Friday 30 June 2023

Unlock Your True Potential w/ Gene Keys to Thrive in Challenging Times

Learn how to access and activate your internal navigation system with The Gene Key.

Contained within the tumult of these times is an invitation to evoke and embody the highest expression of yourself — to rise above the chaos and confusion that is sweeping the planet.

The Gene Keys, as sourced by Richard Rudd, is a powerful evolutionary system that can awaken you to your true nature as a divine creator. It’s an inspiring and practical guide for transforming the patterns of your life and accessing higher states of awareness and consciousness.

Mark Bentley, a Gene Keys Ambassador and Human Design Guide, supports individuals in recognizing the powerful potential of The Gene Keys to help navigate not only global transitions, but personal ones as well — as they offer unprecedented levels of insight into your particular personal growth and development needs.

Through your journey with The Gene Keys, you can learn how to live with greater confidence, clarity, freedom, and joy. By understanding the deep code of life encoded within your own DNA, you can move beyond the limitations of your past, and create a more abundant future.

You’ll discover how this invaluable resource can empower you to thrive in the face of a monumental global transition by providing the keys to unlocking your full potential and embracing the abundance that is your birthright.

>> You can register here for Harness the Gene Keys to Thrive in Challenging Times: How a Fusion of the I Ching, Astrology & the Human Design System Can Illuminate YOUR Unique Path <<

Harness the Gene Keys to Thrive in Challenging Times How a Fusion of the I Ching, Astrology & the Human Design System Can Illuminate YOUR Unique Path

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how unlocking your deepest wisdom with The Gene Keys can help you understand yourself better, find greater balance in these disruptive times, and uncover a path toward true empowerment

  • Understand “The Great Change” as predicted in The Gene Keys at deeper levels — including the implications of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 (for gestation), the 2012 Portal (birth), and the upcoming Rhythmic Symphony of 2027 (fruition of the new world) — so you can replace fear and resistance to change with curiosity and openness, enabling you to adapt more effectively

  • Explore the 55th and 22nd Gene Keys to develop a greater understanding of the interplay between the spiritual and material aspects of life — finding balance and clarity no matter what’s going on in the world

  • Discover how you can easefully embrace transition with grace — empowering you to face adversity with poise and resilience, and transform challenges into opportunities for growth

  • Experience a practice that demonstrates the power of stillness (from the 52nd Gene Key), which is essential to engaging with The Gene Keys in a simple way, facilitating deeper self-discovery and personal growth, and more harmonious responses to life’s changes

By delving into the depths of your genetic coding and understanding the patterns and influences that shape your life, you can tap into a higher level of awareness and unlock your innate gifts and abilities.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Harness the Gene Keys to Thrive in Challenging Times: How a Fusion of the I Ching, Astrology & the Human Design System Can Illuminate YOUR Unique Path with Mark Bentley…

… you’ll have the chance to access and activate your internal navigation system with The Gene Keys, a unique consciousness tool that empowers you to understand and embrace the dynamic, creative, and sometimes daunting moments that shape your life.

Read more: Unlock Your True Potential w/ Gene Keys to Thrive in Challenging Times

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Join the Future of Healing! Feel the Power of Sound Healing Summit July 10-14

You'll discover how to support rapid healing with powerful sonic practices, create new neural pathways in the brain with sound healing, boost mental acuity and creativity with sound medicine, how to use vibrational medicine to decrease anxiety and stimulate brain activity…

Did you know that sound healing is one of the most rapidly growing fields in transformational learning, and has been proclaimed by many as the future of healing?

Leading-edge research on the science and theory of sound and vibration has demonstrated its impact on your physical, mental, and emotional bodies…

… by identifying and measuring bio-markers such as increased lymphatic circulation, increased production of melatonin and endorphins, creation of new neural pathways in the brain, and increased release of nitric oxide, a neurotransmitter fundamental to your health.

During the online Sound Healing Summit, you’ll encounter myriad vibrational techniques — including harmonics, tuning forks, sound baths, and voice — that can help you achieve heightened states of relaxation and rejuvenation.

During this high-production-value event, you can immerse yourself in vibrational therapy sessions that include engaging conversations, daily sound baths, and powerful emerging sonic practices. You’ll gain wisdom and inspiration from our extensive lineup of musicians, scientists, researchers, and masters in the sound-healing arts.

Join us at this Free Online Event
>> Sound Healing Summit <<
July 10-14

heal with sound-healing use of sonic vibrations for self-healing reduce stress boost mental acuity & creativity decrease anxiety

Join more than 35 of today’s sought-after experts, sound-healing pioneers, and practitioners — including Dr. John Beaulieu, Amanda Domnitz-Baird, David GibsonJeralyn Glass, and Laura Inserra.

I’m honored to invite you to this revelatory event that brings together leading masters, scientists, practitioners, trainers, and performers to aid in collective repair and harmonization.

You’ll discover the latest in sound-healing tools and practices — backed by science as well as ancient traditions — that you can use now for self-stabilization, personal growth, and spiritual medicine.

It’s been shown that sound-healing tools such as drums, flutes, crystal bowls, gongs, biofield tuning, and even self-created sounds such as humming, tapping, chanting, and singing…

… can actually affect your molecular structure, helping reduce stress levels, improve sleep, and decrease blood pressure while shifting your energetic vibrational frequency. 

Science is beginning to reveal that ancient sound-healing techniques are actually the medicine of the future, encouraging you to optimize wellbeing, retain youthful vigor, heighten consciousness, and even enhance longevity!

Join the esteemed panel of presenters to equip yourself with sound-healing techniques designed to activate quick shifts in your mind and body.

>> RSVP here for the Sound Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this dynamic and transformative summit, you’ll: 

  • The transformative power of various modalities and instruments, such as overtone singing, handpans, flutes, gongs, didgeridoo, ceremonial sounding, frame drums, and much more

  • Your voice, when expressed with intention and awareness, dispels the amnesia that settles in your physical form as congestion

  • How sound therapy can help with trauma, mental health, and addiction issues

  • The frame drum is a mythic instrument with a polycultural history of ritual healing, invoking the sacred, revitalizing the spirit, and recalibrating the mind 

  • How a gong bath can immerse you in polytonal vibrational healing 

  • The cells of your body recognize the vibration of balance, beauty, and harmony — so when music carries that particular vibration, healing is your body’s natural response

  • How to clear physical and energy trigger points by using tuning forks

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Sound Healing Summit — at no charge <<


In this highly experiential event, which pairs contemporary science with ancient healing modalities, you’ll discover how to access higher levels of consciousness through sound. 

Join our global panel of sound experts to experience sonic alchemy through soothing, balancing, and energizing healing modalities. You’ll explore how to use vibrational therapy to activate self-healing and promote self-empowerment from within.

Here’s how some of our brilliant speakers will illuminate the many dimensions of sound healing: 

  • Wah! Devi will reveal how sound healing, with its lack of melody, harmonic tones, and peaceful pace, can help restore our humanity.

  • Laura Inserra will show you how she blends sound healing, vibrational work, ancient wisdom, and shamanic techniques to harmonize the body and facilitate wellbeing.

  • Amanda Domnitz-Baird will discuss the importance of continuing further education to enhance the effectiveness of your sound-healing practice

  • Christine Stevens will talk about how sonic vibration, sound work, and sound activism are all interrelated, and can create a sense of balance in one’s culture and community.  

  • Barry Goldstein will share transformative ways to use music as a powerful relaxation protocol for addressing nightly sleep challenges.

  • David Gibson will reveal ways to create a stable, consistent vibration so you can be at peace no matter what.

  • Dayvin Hallmon will talk about how sound healing can transform communities where people are suffering from violent crimes and have experienced racial violence.

  • Dr. John Beaulieu will teach you how to meditate using tuning forks to clear physical and energy trigger points

  • Jonathan Goldman and Andi Goldman will discuss the power of sound to heal and transform, and how this knowledge and awareness can be applied to enhance your life.

  • Michele Averard will explore the mindful application of sound therapy through energy work, intention, and powerful visualizations used in conjunction with the voice

  • Yuval Ron will demonstrate how he weaves together ancient wisdom traditions and recent scientific discoveries to create healing sound therapies for dementia, Alzheimer’s, and chronic pain

  • Tony Redhouse will use the ancient sounds of the voice, drum, and flute to guide you in a Native American healing meditation — allowing your heart’s “beat” to soar with freedom and joy. 

  • Steven Halpern, PhD, will demonstrate using brainwave entrainment soundtracks to balance your brainwaves, biofield, and chakras.

  • Jeralyn Glass will demonstrate what makes crystal alchemy singing bowls such powerful instruments of transformation.

And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Sound Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Join the Future of Healing! Feel the Power of Sound Healing Summit July 10-14

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Unlock the Secrets of Telepathic Communication w/ Your Animals (in 60 min) Event

Learn techniques for deepening your connection with your beloved companions.

How many times have you wondered what your beloved animal companion is thinking?

Imagine how wonderful it would be if you could decipher their thoughts and emotions — and anticipate their needs and desires. Even more remarkably, if they could understand yours.

Meaningful two-way psychic communication is possible, according to Joan Ranquet, a sought-after animal communicator who has created a practical and healing process for bridging the human-animal communication gap… and harmonizing the energy of the home.

On Tuesday, June 27, you’ll explore some of Joan’s tried-and-true animal communication techniques and discover how you can create a safe, reliable, and nurturing connection that deepens your bond, trust, and capacity to help the animals in your life revitalize, find inner harmony, and remain healthy and happy.

>> Join here to Explore Telepathic Communication With Your Animals: Learn Techniques for Establishing & Deepening the Connection With Your Beloved Companions <<

Telepathic Communication With Your Animals: Learn Techniques

During this free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore psychic animal communication as a skill that anyone can develop — and how two-way communication between you and the animals in your life deepens the bond, trust, and capacity for mutual connection and healing

  • Be guided through a meditation to ground your energy — and open the door for communication with your own animal companion 

  • Learn how your nervous system directly impacts your animal companions

  • Discover how healing automatically happens for animals when they feel heard 

  • Explore how you automatically communicate with your animal companions — and the importance of “meaning what you say and saying what you mean” to increase clarity in your communication

Joan teaches that many of the behavioral issues and even physical ailments that animals develop are due to a lack of clear communication with their “person.”

As animals are naturally empathic and telepathic, miscommunication often creates emotional stress that taxes their nervous system, overall health — and even their confidence and sense of value and belonging.

With the right tools of communication and effective techniques for clearing out the imprinted energy of miscommunication, you can revitalize and enhance your connection — healing and uplifting their health, hearts, and spirits in the process.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore Telepathic Communication With Your Animals: Learn Techniques for Establishing & Deepening the Connection With Your Beloved Companions with Joan Ranquet…

… you’ll deepen the bond and trust between you and your animal companions and harmonize the energy in your home using telepathic animal communication techniques that ground, open, and expand your energy — and create a safe, nurturing, and reliable space for them to experience the same.

Read more: Unlock the Secrets of Telepathic Communication w/ Your Animals (in 60 min) Event

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny w/ Shamanic Roadmap for the Taripaypacha Golden Era

Align your life path with the Taripaypacha prophecy for more peace, joy & love.

As our world continues to experience turmoil, even the most devoted spiritual seekers can find themselves feeling profoundly disconnected — from themselves, those around them, and Mother Earth.

Do you long to know more about the driving force behind what’s happening in our world?

And where you fit in the larger story?

Thankfully, the timeless wisdom and practical universality of shamanism has always been with us, offering us the answers we’re seeking, says don Oscar Miro-Quesada, a Peruvian maestro curandero.

Don Oscar will share how you can energize and expand your life’s vision through deep immersion in the cosmic pathway of Universal Shamanism — with your unique evolutionary soul map as your guide. 

>> You can register here to Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny With a Shamanic Roadmap: Align Your Life’s Pathway With the Prophecy of the Dawning of the “Taripaypacha” Golden Era <<

Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny with Shamanic Roadmap for the Taripaypacha Golden Era

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Become an agent of change as you move from within your physical body into an infinitely creative space during don Oscar’s guided shamanic experience — a practice that utilizes your breath for deepening, relaxing, and following your energetic bliss

  • Re-envision your cosmic identity through the shamanic lens of the Taripaypacha prophecy

  • Gain insights into the evolutionary driving force behind the turmoil of our world

  • Experience the bliss of releasing your attachment to personal and planetary outcomes

  • Learn the secret of tuning in to the planetary shift without becoming overwhelmed

You’ll learn how the Taripaypacha prophecy provides a powerful lens to rethink your cosmic identity — and affirm that you’re actually a powerful co-creator of the Universe, fully capable of contributing to the wellbeing of humanity and beyond.

Don Oscar will also share practical tips for exploring the depths of this planetary shift without feeling overwhelmed, freeing you to fully grasp your soul’s unique evolutionary journey — and the self-actualization, clarity, love, and joy that come along with it.

Join us and learn to navigate the multidimensional domains of human consciousness as a practitioner of Universal Shamanism — and celebrate the divine agency of healing transformation and personal growth as you align with your soul’s cosmic pathway. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny With a Shamanic Roadmap: Align Your Life’s Pathway With the Prophecy of the Dawning of the “Taripaypacha” Golden Era with don Oscar Miro-Quesada…

… you’ll access a shamanic roadmap that leads to untapped dimensions of your mind and spirit — and experience a sense of renewal and clarity about your life’s journey through the lens of the Taripaypacha-era prophecy.

Read more: Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny w/ Shamanic Roadmap for the Taripaypacha Golden Era

Tuesday 20 June 2023

Unlocking Conscious Relationships: Discover Your Position on Drama Triangle for Empowered Self-Love

Identify your sabotaging patterns to empower self-love and conscious relationships.

Did you know that deepening your capacity to cultivate meaningful, healthy, and supportive relationships is a surefire way to catalyze your gifts as a healer?

It's time to break free from the perpetual loop of control known as the Drama Triangle, and embark on a journey towards conscious relationships and empowered self-love.

In this transformative blog post, you can join renowned medical intuitive, Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD, to be guided through the intricate dynamics of the Drama Triangle and see how it affects your relationships. Together, we'll explore the three archetypes of the Drama Triangle: the Rescuer, Victim, and Persecutor, and the modes of control and behavior they employ to manage fear and anxiety.

Unveiling where you currently stand on the Drama Triangle is the first step towards breaking free from its grip. Tiffany will help you identify your sabotaging patterns and provide powerful insights on how to repattern your self-talk, deepen your intuitive skills, and recalibrate your relationships for greater harmony, love, and freedom.

>> You can register here for Where Are You on the Drama Triangle? Identify Your Sabotaging Patterns to Empower Self-Love & Conscious Relationships <<

Unlocking Conscious Relationships: Discover Your Position on the Drama Triangle for Empowered Self-Love

During this eye-opening journey, you'll discover why unconditional self-love is the key to freeing yourself from the unconscious patterns of the Drama Triangle. Tiffany will introduce you to the Empowered Surrender Triangle, a map to greater agency and mutually empowered relationships. Through guided meditations, you'll establish healthy boundaries and cultivate a deep sense of worthiness.

As a healer, it's crucial to reset the rules for healthy engagement and understand why many healers fall into the Rescuer role, with negative consequences. By unraveling the interplay of Rescuer, Victim, and Persecutor, you'll gain deeper access to your higher self and gifts, and unleash your capacity to live with sovereignty while honoring others' truths.

Join Tiffany on this transformative journey towards conscious relationships, where you'll experience a shift from energy depletion, self-sacrifice, and unfulfilling patterns to a life imbued with joy, freedom, and mutual empowerment.

Say goodbye to the Drama Triangle and unlock the door to empowered self-love and harmonious connections.

Are you ready to discover your position on the Drama Triangle and cultivate conscious relationships? Don't miss out on this life-changing opportunity.

 >> Register now for the free online event to discover: "Where Are You on the Drama Triangle & Identify Your Sabotaging Patterns to Empower Self-Love & Conscious Relationships." <<

...You’ll activate greater inner agency, better manage fear and anxiety, gain deeper access to your intuitive gifts, and begin redesigning all your relationships for harmony and freedom by identifying your dominant survival pattern on the Drama Triangle — Rescuer, Victim, or Persecutor.

Read more: Unlocking Conscious Relationships: Discover Your Position on Drama Triangle for Empowered Self-Love

Monday 19 June 2023

Experience Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence & Release the Egoic Mind

Discover a process to relax the egoic mind & experience who you truly are...

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a life of profound peace, boundless joy, and a deep connection to your true essence?

Imagine every moment filled with the radiance of your divine nature, where the shackles of your egoic mind no longer hold you captive.

In the upcoming event, "Experience a Taste of Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence Through a Gentle Relaxation of the Egoic Mind," renowned mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays will be your guide.

On Thursday, June 22, join us as we embark on a process of self-inquiry and liberation.

>> You can register here to Experience a Taste of Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence Through a Gentle Relaxation of the Egoic Mind <<

Experience Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence & Release the Egoic Mind

During this extraordinary event, you will discover the keys to opening into the infinite awareness of your true essence. By letting go of "struggle consciousness," you will effortlessly rest in the depths of your being, free from the burdens of the past and worries about the future.

Through this transformative experience, you will learn to embrace, accept, and welcome all emotions as gateways to your soul. You will strip away old notions of who you thought you were, liberating yourself from the roles that once defined you. In doing so, you will unveil the truth of your being and bask in the boundless presence of your own soul.

This is a unique opportunity to release limiting beliefs, embracing the infinite intelligence that permeates all of existence. Let grace be your guide as you surrender to the moment, falling ever deeper into the radiance of your true essence.

Don't miss this chance to experience divine freedom.

>> Register now and take that first step towards uncovering the infinite potential that lies within you <<

Your extraordinary life awaits!

In Experience a Taste of Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence Through a Gentle Relaxation of the Egoic Mind with Brandon Bays…

… you’ll taste a new way of being filled with overflowing peace, boundless love, and divine freedom as you release the fears, insecurities, and emotional chaos that have held you back through a deeply spiritual self-inquiry process — so you can fully embrace your luminous awakened presence.

We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Experience Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence & Release the Egoic Mind

Wednesday 14 June 2023

Unlocking Your Mystical Wisdom: Unveiling Secrets to Experience Ecstatic Wonder & Awe

A modern mystic is a person who is called to live, express, and fulfill
the destiny of their Soul.
~ Aletheia Luna

What exactly does it mean to be a modern mystic anyway?

A modern mystic is one who actually lives into the mystery rather than just studying it… delving into the mysterious nature of “awakening” in a visceral way.

Have you ever wondered about the potential of your own mystical path? Not just hearing about ancient, enlightened mystics who claimed to know God, but actually plunging into the depths of your own capacity to experience sublime wonder and awe — and oneness with the Divine?

Learning to develop your personal, direct bliss connection with Source can be full of unexpected challenges as well as ecstatic joys — and undeniably rewarding for those who follow a fully committed spiritual path.

Throughout history, people have traveled many different roads to open the connection and keep the inspiration flowing. You too can explore mystical paths such as poetry, ritual movement, stories, music, and meditations to enrich your inner life.

As “wayshowers” throughout time, mystics have encouraged us to embrace a deep, still quality of inner focus that allows us to commune directly with the sacred…

… and have taught us to reconnect with timeless, essential truths by harnessing our soul’s deepest longing to merge with the beloved heart of existence.

At this absolutely critical pivot point in humanity’s collective evolution, it’s imperative for us to remember that as we do this work, we’re not alone — we have the wisdom of ancient as well as present-day mystics to gently guide us.

Mystics have existed throughout time, and were especially prolific during humanity’s most widely recognized, exciting periods of growth like the Renaissance…

… spurred on by their exuberant, spiritual hunger and creative, innovative responses to the dramatic societal changes unfolding around them.

In this soul-stirring summit, The Shift Network is presenting an all-star cohort of seasoned scholars and mystical seekers who will support you in your quest to reignite your own passionate connection with the Divine.

You’ll encounter celebrated historical figures such as a Middle Eastern mystic known as Yeshua… plus Clare of AssisiTeresa of AvilaJulian of Norwich, and Meister Eckhart

… as well as modern mystic contemporaries like Thomas MertonMary OliverThomas BerrySri AurobindoFather Bede Griffiths, and others.

Join this Free Online Event
>> Mystics Summit <<
June 26-30

Unlocking Your Mystical Wisdom Unveiling Secrets to Experience Ecstatic Wonder & Awe

Join more than 35 scholars, teachers, and contemporary mystics, including Colette Baron-Reid, James Finley, PhD, Thomas Hübl, Victor Wooten, Mirabai Starr, Pam Grout, Andrew Harvey, Gangaji, Banafsheh Sayyad, Sheikh Ghassan Manasra, and many others…

… as they demonstrate ways to embody this sacred knowledge so you can receive soul-nourishing solace from quintessential mystical teachings across time. 

Throughout this landmark summit, you’ll receive not only gems of wisdom from ancient and modern-day mystics, but also poetry, ritual movement, stories, music, and meditations that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion you carry within your own heart and mind.

You’ll also get to enjoy a special Mystical Poetry Hour — curated by beloved author Mirabai Starr — featuring ancient works and two contemporary mystical poets, Maya Luna and Gabrielle Herbertson.

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

During this seminal 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • That mysticism, through the 4 points of Perennial Wisdom, can address the core psycho-spiritual problem plaguing humanity

  • How to call out to 7 specific archangels for blessings and protection — getting to know each one by name as you develop special, unique relationships

  • Little-known Jewish, Kabbalistic, Sabbatean, and Hasidic mystical teachings — and ways to translate, adapt, and embody them today

  • The relationship between music and sacred sounds such as ancient mantras — and how music amplifies the mysticism, supporting your spiritual journey

  • The call for a healing of humanity by way of the unio mystica — the union of the mystic’s soul with God

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<


Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Colette Baron-Reid will explore the mystical practice of divination using oracle cards — and how they can be used to connect with the spiritual realm and access higher guidance.

  • James Finley, PhD, will focus on the healing effects of learning to live a more contemplative way of life, in which you learn from God how to deepen your experience of and response to God’s presence in your life. 

  • Thomas Hübl will explore how energetic interconnectedness applies to the natural world, human society, and the cosmos — and how cultivating resonance can improve our relationships and create a peaceful world.  

  • Victor Wooten will share how music has the ability to transcend boundaries, evoke emotions, and bring about positive change.

  • Mirabai Starr and James Twyman will explore the teachings of 3 women mystics who demonstrated ways to walk in peace and beauty, balancing contemplative life with compassionate action in the world.

  • Pam Grout will reveal that once you surrender by giving up all your perceptions and beliefs, the clearer the Divine’s message can pour forth. 

  • Andrew Harvey will describe his vision of our current global dark night as the evolutionary birthing ground of a new humanity.

  • Gangaji will share how letting go of your life’s challenges and experiences can be a way to renew wisdom and enlightenment.

  • Banafsheh Sayyad will reveal that we’re often disconnected from ourselves and the Earth, and are called to heal these wounds of severance by consciously reclaiming the interconnected sacredness of living in a physical body. 

  • Sheikh Ghassan Manasra will explore tools for creating peace in the world, and in your own life.

You’ll be in good hands with summit hosts James Twyman and Taya Mâ Shere, who will guide you through five incredible days packed with quality content… 

… allowing you to soak in enlightening conversations with present-day mystics (the wisdom keepers of our times), and also participate in grounding, experiential practices.

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Unlocking Your Mystical Wisdom: Unveiling Secrets to Experience Ecstatic Wonder & Awe

Sunday 11 June 2023

Harmonize Your Whole Being w/ Native American-Style Flute: Feel the Power of Music for Transformation

Discover Your 5 Energy Centers Using 5 Sacred Seed Sounds to Awaken Healing & Inner Attunement.

Making music is your birthright as a human being.

According to Christine Stevens, one of the most accessible and fulfilling ways to express ourselves musically is with the Native American-style flute, because it’s crafted in the five notes of the pentatonic scale…

… and no matter how you combine them, it’s absolutely and even technically impossible to make a mistake.

The Native American-style flute, especially played improvisationally, can be a potent ally for you on your personal path to transformation — physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually — enabling you to become more grounded and achieve greater joy, peace, and calm.  

Christine calls the flute an instrument of the soul — a tool for cathartic inner work, because it helps you tap into and process emotions that you might not even know you’re experiencing. 

Join her on Tuesday, June 20, in a heart-opening workshop, in which she’ll illustrate the potent healing impact of improvisational flute playing, and how you can incorporate it into your daily self-care practice to discover what areas of your body or your life need to be addressed.

>> You can register here to Harmonize Your Whole Being With the Native American-Style Flute: Discover Your 5 Energy Centers Using 5 Sacred Seed Sounds to Awaken Healing & Inner Attunement <<

Harmonize Your Whole Being with the Native American-Style Flute & Discover the Power of Music for Transformation

In this revitalizing musical event, you’ll:

  • Discover how to direct the music of the Native American-style flute to heal your spirit and soul — where you’re feeling unfulfilled, ungrounded, or where your tank is running low

  • Experience the ease of this improvisational style of the flute as it takes you into your heart center and radiates through your body as an instrument of healing, kindness, compassion, and self-love

  • Receive a sound healing from Christine that will help you feel into each of your five energy centers to find where you need the most upliftment

  • Be guided in a practice using your voice (or your flute if you have one!) to tone seed syllables from the Tibetan Warrior sound-healing tradition that correspond to the 5-note pentatonic scale of the Native American-style flute — a technique you can use daily to reduce your suffering and harmonize your whole being

  • Learn about a bonus note that’s held in the flute as a metaphor for accessing higher guidance and a higher octave of living

You’ll come to understand how the flute can help you release suffering and come into harmony with yourself and the world around you.

And, if you feel like you’ve lost touch with your true essence because you’re living in reaction to life — rather than in harmony with it — the flute can bring you back in touch with your creative spirit and soulful personal agency.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Harmonize Your Whole Being With the Native American-Style Flute: Discover Your 5 Energy Centers Using 5 Sacred Seed Sounds to Awaken Healing & Inner Attunement with Christine Stevens…

… you’ll experience the transformative power of the Native American-style flute to heighten your awareness and strengthen the areas of your body and your life that are in need of self-care — and begin your self-healing journey with music.

Read more: Harmonize Your Whole Being w/ Native American-Style Flute: Feel the Power of Music for Transformation

Unlocking Your Hidden Potential: Visit Ancestral Realm for True Healing & Wholeness

Discover how to release ancestral trauma patterns and repair the wounds of your lineage.

Are you feeling the collective anxiety that’s being perpetuated in our culture by the cascade of crises in our world?

According to Jungian psychotherapist Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone, the challenges we’re facing as a global community are a direct reflection of unresolved trauma in our ancestral lineages. 

The pain that accumulated in the generations before us is now coming due, and much of the stress that permeates our lives stems from unhealed wounds that have been bequeathed to us from our family lines. 

Our work is to go inward and explore the issues of our ancestors, so we can stop the “trauma train” in its tracks — and release patterns that keep us bound to small-mindedness and the material fixations that limit our true potential.

Join Rabbi Tirzah on Tuesday, June 13 this live event, or access its recording later, to draw strength and to become a healer of the distortions, blockages, and limitations that life’s traumas — and those of your predecessors — inevitably bring. 

>> You can register here for Journey to the Ancestral Realm to Rediscover Your Hidden Wholeness: Find True Compassion & Clarity for Yourself & Others With the Wisdom of Your Ancestors <<

Journey to the Ancestral Realm to Rediscover Your Hidden Wholeness Find True Compassion & Clarity for Yourself & Others With the Wisdom of Your Ancestors

In this free online workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A guided visualization into the ancestral realm to connect with your own healing powers and spiritual allies

  • That you have spiritual allies and ancestors who are always available to guide you toward your sacred purpose and the healing you need to do to return to your hidden wholeness 

  • The agreement between Eastern and Western spiritual traditions that when you remain tethered to your original contract, your tikkun, your life is more fulfilling and flows more smoothly

  • The central, primary archetype of the Self, or the “godspark” within you — and how to bring it out of latency into manifestation, so you can do the necessary healing work for yourself and your lineage  

  • How to return to Big Mind — your eagle’s view of compassionate awareness, remembrance, and the recognition of the true wholeness and luminosity that resides at your core 

Cultivating powerful relationships with our ancestors helps us access our true Self — the part of us that holds the key to the inexhaustible source of healing within.

This is an opportunity to discover the rich experience of connecting with your ancestors to activate healing for yourself, your family, and your ancestral lineage.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Journey to the Ancestral Realm to Rediscover Your Hidden Wholeness: Find True Compassion & Clarity for Yourself & Others With the Wisdom of Your Ancestors with Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone…

… you’ll journey to the timeless soul-level dimension and access intergenerational healing — to release ancestral trauma patterns and repair the wounds of your lineage.

Read more: Unlocking Your Hidden Potential: Visit Ancestral Realm for True Healing & Wholeness

Friday 9 June 2023

Unsinkable SUPER Conference: Discover the Secrets to Living Your Greatest Life!

Join Sonia Ricotti, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Les Brown, and Others! 10 Motivational Speakers & You!

We're thrilled to share the exciting news that Sonia Ricotti will be hosting the all-day Unsinkable SUPER Conference this weekend! Get ready for an extraordinary event that will inspire and uplift you, and the best part? It's absolutely free!

Prepare to be amazed as ten of the world's foremost bounce-back experts and motivational speakers come together to guide you on a transformative journey. They will reveal invaluable insights on how to release all negativity, put an end to suffering, heal from the past, find happiness in the present, and achieve a remarkable bounce-back in life!

The focal point of this conference is YOU and how you can unlock the potential to live your greatest life. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!

Join Free to Watch Replay Unsinkable Super Conference by Sonia Ricotti & 10 Motivational Speakers + Sound Healing Concert

>> Reserve your spot now by visiting this link <<

It's a chance to learn from esteemed individuals such as Sonia Ricotti, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, Marci Shimoff, Rhonda Britten, and even enjoy a captivating "Sound Healing" concert by the talented Mark Romero.

Additionally, there will be a heartfelt tribute honoring the legendary Bob Proctor and his life-changing teachings.

This event promises to be a profoundly moving, inspirational, and life-changing experience. Don't hesitate, secure your spot today!

>> Go here to reserve your spot now.

By attending this all-day conference, you'll have front-row access to an array of life-changing sessions. Here's a sneak peek into what you can expect:

  • Sonia Ricotti: Discover How to Bounce Back BIG!

  • Bob Proctor (Tribute): Honoring the Legacy of a Life-Changing Icon

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza: Unlock the Power to Heal Your Body with Your Mind

  • Lisa Nichols: Winners Never Quit - Rise Above the Impossible

  • Dr. John Gray: Navigating Difficult Times: Insights from "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"

  • John Assaraf: Unleashing Your Brain's Hidden Power through the New Science

  • Les Brown: Mind Over Health - Secrets to a Long and Happy Life

  • Marci Shimoff: Embrace Happiness NOW - Mastering the 3 Essential Steps

  • Rhonda Britten: Free Yourself through the Power of Forgiveness

  • Mark Romero: Immerse in the Transformative "Sound Healing" Concert

  • Sonia Ricotti: Manifesting Money - 6 Critical Steps to Success

And that's not all! The conference is packed with even more life-enriching sessions and surprises!

The Unsinkable SUPER Conference is an absolute "must-attend" event if you're seeking positive transformation in your life. Don't miss out on this golden opportunity! Reserve your spot and mark your calendar to ensure you're fully immersed in this extraordinary experience.

>> Click here to reserve your spot now.

Enjoy the conference!

Read more: Unsinkable SUPER Conference: Discover the Secrets to Living Your Greatest Life!

Sunday 4 June 2023

Discover the Secrets for Healing Your Cells (Free live online event)

Discover how to orchestrate cellar wellbeing throughout your body.

Did you know that your cells have a kind of sentience, in that each of the 75 to 100 trillion cells of your physical body is imbued with choice and free will?

According to Dr. Shawn Marie Higgins, an osteopathic doctor and sound healer, your cells actually choose to work together to make your physical body the miraculous creature that it is.

When all parts of your body collaborate in an optimal way, you walk through the world as a healthier and more vibrant being, with access to the highest level of intelligence… joy!

Yet when they don’t… the body may fall out of balance, causing physical and emotional dis-ease.

On Tuesday, June 6, join Dr. Higgins in a fascinating hour-long event, in which she’ll share her perspective on how the cells of the body are self-actualized, intelligent beings with the power to communicate through the universal energy field. A powerful conduit for this energy is sound — and when we produce and receive sound, we can activate our own healing process.

>> You can register here to Discover Cellular Healing Secrets With Interval Entrainment Healing™: Experience How Sound Frequency & Vibration Can Activate Whole-Body Wellness <<

Discover Cellular Healing Secrets With Interval Entrainment Healing Experience How Sound Frequency & Vibration Can Activate Whole-Body Wellness

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the intelligence of your cells and how you can cooperate with them for optimal health

  • Explore the concept of “the field” and how it plays a crucial role in your ability to communicate with your cells

  • Understand the importance of interval entrainment theory as a powerful sound-healing modality

  • Be introduced to Interval Entrainment Healing, a modality that aligns the vibrations of tuning forks with your intention

  • Be guided through a “Communion With Your Cells” healing meditation — where you’ll “meet” your cells for the very first time!

Sound connects you to the universe and everyone in it through its vibrational nature, and serves as the gateway to your spirit — to your energy and light and that place of truth and wholeness within where your healing can expand to its highest level.

In this illuminating workshop, Dr. Higgins will provide a light-hearted yet profound introduction to Interval Entrainment Healing, her unique healing innovation that uses tuning forks in harmonic balance with your own thoughtful intention.

This is an opportunity for you to create a bridge between the physical and nonphysical aspects of yourself and bring your body back into balance.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

In Discover Cellular Healing Secrets With Interval Entrainment Healing™: Experience How Sound Frequency & Vibration Can Activate Whole-Body Wellness with Dr. Shawn Marie Higgins… 

… you’ll unlock the secrets of cellular intelligence through Interval Entrainment Healing™ (IEH) — a leading-edge technology that allows you to access the frequencies and vibrations your cells need to work together for your highest good.

Read more: Discover the Secrets for Healing Your Cells (Free live online event)

Thursday 1 June 2023

Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Immune System

Explore the healing potential of herbal medicine in cancer prevention & treatment.

Over the course of a lifetime, 40% of people in the West will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Whether you choose a primarily Western allopathic approach or an alternative path for addressing cancer, herbs can be potent allies for thriving after a cancer diagnosis. You have choices!

Chanchal Cabrera, a medical herbalist and author of Holistic Cancer Careaffirms that it’s important to explore all of your options and empower yourself with extensive information before you decide on a cancer treatment plan.

With the right knowledge, guidance, and support, you can take proactive steps to use herbs to support your immune system and nurture an inner and outer environment that fosters healing and wellbeing — before, during, and after a diagnosis.

Join Chanchal on Thursday, June 8, for a free health-enhancing event, where she’ll share how easy it can be to incorporate herbs into your daily routine — and how herbal medicine can play a vital role in helping you move through a chemotherapy regimen while integrating herbs as a part of your cancer treatment plan to manage symptoms and enhance your overall quality of life.

>> You can register here for Herbal Support to Help You Thrive After a Cancer Diagnosis: Harness the Potency of Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Your Immune System <<

Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Your Immune System

In this empowering hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the power of epigenetics and how diet and lifestyle can shape your health

  • Explore detoxification, elimination, and liver support to remove toxins and fortify your body during diagnosis and treatment

  • Learn about the role of herbs in managing chemotherapy and improving outcomes

  • Experience the magic of Golden Milk — a delicious, turmeric-based beverage that bridges the gap between food and medicine — and discover a special blend of herbs you can add to supercharge your Golden Milk’s immune-boosting properties

  • Come away with 5 ways you can reduce the risk of cancer

  • Delve into the science of herbal medicine and its role in cancer prevention and support

With Chanchal’s guidance, you can learn to harness the therapeutic power of plants for all stages of your wellness journey — including recognizing early warning signs, recovering after surgery, optimizing radiation treatment, managing pain, and more.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Herbal Support to Help You Thrive After a Cancer Diagnosis: Harness the Potency of Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Your Immune System with Chanchal Cabrera…

… you’ll explore the healing potential of herbal medicine in cancer prevention, treatment, and overall wellness through evidence-based strategies and practices — while experiencing just how empowering and delicious herbal remedies can be.

Read more: Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Immune System