Friday 27 October 2023

Unlocking the Mysteries of the Afterlife: Beyond the Veil Summit's Wonders

Receive expert guidance to explore your soul’s journey and navigate life’s transitions beyond the veil.

"All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses,

And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier."

― Walt Whitman

Are you interested in delving deeper into the inevitable process of death that we all undergo?

Do you anticipate the continuation of your own consciousness — often referred to as the eternal soul — beyond the cessation of your physical body?

Have you pondered ways to facilitate the journey from this life to the afterlife for a loved one in their final moments?

Rather than relegating death to something to be avoided until it inevitably catches up with you, regardless of your efforts to elude it…

… what if you could currently attain a serene sense of open acceptance, coupled with a curiosity to understand more about the process?

Imagine being able to assist both yourself and your loved ones in making the most of that extraordinary transition when the time comes.

The Beyond the Veil Summit extends an intriguing invitation to explore the mysteries of the afterlife, paradoxically enabling you to embrace the present moment with joy and awe — celebrating the gift of life!

A wealth of recent scientific evidence now supports what religious and spiritual traditions have suggested for centuries — that life exists beyond the physical realm perceptible by your five senses.

A burgeoning community of heart-centered scientists, physicians, mediumship practitioners, hospice workers, and others have been uncovering similar truths. 

Join some of the foremost experts in these fields as they share their profound experiences and effective methods for navigating “paranormal” encounters related to death — and how to establish safe and meaningful connections with departed loved ones.

This summit grants you access to esteemed wisdom traditions and contemporary teachings that encourage you to embrace the grieving process, bringing closure, peace, and acceptance in the realms of death and the afterlife.

Anticipate emerging transformed, free from the fear of the unknown hindering you from embodying the fullest expression of this incredible life you’ve been given.

Join this Free Online Event

>> Beyond the Veil Summit <<

October 30 – November 3

mysteries of near-death experiences, mediumship & the afterlife

During the Beyond the Veil Summit, you’ll hear illuminating insights from over 30 seasoned mediumship practitioners, channelers, “returnees” from near-death experiences, researchers, scientists…

… medical professionals, and experts who can communicate with those who have crossed over (and can teach you how to do the same).

May these teachings and counsel resonate within you, bringing solace to your heart, fostering healing for your wounds, illuminating your understanding, wrapping you in a soothing embrace…

… and ultimately guiding you towards a profound state of tranquility as you delve into the topics of transition, the encounter with mortality, the realms beyond life, and the celestial domain — all infused with a heightened sense of wonder.

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

During this profound 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How to communicate with departed loved ones using mediumship, channeling, tarot, and ancestral research

  • Near-death experiences (NDEs) and what they reveal about the afterlife

  • Sacred oils, crystals, and plant medicines can alter your consciousness and connect you with other realms

  • Intuitive abilities — like clairvoyance — can help you receive messages from spirit guides, angels, and your departed loved ones

  • Scientific research on “veridical perception” that explores the possibility of human consciousness surviving bodily death

  • Ways to transcend grief, trauma, and fear of death through spiritual practices and post-death communications

  • Techniques to achieve altered states of consciousness and channel wisdom from mystical sources

  • How pre-birth planning can help you discover your soul purpose, allowing you to serve humanity’s collective ascension

And much more!

There’s never been a more opportune moment to delve into the exploration of communication with those who have transcended the earthly realm and exist beyond the veil of our understanding. 

Advancements in spirituality, technology, and interconnectedness have opened up avenues for seekers like you to connect with the wisdom of the departed…

… offering not only peace of mind, but also the potential for acquiring valuable information and profound insights. 

Please join me for this landmark event. I look forward to seeing you there.

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Anita Moorjani will reveal her near-death experiences in the other realm, and what it was that finally saved her life and brought her back from death’s door.

  • Bill McKenna and Liz Larson will offer a beginner’s approach to establishing clear and direct communication with the other side.

  • Dr. Cassandra Ricks will take you on a deep dive into the world of near-death experiences and mediumship, and their powerful potential for healing.

  • Eben Alexander, MD, and Karen Newell will impart how relationships do not end with physical death —  and how the binding force of love continues to connect us.

  • Sheila Vijeyarasa will describe the top 3 tools needed to channel your spirit guides, and how you can embody their wisdom.

  • James Van Praagh will talk about the basic mechanics and groundwork for creating a successful mediumship experience.

  • Suzanne Giesemann will reveal that you’re already home, already whole, and eternally connected to Spirit.

  • Dr. William Bloom will describe the characteristics and purpose of the various subtle beings — including fairies, nature spirits, angels, and archangels

  • Brian D. Smith will unveil how experiencing unimaginable tragedy can lead you to discovering your life’s true mission.

  • Helané Wahbeh, ND, will share 12 Noetic Signature characteristics that show how you receive and express information and energy beyond your five senses. 

  • Sherrie Dillard will explain how the earthly challenges and issues between you and your departed loved ones continue to benefit you.

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Afterlife: Beyond the Veil Summit's Wonders

Thursday 26 October 2023

Join Calming Meditative Movement for Pain Relief, Strength & Energy

Synergize your mind, joints, breath, spine & core with 5-Dimensional Flow.

Would you like to explore an effective and less stressful approach to exercise that balances and tones your mind, body, and soul… while inducing deep states of calm and relaxation?

It’s possible with 5-Dimensional (5-D) Flow, physiotherapist and research scientist Simon Borg-Olivier’s embodied meditative movement practice. This system activates the gut-brain connection at the body’s core through five fluid dimensions of movement…

… synergizing the mind, joints, breath, spine, and core — and circulating this augmented energy to increase blood flow, reduce pain, maximize flexibility, and calm your nervous system.

Simon teaches that our health and wellbeing hinge on how well our minds and bodies work together to transport positive and loving information to each of our 50 trillion cells — while remaining relaxed, centered, and calm

On Saturday, October 28, join Simon for this free online event, you’ll explore the gentle yet catalyzing potential of 5-D Flow, and be guided in a movement practice to bridge your conscious and unconscious nervous systems — aligning your intention with your body’s innate ability to self-regulate, and filling every cell of your body with life-giving information.

>> You can register here for Put More Ease in Your Exercise With 5-Dimensional Flow: Calming Meditative Movement for Pain Relief, Increased Strength & Elevated Energy <<

Exercise With 5-Dimensional Flow Calming Meditative Movement for Pain Relief, Increased Strength & Elevated Energy with Simon Borg-Olivier

In this insightful workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover a different model for embodied health that works with and not against your body’s natural homeostasis and mental, emotional, and spiritual flow 

  • Be guided in a 5-D Flow practice to connect with your gut-brain (your enteric nervous system) and gut feelings — bridging your conscious and unconscious minds to lovingly mobilize your body’s capacity to increase blood flow and positive energy 

  • Begin to improve blood flow without the stress of a traditional workout or elevating your heart rate — while also experiencing increased calm and energy

  • Explore how you can optimize your functional strength and relieve stress and depression — while focusing on remaining calm and relaxed

  • Discover ways to increase flexibility and develop a pain-free functional body without needing to stretch

Learn why breathing less, not more, can help improve blood flow to your brain — improving focus and energy levels, calming your nerves, regulating your appetite, and helping to manage your weight

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Put More Ease in Your Exercise With 5-Dimensional Flow: Calming Meditative Movement for Pain Relief, Increased Strength & Elevated Energy with Simon Borg-Olivier

… you’ll explore a less stressful approach to exercise that works with and not against your body’s natural homeostasis and mental, emotional, and spiritual flow — to create and circulate vibrant streams of health and loving energy throughout your entire being.

Read more: Join Calming Meditative Movement for Pain Relief, Strength & Energy

Tuesday 24 October 2023

Heal & Release Tension & Trauma w/ BioDynamic Breathwork

Clear traumatic blockages by working with the 7 “Belts” in the body.

Pain and loss are an inescapable fact of life. Whatever your age or income bracket, everyone suffers in one way or another.

Experiencing the death of a loved one, a breakup of a marriage, or the loss of a job takes an emotional toll on us all.

Trauma occurs when our loss exceeds our ability to handle and cope with what happened. The energy of the trauma gets stored in our body’s tissues, causing a cascade of physiological reactions that progressively erode our quality of life.

If you’re looking to clear the traumatic blockages that impinge on your mental and physical health, join us on Tuesday, October 24, for this special online event with Giten Tonkov, the founder of the BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System. Giten is a pioneering trauma-release expert who’s worked with thousands of people on five continents, helping them break the trauma cycle and lead more fulfilling lives.

BioDynamic Breathwork is designed to open up your heart so you can feel happy and hopeful again. It can help you heal and release core tensions by working through and clearing repressed negative energy stuck within your body. 

You’ll use breath as the main tool for healing on the somatic level, along with supporting elements such as movement, touch, sound, conscious emotional expression, and meditation.

During this free event, Giten will also guide you in a seated breathwork exercise that can help you find a peaceful, safe place inside of yourself. You’ll travel into your body, unlocking the armor and releasing the rings constricting your heart, freeing the negative emotions, healing the physical ailments, and soothing the wounded ego. This safe space will remain a place you can go to whenever you need to open your heart to let your positivity flow freely.

>> You can register here for Clearing Trauma Through BioDynamic Breathwork: Practices for Opening Your Heart, Releasing Fear & Finding Emotional Peace <<

Clear traumatic blockages Heal and release tension & trauma, find peace & feel healing power of BioDynamic Breathwork

In this free online event, you’ll also discover:

  • The physical sensation produced by the body when your trauma is released

  • How trauma turns to tension and how it’s stored in the body, accumulating over the years

  • The 7 “Belts” that exist throughout the body — and how tension is distributed in particular patterns

  • The 6 elements of BioDynamic Breathwork, and how this modality works differently than ordinary breathwork

  • How the heart, in particular, is taxed during these difficult times

When you join Giten for this transformative hour, you’ll also be among the first to hear about an opportunity to dive deeper with Giten in an upcoming 7-week live video program, to clear trauma from all seven belts within your body.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Clearing Trauma Through BioDynamic Breathwork: Practices for Opening Your Heart, Releasing Fear & Finding Emotional Peace with Giten Tonkov

… you’ll discover how to release the pent-up effects of trauma and heal the tension in your body and mind using the healing power of BioDynamic Breathwork — to find a peaceful, safe, and positive place within.

Read more: Heal & Release Tension & Trauma w/ BioDynamic Breathwork

Wednesday 18 October 2023

A Way to Connect w/ Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk

Explore shamanic rituals to embody the healing power of spirit animals.

When life feels difficult and unpredictable, where do you turn for guidance, peace, and joy?

For thousands of years, Indigenous peoples have found the wisdom they need by relating to all of life through a sacred, continuous ritual of love and gratitude — which includes a deep connection with the purifying, balancing energies of the animal kingdom.

According to Andean medicine carrier Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, animals are the elder brothers and sisters in our spiritual family and emanated from the constellations to build a strong alliance with cosmic forces. They vibrate at a much higher frequency of love and intelligence and possess an accelerated ability to aid in healing.

Just as our Incan ancestors did long ago, you can learn to connect with these animals through sacred rituals and ceremonies, take on their powerful energies, and step into a higher realm of spiritual awakening and profound evolution, liberating yourself from the limits of human consciousness.

Join us on Wednesday, October 18, for a very special hour with Puma as he introduces you to the powerful energies of the spider, monkey, and hawk — and explains how you can embody each of their unique powers in your own healing journey.

>> You can register here for Explore Shamanic Rituals to Embody the Healing Power of Spirit Animals: How to Connect With the Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk <<

Shamanic Rituals to Embody the Healing Power of Spirit Animals - Connect With the Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how to call on powerful spirit animals to embody their potent energies for transforming your life and our world

  • Enter the portal of the Sun God and commune with your inner light during a guided journey to connect with the energy of the hawk

  • Explore how to awaken the warrior within through the hawk’s loving contribution to the animal kingdom — and become the fierce guardian of your family and community

  • Learn how you can connect with the energy of the spider to activate the power of attraction and manifest abundance — using natural forces that are in service to your wellbeing

  • Learn how embodying the spirit of the monkey — a source of abundance and lightheartedness — sets the stage for miracles to unfold

When you join us, you’ll also be among the first to learn about Puma’s upcoming course, where you’ll be immersed in the world of hampi huywa, or healing animals.

He’ll introduce you to the powerful energy of a new animal each week through practices, group exercises, meditations, and rituals. With Puma as your mentor, you’ll call on Mother Earth and powerful spirit animals to embody their potent energies and help transform your life and our global community.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore Shamanic Rituals to Embody the Healing Power of Spirit Animals: How to Connect With the Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

… you’ll discover how to call in your spider, monkey & hawk spirit allies as an initiation to healing and evolved consciousness. Embark on a guided journey to enter the portal of the Sun God — who will help you connect with your inner warrior and infinite potential as you embody the energy of the hawk.

Read more: A Way to Connect w/ Magical Energy of the Spider, Monkey & Hawk

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Qigong Practices Designed for Your Health & Longevity

Experience powerful health-boosting effects with Qigong’s 8 Cycles.

What if there was an ancient wisdom system that’s just as impactful today — full of practices that provide the path to a meaningful, disease-free, graceful life?

As celebrated Qigong master Robert Peng teaches his students around the world, Qigong’s 8 Cycles movement series and 312 Meridian Healing Protocol can have powerful health-boosting effects.

Qigong’s 8 Cycles is a series of gentle exercises you can safely practice to energize your body, calm your mind, activate your energy centers, and massage your internal organs — leaving you feeling nourished and invigorated so you can live a healthier, more vibrant life.

The 312 Meridian Healing Protocol is a set of Qigong practices to strengthen the body and activate all the meridians.

Robert will also explain the practice of acupressure using the powerful example of the Hegu acupressure point — the single most important point for treating disorders of the face, sense organs, head, and neck.

Combining Qigong’s 8 Cycles and the practice of acupressure can clear out meridian blockages, reinvigorate the flow of energy throughout your mind and body, and support you in feeling more balanced, vibrant, and at peace. 

Discover how these modalities can help you feel more connected to others and the world around you, more content with yourself, and more hopeful for the future.

Join us on Saturday, October 21, for a powerful free online event with Robert, world-renowned Qigong master and healer, as he introduces you to these powerful healing tools. 

>> You can register here for Live Long Qigong: Uncovering Hidden Connections Between Your Movement, Health & Longevity <<

Qigong practices designed for your health & longevity

During this nourishing hour, you’ll:

  • Learn 312 Qigong’s secrets for easing stress, cultivating inner joy, and experiencing contentment, calm, and peace

  • Be guided in the movement practice of Playing the Tai Chi Ball, one of the 8 Cycles, to improve balance between your brain and body, harmonize your yin and yang energies, ease inner emotional turmoil in times of crisis, and nourish your body, mind, and spirit

  • Discover how the 312 Meridian Healing Protocol’s Hegu, Neiguan, and Zusanli acupressure points harness the power of the large intestine, heart, and stomach to keep you feeling youthful

  • Explore the balance between fear and caution with the Dynamic Horse Stance — a breathing movement that brings harmony to your body and prevents falls as you age

  • Experience a guided practice focusing on your 3 energy centers, or dantians, to help you breathe deeply and maximize your lung capacity

When you join Robert for this illuminating hour, you’ll also be one of the first to hear about his 7-week live video course, where he’ll teach the 8 Cycles movements and 312 Meridian Healing Protocol to help you improve your sense of balance, prevent illness, lift your spirits, and open your heart.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Live Long Qigong: Uncovering Hidden Connections Between Your Movement, Health & Longevity with Robert Peng

… you’ll discover how Qigong’s 8 Cycles + 312 Meridian Healing Protocol can help you age with energy, strength, clarity, and grace — and unlock your own fountain of youth.

Read more: Qigong Practices Designed for Your Health & Longevity

Monday 16 October 2023

Unlocking Your Potential: Advanced Enneagram Teachings & Expert Insights

Join Enneagram Global Summit: explore advanced teachings from the 9 pathways for transformation

Wouldn’t you love to access a life-changing tool that could help you recognize and work through the recurring blind spot blockages that typify your Enneagram type

…freeing you to live more consciously, manifesting and embodying your full potential?

Deeper teachings and advanced transmissions presented during the Global Enneagram Summit will offer you an opportunity for profound growth, as you delve into the intricate layers of the Enneagram to uncover hidden nuances and subtleties. 

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of your own type, and how it relates to your life journey — enabling you to concurrently address the core motivations, fears, and desires of your clients more comprehensively as well.

These sessions go beyond the basics, exploring the intersections between Enneagram types and other psychological frameworks. Each day also features experiential workshops where you can apply new knowledge to go deeper.

They’ll empower you to refine your methods of working with clients to incorporate the most subtle and nuanced exploratory tools offered through this advanced Enneagram study.  

The Enneagram can then become a powerfully transformative system, liberating you from the shackles of your own unconscious core fears… 

… and by working with these advanced teachings, you become qualified to help your clients recognize and release their own blind spot blockages

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to join this convergence of Enneagram guides, practitioners, and teachers who’ll equip you with best-practice methods

… to overcome your blockages, accumulate greater emotional resilience, and be better prepared to face any challenge. 

Join this Free Online Event

Enneagram Global Summit

October 24-26

Enneagram Global Summit 2023

Learn from the world’s foremost Enneagram experts — including Russ Hudson, Tom Condon, Dr. Dan Siegel, Dr. Deborah Egerton, A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali), Uranio Paes, Suzanne Stabile, Robert Holden, and many others — sharing the latest insights and applications to take your Enneagram knowledge even deeper.

You’ll reap the benefits of expert wisdom on a wide array of topics relevant to our times. And you’ll receive invaluable insights about how to repair wounds not only in yourself and in your own relationships, but also in the global community.

You’ll be in good hands with seasoned summit host Jessica Dibb, the founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher at the Inspiration Consciousness School and Community. Jessica is dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. 

Join to take your path of growth to the next level — by deepening your understanding of the patterns driving you… and the other Enneagram types you interact with in your world.

>> RSVP here for the Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you:

  • Russ Hudson will reveal the nature of the three centers of intelligence — belly, heart, and head — and the pivotal role each plays in both psychological and spiritual transformation.

  • Dr. Dan Siegel will discuss advanced theories and approaches to the transformational potential of the Enneagram that’s based in neuroscience

  • Robert Holden will guide you through stories, poems, and powerful spiritual guidance offered by the Enneagram — to help you discover your true purpose. 

  • A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali) will talk about recognizing the fabricated idealized self, and ways to cultivate the authentic nature of each Enneagram point.

  • Dr. Deborah Egerton will lead you through a practice to access the wisdom of each point inside yourself, so you can bring cooperation into every situation.

  • Uranio Paes will demonstrate an energetic practice you can tap into to feel more substantive, lighter, and connected to higher consciousness.

  • Tom Condon will introduce a guided meditation to demonstrate many unique and helpful ways to use imagery with the Enneagram.   

  • Suzanne Stabile will teach an effective practice to help you recognize and pivot from your habitual, default behaviors of shame, fear, and anger.

  • Jessica Dibb will guide you through a potent practice to experience and embody all nine energies, attributes, wisdom, and Essences in each breath — enabling you to access these qualities in any moment.

>> RSVP here for the Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Unlocking Your Potential: Advanced Enneagram Teachings & Expert Insights

Thursday 12 October 2023

See How Feng Shui in Your Home Can Transform Your Life

Bring positive energy into your living space & life with feng shui.

Did you know your life could transform in profound ways with a few simple adjustments to your living space?

If you’re like many people, the way you’ve arranged the furniture, decor, and other objects in your home likely comes from personal taste and convenience.

Yet according to Marie Diamond, renowned feng shui master, the items you place in your living spaces and the way they’re arranged — as well as the colors and other elements of your interior design — impact you unconsciously, 24 hours a day.

The space you live in is an extension of who you are, and plays a huge part in the energy you attract into your life, your senses of happiness and balance, and the way you show up in the world.

When you apply the principles found in the ancient Chinese art of feng shui to optimize your living and work environments — to bring harmonious energy into your spaces — you can reach higher levels of spiritual awareness and life fulfillment than ever before.

As the positive energy flow in your living space increases, you’ll notice transformations in your relationships, career success, sense of health and overall wellbeing — as will everyone else living with you.

On Tuesday, October 17, Marie will introduce you to the foundations of feng shui and share three actionable ways to implement its principles to optimize the energy in your home, starting now.

>> You can register here for 3 Keys to Harmonize Your Home’s Energy With Feng Shui: A Personalized Approach to Activate a Positive Flow of Chi for Health, Happiness & Spiritual Blessings <<

In 3 Keys to Harmonize Your Home’s Energy With Feng Shui: A Personalized Approach to Activate a Positive Flow of Chi for Health, Happiness & Spiritual Blessings with Marie Diamond… … you’ll learn how the ancient Chinese art of feng shui’s simple and practical approach to shifting your home’s energy field can enhance your ability to create your most-desired life.

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • 3 easy-to-implement feng shui tips for infusing your home with a harmonious energy, so you can uplevel 4 principal areas of your life — success, relationships, health, and wisdom

  • 3 common mistakes people make in the decor and layout of their home — and how to correct them using feng shui principles

  • A guided meditation to connect to your house as a living being — feel its energy, discern what the space is telling you, and learn how it can support you

  • How you can personalize the classical system of feng shui to enhance the energy flow in your home and accommodate the details of your life

  • How feng shui can boost your law of attraction manifestation results — transforming the energy and people you attract into your life 

Join us and learn Marie’s three easy-to-implement feng shui guidelines to use as soon as you’d like — to balance your home’s energy, attract more abundance for you and your family, experience more peace and harmony in your living environment, and more.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In 3 Keys to Harmonize Your Home’s Energy With Feng Shui: A Personalized Approach to Activate a Positive Flow of Chi for Health, Happiness & Spiritual Blessings with Marie Diamond…

… you’ll learn how the ancient Chinese art of feng shui’s simple and practical approach to shifting your home’s energy field can enhance your ability to create your most-desired life.

Read more: See How Feng Shui in Your Home Can Transform Your Life

Saturday 7 October 2023

Using Music for Healing at the Cellular Level - Cymatics Live Experiment & Training

Listen to specific music selections to create healing frequencies for yourself.

Sound is so much more than what we hear.

Yet only recently have we begun to truly understand its profound impact on every aspect of our lives.

Understanding the secrets of sound gives us keys to unlock our health and higher awareness. It’s the new frontier in energy medicine and personal transformation — one that harnesses vibrational frequencies, specific sound patterns, and music to initiate profound healing at the cellular level.

This is an invitation to open your ears, your eyes, and your mind to the incredible science of sound — including new research that speaks volumes to the relationship between sound and gravity.

On Tuesday, October 10, acclaimed acoustics pioneer John Stuart Reid will give you a tantalizing taste of what’s possible: How sound can be directed and harnessed for non-invasive pain relief… how certain musical frequencies can regenerate your tissues by oxygenating your cells… and how you can create optimal healing frequencies yourself just by listening to special music selections that contain specific healing frequencies.

>> You can register here for New Frontiers in Music Medicine & Cymatic Science: Optimal Healing Frequencies for Slowing Aging, Decreasing Inflammation and Pain & Improving Cancer Prognosis <<

Music Medicine & Cymatic Science: Optimal Healing Frequencies for Slowing Aging, Decreasing Inflammation and Pain & Improving Cancer Prognosis

In this free highly intriguing hour-long event, you’ll:

  • Learn how sound played a key role in the creation of the early universe and still influences the world today — and appreciate sound as a universal creative force that can be harnessed for healing

  • Hear a live music performance from Anders Holte and Cacina Meadu — an excerpt from their acclaimed Dream of the Blue Whale — with a spectrum analysis of their beautiful music from John Stuart Reid 

  • Experience a live cymatics experiment, demonstrating recent research that indicates sound has anti-gravity effects — even from your voice or musical instruments  

  • Understand how specific frequencies can break the pain cycle by increasing oxygen flow — and relieve pain naturally without drugs

  • Understand how music regenerates old cells by oxygenating their membranes — so you can initiate your own cellular fountain of youth

  • Be introduced to “Acoustic Heterodyning” to create calming ELFs — stimulating your vagus nerve, thereby slowing aging and resolving inflammation and pain

Join us to be immersed in the medicine of music that ancients knew — and that scientists like John are rediscovering today.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In New Frontiers in Music Medicine & Cymatic Science: Optimal Healing Frequencies for Slowing Aging, Decreasing Inflammation and Pain & Improving Cancer Prognosis with John Stuart Reid…

… you’ll join an acclaimed acoustics pioneer for an eye-opening exploration into the healing powers of sound. Discover how specific frequencies can recalibrate your body and mind, initiate deep relaxation, relieve pain, regenerate cells, and open portals to higher consciousness.

Read more: Using Music for Healing at the Cellular Level - Cymatics Live Experiment & Training

Thursday 5 October 2023

Receive a Biofield Tuning to Clear the Static of Your Ancestry

Clear energetic blocks & open to your true ancestral inheritance with biofield tuning.

Do you yearn for a deeper connection and understanding of your ancestral roots?

For many of us, the stories of our ancestors have become muddled through the years — the true gifts of their legacies unclear or unreceived.

This noise in your signal, as celebrated sound healer Eileen McKusick calls it, not only disconnects you from their often revelatory journeys but from the parts of yourself that are meant to grow from building upon the deeper insights of their lives.

Clearing this static — the passed along imprints, judgments, obscurities, or heavy emotions of your ancestry… 

… allows your whole being to relax, lighten, and open to their greater gifts and yours as you become more receptive and compassionate toward your shared humanity.

On Saturday, October 7, join Eileen and gain viable tools to help you clear the static in your ancestral line and open to the greater gifts that reside there… and receive a biofield tuning session to connect with your five senses and attune to the beauty that exists in the world, your ancestry — and in others.

>> You can register here for Receive the Gifts of Your Ancestors With Biofield Tunings: Clear Energetic Blocks & Open to Your True Ancestral Inheritance <<

Receive the Gifts of Your Ancestors With Biofield Tunings: Clear Energetic Blocks & Open to Your True Ancestral Inheritance with Eileen McKusick

In this FREE life-enriching event, you’ll:

  • Explore how all of the ancestors of humanity are available to offer guidance and wisdom 

  • Receive a biofield tuning to embody your senses and connect with the beauty of the world 

  • Receive the simple gifts of your ancestors — which are embedded in the things you take for granted

  • Tune in to the fundamental nature of your soul to fully enjoy the experience of being human

  • Discover your place in the greater human family — and a sense of belonging regardless of the dynamics of your familial ancestry

This is your opportunity to begin to clear the static in your field to embody the gifts of your ancestry — and the joy of being human.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Receive the Gifts of Your Ancestors With Biofield Tunings: Clear Energetic Blocks & Open to Your True Ancestral Inheritance with Eileen McKusick…

… you’ll access the support and true inheritance of your energetic bloodlines, instilling a deeper sense of peace and belonging in your own bones — and a more easeful and meaningful connection with the greater human family.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Receive a Biofield Tuning to Clear the Static of Your Ancestry

Monday 2 October 2023

Ayurveda & Modern Science for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health

Try “Flossing the Diaphragm” to benefit blood pressure, digestion, circulation & more...

Through the Ayurvedic philosophies of ancient India, it’s been discovered that a significant portion of your health and wellness hinges on speaking your truth… embracing your truth eases stress levels and is vitally important for living a conscious, loving, healthy, and long life. 

As science tells us, chronic stress is linked to the six major causes of death, including depression, cognitive decline, heart disease, and cancer. 

The good news is that there are practical steps you can take to identify and shift the factors contributing to your current health challenges — providing you with a clear understanding of the “storyboard” for how your health has unfolded.

There are also simple ways to boost your longevity and age gracefully, no matter your circumstances, to feel more energetic, healthier, and happier.

Ayurvedic philosophy shows us how to tap into our most subtle and powerful self, as well as our life’s purpose, or dharma. It helps us shift physical and emotional patterns to find balance, better our health, and connect with the healing power of our own spirituality.

On Tuesday, October 3, with Dr. John Douillard, DC, a recognized leader in the fields of natural health and Ayurveda, you’ll discover how this ancient approach to medicine can help you shift physical and emotional patterns that can lead to weak digestion, shallow breathing, poor sleep, chronic pain, and degenerative disease — all obstacles to graceful aging and longevity.

>> You can register here for Discover Empowered Aging With Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science: Shift Physical & Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health <<

Aging With Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science Shifting Physical & Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health

During this nourishing hour, you’ll discover:

  • Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity presented as approachable practices and protocols for conscious aging and vibrant health

  • The Ayurvedic philosophy of “letting the truth out” as a way to mitigate stress

  • How stress is stored in the body and how to work with your subtle body sheaths to promote balance and longevity

  • The key role your lymphatic system plays in immunity and gut health — and why it’s so important to your digestion to eat seasonal foods

  • How your breathing patterns are key to your wellbeing

  • A breathing technique called “Flossing the Diaphragm” — benefiting blood pressure levels, digestion, breast health, circulation, and the lymphatic system

 This is an opportunity to discover how Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity can boost your immunity and capacity for joy, and provide an approach to your life and overall wellness that can help you stay calm and grounded…

… even when faced with personal challenges or tumultuous events of the greater world.  

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Empowered Aging With Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science: Shift Physical & Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health with Dr. John Douillard, DC…

… you’ll discover how Ayurvedic philosophies woven with modern science can shift physical and emotional patterns that cause weak digestion, shallow breathing, poor sleep, chronic pain, and degenerative disease — all obstacles to your wellbeing and longevity.

Read more: Ayurveda & Modern Science for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health