Saturday 30 December 2023

Raise Your Energetic Shield to Ward off Negativity & Stress (Simple Technique) Guided Practice

Protect your inner space from toxicity & negativity.

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the energetic chaos all around you as you navigate this time of profound political and cultural polarization?

This sensitivity is not your imagination or a psychological weakness — it’s just part of being human, says Dr. William Bloom, renowned educator and practitioner of metaphysics and spirituality.   

He’s at the forefront of applying advanced techniques for practical, everyday purposes.

Join William on Saturday, January 6 as he shares a simple technique you can use right away to block any negative energies that knock you off center and leave you feeling depleted.

>> Register here: Build a Psychic Shield of Protection Against Toxic Energy: Blessings & Cleansing Practices for Warding Off Unhealthy Influences & Aggressive Behavior >>

Build a Psychic Shield of Protection Against Toxic Energy Blessings & Cleansing Practices for Warding Off Unhealthy Influences & Aggressive Behavior

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The Lead Wall Strategy, a guided meditation and visualization to build thick psychic walls of protective energy, immediately blocking negative energies all around you and enveloping yourself in earth energy to create a safe space to heal old wounds

  • How being empathic, exhausted, or ill can make you more vulnerable to external energies

  • How negative energies arise not only from the people around you, but also from places and world political events — and how your own sense of safety can radiate to contribute to collective peace

  • How negative energies in people and the world can stimulate your old traumas 

  • How to shift your relationships with people and the world, and develop skills similar to an experienced talk therapist or social worker — protected, safe, calm, watchful, and benevolent

Don’t miss this chance to learn from William, a celebrated teacher of holistic well-being and the author of Feeling Safe and of the bestselling book, Psychic Protection, which has been translated globally into sixteen languages

These energetic skills and practices can genuinely change how you’re influenced and stimulated by external energy — empowering you to feel safe and protected, remain strong and calm, and even become a blessing to the world.

>> You can RSVP right here >>

When you register for Build a Psychic Shield of Protection Against Toxic Energy with Dr. William Bloom, renowned educator and practitioner of metaphysics and spirituality

… you’ll learn how to raise your energy to ward off negativity and stress anytime you need.

We hope you’ll join the event as scheduled on Saturday, January 6. But if you register and miss it, we’ll send you a recording soon after the event concludes. 

Read more: Raise Your Energetic Shield to Ward off Negativity & Stress (Simple Technique) Guided Practice

Thursday 28 December 2023

Join Musical Journey Deep Into Your Heart Chanting w/ Krishna Das

Experience profound effects of Joy and Inner Peace through spiritual practice of chanting.

As hard as it is to believe while this unexpected, massive global crisis is still on the rise, you CAN maintain your inner peace under any circumstances — with the help of an established daily spiritual practice.

Krishna Das, global icon and bestselling Western chant artist, will introduce you to the sacred process and profound effects of chanting –– in a free video event, Enter Into the Heart Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das: A Kirtan Musical Experience to Find Loving Presence & Peace of Mind. 

>> You can register here to watch live event or access recording <<

Chanting Practice with Krishna Das Kirtan Musical Experience to Find Loving Presence & Peace of Mind

Devotional chanting, which is practiced in a wide range of wisdom traditions, has been used for centuries as a way to train people to stay present in the here and now.

Chanting helps you stay focused… using the mantra as the object of awareness.

It coaches you to exercise your letting-go muscle — and develop inner strength to release negative thoughts and emotions and the stories you believe about yourself… or anything else that takes you away as each moment comes and goes.

During this profound and inspiring hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to release your thoughts — and let go of the stories you believe about yourself and your life

  • A chant in which you recite names of the Divine… to start to uncover love and peace in your heart and develop your inner warrior

  • Respite from your overactive mind and anxiety around the global pandemic — a much-needed reset

  • The many ways you’ll begin to sit differently in your heart as you practice chanting — and how that may manifest in your life

  • A taste of how, when you chant as daily spiritual practice, you start to calm your mind, relax your body, and come into rhythm and alignment with the deeper, more radiant Presence within us

Each time you come back to the mantra, you create new neural pathways in the brain which allow you to move more deeply into who you really are: Truth, Beauty, Unlimited Joy… and Real Love.

During this event, Krishna Das will engage you in a specific chant — a devotional mantra in which he recites different names of the Divine Presence.

Repeating this mantra wholeheartedly can help you calm your mind and access your inner strength, which influences your experience of life regardless of what’s going on in the outside world, even if just for a few minutes.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Enter Into the Heart Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das: A Kirtan Musical Experience to Find Loving Presence & Peace of MindKrishna Das will show you how chanting can help you come home to your Self, move more deeply into your heart, and release and transform the negative stories you believe about yourself and the world.

Read more: Join Musical Journey Deep Into Your Heart Chanting w/ Krishna Das

Saturday 23 December 2023

Unveil Your Divine Feminine Power - Embark on a 9-month of Sacred Initiations

Join the Path of the Magdalene for Healing, Rebirth.

What if you could release everything that’s preventing you from experiencing the most sacred expression of who you are? 

How would life be different if you could strip away the blocks holding you back, revealing who you’re truly meant to become?

Find out when you join us for an extraordinary event (recording available now), featuring an empowering descent ritual led by a wide variety of priestesses:

  • Devaa Haley Mitchell, Shift Network co-founder

  • Elayne Kalila Doughty, founder of Priestess Presence Temple

  • Achintya Devi, founder of the Goddess Rising Mystery School

  • Diana Dubrow, Scent Priestess of The Emerald Temple

  • Dr. Nicola Amadora, spiritual teacher, women’s leader, and psychologist

  • Dr. Marie Mbouni, trauma-informed ceremonies and integration facilitator, and spiritual guide

  • Collette Corcoran, founder of The Sacred Rose Temple

Together, these celebrated teachers, healers, and guides will co-create a powerful ritual that allows you to reweave the ancient Mary Magdalene into your modern life as your sister and guide.

You’ll follow the Magdalene on a downward journey in which she’ll remove her crown, then her breastplate that protects her heart, then her staff of power, then her belt that hides her sacred sexuality, and much more — until she’s completely unadorned…

When this ritual of descent concludes, you will also be left with only what matters to you, what you truly stand for — and how you’ll ultimately be transformed as you rise up into your feminine fullness, radiance, and divine humanity.

During this free online event, you’ll also:

  • Learn how to work with Mary Magdalene using an archetypal lens, utilizing her as a conduit to embody various facets of the Divine Feminine within yourself

  • Understand the centrality of the Descent archetype for feminine transformation, from the myth of Inanna to Mary Magdalene’s own journey

  • Experience a transformative removing-of-the-crown ritual, expanding your ability to release parts of yourself that feel superior to others… so you can cultivate genuine humility

  • Begin cultivating the resilience of your heart to see and alchemize the wounds of separation

You’ll also receive special messages from luminaries including Dr. Sue Morter, Eileen McKusick, Miranda Macpherson, Aja Solé Shah, and more.

Join us and follow the path of Mary Magdalene as you open yourself to a uniquely feminine path of initiation, healing, and liberation — sourced in hidden traditions, consecrated to divine embodiment, and grounded in the reclamation of sacred healing arts.

During the event, you’ll also hear details about a unique opportunity to embark on a 9-month immersive program — an initiatory descent into the energies, potentials, and gifts of the Divine Feminine, led by a world-renowned roster of teachers, each possessing different areas of expertise on the path of the Magdalene.

In a brand-new 90-minute event, Healing With the Magdalene: A Ritual Release of Heaviness, Trauma & Energetic Blockages Through the Power of the Sacred Feminine

… you’ll also learn about a brand new Path of the Magdalenes program in 2024 that’s designed to empower you in a uniquely feminine path of initiation, healing, and liberation.

This path is sourced in hidden traditions, consecrated to divine embodiment, and grounded in the reclamation of sacred healing arts.

Read more: Unveil Your Divine Feminine Power - Embark on a 9-month of Sacred Initiations

Friday 22 December 2023

Somatic Trauma Therapy Techniques to Your Healing Practice (Professional)

A guided ventral vagal practice for internal safety & connection.

If you are a practitioner in the fields of psychotherapy, social work, mental health, or wellness coaching — do you sense that your patients’ and clients’ traumatic experiences require more than conventional interventions?

You’re absolutely right, says Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MFT, clinical therapist and international somatic psychology teacher with more than 25 years of experience. 

Your patients and clients likely don’t possess the spoken language to express the complexity of their pain — yet, their bodies can express it all. Years ago, these same revelations inspired Manuela to create her own Somatic Trauma Therapy approach

It draws on various somatic therapy practices rooted in polyvagal theory and includes key practices from Hakomi Therapy, Somatic Experiencing, and Innate Somatic Intelligence Trauma Therapy.

Join Manuela brand-new hour-long event (recording) and learn how you can add Somatic Trauma Therapy skills to your existing professional practice…

… so you can assess which embodiment tools your patients or clients will benefit from most, and empower them to trust their own innate somatic intelligence that lies beneath the trauma.

>> Register here to Explore Somatic Trauma Therapy Training for Professionals: How to Integrate Somatic Psychology Tools Into Your Healing Practice <<

Somatic Trauma Therapy Training for Professionals How to Integrate Somatic Psychology Tools Into Your Healing Practice

Manuela will also share how you can expand your inner Soma toolkit with the Somatic Trauma Therapy approach to more effectively bring healing to both your clients and yourself.

As Manuela will explain, just as important as supporting your client’s journey towards a whole and healthy life is your inside-out transformation as their healer

To effectively and lovingly guide your clients into the healing potential they hold in their bodies and hearts, you must first mediate your own triggers, projections, transference, and more.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Why somatic therapy work is so essential in healing trauma

  • How the collective trauma of world events is likely impacting your individual client sessions — and how to be in somatic coherence in times of fear and polarization

  • How to address the individual suffering through the body to face life’s larger questions — developing somatic resilience in the process

  • How to regulate your own nervous system when you’re working with trauma clients — to most effectively navigate systemic trauma issues that may be overwhelming both you and your client

  • A guided ventral vagal practice to regulate yourself toward internal safety and connection

You’ll learn how to respond to your clients with wisdom and skill in a way that transcends the old methods of healing…

… including evidence-based clinical skills and trauma-informed somatic techniques for self-regulation.

>> You can RSVP here for recording and extra training offered <<

In the new hour-long event, Explore Somatic Trauma Therapy Training for Professionals, with Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MFT, clinical therapist and international somatic psychology teacher

… you’ll learn about the art and skills of integrating somatic psychology tools into your healing practice.

Read more: Somatic Trauma Therapy Techniques to Your Healing Practice (Professional)

Tuesday 19 December 2023

Energy Medicine Tools for Calling in Guidance & Creating Change

Reconnect to the power of your soul by working with the Divine Pathway.

How would you define a miracle? Does it mean something truly unexplainable has taken place?

A miracle occurs when something you innately know is supposed to happen actually manifests in your life, says renowned intuitive energy healer Cyndi Dale.

When you truly understand the inner workings of energy healing, you’ll come to view ordinary moments as miracles — and miracles as ordinary moments. 

Everyone, including you, has the power to call in wondrous healing and everyday miracles, says Cyndi. 

This phenomenon takes place on what she calls the Divine Pathway, one of the four levels of reality where you exist all the time — where you can most easily access, explore, and embody your truest, divine self.

Join Cyndi on Wednesday, January 3, for an extraordinary and empowering event and learn how, on the Divine Pathway, you can discover a balanced, empowered way of being in which the best for yourself (and others) can come into existence.

>> Register here: Create Miracles on Demand Through Radical Energy Healing: Discover How Working With the Divine Pathway Can Reconnect You to the Transformative Power of Your Soul <<

Create Miracles on Demand Through Radical Energy Healing, you’ll learn a powerful energy medicine technique for clearing a block that makes you susceptible to microbes and viruses

The Divine Pathway is best entered through a feeling of awareness, which connects you to the experience of being in the presence of love. 

It’s also a space that provides the grace through which you can connect with spiritual guides and partner with your own divinity, a combination that invites change.

In this healing, free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover your God Spot, where a cell of the Divine resides inside your body, and how it enables you to create lasting cellular, physiological, and psychological transformation — and experience the joy of spiritual amplification

  • Be guided through the 2-sided Miracle Body exercise, an experiential practice that can help you clear a limiting energetic block that makes you susceptible to microbes and viruses

  • Uncover a significant challenge in your life that’s holding you back from pursuing your destiny

  • Experience Radiant Kundalini and absolute scalar waves to connect to all parts of yourself and all the goodness in the world

  • Be guided to have a direct, embodied experience of the divinity within you

As you’ll see, Cyndi is an extraordinary healer and wonderfully down-to-earth teacher. She’s traveled the world to glean the deepest insights and practices from top energy healers — so this event is a great way to get distilled wisdom from around the world. She has also trained thousands of other energy healers in her methods. 

Join Cyndi and receive tools and techniques for calling in guidance and creating change, healing, transmutation, and more — letting divine energies do the work for you.

>> RSVP here to watch live or get recording later <<

In Cyndi Dale’s new event, Create Miracles on Demand Through Radical Energy Healing, you’ll learn a powerful energy medicine technique for clearing a block that makes you susceptible to microbes and viruses.

Read more: Energy Medicine Tools for Calling in Guidance & Creating Change

Sunday 17 December 2023

Music Therapy for Inner Peace using Ancient Healing Sounds

Experience a potent experiential sound-healing practice from the Middle East.

Imagine using sound to not just passively experience your world, but to actively shape your mental state

We often overlook the symphony of sounds that surround us everyday, but sound isn’t just background noise; it’s a key to cultivating wellbeing, relevant to anyone seeking balance in a noisy world.

On Tuesday, December 19, with acclaimed composer and pioneer in music therapy Yuval Ron, you’ll learn how intentional sound can be a catalyst for healing and transformation.

During the event, Yuval will guide you through a potent experiential sound-healing practice using healing sound modes from the Middle East. This practice can help improve your cognitive function and alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

You’ll also learn how to deeply listen and feel how sound affects the energies of your body and your mind, helping you become your own healer  understanding how to choose the perfect sound-healing music or meditation for whatever ails you. 

Once you learn to listen to your inner world and the world around you in this profound way, you begin to realize the cyclical nature of everything. As in nature, we are all connected, and each of us has a profound impact on each other and on the earth.

You don’t have to be a musician to attend this event. No musical knowledge is required. If you have a desire for improved cognitive function and a calmer, more centered self, this event is for you.

>> You can register here for Discover a Harmonic Path to Hope Through Ancient Sacred Healing Sounds: Sonic Rejuvenation to Cultivate Inner Peace, Resilience & Elevated Wellbeing During Turbulent Times <<

sound-healing practice to deepen relaxation, improve quality of sleep, improve your cognitive function and alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia

In this illuminating hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how to select your personalized sound healing practices, becoming your own mindful musical guide

  • Learn to fine-tune your brain’s frequency using gamma waves and 40Hz vibrations for improved cognitive function and restorative sleep

  • Cultivate the art of deep listening to identify and apply the therapeutic sounds that resonate with your unique energetic needs

  • Explore ancient Middle Eastern sound practices that offer modern wellness solutions, increasing your health and wellbeing affordably and effectively

  • Embrace self-healing by curating personal soundtracks to expedite recovery and foster well-being, putting healthcare back in your hands

Join Yuval and discover how you can use sound to rejuvenate your brain health, enhance your cognitive clarity, and instill a profound sense of inner peace within.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover a Harmonic Path to Hope Through Ancient Sacred Healing Sounds: Sonic Rejuvenation to Cultivate Inner Peace, Resilience & Elevated Wellbeing During Turbulent Times with acclaimed composer and pioneer in music therapy Yuval Ron

… you’ll learn ancient sound healing techniques to rejuvenate your brain health, enhance your cognitive clarity, and instill a profound sense of inner peace within

Read more: Music Therapy for Inner Peace using Ancient Healing Sounds

Saturday 16 December 2023

Embrace 2024 w/ Wisdom: Transformative Collections for a Powerful New Year Ahead

Make way for new possibilities in 2024 with our Sacred collections.

As the year comes to a close, it’s time to honor what it taught us, release what doesn’t serve us, and ground ourselves in powerful wisdom and healing — that reminds us of what’s truly possible as we look ahead to 2024.

To support you as you bring this year to an end, The Shift Network has curated five transformative collections featuring many of their most popular faculty and top courses — full of teachings for your wellbeing and evolution.

Each collection features 2 on-demand courses + 1 entire summit + exclusive bonuses — at just $149 per collection. That’s more than 80% off!

>> You can explore the collections here >>

Bring 2023 to a close with healing Gifts of wisdom for the new year

You can choose from:

  • Health & Wellness Collection. You’ll explore lifestyle practices and a variety of approaches for healing the mind, body, and spirit — as you optimize your health, tap into a sacred connection to your DNA, reverse biological aging, and more.

  • Medical Intuition Collection. You’ll gain insights and skills that go beyond conventional methods — including astral projection, journeying to the layers of your auric field, telepathy, and many more — allowing you to contribute to the healing journeys of others and to your own healing path on deeper, more holistic levels.

  • Dreamwork Collection. You’ll learn from some of Shift’s most popular faculty as you harness the power of a variety of dreamwork traditions to glimpse deeper states of consciousness, identify your core desires, visit your departed loved ones — and access prophetic guidance about what lies ahead during your waking life.

  • Breathwork Collection. Harness the full power and potential of your breath — one of the most important (yet underutilized) transformational tools for finding inner calm, greater emotional resilience, and profound wellbeing — so you can remain grounded and balanced, no matter what life brings.

  • Psychedelic Healing Collection. Expand your knowledge of psychedelic healing as an emerging path to accessing higher consciousness, creativity, and deeper inner healing — even without ingesting them.

Whether you select one collection or choose all five, you’ll explore ancient and emerging wisdom and practices to empower you to consciously and courageously embrace what life has in store — in the new year and beyond.

The regular price for each collection is $841. But for this week only, each collection is just $149 — or all five for the price of three: just $447!

>> Register now to receive these gifts of wisdom for the new year >>

This offer ends Sunday, December 31, 2023, at Midnight Pacific.

Read more: Embrace 2024 w/ Wisdom: Transformative Collections for a Powerful New Year Ahead

Thursday 14 December 2023

Release Blocked Qi & Reclaim Your Health w/ Ba Duan Jin Qigong | Winter Exercise at Home

Join Qigong master Faye Lip Yip for a free online event.

Physical exhaustion has become an epidemic in a world fraught with chaos and uncertainty. 

Qigong master Faye Li Yip says gaining agency of our thoughts and emotions through the mindful movements of Qigong can change that…

… as our minds and hearts tend to dictate what’s going on inside our bodies — including how energized, balanced, and capable we feel to face the many stressors of modern living.

Master Faye’s free online event on Saturday, December 16, explores how the eight mindful movements of Ba Duan Jin Qigong can help us release the negative emotional and mental energy that has accumulated within us by freeing blocked Qi, our life-force energy.

>> Register here for Experience a Cascade of Healing With Ba Duan Jin Qigong: Deepen Your Qi Sensations for Balance & Rejuvenation <<

Release blocked Qi & reclaim your health with Ba Duan Jin Qigong

One of Master Faye’s talents is guiding others into deeper experiences of their own bodies and the sensations that illuminate a sense of self

Her unique approach to Ba Duan Jin harnesses the sensations of the body through movements that are generated by presence and our own internal energy to initiate a cascade of healing — and awaken our deeper selves. 

During Master Faye’s event, you’ll:

  • Be guided through a cascade of healing movements using Ba Duan Jin movement 4: “Gazing Backwards to Prevent Strain and Injuries”

  • Learn circular movements to release blocked Qi on the fingers and wrists, and promote energy flow to the far end of the meridians 

  • Transfer the movements of your fingers and wrists into the arms and shoulders to unblock the Qi in the arms and shoulders — stimulating the energy pathways in the arms and improving the flexibility of the shoulders

  • Deepen the arm and shoulder rotation to open the chest and sternum, releasing and removing negative energy in the heart — and generating new vibrant energy into the sternum

  • Expand this chest and sternum movement into the neck area to unblock energy around the neck and shoulders — clearing headaches and brain fog by promoting good energy into the neck

  • Discover how to consolidate these techniques into one coherent, simultaneous, and flowing movement — and internalize them with breathing as the key connection between body and mind — to cleanse all of the internal organs and their meridian, heal the internal retains, and dissolve emotional stress

Her approach will undoubtedly reveal there is still more to be experienced and considerably more benefits to be had, no matter what practices of Qigong you have studied.

>> If you’d like to gain greater agency of your thoughts, emotions, health, and wellbeing through the mindful movements of Ba Duan Qigong Qigong, RSVP for free here <<

Join us at 10:00am Pacific on Saturday, December 16, for Qigong Master Faye Li Yip’s free online eventExperience a Cascade of Healing With Ba Duan Jin Qigong: Deepen Your Qi Sensations for Balance & Rejuvenation.

Harness your inner sensations and feel the Qi surging through your body through the mindful movements of Ba Duan Jin Qigong…

… a powerful practice for harmonizing mental and emotional energy, balancing your body systems, and generating rejuvenating energy where it’s needed most.

Read more: Release Blocked Qi & Reclaim Your Health w/ Ba Duan Jin Qigong | Winter Exercise at Home

Tuesday 12 December 2023

Cultivate Your Inner Vision & Better Eyesight w/ Interoception

Discover where self-perceptions and your physical eyesight meet.

A profound connection exists between our self-perceptions and the quality of our vision. We literally see our inner landscape more clearly when our outer vision is optimal.

By cultivating and developing the capacity to see ourselves, learning how to view life with a sense of clarity and neutrality in our perspective, osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle says we can actually improve our eyesight — as what we physically see and how we feel about what we see are interrelated.

He’ll share more about how this somatic-based intervention works, and guide in a somatic movement practice to embody health and direct these forces to our eyes, during his free online event on Tuesday, December 12.

>> Register here for Use Interoception to Improve Your Eyesight and “See” Into Your Health: Gain Insights About Your Physical Health & Wellbeing Using a New Somatic Formula for Self-Healing <<

Join osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha for a free online event to cultivate your inner vision & better eyesight with interoception

Brian teaches others how to use their inner vision, or interoception, to “see” how our internal perceptions are affecting our health. 

… and then guides us in using clinical biodynamic osteopathic practices to track and direct the positive health in our system to our eyes and other places within us that need healing. 

During this literally “eye-opening” hour, you’ll:

  • Learn what the health in your system looks and feels like using interoception — and potent insights on how to locate the health in your system

  • Be guided in a somatic movement practice to embody the health and direct these forces to your eyes

  • Gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the formative embryological forces that are still helping you now

  • Explore Brian’s biodynamic osteopathic formula for self-healing

  • Discover the connection between your inner and outer vision — and how you can apply Brian’s formulas for self-healing to your vision

As a pioneer in the field of somatic education, a certified Hanna Somatic Educator®, an osteopath, and a practitioner of the Feldenkrais Method®, Brian teaches that we always have more health within us than the conditions, illnesses, or pains that we identify with. 

Cultivating interoception, we can begin to look inward with compassion and intention, which allows us to access, embody, and circulate the healing forces that exist in our bodies — and actually improve our vision and the rest of our well-being.

>> If this exploration resonates with you, RSVP for free here <<

Join us on Tuesday, December 12, for osteopathic doctor Brian Siddhartha Ingle’s free online event, Use Interoception to Improve Your Eyesight and “See” Into Your Health: Gain Insights About Your Physical Health & Wellbeing Using a New Somatic Formula for Self-Healing…

…  where you’ll unlock the profound connection between health and what we see and feel within us using interoception and the powerful clinical practices of biodynamic osteopathy to improve your sight and optimize your overall health.

Read more: Cultivate Your Inner Vision & Better Eyesight w/ Interoception

Wednesday 6 December 2023

Find Your Helping Spirits through Ceremonial Shamanic Journeying

Gain new insights about the worlds beyond our world.

At the heart of shamanic journeying lies the belief that the soul can traverse beyond the confines of the physical body, entering into realms where timeless wisdom and divine entities await from helping spirits.

Join renowned shamanism teacher Sandra Ingerman for a free online event on Saturday, December 9, where she’ll share that these beings, often in the form of animals, ancestors, guides, guardians, and nature beings offer insights, healing, and guidance through the ceremonial practice of shamanic journeying…

… a sacred path through the unseen landscapes where the Divine reveals itself in myriad forms.

>> Register here for Find Your Helping Spirits in Shamanic Ceremony: Empower Your Healing Journey With Wisdom Transmissions From Unseen Realms <<

ceremonial shamanic journeying with Sandra Ingerman

Sandra, a beloved Shift faculty member, respected visionary, and elder within the shamanic community, will also share what it’s like to have a visceral experience with helping spirits through shamanic journeying.

Sandra has been teaching others how to traverse these otherworldly realms for more than 40 years.

Shamans have long journeyed to the unseen realms to connect with spirits, nature beings, ancestors, and others who could help them navigate struggle, pain, and critical points in their lives — and with Sandra’s guidance, you can too.

In this inspiring online event, you’ll:

  • Drop into the true experience of what it feels, looks, and sounds like to have a deep intimate connection with divine beings and nature spirits of the unseen realms

  • Discover the ceremonial magic and healing potential of connecting with helping spirits through sacred shamanic journeying 

  • Explore the tangible benefits of shamanism — and how the wisdom of unseen worlds may hold the solutions we need to navigate times of great uncertainty and change

  • Be suffused with expanded possibility as you allow Sandra’s drumming to take you beyond the limiting constructs of conditioning

She’ll also guide us in a playful ceremonial meditation to release our burdens and submit our greatest dreams to the creative forces of the universe.

>> If gaining deep deep shamanic insights from a beloved teacher calls to you, RSVP for free here <<

Join us on Saturday, December 9, for renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman’s free online event, Find Your Helping Spirits in Shamanic Ceremony: Empower Your Healing Journey With Wisdom Transmissions From Unseen Realms

… where Sandra will share the life-changing experience of developing a tangible connection with helping spirits in the worlds beyond ours, including how she can feel her guardian holding her hand as they sit on the warm earth and drink tea together.

Read more: Find Your Helping Spirits through Ceremonial Shamanic Journeying

Sunday 3 December 2023

Angelic Sound Medicine to Connect With Voice & Your Higher Self

Receive Love-Light Energies From the 12 Angels of Atlantis with Sonic Meditations. Harmonize Your Chakras & Your Life to the Unique Tone of Your Soul.

Do you feel out of touch with who you truly are after this heavy autumn with the burdens and brutality of the world in the foreground?

That’s why we’re making a special event available to you to lift you up and access the power of your voice to call in your soul.

Join the remarkable Stewart Pearcevoice and presence coach to Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher, as he works directly as an “angelic emissary” with 12 Angels of Atlantis who are spiritual intermediaries with your highest Self and your truest purpose.

While that may sound a bit lofty and out there, what’s clear in working with Stewart is that he is grounded, credible, and powerful, helping us to bridge to higher dimensions.

You’re invited to a brand-new hour-long event as Stewart shares how, through the power of sonic meditations, spiritual teachings, and divine prayers, you can connect with each of the angels’ unique traits and energies — bringing their unique wisdom, talents, and energy into your own life.

>> Register here: Receive Love-Light Energies From the 12 Angels of Atlantis Through Sonic Meditations: Angelic Sound Medicine for Unleashing Your Magnetic Voice & Connecting With Your Higher Self  <<

Angelic Sound Medicine to Harmonize Your Chakras & Your Life & Elevate the Magnetism of Your Voice With the Power of 12 Angels of Atlantis

For example, you can learn to reconnect with your inner strength, courage, and willpower, following in the footsteps of the Angel Hanael, The Sacred Warrior. 

Or, anytime you need inspiration or encouragement, you can easily envision your soul’s field of infinite potential with Angel Jophiel, the Angel of Liberation.

In a way, each angel is a way to envision an aspect of God — a kind of archetypal messenger for that sacred quality of the universe. When you connect with those qualities, they come alive in your life. 

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore: 

  • How you can connect with the 12 Angels of Atlantis at this pivotal moment in history to share the transformative power of light and sound

  • How the Angels illuminate where healing, loving vibrations are missing in your life

  • How you can learn more about your life’s path and purpose while you’re here on Earth by emulating each Angel’s unique role in assisting humanity, based on the keys they use to open the 12 Archetypes within we humans

  • How your life can change when you learn to love for the sake of loving, expecting nothing in return — accessing life-changing levels of compassion, truth, joy, and trust in the universe

  • guided meditation to identify the vibrational energies of each of the 12 Angels — releasing negativity and disharmony from your body using healing sound and light vibrations.

Princess Diana sought Stewart’s advice in 1995 to empower herself by finding her unique signature voice, the song of her soul. 

Stewart coached Diana, Princess of Wales, for the last two years of her extraordinary life in a collaboration that helped shape the image of Diana we all remember.

Now you can join Stewart to discover the once-hidden possibilities that begin to unfold when you feel profound harmony within your being. 

>> You can register here <<

During the brand-new online event, Receive Love-Light Energies From the 12 Angels of Atlantis Through Sonic Meditations with Stewart Pearce, angelic emissary and world-renowned voice and presence coach…

… you’ll access the profound courage, empathy, and unity consciousness that lies within your truest self.

Read more: Angelic Sound Medicine to Connect With Voice & Your Higher Self