Sunday 29 January 2023

Hive Christianity for Spiritual Illumination - New Vision Spiritual Practice

Experience a 5-step guided meditation practice to cultivate deep peace and greater awareness.

As we navigate this time of enormous societal upheaval, it’s understandable to be anxious about the future, even if we’re on a spiritual path.

While these are stressful and scary times to live through, what if this moment is actually a chapter in a much larger story that’s unfolding?

According to Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining, an Episcopal priest and seminary teacher, we’re in a global spiritual upheaval that comes along every 500 years, when the way we understand ourselves and the world around us changes.

During these periods of spiritual revolution, mystics and trailblazing wisdom schools respond to the moment, supporting and guiding seekers as they spiritually evolve.

So how do we put our focus on that which is birthing in us and within the Christian tradition, so we can help propel this positive future?

Explore the evolution we’re being called to as people of faith in this pivotal moment, in Discover Hive Christianity for Your Spiritual Illumination: A New Vision for Spiritual Practice — Integrating Indigenous Wisdom, Earth Stewardship & Forgotten Rituals.

>> You can register here to watch recording for free <<

Hive Christianity - New Vision for Spiritual Practice - Integrating Indigenous Wisdom, Earth Stewardship & Forgotten Rituals

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • 5-step meditation to cultivate peace and joy as you learn where Spirit is calling you to use your gifts during this pivotal time

  • The 500-year shifts in Christianity’s history — and what you can learn from the mystic ancestors who lived through them

  • The teachings of Ignatius of Loyola, a trailblazing mystic who espoused the principle of using joy and pleasure as your guide — your spiritual GPS — especially during times of spiritual turmoil

  • How fear and trauma keep us in a primitive mental and emotional state — and how gratitude is scientifically proven to heal trauma and rewire the brain

  • How Hillary created the Hive Christianity movement and community as a 21st-century upgrade to faith, inspired by the way bees work together in the hive toward a common goal — and how you can begin planting your own seeds of spiritual evolution

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to begin to understand the chaotic transitions of the world in a whole new light.

As a result, you’ll cultivate peace and a greater awareness of how Spirit has been speaking to you all along — and where you need support to heal and use your gifts in this new era of spiritual transformation and growth.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Hive Christianity for Your Spiritual Illumination: A New Vision for Spiritual Practice — Integrating Indigenous Wisdom, Earth Stewardship & Forgotten Rituals with Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining…

… you’ll receive a profound vision for the next evolution of Christianity and experience a 5-step guided practice to cultivate deep peace and greater awareness — empowering you to use your spiritual gifts for growth and transformation.

Read more: Hive Christianity for Spiritual Illumination - New Vision Spiritual Practice

Friday 27 January 2023

See How Breathwork Can Enhance Wholeness, Integration, & Presence

Harness the full benefits of your breath as a vehicle for awareness and self-actualization.

The first and last thing we do in life is inhale and exhale.

Breath is the most critical physiological function, one of the most transformative forces in life, and one of the most powerful medicines on the planet.

According to Jessica Dibb, founder of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance, and Dr. Dan Siegel, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA, breath is our “medicine in the moment.” It is right there, always — just waiting to be breathed by us.

Yet, many of us are not consciously accessing this power. So how do we tap into this superpower already with us?

On Saturday, February 4, join Jessica and Dr. Siegel in a complimentary online event where you’ll learn how to use conscious breathing to access deep awareness and insight stored within.

>> You can register here for The Unifying Function of Breath: Breathwork for Awakened Consciousness, Enhanced Wholeness & the Harmonious Integration of Self <<

Practice of Breathwork for Awakened Consciousness, Enhanced Wholeness & the Harmonious Integration of Self

In this transformative hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how breathwork can enhance wholeness, integration, and presence

  • Understand how breath can support your emotional regulation — and how to use it to instantaneously change your internal state

  • Explore the concept of breath as love, medicine, and nourishment for human potential

  • Become more intimate with the life force within, the same force that created all of reality

  • Serve as a “tuning fork” for humanity to develop the capacity for conscious breathing

Dr. Siegel will introduce the plane of possibility and share how the breath is integral to tapping your human potential in alignment with your highest self through presence and integration.

Jessica will then guide you through a breathwork practice in which you’ll discover the plane of embodied presence in action — from practical self-care to awakened consciousness and self-actualization.

You’ll recognize that you can optimize every moment of your life by accessing the vitality and intelligence within by embodying your breath — which is connected to everything around you.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Unifying Function of Breath: Breathwork for Awakened Consciousness, Enhanced Wholeness & the Harmonious Integration of Self with Jessica Dibb and Dr. Dan Siegel…

… you’ll harness the full benefits of your breath, your most potent nutrient, as a vehicle for awareness and self-actualization — free and available, always.

Read more: See How Breathwork Can Enhance Wholeness, Integration, & Presence

Embrace Selling as a Sacred Exercise & Uplevel Your Transformational Practice

Explore how to transcend the old sales model for your transformational services.

Can your service truly help people heal, evolve, and transform?

If so, you chose the right livelihood! Yet, even though you’re passionate about what you offer, do you feel frustrated because you’re not serving enough clients to make the impact and income you’ve envisioned? 

It’s a common dilemma: Your heart yearns to serve, but you struggle with selling.

For many people, “sell” truly is a four-letter word. We’ve all experienced pushy and manipulative salespeople… which is NOT the experience you want for your potential clients. It’s uncomfortable, and it simply doesn’t work.

Fortunately, there is a way to effectively sell the remarkable benefits of your work to clients who are receptive and eager to buy. And it can be done in a way that is not only an authentic extension of what you and your practice represent, it can actually get you excited about selling!

On Saturday, January 28, with Sharla Jacobs, entrepreneur, business coach, and co-founder of Thrive Academy™, you’ll discover how to heal your own resistance to selling — and experience a powerful new energy that can help you feel as if spirit is flowing through you when you connect with potential clients.

>> You can register here for Discover Heartselling: The Key to  Attracting More Clients: Embrace Selling as a Sacred Exercise & Take Your Transformational Practice to the Next Level <<

Discover Heartselling as a Key to Attracting More Clients, Embrace Selling as a Sacred Exercise & Take Your Transformational Practice to the Next Level

When you join this extraordinary one-hour event, you’ll:

  • Learn the difference between hard-selling and Heartselling

  • Experience a simple 3-minute exercise that will give you the confidence to connect easily with anyone you meet

  • Discover the biggest block to getting a “yes” from ideal clients by diagnosing exactly what’s missing from your approach

  • Realize why selling can be viewed as a sacred practice

  • Learn a formula for getting potential clients to talk themselves into working with you (if it’s a good match)

Sharla affirms that by clearing the barriers and resistance that put success out of reach, you’ll attract potential clients who are eager to talk with you about your transformational services. 

The key is removing any blocks that prevent you from effectively selling your services. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Heartselling: The Key to  Attracting More Clients: Embrace Selling as a Sacred Exercise & Take Your Transformational Practice to the Next Level with Sharla Jacobs…

… you’ll explore an entirely new way to invite potential clients to enroll in your coaching, transformational, or open-hearted services by transcending the old sales model. 

Read more: Embrace Selling as a Sacred Exercise & Uplevel Your Transformational Practice

Saturday 21 January 2023

Ayurvedic Methods for Enhancing Your Immunity, Wellness & Longevity

Discover the life-changing benefits of the healthy Ayurvedic Life Cycleю

Many people experience various levels of anxiety as the energies and virtues of their prime start to wane under the entropic forces that challenge each of us and bring about visible signs of aging…

… not to mention the invisible signs of aches, pains, emotional wounds, and perhaps acute conditions.

Conversely, others may swell with eager anticipation as the gifts of age finally begin to flower… greater wisdom, an enhanced appreciation for life, the ability to deeply self-reflect… as well as perhaps a chance to experience a bit of rest if you’ve arrived at the place where it’s time to slow things down.

On Saturday, January 21, Dr. John Douillard, DC, a recognized leader in Ayurveda and natural health, will share how science-based Ayurveda practices — some of them quite surprising — can shift physical and emotional patterns to help you improve your mind-body health, find greater spiritual fulfillment, and live a longer, happier life.

>> You can register here for The Healthy Ayurvedic Life Cycle: Little-Known Ayurvedic Methods for Enhancing Your Immunity, Wellness & Longevity <<

Healthy Little-Known Ayurvedic Methods for Enhancing Your Immunity, Wellness & Longevity with Dr. John Douillard, DC

In this introduction to an evolutionary approach to wellness, you’ll:

  • Discover how integrating Ayurveda practices in your daily life can set you up for better health and longevity by identifying and addressing underlying imbalances early on

  • Explore the vata (air), pitta (fire), and kapha (earth-water) physical body doshas (types) and their correspondences to the Ayurvedic Life Cycle

  • Understand how you can have multiple doshic profiles across different factors besides the physical body — including the emotional and mental bodies

  • Learn that the key to longevity is understanding the full life cycle and which phase you’re in now — upon which you can build a personalized Ayurvedic treatment plan to support immunity through your sleep, breathing, and digestion

  • Experience a breathwork practice that boosts the Nobel Prize-winning molecule nitric oxide, while also boosting gamma brain waves linked to increased cognitive function, expanded consciousness, and spirituality

John will be discussing how immunity affects the cycles of your life, and how Ayurveda teaches you to slow down and free yourself from undesirable emotional patterns.

Doing so will help you become less reactive to stressful situations and people — so you can better fulfill your life’s purpose and maintain a sense of balance and equilibrium as you age.

Join us to hear how you can introduce the ancient philosophy and practices of Ayurveda into your daily life — and experience less stress, better digestion and sleep, and healthier aging.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Шn The Healthy Ayurvedic Life Cycle: Little-Known Ayurvedic Methods for Enhancing Your Immunity, Wellness & Longevity with Dr. John Douillard, DC…

… you’ll learn potent Ayurvedic practices that promote physical and mental health, strengthen immunity, foster greater spiritual fulfillment, and even prolong a healthy life!

Read more: Ayurvedic Methods for Enhancing Your Immunity, Wellness & Longevity

Wednesday 18 January 2023

Discover Energy Management Techniques for Advancing Your Intuitive Skills (Event)

Release the 6 main self-sabotaging behaviors that lead to energy depletion and illness.

Have you been serving others with your intuition, but are finding that the more energy you devote to others, the less you have for yourself?

It may be time to check in on your own health. Energy management is a necessary, even life-saving skill, for every healer.

As medical intuitive and psychic medium Tina Zion has observed, diminished health states among medical intuitives and other healers is becoming increasingly common. Many of her colleagues have become ill and even lost their lives — partly due in some cases to giving too much of themselves to others and draining their own life force in the process.

This is alarming for many reasons — the purest use of medical intuition is not about giving your own energy, but of becoming a healthy conduit for higher guidance and expertise that allows you to help others.

If you’re feeling worn down as you try to help others or following a healing session, something may be amiss in your practice that needs to be addressed.

On Thursday, January 19, you’ll learn the six self-sabotaging energy practices that are wreaking havoc on the health of medical intuitives and other healers and the 4 main causes of illness.

>> You can register here for Healthy Healer Protocols, Protections & Preventive Measures: Energy Management Techniques for Preventing Illness & Advancing Your Intuitive Skills <<

Healthy Healer Protocols, Protections & Preventive Measures Energy Management Techniques for Preventing Illness & Advancing Your Intuitive Skills

In this empowering event, you’ll explore:

  • The 4 general causes of illness that are wearing down the health of medical intuitives and other healers

  • A restorative guided practice for the healer to rejuvenate their energy and be healed themselves

  • Common precursors to illness and dis-ease among medical intuitives and other healers that are too often missed

  • Six self-sabotaging energy practices that are causing the most dramatic illnesses for intuitives

  • The importance of using medical intuitive specialists in the nonphysical to maintain your own energy and health — and to build confidence when working as a medical intuitive for yourself and others

Tina will highlight the four causes of illness for healing intuitives and guide you through a restorative practice to heal the healer within you (something she’s never before taught publicly)…

… helping you to identify where your attempts to help yourself and others are actually harming your health — and empowering you with tools that you can return to time and again to recharge and rejuvenate.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Healthy Healer Protocols, Protections & Preventive Measures: Energy Management Techniques for Preventing Illness & Advancing Your Intuitive Skills with Tina Zion…

… you’ll discover how to release the 6 main self-sabotaging behaviors that lead to energy depletion and illness for people who employ their intuition as a tool for healing self and others — to remain a balanced, healthy, and high-vibrational conduit.

Read more: Discover Energy Management Techniques for Advancing Your Intuitive Skills (Event)

Friday 13 January 2023

Reverse Karmic Ancestral Curses & Read Your Soul’s True Purpose in Akashic Records

Connect with your ancestors to heal your lineage & transform your life by Joining Ancestral Healing Summit, Jan 30 – Feb 3.

What if you could resolve generational trauma by transmuting painful patterns, thereby creating a greater sense of belonging and wholeness in your life?  

And what if deeply reconnecting to your own heritage could help you make peace with yourself and your origins… experience closure with those who’ve crossed over… and free you to live more fully with all the gifts of your lineage? 

Historically, people worldwide have cultivated sacred relationships with their ancestors, asking them for healing, protection, and guidance. 

When you communicate with members of your lineage who’ve passed, you can resource radiant energies within your bloodline, clearing your energy field and theirs of intergenerational trauma that affect the living and the dead.

As you tune in to your loved ones across the veil, you’ll come to realize that they are just as real and just as reachable as the living beings you love the most — and, like you, they can evolve, they can be healed, and they can help you on your own healing journey.

By forging renewed relationships with your elders who have passed, integrating their wisdom and lessons into your daily life, you can create a radically new story for the future…

… releasing revered members of your lineage from ongoing energetic blockages created in the past, while concurrently making way for you and future generations to live demonstrably better lives. 

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to the Ancestral Healing Summit — a global gathering of leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers who will be sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom and practices from around the world that promises to transform your life and your legacy and ground you into your highest purpose.

Watch Free Online Global Event
>> Join Ancestral Healing Summit <<
January 30 – February 3, 2023

When you communicate with members of your lineage who’ve passed, you can resource radiant energies within your bloodline, clearing your energy field and theirs of intergenerational trauma that affect the living and the dead.

More than 35 of today’s leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers — including Thomas Hübl, Jill Purce, Sandra Ingerman, Dr. Velma Love, Grandmother Flordemayo, Rev. Dr. Tirzah Firestone, Masami Covey, Dr. Arielle Schwartz, Christina Caudill, Langston Kahn, Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, and many more — will be sharing new practices and insights for connecting with the wise and loving among your ancestors. 

They’ll show you how to break free of the painful legacies held by those on the other side of the veil while helping them embrace peace, and helping you embody your deepest gifts and heal old wounds embedded in your psyche.

By communicating with your ancestors through powerful practices, such as ancestral astrologygenealogical past-life regression, or reversing inherited karmic curses… 

… you can send waves of restorative energy to your entire lineage, while neutralizing the underlying emotional or spiritual root causes manifesting as your own physical or mental symptoms.

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this profoundly transformative 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Practices to transmute stuck ancestral energies, so you can access your soul’s true purpose stored in the Akashic Records 

  • Connecting with ancestors through your writing practice aids you in discovering mysteries in your family’s past, so you can help heal unresolved issues

  • How the legacy of African American enslavement still affects us all today — and ways to use genealogy as a tool for healing the historical harm of slavery 

  • Principles of family systems constellation — and parallels in other wisdom traditions that may help you resolve transgenerational barriers to joy 

  • The 4 main areas of ancestral magical inheritance — family, personal, elemental, and celestial — and how to tap into each one 

  • Immersive prayer, chanting, and rituals of ancestor reverence that shift you from surviving to thriving, so you can build relationships with loving and wise lineage ancestors as a source of blessing, support, and healing 

  • Ancestors in Training, an educational project and lived experience that centers on sacred traditions, new technologies, intergenerational healing, and grief work 

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

I hope you’ll participate in this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

Here’s a sample of what the illuminating speakers will be sharing with you in the Ancestral Healing Summit

  • Thomas Hübl will explore how you can tap into your ancestors’ strengths while also acknowledging and healing the intergenerational trauma and patterns that have been passed down through your DNA

  • Jill Purce, known as the pioneer of ancestral healing work, will explore how to set yourself, your family, and future generations free from inherited traumas, transforming clamorous ancestors into supportive allies and powerful guides

  • Renowned international shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman will offer tools to reverse karmic ancestral curses that may have been passed down through your family lineage, freeing you to live out your own destiny.

  • Dr. Velma Love will discuss how basic ancestral healing practices might be combined with the design justice approach to generate strategies for cultural healing.

  • Mayan elder, midwife, and shamanic healer Grandmother Flordemayo will talk about the sacred placenta fire ceremony, her family’s Uterus pot, and the womb’s wisdom connection to female ancestors.

  • Join Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone for an experiential journey into the ancestral realms to encounter and receive guidance from your spiritual allies there.

  • Masami Covey affirms that unhealed, painful family trauma legacies that lie dormant inside your connective tissues can be processed and released from your fascia

  • Dr. Arielle Schwartz will introduce you to an integrative, mind-body approach to working with generational wounds that highlights the strength of the human spirit and cultivates transgenerational resilience. 

  • As Christina Caudill will share, it’s important to establish and build trust with our ancestors, building a 2-way line of communication by treating them with respect, reverence, and humility. 

  • Join ancestral healing practitioner Langston Kahn as he shares how ancestral connection and healing increases your capacity to experience joy.

  • Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona will explore the Indigenous North American concepts of honoring ancestors and our relationships with them, including how we connect with them and why they would want to connect with us. 

… and many more!

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Reverse Karmic Ancestral Curses & Read Your Soul’s True Purpose in Akashic Records

Thursday 12 January 2023

Learn Powerful Style of Qigong called Yi Quan for for Balance, Energy & Strength

Change old habits & relax far more deeply than ever before.

There are untold mysteries in your body. And the wisdom, healing, and inspiration contained therein cannot be accessed until you come to understand and experience the true power of inner and outer balance.

An effective way to tap into your spontaneous wisdom, release fixation on the past and future, trust the wisdom of your body, and transcend the limitations of the brain is through the readily accessible tools of Yi Quan (pronounced YEE-CHUEN).

This unique practice consists of brief, easy-to-learn postures, exercises, and meditations that improve skills used in Tai Chi, Qigong, sports, and everyday life. 

The truth is that you don’t have to slow down as you age — your strength and speed don’t have to diminish. You can tap into new reserves of power to change old dysfunctional habits and relax far more deeply than ever before.

On Saturday, January 14, you can join Ken Cohen, a Qigong and Tai Chi grandmaster, and winner of a Lifetime Achievement Award in Energy Medicine, for a FREE hour-long immersion in contemplation and practice of fluid and empowering movements, breathwork, and meditation.  

>> You can register here for The Yi Quan Qigong Connection: Re-educate Your Nervous System for Balance, Increased Energy & Strength <<

Learn & Practice Yi Quan Qigong Re-educate Your Nervous System for Balance, Increased Energy & Strength

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore Yi Quan as a form of mind/body reeducation that refines your posture, aligns your breathing patterns, and replenishes your energy reserves

  • Realize the mysteries and wonders of the body that are often hidden because of the limited focus of the Western educational system

  • Discover how these unique movement-meditation practices can help you release self-imposed limitations — including those related to aging

  • Understand that tranquility does not exclude dynamism — you can have slowness and speed

  • Experience a practice that integrates with the principles of neuroplasticity to reveal that the brain has more than pre-set, instinctive behaviors

  • Receive effective techniques for creating new neural layers and pathways in the brain for clearer focus and presence

Like Tai Chi, Yi Quan is both a healing art and a valuable technical resource for martial artists. Yet, unlike Tai Chi, it does not require learning a long and complex choreography. In this sense, it’s more like Qigong.

However, body training is only half the answer. Yi Quan also includes sophisticated methods of healing imagery to train mental focus, relaxation, inner peace, and connection with nature. And while this may involve courageous self-exploration and facing inner resistance to change, the outward impacts are numerous and consequential!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

 In The Yi Quan Qigong Connection: Re-educate Your Nervous System for Balance, Increased Energy & Strength with Ken Cohen…

… you’ll begin realizing the healing and creative potentials that reside within you — as a new way of understanding your mind and body reveals itself through a powerful style of Qigong called Yi Quan.

Read more: Learn Powerful Style of Qigong called Yi Quan for for Balance, Energy & Strength

Thursday 5 January 2023

Get Personal Oracle & Synchronicity Guide to Decipher Signs, Symbols & Dreams

Uncover Practical Guidance & Solutions Through Your Dreams.

If you’re like many of us, you might dismiss your dreams because they seem unpleasant or trivial.  

Yet, did you know that the gift of dream divination is actually available to everyone?

In fact, you can master tools and resources to bring magic into your everyday life and uncover practical guidance and solutions for anything you’re facing. So says Robert Moss, the creator of Active Dreaming, a powerful synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism.

Whether your dreams are literal, symbolic, experiences of another reality, or a mix of all three — your dreams are your personal oracle that travel with you everywhere. 

Tuning in to them to mine their wisdom and meaning can help save your health, your career, and even your life.

On Tuesday, January 10, with Robert, you’ll experience two practices to embody your dreams’ energy and guidance in your everyday life. You’ll also receive a few of Robert’s simple rules for noticing the wisdom in the synchronicities, signs, and symbols all around you while you’re awake.

>> You can register here for Oracles of Night & Day: Decipher Signs & Symbols to Fill Your Life With Insight, Solutions & Magic <<

Decipher Signs & Symbols Get Practical Guidance & Solutions Through Magic of Dreams Into Your Everyday Life

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Create a safe space to share a personal dream or story through the practice of Lightning Dreamwork — and learn how to take action to implement your dreams’ energy and guidance in your waking life

  • Reenter a recent dream or dreamlike experience with the practice of Dream Reentry, accompanied by live shamanic drumming — our Shift Network founder Stephen Dinan will share about his own dream as Robert guides him to unpack its meaning

  • Review a few of Robert’s rules of Kairomancy, so you’re better equipped to notice and discern the wisdom behind the synchronicities happening all around you 

  • Learn from a forgotten master of dreams and synchronicity, the ancient Greek philosopher Synesius of Cyrene — who first urged us to record and heed the oracles that speak to us while we’re asleep and awake

  • Be given synchronicity games you can play anytime to receive guidance on life’s questions, large and small

This is your opportunity to discover how to delve into the messages in your dreams to uncover the wisdom contained within them that you can apply to your daily life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Oracles of Night & Day: Decipher Signs & Symbols to Fill Your Life With Insight, Solutions & Magic with Robert Moss…

… you’ll learn to apply your dreams’ wisdom, guidance, and magic to your daily life — and rely on simple guidelines for recognizing and deciphering the synchronicities, signs, and symbols all around you in your waking life too.

Read more: Get Personal Oracle & Synchronicity Guide to Decipher Signs, Symbols & Dreams