Tuesday 30 May 2023

Discover How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution

We’re used to thinking of plants as “things” rather than living, sentient beings that are connected in profound ways to the health of our bodies, minds, and souls.

But what if plants — with all their health-giving effects and amazing diversity of expression — hold the key not just to our health but to our spiritual evolution?

This idea is not as new as you might think, as it’s been part of ancient systems of natural medicine from Ayurveda to Chinese medicine. Plants affect our life force and connect us physically with the raw energy of the sun.

The fascinating and powerful relationship between plants and spiritual evolution is the passion of Floracopeia founder David Crow, who is brilliant on this subject.

I am excited to invite you to a FREE virtual event with David called, How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality.

>> You’ll need to RSVP for your space here <<

David Crow about How medicinal plants can fuel your spiritual evolution

If you’ve ever marveled at the peaceful beauty of a garden or been grateful for a herb that brought you healing or wondered how to harness the power of essential oils, you’ll be excited by David’s insights into the plant-human connection.  

During this virtual event, you’ll:

  • Learn about body-based awareness exercises that will allow you to perceive plant intelligence more deeply.

  • Relate to medicinal plants in a more meditative way to connect with their essence.

  • Discover breath practices to open a stronger energetic relationship with plants.

For more than 30 years, David Crow has pioneered a path that is about harnessing the power of plants to infuse more intelligence in your body, mind, and soul — giving you a more organic wisdom and sustainable connection with life.

He unifies wisdom from many streams of healing practices into a coherent understanding that will show you how to relate more deeply with medicinal plants for rejuvenation, awakening, and health.

And as I mentioned, the great news is that this virtual event is free! >> Register here <<

In How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution: Essential Insights that Unify Natural Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality, David Crow will help you understand plants in a more multi-dimensional way, so you can harmonize your bodily systems, heal old traumas and experience a more dynamic relationship with life force within and around you.

Read more: Discover How Medicinal Plants Can Fuel Your Spiritual Evolution

Unlock Your Potential: Break Free from Stress & Embrace Healthier Life w/ Neurosculpting®

Discover How Neurosculpting® Rewires Your Mind and Body for Lasting Relief and Emotional Freedom. Reclaim your life with active meditation that rewires your nervous system.

Do you find yourself suffering from emotional distress, chronic pain, or discomfort without knowing the underlying cause?

Have you experienced subtle feelings of stress and anxiety that seem to be constant companions, yet are unable to pinpoint what triggers them?

If this sounds familiar, know that you’re not alone. Many of us have become so accustomed to the hustle and bustle of our daily lives that we often overlook the warning signs our bodies send us.

On top of that, these seemingly harmless symptoms could be caused by self-sabotage, a behavior pattern that can prevent you from achieving your goals and reaching your full potential.

On Saturday, June 3, you’ll discover how Lisa Wimberger’s Neurosculpting program can help you identify and regulate the known and hidden indicators of stress in your body — so you can begin taking control of your physical and emotional health. By working with the principles of neuroplasticity, Lisa’s process can help you rewire your brain to create new, positive patterns.

>> You can register here for Experience Neurosculpting® to Break the Bonds of “Normalized” Stress: Reclaim Your Life With Active Meditation That Rewires Your Nervous System <<

Experience Neurosculpting to Break the Bonds of Normalized Stress Reclaim Your Life With Active Meditation That Rewires Your Nervous System

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how your mindset affects your body — and how to use the Neurosculpting method to identify and regulate subtle indicators of stress that has been normalized in your body

  • Learn how passive meditation styles may maintain this normalized stress in those who “freeze” — preventing your spiritual growth

  • Explore the principles of neuroscience that underlie the Neurosculpting technique

  • Discover how this unique approach to stress reduction has helped countless individuals, including police and other first responders, overcome self-sabotage, PTSD, addiction, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

  • Experience a top-down regulation meditation — and a before-and-after body check-in — that will help you understand how your mindset can affect your body’s stress levels

This unique 5-step meditation program combines meditation, visualization, and cognitive restructuring to help individuals regulate their nervous system, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mental and emotional wellbeing.

This is a powerful opportunity to learn about a health-enhancing set of tools that can equip you with the knowledge and resources you need to transform your life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Experience Neurosculpting® to Break the Bonds of “Normalized” Stress: Reclaim Your Life With Active Meditation That Rewires Your Nervous System with Lisa Wimberger…

… you’ll explore how you can break free from these patterns with Neurosculpting, a 5-step science-based practice that works with the principles of neuroplasticity to release ongoing emotional and physical stress that you may have come to accept as “normal.” 

Read more: Unlock Your Potential: Break Free from Stress & Embrace Healthier Life w/ Neurosculpting®

Monday 29 May 2023

Discover Effective Somatic Practices for Vitality, Fluidity & Healing

Cultivate embodied self-awareness, profound self-attunement & flexibility.

Did you know that if the body holds tension and anxiety about the past or future, it can block the flow of energy to your mitochondria? This results in physical fatigue, emotional depression, and multiple symptoms of dis-ease at the cellular level.

Somatic movement is a rich, potent, body-based self-healing tradition that empowers you to become more aware of your body’s subtle guidance and inspiration… 

… so you can support new neural pathways where profound healing can occur — simply by tuning in to your body’s innate sensations.

The Somatic Movement Summit invites you to strengthen your connection to your body’s innate intelligence as a pathway to greater resilience, flexibility, and vitality. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to conscious movement, you’ll discover a wide range of somatic modalities to expand your awareness and inspire your healing journey. 

You can think of the field of somatic movement as an amalgam of deeply felt, self-aware movements integrated with meditation, psychology, and bodywork…

… guiding you to access your body’s own wisdom so you can be physically healthier, experience longevity, and move easier… throughout your life. 

By finding the sweet spot in your practice that connects emotions, consciousness, and movement as you uncover your latent and ever-emerging ability to thrive… 

… you can also improve memory, balance, coordination, and ease, while cultivating your body’s ability to deliver subtle clues for optimal mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Join us at this Free Online Event
>> Somatic Movement Summit <<
June 5-9

effective somatic movement practices for vitality, fluidity & healing

Join more than 35 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers — including Dr. Martha Eddy, Simon Borg-Olivier, Betsy Polatin, Brian Siddhartha Ingle, Gayatri Maya Andersson-Schriefer, Mimi El-Ashiry, Paul Pui Wo Lee, Yalini Dream, Banafsheh Sayyad, Paul Linden, PhD, Sundernath Shandor Remete, Emory M. Moore Jr., Dr. Arielle Schwartz, Dr. Marc Cohen, and more. 

They’ll be guiding you through simple somatic practices to move you beyond stuck energy into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness

Also, there will be additional professional track sessions and expert panels that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice. 

These professional track sessions will immerse you in the most prevalent philosophies springing forth in the field, while offering guided somatic movement techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery.

This life-enhancing Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the healing powers of embodied motion. We hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<


During this groundbreaking 5-day event you’ll discover…

  • Ways to build parasympathetic dominance in your nervous system that also deeply support strength and flexibility

  • 7 secret keys that can unlock your “movement superpower” to overcome the challenge of pain 

  • How liquid movements, primordial sounding, and breathing deliver you into open awareness and love, awakening the spiritual imaginal capacity of the heart 

  • How your nervous system’s ability to continue learning is your salvation

  • Ways that your physical, mental, and emotional centers respond to intentional movement and open a window to a deeper experience of the self

  • How to self-regulate physical tension that shows up as somatic reflexes, so you can reduce stress 

  • The 5 Indigenous technologies embedded in us by nature for physiological and mental health 

  • That emotional effector patterns (EEP) are specific breath-and-muscle movements that provide accurate and repeatable methods for emotional clarity and flexibility

  • And much more!

Your body holds the keys to deep emotional healing, resilience, and balance. This life-enriching summit will help you awaken your somatic intelligence and discover new ways to release all that feels stuck inside you.

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<


Somatic Movement Summit experts will guide you through a variety of experiences over 5 days:

  • Betsy Polatin will explore how to release defensive, shutdown states by activating movement and breath.

  • Brian Siddhartha Ingle will explain how self-healing takes place once the obstacles to health are removed, and how embodied fluid movement is the missing link in the self-healing equation.

  • Gayatri Maya Andersson-Schriefer will teach you how to revitalize and energize your soma — body and mind.  

  • Mimi El-Ashiry will encourage you to discover the freedom that comes from moving without judgment or concern for appearances.  

  • Paul Pui Wo Lee will share how the active-experience somatic practice known as the Feldenkrais Method® can help you find hidden individual possibilities within

  • Yalini Dream will describe the internal shifts needed to integrate a somatics approach into dancing.

  • Banafsheh Sayyad will reveal how dance can give you the capacity to not only withstand emotional difficulties and challenges with grace, but also to process them. 

  • Paul Linden, PhD, will ponder whether finding strength without anger could be the beginning of true spirituality and world peace. 

  • Sundernath (Shandor Remete) will discuss tools required to cultivate the self, and how discovering and exploring your gifts plays a pivotal role in the unfolding of your true destiny.

  • Emory M. Moore Jr. will share his observation that excellence — as well as economic success — is at the heart of somatic movement.

  • Dr. Arielle Schwartz will explain how vagal toning can help reduce trauma-induced autonomic nervous system imbalances that can otherwise lead to anxiety, depression, or chronic illness. 

  • Dr. Marc Cohen will show you practical ways to enhance health, support detoxification pathways, and minimize toxic exposures through dietary manipulations, breathing practices, hot and cold exposure, and flow states.

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Discover Effective Somatic Practices for Vitality, Fluidity & Healing

Saturday 27 May 2023

Essential Oils for Your Healing & David Crow’s Ayurvedic Secrets - Workshop

You’ve probably heard of “Ayurveda,” an ancient healing tradition in India, but what you may not know is that essential oils are some of the most powerful tools in the Ayurvedic practitioners toolbox for restoring health, balancing energetic types (doshas) and optimizing your life force (prana).

The simple daily use of these oils can have a profoundly positive effect, bringing you more balance, harmony and vibrant health. That’s why I’m excited to invite you to a complimentary virtual workshop with botanical medicine pioneer David Crow.

>> RSVP to Watch The Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing: Ancient Remedies to Safely Balance Your Energy System <<

Aromatherapy with David Crow- The Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing

David is a brilliant teacher and one of the most respected botanical medicine pioneers in the world. There is perhaps no better guide for working with essential oils, as David unifies wisdom from many streams of healing practices.

During this illuminating online workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How to use essential oils in safe ways in your home “medicine cabinet” (as well as what NOT to do)

  • How to determine the best essential oils for your body type

  • That each essential oil represents a type of prana, each of which connects with specific health concerns

For more than 30 years, David has been helping people harness the power of plants to infuse body, mind and soul with organic wisdom and become more aware of our sustainable connection with nature.

In this FREE online workshop, he’ll share what’s important for each Ayurvedic energetic type, or dosha. Plus, you’ll find out about maximizing some of David’s favorite essential oils, which include rose, vetiver, sandalwood, agarwood and jatamansi!

If you’re curious about how to use essential oils to balance your system, you won’t want to miss this virtual event with Floracopeia founder David Crow: The Ayurvedic Use of Essential Oils for Healing: Ancient Remedies to Safely Balance Your Energy System.

>> RSVP for free, here <<

Read more: Essential Oils for Your Healing & David Crow’s Ayurvedic Secrets - Workshop

Thursday 25 May 2023

Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Become a Conduit to the Spirit World

Discover how to communicate with your spirit guides and deceased loved ones.

Would you like to communicate with spirit guides and departed beloveds who now reside on the other side of the veil?

According to James Van Praagh, one of the world’s most prolific and well-known psychic mediumsthe most important thing to grasp before you can truly understand and work with these intuitive abilities…

… is that you are a soul, manifesting in human form.

As you tune in to the loving fabric of your soul, the veil that separates you from the spirit world grows thinner, enabling you to pierce through the confines of your physical body and feel the profound connection that binds together all of creation.

Once you fully shift the seat of your identity, it’s easier to interact with other souls in non-physical realms, and unequivocally understand that there are many other worlds vibrating around this earthly plane.

You open your natural intuitive gifts and ultimately become a conduit for messages from other worlds by cultivating your psychic abilities — including mediumship.

On Tuesday, May 30, join James in a free hour-long event, where he’ll share, from the depth of his mediumship experiences, about how your soul has traveled through eons of time, incarnating again and again to experience a variety of life situations that serve to catalyze your soul’s expansion.

>> You can register here for Prepare Your Soul for Mediumship: Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Become a Conduit to the Spirit World <<

Prepare Your Soul for Mediumship Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Become a Conduit to the Spirit World

In this inspiring online workshop, you’ll:

  • Be guided into a trance-like state in James’ “Ground and Center” practice, which helps you welcome in a specific spirit and realize that you can be a conduit for souls that have passed on to the other side

  • Start accepting that you’re a soul encased in a physical body — and that you have the ability to interact with other souls who are no longer in their corporeal form

  • Discover how, once you’ve tapped into your soul’s natural abilities, such as intuition, you can open your instinctual nature — or your sixth sense — and begin honing your mediumship skills and other psychic practices

  • Truly grasp that the soul cannot die, enabling you to both eliminate fear in so many areas of your life and realize that your deceased loved ones really are all around you on a different vibratory level

  • Understand that when you bring the loving nature of your soul into your life, your experience in this world is more complete and fulfilling

Whether you want to develop your psychic abilities, enhance your intuition, or help those who are grieving move forward with their lives, James’ profound work can help launch you onto the life-changing path as a medium

… fully connected to the spirit world with the capacity to use this beautiful gift to assist others on their healing journey.

 >> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Prepare Your Soul for Mediumship: Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Become a Conduit to the Spirit World with James Van Praagh…

… you’ll uncover your true soul essence and learn how to connect to non-physical souls — to begin communicating with your spirit guides and deceased loved ones through your innate instinctual gifts of intuition, mediumship, and psychic awareness.

Read more: Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Become a Conduit to the Spirit World

How Celtic Wisdom Can Guide You to Reclaim Your Sovereignty, Destiny & Authentic Self

Discover how to be in right standing with the earth, the heavens, and your own soul.

Do the lush, green lands of Ireland call to you with their healing energies of the ancestors… ancient Gods and Goddesses… and the Bards, Druids, and fairies of Celtic history and lore?

These energies, the stories of these lands, and the practices inspired by Celtic shamanism offer us a medicine to bring us back home… to our true Self.

They help us reach beyond the mundane and overwhelm of our stressful modern lives and be more attentive, present, and receptive to the beauty and wisdom of the land…

Shamanic teacher and healer Jane Burns will help you discover myth and ritual to evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and open you to the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of both the natural world and your own inner landscape  during a FREE video event, The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder.

>> Join us here to Evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and return to your true self <<

Celtic Shamanism with Jane Burns - Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity

During this profound hour, you’ll discover:

  • The Celtic way of seeing and being, and the importance of daily practices of gratitude, reciprocity, and self-protection

  • Key archetypes of Celtic shamanism — including the ban feasa (the knowing woman), the ban chaointe (the keening woman), the omen hunter, and the faery doctor — and their roles in guiding, wisdom-keeping, and healing

  • An experiential journey to the Otherworld with Brigid, the great Celtic Goddess and bringer of spring, new growth, and creative forces that will help you reshape your life

  • How Celtic wisdom can guide you to reclaim your sovereignty — your destiny and authentic Self, often lost in the overwhelm of everyday life

  • Shamanic principles and practices from the Celtic medicine wheel for grounding you in who you truly are

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to draw from the wisdom of Celtic shamanism to connect more deeply with the natural world and the healing archetypal energies of this numinous land.

You’ll discover tips for how to become a conduit for these healing energies, and how to transform what you learn into the knowledge your soul seeks…

>> RSVP for free here to Discover Ancient Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism & Medicine <<

During The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder, you’ll see that the wisdom of Celtic shamanism guides us in seeing and honouring the sacred in all things… including ourselves.

Read more: How Celtic Wisdom Can Guide You to Reclaim Your Sovereignty, Destiny & Authentic Self

Sunday 21 May 2023

Explore Your Soul’s Path on a Guided Indigenous Medicine Journey

Understand how pre-life soul contracts you’ve made can manifest as dis-ease.

Do you know why illness — whether physical, mental, or spiritual dis-ease — manifests in your life, and in the lives of those who come to you for healing?

There’s a reason that illness appears in our lives so frequently, says Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest, Afro-indigenous medical intuitive and healer. It was all set in motion before our lives even began.

Before you came into this incarnation, you participated in a pre-life conference where you made a series of agreements — soul contracts that would ultimately shape your soul’s purpose, Dr. Vest explains.

As you move through this lifetime, events are unfolding to move you closer to your soul’s purpose — and balance out karma from your previous incarnations.

Illness and dis-ease often appear as a mechanism for “checking off” tasks in support of this soul purpose… which you agreed to during your pre-life conference.

On Tuesday, May 23, Dr. Vest will walk you through the journey of your soul — from pre-life planning and working with incarnation guides… to how you choose your own life purpose and life lessons… to how illness and dis-ease can play a pivotal role in your soul’s path. 

>> You can register here for Medical Intuition & Your Soul’s Path: Reveal Your Pre-Life Soul Contracts on a Guided Indigenous Medicine Journey <<

Medical Intuition & Your Souls Path Reveal Your Pre-Life Soul Contracts on a Guided Indigenous Medicine Journey with Dr. Jennifer

In this enlightening online event, you’ll discover:

  • The journey of your soul — including the soul agreements you made during your pre-life conference — for awareness of how your pre-life decisions may be influencing your current life and health

  • How karma influences your health and serves as a spiritual lesson

  • How your current relationships are influenced in part by what Dr. Vest calls a higher-self agenda — and in part by present-day events and behaviors

  • How medical intuition addresses the spiritual causes of illness — so you can cultivate profound wellbeing in your life and in the lives of those who come to you for healing

  • guided Indigenous medicine journey to visit your pre-life conference — to discern who you made soul contracts with, whether these agreements are related to an illness or dis-ease, and how you can use these discoveries to better understand and live out your soul’s purpose

Dr. Vest will guide you to explore soul contracts, karma, and life lessons — and their deeply rooted relationship to illness. Through this process, you can uncover a deeper understanding of why life’s greatest challenges are happening in service of your larger purpose.

You’ll then be able to cultivate more compassion for yourself, gain greater clarity about your soul’s larger story, and glean insights into how you (and those you’re helping) can move forward in resolving illness and dis-ease.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Medical Intuition & Your Soul’s Path: Reveal Your Pre-Life Soul Contracts on a Guided Indigenous Medicine Journey with Dr. Jennifer Lisa Vest… 

… you’ll explore your soul’s path on a guided Indigenous medicine journey to discover how the pre-life soul contracts you’ve made can manifest as dis-ease — so you can cultivate greater health and wellbeing for yourself and others.

Read more: Explore Your Soul’s Path on a Guided Indigenous Medicine Journey

Friday 19 May 2023

Powerful Ritual of Making Moon Water for Protection & Healing | Home Pharmacy Lessons

Create powerful plant remedies from your garden for protection, intuition, and wellbeing.

Are you intrigued by the mysterious powers of the moon? Do you notice how the energy of the moon sometimes shifts your state of being — in body, mind, or spirit?

According to the ancient wisdom of medical astrology, the moon, the sun, and all the planets in our solar system hold archetypal energies that correspond to different aspects of our bodies. 

Did you know that plants also hold archetypal qualities that, when prepared and used correctly, positively affect how our physical, mental, and emotional systems function? 

Renowned rainforest herbalist and medicine maker Adriana Ayales, an educator, writer, and founder of Anima Mundi Herbals, bridges the principles of these ancient remedies, along with the power of ritual…

… to connect ancestral ways of diagnostics and the spiritual aspects of the natural world with the preparation and usage of herbal medicine.

On Saturday, May 20, Adriana will share the history and relationship of herbs and their planetary correspondences — and how to use their base medicinal properties as tools for understanding the archetypal energies inherent in plants.

>> You can register here for Explore Lunar Herbalism Using Plant Energies & Archetypes: Discover the Powerful Ritual of Creating Moon Water for Protection & Healing <<

Powerful ritual of lunar herbalism - making moon water for protection and healing

During this event, Adriana will be joining us from her home in Costa Rica to:

  • Guide you through the ritual process of making moon water using common plants you can grow in your own garden — to draw on plant energy and vitality for emotional and spiritual healing

  • Explore the power of archetypes and ceremony in making powerful plant remedies for protection, intuition, overall wellbeing — and for accessing the intelligence of nature

  • Demonstrate how physical, energetic, spiritual, and emotional imbalances can be understood and healed based on their archetypal qualities inherent within plants and nature

  • Share a brief history of medical astrology and how herbs were used based on planetary correspondences to prevent and treat dis-ease  

As you’ll discover, ritualizing your life with these ancient practices can move you into a greater state of health and wellbeing, so you can live a more energetically grounded life, with the power to heal yourself with your own home pharmacy.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore Lunar Herbalism Using Plant Energies & Archetypes: Discover the Powerful Ritual of Creating Moon Water for Protection & Healing with Adriana Ayales…

… you’ll explore the ancient wisdom of medical astrology — the correlation between the archetypal energies of herbs, their planetary influences, and how they correspond to the various systems of our body — and how that knowledge can help you heal health challenges by creating medicine from the plants in your own garden. 

Read more: Powerful Ritual of Making Moon Water for Protection & Healing | Home Pharmacy Lessons

Thursday 18 May 2023

Experience Wisdom of Ancient Egypt for Inspiration, Empowerment & Healing

Unlock your mythical power with the wisdom of an ancient Egyptian goddess.

Are you seeking a profound connection to your true self — your own unique power — and the larger story of the Universe? 

If so, the wisdom of ancient Egypt may be calling you

Ancient Egyptian culture was deeply in tune with the cycles of life, the mysteries of the cosmos, and the spiritual dimensions of existence. It’s long held a place of fascination and reverence in spiritual circles.

Their rich mythology cultivated a sense of belonging to a greater cosmic narrative which transcended their individual lives. Not only did this help the ancient Egyptians come to terms with the mysteries of life and death…

… it also inspired them to live in harmony with the natural world and their fellow beings, imbuing their lives with a profound sense of meaning and purpose.

On Tuesday, May 23, Jocelyn Star Feather — intuitive guide, spiritual alchemist, and founder of Sacred Planet — will illustrate how ancient Egypt invites us to discover that we are all mythical beings… just like the ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses.

>> You can register here for Unlock Your Mythical Power With the Wisdom of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshet <<

Unlock Your Mythical Power With the Wisdom of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshet

In this soul-empowering event, you’ll:

  • Experience a beautiful shamanic journeying practice to connect with the Goddess Seshet, allowing you to align your personal life and mythology with the larger plan of the Universe

  • Discover your mythical nature to access inner strength and power

  • Examine the concept of Identity Shift and how the ancient Egyptian deities can help you embody your strongest and most positive qualities 

  • Engage in a potent practice to uncover the mythical aspects of your own life, exploring moments of immense joy and hardship, and how these experiences can shape your unique Hero’s Journey

  • Learn about the Immortal Stars and how the ancient Egyptians understood the eternal nature of the soul… helping you to release unhelpful patterns from your past 

  • Awaken your gifts from previous lifetimes to find healing, deep meaning, and joy

Join Jocelyn for this deeply spiritual event to begin your incredible journey with the wisdom of ancient Egypt — unveiling the profound harmony of your individual existence with the grand design of the Cosmos…

… so you can ignite your purpose, experience a sense of peace and oneness with All That Is, and create a new mythology for your life. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Unlock Your Mythical Power With the Wisdom of the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshet with Jocelyn Star Feather… 

… you’ll experience a shamanic journey to tap into the deep wisdom of the ancient Egyptian Goddess Seshet, revealing secrets of your immortal soul, awakening inner strength, and healing past wounds — so you can forge an empowering mythology for your life’s journey.

Read more: Experience Wisdom of Ancient Egypt for Inspiration, Empowerment & Healing

Integrate Indigenous wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing

Discover the healing power of blending psychedelic therapies w/modern science.

Have you been curious about the exciting research into the healing potential of psychedelics, but dissatisfied with the purely Western healthcare approach to these ancient medicines?

Would you like to see a deep honoring of Indigenous cultures around the use of psychedelics in a way that also connects us more deeply with nature and our planet so that we can become more sustainable, balanced, and whole?

Western-trained physician and traditional healer Dr. Joe Tafur represents a unifying blend of ancient practices with modern psychedelic therapies, leading to a profoundly sacred model of working with plant medicines.

On Saturday, May 27, he’ll share how this integrative approach parallels the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor — a vision received and stewarded by Indigenous peoples of the Americas, particularly in the Andean region.

>> You can register here for Integrate Indigenous Wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing: Combining Ancient Healing Practices With Modern Medicine for Inner & Outer Wellness <<

Indigenous Wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing Combining Ancient Healing Practices With Modern Medicine for Inner & Outer Wellness

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the heart-based themes of the Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor that herald an age of integration of Western and Indigenous knowledge systems — helping you bridge science and spirituality and create a whole-body approach to your health

  • Discover the wisdom of traditional Amazonian plant medicine, including Ayahuasca, and learn how it can help you heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually

  • Gain insights into the history of clinical psychedelic medicine, how it’s been used to treat a variety of mental health conditions, and how it can inform modern healthcare

  • Learn about Dr. Tafur’s unique experiences and integrative medical theories that combine the best of Western medicine and Indigenous healing practices — for a more holistic approach to healing

  • Experience a meditative visualization on the reconnection of Indigenous cultures and the healing power of the condor’s heart medicine

Through his work with Amazonian plant medicine as an integrative physician, academic and traditional healer, Dr. Tafur brings a fresh perspective to healing that integrates both the scientific and the spiritual worldviews. 

Together, we can unlock the transformative power of Traditional Amazonian Plant Medicine and the ancient Prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor to help you achieve true healing and find balance in your life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Integrate Indigenous Wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing: Combining Ancient Healing Practices With Modern Medicine for Inner & Outer Wellness with Dr. Joe Tafur…

… you’ll discover a more effective and holistic approach to healing by blending ancestral wisdom, sacred medicine ceremonies, and psychedelic therapies with modern scientific knowledge — to take the first steps toward true inner balance with the transformative power of integration practices.

Read more: Integrate Indigenous wisdom & Psychedelic Science for Holistic Healing

Wednesday 17 May 2023

Here's how to Access Heart Intelligence to Transcend 3D Consciousness

Experience the Shift and Lift™ technique to help you cultivate greater kindness.

Many of us who strive toward personal development have spent a lifetime searching for spiritual tools that help us live in serenity, attain emotional mastery, achieve our soul purpose, and create deep personal connections with others.

Imagine a life where those qualities are not just aspirations to be endlessly sought after, but your everyday reality. In a world where stress, anxiety, and disconnection are often the norm, the ability to cultivate inner calm and balance is vital.

Cultures around the globe have recognized that the heart is the epicenter of the body, influencing our feelings, thoughts, and behavior

… and frontier science today is starting to support this perspective, finding evidence that our energetic heart — not our brain — acts as the gateway to our higher self.

Join Rollin McCraty, PhD, psychophysiologist and director of research at HearthMath, for a free heart-based workshop and explore the power of heart coherence and its ability to shift your consciousness into a higher state of being.

>> You can register here for Access Heart Intelligence to Transcend 3D Consciousness: Raise Your Energy Baseline, Influence Your DNA & Improve the Quality of Your Health & Relationships <<

Access Heart Intelligence to Transcend 3D Consciousness Raise Your Energy Baseline, Influence Your DNA & Improve the Quality of Your Health & Relationships

In this elevating free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore how shifting into a state of heart coherence can increase your vibration and connect you with your higher self

  • Be guided through the Shift and Lift™ technique, an exercise for cultivating greater kindness and compassion, and more authentic and effective communication

  • Discover how achieving heart coherence will impact your daily life — physically, mentally, and emotionally — enabling you to stay calm under pressure, make more effective decisions, and feel lighter as you walk through the world

  • Learn about scientific evidence showing that your vibrational state and intentions can impact your DNA in powerfully positive ways

  • Experience how increasing your vibration can lead to greater self-regulation, which results in reduced stress and anxiety and an increased sense of groundedness and calm

  • Access deeper levels of spiritual awareness, facilitating your awakening process and shedding light on your sense of purpose

By raising your personal vibration baseline, positive changes can begin manifesting in your life, enabling you to experience greater joy and a deeper sense of fulfillment, belonging, connection, and purpose. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Access Heart Intelligence to Transcend 3D Consciousness: Raise Your Energy Baseline, Influence Your DNA & Improve the Quality of Your Health & Relationships with Rollin McCraty, PhD… 

… you’ll discover the science behind the concept of heart coherence and techniques such as Shift and Lift™ that help you cultivate greater kindness and compassion and enhance your relationships with others. 

Read more: Here's how to Access Heart Intelligence to Transcend 3D Consciousness

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Quick “11-Minute Miracle” Breathwork Technique for Higher Consciousness

Discover breathwork fundamentals for physical, emotional & spiritual wellbeing.

In today’s fast-paced world, where many of us are daunted, or even overwhelmed with the management of our everyday responsibilities…   

… we may become disengaged from our true selves and struggle to feel connected to our own deeper divinity.

Though we long to realize our highest potential, we can get bogged down by the emotional discomfort of anxiety, depression, mental fogginess, or disenchantment, or feel held back by a variety of physical ailments.

So, how can we find relief from the dis-eases of our modern lives?

Michael Brian Baker, the founder and CEO of The Breath Center, teaches us that our whole-being health mirrors the way we breathe. In fact, the breath is used as a diagnostic tool in several Eastern medical traditions that have been practiced as far back as 5,000 years ago.

Join Michael for a free hour-long event, in which he’ll share the hidden secrets of breathwork and its remarkable capacity to open portals to varying levels of non-ordinary consciousness, sharpen your mental and physical faculties, release any kind of pain at its root, and create the changes in your life that you crave.

>> You can register here for Discover the “11-Minute Miracle” Breathwork Technique for Tapping Into Higher Consciousness: Breath Fundamentals to Ignite Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Wellbeing <<

Breathwork Technique for Tapping Into Higher Consciousness: Breath Fundamentals to Ignite Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Wellbeing with Michael Brian Baker

In this experiential free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Pranayama, the regulation of the breath through certain techniques, origin teachings, and practices from Patanjali (author of the Yoga Sutras), which were then passed down through the Saptarishis (revered in Hinduism as the seven great sages) — to optimize and heal your mind and body and cultivate a stronger capacity to achieve higher levels of consciousness

  • Michael’s 11-Minute Miracle, through the practice of Pranayama Kriya Vyana Vayu, to open your physical and emotional bodies — which can lead to enhanced vitality and spiritual awakening

  • A peek into the profoundly magical body of breathwork comprehension and the far-reaching benefits of this powerful modality

  • How breathwork can help you release unresolved emotions and activate feel-good chemicals in your body during times of stress

  • The importance of understanding the current shift happening in human consciousness — and that breathwork is one of the 10 documented paths toward our personal and collective spiritual awakening

You’ll discover how your breath — as your ultimate teacher on living in wellness and gratitude — can revitalize your physical and emotional bodies, and ultimately illuminate your path to spiritual awakening.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the “11-Minute Miracle” Breathwork Technique for Tapping Into Higher Consciousness: Breath Fundamentals to Ignite Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Wellbeing with Michael Brian Baker…

… you’ll discover the mystical and transformative world of pranayama, a powerful ancient practice of breathing techniques and exercises — developed thousands of years ago in India, broken down and delivered in a systematic way for today’s busy world.

Read more: Quick “11-Minute Miracle” Breathwork Technique for Higher Consciousness

Saturday 13 May 2023

The Power of Somatic Writing to Heal Wounding in Your Lineage

Learn the 13 practices of Somatic Writing that help you access your authentic voice.

When things don’t go your way, have you ever felt you may have inherited substantial burdens from your family lineage that are holding you back?

Despite having done a lot of spiritual and personal development work, many of us still struggle with lingering traumas and unhelpful stories, leaving us feeling disconnected. 

This sense of disconnection and confusion can be traced to the systems of oppression that have severed our ancestral relationships and erased the sacred stories contained within our bloodlines — both of which hold the key to our personal power, says celebrated writing teacher Tanya Taylor Rubinstein.

Tanya teaches a potent practice called Somatic Writing, which combines the mystical with the practical to navigate the world of the ancestors, helping you expand your sense of being “at home in your body,” connected to the world, and in deepest alignment with your soul’s purpose.

You’ll discover that when you excavate your story through this process, you call back your power, untether your writing and speaking voice, and deeply embody your own personal magic by becoming your most fully expressed, authentic, liberated self.

>> You can register here for Liberate Your Worth, Wealth & Pleasure Through Somatic Writing With Your Ancestors <<

Discover that when you excavate your story through this process, you call back your power, untether your writing and speaking voice, and deeply embody your own personal magic by becoming your most fully expressed, authentic, liberated self

In this soul-empowering event, you’ll:

  • Learn about the 13 practices of Somatic Writing to support you in accessing your deepest and most authentic voice

  • Explore how your ancestral stories hold the key to unlocking your true potential

  • Reclaim your ancestral connection to the dead to call back your power and transform your life 

  • Support yourself in expanding your self-worth, wealth, and pleasure through ongoing magical practice with your body, the land, and the ancestors

Tanya shares that anyone who desires access to an uncolonized self, to more power and connection, and to profound psychic and intuitive knowings will benefit from this practice.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to heal your lineage, unlock your ability to fully express your unique sacred story, and become a Great Ancestor for future generations.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Liberate Your Worth, Wealth & Pleasure Through Somatic Writing With Your Ancestors with Tanya Taylor Rubinstein…

… you’ll discover the transformative power of Somatic Writing to establish a deeper ancestral connection, heal wounding in your lineage, and uncover your personal magic.

Read more: The Power of Somatic Writing to Heal Wounding in Your Lineage

Saturday 6 May 2023

Experience the “Octave of Consciousness” to Cultivate Healing

Tap into your profound inner wisdom using the sacred resonance of your authentic voice.

Imagine being able to fearlessly express your true self — using your voice as a healing force that transcends limitations and empowers you to live with greater purpose and passion. 

Cultivating your vocal expression as a gateway to your sovereignty opens you to the true wisdom of your soul — what pioneering voice teacher Chloë Goodchild calls your inner music — and provides homeopathic medicine for your emotions and your spirit

When you embrace your inner music, you awaken a new storehouse of energy and resilience from deep within, which inspires courage and helps you release fear, self-doubt, and other emotional challenges that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. 

You’re invited to a joyful hour-long event filled with wisdom, self-discovery, vocal empowerment, and spiritual upliftment. With Chloe’s guidance, you’ll experience for yourself the exhilarating original inner music of your soul.

>> You can register here for Give Voice to Your Truth: Experience the “Octave of Consciousness” to Access Your Inner Authority & Cultivate Healing <<

Give Voice to Your Truth Experience Octave of Consciousness to Access Your Inner Authority & Cultivate Healing

In this highly experiential event, you’ll:

  • Experience the essential power of intentional breathing, silence, and what Chloe describes as “the unchanging note” — awakening your awareness and gratitude for sound as the ground of consciousness and as a direct experience of your true nature

  • Strengthen your nonjudgmental listening and compassionate self-observation through self-inquiry practices, using your voice

  • Discover the power of sound affirmations to embody your full sovereignty, generate loving presence, and revitalize your body, mind, and soul 

  • Unify your three power centers — My Will, Thy Will, That Will — through sound, and experience the shift from the egoic love of power to the heart-centered power of love

  • Activate healing and feel your interconnectedness and harmonic resonance with All That Is with Chloë’s anthem, “Singing Field”

As you release your attachment to what Chloë calls your “socially conditioned personality voice,” you’ll discover your sovereign voice and recognize yourself as an energy field that is vibrating with the frequencies of love — the impact of which is truly life-changing. 

As you learn to access your soul’s wisdom through your sovereign voice, you’ll relish how embodied experiences of love and unconditional presence lead you to healthier and happier realms of coherence and harmony, nourishing you with self-acceptance and inner wisdom

… and helping you transform fear into love, and separateness into deep connection.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Give Voice to Your Truth: Experience the “Octave of Consciousness” to Access Your Inner Authority & Cultivate Healing with Chloë Goodchild…

… you’ll tap into your profound inner wisdom and unconditional love using the vocal techniques and sacred resonance of your authentic voice — as you reconnect with the luminosity of your essence and bring healthier and happier states of coherence and harmony into your life.

Read more: Experience the “Octave of Consciousness” to Cultivate Healing

Friday 5 May 2023

Pandiculation – Somatic Movement to Release Trauma, Stress, Chronic Pain

Discover how to regulate your nervous system to experience more freedom.

What if you could transform your relationship with your body, release stress and tension with ease, and learn to move with a renewed feeling of safety, freedom, and bliss? 

Throughout our lives, most of us experience some kind of trauma that can leave us with stress, chronic pain, and habitual movements that keep us stuck in uncomfortable and unhelpful patterns — both physically and emotionally. 

Do you feel like you’ve tried many things to relieve your pain and nothing seems to work? Have you been told time and again that, despite your symptoms, there’s nothing wrong with you?

Martha Peterson, founder of Essential Somatics® and author of Move Without Pain, teaches us that no matter how much pain and discomfort we may experience, we all have the capacity to learn skills for self-regulating the levels of stress we hold in our body.

On Saturday, April 29, she’ll demystify the causes and impact of chronic pain and illustrate how you can reconnect your mind with your body to reverse pain and postural imbalances, release stress and tension, regain physical control, and create a life of joyful movement.

>> You can register here for The Pandiculation Technique: Somatic Movement to Release Trauma Response & Chronic Pain: Regulate Your Nervous System to Experience More Freedom & Access Your Full Potential <<

The Pandiculation Technique: Somatic Movement to Release Trauma Response & Chronic Pain: Regulate Your Nervous System to Experience More Freedom & Access Your Full Potential

In this restorative event, you’ll:

  • Experience the simple yet effective technique of pandiculation to release chronic pain and tension anytime, anywhere — and reclaim your sense of self

  • Understand how sensory motor amnesia is showing up in your body as chronically contracted muscles, causing unhelpful patterns of posture, movement, and thoughts 

  • Begin to demystify the conditions of chronic pain

  • Learn how to use the miraculous workings of your brain to sense and regulate tension, so you can experience greater freedom of movement, self-actualization, self-agency, and emotional wellbeing

  • Learn how to address the root cause of pain in your body — rather than just treating symptoms — and how to reset your whole body to function more optimally

Martha’s teaching methodology is grounded in the science of the nervous system, yet is also playful, safe, and accessible.

Her approach to somatic education has transformed the lives of people around the world, enabling them to restore freedom of movement and postural imbalances to reverse chronic muscle and joint pain — and it can transform your life too!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Pandiculation Technique: Somatic Movement to Release Trauma Response & Chronic Pain: Regulate Your Nervous System to Experience More Freedom & Access Your Full Potential with Martha Peterson…

… you’ll experience a powerful 3-step somatic-movement technique  to release chronic pain and physical and emotional limitations due to trauma.

Read more: Pandiculation – Somatic Movement to Release Trauma, Stress, Chronic Pain

Wednesday 3 May 2023

Discover How to Use Dreams as Portals for Guidance & Healing

Access your magical inner child to awaken your imagination, vitality & inner guidance.

In many cultures, it was once accepted as fact that other worlds exist. 

These other worlds were inhabited by gods, daimons, and spirits of the departed — and our ancestors visited them regularly, creating the travel reports that ultimately evolved into world mythologies and religions.

These soul-journeying practices held the key to the parts of reality hidden from the physical senses, yet are no less “real” than ordinary reality. In fact, they may be more real, full of potentially life-changing wisdom and profound emotional experiences.

You can still visit these other worlds today through the practice of Active Dreaming, an original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism, says its creator, Robert Moss, a pioneer in the art of dreamwork.

On Saturday, May 6, you’ll discover that as you become an active dreamer, you’ll steadily expand your horizons of possibility and your personal definitions of reality. You can discover gateways and paths used by previous travelers — and learn how to journey beyond the maps to recover knowledge that belonged to you before you entered this life.

>> You can register here for The Power of Soul Travel Through Active Dreaming: Access Your Magical Inner Child to Awaken Your Imagination, Vitality & Inner Guidance <<

The Power of Soul Travel Through Active Dreaming: Access Your Magical Inner Child to Awaken Your Imagination, Vitality & Inner Guidance with Robert Moss

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Make a guided shamanic journey to meet your magical inner child and reclaim your imagination, vitality, and inner guidance

  • Learn to use your dreams and personal images as portals for travel to many worlds and places of initiation, guidance, and healing

  • Discover you can meet up with your soul family at any distance, including beyond the apparent barrier of death

  • Find and follow your songlines, road maps for your life journey — and find sanctuary and grounding in your Trees of Belonging, important landmarks and events on your life’s path

  • Explore your connections with personalities in past, future, and parallel times, and rise to a life-transforming encounter with your higher self

As you’ll discover, your inner child is a master of dreams and imagination who effortlessly engages in the deep play that generates inspiring, creative ideas. 

You were born to fly, and in dreams you can remember that your soul has wings! Join Robert for this inspiring event and reconnect with the lost parts of yourself as you meet your magical inner child.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Power of Soul Travel Through Active Dreaming: Access Your Magical Inner Child to Awaken Your Imagination, Vitality & Inner Guidance with Robert Moss…

… you’ll discover how soul journeying can expand your horizons of possibility as you recover wisdom that once belonged to you, long before you entered this life.

Read more: Discover How to Use Dreams as Portals for Guidance & Healing