Wednesday 26 June 2024

Find Joy & Renewal w/ Qigong for Women Mini-Workshop w/ Daisy Lee

Join us for Qigong Movement medicine free online workshop for renewal and Joy! Manage stress with greater calm.

These days, many of us are feeling everything from fear and anger to frustration and burnout.

What if we could flip the challenges of what we’ve been through into something positive?

While life pauses and reorganizes, we have a unique opportunity to look beyond the four walls we’ve been cloistered between and seize this as a time of renewal.

When you invite in and embody new energy, it fills you on a cellular level and can affect how you approach your future.

You begin seeing how to transform challenges and adversities into opportunities.

On Saturday, June 29, Daisy Lee, founder of Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong, will show you how to set off on a journey of self-discovery to approach life with a sense of joy and tenacity that will help you not just survive this crazy time, but thrive.

> You can register here for Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection.

Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection

In this 60-minute free event, you’ll discover:

  • How movement is foundational for attaining self-awareness

  • How to come to peace with what is

  • The ability to extend forgiveness to those who’ve wronged you — and to yourself as well

  • How movement functions as medicine to rebirth new energy in you

  • A movement called Creation Qi to explore an intention you want to manifest

Daisy will help you incorporate practices that will put you in a mindful space — where you’ll release tension so you can be freer in movement, while garnering a deeper understanding of what your body is asking for.

Your sense of inner peace can grow like a lotus, and become a stable force that’s there for you to depend on more often.

You can RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording)

In Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong for Renewal, Empowerment & Joy: Tap Into the ‘Energy of Flow’ to Cultivate New Vitality & Connection, you’ll explore the energy of flow to help you release anxiety, ease conflict, and manage day-to-day stresses with greater calm.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available!

Read more: Find Joy & Renewal w/ Qigong for Women Mini-Workshop w/ Daisy Lee

Monday 24 June 2024

Talk to Your Pet! Free Telepathic Communication Workshop w/ Penelope Smith

Discover How to heal & live in harmony with animals using telepathic connection

Have you ever felt sad, anxious, or even guilty because you could sense your pet was struggling — and you didn’t know how to help them?

You might be surprised to know that feeling like this is common for pet owners, according to Penelope Smith, pioneering founder of the field she named, interspecies telepathic communication.

According to Penelope, everyone — including you — has the ability to communicate with animals and all forms of life.

Register to join a special Shift Network event on Tuesday, June 25, for a special event as Penelope shares how you can rediscover and further develop your natural telepathic communication skills with animals and other beings.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording

Talk to Your Pet! Free Telepathic Communication Workshop with Penelope Smith

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • How you can rediscover your innate skill of telepathic communication with other species, an ability everyone has but many have forgotten

  • How animals respond favorably to being treated as fellow spiritual beings — and why it’s been key to Penelope’s success in communicating with them for decades 

  • How you can learn from animals and deepen your connection with them through the foundational practice of being quietly present 

  • The shift in consciousness you need to bridge the (perceived) gap in your human understanding of animals so you can tap into animals’ perspectives — and access your own deeper wisdom as you learn more about yourself in the process

  • How you can transform feelings of disconnection as you apply the skills you develop through communicating telepathically with animals to all other forms of life — including plants, mountains, rivers, areas of land, rocks, and even machines and stuffed animals

Penelope will also guide you through a meditation featuring shamanic drumming to the pattern of a heartbeat — to help you connect more deeply and widely with all the animals of Earth as you ground yourself and feel their consciousness.

>> You can join here <<

Read more: Talk to Your Pet! Free Telepathic Communication Workshop w/ Penelope Smith

Saturday 22 June 2024

Connect w/ Archangels for Guidance & Healing (Free Event!) - Explore V Diagram

Connect with angels, gods & goddesses for guidance & protection. Heal a personal struggle with a message from a higher light being.

There have undoubtedly been challenges in your life that you haven’t yet been able to resolve. So how do you get through them and receive the kind of resolution you need to reclaim your peace of mind?

Spiritual teacher and author Shakti Durga calls the journey to heal these deep challenges a “quest,” and, big or small, she can show you how to call on the denizens of higher realms — the beings we often name gods, goddesses, and archangels…

 … to support you in navigating these difficulties with more clarity, ease, and grace.

Join Shakti Durga on Saturday, June 22, for a free online event in which she’ll invite you to evoke archangelic support to protect and assist you on your current quest.

You’ll explore what Shakti Durga calls the “V Diagram” — a map of multi-dimensional consciousness that illustrates the levels of otherworldly realms…

… taking you from the physical (where humans exist in corporeal form) to the etheric  (your chakras, aura, energy centers, and meridians) to the astral plane (where we do our thinking, remembering, visualizing, and more)…

… to the soul dimension (where we access our intuition and flow state) and finally to the infinite (a state of pure bliss, where unity consciousness exists beyond form).  

In this event, Shakti Durga will guide you into the soul dimension where she says that these higher beings reside — with a specific intent to receive a message from archangels.
> You can register here for Access Messages From the Archangels: How to Gain Protection & Support From Divine Realms for Your Journey

Access Messages From the Archangels: How to Gain Protection & Support From Divine Realms for Your Journey

In this one-hour event, you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding of the spiritual plane through a relatable and simple model — the V Diagram — and the role of archangels, gods, and goddesses in helping you navigate your life with greater ease and grace  

  • Identify an area of challenge in your life and ask for help from the archangels to learn and grow through it

  • Participate in the Archangelic Ararita meditative chant, as well as a guided meditation to connect with the archangels and seek their guidance and support

  • Experience a group “Ignite Your Spirit” lift and shift session for blessings and upliftment

  • Learn about the greater quest of life, which is to move from ego identification into the blazing union with your own higher soul, a journey that gods, goddesses, and archangels are designed to help you with

You’re likely to walk away from this hour with an expanded feeling of your true essence — a bright, luminous, and potent soul who can move through the world with more stability and purpose.

You can RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording

Read more: Connect w/ Archangels for Guidance & Healing (Free Event!) - Explore V Diagram

Wednesday 19 June 2024

Breathe for Life: Vedic Techniques for Health & Longevity (Free Event!)

Vedic & scientific insights to breathe new life into your health

Did you know that stress, trauma, and worry can subtly alter your breathing patterns? And as you age, your breaths may become more shallow and less efficient, undermining your wellbeing.

Dr. John Douillard, DC, recognized leader in the fields of natural health and Ayurveda, shares that dedicating just a few minutes each day to practicing deliberate, deep-breathing exercises can significantly counteract the negative effects of breathing incorrectly. 

Doing so can enhance your body’s ability to oxygenate cells, remove toxins, and support vital organ functions.

You’re invited to join us Thursday, June 20, at 5:30pm Pacific, for a new 60-minute event during which Dr. John will share with you the power of combining ancient Vedic breathing practices with modern scientific insights to help you breathe more optimally.

Click here to register for free.

Breathe for Life: Vedic Techniques for Health & Longevity (Free Event!)

During the event, Dr. John will teach you how you can use your breath to combat common yet challenging conditions, such as heartburn and high blood pressure, by guiding you through pratiloma, an inspiratory muscle training technique.

This form of pranayama, which involves using your muscles to their fullest capacity to inhale air into your lungs, has been demonstrated to effectively reverse symptoms of ailments like GERD, acid reflux, and hypertension.

His unique, evidence-based approach to wellness helps restore your breathing’s natural rhythm…

… and unlocks a multitude of health benefits, including increased physical dexterity, enhanced mental clarity, and improved emotional balance.

The simple daily practices Dr. John teaches can help you maintain vitality and thrive for the rest of your life, promoting a life of sustained health and wellbeing…

… boosting your confidence in handling life’s challenges and helping you flourish rather than falter as you age.

Click here to register for free

Looking forward to seeing you there!

In Vedic Techniques & Scientific Insights to “Breathe” New Life Into Your Health: Transform Your Body’s Response to Stress & Aging for Lasting Wellness & Vitality with Dr. John Douillard, DC, recognized leader in the fields of natural health and Ayurveda, you’ll:

  • Discover why 91% of professional athletes — and likely you, too — aren’t fully engaging their diaphragms, and how to correct this for better health

  • Identify and adjust your unique dysfunctional breathing patterns to optimize oxygenation and energy

  • Understand and utilize breathing as a powerful pump for your lymphatic system, enhancing immunity and brain health

  • Learn the critical differences between nose and mouth breathing for effective stress management and mental clarity

  • Experience pratiloma, an inspiratory muscle training, to potentially reverse conditions like heartburn and high blood pressure in a practical, hands-on session

We hope you’ll join us for this hour-long free online event Thursday, June 20, at 5:30pm Pacific. RSVP for free here

Read more: Breathe for Life: Vedic Techniques for Health & Longevity (Free Event!)

Friday 14 June 2024

Unlock Your Dreams: Explore Your "Dream Print" with a Sangoma (Free Event!)

Experience your soul’s guidance through a Sangoma dreamwork approach.

Did you know that your dream style is as unique as your fingerprint? Every night, when you close your eyes, you enter a world that is entirely your own.

According to John Lockley, a fully initiated sangoma (or shaman) in the Xhosa lineage of South Africa, becoming aware of HOW you dream (and the unique way your soul sends you messages) can help you realize profound possibilities you never imagined.

You’re invited to join us for a new 60-minute event during which John will share with you how engaging with your dreams in a more shamanic way can enhance various aspects of your life, potentially improving emotional, psychological, and physical health, and even resolving certain illnesses. This increased awareness can also clarify your life’s purpose and fulfillment.

You can register here.

Explore Your Shamanically Guided Dream Print Experience Your Souls Guidance Through an African Dreamwork Approach with African Shaman

He’ll guide you to explore your unique “dream print,” enhancing your discernment and esteem as you better identify and embrace your personal path and calling.

For centuries, spiritual seekers have turned to the ancient shamanic practice of understanding dreams to cultivate powerful internal wisdom, providing a sense of spiritual connection and the inner guidance we all long for. Even in our busy modern world, a daily dream appreciation practice can help you access this space of insight, comfort, and enlightenment within yourself.

John shares that our dreams communicate in metaphors, symbols, and sensations, representing our inner DNA. As you learn the language of your dreams, you can start uncovering the true nature of your soul and its connections to the world, both seen and unseen.

It was through several prophetic dreams that he was called into and began initiation in the Sangoma tradition, and he helps us understand how to recognize these “big dreams” that play an initiatory role in our own life..

Understanding your own dream language can also help you gain a better understanding of your ancestry, the natural world around you and even help you reclaim your past.

You can register for free here.

In Explore Your Shamanically Guided “Dream Print: Experience Your Soul’s Guidance Through an African Dreamwork Approach with  John Lockley, a fully initiated sangoma (or shaman) in the Xhosa lineage of South Africa, you’ll:

  • Discover your unique dream print, enhancing your spiritual self-esteem as you begin identifying and embracing your personal path and calling

  • Explore the varied landscapes of your dreams, whether they be deserts, mountains, seas, forests, or something else entirely, understanding these visions as reflections of your inner DNA and a way to reconnect with your ancestry and cultural heritage

  • Learn the language of dreaming, shifting from analyzing to appreciating dreams as metaphoric expressions, much like experiencing a painting, allowing you to feel their emotional and spiritual layers rather than dissecting their meaning

  • Appreciate the circular, timeless nature of dreaming, which helps you surrender to the flow of life and accept your place in the universe with greater peace and presence

  • Engage your senses to sharpen the focus of your dreams, tuning in to which senses are activated to bring clarity and vividness to your dream experiences


Read more: Unlock Your Dreams: Explore Your "Dream Print" with a Sangoma (Free Event!)

Explore Informed Psychedelic Healing: Benefits, Safety & Choosing the Right Medicine

Explore the science, spirituality & various options for psychedelic therapy

Are you curious about the use of psychedelics — not just for recreational purposes, but as a therapeutic way to alleviate psychological and spiritual challenges?

Have you wondered about the higher states of consciousness and ego dissolution that certain psychedelics can evoke — but don’t know where to start?

According to internationally renowned herbalist, clinician, and research scientist Christopher Hobbs, continually emerging clinical trials are providing meaningful evidence…

… regarding the significant benefits of certain psychedelics in reducing or even eradicating symptoms of trauma, PTSD, anxiety, depression, addiction, and more — when used safely

From Dr. Hobbs’ point of view, these substances were originally meant to be experienced as portals into your own psyche and heart…

 keys into your inner world and other-worldly dimensions where you can receive the guidance and epiphanic awareness you need to transform and heal.  

Join Dr. Hobbs in a free video event, in which he’ll share about psychedelic medicines — providing you with an overview of their healing impact, how to use them, and their relative safety, legality, and accessibility.

He’s inspired to share with you the scientific wisdom and often life-changing benefits of four of the most researched and best-known psychedelics — psilocybin, MDMA, Ayahuasca, and ketamine.

He’s eager to help you determine which might have the most effective and long-lasting impact on you in addressing the emotional, spiritual, and relational struggles you’re currently facing

You can register here for The Power of Informed Psychedelic Healing: How to Choose the Ideal Medicine on Your Personal Journey to Wellness

The Power of Informed Psychedelic Healing How to Choose the Ideal Medicine on Your Personal Journey to Wellness

During this illuminating hour-long session, you’ll discover:

  • An overview of 4 psychedelics, how they work with your brain and psyche, benefits they provide, and ways to use them

  • A breathing meditation led by Dr. Hobbs’ wife, Rainya Dann, to set an intention and bring you into a present and relaxed state of mind   

  • How to mitigate your risk as you use psychedelics — including a positive mental state, an appropriate setting, and creating intentions 

  • The ethical and legal considerations of each of the psychedelics, their safety and accessibility, and their long-term effects

  • Psychedelic use in the BIPOC or other marginalized communities, and how the medicines may help heal the pain of oppression

  • Psychedelics in the context of history, wisdom traditions, and the evolution of human consciousness

Because Dr. Hobbs’ knowledge is based on scientific research, clinical trials, and extensive personal experience, he holds a great deal of information and an extraordinary level of wisdom about how each of these psychedelics work on your brain…

… including where to find them, the most effective settings in which to use them, and ways to find trained and experienced facilitators to walk you through the journeys of each. 

Dr. Hobbs will reveal one of the most fascinating aspects of the more organic psychedelics: the mounting evidence that they were likely part of the catalyst and foundational wisdom for some major religions, including Vedic traditions and Christianity!

And you’ll learn about microdosing and the addictive potential (or none) of the various psychedelics, so you can begin to discern which medicinal path might be the most comfortable, safe, and effective for your wellness journey.

You can RSVP for free here to watch event recording as well as learn more joining internationally renowned herbalist, clinician, and research scientist Christopher Hobbs private training course at a special discount.

Important Note:

Psychedelics are powerful substances with potential risks and legal limitations. It's important to be transparent about these aspects in your blog post. While highlighting the potential benefits, consider adding a disclaimer such as:

Disclaimer: Psychedelics can be powerful tools for healing, but they are not without risks. It's crucial to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using any psychedelic substance. Additionally, the legality of psychedelic use varies by location.

Read more: Explore Informed Psychedelic Healing: Benefits, Safety & Choosing the Right Medicine

Sunday 9 June 2024

Science of Sound Healing: Design Your Own Sound Bath (Free Event!)

Explore the power of sound to heal yourself & others

You already know that the power of sound can lead to profound healing — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Yet, are you aware of the fascinating science behind sound’s transformative power… the vibrational building blocks that transform anxiety, stress, and self-doubt into renewed joy, health, and heightened states of consciousness?

According to celebrated sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson, when you understand these elements, you become empowered to use sound to heal not only yourself, but others too.

David will introduce you to the physics behind sound as a healing modality, in Explore the Physics of Sound for Healing Yourself & Others: How to Use Frequency, Vibration & Harmonics to Dissolve Dense Energy & Attain Higher States of Awareness.

Explore the Physics of Sound for Healing Yourself & Others How to Use Frequency, Vibration & Harmonics to Dissolve Dense Energy & Attain Higher States of Awareness

>> You can RSVP for free here >>

In this highly experiential event, you’ll:

  • Watch David perform a voice healing on himself and explain how to use this same technique on yourself

  • Discover how to design a customized sound bath as David conducts an intake session with Stephen Dinan, and then addresses his concerns in real time using voice and instruments

  • Explore how to categorize instruments based on their activating or calming qualities — so you’ll know which instruments to use for which issues to heal yourself and others

  • Learn how to locate a frequency in the body, and how to use it in a variety of treatment options once you’ve found it

  • Begin to grasp the complex physics of sound as a healing modality in understandable layperson’s terms, including practical ways to use these elements in your life

He’ll provide an overview of the many instruments used in sound healing, explaining how to choose which ones to use based on the concerns you, or others, are facing.

David will also walk you through the foundations of sound’s healing elements, including vibration, frequency, harmonics, and different types of resonances based on the laws of physics — and share examples of how you can use them to resolve specific challenges.

More than anything, this is an opportunity to discover the fascinating elements of sound healing — so you can bring its healing power into your own life and share it with those around you.

>> You can RSVP for free here >>

In Explore the Physics of Sound for Healing Yourself & Others: How to Use Frequency, Vibration & Harmonics to Dissolve Dense Energy & Attain Higher States of Awareness with David Gibson

… you’ll explore the physics of sound and the elements of sound healing — including vibration, harmonics, and frequency — and learn how you can use them to perform transformational sound healings for yourself and others.

I hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled, but if you miss it, you’ll receive a recording as soon as it’s available

Read more: Science of Sound Healing: Design Your Own Sound Bath (Free Event!)

Friday 7 June 2024

Heal Faster with Quantum Terrain: Unlocking Your Body's Healing Power (Free Event!)

Learn how you’re innately wired to heal at all levels

If you or a loved one has ever suffered from a chronic illness, you’ve probably wondered whether there are deeper causes that can be addressed to help accelerate the healing process.

According to board-certified naturopathic physician Dr. Christine Schaffner, every cell in your body — even down to your DNA — is in constant communication with the universe. 

You can work with larger, more universal forces to directly impact your biology in a way that can help accelerate healing — especially chronic illnesses. 

You’re invited to join us for Saturday replay, for a new 60-minute event during which Dr. Schaffner will share with you the healing power of working with what she calls the “Quantum Terrain,” which emphasizes the intricate connections between your DNA and the energy fields that encompass you. 

You can register for the event here. 

She’ll guide you through a Quantum Terrain meditation, so you can experience a deeper level of harmonization of your body, mind, and spirit, enhancing your overall wellbeing and elevating your consciousness.

Dr. Schaffner will also share with you what she sees as the root causes of many chronic illnesses, equipping you with the knowledge to find the right solutions to what ails you and ensuring that the treatment strategies you pursue are not just temporary fixes but targeted interventions that promote long-term wellness

You’ll gain a new, holistic approach to health and healing, ensuring every aspect of your being is considered in your journey to whole body wellbeing…

… so you can live each day feeling empowered to make the health decisions that are right for you, with a toolkit full of simple self-healing tools to help you cultivate radiant vitality.

You can register for free here.

Heal Yourself With Quantum Energy & Epigenetics How You’re Wired to Heal at All Levels Using the Power of “Quantum Terrain” with naturopathic doctor Dr. Christine Schaffner

Looking forward to seeing you there!

In Heal Yourself With Quantum Energy & Epigenetics: How You’re Wired to Heal at All Levels Using the Power of “Quantum Terrain” with naturopathic doctor Dr. Christine Schaffner, you’ll:

  • Explore the concept of Quantum Terrain, gaining a clear understanding of how everything from your DNA to the undetectable substance that permeates all matter and space is interconnected

  • Understand that you’re not just capable of healing — you’re wired for it! — which leads to more joy, less fear, better health outcomes, and an array of tools to navigate your wellness journey

  • Examine the true root causes of modern-day chronic illnesses, ensuring you’re equipped with the right solutions to tackle them head-on, transforming your approach to health and wellness

  • Experience a guided Quantum Terrain meditation that will help align your body and mind with the healing energies of the universe, enhancing your overall wellbeing and connecting you deeply with the healing powers around and within you

We hope you’ll join us for this hour-long free online event on Saturday. RSVP for free here. 

Read more: Heal Faster with Quantum Terrain: Unlocking Your Body's Healing Power (Free Event!)

Thursday 6 June 2024

Quantum-Touch: Heal Yourself & Others with Energy Medicine (Free Event Replay)

Access your extraordinary potential for hands-on & distance-healing.

What if you hold the power to reduce pain and inflammation, balance your emotions, and ease mental stress?

This is the thought behind Quantum-Touch®, energy medicine pioneer Richard Gordon’s touch-based healing technique — used to heal others near and far due to its remote healing capabilities.

This revolutionary technique, endorsed by many of the most discerning researchers in the field, uses intention and awareness to harmonize and share healing energy between the healer and the person seeking healing.

You can explore the potential Quantum-Touch holds to transform your health and the health of others during Richard’s free online event, The Powerfully Simple Approach to Energy Healing With Quantum-Touch. Register here.

Quantum-Touch: Heal Yourself & Others with Energy Medicine

Quantum-Touch uses energetic breathing and body-awareness techniques to raise your energy levels. From there, you as the healer can tap into your own extraordinary potential for both hands-on and distance-healing. 

Throughout this insightful workshop, you’ll explore:

  • Quantum-Touch, Richard’s energy-based healing technique that harmonizes the Qi of the healer and the person seeking healing to induce self-healing

  • How to link body awareness to your breath with a guided breathing practice called “running energy” — creating an inner space that’s free of judgment and full of love

  • Why and how Quantum-Touch can facilitate healing for young children and pets, who don’t understand how to participate in the energy healing process

  • How you can practice hands-on healing by learning to hold a high vibration in your hands — then allow the differing frequencies to match up through a process called biological entrainment

  • The doorways to new perceptions and understandings of human potential that Quantum-Touch unlocks —and the likelihood that you were taught the law of attraction backwards

Richard has more than 40 years of experience in the field of holistic health and has spoken and taught worldwide at medical centers, conferences, and chiropractic colleges.

The efficacy of Quantum-Touch has been attested to by physicians, acupuncturists, chiropractors, and other healing professionals.

I hope you’ll join us for his event! RSVP for free here.

Read more: Quantum-Touch: Heal Yourself & Others with Energy Medicine (Free Event Replay)

Wednesday 5 June 2024

Join Rewire Your Brain for Unstoppable Success Event & Get Innercise App 60% Off

Have you heard of neuroplasticity?

It sounds complicated. But what it really is is an amazing concept that explains how your brain can change and grow throughout your life.Just like your body grows and gets stronger when you exercise, your brain can also get smarter and learn new things.
Isn't that amazing? Your brain is like a superpower, and with practice and learning, you can do anything!

Now imagine attending a LIVE virtual event where you’ll be guided step-by-step on how to “refire and rewire” your brain for unlimited success and unstoppable self-confidence. 


Imagine feeling fully focused on your goals for an entire week (no social media distractions!)


Imagine not allowing your emotions or limiting beliefs to control you for an entire month…


Imagine having the confidence to get that whopper of a raise that gives you financial freedom…


Exciting, isn’t it? Well, this can be your reality in 2024.

John Assaraf (Star of “The Secret” and New York Times bestselling author) is hosting a once- in-a-lifetime event to help you ‘Rewire Your Brain for Unstoppable Success.”

Click here to sign up for the Free “Rewire Your Brain” event now.

So this will 100% sell out. 

During this experiential event… you'll be coached by brain expert John Assaraf and 5 of the world’s brightest minds.

Join Rewire Your Brain for Unstoppable Success Event & Get Innercise App 60% Off

You'll also: 

   🧠 Get instant access to powerful strategies for rewiring your brain for success

   🧠 Practice mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity, and productivity

   🧠 Discover proven methods for releasing your limiting beliefs & turning fear into fuel

   🧠 Explore the relationship between consciousness, the mind, and the brain

   🧠 Learn how to cultivate positive habits and behaviors that support your goals

   🧠 Join a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of personal transformation

Access to this event is running out, so please be quick and reserve your free spot ASAP. 

Get your FREE ticket to the “Rewire Your Brain” Event now!

So why is John so confident this will work for you?


Over 100,000 people from around the world, including myself, have used has brain training methods called Innercise (like exercise for your brain) to achieve massive success and fulfillment in their lives:


- Billy Josey was stuck in the worst rut… today he has tripled his income and built his dream home in Florida (his bank actually emailed him about his earnings)


- Kay Richae went from struggling with her weight… to releasing 42lbs in just 13 weeks, completely changing how she looks and feels about herself


- Christine went from zero confidence… to having an unstoppable determination to win in life and to fulfill her biggest goals and dreams


The list goes on and on. Again, he’s helped over 100K students!


So, if you're excited about seeing a path to success you've never seen before, and excited about unlocking a new level of potential you never knew you had...


Don’t miss your chance to join this experiential, immersive, and fun new event: 


Click here to reserve your spot now! Missed already? Watch Replay here!


You'd also have access to Innercise is the #1 Mindset Coaching & Mental Fitness Training Program in the World (4.9 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ App Store Rating)

Get Innercise is the #1 Mindset Coaching & Mental Fitness Training App 60% OFF (4.9 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ App Store Rating)

With this app, you can access 500+ fully guided meditations, visualizations, affirmations, and high-performance brain training sessions by John Assaraf and a team of World-Class Mindset Experts. 


Want to start your day with confidence and drive? 


There's an Innercise for that.


Need to release stress after a tough week of work? 


There's an Innercise for that. 


Have a task that demands focus to perform your best? 


There's an Innercise for that.


Want to let go of limiting beliefs so you finally unlock your fullest potential?


There's an Innercise for that. 

Top Brain Experts and Psychologists from Harvard, Oxford & Pepperdine have verified that Innercise® is the #1 mindset coaching and mental fitness program in the world.

With over 100,000 success stories️️ And a 4.9 App Store Rating 🧠


Join today to: 


  • Achieve any goal faster

  • Boost self-confidence 

  • Release anxiety

  • Stop procrastinating

  • Eliminate limiting beliefs

  • Live life on your own terms!


All backed by cutting-edge science and 10 years of in-depth brain research.


But at Midnight tonight, this offer may expire. 

Go here and let's get started right now – together:


Click Here To Join Now & Save Big! 




I was struggling to make $5K a month. Now I’m making $1 MILLION DOLLARS 

a month. The biggest thing was getting my mindset right with Innercise. 

And programming my brain for success with John.” 

~ Mark L.

“It works like magic. With daily Innercise, I’ve been able to catch and shift my disempowering thoughts into positive new beliefs and self-talk. 

I have finally found inner peace and calm thanks to Innercise.

~Sefika E.


Read more: Join Rewire Your Brain for Unstoppable Success Event & Get Innercise App 60% Off

How to break the cycle of legacy trauma & heal past familial wounds


  • Heal your past & shape your future by addressing ancestral wounds

Do you experience worries you can’t quite explain? Or maybe you feel stuck in a cycle of financial difficulties, or find yourself in an unhealthy relationship yet again?

These struggles may have been passed down from your ancestors through what’s called legacy trauma, says renowned therapist and author Dr. Arielle Schwartz.

Register to join a special event with the Shift Network as Arielle explains how — if left unresolved — these wounds may be passed on to the next generation.

Register here: Break the Cycle of Legacy Trauma: Move From Scarcity Into Abundance by Healing Your Familial Wounds

During the event, she’ll guide you through a practice to orient yourself to the present moment, bringing to mind an ancestor (even a parent or grandparent) so you can reflect on what might have been happening in their world and their lives. 

Then you can “complete” their negative experience and facilitate healing for yourself and future generations.

As Arielle will explain, this transgenerational trauma will be carried forward in families — until someone is ready to feel the impact, release the burdens, and, in turn, find a felt sense of freedom.

Arielle will show you how you can be the one who steps forward to break the cycle.

Join Arielle and begin the journey to heal and release these burdens of your past, move away from scarcity towards abundance, soften your self-critic, and ultimately discover self-acceptance.

She’s one of the most experienced people in the field, as well as a delightful teacher.

I hope you’ll join this special event. You can You can RSVP for free right here

Tuesday 4 June 2024

Explore 7 new ways to work with your spirit guides

What if your spirit guides held the key to unlocking a deeper understanding of your gifts and spiritual path?

What if learning how to open more to your innate psychic abilities would help you better connect to your guides — and their wellspring of wisdom, guidance, and support?

Explore both topics with psychic medium Sheila Vijeyarasa joining us for Explore 7 New Ways to Collaborate With Your Spirit Guides: Connect With Higher-Frequency Beings to Receive Healing & a Personal Message to share 7 new ways to work with our spirit guides and how to begin to connect with other higher-frequency beings to receive guidance and healing.

Register here to join us for this free online event.


She’ll also guide us in a channeling meditation to receive a message from a guide on what our top priority should be right now, the healing that needs to happen, and how they will work with us in the near future as we begin to acknowledge and advance our psychic gifts.

In this uplifting hour, you’ll also:

  • Learn 7 ways to work with your spirit guides — to gain confidence in your spiritual path, accelerate your psychic abilities, and live in greater flow
  • Dispel old myths about guides to dissolve limiting beliefs and assumptions that separate you from your guides — and step into a multidimensional reality that nurtures your physical and spiritual self
  • Begin reclaiming your psychic and spiritual self-esteem and trust in being a channel — to shift out of lower frequencies and increase your ability to attract new guides
  • Learn how you can begin working with an array of spirit guides in your daily life to gain more flow, support, and empowerment
  • Deepen your trust with your spirit team to dispel doubt and gain confidence in your psychic abilities — and accelerate your progression on the spiritual path

Sheila’s practical approach for connecting with the nonphysical and beyond — whether it’s loved ones who have crossed over, otherworldly beings, ancestors, or spirit guides…

… is built on decades of study and application — at Esalen, the renowned Arthur Findlay College in England, and the Omega Institute with world-renowned psychic medium James Van Praagh. 

She teaches that the confidence we have in our personal abilities and capacity to handle life ease and agency is directly connected to our psychic self-esteem…

… trusting our intuition, greater purpose, and connection not only to a higher power — but to loving beings in other realms who have a higher vantage point than we have.

I’d love for you to join us if this interests you. You can RSVP here.

When you join us for event with psychic medium Sheila Vijeyarasa’s free online eventExplore 7 New Ways to Collaborate With Your Spirit Guides: Connect With Higher-Frequency Beings to Receive Healing & a Personal Message… 

… you’ll also be among the first to learn more about her new 7-week live video course on how to build tangible relationships with spirit guides to accelerate and amplify your psychic and spiritual gifts, illuminate your soul’s mission, and embrace the transformative power of mediumship channeling to bring healing and guidance to yourself and others.

Discover the Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences

Be guided through an NDE, Release fear & discover the life-changing lessons.

You’ve undoubtedly heard stories of near-death experiences (NDEs) that completely changed the way people walk through the world.  

Whether you’ve experienced an NDE — or someone close to you has — it can be a dramatic turning point that can alter the course of a life.

Bestselling author of Dying to Be Me Anita Moorjani not only had an NDE herself, she now guides others to access the transformative wisdom that an NDE reveals. 

She mines spiritual gold in inspiring ways so you can apply this transformative power in your own life.

Join Anita for a free online event, in which she’ll help YOU access the gifts of an NDE — profound spiritual truths, unconditional love, and a “no-holds-barred” way of living — that free you up to be your very best self.

Anita’s wisdom transmissions are truly life-changing. Imagine a deeper sense of self-love, a more profound connection with others, and living fully connected to the wisest, most authentic parts of you.

What makes the experience of having even a simulated NDE so sacred is the opportunity it provides for you to realize you are and always have been perfect, complete, and not separate from Source.

All the cultural conditioning you’ve grown up with and any limiting patterns you’ve taken on from your family simply fall away.

You can register here to Discover the Transformative Power of Near-Death Experiences (Even If You Haven’t Had One)

During this powerful hour-long session, you’ll discover:

  • A guided mini-NDE journey to explore the mysteries of the “other side” and establish a connection with your soul team — your spirit guides, deceased loved ones, and your own soul
  • Anita’s first-hand experience of dying and coming back to life, to address questions that you may previously considered unanswerable about what happens when you die 
  • How to let go of striving to be spiritual and simply relax into your true essence — releasing the imprints of your family, egoic mind, and society
  • That you have the ability to transform your over-caretaking of others into a fearless and authentic life
  • Ways to liberate yourself from all that you’ve been indoctrinated to believe so you can embody your true nature and understand how truly powerful and magnificent you are

Following an NDE (or a simulated one), a felt experience of oneness is imprinted in your body and in your energetic field, and can be accessed when you truly need it.

In this state of being, your aspirations for your life’s mission crystalize and there’s absolutely nothing standing between you and the exuberant joy of being alive.

You can RSVP for free here