Friday 28 October 2022

Join Guided Reiki Practice to Access Your Body’s Innate Healing Intelligence

Discover Reiki as a Spiritual Self-Care Practice to Be Fully Present & Expand Your Capacity for Good Health.

We live in a world that places more value on doing than being, and encourages willfulness over inspired action — diminishing the greater possibilities for our lives in the process.

The quest to dominate the day is reflected throughout various aspects of our lives, including the way that we approach our own wellbeing.

Your self-care regimen, for example, likely consists of a lot of habitual practices and steps that aim to create a specific outcome — be it increased energy, supple skin, better sleep, or perhaps access to deeper streams of wisdom.

But what if the most effective self-care practice that you could ever do for yourself, was actually learning how to simply place hands and just be with yourself

… to experience all that you are as a portal to personal and spiritual transformation in the here and now.

On Tuesday, November 8, with Reiki master Pamela Miles, you’ll explore Reiki practice as a gateway to spiritual transformation — and experience a guided Reiki session for dropping into beingness and balance, and opening yourself to your intuition and inner wisdom… enabling you to remain poised amid the uncertainties of life.

>> You can register here for Reiki: It’s Not What You Think — Explore Reiki as a Spiritual Self-Care Practice to Be Fully Present & Expand Your Capacity for Good Health <<

Reiki as a Spiritual Self-Care Practice to Be Fully Present & Expand Your Capacity for Good Health

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore Reiki practice as taught by Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to the West from Japan in the late 1930s

  • Discover why Reiki is a spiritual practice — and so much more than an energy healing technique

  • Learn how the feeling of being home in your body improves how your body functions

  • Discover why the best way to practice Reiki is the way that YOU practice — and why getting caught up in the “right way” to practice Reiki misses the point

  • Experience a guided Reiki practice for helping the mind soften, allowing you to access your body’s own healing intelligence

Are you ready to explore Reiki as a spiritual practice that enhances balance and leads to deeper presence — to experience your beingness as a natural pathway to higher health and inspired living

Join Pamela for this informative online event where she’ll share her unique perspective on Reiki practice, informed by spirituality and supported by medical science… and how this approach can deepen and reinvigorate your self-care practice.  

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Reiki: It’s Not What You Think — Explore Reiki as a Spiritual Self-Care Practice to Be Fully Present & Expand Your Capacity for Good Health with Pamela Miles…

… you’ll discover how to develop a relationship with the invisible parts of your life and your innate healing abilities — by regularly practicing Reiki as a spiritual gateway to empowered health, deepened presence, and inspired living.

Read more: Join Guided Reiki Practice to Access Your Body’s Innate Healing Intelligence

Thursday 27 October 2022

What Science Says About Crossing Over & the Afterlife? Explore Your Soul’s Journey...

Receive expert guidance to get validation, confidence & closure in navigating life’s transitions.

All goes onward and outward, nothing collapses,
And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.
― Walt Whitman

Are you seeking to understand more about the process we all go through as we die? 

Do you hope that your own consciousness (what some call the eternal soul) will continue to exist after your physical body is gone? Have you wondered how to ease the transition from this life to the afterlife for a loved one who is dying? 

Instead of viewing death as something to be ignored until it catches up with you despite your best attempts to outrun it, what if you could instead — right now — access a peaceful feeling of open acceptance combined with a curiosity to learn more about the process…

… so you can help yourself and your loved ones make the most of that amazing crossover journey when the time comes? 

One of the most beguiling invitations of the Beyond the Veil Summit is to dance with the wonders of the afterlife, which paradoxically helps you embrace the present moment with joy and awe  —  I’m alive! What a gift!

There’s now a plethora of new scientific evidence to support what religious and spiritual traditions have pointed to for millennia — that there is life beyond the physical world that we perceive with our five senses. 

There’s a growing community of heart-centered scientists and physicians, mediumship practitioners, hospice workers, and others who have explored the same questions… 

… and many of the most prominent of these experts have gathered to share their revelatory experiences and insightful methods of navigating “paranormal” experiences around death — and connecting safely and meaningfully with loved ones who have passed on.

This summit gives you access to revered wisdom traditions and practical modern teachings that encourage you to embrace the grieving process, bringing closure, peace, and acceptance in the arenas of death and the afterlife. Expect to emerge transformed — without fear of the unknown holding you back from embodying your fullest expression of this amazing life you’ve been given.

RSVP the Invitation to this
Free Online Event: 
"Beyond the Veil Summit"
Join us October 31 – November 4, 2022

Explore the science & mysteries of near-death experiences, mediumship & the afterlife

During the Beyond the Veil Summityou’ll hear illuminating insights from over 35 seasoned mediumship practitioners, channelers, “returnees” from near-death experiences, researchers, scientists, medical professionals, hospice workers, death doulas…

… and experts who can communicate with those who have crossed over (and can teach you how to do the same).

Let these teachings and guidance touch your heart, heal your wounds, enlighten you, enfold you with comfort, and ultimately draw you toward a deeper place of peace as you approach the subjects of crossing over, the experience of death, the afterlife, and the celestial realm with a deeper sense of awe.  

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

  • Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

    • Suzanne Giesemann will reveal effective tools and processes designed to part the veil, to directly experience the reality of who you truly are.

    • Co-authors Eben Alexander, MD, and Karen Newell will discuss Eben’s dramatic near-death experience, and how it profoundly affected his beliefs, values, and worldview.

    • Mark Anthony will explain his RAFT technique to Recognize contact with spirits, Accept it as real, Feel it without fear, and Trust in the experience.

    • Dr. William Bloom will share concepts, insights, and practices so that you yourself can feel and perceive the dimensions and beings beyond the veil

    • Julie Beischel, PhD, suggests that love seems to be a universal force keeping us connected to the departed, and that unwanted symptoms of grief can be alleviated by recognizing these continuing bonds.

    • Marie Manuchehri, RN, will discuss how increasing the vibration of your energy particles opens the door to the other side, expanding your natural multisensory abilities.

    • Shelley Kaehr, PhD, will lead a guided meditation to help you access a personal healing space, where you can meet a trusted guide or angel to assist you on your healing journey.

    • Rob Schwartz will narrate stories of pre-birth planning and explain the main reasons why we plan our greatest challenges before we’re born.

    • Indigenous medium Shawn Leonard will unveil how to receive messages from the spirit world using the universal language of spirit communication.

    • Gregory Shushan, PhD, will explore the relationships between near-death experiences, shamanism, reincarnation memories, psychic mediumship, and beliefs in life after death

    • Psychic medium and kidney transplant recipient Ericka Boussarhane will present a compelling exploration of mortality, the afterlife, grief, synchronicity, and beyond-the-grave communication.

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

  • P.S. Here’s a sampling of what you’ll receive during this illuminating event:

    • How to differentiate your mind chatter from messages from spirit

    • The 4 main ways you can naturally connect with loved ones on the other side

    • We all have “Spirit Teams” cheering us on and guiding us toward opportunities for soul evolution

    • What actually happens during near-death experiences (NDEs) and shared-death experiences

    • After-death communication with loved ones can help to heal debilitating grief

    • It’s never too late to heal a damaged relationship with a deceased person

    • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Beyond the Veil Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: What Science Says About Crossing Over & the Afterlife? Explore Your Soul’s Journey...

Monday 24 October 2022

Intuitive Channels: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance Calibration

Enjoy your empathic gifts more by adjusting the volume on your 4 “clairs” of intuition.

Are you so sensitive to intuitive information that you often feel flooded, overburdened, or distracted by it? It may also feel like your empathic insights complicate your relationships and social interactions…

Thankfully, your empathic intuition can and WILL evolve as you learn key skills. When you understand your particular gifts, and how to adjust the volume of the information you receive — as well as which channel it is coming from — you can move from being overwhelmed with your gifts to feeling blessed by them.

According to Dr. Divi Chandnaan internationally recognized expert in mind-body medicine and founder of the Center of Mind Body Spirit Medicine, not only can you learn to dial up or down your intuitive gifts in order to feel well and healthy, you can have fun while doing it

Dr. Divi teaches that there are four main intuitive powers: clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling or sensing), and claircognizance (clear knowing) — and that you likely have a dominant one you use most often.

On Tuesday, November 29, you’ll discover that when you learn to dial down your primary clair and dial up your other clairs, you create a more energetic balance that enables you to set effective energetic boundaries while honing your intuitive gifts.

>> You can register here for How to Calibrate Your Intuitive Channels: Enjoy More Benefits From Your Empathic Gifts by Learning to Adjust the Volume on Each of Your 4 “Clairs” of Intuition <<

Empaths calibrate intuitive channels clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, or claircognizance

In this insightful and optimistic online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the 4 clairs and how they work within you

  • Be guided through a “movie theater” meditative experiential that helps you identify which clair is your most prominent

  • Learn that your highly sensitive nature is truly a gift, and how it can be fun to get immediate “hits” on what others are feeling or thinking

  • Explore how to dial up or down your clairs to set energetic boundaries and create better physical health for yourself

  • Gain a better understanding of why you think and feel the way you do — and how your intuition connects you to a higher purpose

If you’re tired of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and unsure how to create or maintain energetic boundaries, join Dr. Divi for this fun and experiential hour to discover your primary clair — and how you can learn to dial it up or down as needed.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In How to Calibrate Your Intuitive Channels: Enjoy More Benefits From Your Empathic Gifts by Learning to Adjust the Volume on Each of Your 4 “Clairs” of Intuition with Dr. Divi Chandna…

… you’ll find out which of the 4 “clairs” of intuition (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, or claircognizance) is your primary one — and how you can dial them up or down to feel healthier and truly enjoy the gifts of your empathic or highly sensitive nature.

Read more: Intuitive Channels: Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Claircognizance Calibration

Sunday 23 October 2022

Got Deja vu? See How Your Dreams Can Help You Create a Future You’ll Love

Learn how to harness your nocturnal intuition for healing & improved wellbeing.

Have you ever had a nighttime dream, and then images or scenes from it played out in your waking life — igniting a profound sense of deja vu 

Have you ever had a strong feeling that something was going to happen… and then it did?

These moments of precognition, or foreknowledge of the future, can seem magical, yet they are much more than fleeting aha! moments. That is, if you understand how they work and how you can work with them.

Bestselling author, dream decoding expert, and popular podcaster Theresa Cheung calls these precognitive “hits” (foreknowledge of the future), which come in our nighttime dreams, our nocturnal intuition.

When you learn to work with your precognitive dreams, you gain access to profound insights into how to heal your past, navigate and resolve your present, and better create your future.  

On Thursday, October 27, Theresa will share how to encourage precognition in your dreams — as well as your waking life — and how to know when you’re experiencing this supernormal phenomena and when you think you may be, but you’re not.

>> You can register here for How Precognitive Dreams Can Help You Create a Future You’ll Love: Harness Your Nocturnal Intuition for Solutions, Healing & Improved Wellbeing <<

Discover How Precognitive Dreams Can Help You Create a Future You’ll Love: Harness Your Nocturnal Intuition for Solutions, Healing & Improved Wellbeing with Theresa Cheung

 During this precognition-boosting hour, you’ll:

  • Explore the emerging science that validates precognition (foreknowledge of the future) and what it tells us about our ability to see and create our future

  • Learn how all of your dreams are at least partly precognitive — and how to decode and cultivate this nocturnal intuition that we all have

  • Experience a guided visualization to encourage your conscious mind and unconscious “precognitive self” to work together to boost your precognition and allow its soul-lead wisdom to emerge

  • Learn fun and fascinating ways to “live out” parts of your nighttime dreams in your waking life to jumpstart your precognitive powers

  • Discover how to know when you’re experiencing true precognition — and ways to learn to trust this life-transformative capability

Our dreams are a special language, Theresa affirms. They are messages from our soul, and this is an opportunity to learn what they’re saying if you wish to know yourself better and allow your inner wisdom to be heard.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

How Precognitive Dreams Can Help You Create a Future You’ll Love: Harness Your Nocturnal Intuition for Solutions, Healing & Improved Wellbeing with Theresa Cheung…

… you’ll experience a guided visualization to connect with your precognitive self so you can start working with your psychic ability to see the future… and allow it to help you navigate challenges, cultivate wellbeing, and manifest your desires.

Read more: Got Deja vu? See How Your Dreams Can Help You Create a Future You’ll Love

Friday 21 October 2022

Powerful Method for Reviving Relationships & Accomplishing Your Dreams

Learn a powerful method for breaking out of transgenerational patterns.

Our lives are not just our own. They’re also the manifestation of countless generations of love, resilience, and courage… as well as the product of fear, trauma, and oppression.

We carry within us our ancestors’ stories — their hopes, drive, and passion, and their pain from terrible loss and injury — much of it carried in our genes, and living in our subconscious.

So how do you heal the collective trauma of your ancestors — that you may not even be aware of  — and stop repeating the patterns of those who came before you that block you from living to your highest potential and fulfilling your highest aspirations? 

According to clinical hypnotherapist and psychic medium Vanessa Codorniuhypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you heal from your ancestral burdens and traumas.

On Saturday, October 22, Vanessa will guide you through an impactful ancestral hypnosis to ask for healing and guidance from a known or unknown well ancestor — and will also share how she weaves in ritual and altar building in ceremony.

>> You can register here for Discover Ancestral Hypnosis Healing and Feel Free! A Powerful Method to Break Out of Transgenerational Patterns, Revive Relationships & Accomplish Your Dreams <<

Discover Ancestral Hypnosis Healing and Feel Free! A Powerful Method to Break Out of Transgenerational Patterns, Revive Relationships & Accomplish Your Dreams

During this hour-long empowering event, you’ll:

  • Discover the power of ancestral healing through hypnosis, especially when supported with rituals, for releasing injustices, oppression, and other trauma — to embrace expansive new beliefs that affect our lives as well as future generations in beautiful ways

  • Understand that hypnosis is a natural state of being, something we engage in through deep concentration (such as when playing music, dancing, or meditating), and how it can help you feel lighter and more peaceful

  • Gain clarity about your own repeated family patterns, and how they’ve impacted and shaped your life in both positive and negative ways

  • Explore what limiting beliefs you may be carrying on from your own ancestral lineage, and how to release them with forgiveness and freedom so you can fully embrace your own inherent gifts

  • Be led through an ancestral healing hypnosis session to call on a known or unknown well ancestor to ask for guidance and healing

Through hypnosis, you’ll discover that your ancestral lineage carries gifts of deep knowing — your sacred “medicina” — and is a salve to your soul when you can meet that inner knowing without criticism, fear, or overanalyzing.

Hypnosis works in the deeper levels of your consciousness, resulting in a potent way to uncover, forgive, and release unconscious ways of being while embracing your talents and gifts more deeply, empowering you with the courage to follow your dreams.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Ancestral Hypnosis Healing and Feel Free! A Powerful Method to Break Out of Transgenerational Patterns, Revive Relationships & Accomplish Your Dreams with Vanessa Codorniu…

… you’ll discover the power of hypnosis to connect with and cultivate relationships with your wise ancestors —  and work in your subconscious to change the unhealthy patterns and beliefs you inherited, get the full benefit of your unique talents and gifts, and achieve your greatest dreams and deepest desires.

Read more: Powerful Method for Reviving Relationships & Accomplishing Your Dreams

Wednesday 19 October 2022

Try Huashan Qigong & Bone Breathing - Standing Meditation Practice

Recycle your own energy & align your life with the 4 forces of the Universe.

What if the energy and vitality that carries you into radiant old age —and empowers you to live your best life now — isn’t laid out like a straight line, but instead builds energy as it continues onward and upward, like a spiral? 

Your body, mind, and spirit are joined in a single continuum, according to the Taoists…

Author, philosopher, and martial artist Deng Ming-Dao teaches that Huashan Qigong, from the Quanzhen Sect of the Taoist sacred mountain, winds energy through the mind, body, and spirit — in the shape of a spiral.

As you practice Huashan Qigong poses and cultivate your practice, you build up raw energy that moves in spirals. You’ll ultimately harmonize and spread this energy out, bringing it back into harmony as you clear and secure each part of your mind, body, and spirit — unleashing energy and vitality in both movement and spirit.

Join us on Thursday, October 20, as Ming-Dao reveals how Huashan Qigong can help you build your own path of radiant health and wellbeing that continuously spirals up to extend your longevity.

>> You can register here for Build Your Path to Radiant Health & Longevity With Huashan Qigong: Recycle Your Own Energy & Align Your Life With the Deeper Forces of the Universe <<

Health & Longevity With Huashan Qigong Recycle Your Own Energy and Align Your Life With the 4 Forces of the Universe with Deng Ming-Dao

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A standing meditation, Bone Breathing, where you’ll imagine your energy spiraling, starting at your fingers, continuing around every part of your body, and concluding in your mind — to strengthen your bones as you purge them of old energy as you begin the process of inner transformation

  • How Taoism is the only wisdom system that encourages you to recycle your own energy — and the fascinating details behind the Taoists’ explanation of how energy moves through your body in spirals

  • How you can improve your health and cultivate longevity by binding your body together via meditation — as you mentally scan your entire body

  • Why energy alone can heal you, according to the Taoists — and how illness is an issue of blockage or insufficient energy

  • How to bring your energy back down after raising it — to power the upper centers of your body and keep your mind vital

Tao means flow and movement of the entire Universe. Ming-Dao will share how Qigong can help you improve your mind, body, and spirit so you can merge the Universe’s flow with the flow and trajectory of your own life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Build Your Path to Radiant Health & Longevity With Huashan Qigong: Recycle Your Own Energy & Align Your Life With the Deeper Forces of the Universe with Deng Ming-Dao…

… you’ll explore Bone Breathing, a standing meditation practice from Huashan Qigong — a wisdom and movement system that helps you achieve greater flexibility, strength, range of motion, circulation of Qi, a fully engaged mind, and a longer life. 

Read more: Try Huashan Qigong & Bone Breathing - Standing Meditation Practice

Saturday 15 October 2022

HSPs, Empaths & Intuitives - Science-backed Energy Management Practices (Live Event)

Step into your calling by leveraging your empathic gifts.

Have you ever wondered if you’re an HSP, empath, or intuitive?

Throughout your life, have you found yourself attuned to the emotions and energy (both positive and negative) of others? 

And once you’ve assimilated energy that’s not your own, do you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or depleted?

Or, do you identify as a sensitive… and are looking for tools to hone your sensitivity into your superpower and step into your true purpose?

If so, then we’ve got great news…

==> You’re invited to join the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — FREE

Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit 2022

You’ll discover a unique set of science-backed tools to master your gifts of sensitivity — turning them into your superpowers. 

Throughout the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit, you’ll become part of a worldwide community of empaths, intuitives, and HSPs who also want to stand in their own power and wisdom while learning to establish firm energetic boundaries and trust their intuition.

And you’ll be led by an inspiring gathering of revolutionary empathy experts, luminaries, doctors, and teachers who will help you experience more freedom, increased energy, a greater sense of self, and resilience against outside energetic forces…

…including Dr. Judith OrloffDr. Karen Kan, Dave MarkowitzJulie BjellandDr. Natasha FallahiMelanie SmithWendy DeRosaMichael Smith, and many more. 

They’ll illuminate your path as you rise to your full potential and fulfill your highest mission and purpose.

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<

During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How empaths and sensitives can use self-regulation practices to heal attachment traumas, and experience calm, healthy self-centeredness and empowerment

  • How to use your empathic abilities as a superpower, by letting go of past pain and releasing your fears of using your gifts 

  • Your #1 subconscious block to trusting the Universe, and how to finally surrender into the flow of life

  • The proven way for empaths to heal from the “psychological earthquake” and life-changing shock of betrayal that impacts the body, mind, and heart 

  • Spiritual Kung Fu as a powerful, psychic self-defense practice used to ground, clear and protect yourself, so you can move about the world with safety and confidence

  • How to use the moon’s magic and 4 feminine lunar archetypes to create ease, connection, pleasure, and harmony 

  • How highly sensitive people who struggle with chronic illness can release hypervigilance, and live each day with greater peace and connection

  • And much more…

If you’re ready to turn your empathic gifts into your greatest strength…

==> Join us for this free online event taking place October 17-21, 2022

Read more: HSPs, Empaths & Intuitives - Science-backed Energy Management Practices (Live Event)

Happy Aging w/ Sense of Joy, Wonder, Aliveness & Expansive Spirituality

Discover how to enliven your senses so you always feel alive and engaged with life.

In our Western culture — perhaps overly focused on youth, beauty, wealth, and ambition — it can be easy, as we age, to feel invisible, irrelevant, and empty. 

So how do we create a life that feels new again, complete, and rich — with a strong sense of purpose, relevance, and, above all, worthiness?

How do we access the presence, luminosity, and sacredness that makes us vibrate with excitement and curiosity… 

… and helps us feel alive, vital, invigorated, and open to experience the preciousness of each day, each moment, with creativity and passion?

On Saturday, October 15, join Zoë Kors, an intimacy expert, certified sexologist, and author, in a complimentary online event, where she’ll share how you can have a much deeper experience of life than you have ever thought possible — through the lens of personal intimacy… 

… such that joy, self-worth, gratitude, inspiration, wonder, and a renewed love and lust for life become not only accessible, but an essential part of your new way of being in the world.

>> You can register here for Make Your Third Act Juicy & Meaningful: Why Intimacy With Your Body & Emotions Is Key to Revitalized Energy, Presence & Purpose <<

See how to access a sense of joy, wonder, aliveness & expansive spirituality

In this empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Learn how to truly notice all of your sensations in any common activity — to feel more intimate with yourself and actively alive from moment to moment

  • Have a direct experience of expansive spirituality as Zoë guides you through the ordinary activity of eating an apple 

  • Feel how your life can be exponentially enriched by nurturing a profound connection with yourself, others, nature, and the world around you 

  • Realize that you can always be alive and engaged with life — seeing each moment as new, fresh, exciting, and important 

  • Walk away feeling inspired, curious, and joyful by getting out of your head and into your body

Underneath the daily grind, we may be just skimming the surface of our lives, without noticing the beauty innate in almost everything — even the simple act of brushing our teeth, listening to a song, taking a walk, or eating a meal.

Intimacy is a state of being in which we expose ourselves to the raw, uncrafted reality of whatever, or whomever, we’re with. 

And it’s through sensation that we’re able to immerse ourselves completely in our physical, human experience and infuse our lives with a thrilling awakeness and passion you may never have imagined.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Make Your Third Act Juicy & Meaningful: Why Intimacy With Your Body & Emotions Is Key to Revitalized Energy, Presence & Purpose with Zoë Kors… 

… you’ll learn what it feels like to be truly intimate with yourself and the world around you, and to access a sense of joy, wonder, aliveness, and expansive spirituality that makes life more exciting, inspiring, and meaningful — through the power of your 5 senses.

Read more: Happy Aging w/ Sense of Joy, Wonder, Aliveness & Expansive Spirituality

Wednesday 12 October 2022

Discover "PRISMA" Innovative Holistic Whole-body Energy Healing System

Explore a whole-being approach to help you align with your natural ability to heal.

No matter your age, culture, or spiritual inclination, you’d undoubtedly like to experience freedom, empowerment, aliveness, and wellbeing

Yet, if you’re feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, depressed, anxious, or suffering from chronic pain, or any other emotional or physical challenge (big or small), new possibilities of aliveness can seem unreachable.

Expert healer Greg Wieting founded PRISMA, a powerful approach to healing that combines neuroscience and energy medicine with somatic and mindfulness-based practices. This innovative methodology is designed to heal trauma and other conditionings that underlie emotional or physical symptoms to help people return to a state of wellbeing and wholeness.

Join Greg on Thursday, October 13, to discover how his holistic healing system works — and how it can help you stop chasing, suppressing, and treating your symptoms

… so you can open to and align with your own innate wisdom, and merge with your highest good and natural ability to heal.

>> You can register here for Discover the PRISMA Healing System: A Powerful Whole-Being Approach to Go Beyond Trying to Think or Talk Yourself Into Healing Pain & Trauma <<

PRISMA healing system for whole-body healing

When you join this life-enhancing hour, you’ll:

  • Discover a powerful whole-being approach to healing that combines neuroscience, energy medicine, somatics, and mindfulness to heal what you haven’t been able to think or talk your way through 

  • Experience a profound guided practice to reorient from pain to possibility by creating space between YOU and your wounding so you can access your innate capacity to heal

  • Discover the 7 PRISMA Pillars (Regulate, Embody, Attune, Orient, Narrate, Identity, Impact) as a journey that can transform trauma-based challenges (big or small) to the aliveness, power, truth, and freedom of your essential nature

  • Understand the energetic, emotional impact of unfulfilled wishesunmet needsgrieving what never was, and speaking the unspeakable — and how we must reparent ourselves in the areas “where we didn’t get enough” 

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to begin to retrain your mind, honor the wisdom of your body, and open to the freedom, power, aliveness, joy, and wellbeing of embodying your essential nature as you replace pain and suffering with possibility and purpose.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

In Discover the PRISMA Healing System: A Powerful Whole-Being Approach to Go Beyond Trying to Think or Talk Yourself Into Healing Pain & Trauma with Greg Wieting… 

… you’ll explore a whole-being approach to healing that reorients the mind and addresses the deeper traumas and other conditionings that underlie emotional and physical symptoms — to help you align with your highest good and natural ability to heal. 

Read more: Discover "PRISMA" Innovative Holistic Whole-body Energy Healing System

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Learn How to Generate Positive Perceptions to Activate the Outcomes You Desire

Experience a powerful meditation to shift your perception of a triggering childhood event.

Energy medicine healer and medical intuitive Marie Manuchehri is a master at helping others learn how to make important shifts in their perceptions to raise their energetic vibrations AND become better manifesters and healers — for themselves and others.

To heal anything at the deepest level, your perception must change, Marie stresses. The leading cause of illness, in her experience, is related to repressed emotions and the misaligned perceptions that go with them. They lower the vibration of your energy and manifest all manner of negative health outcomes.

Positive thoughts generated by positive perceptions create the good vibes or higher frequencies you need to break past low-frequency (mind-made) perceptions and outdated beliefs that are tamping down your energy

The higher your vibration and the longer you can maintain that elevated frequency, the easier it is to attract the outcomes you want and access your multisensory capabilities, including your medical intuition.

Get started raising your vibration with Marie, where you’ll learn secrets for generating positive perceptions that energetically activate the outcomes you desire for yourself and others. 

>> Register free here for Boost Your Frequency & Multisensory Powers: Generate Positive Perceptions For Profound Healing, Abundance & Intuitive Insights <<

Boost Your Frequency & Multisensory Powers Generate Positive Perceptions For Profound Healing, Abundance & Intuitive Insights

During this positivity-boosting hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how you may be “misusing” your brain and the intuitive breakthroughs you can have — when you understand what your mind is really for

  • Experience a powerful meditative visualization to shift your perception of a triggering childhood event and transform its low-frequency energy into a higher, healing vibration that promotes positivity and diffuses future reactivity

  • Consider what authentically makes you happy to zero in on what may be lowering your frequency — and what can consistently raise your vibration and promote healing

  • Learn how to quickly change your perception of what’s happening around you, even when you’re being triggered (a clue: It’s all about self-awareness)

  • Learn how to notice when your body is trying to get your attention — and how to instantly identify this and respond in a way that raises your vibration

When you join this powerful hour, you’ll learn that there are no limits to the shifts in perception you can make, and that the joy you can experience in opening to all the possibilities — which extend beyond your current belief system — can be profoundly transformative to you… and to those whose lives you touch.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Boost Your Frequency & Multisensory Powers: Generate Positive Perceptions For Profound Healing, Abundance & Intuitive Insights with Marie Manuchehri…

… you’ll experience a powerful meditation to shift your perception of a triggering childhood event to generate a high, healing vibration, ignite positivity, and diffuse future reactivity. 

Read more: Learn How to Generate Positive Perceptions to Activate the Outcomes You Desire

Sunday 9 October 2022

Start Mastering Energy Codes® - Transformative Power of Energy Medicine

Tap into your true radiant, energetic self.

We are living in challenging times. Uncertainty and the anxiety-provoking unknown loom large, in every area of our lives – perhaps more than ever before!

Is this the new normal? And how do we navigate it from a place of creativity and mastery?

Even in the midst of chaos, we can make smart choices to keep ourselves safe and sane. We can still choose to be powerful co-creators of our lives — not merely survivors, or victims of circumstances beyond our control.

According to bioenergetic medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morter, you must learn to release “the story” that keeps you stuck and imprisoned in limitations and past versions of yourself. Open yourself up to allow in new experiences and new possibilities. Allow yourself to rebirth a new you!

That’s where the Energy Codes® come in… 

Based on decades of research into the human body, biofield, and higher-level energy systems, the Energy Codes® offer a spiritually grounded way to tap into the deeper currents of energy that can shift anything in your life.

During a free complimentary video event with Dr. Sue, you’ll discover insights and practices to help you tap into your true radiant, energetic self — pure unconditional love and light.

>> You can register here for Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown: Restabilize Your System, Re-Source Your Power & Metabolize Difficult Feelings <<

Energy Medicine Codes Restabilize Your System, Re-Source Your Power & Metabolize Difficult Feelings

When you tune in to this self-empowering hour, you’ll experience:

  • A breathing practice to instantly tap into what you’re feeling right now, discover where that emotion settles in your body, and help you move its energy for a sustainable sense of wellbeing

  • A bioenergetic body positioning practice that resets the nervous system to help integrate this breathwork practice into your neurocircuitry for results that last

  • How to work with chaotic energies in your system by finding your deeper truth — to transcend “the story” your mind is telling you and allow in healing energy

  • Ways to interpret even very difficult situations as occurring for your benefit — and turn them into energies that serve and empower

  • How to increase your health, vitality, and power working with the very emotional states you’ve been trying to avoid — and claim your creatorship vs. remaining a victim of circumstances

When you learn to access and work with your energy in an intentional way (through breath, visualization, and postures) you can actually treat the root cause of your dis-ease, versus just the symptoms.

Mastering your energy can also enhance your relationships, creativity, intuition, and the power to manifest.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to be more empowered in co-creating your life — no matter the state of world affairs or your current circumstances! 

>> You can reserve your spot here <<

In Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown: Restabilize Your System, Re-Source Your Power & Metabolize Difficult Feelings with Dr. Sue Morter

… you’ll experience the transformative power of energy medicine to transmute disruptive energies and emotions, in order to become an empowered, intentional co-creator of your life… 

Read more: Start Mastering Energy Codes® - Transformative Power of Energy Medicine

See How Your Electric Health Can Boost Your Immunity, Mood, & Wellbeing

Experience tuning-fork treatments to transmute fear and anxiety (deep in your bones).

These days, many of us are experiencing more fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, overwhelm, and grief than perhaps we ever have before.

These difficult feelings can become energetically stuck in your body, zapping your life-force energy, and even setting off chain reactions that can cause physical and emotional dis-ease. 

And whatever affects your immune system affects your electric health as well. 

That’s because the life-force energies flowing through and around you — in what sound-therapy pioneer Eileen McKusick calls your biofield — have electromagnetic qualities that become disharmonized when your system is out of balance.

The good news is that sound, in the form of the coherent vibrations and tones of a medical tuning fork, can reduce this dissonance and resistance in your body’s electrical system.

Eileen will help you start to harmonize your emotions and electric health during these trying times — right to your bones, where feelings of fear can embed deeply — in a free video event: Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity: Experience the Vibrational Antidotes to Difficult Emotions for Greater Resilience & Vitality.

>> You can reserve your FREE space here <<

Tuning Fork Sound Healing to Boost Immunity & Vibrational Antidotes to Difficult Emotions for Greater Resilience & Vitality

During this healing hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance of your electric health in boosting your immunity, mood, and overall wellbeing

  • Learn the keys to becoming an emotional alchemist, transmuting difficult feelings and bringing more harmony, resilience, and playfulness into your life

  • Discover how sound healing can help you tune in to where your body holds difficult emotions and harmonize those vibrational energies to liberate the healing positive emotions beneath

  • Discover your bone health as core to your vitality — and what happens to your skeletal system when you’re afraid 

  • Experience a tuning fork sound treatment to feel your bones, libratate the fear they hold, and uncover the antidote of greater awareness and trust beneath

  • Experience a guided meditation with tuning fork treatment for a deep presencing of what it feels like to be yourself — separate from your busy mind 

As Eileen teaches, we hold the chaotic energies and vibrational dissonance of our heavy emotions throughout our body.

And as you’ll discover, this proven sound-healing modality actually harmonizes the optimal flow of your electromagnetic energy, enhancing your immunity and promoting an overall state of wellbeing.

If you’ve ever experienced Eileen’s virtual biofield tunings, you know that they also feel really good, generally providing a soothing state of relaxation and calm…

>> It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

In Sound Healing to Liberate Fear & Strengthen Immunity: Experience the Vibrational Antidotes to Difficult Emotions for Greater Resilience & Vitality, you’ll experience tuning-fork treatments to become an emotional alchemist — transmuting fear and anxiety (deep in your bones) and liberating the courage and self-trust beneath.

Read more: See How Your Electric Health Can Boost Your Immunity, Mood, & Wellbeing

Saturday 8 October 2022

Start Somatic Movement Journey - Enhance Your Physical Health & Help Others

Discover Synthesis of Feldenkrais® Seated Kinēsa™ Practice to Experience Hip & Pelvis Relief.

Somatic practitioners have long known that our most primal emotions often become trapped within us — and become stories connected to particular parts of the body.

Your body has an unlimited range of ways to tell its deeper stories — and when you learn to listen and move in new ways, you open a brand-new dialogue with your subconscious and your soul.

By building an awareness of how you move, you can navigate any emotional and physical challenges that you’re carrying from the past. Unaddressed, these areas of constriction and pain become obstacles that prevent you from living your best life, says body language expert and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher® Lavinia Plonka.

Lavinia developed a powerful somatic movement approach that builds upon best practices in the field and her decades of teaching Feldenkrais to help you address any issue that limits your ability to live the healthy, pain-free, joyful, purpose-filled, and creative life that is your birthright.

Lavinia will guide you through an introduction to this life-changing work — and give you a taste of the benefits that are possible by guiding you through a seated Kinēsa movement practice that uses Attention to transform painful Sensations and Emotions into freedom, flexibility, and relief. 

>> You can register here for The Kinēsa™ Process — Move Into Your Freedom: Experience the Healing Power of a New Synthesis of Feldenkrais®-Inspired Somatic Movement, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science <<

Somatic movement approach that builds upon best practices in the field and her decades of teaching Feldenkrais

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • Lavinia’s powerful movement lesson, “Unlocking the Story in Your Hip Joints”

  • How your hip joints are connected to your most primal emotions  and how releasing these emotions improves everything from your posture, to back pain, to your overall sense of wellbeing

  • The relationship between your breath and freedom of movement — and how your posture, breath, and face send instant messages to your nervous system, creating the sensations that become your emotions

  • How you can cultivate an increased sense of freedom and energy with gentle, focused movements

  • A seated Kinēsa practice to experience hip and pelvis relief — so you can release and liberate trapped emotions, freeing yourself to move through the world with elegance, grace, and power

During the event, you’ll also learn about an extraordinary opportunity to participate in The Shift Network’s Somatic Movement Teacher Training Certification program with Lavinia, where you’ll take a deep dive into the Kinēsa™ process. 

As Lavinia will explain, during this certification process you’ll learn and practice innumerable movement lessons combined with a multidisciplinary approach that includes modern neuroscience, ancient wisdom, and more. You’ll improve your emotional life, physical health, wellbeing, mental abilities, connect to something fundamental within yourself — AND help others do the same as a professional Kinēsa practitioner. 

>> You can reserve your spot for free here <<

In The Kinēsa™ Process — Move Into Your Freedom: Experience the Healing Power of a New Synthesis of Feldenkrais®-Inspired Somatic Movement, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science with Lavinia Plonka…

… you’ll experience the promise of physical and emotional freedom with the Kinēsa process. Through liberating the trapped emotional habits you carry, you’ll begin a somatic journey to enhance your physical health, emotional life, mental acuity, and spiritual practice — and help others do the same.

Read more: Start Somatic Movement Journey - Enhance Your Physical Health & Help Others

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Sound Healing w/ John Stuart Reid - Next-level Science of Frequency Medicine

Watch a scientific demonstration of the harmonizing sounds that support your life.

Modern science reveals to us much about the role of sound in the creation of our universe — as well as in fueling and healing our very bodies and energetic systems.

Almost all the atoms in the Universe create sound, and those sounds of creation give birth to light — the same light that radiates from stars and the infrared light that radiates from all of us.

These phenomena provide us with a massive clue that the most direct path to healing is through immersion in sound frequencies and light frequencies.

Acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid will show you the healing power of light frequencies, taking a deep dive into the relationship between sound, light, water, and electricity — to reveal how their shared synergy generates the very electricity that gives us all life.

>> You can register here for The Next-Level Science of Sound Healing With John Stuart Reid: Discover How to Heal Yourself & Evolve Your Consciousness Through the Power of Frequency Medicine & Cymatics <<

Next-Level Science of Sound Healing With John Stuart Reid: Discover How to Heal Yourself & Evolve Your Consciousness Through the Power of Frequency Medicine & Cymatics

  • Learn how sound creates infrared light, which powers the structured water-building mechanism in cells, which in turn powers our biology

  • Watch a profound experiment with pure water, which reveals how the cells of your body are powered by life-giving electricity

  • Explore some of the many medical conditions that can be supported by frequency medicine in the form of light therapy

  • Discover how some tracks of music automatically generate the ELF acoustic energy needed for optimal vagus nerve stimulation

  • Discover how you can boost your immune system, bring light and balance to your bodily systems, and activate your capacity to heal at a cellular level

The goal of all energy medicine healing modalities, including sound, is not to directly heal the body — for only the body can heal the body — but to cultivate the conditions within which your body can heal itself. It’s about bringing the entire mind, body, and soul together in balance… in harmony.

Are you ready to explore the healing intelligence of sound and music frequencies? Join John for this journey into the healing potential of sonic science, light science, and music as medicine!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Next-Level Science of Sound Healing With John Stuart Reid: Discover How to Heal Yourself & Evolve Your Consciousness Through the Power of Frequency Medicine & Cymatics with John Stuart Reid…

… you’ll step onto a path where healing and higher consciousness are unlocked through sonic science. You’ll never see the world the same way, as a world-renowned acoustics scientist pulls back the curtain on the mysteries of creation — by sharing a scientific demonstration that reveals the structuring and harmonizing sounds that activate and support your life. 

Read more: Sound Healing w/ John Stuart Reid - Next-level Science of Frequency Medicine

Sunday 2 October 2022

Powerful Ayurvedic Cleansing Tips to Feel Relaxed, Refreshed, & Rejuvenated

Discover how to shift unhealthy emotional and physical patterns for greater longevity.

Many of us in the Western world have been taught to idolize youth and to fear getting older. Yet, even as we age, we don’t have to live in fear that our bodies will degenerate…

We can choose to rejuvenate instead. 

According to Ayurvedic wisdom from ancient India, living your truth — and speaking your truth — not only eases stress levels, it’s also vitally important for enjoying a long, healthy, and spiritually fulfilling life.

Dr. John Douillard, DC, a recognized leader in Ayurveda and natural health, teaches Ayurveda practices that can shift physical and emotional patterns to help you improve your mind-body health, find greater spiritual fulfillment, and live a longer, happier life. 

On Tuesday, October 11, John will share how this ancient approach to health can help you change lifestyle habits that lead to weak digestion, shallow breathing, and poor sleep — the major obstacles to healthy aging and living a long and enjoyable life.

>> Register here to Discover an Ayurvedic Approach to Flourish & Thrive: Powerful Cleansing Techniques to Feel Relaxed, Refreshed & Rejuvenated as You Age <<

Ayurvedic cleansing techniques to feel relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated

In this nourishing and empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how Ayurveda practices, when integrated with your life, will set you up for better health and longevity

  • Learn how to shift unhealthy emotional and physical patterns that limit your potential and hinder longevity

  • Experience a guided breathing exercise designed to help you feel your diaphragm and create calm, focus, and relaxation

  • Discover the differences between nose breathing and mouth breathing — and why one way invigorates and the other may hurt health and wellness

  • Learn about the body’s biophotons and why they’re important not only for health, but how they help heal and connect us

  • Explore the glymphatic and lymphatic systems and their activations to cleanse the body — helping to improve digestion, mood, and sleep

Ayurveda shows you how to slow down and free yourself from undesirable emotional patterns, helping you become less reactive to stressful situations and people…

… so you can fulfill your life’s purpose and maintain a sense of balance and equilibrium as you age.

Join us to hear how you can introduce the ancient philosophy and practices of Ayurveda into your daily life — and experience less stress, better digestion and sleep, and healthier aging.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

In Discover an Ayurvedic Approach to Flourish & Thrive: Powerful Cleansing Techniques to Feel Relaxed, Refreshed & Rejuvenated as You Age with Dr. John Douillard, DC…

… you’ll discover Ayurveda practices that promote physical and mental health, create greater spiritual fulfillment, and enhance longevity.

Read more: Powerful Ayurvedic Cleansing Tips to Feel Relaxed, Refreshed, & Rejuvenated

Saturday 1 October 2022

What if your Genes are not your Destiny? Epigenetics for a Long & Healthy Life

Experience a meditative visualization to meet a vital, happier & healthier future you.

What if you could coax your genes to work FOR you rather than against you…

boosting your longevity and shaping a happier, healthier, more vital you? 

We all know that our daily activities — from what we eat to how we exercise to our spiritual practice — directly influence our health and wellbeing, and even how long we might live.  

At a deeper level, scientific studies confirm that the negative — or positive — effects of our lifestyle choices and mindset also greatly influence our epigenetics (genetic expression). 

It’s increasingly clear that our consciousness directly impacts our genes — and that if we apply this emerging science, we can live better lives.

Simply put: Our genes are not our destiny.

Integrative medicine pioneer and epigenetics expert Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier will share how to make the science of epigenetics work for you, so you can potentially enhance your immune system, increase bone regeneration, improve your memory, and revitalize your health and wellbeing at every level, actively promoting your longevity. 

>> You can register here for What If Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny? 5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Influence Your Epigenetics for a Long, Happy & Healthy Life <<

5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Influence Your Epigenetics for a Long, Happy & Healthy Life 

During this life-enhancing hour, you’ll: 

  • Discover what epigenetics really is 

  • Learn 5 scientifically validated ways to positively influence your genetic expression to live a healthier, happier, and longer life

  • Experience a meditative visualization that can transport you to a future where you are vital, healthy, and free — and help you start positively influencing​ your gene expression

  • Ponder such questions as Should I eat almonds or walnuts? as you gain fascinating insights into what your epigenetic profile says about what’s best for you

  • Discover how your spiritual practice can not only shift your consciousness, but also influence your genes — for the better

It’s likely that as much as 95 percent of our genetic traits can be influenced by us!

This means that if your family is genetically prone to heart disease or diabetes or anxiety, those physical or emotional challenges do not have to be yours, too. 

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to begin to optimize your epigenetics… guiding you onto the path of a long, vital, and happy life.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

In What If Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny? 5 Scientifically Proven Ways to Influence Your Epigenetics for a Long, Happy & Healthy Life with Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier…

… you’ll experience your ability to positively influence your epigenetics or gene expression — and enhance your health and longevity — with a meditative visualization transporting you to a future where you are vital, happy, and healthy.

Read more: What if your Genes are not your Destiny? Epigenetics for a Long & Healthy Life