Thursday 30 November 2023

See How To Improve Your Wellbeing Using Frequency Medicine

Discover the power of biosonic tuning fork frequencies & learn how to cultivate a flow state within yourself & the world.

What if the key to profound healing, harmony, and transformation is already within you?

Throughout history, sages have championed the idea that we are inherently vibrational beings, a sentiment echoed by today’s scientists.

Our world is a symphony of vibrations. From the hum of the Earth to the thump of your heartbeat, everything is resonating.

In our complex world, however, it’s easy to get caught up in day-to-day stressors, losing touch with our intrinsic nature and resonant frequency, which makes us feel that we are out of tune with others or our environment.

On Saturday, December 2, with naturopath and psychologist Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD, you’ll learn the relationship between intention, thoughts, and the nervous system. 

He’ll use tuning forks and a resonator box to show how the connective tissue in your body conducts frequencies. You’ll discover how every emotion, thought, and relationship you have is underpinned by vibration.

You’ll also gain an understanding of how to harness your natural frequencies to improve your wellbeing and align more closely with your true essence.

Recognizing and embracing your vibrational nature, you’ll attune more deeply as an individual while evolving and moving closer to Source — becoming what Dr. Beaulieu calls “a being of sound mind and body.”

>> You can register here for Discover the Power of Biosonic Tuning Fork Frequencies: Vibrational Medicine for Cultivating a Flow State Within Yourself & With the World <<

Discover the Power of Biosonic Tuning Fork Frequencies: Vibrational Medicine for Cultivating a Flow State Within Yourself & With the World

In this wisdom-packed hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Understand how to relate to yourself and others as vibrational beings

  • Grasp the role of your body as a resonator, amplifying frequencies and providing insights into enhanced wellbeing through a deeper understanding of connection

  • Learn the art of sound healing using tuning forks, sounding bowls, and voice to tap into and boost your body’s natural connective tissue resonance, promoting healing

  • Unlock the power of mantras, viewing them as “thoughts of sound,” which are scientifically proven to resonate with our bodies, fostering emotional and physical alignment

  • Equip yourself with practical sound-healing techniques, helping you continue your alignment with your vibrational state of wellbeing

Join Dr.Beaulieu and discover how to create meaningful vibrational relationships with everyone and everything in your life. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the Power of Biosonic Tuning Fork Frequencies: Vibrational Medicine for Cultivating a Flow State Within Yourself & With the World with naturopath and psychologist Dr. John Beaulieu, ND, PhD…

… you’ll explore the vibrational wisdom at the nexus of ancient wisdom and modern science, empowering you with sound-based healing techniques, fostering profound connections, and elevating your wellbeing.

Read more: See How To Improve Your Wellbeing Using Frequency Medicine

Saturday 25 November 2023

Discover Ancient Egyptian Secrets that Reveal Your Cosmic Truth

Connect with 3 Egyptian divinities to help you navigate turbulent times.

In a world beset by destabilizing circumstances and events, it’s easy to fall into feeling hopeless and disconnected — uncertain and confused about how to move forward in life.

If you’re having difficulty navigating these challenging times and looking for ways to feel supported, fortified, and less alone, it’s helpful to know that there are wise and timeless forces in the divine and natural realms…

… that offer guiding principles to live by and assist you in healing and recentering in love, compassion, and a renewed commitment to peace.

Join Isis Indriya, founder of the Academy of Oracle Arts, for a free online event on Tuesday, November 28 (or access free recording with extra training later), in which she’ll share how ancient Egyptian knowledge can make life today far more magical, beautiful, and divine as you learn how to bridge heaven and earth.

>> You can register here for Open to the Ancient Secrets & Cosmic Transmissions of Egyptian Divinities: Discover the Mysteries of Ma’at, Sekhmet & Isis to Access Healing Energy & Gather Strength in Today’s World <<

Open to the Ancient Secrets & Cosmic Transmissions of Egyptian Divinities: Discover the Mysteries of Ma’at, Sekhmet & Isis to Access Healing Energy & Gather Strength in Today’s World

From sound-healing technologies to ritual practices and initiations to cosmological activations, the wisdom from ancient Egypt can help you attune to a cosmic resonance and the remembrance that you are not alone

Isis will illustrate how you can connect to divinities and the natural world to co-shape a new reality that’s committed to cosmic truth and integrity — and become a steward of the sacred in your everyday life.   

She’ll guide you through three simple embodied rituals you can use regularly to strengthen, empower, and assist you in harnessing your inner warrior in the service of healing.

With these rituals, you’ll access healing energy and bring about positive transformations in your life and the lives of those around you.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A deeper understanding of ancient Egypt/Khemet and its importance for creating harmony, balance, and peace on earth today

  • An introduction to Ma’at and her relationship to cosmic law, which will strengthen your commitment to cosmic truth and ground you in integrity and service to future generations

  • An experiential journey into the lion-headed Neteru Sekhmet, whose fierceness can help you summon your warrior power and consecrate it in the service of healing

  • A fascinating exploration of the mysteries of Isis, who not only preceded so many Goddess lineages in Western civilization but also serves as the cosmic Great Mother, eliciting your compassion and an interdependent relationship between discipline and liberation

  • Why the journey after death was so central to Egyptian cosmology and how the death-rebirth mysteries offer a gateway into deeper dimension of spiritual realization

  • Fascinating information about the specific temples used for spiritual initiation in Egypt and how they’re arranged to create a specific journey into divine embodiment

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join founder of Academy of Oracle Arts and co-founder of Ritual Community Isis Indriya, on Tuesday, November 28, for a free online event: Open to the Ancient Secrets & Cosmic Transmissions of Egyptian Divinities Discover the Mysteries of Ma’at, Sekhmet & Isis to Access Healing Energy & Gather Strength in Today’s World

You’ll learn how each Egyptian deity is the embodiment of sacred principles for designing a life that bridges human, natural, and divine realms. Isis will focus on three divinities that are known for complementary qualities and revered within mystical literature — Ma’at, Sekhmet, and Isis.

By engaging with these specific divinities, you can enter portals into a more profound understanding of yourself and your place in the world.

Read more: Discover Ancient Egyptian Secrets that Reveal Your Cosmic Truth

Thursday 23 November 2023

Combine Multiple Energy Healing Modalities To Expand Conscious Awareness & Mastery (5-day event)

Activate your body’s energetic language for internal power & emotional resilience.

When dis-ease and illness run rampant, when conventional medicine falters and faith wavers, have you found yourself drawn to a more holistic approach to healing

… seeking solace beyond the limitations of allopathic pharmaceutical solutions?

Has your inquiry prompted you to explore how to widen the spectrum of your self-healing abilities through embracing multiple energetic modalities?

Thousands of people from around the world will be gathering for the Energy Medicine Summit to explore the latest scientific evidence revealing that the mastery of consciousness is your gateway to a world where healing is not just a process, but a way of being.

Through the potent workings of energy medicine, you can gain a greater understanding of the subtle energies that run your life — and learn how to calibrate your own energy to align with a deep well of potential healing

>> Join us at this Free Online Event <<

Energy Medicine Summit

December 4–8, 2023

Energy Medicine Summit 2023

I’m honored to be among more than 25 of today’s highly sought-after teachers, doctors, and healers — including Cyndi Dale, Donna Eden, Dawson Church, PhD, Lynne McTaggart, Maya Shetreat, MD, Harry Massey, Lindsay Fauntleroy, Lloyd Burrell, Eileen McKusick, and many others — bringing to light the curative and evolutionary powers of a wide range of proven energy practices! 

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

During this vibrant 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How the “13 Keys of Transformation” — designed to help you release limiting thoughts, debilitating fears, and societal conditioning — move you toward goals, dreams, visions, and your ideal life purpose

  • When you release blocks in the subtle body, your previous wounds, fears, worries, hopes, and frustrations often bubble to the surface

  • How to trust the wisdom of the body by using the “Intuitive Breath Technique,” which is akin to muscle testing

  • Various energy vibration modalities can help you amplify your biofield as you learn to activate energy for your brain by stimulating your pineal gland, power points, and third-eye chakra

  • The “Reconnection Access Point” is designed to help you open your heart and stay more connected to your truth… your path… your dharma

  • Skillful application of sound and the vibration of crystals can transport the body and mind into states of greater health and wellbeing

  • And much more…

In this year’s Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll find all the information you need to help you tap into this vast wellspring of healing expertise, offering you access to some of the world’s foremost teachers on energy medicine, all conveniently gathered in one place.

The healing impact of these teachings is profound, echoing the transformative power of a multidisciplinary approach, as you explore a broad spectrum of energy medicine modalities…

… including Reiki, biofield tuning, sound healing, therapeutic touch, breathwork, acupuncture, plant medicine and psychedelics, light therapy, chakra toning, and more.

Energy medicine is based on the premise that physical, mental, and behavioral issues are third-dimension manifestations of the body’s subtle energies — and as you attune to the factors that are clouding your energy, you discover a portal for releasing challenging energetic buildups and blockages arising from stress, illness, or difficult relationships.

During the Energy Medicine Summit, you’ll learn how to raise your vibration and stimulate your own system to heal.

Expect to come away motivated, inspired, and empowered to awaken your life-force energy — restoring balance, rejuvenating your entire body, and promoting emotional wellbeing and spiritual healing.

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s just a small sampling of what we’ll be sharing with you in the Energy Medicine Summit:

Cyndi Dale will show how you can achieve professional satisfaction and financial success by analyzing and improving the 12 chakras (subtle centers) of your business.

Dawson Church, PhD, will present stunning evidence of rapid and radical brain changes when stress is reduced and flow states are activated using acupressure points to raise your consciousness. 

Donna Eden will share over 25 energy healing self-care techniques you can begin to apply immediately to raise your consciousness and increase your vibration.

Lynne McTaggart will explore the profound healing potential of both large and small intention groups — including their remarkable ability to bring about instantaneous healing effects, not only for individuals but also for entire populations.

Maya Shetreat, MD, will delve into the nature of cellular memory, and how physical and mental health conditions can be instigated by childhood trauma.

Harry Massey will explore the transformative principles of the expanding field of Bioenergetics, offering the key to restoring your energy for life.

Lindsay Fauntleroy will share how flower essence remedies can be used in your own practice — and with clients — to facilitate emotional awareness and clear limiting beliefs.

Lloyd Burrell will reveal that our electromagnetic world contains beneficial energies as well as negative energies such as EMFs.

Eileen McKusick will explain how embracing the gifts of chaos, known as spontaneous coherent emergence, stimulates the breaking through of old patterns to create new expressions of more highly ordered, coherent patterning.

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Combine Multiple Energy Healing Modalities To Expand Conscious Awareness & Mastery (5-day event)

Tuesday 21 November 2023

Somatic Psychology for Alleviating Anxiety, Resolving Trauma & Restoring Wholeness

Explore the potent combination of body-centric methods with classical psychotherapy.

Would you love to be liberated from deeply ingrained fight-or-flight reactions or routine triggers…

… while simultaneously acquiring effective tools to help your clients overcome persistent emotional distress and lingering trauma?

In the continually changing realm of mental health, the integration of somatic movement, traditional cognitive trauma therapy, and mindfulness emerges as a guiding light for profound healing. 

This innovative, blended approach is becoming a foundational element for trailblazers in the trauma field, encompassing psychologists, therapists, social workers, and other mental health professionals.

The Somatic Psychology Summit invites you to explore these expanding avenues of connecting to the body’s innate intelligence as a pathway to greater mental resilience, physical flexibility, and spiritual vitality — for you and your clients. 

You can think of the field of somatic psychology as an amalgam of deeply felt, self-aware movements integrated with cognitive therapy, meditation, and bodywork…

… empowering you to share insights and expertise that can help your clients heal and become whole after loss, grief, or trauma. 

Of course, as a healer, you must first live the somatic experience yourself, tapping into your own innate embodied intelligence for nervous system regulation before you can safely and effectively guide clients through therapeutic processes. 

During this summit, you’ll gain access to powerful techniques for internalizing your own somatic skills as you learn to dissolve blockages — for you and your clients — that can have huge long-term negative effects on health.

>> Join us at this Free Online Event <<
Somatic Psychology Summit
November 30 – December 1

Cultivate body-centric methods for alleviating anxiety, resolving trauma & restoring wholeness by joining Somatic Psychology Summit Starting November 30, 2023

I’m honored to be among some of today’s most highly sought-after somatic psychology experts and teachers — including Dr. Martha Eddy, Staci K. Haines, Joshua Sylvae, PhD, Amy Weintraub, Susan Aposhyan, Maci Daye, Mukara Meredith, Rob Fisher, Christine Caldwell, PhD, Dr. Ilene Naomi Rusk, Gisele Fernandes-Osterhold, and more.

We’ll be guiding you through simple somatic psychology practices to move you beyond stuck energy into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness

Somatic therapy is presented as a dynamic practice involving the restoration of fragmented or wounded parts, trauma release, and consciousness shifts. The incorporation of art and movement into therapy is highlighted as a means to update skills, providing practitioners like you with a broader and more effective toolkit.

During this profound 2-day event, you’ll discover:

  • You can heal trauma and come home to your embodied, authentic self by addressing the 3 most important factors that are held in the body

  • How to stay grounded and connected to your own innate somatic intelligence while working with clients as a trauma therapist

  • Somatic interventions like interoception, polyvagal theory, and nervous system regulation can benefit those with chronic illnesses like Alzheimer’s

  • Tapping into oscillation — micro-movements throughout the body’s cells and systems — can support subtle but profound support for self-regulation and self-soothing

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Psychology Summit — at no charge <<


Our somatic psychology experts will guide you through effective modalities to share with your clients: 

  • Dr. Martha Eddy will explain how movement therapy affects trauma work in somatic psychotherapy.

  • Staci K. Haines will discuss how somatics can bring transformative capacity to social and climate justice movements, and help heal the impacts of trauma and oppression.

  • Joshua Sylvae, PhD, will look at treating trauma and distress by incorporating body awareness and sensorimotor processing.

  • Amy Weintraub will demonstrate simple yoga-based interventions that can calm your mind, lift your mood, and open you to self-compassion. 

  • Susan Aposhyan will guide you in two key practices — one for your own embodied experience, and a second to enhance your felt sense of our global interconnectedness.

  • Maci Daye will look at three typical “trance” states that diminish desire, creativity, and arousal, then show how somatic psychology can help you cultivate conditions that optimize sexual pleasure and creative expression.

  • Mukara Meredith will demonstrate Hakomi therapy, a somatic-based approach designed to aid in psychological development by helping the body — through consensual touch — release ​internalized unconscious beliefs and thought patterns.  

  • Rob Fisher will share how mindfulness is a powerful tool in couples counseling, enabling you to notice and transform unconscious systems that erode connection. 

  • Christine Caldwell, PhD, will dive into the complexities and curiosities of a movement-centered approach to personal wellbeing and social action. 

  • Dr. Ilene Naomi Rusk will discuss how embodied skills can help patients who have chronic illnesses such as Alzheimer’s work with their symptoms.

  • Gisele Fernandes-Osterhold will offer an overview of somatic principles and practices in psychedelic therapy, and a deeper understanding of the multidimensionality of trauma.

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Psychology Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Somatic Psychology for Alleviating Anxiety, Resolving Trauma & Restoring Wholeness

Sunday 19 November 2023

Use Quantum Intention Making Techniques to Manifest Your Desires

Explore the nexus of quantum science & consciousness to live a purposeful life.

Ever wonder why manifesting what you truly desire feels effortless sometimes, while other times it seems nearly impossible?

According to Amit Goswami, PhD, a quantum physicist and pioneer in the science of consciousness, the solution to manifesting with consistency lies at the intersection of science and spirituality.

>> Join us on Tuesday, November 21, for Dr. Goswami’s hour-long event, Explore Quantum Science & Consciousness: How Scientific & Spiritual Principles Align for You to Create a Magnificent Life <<

Learn Quantum Intention Making to manifest your desires

In this free event, you’ll learn Dr. Goswami’s powerful Quantum Intention Making process — his proprietary, 3-step process that uses inspiration, intention, and intuition to manifest more effectively.

Dr. Goswami will share how quantum physics presents a way to connect the core principles of science with spiritual wisdom for a holistic understanding of our inner nature

When you’re able to harmonize your rational mind with your innate intuitive abilities, your capacity to consciously create your life becomes much easier

You’re able to make decisions with ease, stop second-guessing yourself, and follow your life’s path with more confidence and joy.

You’ll also learn how each of us comes into life programmed with certain energetic archetypes, such as love, truth, beauty, justice, and goodness. Dr. Goswami refers to these as dharma archetypes.

He’ll illustrate how you can embrace silence to activate the Attractor Principle, so you can develop and draw on these archetypes within you — to reprogram your emotional responses and take back emotional control.

In this illuminating free event, you’ll:

  • Explore how science and spirituality can coexist — and provide you with a cohesive worldview

  • Engage in transformative exercises that emphasize the importance of intuition and bodily feelings

  • Understand the role of the “Seven I’s” process for fostering your creativity and innovation

  • Dive into the mechanics of how you can use archetypes to increase your options in life

  • Understand the broader purpose of your existence (dharma) and how you can leverage quantum principles to enhance positivity and wellbeing

Join Amit to not only gain an understanding of these principles, but also deeply feel them — imbuing yourself with a renewed sense of empowerment and the tools you need to navigate your life with a clearer sense of purpose, positivity, authenticity, power, and courage

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore Quantum Science & Consciousness: How Scientific & Spiritual Principles Align for You to Create a Magnificent Life with quantum physicist and science of consciousness pioneer Dr. Amit Goswami

… you’ll experience for yourself a revolutionary path of awakening your consciousness through the synergy of quantum science and spirituality and learn a step-by-step, repeatable manifestation process to craft your most empowered, authentic, and intentional life.

Read more: Use Quantum Intention Making Techniques to Manifest Your Desires

Friday 17 November 2023

Winter Exercise at Home w/ Qigong/Tai Chi Medicine Master Dr. Roger J.

Cultivate Emotional Stability & Harmonize the “Heart-Mind” with Qi medicine.

How are you utilizing the fundamental creative power that resides within you?

In the Taoist tradition, this energy, or Qi, was once used to birth the universe — and is still alive within us as a potent tool to uplevel and harmonize our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health

Roger Jahnke, OMD, director of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, says the gateway for accessing Qi is the “heart-mind,” or shen in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Divine spark within us…

… that governs communication between the brain and heart, among all other organs, and influences their ability to function as a coherent whole.

You can explore the healing potential of the heart-mind during Dr. Roger’s free online event on Saturday, November 18… (or watch free replay anytime later while available)

… as he shares the profound restorative power of ancient Qigong practices and philosophy, and guides us in an ancient practice that demonstrates how Qi can be activated within us to alchemize heavy emotions and activate peace.

>> Register here to Explore Qi Medicine for Harmonizing the “Heart-Mind”: Experience an Ancient Qigong Practice for Emotional Peace & Spiritual Liberation (Free Live event and/or Master Training Offer) <<

Qigong medicine with expert Roger Jahnke

As a master teacher of Tai Chi, Qigong, and mind-body practice, Dr. Roger’s approach to healing synthesizes over 40 years of clinical practice as a physician of acupuncture and TCM. 

During his health-empowering event, you’ll:

  • Discover how Qigong practice offers an accessible path to transformation and deeper regulation of your body-mind, resulting in positive internal changes that you can actually feel

  • Be guided in an ancient Qigong Practice to alchemize heavy emotions and activate a felt sense of peace that is as relevant and powerful today as it was 10,000 years ago

  • Level up from surviving to thriving using simple practices that enhance your wellbeing and optimization — and can be modified for a lifetime 

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the nature of Qi in human beings — and its importance for healthy function and accessing inner peace

  • Be inspired by the science that supports the plethora of benefits of Qigong on your mind, body, and spirit

Dr. Roger teaches Qigong as an accessible path to whole-being transformation that can be tangibly felt as you cultivate a practice that stabilizes your emotions and aligns with your true self and health goals.

If gaining deeper mastery of your emotional health and greater evolution calls to you, you can Join us for free here <<

Join us for Qigong expert Dr. Roger Jahnke’s free online event, Explore Qi Medicine for Harmonizing the “Heart-Mind”: Experience an Ancient Qigong Practice for Emotional Peace & Spiritual Liberation

… where you’ll discover the profound healing power of ancient Qigong practices and philosophy to better alchemize and uplevel stagnant, unhealthy, and unhelpful mental and emotional energy.

Dr. Roger will be sharing some of his most revitalizing and uplifting techniques for activating the “heart-mind” that will help you shift out of health-depleting patterns into a calm yet energized state of being that fosters clarity, peace, greater mobility, and inspiration.

Read more: Winter Exercise at Home w/ Qigong/Tai Chi Medicine Master Dr. Roger J.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

Experience 3 Sound Healing Practices to Nourish You Throughout the Day

Our bodies are like exquisite musical instruments.  

When properly tuned, they work effortlessly, and we who inhabit them have the energy to attend to our greatest aspirations — whatever stirs our passions and drives us to share our gifts with the world.

But when they’re not properly tuned…

According to Barry Goldstein, multi-award-winning producer, composer, author, and musitarian, we have a system within us — our energy (or chakra) system — that helps us metabolize difficult emotions and delegate our energy…

… when we’re confronted with challenges that destabilize us and throw us out of tune. Through music, sound, and vibration, you can quickly bring yourself back into harmony and budget your energy more efficiently.

Join Barry for a free video event in which he’ll demonstrate the power of sound and how it provides a roadmap for balancing your energy — enhancing your mental clarity, reducing stress and anxiety, and allowing more emotional stability…

… while also amplifying your spiritual connection, increasing your creativity and intuition, and grounding you into a life of higher meaning and purpose. 

>> You can register here for 5-Minute Sonic Tune-ups to Nourish You Throughout the Day: Sound-Healing Music Practices for Turning Up Productivity, Turning Down Stress, and Tuning In to Sleep <<

5-Minute Sonic Tune-ups to Nourish You Throughout the Day Sound-Healing Music Practices for Turning Up Productivity, Turning Down Stress, and Tuning In to Sleep

Barry will guide you through three practical 5-minute sound protocols you can apply immediately throughout your day to enable your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies to restore and repair…

… freeing up more energy to focus on your dreams and passions.

These practices will help you enter a state of high performance and healthy state of coherence — so the very best of you can shine through.

In this free online event of music and sound nourishment, you’ll:

  • Explore using sound to tune your energy centers, like the strings on a guitar, to create more balance and enhance the way you function — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually 

  • Experience a 5-minute practice you can do every morning to start your day in gratitude — grounding and connecting to your heartbeat and breath — so you can remain in state of wellbeing all day

  • Learn a 5-minute practice you can do in the middle of each day — a musical vacation — to clear your mind, replenish and restore your energy, and help you shift your environment

  • Discover a 5-minute sleep protocol you can do every night with music that can improve your sleep quality, mask ambient noises, help regulate your emotions, and quiet your mind

  • Come to understand how moving into heart coherence can reduce stress, regulate emotions, improve sleep, and enhance mental clarity and creativity

  • Be invited to create a musical gratitude playlist to enhance mindfulness, bolster your motivation, and boost your emotional resilience

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join multi-award-winning producer, composer, author Barry Goldstein for a free online event, 5-Minute Sonic Tune-ups to Nourish You Throughout the Day: Sound-Healing Music Practices for Turning Up Productivity, Turning Down Stress, and Tuning In to Sleep.

You’ll explore how cultivating a daily musical routine can transform you out of depletion and stress and into vitalness and grounded empowerment.

Barry has over 30 years of expertise as a composer and producer of alchemistic vibrational experiences. His healing music is often used in hospitals, hospices, cancer centers, and medical practices.

Read more: Experience 3 Sound Healing Practices to Nourish You Throughout the Day

Saturday 11 November 2023

How the Enneagram Can Help Cultivate Compassionate Communication

Gain awareness of how your communication habits impact your relationships.

Do you feel like you expend a lot of energy trying to present yourself to people the way you’d like them to see you, instead of being who you really are? 

Wouldn’t your life be easier, more relaxed, and in flow if you could be true to yourself and real with others, by letting go of the image you’re hoping to convey…

… and, instead, engage with people from a place of honesty and presence?

According to renowned Enneagram teachers Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb, the Enneagram is a powerful tool that, when understood at its deepest level, can help you be truly present and engage with people (and your life) in an authentic way…

… and establish communication that’s conscious, responsive (rather than reactive), and profoundly loving and compassionate.

On Saturday, November 11, join Russ and Jessica for an illuminating hour-long event in which they’ll introduce you to the communication styles of the Enneagram types — those that evoke love and those that hinder it — so you can begin to expand your abilities to relate openly with others.

>> You can register here to Discover The Enneagram & Conscious Communication <<

See how the Gifts of the 9 Enneagram types inspire authentic connections

In this transformative online event, you’ll:

  • Learn how the Enneagram can help you expand your capacity for authentic and compassionate communication

  • Be guided through an inner journey to understand how to embody the gifts of each of the 3 Centers — body, heart, and head — to create authentic communication with others

  • Gain greater awareness of some of your communication habits and how they may be helping or hindering your sense of wholeness and effectiveness in relating to others

  • Find key ingredients held in each of the 9 types — which you can use to invite your personal and professional connections to bring their most authentic selves — so you can improve your relationships 

  • Experience what it might be like to live with more peace of mind knowing that you’re communicating in an understanding and compassionate way with your loved ones

Jessica and Russ will focus more broadly on the challenges and gifts of each of the three Centers as they guide you in a centering practice and inner journey — using sensation, breath, and awareness to experience ways to harness the gifts of each to cultivate creative communication.

The Enneagram, Russ and Jessica say, can help you move out of the box of your own idealized self-perception, so you can communicate more effectively and, thereby, better navigate your relationships and manage the challenges of your daily life and the world around you.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Enneagram & Conscious Communication: How the Gifts of the 9 Types Inspire Authentic Connections with Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb…

… you’ll discover the communication gifts and challenges of the 9 Enneagram types, as well as the body, heart, and head Centers, and embark on a path of fully authentic communication — so you can free your energy… respond to others with love, awareness, and wholeness… and cultivate better relationships.

Read more: How the Enneagram Can Help Cultivate Compassionate Communication

Sunday 5 November 2023

Celebrate Earth-centered Ritual & Practice | Shamanic Wisdom Summit 2023

Root yourself in ancient earth-based wisdom & teachings to navigate chaotic times.

Amidst the tumultuous currents of these modern times, where the frenetic pace of life and the disconnection from both nature and each other can leave you feeling adrift…

… are you longing to tune into the rhythms of nature to engage in a harmonious, symbiotic relationship with Pachamama herself?

Do you find yourself seeking the healing properties of time spent in nature, knowing you’ll feel more grounded, anchored, and empowered?

Join me on a journey with world-renowned elders, guides, and lineage-holders to discover the transformational power of Earth-based traditions to reclaim your sovereignty and remember your integral place in the natural world.

Nature-based wisdom, Earth-based wisdom, and the wisdom of the Feminine converge in a holistic approach that enlivens both the natural world and the interconnected souls navigating its mysteries.

Are you ready to embrace the profound intelligence latent in the natural world by honoring the teachings of wise elders worldwide who’ve kept these sacred traditions alive? 

In this year’s Shamanic Wisdom Summit, you’ll discover teachings from across the globe — potent practices and rituals to guide you through a process of rediscovery…

… so you can renew, reactivate, and reempower to uplevel your mind, body and spirit on behalf of yourself, your community, and the planet.

Join us at this Free Online Event

>> Shamanic Wisdom Summit <<

November 14-16

I’m overjoyed to be introduce you to 25 esteemed global teachers and healers, including Snow RavenDra. Rocio Rosales Meza, Éfu NyakiJorge Luis DelgadoPuma Fredy Quispe Singona, Riz MirzaRoel Crabbé, Xochitl Kusikuy Ashe, Philip Carr-Gomm, and many others. 

At this gathering, you’ll find diverse traditions represented that can help you connect with the spirit allies and resources you need to create healing and regeneration at all levels of your life.

The simple techniques you’ll receive can help you center and empower yourself, so you can process the sheer enormity of the global change that’s happening — enabling you to face the future feeling more grounded, calm, and ready.


>> RSVP here for the Shamanic Wisdom Summit — at no charge <<

Shamanic Wisdom Summit 2023

This 3-day summit comes at the opportune time, just as individually and collectively we look for ways to keep ourselves anchored and empowered.

During this heart-opening and expansive experience, you’ll discover how:

  • Honoring our Euro-Indigenous ancestral wisdom liberates us from the risks of cultural appropriation while offering community with other Indigenous traditions

  • Befriending your inner wilderness by connecting with your soul, ancestors, and dreams — known as “Ubuntu, the circle of life” in South Africa — prepares you to work on healing your outer environment

  • Connecting to your guides with the proper language will help you discover your origins and memory of your true self, plus how to keep your frequency high

  • The extreme global initiation we’re now collectively experiencing is calling for what’s known in shamanic tradition as a dismemberment or dissolution of our current way of life — so we can heal ourselves and the planet

  • Shamanic journeying is the perfect evolutionary tool for this time, enhancing mental and physical capabilities that are essential for bringing us to the next level of our collective evolution  

And much more…

This life-enhancing event is designed to help you find a clear pathway through the chaos, disruption, and confusion of our present world — and discover deeper states of unity, sacred connection, and heart healing that are available to you.

I hope you’ll join me for this remarkable gathering to receive deep insights, rituals, and guidance for sacred living from diverse Earth-based wisdom traditions, taught by some of the world’s most revered elders and teachers.


>> RSVP here for the Shamanic Wisdom Summit — at no charge <<


Here’s some of what will be shared during the Shamanic Wisdom Summit

  • Snow Raven will talk about her Eastern Siberian Sakha culture and shamanism traditions, plus how to connect to nature using ancient, therapeutic singing techniques and the khomus mouth harp.

  • Dra. Rocío Rosales Meza will reveal how you can unlearn harmful programming and embody your soul’s sovereignty by tapping into energy, Spirit, and psyche at the intersections of decolonization, wellness, and spirituality.    

  • Éfu Nyaki will share how connecting to ancestral wisdom can help you heal traumas and find peace, love, harmony, and meaningful connections.

  • Jorge Luis Delgado will lead you in an exercise to cleanse memories of heavy energies from 11 points in the body. 

  • Puma Fredy Quispe Singona will unveil sacred traditions and rituals of the Rainbow Lineage from the Inca people of Chinchero — timeless Andean ways, culture, plant medicine, and nature-based wisdom that’s been passed down for millenia.

  • Riz Mirza will channel a spirit guide who will focus on the realms of healing past traumas and alleviating pain

  • Roel Crabbé will lead a sacred ceremony to reawaken your connection to Mother Earth, and your purpose in life, through the healing power of your soul.

  • Xochitl Kusikuy Ashe will talk about her life as a medicine woman in the Peruvian Andean tradition, her focus on healing generational trauma, and ways in which trauma impairs your ability to thrive, create wealth, and have a positive impact on the world.

  • Philip Carr-Gomm will reveal how the Druids known as Ovates — shamans, healers, and seers — work with oracles and divination.   

And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Shamanic Wisdom Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Celebrate Earth-centered Ritual & Practice | Shamanic Wisdom Summit 2023

Saturday 4 November 2023

Hear Sounds of the Archangels - Crystal Singing Bowl Healings

Experience a heart-brain balancing session from a composer & energy healer.

The holiday season can be one of those intense times, when many of us can feel both weighed down with overwhelm and elevated with joy. 

What if certain melodies could be the key to rejuvenating your spirit and helping you cultivate balance during this busy time of year? 

Imagine if every breath you take could synchronize with the season and provide you with the understanding that, without a doubt, divine support is but a breath away?

Charleene Closshey, an award-winning composer and energy healer, teaches that each season has its own unique vibration, or frequency… and you can find the “tonality of the season” through accessible energy practices that — when combined with a specific frequency — can help you powerfully align and alchemize your life. 

Join Charleene for an illuminating hour, where she’ll guide you through a nourishing heart-brain balancing session, combining the calming effects of 19 quartz crystal singing bowls tuned to 432 hertz — a frequency that has been proven to enhance relaxation and mood — with guided meditation and breathwork. 

You’ll emerge with your heart expanded, feeling grounded and clear-minded, and equipped with a valuable technique to aid you on your mindfulness journey.

You’ll also learn about the specific archangel tied to each season, and explore practical ways to tap into their support and guidance with breathwork — enhancing your sense of peace, support, and stability for the particular frequencies of each time of year.

>> You can register here for Rejuvenate Your Spirit With Sounds of the Archangels: Experience Crystal Singing Bowl Healings for Each of the 4 Seasons to Alchemize Your Emotions <<

Listen Sounds of the Archangels - Crystal Singing Bowl Healings for Each of the 4 Seasons to Alchemize Your Emotions

In this enlivening online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the ideal breathing technique for each season, and realize that self-regulation is just a breath away — anchoring yourself to the present and harmonizing your body’s rhythms

  • Experience a nourishing heart-brain balancing session to open your heart and ground your energy

  • Connect with seasonal archangels, drawing upon their divine guidance and support

  • Pave the way for healing, creativity, and manifestation through musical intervals that lay the foundation for the Archetypes of Sound™, embracing the philosophy that “in relationships, depth matters”

  • Harness the energies of your favorite music to generate more flow — from current hits to classic vinyl

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Rejuvenate Your Spirit With Sounds of the Archangels: Experience Crystal Singing Bowl Healings for Each of the 4 Seasons to Alchemize Your Emotions with Charleene Closshey 

… you’ll explore where ancient sound techniques meet modern science to help you cultivate emotional balance and healing during the holiday season using crystal singing bowls and your own breath.

Read more: Hear Sounds of the Archangels - Crystal Singing Bowl Healings

Friday 3 November 2023

THE Natural Wellness Summit of 2023 - Must Join if Health is Essential for You!

Your Chance to Meet 30+ of today’s leading Ayurveda experts in one event.

In a world where illnesses of the body, mind, and soul are spiraling out of control…

What if there was a wholly natural way to add years to your life?

And to color those years with radiant joy, vitality, and productivity?

If you’d like to discover nature’s best secrets to longevity, healing, and total wellness, you’ll find them when you join me and 30+ of today’s best Ayurveda experts at THE wellness event of 2023:

Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit 2023

And remember to also catch as many sessions as you can with experts like Deepak Chopra, Elena Brower, Sahara Rose, Jonah Kest, Christine Horner, Nancy Lonsdorf, and many more.

The three-day event features four unique tracks, each with a unique benefit to you:

Day 1: Holistic Healing & Restoring Balance

You’ll gain a strong foundation in the core principles of Ayurveda, and how they can be applied to bring you back to peak health, wellness, and balance.

Day 2: Consciousness, Stress Resilience & Spiritual Alignment

You’ll harness Ayurveda tools and practices to master your mind, achieve mental clarity and focus, and overcome stress and anxiety.

Day 3: Longevity, Beauty & Vibrant Living

You’ll explore the secrets of Ayurveda beauty, anti-aging, and longevity, and learn how to integrate Ayurveda into your daily lifestyle in the easiest, most rewarding ways.

This is an incredible opportunity to transform your health and your life through today’s best-available knowledge in natural and holistic wellness.


>>> Claim your spot for The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit >>>


More specifically, you can look forward to 8 profound transformations:


  1. You will discover what you really need to be healthy and well: based on your Dosha and your unique circumstances.


  1. You will gain powerful natural treatments for common illnesses: including cancer, diabetes, heart and blood issues, and more.


  1. You will find out how to break free from an unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits: and replace them with a daily routine of wellness.


  1. You will get your energy, bliss, and peace of mind back: by discovering natural remedies to stress, fatigue, and anxiety.


  1. You will turn back the clock on premature aging: and learn how to naturally improve the quality of your skin, hair, nails, bones, mobility, and more.


  1. You will discover how to live longer: through peak longevity techniques that improve your quantity and quality of life.


  1. You will learn how to heal and feel better with herbs: many of which you can easily find at your local supermarket.


  1. FOR WOMEN - You will learn how to navigate menopause and reclaim your feminine essence: through Ayurveda rituals that connect you with your true essence.


This is an unmissable event for anyone who wants to maximize their longevity and quality of life, or find answers to an illness or health challenge - and it won’t cost you a cent.


Claim your spot now, and prepare for a real breakthrough in your health and wellness:

>> Be Sure to Claim your free spot for The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit >>>

>> You’ll also be automatically entered to win a 7-day Panchakarma retreat in Bali when you claim your free spot for the Summit!

If you win, you’ll be healing, relaxing, and rediscovering yourself in paradise - in addition to all the incredible growth and learning you’ll get at the Summit itself.

Read more: THE Natural Wellness Summit of 2023 - Must Join if Health is Essential for You!

Wednesday 1 November 2023

Transform Your Life: Break Free from Self-Sabotage & Trauma Patterns

Discover the Power of Healing Your Karmic Trauma. Be guided in a meditation to bring awareness to your fractal patterns.

What would you like your life to look like five years from now? 

Integrative medicine expert Dr. Keesha Ewers says your current physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual habits predict this future.

She refers to our negative habits as the karma of trauma — the disruptive imprints that we create and then repeat in every facet of our lives through our perceptions of ourselves and our world. 

Too often, these energetic patterns prevent us from fully and consistently accessing the portal to our higher selves, our wisdom guides, the collective unconscious, and the Akashic records.

Our karmic patterns are what we make of them, however… 

Bringing compassionate curiosity, awake awareness, and self-inquiry to each thought, feeling, and experience creates resilience…

… and allows for a shift in karma and a more loving and compassionate way of being in the world with self and others.

Join us for Dr. Keesha’s free online event to explore the five karmic fractals of early childhood trauma and stress

… and be guided in a potent meditation to track and begin to repattern them in your body, aligning your whole being with the best version of health and life that you envision for yourself.

Board-certified in functional and Ayurvedic medicine, Dr. Keesha has helped thousands shift out of the karma of trauma through a rich fusion of Eastern wisdom teachings and practices — and practical steps that detoxify the mind, emotions, body, and spirit.

>> You can register here for Heal Your Karmic Trauma Patterns: Experience a Potent Practice to Change Your Energetic Imprints Through Fractal Repatterning <<

Healing Your Karmic Trauma. Be guided in a meditation to bring awareness to your fractal patterns

In this event, you’ll:

  • Discover 5 different fractal patterns, or energy systems, created from early trauma

  • Be guided in a meditation to track and bring compassionate awareness to your fractal patterns

  • Explore how to forge a path through betrayal, trauma, and heartbreak as a natural shift from innocence to wisdom — recognizing and working with the ego from a place of collaboration versus transcendence

  • Learn why trauma is a necessary aspect of growth — and how changing your relationship to the story you’ve created around your wounds allows you to diffuse the toxicity you contributed to it… and begin healing

  • Begin dissolving the concrete structures of mind you created as a method for protection, which are impeding your ability to live fully now — and begin connecting more easefully and meaningfully with others

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the collective imperative to evolve — and how the survival of our species hinges on our ability to collaborate with all that we are… and all that others are

In learning how to heal and repattern your behaviors and perceptions of trauma, you can activate your innate ability to create healthy new fractals — and gain deeper agency to reimagine the health, relationships, and life that you truly desire.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Heal Your Karmic Trauma Patterns: Experience a Potent Practice to Change Your Energetic Imprints Through Fractal Repatterning with Dr. Keesha Ewers… 

… you’ll explore the five self-sabotaging patterns created from early childhood trauma and how shifting out of them can help you neutralize mental and emotional reactivity — and initiate new pathways for health, happiness, and wellbeing.

Read more: Transform Your Life: Break Free from Self-Sabotage & Trauma Patterns