Sunday 26 March 2023

Discover Hidden Key to Your Spiritual Awakening for Clearer Intuition

Open the lesser-known alta major chakra to enhance your health & improve your life.

The alta major chakra, also known as the mouth of God, is a minor chakra with a big role: providing clear access to divine guidance and your intuitive abilities.

Medical intuitive Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD, says it’s also part of a larger body-mind nexus within the nervous system that’s designed to nurture the divine presence that inherently exists within your physiology…

… making it a crucial component for humanity’s evolution as we continue to individually and collectively grow into our true identities and shared purpose.

On Thursday, March 30, with Tiffany, you’ll explore a well-kept secret of your energetic anatomy: the alta major chakra… and how it serves as a gateway to higher guidance and health, a portal for awakening and healing, and a bridge between spiritual and physical consciousness.

>> You can register here for The Hidden Key to Your Spiritual Awakening for Accurate Higher Guidance & Clear Intuition: Open the Lesser-Known Alta Major Chakra to Enhance Your Health & Improve Your Life <<

Spiritual Awakening for Accurate Higher Guidance & Clear Intuition Open the Lesser-Known Alta Major Chakra to Enhance Your Health & Improve Your Life

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the alta major chakra as a gateway to higher guidance — and its role in an even greater nexus of awakening and healing 

  • Be guided through a meditation to access the creative-will centers of your esoteric physiology — your sacral, throat, and solar plexus chakras — to clear stuck energy and enliven your true essence, inherent intuitive abilities, and life purpose

  • Discover your triad of inner knowing — the alta major chakra, vagus nerve, and reticular activating system — and how it can shift you into greater wellbeing

  • Learn why opening the Third Eye requires more than simply activating the pineal gland 

  • Explore why now is the time for the once-shrouded wisdom of the alta major chakra to be accessed — and how your anatomy inherently holds the map to access, activate, and work with your alta major chakra to actualize your full potential

If you’re ready to explore a new gateway for accessing your higher consciousness… 

One that also holds the potential to activate your intuitive abilities and foster a profound sense of presence and purpose throughout your physical anatomy for better health and an increased sense of wellbeing, join us.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

In The Hidden Key to Your Spiritual Awakening for Accurate Higher Guidance & Clear Intuition: Open the Lesser-Known Alta Major Chakra to Enhance Your Health & Improve Your Life with Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD… 

… you’ll prime your body-mind to access your deeper intuitive anatomy and receive higher guidance using the latest biofield science and the once-shrouded esoteric wisdom of your alta major chakra.

Read more: Discover Hidden Key to Your Spiritual Awakening for Clearer Intuition

Friday 24 March 2023

Explore the Science & Mysteries of Psychic Messages & Intuitive Insights

Tune in to the cosmos to navigate life’s transitions & live more fully.

Extrasensory abilities are naturally developed within us by being more receptive to the subtler and finer messages around us. We all have extrasensory, as well as sensory, faculties.
― Donna Goddard 

Do you sometimes wonder if the Universe is sending you important messages, but you’re just not picking up on the signals?

Ever wish you had a way to amplify and refine your psychic abilities to more easily access and navigate invisible realms? 

Wouldn’t it be liberating to enhance your intuition and harness your healing gifts by gently releasing anxiety, confusion, or overwhelm…

… giving you the clarity you need to interpret celestial signs and synchronicities that can give you clear guidance for effective decision-making and problem-solving?

One of the most enticing invitations of the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit is to learn to expand your intuition and other spiritual abilities by becoming more sensitive to subtle energies…

… equipping you to master skills that can reveal potent new information for transforming your health and your life.

There’s now a plethora of scientific evidence to support what religious and spiritual traditions have pointed to for millennia — that there is information available to us beyond the physical world and our five senses. 

A growing community of heart-centered scientists, physicians, authors, educators, and leading practitioners in metaphysics are exploring these ideas… 

… and The Shift Network has gathered many of the most prominent of these experts to share their revelatory experiences and insightful methods of perceiving and accurately interpreting psychic messages and the sense of “inner knowing.”

They’ll share tools and practices that can help you calm your nervous system and be more receptive to these potent subtle energies — and more adept at working with energy to help heal yourself and others.

This summit gives you access to revered wisdom traditions as well as modern evidence-based teachings that encourage you to move beyond your five senses to embrace an amazing world of information and insights that are accessible once you tune in to the loving reverberations of the Cosmos. 

Expect to emerge transformed!

Join us for Free Online Event
Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit
April 10–14

Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit 2023

During the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summityou’ll hear illuminating insights from over 35 other seasoned heart-centered scientists, physicians, authors, educators, and leading practitioners in metaphysics… 

… who can teach you how to perceive and interpret subtle energies.

Their teachings and guidance can bring you clarity, guidance, and inspiration on your spiritual journey as you discover essential ways to receive, navigate, and apply vibrational insights you’ll tap into from subtle messages, intuitive hits, and other inner knowings. 

>> RSVP here for the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit — at no charge <<


During this profound 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • The most important behavior change you can make to excel as an intuitive, empath, psychic, or medium 

  • An easy sequence of steps for developing your intuitive, metaphysical, and psychic sensitivity as you open your “third eye” and learn to sense and understand energy 

  • How channeling can range from gut hunches to less common experiences like mediumship and trance-channeling  

  • How to determine your intuitive awareness type — physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual  so you can further develop your gifts 

  • Alliance Space” — an incarnational spirituality tool that allows a non-physical being to interact with you in mutual safety and hospitality

  • How to recognize and develop the intuitive and psychic skills you already have that are built into your metaphysical DNA 

  • Secrets at the heart of the ancient Andean medicine known as Tukuy Rikuy — and how you can activate your intuition to read and trust signs and omens 

And much more!

There’s never been a more opportune moment to tap into the depth and breadth of the vibrational information all around us that’s just waiting to be discovered — when we turn our attention within.  

Please join us for this landmark event. We look forward to seeing you there.

>> RSVP here for the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit — at no charge <<


Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • James Van Praagh will share ways to access your own intuitive ability — specifically the various “clairs” of . 

  • New York Times bestselling author Marci Shimoff will speak about synchronicity and living an intuitive life, and how both are connected to experiencing what she calls being “happy for no reason.” 

  • Evidential medium Suzanne Giesemann will reveal the #1 key to developing your psychic abilities and intuition.

  • Robert Moss will relay vivid personal experiences of dreaming the future and gaining vital information from the departed in dreams.

  • Caroline Cory will talk about discerning the origins and different polarities of energies you’re constantly interacting with — and how to protect yourself from potential negative effects.

  • Cyndi Dale will demonstrate working through a special chakra (the eighth) to remember and renew your psychic gifts from past lives.

  • Sarah Elkhaldy will focus on activating, receiving, and interpreting information through your crown chakra. 

  • Heather Regal Salmon will show you how setting up your energy field can open your channel to receive divine guidance, knowledge, and inspiration — so you can walk the path of the psychic initiate. 

  • Langston Kahn will explore why the connection between healing emotional wounds and developing your psychic abilities is the key to unlocking the full power of your intuitive gifts.

  • Avril Price, the UK’s leading practitioner and teacher of Tarot, will show you how Tarot can be used to read individuals, groups of souls, and the world situation.

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Psychic & Intuitive Abilities Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Explore the Science & Mysteries of Psychic Messages & Intuitive Insights

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Metabolize Your life w/ Ayurvedic Techniques - Healthy Eating Habits & True Self

Discover how to physically and mentally digest food (& life) through your 5 senses.

Did you know that the quality of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health can be traced to your digestive system?

In fact, in the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda, poor digestion is considered the root cause of all disease.

Your overall quality of digestion is used by Ayurvedic practitioners as a barometer of wellbeing for everything going on inside of you…

… whether it’s your thoughts and emotions, your spiritual health, or your sense of inner agency manifesting as heightened clarity, higher purpose, and connectedness.

All of which begins, as Ayurvedic doctor Marc Halpern teaches, with how well your eating habits support your true self or inner constitution — known as your dosha in Ayurveda medicine…

… and how integrated your senses are in working together to digest the totality of what you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell in a gentle, effective, and coherent way.

On Tuesday, March 28, with Marc, you’ll explore the health-defining connection between digestion, your senses, and your dosha by harnessing the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine to gain greater self-authority that inspires healthy digestion on all levels of being — body, mind, and spirit.

>> You can register here for Metabolize Your Life With Ayurvedic Techniques: How to Physically & Mentally Digest Food (and Life) Better Through Your 5 Senses <<

Metabolize Your Life With Ayurvedic Techniques or How to Physically & Mentally Digest Food (and Life) Better Through Your 5 Senses with Marc Halpern

In this health-enhancing online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the relationship between your senses and digestion as viewed through the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda

  • Learn how sensorial information is filtered through the doshas — the regulatory principles of one’s body, mind, and behavior

  • Be led through a guided meditation to close off your senses — and experience the inner quietude and stirrings that occur as a result

  • Discover how you biologically and mentally digest life through your 5 senses — and how digestion works with the “sixth sense,” our portal to consciousness

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the microbiome — how it functions as another organ and provides a unique lens into the doshas and your overall health and wellbeing 

You’ll learn why, regardless of what ails you, all roads lead back to your digestive system, which has a hand in regulating every other system in your body…

… and how aligning mentally, emotionally, and physically with your dosha through nutrition and your daily habits helps you gain access to the full potential of your senses — including “the sixth sense,” the portal to higher consciousness.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Metabolize Your Life With Ayurvedic Techniques: How to Physically & Mentally Digest Food (and Life) Better Through Your 5 Senses with Marc Halpern…

… you’ll discover how your digestion, senses, and true self work together to create health — or imbalance — throughout your body.

Read more: Metabolize Your life w/ Ayurvedic Techniques - Healthy Eating Habits & True Self

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Discover key tools & ancient technologies for uncovering & pursuing your purpose

Explore the 5 key factors that can make pursuing your purpose easier & more enjoyable.

Have you ever felt like you missed your true calling… or have yet to fully understand it?

Do you feel pulled to try something new and exciting, yet also feel uneasy about all the ways it could potentially change your life?

As strange as it may sound, these inner reflections may actually be auspicious signs along your true life path.

In fact, feeling disconnected from yourself and disenchanted by your current reality are common conundrums for those who are awakening to their true life purpose…  

… or, their next purpose, according to Enneagram expert Ginger Lapid-Bogda, PhD, who teaches that we already hold within us the map for uncovering and actualizing our gifts — and the deeper yearnings of our hearts.

By learning how to work with instead of against our true natures using the Enneagram, an ancient personality typing system, we can gain access to the deeper inflections of what we most value and love… and illuminate the way back home to ourselves and the greater design for our lives.    

Join Ginger to explore the map of possibility that you entered the world with — and how the nuances of your Enneagram type can guide you to your true purpose… and the most aligned path for achieving it.

>> You can register here for Illuminate Your Deeper Purpose With the Enneagram: Discover Key Tools & Ancient Technologies for Uncovering & Pursuing Your Purpose <<

Deeper Purpose With the Enneagram Discover Key Tools & Ancient Technologies for Uncovering & Pursuing Your Purpose

During this online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the 5 key factors that can make pursuing your purpose easier and more enjoyable — and how this relates to your Enneagram type

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the power of intention and the potency of a simple plan — and watch Ginger put this into action during a live demonstration 

  • Be guided through your Centers of Intelligence —  head, heart, and body — to gain clarity on where you are in your journey 

  • Explore how the pursuit of your purpose can be stimulating and fun rather than a stressful or laborious task

  • Access your Centers of Intelligence and their deeper uses in helping you find, follow, and fulfill your purpose

You’ll also discover the five key factors that can take the pressure out of finding and following your purpose… and infuse your journey with a sense of adventure, ease, and fun.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Illuminate Your Deeper Purpose With the Enneagram: Discover Key Tools & Ancient Technologies for Uncovering & Pursuing Your Purpose with Ginger Lapid-Bogda, PhD…

… you’ll learn to engage with the wisdom of your three Centers of Intelligence, the power of intention, and the nuances of your Enneagram type as potent resources for clarifying your true purpose, how to achieve it — and where you are now in relation to it.

Read more: Discover key tools & ancient technologies for uncovering & pursuing your purpose

Thursday 16 March 2023

Combine Energy Medicine Practices & Sound Healing to Tone Vagus Nerve

Discover potent energy medicine for balancing your nervous system & improving sleep.

When navigating times of stress or uncertainty, much of our energy goes toward simply getting through the day.

However, you know that far more is possible. You’ve tasted it in your deeper journey into the frontiers of health, wellbeing, and personal transformation. 

Yet, it’s easy to slide backwards into neglecting yourself.

After functioning in survival mode for an extended period, we’re emerging into a time in which we require a deep level of replenishment and restoration, as we release the traumas and stressors of recent years. 

According to Dr. Melanie Smith, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Advanced Energy Medicine Practitioner, you can rewrite the imprinted patterns that trauma and stress leave on your nervous system — as you enhance your immunity, reclaim your health, and take back your personal power.

It all starts with a deeper understanding of the vagus nerve — which transmits sensory signals from the brain to the gut, liver, heart, and lungs, and then back to your brain — and learning how to harness its power to unlock radiant health and emotional wellbeing 

On Thursday, March 16, Dr. Melanie will explain the wonders of the vagus nerve, which serves as a kind of “master circuit” to rewire your system for vibrant health. 

>> You can register here for Experience Your Vagus Nerve’s Holistic Healing Power: Potent Energy Medicine to Balance Your Nervous System, Ease Stress & Improve Sleep <<

Experience Your Vagus Nerve’s Holistic Healing Power: Potent Energy Medicine to Balance Your Nervous System, Ease Stress & Improve Sleep

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The power of the vagus nerve — how it functions, and why it’s essential to your immunity, health, and wellbeing 

  • The Peacemaker, a potent self-care practice that focuses on your vagus nerve to reduce stress and anxiety

  • The Melatonin Booster, an energy medicine technique to improve your sleep

  • The Autonomic Reset Hold exercise to balance your sympathetic nervous system with the parasympathetic nervous system

  • How sound healing and toning can calm and support your vagus nerve

If you’re suffering from trauma, PTSD, heart rate variability, or other stress-related symptoms, it’s likely that your vagus nerve has been compromised — resulting in imbalances in your system.

This is your opportunity to receive easy yet potent energy medicine exercises that tap into your vagus nerve to relax and restore your mind, body, and spirit. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Experience Your Vagus Nerve’s Holistic Healing Power: Potent Energy Medicine to Balance Your Nervous System, Ease Stress & Improve Sleep with Dr. Melanie Smith… 

… you’ll combine energy medicine practices with sound healing to tone your vagus nerve to improve immunity and boost your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Read more: Combine Energy Medicine Practices & Sound Healing to Tone Vagus Nerve

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Unlock Clairvoyant Powers - Crystal Facet of Your Biofield to Clear-see Your Best Life

Experience a guided practice that enables you to more easily manifest a fulfilling future.

What if you were more clairvoyant than you think? 

And what if you could turn on this multifaceted psychic capability for perceiving future events whenever you need it?

As you access more of your natural clairvoyant abilities, you can perform healings for yourself and others, analyze the past, receive spiritual guidance, connect with your deeper soul, manifest your authentic desires, listen to your body and feelings, get a glimpse into possible futures — and sometimes even design possible futures…  

Most significantly, you have the power to open up, set a course, and live your best life, starting now

If you’re curious to discover life-enhancing tools and practices that can help you access or uplevel the profound gift of clairvoyance you’ve always had…

Join respected intuitive energy healer Cyndi Dale on Saturday, April 15, as she introduces you to the Crystal Facet, a space in your personal energy field that unifies all the elements of who you are — think of it as an internal control room where you can use your power of clairvoyance to manifest a future vision. 

>> You can register here for Unlock Your Clairvoyant Powers: A Journey Into the Crystal Facet of Your Biofield for Clear-Seeing Your Best Life <<

Unlock Your Clairvoyant Powers A Journey Into the Crystal Facet of Your Biofield for Clear-Seeing Your Best Life

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The powerful truth that everyone, including you, is clairvoyant (able to perceive future events), often without realizing it — and how you can access and interpret your visions to boost your clairvoyant powers

  • How to heal yourself and manifest your desires by customizing the 12 styles of clairvoyance — each with a different function and link to a specific chakra — to fit your personality and higher self 

  • How to use your clairvoyance to interact with the Crystal Facet in your biofield to manifest a desire

  • Cyndi’s tools and skills that can help you realize the true depth of your clairvoyance, including the Spirit-to-Spirit technique, accessing the God Spot, and infusing absolute scalar waves into your manifestation practice

  • step-by-step guided process to create a vision for activating all forms of your clairvoyance and intuition — whether you already know you’re clairvoyant, or have yet to discover your clairvoyant powers

According to Cyndi, everyone has this power of “clear-seeing” — yet the vast majority of us don’t experience this gift at its full capacity (or sometimes at all) because we don’t realize there are many distinct clairvoyant styles.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to explore how using what Cyndi calls an intuitive toolkit to activate the forms of clairvoyance most available to you can result in more effective reception, interpretation, and sharing.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Unlock Your Clairvoyant Powers: A Journey Into the Crystal Facet of Your Biofield for Clear-Seeing Your Best Life with Cyndi Dale…

… you’ll explore life-enhancing practices to help you connect to the true depth of your innate clairvoyance — including a guided practice featuring the Crystal Facet, a space within your energy field that unifies your full self, enabling you to more easily manifest your most fulfilling future.

Read more: Unlock Clairvoyant Powers - Crystal Facet of Your Biofield to Clear-see Your Best Life

Saturday 11 March 2023

Experience a “Shaking Meditation” to Release Stress, Tension & Trauma

Discover how primitive reflexes can shake trauma and tension out of your body.

Imagine moving through painful trauma, stress, and tension, and discovering a heightened state of wellbeing, ease, and joy…

You were designed to naturally live free of painful emotions and trauma… and your body’s natural reflexes may hold the key, says Steve Haines, a teacher of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®), a gentle therapeutic technique that has helped thousands of people around the world.

TRE assists the body in releasing deep muscular patterns of stress, tension, and trauma, which calms down the nervous system. After doing TRE, many people have reported feelings of peace and wellbeing.

Numerous healing modalities focus primarily on the mental or emotional causes of trauma, requiring that you relive or understand the associated stress and pain as a means to overcome it…

In contrast, TRE engages your primitive reflexes to reveal where trauma is residing in your body. You then “shake it out,” releasing long-held tension patterns and experiencing feelings of connection and peace.

On Saturday, March 11, with Steve, you’ll explore how harnessing the power of your reflexes can release trauma and neutralize your own fear-based patterns while calming your nervous system and easing your body back into a state of balance.

>> You can register here for Discover the Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®): How Primitive Reflexes Shake You Out of Fight-or-Flight Patterns & Into Your Natural Joyous State <<

explore a unique physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity for regulating your own wellbeing

In this empowering free online event, you’ll explore:

  • “shaking meditation” that can help you experience your body in a new, empowered way

  • Why TRE is a simple and effective somatic practice that harnesses the power of your primitive reflexes to release stress, tension, and trauma in all levels of your being

  • How overactive fight-or-flight responses hijack mental, emotional, and physical functions — and how you can begin to disrupt this unhealthy pattern

  • Why experiencing feelings as sensations rather than emotions neutralizes fear-based patterns while amplifying your built-in ability to regulate your own wellbeing and avoid feeling overwhelmed

  • How you can learn to overcome trauma without having to talk it out or understand why it happened

Through TRE, you develop the ability to regulate intense feelings, putting you back in control

… and helping you live with a sense of ease, joy, love, and connection.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

In Discover the Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®): How Primitive Reflexes Shake You Out of Fight-or-Flight Patterns & Into Your Natural Joyous State with Steve Haines…

… you’ll explore a unique physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity for regulating your own wellbeing.

Read more: Experience a “Shaking Meditation” to Release Stress, Tension & Trauma

Release Trauma of Your Birth Story with Feminine Breathwork Practices

Explore where breath and your birth story meet & influence your health & relationships.

Did you know that more than half of the body’s toxins can be released through breathing?

Most of us don’t actually reap this benefit, however, because we take shallow breaths that energize limiting subconscious patterns…

… instead of breathing from the full capacity of our lungs and our greater potential for expansiveness.

This causes our bodies to compress and contract rather than release what no longer serves us, impeding our ability to expand into the best version of ourselves — self-aware, empowered, and able to access the virtues and gifts that we entered the world with.

Although a constricted breath like this can often be traced all the way back to your birth story, it can be transformed by consciously breathing into the areas within you that have been “stuck,” according to Clarity Breathwork co-founders Ashanna Solaris and Dana Dharma Devi DeLong.

With Ashanna and Dana, you’ll explore where breath and your birth story meet — and learn how feminine breathwork creates a safe, sacred, and gentle process for releasing held trauma and nurturing your true self and potential.

>> You can register here for Release the Trauma of Your Birth Story With Feminine Breathwork Practices: Transform Difficult Emotions & Imprints Into Self-Love, Strength & Clarity <<

explore where breath and your birth story meet — and influence your health, relationships, sense of self, ability to attract abundance, and more

In this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a feminine approach to breathwork that provides a safe, sacred, and understanding space for your truth — and learn why healing through feminine-based practices is so direly needed in our world right now

  • Be guided through a breathwork practice to bring healing to your birth story — transforming heavy emotions or imprints into self-love, strength, and clarity 

  • Explore how your birth impacts your life through the lens of prenatal and perinatal psychology

  • Discover how unraveling birth trauma can help you access more of the gifts that you came into the world with

  • Learn how toxins are released through the breath — and how oxygen affects the human genome and changes us 

As you gain new tools for transforming the difficult emotions and imprints of your birth story into sources of strength and clarity… Ashanna and Dana hope you’ll come to view the entire context of your life as a holy curriculum. 

From there, an empowered sense of vulnerability is free to emerge and guide you to who you were always meant to be.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Release the Trauma of Your Birth Story With Feminine Breathwork Practices: Transform Difficult Emotions & Imprints Into Self-Love, Strength & Clarity with Ashanna Solaris and Dana Dharma Devi DeLong…

… you’ll explore where breath and your birth story meet — and influence your health, relationships, sense of self, ability to attract abundance, and more.

Read more: Release Trauma of Your Birth Story with Feminine Breathwork Practices

Sunday 5 March 2023

Discover How to Connect Your Spirit Guides & Work w/ Your Spirit Team

Experience guided meditation to connect with one or several of your spirit guides.

Are you being called to embrace your spiritual path or psychic gifts in a much deeper way?

Psychic medium Sheila Vijeyarasa has helped people around the world realize that they actually are connected to guides who can help them develop their psychic abilities. In fact, an entire spirit team has been waiting patiently for you to call them into action.

Sheila cautions that the first steps on this spiritual journey can be daunting and confusing. Instead of easy access and expected bliss, there can be uncertainty and doubt.

Questions may pop up: Can I trust what I hear or feel?… What is true guidance and what is just coincidence?… Why do I feel alone instead of connected?… Will guidance really be there for me when I need it? 

Sheila will share how you can confidently identify, call upon, and work with your spirit guides. She’ll also offer practical instruction that can help you establish a solid foundation that supports your continuing spiritual evolution.

>> You can register here for How To Meet Your Spirit Team: Avail Yourself of Higher Wisdom & Guidance Through Consistent Connection <<

learn how to access guidance from and establish a relationship with your spirit team, which is waiting to assist you on a powerful journey to reveal your innate spiritual nature and psychic abilities

During this inspiring hour with Sheila, you’ll:

  • Experience a guided meditation in which you’ll connect with one or several of your spirit guides

  • Learn about the 8 main categories of spirit guides

  • Discover how to discern which guides are working with you right now

  • Begin to activate your natural spiritual senses

  • Understand the role and function of your spirit guides in your spiritual awakening

This natural support system is able to assist you at any time, so you never have to feel alone or separated from the loving energy of Source.

You’ll learn how to look for the signs and synchronicities coming to you from your guides, understanding that wisdom and guidance can reveal itself in many ways…

… and that entering into a trusting relationship with your spirit guides provides you with the opportunity to accelerate your spiritual progress.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In How To Meet Your Spirit Team: Avail Yourself of Higher Wisdom & Guidance Through Consistent Connection with Sheila Vijeyarasa…

… you’ll learn how to access guidance from and establish a relationship with your spirit team, which is waiting to assist you on a powerful journey to reveal your innate spiritual nature and psychic abilities.

Read more: Discover How to Connect Your Spirit Guides & Work w/ Your Spirit Team

Keys to Evidential Mediumship for Building Confidence in Your Readings

Embrace a mediumship mindset that enables communication with spirits beyond the veil.

Have you been curious about how some people can consistently get trustworthy evidence and communication from the other side that can truly change lives?

If your soul has chosen the sacred path of mediumship, you know it’s not just something you turn to occasionally — it’s a way of life.

Due to the profoundly intimate, deeply spiritual nature of the medium’s soul-to-soul communication, your mindset must be more refined than the ordinary, day-to-day human mindset, says celebrated mystic and medium Suzanne Giesemann, a former U.S. Navy Commander and the author of 13 books. 

The mediumship mindset, by contrast, sets your soul free to dance as you embody the powerful truth that you’re limitless, and that anything is possible. You trust that your spirit guides stand ready to help you at all times, and understand that life is all about growth and joy. You naturally expect progressively better things to unfold in your life.

Cultivating your mediumship mindset brings you better connection with spirit, and deeper confidence in the messages you receive. It’s the key to living a life of freedom and fulfillment.

With Suzanne, you’ll learn how to cultivate and refine the mediumship mindset — by identifying with yourself as a soul and making this perspective the foundation of how you approach life, not just a useful way to improve your readings. 

>> You can register here for How to Develop a Mediumship Mindset: The Keys to Evidential Mediumship as a Way of Life for Building Confidence & Consistency With Readings <<

keys to evidential mediumship for building confidence in your readings

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The negative, limited mindset most people absorb from our culture

  • How the mediumship mindset — in which anything is possible, life is always working in your favor, and you’re always supported by spirit guides — can improve your readings as a medium and become your new way of life

  • Suzanne’s High-Vibration Energy Diffuser, a guided visualization in which you’ll picture yourself in a special place — and infuse it with all the qualities you desire so you can absorb these traits

  • How to identify with yourself as a soul — and turn this into your daily perspective

  • How the spiritual concepts of allowing and flow always create a good reading — and a more joyful life

If you’re already having positive experiences in doing readings and want to get even better, join Suzanne and learn how the mediumship mindset can result in even more amazing pieces of evidence, clearer messages from Spirit — and a new way of experiencing your life as a soul on a journey of discovery, growth, and joy.

>> You can watch recording for free here <<

In How to Develop a Mediumship Mindset: The Keys to Evidential Mediumship as a Way of Life for Building Confidence & Consistency With Readings with Suzanne Giesemann…

… you’ll leave behind a limited, ordinary mindset that doesn’t include the possibilities of soul-to-soul communication — and embrace a mediumship mindset that allows for consistent communication with spirits beyond the veil as a path to spiritual growth. 

Read more: Keys to Evidential Mediumship for Building Confidence in Your Readings

Saturday 4 March 2023

Watch News of Biofield Science, Energy Medicine, Quantum Healing, EFT & More

Explore the latest in energy medicine, mind-body therapies & personal transformation.

Ever feel lost in a sea of conflicting information about what healing path to take? 

Would you love to feel confident in designing your own individualized, comprehensive wellness program? 

The good news is that you have a lot of power when it comes to determining your own health outcomes

Through epigenetics — gene expression in relation to its environment — it’s been demonstrated that by using discernment plus your own powerful intuition, you can modify your daily habits to engage in new behavior patterns that can optimize your health.

You can also mitigate potential negative health predictors indicated by your genes, including medical issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer… resulting in greater energy, mobility, and joy NOW.

In the past few years, exciting research has come to light in the areas of bio-optimization, functional medicine, and sound healing

… providing an expanded toolkit for your practitioner partners to work with you to create your own unique, customized protocol for healing.  

Now you can join a global gathering of pioneers in evolutionary consciousness — including leading-edge scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring teachers — sharing a powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge that promises to shift your consciousness and unlock your innate capacity to heal body, mind, and spirit. 

Join us at this Free Online Event
>> Science of Healing Summit <<
March 20–24, 2023

biofield science, energy medicine & whole-system healing

This summit features more than 30 of today’s highly sought-after scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring spiritual teachers — including Cyndi DaleDawson Church, Dean Radin, Eileen McKusickLindsay FauntleroyRupert Sheldrake, Dr. Shamini Jain, William Brown, Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Dr. Christine Schaffner, and Dr. Jennifer Freed

… all of whom will be highlighting emerging research into science-backed methods to achieve optimal wellness, promote self-healing, and prevent illness — not just for specific symptoms, but for whole-system healing. 

In this thought-provoking summit, you’ll be immersed in the work of these experts 

on the front lines as they share potent practices and protocols to access the benefits of biofield science, energy medicine, the quantum sound-healing power of music, and natural detox solutions

>> RSVP here for the Science of Healing Summit — at no charge <<


During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Why only 5% of your health and life expectancy is governed by your genes — and how to leverage day-to-day habits to stay healthier now… and well into your golden years

  • The fascinating techniques you can use to tap into the healing power of light and increase the energy in your cells

  • Intuition Medicine®a system of energy diagnostics and healing for processing emotions, trauma, and illness by clearing stuck patterns in the body

  • How to awaken your inner divinity through your bioenergetic field, bio circuitry system, and biochemical secretions

  • Frequencies and resonances in the earth’s energetic systems that overlap with heart and brain rhythms to create intentional energy fields that raise your consciousness and the planet’s vibration

  • Lifestyle practices, health technologies, and products for optimizing health, peak performance, and reverse biological aging 

  • Two sessions or more per week of brain training as the answer to building new neural pathways and optimizing brain function 

  • And much, much more!

You’ll quickly see how to tap into emerging evidence-based modalities to accelerate healing and transformation — for you and your clients. 

Please join us for this landmark event. I look forward to seeing you below.

>> RSVP here for the Science of Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s just a sample of what our enlightening speakers will share with you…

  • Cyndi Dale will share several different ways the ancient gift of clairvoyance can be accessed to enable visualization so you can positively influence future health outcomes. 

  • Dawson Church, PhD, will share how energy therapy, EFT tapping, and meditation can amplify your healing process.

  • Dean Radin, PhD, will explore a growing trend within science that’s reconsidering relationships between the brain, mind, consciousness — and even the nature of reality itself. 

  • Eileen McKusick will discuss how to trust your own sense perceptions, curiosity, and intuition — so you can claim your own genius and the world of discovery that awaits you.

  • Lindsay Fauntleroy will reveal how Indigenous philosophies and wisdom from Africa, Asia, and the Americas are the foundation of flower essence therapy

  • Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, will share research that sheds new light on how meditation, gratitude, chanting, prayer, rituals, rites of passage, and other spiritual practices have scientifically measurable effects on promoting health.

  • Dr. Shamini Jain will discuss key scientific insights regarding “the mechanism” of healing, and how the future of healing science will integrate the imaginal along with the rational to stimulate whole-person healing. 

  • William Brown will explain the role of structured water in cell and sub-cellular systems, and how the optimization of mitochondrial health improves regenerative function throughout the body.

  • Dr. Alberto Villoldo will reveal ancient shamanic practices for creating energetic and nutritional conditions for health that can extend the human lifespan up to 150 years.

  • Dr. Christine Schaffner will explain the EECO System, and how it addresses each individual’s unique health history, symptoms, and triggers, creating a unique, personalized blueprint for an effective health journey.

  • Dr. Jennifer Freed will demonstrate how to identify your element strengths and weaknesses, so you can upgrade your self-expression to magnetize higher vibrational people to you.

  • And many more… 

>> RSVP here for the Science of Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Watch News of Biofield Science, Energy Medicine, Quantum Healing, EFT & More

Thursday 2 March 2023

Qigong Movements for Women Specifically Designed to Release Stress (trapped Qi)

Experience “The Lotus Rises Through the Muddy Water” embodied movement practice.

At this pivotal moment, ancient practices have come forward to serve the greater good like never before — and this is uniquely true for women, who are in many ways the backbone of society.

When women are empowered to alleviate illness and disease in themselves and their families, it can make a life-changing, lasting difference in our world.

Daisy Lee created Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong to support women’s personal development and self-healing knowledge with movement techniques that are gentle, yet dynamic and highly effective. 

Whether you’re experiencing a health challenge and want to accelerate your healing, or longing to increase your energy, reduce stress, and improve your mental focus — you can find new levels of wellbeing and rediscover yourself in a whole new way with Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong.

On Saturday, March 25, you’ll learn how to dissolve blockages in your flow of Qi, enabling your full life-force energy to move smoothly and radiate out into all aspects of your daily life.

>> You can register here for Experience Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women: Receive The Lotus Rises Through the Muddy Water Practice to Release Stress & Ground in Your Self-Healing Wisdom << 

Experience Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women: Receive The Lotus Rises Through the Muddy Water Practice to Release Stress & Ground in Your Self-Healing Wisdom with Daisy Lee

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Be guided through The Lotus Rises Through the Muddy Water, an embodied movement practice for women that imparts peace, harmony, grace, and inner and outer strength — while releasing stagnation, increasing range of motion, and creating stability and strength in your arms and legs

  • Explore the power of letting go and being present with what is — using movement as medicine to create a new blueprint for growth and lasting change

  • Discover how you can be a proactive participant in your own healing — instead of solely relying on your doctors or practitioners to heal you

  • Explore how Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong is both a self-healing technique and a tool for community building

  • Understand why Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong is taught by women, for womento address health concerns like menstrual pain, fibrocystic breasts, hormonal imbalances, and menopausal symptoms — and to empower them in their self-care, health autonomy, and the sharing of wisdom

Just as the lotus flower rises up from its roots in the mud through the movement of water, Daisy will share how Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong can help you open and blossom — while releasing stress, breaking old patterns, grounding you in your natural grace and presence… and allowing your authentic gifts to flourish. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Experience Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women: Receive The Lotus Rises Through the Muddy Water Practice to Release Stress & Ground in Your Self-Healing Wisdom with Daisy Lee… 

… you’ll nourish your mind, body, and spirit with specific Qigong movements for women specifically designed to release trapped Qi, alleviate stress, increase your energy, and empower you to create optimal life balance.

Read more: Qigong Movements for Women Specifically Designed to Release Stress (trapped Qi)