Monday 31 July 2023

Heal Your Ancestral Roots & Strengthen Your Life Force w/ S. African Shamanic Wisdom

Experience deeper belonging & greater vitality thru the Earth-based wisdom of ubuntu.

A primary source of illness in the Western hemisphere is alienation from spirit — a sense of feeling alone in the world.

At the root of this illness is forgetting who we are and experiencing complete disconnection from the tree of life — our ancestors from within our own lineages and through our cultural and spiritual roots.

For many of us, ancestral shame and guilt, from the experience of oppression, slavery, or historical colonization, has resulted in low spiritual self-esteem, making it difficult to access our spiritual strength. Like a tree, we are cut off from our roots and suffer from a lack of groundedness and connection with ourselves, the Earth, and our deep ancestral origins.

Strengthening your “roots” through your ancestors can lead to deep healing that travels through familial and cultural bloodlines — and across time and space.

World-renowned sangoma (South African shaman) and healer John Lockley stresses that we need to reclaim our “spiritual roots” — the state in which we fully embrace our own unique heritage so we can optimize our health, awareness, and capacity to be good stewards of the Earth.

On Tuesday, August 1, John will share the powerful spirit of ubuntu — the circle of humanity — in which you can return as a child of nature at one with all of existence. By returning to the innocence of the earth, you will strengthen the roots that link you to all of humanity.

>> You can register here for Heal Your Ancestral Roots & Strengthen Your Life Force With South African Shamanic Wisdom: Experience Deeper Belonging & Greater Vitality Through the Earth-Based Wisdom of “Ubuntu” <<

Heal Your Ancestral Roots & Strengthen Your Life Force With South African Shamanic Wisdom Experience Deeper Belonging & Greater Vitality Through the Earth-Based Wisdom of Ubuntu with John Lockley

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Be guided to open your heart, unlock your body, and free your spirit through a journey of “dancing the body divine” accompanied by live African drumming

  • Explore the differences between relying on the intellect and connecting with the feeling of embodiment and intuitive nature — and how this essential wisdom can help you navigate your life

  • Reconnect with your “blood and bones” as you awaken your nervous system

  • Learn about Thobela (humility) as you connect with all of life and the outside world with your belly touching the earth

  • Learn practices to reconnect with your inner child, your innocence, and your natural born rhythm — as you connect with the wind inside of you and surrender to the spirit of play

John will also share how healing the bloodlines of your ancestral roots revitalizes your life energy and opens the pathway to fully embracing your soul purpose. As you learn to trust yourself and your lineages more fully, you can surrender to the path of your destiny.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Heal Your Ancestral Roots & Strengthen Your Life Force With South African Shamanic Wisdom: Experience Deeper Belonging & Greater Vitality Through the Earth-Based Wisdom of “Ubuntu” with John Lockley…

… you’ll activate a South African Indigenous healing process — with a sangoma from the Xhosa lineage — for releasing personal and collective pain associated with your ancestral and spiritual lineages. 

Read more: Heal Your Ancestral Roots & Strengthen Your Life Force w/ S. African Shamanic Wisdom

Sunday 30 July 2023

Amplify Your Energy Healing Capacity & Embrace Soulful Creation

Do you feel busy throughout your days — yet, when you reflect on your life, you wonder if you’re actually just reacting to situations, instead of consciously choosing the details of your life?

If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. This phenomenon — that busy-yet-stuck-in-a-rut feeling — traces back to the work of your ego, says bioenergetic medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morter. 

Dr. Sue, founder and CEO of Morter Institute for BioEnergetics and creator of the trailblazing Energy Codes® system, teaches that the ego is always operating in the background of your life, constantly creating problems, just so it can solve them. 

The question is, what amazing and creative acts would you engage in if you weren’t constantly solving these problems your ego created? 

Join Dr. Sue as she shares how to use her celebrated Energy Codes® — her set of energy medicine principles and practices designed to activate the authentic self and deeper states of awareness — to stop misusing the power of your mind. 

>> You can register here for Activate Your Energy Codes®: Amplify Your Innate Healing Capacity & Uplevel Your Role as a Soulful Creator <<

Activate Your Energy Codes® to Amplify Your Innate Healing Capacity & Uplevel Your Role as a Soulful Creator

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Understand the intricacies of the ego and its formation, including how it creates problems just so it can solve them

  • Free yourself from self-judgment by recognizing the ego’s true role, empowering you to embrace life without hesitation

  • Discover how to utilize your mind more efficiently and effectively — so you can stop wasting energy on protecting the ego through fabricated stories

  • Learn how to move out of a reactive mindset, which perpetuates distrust in your own ability to create, and shift into a creator perspective — so you can experience greater inspiration and a heightened sense of trust that opens doors to greater opportunities

  • Leave behind the myth that the ego is a negative presence that must be subdued — and embrace the powerful truth that there are no “problems” in life, because even challenges are opportunities to grow and reveal your magnificence

  • Begin to feel more attuned to your inner power and wisdom as you tap into the felt sensation within your body during a guided exercise to reclaim your power and foster inner balance — by raising the vibration of your system so you can elevate your ability to heal and create

By integrating the mind with the body and the breath — you can become better equipped to navigate life’s challenges with grace and ease, and ultimately, experience greater fulfillment and joy.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Activate Your Energy Codes®: Amplify Your Innate Healing Capacity & Uplevel Your Role as a Soulful Creator with Dr. Sue Morter…

… you’ll discover how to stop wasting your mind’s energy solving the problems your overreactive ego creates — so you can assume your intended role as a multidimensional, bioenergetic creator of your own life. 

Read more: Amplify Your Energy Healing Capacity & Embrace Soulful Creation

Saturday 29 July 2023

Develop Your Medical Intuition: Recognize & Healing Ailments

Uncover the 4 main pathways of intuitive wisdom to benefit your health.

Have you ever felt the subtle pull of something unseen — a quiet whisper of wisdom, a knowing that something is going on in your body — only to disregard it because it didn’t fit within the confines of logic and reason? 

According to Tina Zion, medical intuitive and psychic medium, intuition is a natural gift that merely needs to be noticed and embraced. That’s why working hard to be intuitive actually gets in the way! Medical intuition is part of everyone’s innate intuitive sense.

Tina, a compassionate and humble teacher, has taught thousands around the world, including medical professionals, how to access their medical intuitive skills.

You too can develop and refine the skills needed to tune in to what’s ailing you — physically or emotionally — and actively participate in helping yourself to heal.

Tina will guide you through an experiential practice to help you tap into your intuitive awareness so you can notice the signals and messages the Universe has sent you over the last week, and then allow that intuitive information to flow to you.

>> You can register here for Tune in to Your Medical Intuition: Recognize & Receive Messages About Your Body’s Ailments & Enhance Your Wellbeing <<

Learn How to Tune in to Your Medical Intuition Recognize & Receive Messages About Your Body’s Ailments & Enhance Your Wellbeing

In this illuminating free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the world as a living organism pulsating with wisdom, continually sending you intuitive signals

  • Uncover the 4 main pathways of intuitive wisdom (there are 18 in total), learn how to recognize them, and understand how they can be catalysts for your personal healing journey

  • Recognize personal blocks that might be hindering your intuitive connection — the old rules, preconceived notions, and ingrained beliefs keeping you from recognizing intuitive signals

  • Differentiate between your intellectual mind and your intuition, paving the way for clearer, more accurate intuitive messages

  • Participate in a guided awareness exercise, designed to enhance your sensitivity to the intuitive signals around you

Learning how to be your own medical intuitive allows you to grow your self-awareness, monitor and help sustain your wellbeing, and gain important insights about your physical and emotional health.

You’ll become a much more empowered self-advocate of your wellbeing with a foot in both worlds — the seen and unseen. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Tune in to Your Medical Intuition: Recognize & Receive Messages About Your Body’s Ailments & Enhance Your Wellbeing with Tina Zion…

… you’ll access your medical intuition for physical and emotional healing and spiritual growth through the four main pathways of intuitive wisdom (there are 18 in total).

Read more: Develop Your Medical Intuition: Recognize & Healing Ailments

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Microdosing w/ Mushrooms: Leading-Edge Science for Healing & Wellness

Have you been hearing the buzz around the healing properties of psilocybin — and want to better understand the science of how it works?

psychedelic renaissance has been gaining traction over recent years, with virtually every major media outlet reporting on new science, new startups, and new applications for these ancient healing practices.

If you’ve ever wondered why microdosing with psychedelics like psilocybin has gained immense popularity as a potential solution for various mental health issues — from PTSD to depression to anxiety — and you’re interested in learning more about the evolving attitudes and laws surrounding these substances…

… join highly respected clinical herbalist and scientist Christopher Hobbs, PhD, Lac on Wednesday, July 26, for an hour-long workshop to illuminate the opportunities and promise of psilocybin mushrooms.

>> You can register here for Microdosing With Mushrooms: Explore Leading-Edge Research on How Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Elevate Your Mind, Body & Spirit <<

Microdosing With Mushrooms Explore Leading-Edge Research on How Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Elevate Your Mind, Body & Spirit

In this free hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Take an important step on your own inner hero’s journey to restore emotional, psychological, and physical wellness — as well as establish a profound connection with your own higher wisdom

  • Begin cultivating a new attitude toward psychedelics, as you more deeply understand their application — particularly in the realm of microdosing, which offers numerous benefits for emotional and physical wellness

  • Explore a brief history of psilocybin mushrooms — discovering their origins, tracing their rise in popularity, understanding the reasons behind their prohibition, and gaining insights into the current landscape surrounding their use

  • Recognize the immense value of trustworthy facilitators and mentors who can provide guidance and support on your microdosing path, ensuring safety and maximizing the potential benefits of your experience

  • Gain practical knowledge and insights on how to effectively prepare yourself for the transformative journey ahead — equipping yourself with essential tools, strategies, and considerations to enhance your microdosing experience

Science is helping us move beyond an ineffective “war on drugs” toward a more nuanced understanding of these powerful medicines. Yes, they require a measured approach, but they have shown themselves to be effective agents of mental wellness. 

In addition to the storied “psychedelic journey” that these mushrooms can facilitate, they’ve been shown to untangle neural pathways and strengthen neural connections so they can operate with more efficiency and ease.

This includes microdosing for benefits that include increased creativity, enhanced mood, improved focus, reduced anxiety/stress, increased motivation, improved empathy, and a deeper sense of self-awareness.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Microdosing With Mushrooms: Explore Leading-Edge Research on How Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Elevate Your Mind, Body & Spirit with Christopher Hobbs, PhD… 

… you’ll explore the latest in psychedelic mushroom science with a globally acclaimed herbal clinician, delving into key findings on the legalities and science of working with psilocybin mushrooms — specifically through the power of microdosing — for those curious about how this approach can support their healing journey.

Read more: Microdosing w/ Mushrooms: Leading-Edge Science for Healing & Wellness

Tuesday 25 July 2023

Proven Remedies for Vaccine Damage & Injury True Stories (Free Book)

What’s the truth about vaccines? Are they “safe and effective”? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

Are they linked to autism? What about SIDS? What about sudden deaths and myocarditis? 

Do you regret getting the COVID vaccine? Do you wish you’d never vaccinated your child with the CDC’s schedule?

Would you want to know how to make your body, or your child’s body, healthy again?

The truth is that there are proven remedies for vaccine damage!

Filmmakers and health freedom advocates - Ty and Charlene Bollinger - have created an 8-episode documentary that you are NOT going to want to miss. It’s called REMEDY and it’s going to blow your mind!

Learn How to Regenerate Repair & Rebuild after Vaccine Injury REMEDY Film

Their team has gone all out filming and producing REMEDY – and they’ve created the biggest, most comprehensive film I’ve ever seen on the topic of vaccines, including many of the “hidden” and “suppressed” remedies to vaccine damage.

>> Click here to watch the trailer and reserve your free seat! <<

No matter where you fall on the spectrum, whether you vaccinate or you don’t, the reality is that vaccines have become THE hot-button issue of our time, especially considering the coronavirus injection that has been associated with so many injuries and deaths.

Here’s what sets this film apart from anything else I’ve seen: REMEDY  provides solutions for those who have suffered vaccine damage from the CDC’s recommended shots (not just Covid-19 but all of the vaccines on the current schedule), thus offering real hope and actual remedies for those who might be living in fear as well as those who are already vaccine damaged.

>> Click here and get the full details about this explosive 8-episode docu-series and how you can watch the thing starting July 26th.

Here’s to discovering the truth about vaccines...

It’s 100% FREE for you to watch. Why? Because this is one of the most controversial issues facing parents today, and there’s a mountain of misinformation, propaganda, and fear-mongering on the subject. If you’d like to know the TRUTH about vaccines, you cannot afford to miss this groundbreaking 8-episode docu-series.

>> Click here to get a sneak peek and register to watch for free <<

True Stories of Vaccine Injury - Complimentary eBook:

Did you know that vaccine manufacturers in the USA have no liability for injury or death resulting from their products? Plaintiffs are not able to sue the manufacturer for damages but are instead required to go through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), in which victims end up suing their own government in a specially appointed court.

And did you know that over the past 30 years, almost $5 Billion has been paid from the VICP to families of those damaged (or killed) by vaccines? This is despite the absurd rules of the “kangaroo court” that make it nearly impossible for victims to even have their cases heard.

My friends over at The Truth About Vaccines®, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, have put together a collection of true stories from the past half-century exposing the corruption and collusion between Big Pharma and the government, and the sad but true stories of some of the people who have been injured and received damages.

They’ve compiled these stories in a 53-page eBook -- The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (True Stories Behind Nearly $5 Billion in Damages) -- which you can get as a FREE gift, right now.

Vaccine injury compensation program true stories behind $5B in Health Damages


When you download the eBook, you’ll automatically reserve your FREE “front row seat” to watch Ty and Charlene’s brand-new, eye-opening, 8-episode docu-series – REMEDY – beginning July 26th.

Read more: Proven Remedies for Vaccine Damage & Injury True Stories (Free Book)

Thursday 20 July 2023

Master Intimate Communication: Learn the Art of Truly Listening

Discover how psychological astrology can help you improve communication.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be able to identify and shift old communication patterns that may be unconsciously sabotaging your greater potential for intimate, loving, and fearless relationships of all kinds?

Let’s face it, many relationships wobble on a tightrope of misunderstandings and disconnects. Often, they fall apart when people don’t feel cared about, heard, or understood. 

Thankfully, intimate communication is an art we can learn and a skill we can refine, says psychological astrologer Dr. Jennifer Freed. With the help of the energy of the planet Mercury (the planet of communication), we can improve both our spoken and our received communications.

Dr. Freed developed a potent process that marries psychology and astrology to aid you in your intimate communication skills, using the astrological elements associated with specific signs and planets. Each of these have distinct traits that can play a crucial role in every aspect of our lives.

On Thursday, August 2, join us for an eye-opening online event with Dr. Freed, where you’ll learn four reasons why people do not listen well, based on the four astrological elements — earth, air, fire, and water.

>> You can register here for Explore the Psychological Astrology of Connection: How to Listen (and Love) More Effectively Using the 4 Astrological Elements of Fire, Earth, Air & Water <<

Psychological Astrology of Connection or How to Listen (and Love) More Effectively Using the 4 Astrological Elements of Fire, Earth, Air & Water

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Learn common listening mistakes, so you can become aware of your habitual patterns and take the first step towards breaking free from them

  • Cultivate presence in listening by learning how to become still, attentive, and genuinely engaged in your interactions

  • Master the art of asking questions — and discover how asking the right questions can bring people out of their shells and foster magnetic connection

  • Become better at understanding others by paying attention to what they say and how they say it

  • Harness the vital skill of curiosity for meaningful dialogue and deeper intimacy

You’ll receive practical tools you can use right away to address the challenge of feeling unheard or misunderstood, and help you better listen to and understand your loved ones

You’ll learn how to ask the right questions, stimulate dialogue, and build profound intimacy in all of your relationships, all of which will magnetize people to you because they’ll feel cared about and seen.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore the Psychological Astrology of Connection: How to Listen (and Love) More Effectively Using the 4 Astrological Elements of Fire, Earth, Air & Water with Dr. Jennifer Freed…

… you’ll discover how psychological astrology can help you improve communication, ignite greater love, and foster deeper relationships through the four elements of the zodiac signs.

Read more: Master Intimate Communication: Learn the Art of Truly Listening

Tuesday 18 July 2023

Rediscover Self-worth w/ Your Breath, Dissolve Blocks & Foster Healing

Explore how breathwork can help you lead a more actualized, balanced & fulfilling life.

If you’ve found yourself bound by stress, anxiety, or patterns of self-sabotage, you’re not alone. These challenges, which are often the result of our lived trauma and are deeply ingrained in our nervous system, can rob us of our capacity for sustained wellness.  

Yet, what if you could release trauma, dissolve blocks, and foster healing using the innate rhythmic power of your breath?

Steph Magenta, co-founder of Integrative Breath, shares that breath is a potent instrument of personal transformation.

Conscious Connected Breathwork, a profound technique centered around the simple yet potent action of intentional breathing — a practice that’s a gateway to altered states of consciousness — provides a powerful vehicle for personal exploration and growth.

Steph sees breathwork as a form of “soul retrieval” — creating a bridge to self-discovery — supporting you in reclaiming the lost parts of yourself so you can return to whole-self wellness

On Wednesday, July 19, join Steph for an empowering hour-long event where she’ll share how combining Conscious Connected Breathwork with shamanic practices can help you release trauma and facilitate positive and enduring change in your life.

>> You can register here for The Potency of Conscious Connected Breathwork & Shamanic Practice: How You Can Release Trauma & Rediscover Self-Worth With Your Breath <<

Potency of Conscious Connected Breathwork & Shamanic Practice How You Can Release Trauma & Rediscover Self-Worth With Your Breath

In this nourishing hour-long event, you’ll:

  • Discover how to use your breath to regulate your nervous system for enhanced wellness and peace

  • Learn how to create an intentional life by fully stepping into present-moment awareness

  • Realize how to free yourself from comparison, competition, unworthiness, and the replaying of old stories by identifying them and examining how they drive your current lived experience

  • Understand how to uncover your unique gifts in the world by being willing to meet the parts of yourself that usually remain in the shadows

  • Find out how to use the Medicine Wheel as a holistic way of looking at life

This is an opportunity to take advantage of the potent breath medicine available to you at all times, so you can release trauma, expand your consciousness, and reduce stress and anxiety.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Potency of Conscious Connected Breathwork & Shamanic Practice: How You Can Release Trauma & Rediscover Self-Worth With Your Breath with Steph Magenta…

… you’ll find out how combining Conscious Connected Breathwork with mystical shamanic practices can help you release trauma, reclaim self-worth, expand your consciousness, and cultivate inner peace so you can lead a more actualized, balanced, and fulfilled life. 

Read more: Rediscover Self-worth w/ Your Breath, Dissolve Blocks & Foster Healing

Thursday 13 July 2023

Heal Trauma & Anxiety w/ Vagal Toning Secrets for Mind-Body Healing

Discover the Power of Vagal Toning to Restore Nervous System Balance and Reclaim Your Vitality.

Do you long to live a life that aligns with your true self? Do you yearn for deep healing of trauma or pain that has been with you for years so you can create your ideal life?

It’s within your reach to achieve a state of inner peace and emotional wellbeing, free of the underlying imbalance that drains your life force.

Your body — and in particular your nervous system — holds profound messages and wisdom for you. By learning to embrace your difficult emotions and pain, while tapping into the power of vagal toning, you can release blockages and experience a profound healing and inner transformation.

Clinical psychologist and somatic therapist Dr. Arielle Schwartz’s unique approach to trauma recovery, vagal toning, and embodied spirituality has empowered countless individuals to break free from the chains of the past and step into their full potential.

If you’re currently facing personal challenges — such as PTSD, complex trauma, chronic pain, burnout, or emotional struggles — Arielle’s work offers a powerful solution.

On Saturday, July 15, you’ll discover effective tools and practices to release the grip of trauma, restore your nervous system’s balance, and reclaim energetic vitality.

>> You can register here for Vagal Toning Secrets for Mind-Body Healing: A New Pathway to Achieve Emotional Health & Recover From Trauma, Anxiety & Chronic Illness <<

Vagal Toning Secrets for Mind-Body Healing A New Pathway to Achieve Emotional Health & Recover From Trauma, Anxiety & Chronic Illness

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the science and mechanisms of vagal toning — and how it can realign your nervous system, bridge the gap between brain and body, and restore you to a place of safety and authenticity

  • Understand the power of embodied spirituality that emerges when you dissolve the barriers that separate your body, mind, and soul

  • Explore how you can unlock the healing power of your body with practical tools and techniques rooted in somatic psychology, yoga therapy, and neuromodulation — and gain simple practices for effective self-regulation of your nervous system

  • Learn how poetic soul baths — poetry, breathwork, sound healing, and psychosensory interventions — can help you access deep layers of self-healing

  • Experience a unique breath-and-movement practice to take you out of survival-based reactivity, allowing you to turn toward your pain and embrace it

This is your opportunity to begin to tone your vagus nerve, optimize your life energy, and cultivate profound wellbeing from within.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Vagal Toning Secrets for Mind-Body Healing: A New Pathway to Achieve Emotional Health & Recover From Trauma, Anxiety & Chronic Illness with Dr. Arielle Schwartz…

… you’ll liberate your vibrant self by tapping into the profound benefits of vagal toning to release long-held trauma and chronic pain, and achieve emotional and physical healing — allowing you to unlock embodied spirituality, authenticity, and wholeness. 

Read more: Heal Trauma & Anxiety w/ Vagal Toning Secrets for Mind-Body Healing

Wednesday 12 July 2023

Reclaim Your Connection w/ the Departed: Collaborate for Healing & Miracles

Collaborate with those on the other side to make miracles in your life, reclaim the suppressed wisdom of your ancestors for healing.

What if the departed — those we once held dear and even strangers from generations past — are still with us…

… not only waiting to comfort us, but eager to collaborate with us on creating miracles in our lives.

Perdita Finn, co-founder of The Way of the Rose, says that this is a wisdom our ancient ancestors embraced, a wisdom that has been suppressed for millennia by religious authorities who wanted to mediate our interactions with the other side in order to retain power over us.

Reclaiming the direct intimacy of these relationships can give us unshakeable confidence, empowered intuition, a liberated imagination, and the ability to make miracles happen in the world around us.

In this context, miracles are not supernatural feats, but natural, organic occurrences available to everyone. They’re simple yet profound moments of connection, of feeling supported, loved, and understood in ways we seldom experience in our day-to-day lives.

Join Perdita and she’ll help you open to the realization that you are spirit, you’re surrounded by the spirits of your ancestors, and that both the living and the dead are here to work together to create miracles.

>> You can register here for Reclaim Your Connection With the Departed: Discover How to Collaborate With Those on the Other Side to Make Miracles in Your Life <<

Reclaim Your Connection With the Departed Discover How to Collaborate With Those on the Other Side to Make Miracles in Your Life

In this eye-opening hour-long event, you’ll:

  • Find out that the dead are ready and waiting to help you on your healing journey

  • Understand that miracles are organic, natural, and accessible to everyone

  • See that you are never alone — no one dies alone and no one lives alone because the dead are a constant presence in our lives

  • Unearth and reclaim the suppressed wisdom of your ancestors

  • Recognize that seeds and miracles alike grow in the dark, so there’s no need to fear either the dead or the darkness

Profound healing awaits you when you reconnect with your ancestors, allowing you to tap into a sense of belonging and an understanding that comes from recognizing you are part of a continuum — a cycle of life and death that has neither beginning nor end but is an eternal dance.

Be prepared to reclaim your connection to your ancestors during this life-affirming hour —and walk away with a powerful, renewed perspective on life, death, and the magic that lies between. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Reclaim Your Connection With the Departed: Discover How to Collaborate With Those on the Other Side to Make Miracles in Your Life with Perdita Finn…

… you’ll explore the timeless wisdom of your ancestors, discovering the profound healing, comfort, and empowerment that awaits when you recognize that the dead are all around you, wanting and waiting to help you — transforming your fears and anxieties into an enduring sense of connection and a liberating affirmation of the eternal dance of life and death.

Read more: Reclaim Your Connection w/ the Departed: Collaborate for Healing & Miracles

Monday 10 July 2023

Hope for Humanity’s Future: Unifying Science, Spirituality & Noosphere

Discover how science and spiritual mysticism converge for the evolution of life on Earth.

If we look to the past, it’s evident that as human beings we are capable of profound acts of courage, selflessness, and ingenuity…

Alas, we also have the capacity for profound devastation as evident in our many divides, institutionalized power-over dynamics, and tattered environments that are on the verge of extinction due to our collective excessiveness.

Yet, the future holds a different story, according to cosmologist Brian Thomas Swimme and spiritual theologian Matthew Fox.

Brian and Matthew believe that we can and are actively birthing a new story and a new Earth by harnessing the primordial creation energy of the Universe that still exists today — a belief that has been foretold by great spiritual teachers and scientists alike for centuries.

It begins with the conscious creation of the noosphere, the sphere of human thought that envelops the Earth… with the potential to unify the best of humanity and inspire evolutionary advances that can create a truly equitable, joyful, and sustainable world.

You’ll explore the noosphere on Saturday, July 22, and discover how science and mysticism converge in the evolution of human consciousness and our world — and deepen the meaning of our lives and the power we hold to consciously create the harmony, fulfillment, and happiness we seek.

>> You can register here for Discover Hope for Humanity’s Future — Science, Spirituality & the Noosphere: Find Deeper Meaning in Our Spiritual Traditions With Illuminating Insights in Science & Technology <<

Discover Hope for Humanity’s Future — Science, Spirituality & the Noosphere. Find Deeper Meaning in Our Spiritual Traditions With Illuminating Insights in Science & Technology

In this thought-provoking online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the noosphere, and how it’s relevant to us and to the roles of ritual and technology in evolving it

  • Be guided by Brian to directly experience your place in the creative energy of the cosmos

  • Deepen your understanding of the ongoing creation of the Universe and your role in it — and of Evelyn Underhill and M.D. Chenu’s perspective on “continuous creation” and “continuous incarnation”

  • Explore what mystics such as Pierre Teilhard de Chardin have to say on expanding your consciousness and trusting your divine powers of creativity

  • Learn how the power of symbolic language enabled Homo sapiens to establish unity

Together, these luminaries are uniquely positioned to guide us to the path that is most aligned with our shared desire for peace and prosperity… and the imperative for nurturance, protection, and advancement of all beings.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Hope for Humanity’s Future: Science, Spirituality & the Noosphere: Find Deeper Meaning in Our Spiritual Traditions With Illuminating Insights in Science & Technology with Brian Thomas Swimme and Matthew Fox…

… you’ll experience your place in the creative energy of the cosmos and discover how science and spiritual mysticism converge in a meaningful vision for the evolution of human consciousness — and life on Earth.

Read more: Hope for Humanity’s Future: Unifying Science, Spirituality & Noosphere

Tuesday 4 July 2023

Explore Sacred Energy Arts Qigong for Radiant Health - Guided Practices

Discover the golden nuggets within your shadow with Sacred Energy Arts Qigong.

In our attempts to avert the harsher emotions of life such as pain, loneliness, sadness, injustice, and disparity… we often inadvertently miss out on the golden nuggets that are waiting for us in the shadows.

There is a gatekeeper for this light and darkness that we all possess, however, that can bring us back into balance… and Qigong can help us access it, affirms Matthew Cohen, Qigong expert and founder of Sacred Energy Arts.

Befriending this dragon, the inner gatekeeper of our full human and spiritual potential, enables us to expand our capacity to live a full life by guiding us into the deeper meaning of our personal and collective challenges.

It allows us to move through heavy emotions toward wisdom and a deeper appreciation for the fullness of life — and the vulnerability, pain, beauty, and grace that allow us to experience it.

On Tuesday, July 11, you’ll explore Matthew’s potent process for befriending the dragon and increasing your capacity to live peacefully and meaningfully amidst challenge and uncertainty… stepping out of the shadow dragons of worry, fear, anger, grief, and ego toward the dragons of light — embodied peace, harmony, and your innate power. 

>> You can register here for Explore Sacred Energy Arts Qigong for Radiant Health: Gentle Practices to Cultivate Resilience, Move Through Emotions & Access Your Natural Vibrancy <<

Sacred Energy Arts Qigong for Radiant Health Gentle Practices to Cultivate Resilience, Move Through Emotions & Access Your Natural Vibrancy

In this online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how the ancient and progressive techniques of Sacred Energy Arts Qigong can help you balance and optimize your health — and expand your capacity to easefully experience life

  • Be guided through the Stalking Jaguar practice to elevate your energy — and transform negativity such as judgment into forgiveness and love

  • Experience breath as an ally that can help you increase focus, attention, clarity, and energy — and reduce stress

  • Explore forgiveness and love as potent healing tools for letting go, building stronger relationships, and opening to greater possibilities

  • Learn techniques for training your mind and heart for deeper presence, calm, meaning, and joy — and releasing negative and false beliefs

As you become better equipped at managing your energy and holding the full experience of life, your inner power and self-awareness also grow

… amplifying the wisdom, resilience, and harmony that exist in the interplay of light and darkness — and deepening your access to your greater potential, authenticity, and gifts. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore Sacred Energy Arts Qigong for Radiant Health: Gentle Practices to Cultivate Resilience, Move Through Emotions & Access Your Natural Vibrancy with Matthew Cohen…

… you’ll find clarity and connection, heightened energetic awareness, and greater physical and emotional balance and resilience through a powerful fusion of ancient and progressive Qigong, meditation, and breathwork techniques.

Read more: Explore Sacred Energy Arts Qigong for Radiant Health - Guided Practices

Monday 3 July 2023

Unlock Quantum Energy Healing Skills: Optimize Your Clairvoyance & Intuition

Discover “wave genetics” to create a better future for yourself and our world.

Did you know you’re already fully equipped with the skills you need for optimum clairvoyance and intuition? 

You already have the ability within you to receive messages, cultivate revelations, perform healings, and glimpse into the future.

Yet, that’s just the beginning of what you’re capable of, says renowned intuitive energy healer Cyndi Dale.

As you learn new ways to use your clairvoyant and energy healing skills and combine these gifts with new tools — such as the science of “wave genetics,” or how your own DNA connects to your personal (and the universal) quantum intelligent field — you can create a pathway of light, radiant health, and profound wellbeing for your future… and be part of creating a better future for our world.

If you’d like to discover life-enhancing tools and practices to help you deepen your clairvoyant and energy healing skills

Join us on Saturday, July 8, as Cyndi shares how the science of quantum intelligence can amplify your natural intuitive skills.

>> You can register here for Keys to Quantum Energy Healing: How to Access Quantum Intelligence to Expand Your Clairvoyant & Intuitive Healing Abilities <<

Keys to Quantum Energy Healing How to Access Quantum Intelligence to Expand Your Clairvoyant & Intuitive Healing Abilities

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Enter your personal quantum field to reactivate a dormant inner code during Cyndi’s guided quantum intelligence protocol exercise — you can choose to return to a previous state (or aspirational state) of great health, abundance, secure finances, balanced emotions, or any issue you feel called to address

  • Explore wave-genetics — the personal intelligence field you can access visually and linguistically, via your fifth, sixth, and ninth chakras

  • Learn how your ninth chakra, above the head, contains your personal source codes to achieve physical and psychological wellbeing — and transform your deepest emotional traumas

  • Learn how you can use Cyndi’s proprietary energy medicine tools to harness the energy of the Universe — to expand your intuition and address trauma, harmful deep-seated beliefs, disease resulting from unprocessed emotions… even dark energies that aren’t yours but have found a home in your energy system

  • Discover how to apply absolute scalar waves to cultivate quantum intelligence and transformation through the God Spot — as Cyndi shares powerful images to clarify these crucial teachings

Join Cyndi and explore your new radical quantum toolkit — and create a pathway of light for yourself as you build on your natural skills of intuition and clairvoyance.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Keys to Quantum Energy Healing: How to Access Quantum Intelligence to Expand Your Clairvoyant & Intuitive Healing Abilities with Cyndi Dale…

… you’ll access a state of great health, abundance, secure finances, balanced emotions — whatever your soul needs — by stepping into your personal quantum field with quantum intelligence practices.

Read more: Unlock Quantum Energy Healing Skills: Optimize Your Clairvoyance & Intuition

Sunday 2 July 2023

Travel Beyond the Veil: Unlock Healing & Spiritual Discovery

Discover a transformative meditation practice to explore nonphysical realms.

Do you seek trusted sources of guidance? Are you looking to access the deeper mysteries of this world… and beyond?

Many of us yearn for a connection with something greater than ourselves, and the journey towards understanding these mysteries can be transformative.

Dr. Scott Taylor, a renowned shared-death experiencer, academic, and educator shares transformative insights that can empower you to embark on celestial adventures and unlock the secrets of the nonphysical realms.

On Saturday, July 8, in an awe-inspiring overview of the physical and nonphysical realms, Dr. Taylor will discuss his transformative meditation practice that utilizes binaural beats audio technology to help individuals deeply explore the realms beyond our physical reality.

Binaural beats are an intriguing phenomenon that result in your brain waves being altered, enhancing your ability to relax and focus. And when utilizing specific frequencies, these outcomes can help unlock an expanded state of awareness required for connecting with ancestors and spirits.

>> You can register here for Traveling Beyond the Veil: Explore How Bi-Location Can Open a Path to Experience the “Life Between Lives” for Healing & Spiritual Discovery <<

Travel Beyond the Veil Explore How Bi-Location Can Open a Path to Experience the Life Between Lives for Healing & Spiritual Discovery

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Develop a profound understanding of your multidimensional existence and how accessing various levels of reality can enhance your physical life

  • Explore near-death experiences (NDEs) and shared-death experiences (SDEs) from 3 distinct levels: physicalconsequence, and metaphysical — exploring perspectives that reduce stress and bring more joy to your life by expanding your awareness of the larger picture

  • Hear Dr. Taylor’s story of his own SDE and what he’s learned throughout 42 years of experiential practice, academic research, and practitioner mentoring

  • Learn why practicing meditation with binaural beats audio technology deepens your practice and enhances exploration of nonphysical realms and new dimensions of consciousness

  • Understand the most significant aspect of an NDE— the “Life Review” — and how it can instantly clear your karma

If you’re facing personal challenges, Dr. Taylor’s work can provide the resolution you seek. Whether it’s understanding the larger picture, broadening the impact of your own near-death experiences (NDEs) and shared-death experiences (SDEs), or deepening your meditation practice with binaural beats, this event offers unique concepts and practices that will empower you on your life journey.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Traveling Beyond the Veil: Explore How Bi-Location Can Open a Path to Experience the “Life Between Lives” for Healing & Spiritual Discovery with Dr. Scott Taylor…

… you’ll discover how you can visit “The Park” — the vibrational window of your “life between lives” — described in many near-death experiences as the “place” many souls go for healing and integration after passing away from this physical life.

Read more: Travel Beyond the Veil: Unlock Healing & Spiritual Discovery

Saturday 1 July 2023

Discover Movement Alchemy: Activate Vitality with the Feldenkrais Method®

Release tension, anxiety & physical pain through gentle, stress-free movement.

Are physical limitations or overwhelming stress holding you back? Do you dream of unlocking heightened potential and living a vibrant life filled with joy and enhanced wellbeing?

Imagine being able to enjoy moving through life, both physically and emotionally, with more confidence and less pain — feeling empowered and grounded in your body, and resilient and calm in the face of life’s challenges.

All this is within your reach when you tap into the power of the Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® method to change your physical posture, rewire your musculoskeletal and nervous systems, and free your unhelpful emotional patterns.

The Feldenkrais Method® is a transformational process akin to inner alchemy that uses gentle, well-planned, and sophisticated movement sequences to help you transform how you move your body and how you move through life — by reconnecting your mind with your body.

Feldenkrais lessons can help you transform physical pain and emotional distress into increased flexibility, improved balance, and enhanced vitality.

Join Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher® Lavinia Plonka and learn how subtle movement can transmute burdensome physical impairments and emotional stress into radiant physical dexterity and emotional wellbeing.

>> You can register here for Discover Movement Alchemy With the Feldenkrais Method®: Activate Physical & Emotional Vitality With Awareness Through Movement <<

Exercise at home Learn Movement Alchemy With the Feldenkrais Method Activate Physical & Emotional Vitality With Awareness Through Movement

In this free hour-long event, you’ll discover:

  • The true alchemical process of transformation and how Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement can help you achieve tangible results

  • How every emotion has a unique breath pattern — and how attending to your breath can enhance emotional fluency

  • The importance of developing physical flexibility without straining — to improve range of motion, balance, and health

  • How recognizing habitual postures and movements can increase choice in your life and help you proceed with greater intentionality

  • The joy of power posing and how you can use your posture to change your attitude

Whether you’re a healing professional, personal coach, yogi, Feldenkrais Practitioner®, movement teacher, or personal spiritual seeker, Lavinia’s unique synthesis of diverse movement and healing modalities can help you fully inhabit yourself in an embodied way — so you can experience greater physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Movement Alchemy With the Feldenkrais Method®: Activate Physical & Emotional Vitality With Awareness Through Movement with Lavinia Plonka…

… you’ll learn how to release tension, anxiety, and physical pain to experience greater wellbeing and improve your physical agility through gentle, stress-free movement.

Read more: Discover Movement Alchemy: Activate Vitality with the Feldenkrais Method®