Friday 24 February 2023

Initiation into Entheogenesis: Spiritual Healing through Mind-altering Substances

Experience a guided meditation that introduces you to an inner “sacred space”.

Until fairly recently in terms of human history, psychedelic plant medicines and divine ceremonial sacraments played an essential role in shaping our collective cultural visions — and establishing within the individual a clear sense of one’s own eternal, co-creative nature. 

We’re only now rediscovering that instead of looking outside of ourselves for someone or something to rescue us, ceremonial sacraments and psychedelics unlock our inner wisdom and self-healing capacity.

This has created a call and movement back toward the wisdom of more ancient medicine lineages — a return to the importance of direct spiritual revelation, grounded in embodied understanding.

To seek help, healing, and transformation from the pain, illness, suffering, and trauma that our Western allopathic paradigm has not been successful in addressing, many are turning to psychedelic medicines and entheogenic plants — psychoactive substances that induce alterations in perception, consciousness, or cognition for the purpose of engendering spiritual development.

On Tuesday, February 28, plant medicine ceremonialist Robin Flynn, a sanctioned teacher of the ancient Andean lineage of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, will share with you the great promise of the master teacher plants for lasting, embodied healing on a personal and planetary level.

>> You can register here for Entheogenesis Initiation: Explore a Path of True Spiritual Healing With Divine Sacraments & Psychedelic Medicines <<

Entheogenesis Initiation Explore a Path of True Spiritual Healing With Divine Sacraments & Psychedelic Medicines

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the ancient history of the human relationship with sacred plant medicines — how they open up shamanic worlds that can be navigated to cultivate true spiritual connection and healing

  • Understand the current nature and practices of the psychedelic ceremonial world — a kind of “state of the union” of the Psychedelic Renaissance

  • Explore how these plants/molecules are helping to radically improve lives — by healing the mind, body, heart, and spirit

  • Learn the importance of establishing and maintaining optimal conditions necessary for true healing — recognizing why it’s so important to have sacred space (i.e., “set and setting”) and understanding the need for wisdom and discernment

  • Experience a guided meditation that introduces you to an inner state that is the most “sacred space” — calling in resources and support from the spirit realm

You’ll discover why these practices have been essential to human culture for millennia — connecting us with ourselves, those around us, the natural world, and the great mystery behind all that we access through our five senses.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) and even learn more <<

In Entheogenesis Initiation: Explore a Path of True Spiritual Healing With Divine Sacraments & Psychedelic Medicines with Robin Flynn…

… you’ll explore the history behind psychedelic master teacher plants and their ceremonial practices — and discover why working with them may be essential to deepening your greater wisdom, direct spiritual revelation, and experiential understanding of your higher purpose.

Read more: Initiation into Entheogenesis: Spiritual Healing through Mind-altering Substances

Wednesday 22 February 2023

Path to Longevity Through the Fusion of Science & Ancient Andean Practices

Discover where modern science & ancient traditions meet in shamanic energy medicine.

How old would you feel if you had no formal age?

The idea that we are inherently designed to live, only to steadily degrade until we die, is a story that is becoming less and less supported by science.

As a medical anthropologist who studied the shamanic energy medicine practices of the Amazon and Andes firsthand for more than 25 years, Dr. Alberto Villoldo says that humans are actually one of three species on the planet that do not have death programmed in their DNA.

Perplexing as this may sound, scientific research on the drivers of aging continues to vindicate DNA breakdown as the main culprit.

All of this speaks to what Alberto learned while training with Inka medicine men and women… and the discoveries of the shamans who lived more than 5,000 years ago:

We can switch on and off the genes that create health and disease.

On Thursday, February 23, with Alberto, you’ll explore the medicine that today’s scientists refer to as the master regulator of longevity — and the ancient Indigenous technologies that transform the body, heal the soul… and can change the way we live and die.

>> You can register here for Where Modern Science & Ancient Traditions Meet in Shamanic Energy Medicine: Align With Your Divine Design for Longevity & Vibrant Health as a Neuro-Shaman & Earthkeeper <<

Modern Science & Ancient Traditions Meet in Shamanic Energy Medicine Align With Your Divine Design for Longevity & Vibrant Health as a Neuro-Shaman & Earthkeeper

In this enlightening online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the ancient healing traditions of Andean shamanism, and the modern science that supports them, through Alberto’s journey as a medical anthropologist

  • Discover the neuro-shaman — one who dreams their health and life into being — and begin to harness the power of shamanic dreaming to design your life lucidly

  • Experience an interactive fire ceremony (bring a candle and toothpick or small stick to participate) — an ancient practice of rapid transformation that invites us to let go of the old story and be born anew 

  • Gain powerful scientific insight into how we are programmed for immortality as one of three species on the planet without a death program in our DNA 

  • Learn why your emotional brain needs ceremony in order to change — and why you cannot change your mind unless you change your brain as well

Alberto’s potent combination of shamanic wisdom, energy medicine, and modern science forges a path for the neuro-shaman, one who knows how to dream their life and health into being, transforming pain and suffering into sources of strength and compassion.

If you’re ready to explore how you are wired for longevity, join us for what is sure to be a mesmerizing hour.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Where Modern Science & Ancient Traditions Meet in Shamanic Energy Medicine: Align With Your Divine Design for Longevity & Vibrant Health as a Neuro-Shaman & Earthkeeper with Dr. Alberto Villoldo… 

… you’ll discover penetrating insights from the intersection of neuroscience, quantum physics, and ancient Andean practices, which converge on a path to longevity and a new Earth heralded by a new kind of shaman — the neuro-shaman.

Read more: Path to Longevity Through the Fusion of Science & Ancient Andean Practices

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Discover Shamanic Journeying to Awaken Your Ancestral Lineage

Connect with your Ancestral Wisdom Keepers for healing and guidance.

As these times of great challenge continue, spiritual seekers are determined to embrace this era as a time of profound innovation and transformation…  

We’re feeling called to embrace something bigger than ourselves, and to step into our position as part of the great lineage of ancestors. 

According to shamanic practitioner and teacher Roel Crabbé, you came to this world with profound gifts and blessings to bring to these times. Within you right this moment, you have the power and resources to tap into new layers of your soul — and bring deep healing to your life, your health, and your soul’s path.

How can you ignite these gifts that reside in your soul, ultimately using them to transform your life — and your relationships with yourself, your family, the collective, and our beloved Earth?

The Ancestral Wisdom Keepers — compassionate healers from both the past and the future — hold the answers, and this pivotal moment in our world is the perfect time to connect with them.

On Saturday, February 25, you’ll connect with these Ancestral Wisdom Keepers as Roel guides you through a shamanic healing journey carried by ancestral songs, so you can receive guidance for your life that you can apply right away.

>> You can register here for Shamanic Journeying to Awaken Your Ancestral Lineage: Connect With Your Ancestors & Future Generations for Healing, Empowerment & Guidance <<

Shamanic Journeying to Awaken Your Ancestral Lineage Connect With Your Ancestors & Future Generations for Healing, Empowerment & Guidance

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • An invocation to call in the light of the Ancestral Wisdom Keepers from the past and the future

  • A powerful guided shamanic journey to receive healing and guidance from your Ancestral Wisdom Keepers from both the past and the future

  • The power of Roel’s ancestral songs, which can touch your soul and guide you toward a deep place of healing

  • How these times of personal and planetary transformation are connected to your soul’s path — and their invitation for you to step into a new way of being

  • How shamans discovered that we can receive wisdom, guidance, and healing from the ancestral field in a way that connects us to the Wisdom Keepers of both the past and the future

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn how these intense times can be a catalyst for bringing profound healing to your life with guidance and wisdom from the Ancestors and future generations.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Shamanic Journeying to Awaken Your Ancestral Lineage: Connect With Your Ancestors & Future Generations for Healing, Empowerment & Guidance with Roel Crabbé…

… you’ll receive healing and guidance from Ancestral Wisdom Keepers from both the past and the future during a powerful guided shamanic journey carried by Roel and his ancestral healing songs.

Read more: Discover Shamanic Journeying to Awaken Your Ancestral Lineage

Monday 20 February 2023

Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement

Establish new habits to improve your posture & release tension & pain.

If you could change anything about yourself or your life right now, what would it be?

The way you move your body may not be at the top of your list, but perhaps it should be.

In fact, as Lael Keen, instructor at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute teaches, the changes that we seek within ourselves and our lives often have a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual component.

Learning how to move in a way that creates ease throughout all of those components is key to moving through life as your authentic self — free from held patterns of stress and tension, and aligned with the greater flow of possibility for your life.

With Lael, you’ll realign with the natural postures of your body and your inherent flow state to relieve pain and stress — and allow the life-giving essence within you to take precedence.

>> You can register here for Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement: Establish New Habits to Improve Your Posture & Release Tension & Pain <<

Healthy Movement Techniques Establish New Habits to Improve Your Posture & Release Tension & Pain

 In this interactive online event, you’ll:

  • Explore movement as a reflection of who you believe yourself to be, and how you relate to the world — and as a tool for positively changing your life 

  • Use bidirectional orienting to bring more ease and comfort into your body within a few minutes

  • Experience a guided practice to help your body find an upright posture that doesn’t require stress and tension — letting go of effortful postural patterns and finding an easy and natural upright posture

  • Learn the powerful role of pre-movement — and how it is determined by emotion and perception 

  • Discover how movement is like a wave that moves through the body — and how through your daily movement you create and recreate the body that you have

  • Experience a guided breathing meditation to experience breathing as an act of willingness — and discover the potential this holds for your health and life 

You’ll experience Lael’s dynamic approach to somatic movement first-hand, including a breathwork practice to experience breathing as an act of allowing, and practices to relieve the stress that is held within your head, neck, and shoulders — all of which brings awareness to counterproductive patterns of movement.

She’ll also share how movement is connected to self-image and how we relate to each other…

… and how conscious movement can foster a more meaningful, productive, and easeful way of being in the world.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement: Establish New Habits to Improve Your Posture & Release Tension & Pain with Lael Keen…

… you’ll explore how your daily physical movements express your deepest self through Rolf-inspired teachings and guided practices that create mind-body fluidity and bring awareness to held patterns of tension and stress — and your body’s ability to release them.

Read more: Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement

Thursday 16 February 2023

Design a Customized Sound Bath | Physics of Sound to Heal Yourself & Others

Use frequency, vibration & harmonics to dissolve dense energy and attain higher states.

You already know that the power of sound can lead to profound healing — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Yet, are you aware of the fascinating science behind sound’s transformative power… the vibrational building blocks that transform anxiety, stress, and self-doubt into renewed joy, health, and heightened states of consciousness?

According to celebrated sound-healing scholar and researcher David Gibson, when you understand these elements, you become empowered to use sound to heal not only yourself, but others too.

David will introduce you to the physics behind sound as a healing modality, in Explore the Physics of Sound for Healing Yourself & Others: How to Use Frequency, Vibration & Harmonics to Dissolve Dense Energy & Attain Higher States of Awareness.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch recording available or use advantage of extra training offer <<

Learn the Physics of Sound for Healing Yourself & Others How to Use Frequency, Vibration & Harmonics to Dissolve Dense Energy & Attain Higher States of Awareness

In this highly experiential event, you’ll:

  • Watch David perform a voice healing on himself and explain how to use this same technique on yourself

  • Discover how to design a customized sound bath as David conducts an intake session with Stephen Dinan, and then addresses his concerns in real time using voice and instruments

  • Explore how to categorize instruments based on their activating or calming qualities — so you’ll know which instruments to use for which issues to heal yourself and others

  • Learn how to locate a frequency in the body, and how to use it in a variety of treatment options once you’ve found it

  • Begin to grasp the complex physics of sound as a healing modality in understandable layperson’s terms, including practical ways to use these elements in your life

He’ll provide an overview of the many instruments used in sound healing, explaining how to choose which ones to use based on the concerns you, or others, are facing.

David will also walk you through the foundations of sound’s healing elements, including vibration, frequency, harmonics, and different types of resonances based on the laws of physics — and share examples of how you can use them to resolve specific challenges.

More than anything, this is an opportunity to discover the fascinating elements of sound healing — so you can bring its healing power into your own life and share it with those around you.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore the Physics of Sound for Healing Yourself & Others: How to Use Frequency, Vibration & Harmonics to Dissolve Dense Energy & Attain Higher States of Awareness with David Gibson…

… you’ll explore the physics of sound and the elements of sound healing — including vibration, harmonics, and frequency — and learn how you can use them to perform transformational sound healings for yourself and others.

Read more: Design a Customized Sound Bath | Physics of Sound to Heal Yourself & Others

Wednesday 15 February 2023

Herbs & Practices to Supercharge Your Body’s 9 Power Centers

Do you ever think about how miraculous it is to be in a physical body that has the capacity to think, speak, see, breathe, hear, move, and conduct all the functions that make our lives run smoothly and meaningfully?  

According to a wide variety of ancient traditions, all these powers of the body also have spiritual dimensions that make a human being’s capacity more vast than most of us can possibly imagine.  

Not only that… the same intelligence that allows humans to operate at such a magnificent level of intricacy, strength, understanding, and insight also exists in every aspect of nature and our cosmos.

Celebrated herbalist David Crow calls the wisdom that flows through the powers of our bodies, all of nature, and the whole of the universe cosmological intelligence — and it’s what enables us to feel that magical experience of unity with all that is.

David explains that our bodies have nine power centers — the brain, vision, breath, speech, metabolism, the glands, sexual vitality, protection, and the heart… 

… each of which has enormous physical and spiritual capabilities that allow us to not only function, but thrive — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

David will walk you through these nine powers of the body, and explore how you can supercharge their function using the combination of specific, highly potent herbal formulas and their associated contemplative spiritual practices.

>> You can register here for The Herbalist’s Path of Illuminated Wellbeing: Discover How Herbs & Contemplative Practices Can Optimize Your 9 Power Centers <<

Celebrated herbalist David Crow calls the wisdom that flows through the powers of our bodies, all of nature, and the whole of the universe cosmological intelligence — and it’s what enables us to feel that magical experience of unity with all that is.

In this free hour-long event, you’ll discover: 

  • How to improve your health using 2 major categories of herbs that can supercharge the power of your body centers — and how these same herbs support various types of meditation

  • A simple method to actually experience the presence of solar energy in your body — the basis of your body’s power of metabolism

  • An easy meditation to enter into the awareness of biological unity with all beings through a mindful breath practice

  • How knowing about these 9 centers of power in your body can increase your understanding of how your body works, how to improve the function of your powers, and how they can support your overall wellbeing and accomplishments

  • That the physiological functions of the 9 centers are the manifestation of cosmological intelligence inside the body… and also the basis of countless spiritual practices through history designed to sacralize the body and help you perceive its inherent divinity

You’ll learn that when you couple specific meditations with specific herbs, you potentize the health of your power centers, both physically and spiritually.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Herbalist’s Path of Illuminated Wellbeing: Discover How Herbs & Contemplative Practices Can Optimize Your 9 Power Centers with David Crow… 

… you’ll discover how to connect the 9 power centers of your body to universal intelligence and supercharge their health and function — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually — with a combination of potent meditation practices and herbal remedies.

Read more: Herbs & Practices to Supercharge Your Body’s 9 Power Centers

Sunday 12 February 2023

Qigong’s Subtle Movements Restore Vitality & Increase Mental Agility (Summit)

Direct the creative flow of the Universe through your mind, body & spirit.

Would you like to expand and deepen your Qigong practice? 

By consistently practicing Qigong, you embrace a joyful, inspiring, lifelong habit that energizes your entire being with each movement, creating a foundation for health, vitality, and longevity for years to come — you’re not just following rote exercises to maintain the status quo. 

Qigong’s gentle movements and meditations bolster your physical and mental agency and slow the aging process — while increasing physical strength, mental clarity, emotional resilience, equilibrium, coordination, and immune system support.

The free online Qigong Global Summit is an opportunity to energize your Qigong practice under the guidance of masters and pioneers from around the world.

This summit will feel akin to a virtual retreat, meaning each day will provide experiential opportunities to activate quick shifts in your body, regardless of whether you’re new to Qigong or an experienced practitioner enhancing your skill set

Over the course of five days, you’ll absorb the philosophies and follow guided Qigong movement and meditation techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery.

They will guide you through Qigong sessions that will provide an array of teachings and insights you can use for a lifetime in a profound practice that nourishes you from the inside out, fueled by fortitude, joy, and grace.

And, be sure to keep an eye out for additional bundled professional track sessions that will offer leading-edge industry information to add to your toolkit, allowing you to move to the next level in your teaching practice:

  • Applying the I Ching as a Manual for Self-Development with Deng Ming-Dao

  • Emerging Qigong Programs at Harvard’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine with Peter Wayne

  • Intersections: Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yoga with Sifu Matthew Cohen

  • 3 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Qigong with Peng Roden Her

  • Accessing Your Center Core of Light with Maria Furlano, DMQ (China)  

  • Becoming a Professional Qigong Teacher: Tips from the Experts with Josie Weaver, Lee Holden, and Tevia Feng

  • Qigong and Western Medicine with Shin Lin, PhD, Roger Jahnke, OMD, and Gloria Y. Yeh, MD

  • Qigong and Women’s Health with Daisy Lee, Marisa Cranfill, and Roni Edlund

  • Qigong and Healing with Master Chunyi Lin, Denise Minter, and Gilles Marin

  • The Interface Between Qigong and Non-Mainstream Therapies and Treatments with Dr. Miles Reid, Kevin W. Chen, PhD, and Sifu Matthew Cohen

You’ll have unparalleled access to a variety of ancient and emerging Qigong wisdom streams — including Ba Duan Jin, 8 Brocades, Nei Guan, Wuji Hundun, and many others. Each session will be an opportunity to activate quick shifts in your body, regardless of your skill level.  

>> Join Free Online Event <<
Qigong Global Summit
February 27 – March 3, 2023

follow guided Qigong movement and meditation techniques designed to advance you — and your teaching practice — to the next level of mastery

There are more than 35 leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors in this year’s Qigong Global Summit, including Daisy Lee, Deng Ming-Dao, Master Chunyi Lin, Lee Holden, Lindsey Wei, Grandmaster Mantak Chia, Master Mingtong Gu, Teja Bell Rōshi, Faye Li Yip, Mark Tanaka, and many others. 

Under guidance from these masters, you’ll be able to use Qigong for a wide array of healing and practical applications  — including stress reduction, physical and mental fluidity, and grounding your body and inner being to navigate daily life with ease. 

Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

During this profound 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • The Kun Li Sheng™ method, which awakens the mind, integrates the heart, and plugs you into natural vital power in the body

  • Heart Qigong, a slow, rhythmic set of movements that soothes and regulates the heart, settles the nervous system, and balances body, mind, and spirit  

  • The Four Angular Hands practice which renders energy more effectively than brute force in a combative situation 

  • Bigu fasting offers quick health benefits including body detox, immune system reboot, cultivation of Qi and spirit, and slowed aging — allowing you to reach higher levels of energy sensation and spirituality 

  • How the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine relate to key phases of your creative cycles as a woman, and how you can harness them to manifest abundance, joy, and flow in your life

  • More robust tools to deepen your own practice and guide your students

  • And much more!

Whether you’re new to Qigong or a dedicated practitioner, you’ll find new practices to learn and add to your routines, or to incorporate into the care you give your clients.

>> RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what these Qigong luminaries will be sharing with you…

  • Master Mingtong Gu will introduce the ancient wisdom and new science of Wisdom Healing Qigong, a self-healing modality that combines gentle movements, sound healing, visualization, and meditation. 

  • Deng Ming-Dao will share profound wisdom teachings from one of the oldest books in the world — the I Ching, also referred to as Yijing, The Book of Changes.

  • Faye Li Yip will lead an experiential session to demonstrate Ba Duan Jin Qigong, practiced for millennia for its positive effects on one’s body, mind, spiritual wellbeing, and ability to cultivate Yin-Yang balance for vibrant energy. 

  • Lindsey Wei will share about Nei Guan, a form of Daoist quietistic meditation, used as a method of training mind and spirit to observe emptiness and void

  • Grandmaster Mantak Chia will explain how to recognize your own positive and negative emotions in order to dissolve self conflict

  • Mark Tanaka will discuss how Qigong and other Eastern somatic practices provide unique tools that can help you regulate your nervous system to stay calm and centered, and get unstuck from self-sabotaging patterns.

  • Teja Bell Rōshi will reveal that the healing, restoring, and strengthening dimensions of your Qigong practice weave together profound insights of science into a deep understanding of the human body and psyche.

And much more!

Read more: Qigong’s Subtle Movements Restore Vitality & Increase Mental Agility (Summit)

Friday 10 February 2023

Join Two Biofield Tuning Sessions to Clear Patterns & Expand Your Life

Expand into your full potential by harmonizing your body’s electromagnetic field.

Many of the challenges that keep you feeling stuck are actually your past family members’ unresolved struggles, says renowned sound healer Eileen McKusick.

Eileen’s research shows that unhealthy inherited imprints can show up as stuck energy in your ancestral rivers that live in your biofield anatomy (all the information from your maternal and paternal lineages), and manifest as dissonant noise in your electromagnetic field.

If left unaddressed, these imprints can covertly sabotage you, and be passed on as pain, struggle, or dysfunction — ancestral patterns that can continue from one generation to the next.

For nearly 30 years, Eileen has been facilitating profound healing through biofield tuning, her signature process that analyzes the overall health of the electromagnetic field of the body — then harmonizes them using the sound frequencies of tuning forks.

The result is a deeper level of relaxation and freedom from old struggles.

Struggles that are tied up in inherited memories, traumas, and grievances are neutralized as you enter back into a flow state so your body can heal itself on every level.

You can experience how Eileen’s biofield tunings can help you locate inner resources and awaken your potential — free from the distortions of your ancestors who were out of tune, in pain, and without the tools they needed to live healthy lives.

>> You can register here for Healing Your Ancestral Patterns With Biofield Tunings: Expand Into Your Full Potential With a Systematic Clearing Process That Harmonizes Your Body’s Electromagnetic Field <<

Biofield Tunings Expand Into Your Full Potential With a Systematic Clearing Process That Harmonizes Your Body’s Electromagnetic Field

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How Eileen’s biofield tuning process analyzes the atmosphere around your body, uncovering the dissonant noise that distorts your true energetic tone and wellbeing — and harmonizes the body’s electromagnetic field using tuning forks

  • How your ancestors’ inherited patterns, traumas, and experiences get passed down through your lineage — and show up in your body’s electrical system today

  • The biofield anatomy map — and where you can access crucial ancestral information

  • What’s stopping you from experiencing your most expanded, playful self through a biofield tuning session — you’ll allow the sound to come into your areas of rigidity and open up an energetic space of self-awareness

  • A biofield tuning session (featuring a binaural beat Eileen will create right in the moment) to tune in and begin to clear the signals and stories you’ve inherited from your mother’s ancestral side

Not only will you get a revelatory new understanding of your “electrical health,” but Eileen will guide you through two biofield tuning sessions — one to reveal what’s stopping you from experiencing your most expanded self, and another to tune in, and start to clear, the patterns you’ve inherited from the ancestors on your mother’s side.

As Eileen will share, tuning and clearing inherited patterns allows your full potential to come through, revealing the gifts that you’ve inherited from your ancestors — and setting you free from their issues and struggles. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Healing Your Ancestral Patterns With Biofield Tunings: Expand Into Your Full Potential With a Systematic Clearing Process That Harmonizes Your Body’s Electromagnetic Field with Eileen McKusick…

… you’ll receive a revelatory shift in understanding your body as an electrical system and how dissonance and residue — often going back generations — can be at the root of many of your challenges.

Read more: Join Two Biofield Tuning Sessions to Clear Patterns & Expand Your Life

See How to Heal Trauma with Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM)

Learn how to activate your Emotional Operating System to create an energetic reboot.

Imagine learning a therapeutic technique that can significantly decrease symptoms of stress-related illness, alleviate suffering, improve your quality of life, and help you manifest success.

Now imagine using your imagination to circumvent your conscious mind, interrupt your emotional response patterns, and dissolve the emotional charges associated with some of your most difficult, life-arresting experiences.

Thanks to award-winning psychotherapist Dr. Deb Sandella, this life-changing technique is already a reality. 

She created RIM (Regenerating Images in Memory), a revolutionary emotional processing system that leverages the physical sensations of your body and the power of your own subconscious imagination to bypass logic and get right to the heart of the hidden sources of your pain.

You’ll discover how this powerful energy psychology tool can help you activate insights and breakthroughs to identify the source of emotional pain, tap into your inner resources, and become empowered to live a life of freedom.

>> RSVP here for the Recording to Learn How to Heal Trauma With Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®), Safely Activate Your Emotional Operating System to Experience an Energetic Reboot <<

How to Heal Trauma With Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®): Safely Activate Your Emotional Operating System to Experience an Energetic Reboot with Dr. Deb Sandella

In this boundary-breaking online event, you’ll:

  • Be guided through a deeply moving experience that brings greater awareness to an issue of concern, setting the stage for you to resolve it through a shift in emotional attachment

  • Gain a greater understanding of the neuroscience of regenerating emotional memory and how it impacts the body

  • Expand the limits of what you thought was possible to heal

  • Recover your inherent, childlike joy, and the pure state of awareness in which you were born

  • Fall in love with your life and find peace within yourself

This is your opportunity to experience a loving, radically inclusive, and embodied approach to helping you awaken to the healing power of your own imagination

… as you experience a safe space to explore your Emotional Operating System (EOS), which organically dissolves negative feelings and boosts positive ones.

You’ll learn how much you use your EOS to support your health, happiness, and success, and how to identify the particular emotions that are slowing your evolution.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Heal Trauma With Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM®): Safely Activate Your Emotional Operating System to Experience an Energetic Reboot with Dr. Deb Sandella…

… you’ll use your imagination to heal and free yourself of negative thoughts, feelings, and memories with the transformative, body-centered energy medicine technique of Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM).

Read more: See How to Heal Trauma with Regenerating Images in Memory (RIM)

Wednesday 8 February 2023

Using Channeling to Find Answers to Your Deep Questions through Your Intuition

Discover the latest scientific research on channeling & how to use it for ease & flow.

You might know someone who “channels.” Perhaps you feel divinely guided by your own intuition. 

Sometimes, you just know something, and even though you’re not sure about the source of this wisdom, you feel strongly that you have access to a Truth.

As trust in your intuition and understanding the language of the unseen grows, you generate more ease and flow in your life, which ripples out to your relationships, families, communities, and beyond.

According to Helané Wahbeh, Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)everyone can channel — in a way that’s unique to them. 

Even if your current intuitive capacity is nothing more than a “gut feeling,” you’ll find that you can access useful channeled wisdom by appropriately cultivating the pathways to this deep internal knowing.

You’ll hear and learn much more when you join Helané as she reveals the latest scientific research on channeling phenomena, shedding light on questions such as “How common is channeling?” and “What is the evidence that channeling is real?” 

>> You can register here for Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling: Learn the Scientific Evidence Behind Our Innate Capacity to Know Beyond the 5 Senses <<

Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling Learn the Scientific Evidence Behind Our Innate Capacity to Know Beyond the 5 Senses with Helané Wahbeh

In this transformative hour, you’ll:

  • Explore what’s known about channeling from a scientific perspective

  • Discover (and normalize) how common channeling experiences are — and the traits of people who channel

  • Review the evidence of a variety of different types of channeling experiences 

  • Understand theories about how channeling works and where the channeled information may originate

  • Learn the process and technique that enhances your connection to your inner wisdom

Backed by scientific research, this workshop will help you feel less alone and confused about your intuitive experiences.

You’ll come to discover that when you’re in a quiet, still space, you can tune in to the contraction and expansion within, and find answers to deep questions through your intuition.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Demystify the Connection Between Your Intuition & Channeling: Learn the Scientific Evidence Behind Our Innate Capacity to Know Beyond the 5 Senses with Helané Wahbeh…

… you’ll discover powerful scientific evidence that explains the interrelated psychic phenomena of channeling and intuition — and learn how to tap into this capacity and knowledge to make better decisions and live in greater alignment with your life’s purpose.

Read more: Using Channeling to Find Answers to Your Deep Questions through Your Intuition

Tuesday 7 February 2023

How Empaths Can Access Latent Psychic Abilities & Learn Psychic Self-Defense

Explore (psychic) energetic self-defense to ground, clear & preserve your energy.

As an empath, you likely feel energetically drained or impacted in more situations than the average person.  

What if you could tap into latent psychic abilities that put you back in charge of your energy boundaries and help you better navigate taxing social dynamics?

All empaths are highly psychic, according to Reiki master and psychic counselor Lisa Campion… and it’s nothing to be unsure about or afraid of.

You may not realize it, but when you open up your empathic abilities, your psychic abilities also activate. And, when you learn to work with these abilities consciously, you gain a powerful set of tools to face the most challenging aspects of your own life… while also helping others. 

Join Lisa for an inspiring online event and learn how you can embrace the psychic gifts you already have as an empath, but may struggle to access — so you can live the life you’re meant to live and help others. 

>> You Join here to Access Your Latent Psychic Abilities to Navigate Life as an Empath: Explore Psychic Self-Defense to Ground, Clear & Preserve Your Energy <<

Access Your Latent Psychic Abilities to Navigate Life as an Empath Explore Psychic Self-Defense to Ground, Clear & Preserve Your Energy

In this illuminating free hour-long event, you’ll discover:

  • guided meditation to create an inner sanctuary within your own psychic space — so you can cultivate a neutral territory to have conversations with your guides and explore your psychic senses

  • Why, as an empath, you have extensive psychic abilities available to you already — yet, if you’re like many of your fellow empaths, you struggle with harnessing them in a useful way

  • The biggest differences between your intuition (receiving information from within) and psychic powers (getting information from the world — especially the spirit world — around you)

  • How to reliably connect with your spirit guides — your personal team of nonphysical spiritual beings who are standing by to assist you

  • The science behind brain states, including alpha, gamma, theta, and delta states — and how you can tap into psychic energy while in the alpha state

Your psychic abilities can make your life richer, more rewarding, and more fun. 

Yet, the more you open up to the empathic and psychic sides of yourself, the more essential it is to learn to ground, clear, and protect yourself — what Lisa calls psychic self-defense.

Learning to set energetic boundaries helps you evolve from feeling overwhelmed by the energy around you and by the people who pull so much of your energy (the “energy vampires,” to use a popular term) — to feeling fully empowered and confident in your empathic and psychic abilities.

>> You can access this event recording for free here <<

In Access Your Latent Psychic Abilities to Navigate Life as an Empath: Explore Psychic Self-Defense to Ground, Clear & Preserve Your Energy with Lisa Campion…

… you’ll discover how to harness the psychic gifts every empath has while staying energetically safe from energy-draining people — and walk through the world with confidence while also serving others.

Read more: How Empaths Can Access Latent Psychic Abilities & Learn Psychic Self-Defense