri’s free online event… How to Upgrade Your Intuition: Embracing Multisensory Messages, Refining Your Perceptions & Dancing With the Spirit Realm

An upbeat and uplifting person, Marie discovered her medical intuition and mediumship skills while working as an oncology nurse.

She’s since helped thousands around the world expand their consciousness, enhance their intuition, and connect with confidence with the spiritual world.

As you practice living from your multidimensional nature, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the intuitive information that’s always reaching out to you and circulating through you — and how to apply these messages — says Marie.


Throughout this insightful online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the mind’s limited perceptions about love — and why you must find love if you wish to enhance your intuition

  • Be guided in a meditation on what love truly feels like — and move into deeper frequencies to feel love for your multisensory abilities — past, present, and future

  • Discover the power of your own energy and why feeling disappointed about your intuitive abilities keeps what you really want far away from you

  • Open to the idea that every single person is naturally intuitive — many who have yet to open to their inherent intuitive abilities are destined to be professional multisensory readers

  • Learn why intuitive translation has everything to do with ignoring logical thinking while moving into authentic feelings and paying attention to the calm

And much more… 

If you’ve felt disappointed or confused by the vague, puzzling, or misdirected intuitive messages you’ve received, or convinced yourself that your intuition isn’t as developed as it should be because of the particular way you receive messages… 

… you’re sure to gain clarity on how your particular intuitive abilities work and how you can begin to work with them to enhance your multisensory gifts.

If you’re ready to take potent steps for activating your multisensory awareness to connect with the loving messages and guidance of the spiritual world, we warmly invite you to Join for free here <<

Explore how love and appreciation can help you dissolve intuitive blocks and open to the greater potential of your multisensory and mediumship gifts by joining us on January 23 for clairvoyant medium Marie Manuchehri’s free online event…

How to Upgrade Your Intuition: Embracing Multisensory Messages, Refining Your Perceptions & Dancing With the Spirit Realm.

Read more: Learn How to Activate Your Intuition & Effectively Translate Messages You Receive.

Thursday 18 January 2024

GIFT: “UNLOCK THE HIDDEN POWER WITHIN YOU” Amazon Bestseller Free Copy (Private)

7 Keys to Unleashing Your Subconscious Mind For Greater Success.

Can you imagine being able to escape from stress, chaos, and anxiety any time, anywhere?

Well, this is exactly what this ground-breaking, science-based new book can do for you.  

It’s from Amazon and New York Times bestselling author John Assaraf!

And our readers can now get an advance copy - for FREE! 


7 Keys to Unleashing Your Subconscious Mind For Greater Success

>> Click here to download it now for free! <<

For limited time only You can get New York Times & Amazon bestseller “UNLOCK THE HIDDEN POWER WITHIN YOU” 7 Keys to Unleashing Your Subconscious Mind For Greater Success, for free here!

That is the good news.

The bad news is that you only have limited time before this link expires.

So go grab your copy now before it goes full price! 

Inside the book, you will discover:

  • 7 keys to unleashing the power of your subconscious mind for more confidence, more focus, and more success

  • Quick tips to improve confidence and release the limiting beliefs and fears that may be holding you back from massive success 

  • The #1 mindset mistake people make in their daily life (that can literally set you back for months or even years!)


  • A “100,000 success story” guide you can easily follow to achieve any goal faster - backed by the latest brain science


  • Simple, yet ground-breaking methods to supercharge your focus and productivity 

  • The ONE crucial mindset shift you need to manifest your dream life (Warning: Even with ALL success tools at hand, failure is still in the cards if you overlook this) 

  • The little-known "Dual Forces" inside your mind and how to create synergy between them so you can achieve your biggest goals faster and easier 

  • The 3 questions you must ask yourself to instantly unlock your brain’s fullest power and potential (this one is HUGE) 

  • An urgent look at the 2 paths you can take after reading this book (Hint: one is filled with many potential setbacks, while the other has been scientifically proven to create rapid success)

In short, John is giving you a proven series of simple yet profound mind shifts that elevates you into a magnet for the opportunities and outcomes you need to change your life. 

Is something holding you back from the success, prosperity, love, or fulfillment you crave? 

And are you open to the possibility that the answers are already inside you?

>> Then use this special link to get your free copy of Unlock The Hidden Power Within You >> 

Join us and the 100K+ people around the world who are applying these mind shifts to harness the Law of Attraction right now (in ways they never thought possible).

John has spent the last 10+ years studying the “brain unlocking secrets” and manifestation secrets of the world’s most successful people. 

This isn't your average book.

It's a fully interactive experience that combines a traditional book narrative with a live event designed to trigger an even deeper subconscious transformation. You’ll see the exciting details when you download. This will be massive for you.

Trust us - You've never experienced a book quite like this :-)


Read more: GIFT: “UNLOCK THE HIDDEN POWER WITHIN YOU” Amazon Bestseller Free Copy (Private)

Wednesday 17 January 2024

Reclaim Ancient Dreaming Practices for Healing, Magic & Transformation

Across time and cultures, humans have turned to their dreams for wisdom, connection, and magic. 

And it’s no wonder — dreams give us access to deeper sources of wisdom than our waking lives can provide, says dreamwork pioneer Robert Moss

They enable us to connect with our souls, our ancestors, the animate spirits of Nature, and even a God or Goddess we can talk to. 

Your dreams can show you the future so you can prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Dreams are also medicine, revealing what’s happening in your body and soul and providing a path for healing.

Join Robert on Saturday, January 20 as Robert shows you how to reclaim the best of timeless dreamwork traditions that span diverse cultures and lineages…

… to grow a new dreaming society in which we share our dreams and rely on them, not only as keys to the health of the body and soul but also as vital tools for human survival.

>> Register here to watch live or/and get recording <<

Dream Medicine for Your Soul Ancient Shamanic Dreamwork Practices for Healing, Wisdom & Visiting Other Times and Other Worlds…

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll gain insights from 12 ways of dreaming across time and cultures to add to your own practices as you also:

  • Learn how you can encounter authentic spiritual guides and teachers in your dreams, just as the Aborigines of Australia once did — and travel to places of personal healing, training, enlightenment, and initiation

  • Awaken to how, according to the Dream Shaman of Switzerland, the mind generates reality — and helps you prepare to recognize and act on special moments of synchronization and dream symbols from your waking life

  • Discover how dreams can reveal the state of your soul — and show you where to locate and reclaim more of your vital energy

  • Explore the ancient Egyptian perspective that a dream is a place — which means you can go there again when you learn Robert’s signature technique of dream reentry

  • Follow Celtic roads of enchantment into a waking dream on the border of Faerie, where you learn about singing the soul back home and how our dreams may give us maps to manifest our soul’s desires and reunite with our soul families

With Robert as your guide, follow in the footsteps of the trailblazing dreamers across cultures that have learned to enter other realities at will, scout the future, dialogue with the spirits, dream for others, and much more.

>> Join us free here now to get keys to these ancient magical practices <<

In dreamwork pioneer Robert Moss’ hour-long event, Dream Medicine for Your Soul Ancient Shamanic Dreamwork Practices for Healing, Wisdom & Visiting Other Times and Other Worlds…

… you’ll discover how ancient shamanic dreamwork practices from multiple world traditions can uncover new paths for reclaiming lost parts of your soul, looking into your future, and rediscovering your purpose.

Hopefully, you can join the event as scheduled on Saturday, January 20 — but if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes. 

Read more: Reclaim Ancient Dreaming Practices for Healing, Magic & Transformation

Watch UNSINKABLE Movie 2024 Free Online & Get New Book & More Gifts

Join Free to Watch this Life-Changing MOVIE 2024 - You'll LOVE it!

We have something for you today that so many of you have been anxiously waiting for! 

You are going to absolutely love this!

It’s a VIP free ticket to the new inspirational feature film being released online titled “Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back”.

Many of the top bounce back experts, teachers, scientists and leaders have come together to share their life-changing messages to show you exactly HOW to bounce back quickly from difficult times, turn your life around fast and achieve your wildest dreams!

It's an incredible film starring Sonia Ricotti, Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, John Assaraf, Marci Shimoff and so many more experts!

This life-changing film will shock you, inspire you and you’ll walk away with a new lease on life! In fact, you’ll discover how you can be happy right now (even if your life isn’t perfect)!

UNSINKABLE - Watch this (Free) Life-Changing MOVIE - You'll LOVE it

>> Simply go here to Reserve your Seat for chosen Day & Time to watch the Movie 2024 <<

If there is a waiting list for the movie you can join webclass where you can learn exactly how to do that by attending Sonia Ricotti’s free “Eliminate Limiting Beliefs” webclass.

We know that life isn’t always easy. In fact, it seems like everyone has something in their lives that isn’t working these days.

So many people are experiencing financial distress, health issues, relationship struggles, career frustration, and more.

If there’s an area of your life that has been a constant struggle, and no matter how hard you try to fix it, or change the situation, it just doesn’t work…

Chances are you have some deep-rooted subconscious limiting beliefs and abundance blocks that are sabotaging your success.

It’s important that you uncover and eliminate those limiting beliefs (and abundance blocks) that have been holding you back, so you can clear the path to create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

The good news is that you can learn exactly how to do that by attending Sonia Ricotti’s free “Eliminate Limiting Beliefs” webclass.

>> Must Watch - Eliminate Limiting Beliefs Webclass <<



Here is what you’ll learn in this webclass:

  • The critical mistake (most people make) that repels what you want, and attracts what you don’t want

  •  The latest scientific evidence that reveals what's really going on in your brain that’s sabotaging your success and blocking you from achieving what you really want in life

  •  The easiest way to instantly reprogram your brain to manifest financial abundance, great relationships, optimal health, happiness, and inner peace (anyone can do this!)

  •  The one simple thing you can do right now to completely transform your life (it works every time). …and so much more!

The Unsinkable SUPER Conference was one of the most inspirational events of the year! It was magical and life-changing!

I just heard that the full ENCORE of the event is being streamed TODAY. So, if you missed it (or want to attend it again), make sure you reserve your spot now.

This is truly a wonderful opportunity to learn from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and Rhonda Britten. You’ll also experience a beautiful “Sound Healing” concert from the wonderful Mark Romero.

There will be a beautiful tribute to the legendary [Bob Proctor] too.

Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. So, you don't have to get anything. It is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess.

  1. Develop the Magic in Your Mind for your BEST life

  2. You can Discover the Secret to Having Good Luck from America's Greatest Prosperity Teacher Here

In fact, they will be airing never-before-seen footage (and teachings) from Bob's full interview from the Unsinkable movie.

This will be a moving, inspirational, and life-changing event.

Get ready to let go of all negativity, end all suffering, heal the past, be happy now, and bounce back higher than ever!


>> Go here to watch while available <<

Unsinkable Super Conference by Sonia Ricotti & 10 Motivational Speakers + Sound Healing Concert

With a front-row seat to this all-day event, here's a sneak peek at the life-changing sessions you'll experience:

Sonia Ricotti: How to Bounce Back BIG in 2024!

Dr. Joe Dispenza: How to Heal Your Body with Your Mind

Bob Proctor (Tribute): Honoring this legendary man and his life-changing teachings.

Lisa Nichols: Winners Never Quit: Rising Above the Impossible

Dr. John Gray: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (Especially During Difficult Times!)

John Assaraf: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain's Hidden Power

Les Brown: Mind Over Health: The Secret to Living a Long and Happy Life

Marci Shimoff: The 3 Steps to Being Happy NOW (Even When Life Isn’t Perfect)

Rhonda Britten: The Power of Forgiveness to Set YOURSELF Free!

Mark Romero: “Sound Healing” Concert

Sonia Ricotti: 6 Steps to Manifesting Money in 2024!

…and LOTS more!

Another incredible free gift for you today that will show you how to reprogram your subconscious mind and eliminate all your abundance blocks, so you can achieve great wealth, health, peace and happiness!

It’s a meditation from “bounce back” expert, Sonia Ricotti, that helps you quickly clear all the limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your success in various areas of your life.

>> Get your free meditation here <<

Unsinkable Bounce Back Eliminate Limiting Beliefs Meditation

Here’s what you’ll experience when you listen to this life-changing meditation:

  • You’ll reprogram your subconscious mind so you can let go of all your limiting and abundance blocks — FAST.

  • You'll break free from all self-sabotaging behavior that is blocking your success.So, if you've been spinning your wheels in certain parts of your life where you're trying and trying to change things, but nothing seems to be working (i.e. with your finances, relationships, health, or general happiness), then definitely download this free meditation now.

That's not all... Now You Can Get eBooks below...

I have something for you today that is brand NEW, truly life-changing, and extremely helpful during these difficult and unprecedented times.

With all that's going on these days, I think we can all use a dose of inspiration and help to “bounce back” quickly from these difficult times.

So today, I have a “must-read” book for you that you will absolutely love.

  1. It's  Sonia Ricotti’s brand new book, “Living an Unsinkable Life"This incredible book is a must-read. It is truly life-changing!It will show you how to easily navigate through difficult times with ease, inner peace, and flow. She shows you how you can be happy right now (even if your life isn’t perfect) and how to re-invent your life, so that you can live the life of your dreams!

Living an Unsinkable Life 2024 free download

>> Go here to get your copy now <<


2. Another must read is Sonia Ricotti’s book“Bounce Back BIG in 2024".

This life-changing book will teach you the 3-step miracle blueprint to turn your life around fast and achieve your wildest dreams in 2024.

In this book, you'll learn:

  • The easiest and fastest way to manifest miracles into your life during these troubling times

  • The #1 most critical and important thing you must do first that will turbo-charge your results

  • How to reprogram and re-wire your brain to manifest massive success, wealth, peace and happiness

  • How to easily let go of the pain, suffering, stress and fear—and move forward with confidence, peace, joy and ease

  • How to create the blueprint for YOUR dream life – the one you love and really deserve!
    ... And lots more!

>> Go here to grab your free copy now <<

Bounce Back Big New Book free download

3. And great book today that will teach you how to quickly eliminate your limiting beliefs and clear your abundance blocks so that you can achieve great wealth, health, relationships, inner peace, and happiness!

>> Go here to get your copy of “Eliminate Limiting Beliefs”

Sonia Ricotti eBook - Eliminate Limiting Beliefs—A Must-Read

This one is from the world’s leading “bounce back” expert, Sonia Ricotti. It’s hot off the press, and it’s truly life-changing!

So, if you've been spinning your wheels in certain parts of your life where you've been trying and trying to change things but nothing seems to be working, then definitely make sure you read this book.

Here are just a few things you’ll learn in this book:

- The real reason why you’ve been struggling in certain areas of your life (money, relationships, career, health).

- A simple (yet effective) way to uncover your limiting beliefs that have been sabotaging your success—and eliminate them forever

- How to easily reprogram your subconscious mind in seconds, so you can quickly attract the life you love and deserve.

What a great way to Bounce Back in Any Global or Personal Crisis!

The feedback has been phenomenal, including:

"Congratulations Sonia! Just watched the UNSINKABLE movie and I just want to tell you, it was beyond amazing! So many great lessons and takeaways! God bless you my dear! Here’s to bigger & better! Thank you for this film! I’ll watch it again & refer my contacts to watch it!" - Joanne Muturi

"I just watched your incredible movie. Thank you! Your story of bouncing back from all the things you shared from your past, ten years ago, and then the really touching moments during the making of this very film, about losing your mother… what a gift. I am uplifted and also motivated to make a change for myself. Thank you so much for creating this movie! With Love and Respect, Joe"

 "I absolutely LOVED the Unsinkable Movie, WOW! I've been working on my own blocks for many years and even though I have come so far already, just within the 90 minutes of your movie I broke down into tears as deeper blocks were revealed and released. I am so very grateful." - Cheers , Amanda van der Gulik


 Check Out Unsinkable Bounce Back System 2.0 Exclusive VIP Edition

This once-in-a-lifetime special offer not only includes her world-renowned life-changing program, but it also includes a special Unsinkable Movie VIP Film Package, and thousands of dollars in life-changing bonuses too!


>> Go here to get it now (before the doors close) <<


The Unsinkable Bounce Back System 2.0 is a foolproof, proven system to help you easily overcome any of life’s challenges and begin living a happy life that you love; a life filled with great wealth, health, relationships, inner peace, and happiness!

Some of the top experts on the planet have highly endorsed this program (including Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Mary Morrissey, and many more).

If you’re going through a difficult time in your life right now, and you’d love to turn things around quickly and begin living your greatest life in 2024, then take advantage of this phenomenal opportunity. Don’t even think twice about it.

We highly recommend that you get the Unsinkable Bounce Back System 2.0 Exclusive VIP Edition.

Sonia will be closing this incredible one-time offer in just a few hours, so make sure you get it now. You’ll be so happy you did.


Got limiting belief? Check tools below to change it!

Get complete set of tool to completely rewrite your life history

1. Complete quick Childhood Analysis Quiz

Childhood Analysis Quiz

2. 'Limiting Belief' Audio Gift

Fix your limiting beliefs in 20 min audio download (Gift)

3. 'History Healing' Audio Gift

heal your pain and trauma in 30 min audio free download

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Must Watch Manifesting Movie Free

Watch manifesting movie for free here

Your Energy Flows where Attention Goes & Your Thoughts Create Your Reality! Make Self-awareness & Self-improvement Go Viral, Share it! 

P.S. Got audience and want to recommend/promote Unsinkable movie? You can Apply here.

Read more: Watch UNSINKABLE Movie 2024 Free Online & Get New Book & More Gifts

Friday 12 January 2024

Shamanic Rituals for Connecting to Healing Animal Spirits

Embody the sacred hummingbird’s energy to evolve your consciousness.

According to Andean shamanic lineages, animal spirits are essential allies in a realm full of enlightened beings standing by waiting to help you through all of life’s ups and downs.

Animal spirits can act as powerful guides — always on your team, and full of insightful lessons and life-changing perspectives. Working with them can facilitate your spiritual transformations and rapid healing, says Andean medicine carrier Puma Fredy Quispe Singona.

You can follow in the footsteps of Incan ancestors and connect with these animals, whom Puma calls the elder brothers and sisters in our spiritual family, through sacred rituals and ceremonies.

As you’ll discover, these sacred animals hold space for the capacities, skills, and perspectives that may be undeveloped in you.

Join Puma for an hour-long event on Saturday, January 13, as he introduces you to working more generally with “royal animals” — specifically the powerful energy of the hummingbird (Q’enti)

… a rare royal bird celebrated by the Andean people for its connection to the evolution of consciousness and the healing that takes place when you awaken to the beauty all around you.

>> Register here: Connect With the Sacred Hummingbird to Drink the Healing Nectar of Higher Consciousness: Andean Spirit Medicine Practices for Accessing the Deep Shamanic Wisdom in “Royal” Animals <<

Connect With the Sacred Hummingbird to Drink the Healing Nectar of Higher Consciousness: Andean Spirit Medicine Practices for Accessing the Deep Shamanic Wisdom in “Royal” Animals, with Andean medicine carrier Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll learn how you can embody the spirit of the hummingbird as you:

  • Experience a guided meditation to liberate yourself from your fears and perceived limitations, preparing yourself to take on a (seemingly) impossible feat or accomplish a goal that’s always been out of reach

  • Access your unlimited potential, propelling yourself forward into success 

  • Explore the power of living in a passionate way

  • Find the beauty in every person’s heart 

  • Discover how you’re part of what Puma calls a cosmic project — how the details of what’s happening in your life are actually connected to what’s taking place throughout our planet and the universe

Learn from Puma how you can find the nectar of life, just as the hummingbird finds it within each flower — so you can see beauty everywhere, and reach enlightenment.

>> RSVP right here <<

When you join the hour-long event: Connect With the Sacred Hummingbird to Drink the Healing Nectar of Higher Consciousness: Andean Spirit Medicine Practices for Accessing the Deep Shamanic Wisdom in “Royal” Animals, with Andean medicine carrier Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, you’ll immerse yourself in a guided meditation to embody the energy of Q’enti, the sacred hummingbird, a master of this new era we’re living in…

… so you can find beauty everywhere, face your greatest fears, and evolve your consciousness.

You’re invited to join this event as scheduled on Saturday, January 13. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording soon after the event concludes.

Read more: Shamanic Rituals for Connecting to Healing Animal Spirits

Thursday 11 January 2024

Here's how to Turn Stress into Strength w/ Dynamic Embodiment

Experience a ritual somatic movement practice to embody peace.

Are you grappling with the state of the world today? Do you need a profound change about how you experience life’s ups and downs? With so many national and global concerns, we all need as much centeredness and presence as possible.

This can be difficult to achieve, however, because too often our days become whirlwinds of stress.  In a powerful new hour-long event with Dr. Martha Eddy, RSMT, founding director of Dynamic Embodiment® Somatic Movement Therapy Training, you’ll learn how you can transform stress into strength through somatic movement practices.

During the event, Martha will guide you through Grounding Toward the Sky, a ritual somatic movement practice to support you in being brave, active, and compassionate and embodying peace during these challenging times… … helping you cultivate resources in each part of your body that can support you in staying centered.   You’ll not only achieve a healthier body and communication style, you’ll gain a potent tool that can help you achieve a state of calm, balance, and readiness for whatever lies ahead.

>> Register here for Transform Stress Into Strength With Dynamic Embodiment Practices: Connect Your Mind & Body With Somatic Movement to Move With Joy & Freedom

Transform Stress Into Strength With Dynamic Embodiment Practices

In this transformative hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Unlock your body’s full potential from head to toe, enhancing awareness and understanding of your movement’s deeper meanings

  • Align your gut-heart-brain axis for improved physical wellbeing and more effective, empathetic communication

  • Achieve a calm, balanced mind by exploring various brain levels and their emotions, leading to healthier responses and embodied anger management

  • Strengthen resilience by connecting deeply with nature, using grounding techniques that harmonize your physical and spiritual existence

  • Experience a profound body-mind integration through exploring the neuroendocrine system, gaining insights from every cell and tissue for a more impactful presence in the world

>> Join Martha and discover how you can use movement as a powerful tool for healing, communication, and personal expression. You can RSVP for free here <<

In Transform Stress Into Strength With Dynamic Embodiment Practices: Connect Your Mind & Body With Somatic Movement to Move With Joy & Freedom with Dr. Martha Eddy, RSMT, founding director of Dynamic Embodiment Somatic Movement Therapy Training

… you’ll experience for yourself the potential of Dynamic Embodiment — a somatic movement system designed to help you to achieve inner balance through mindful movement, emotional attunement, and holistic wellness.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled on Tuesday, January 16. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Here's how to Turn Stress into Strength w/ Dynamic Embodiment