Wednesday 27 July 2022

Join Guided Flute Sound-Healing Journey w/ Renowned Music Therapist

Experience healing through the Indigenous flute, the oldest known musical instrument.

In a constantly changing world, it’s easy to feel disconnected — from people, society, ourselves, and the planet…  

The timeless power of sacred Indigenous flute music can help us gain a deeper appreciation of life and celebrate joy every day. As this wisdom tradition is passed down through the generations, it connects spiritual seekers within their music circles, and on a global scale. 

According to anthropological records, the flute is the oldest known musical instrument, dating back 43,000 years. Yet, its healing power somehow feels uniquely suited to this and every historical moment…

On Saturday July 30, celebrated music therapist Christine Stevens will share how you can turn to the flute as a sacred sound-healing tool to help you deepen your spiritual journey — enhancing your connection with Nature, inspiring personal transformation, and so much more.

>> Register here for Turn Your Flute Into a Sound-Healing Tool: Uplift Your Spirits & Experience More Joy <<

Join guided flute sound-healing journey with a renowned music therapist

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a guided flute sound healing — as Christine plays, she’ll invite you to explore where you feel sound within your body and the places where you hold pain — allowing you to tap inner wisdom to soothe and release stress and discomfort. 

  • Discover different scales that can be played by the Native American flute as a powerful tool for improvisational playing, mastery, and soul expression — bringing enlightenment, unity, and a sense of oneness with the Earth

  • Learn how to use the healing power of modulation (a musical change in tone) to navigate the changes of life as you create a sense of balance

  • Listen as Christine plays different flutes to evoke the corresponding energy centers for healing

  • Be part of a sacred blessing, a song offering and prayer for the trees, water, and the animals, playing in the solar key for the planet

  • Let go of fear and doubt, by stepping into the present moment, powered by flute improvisation, to absorb the energy of love, harmony, and beauty — poetry spoken in the language of sacred music!

You’ll explore the healing and balancing power of flute’s seven musical scales — as this Indigenous music tradition connects you to the global song we’re all part of.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to experience for yourself how the flute can help you celebrate all of life’s moments. (You won’t need to know how to read music, play the flute, or purchase a flute. Just bring yourself!)

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Turn Your Flute Into a Sound-Healing Tool: Uplift Your Spirits & Experience More Joy with celebrated music therapist Christine Stevens… 

… you’ll experience a one-of-a-kind flute sound-healing journey to transmit energies that free your soul — connecting you with inner peace and harmony through a timeless tradition.

Read more: Join Guided Flute Sound-Healing Journey w/ Renowned Music Therapist

Harness “The Mystical Art of Attention” in an Age of Total Distraction

Discover Mystical teachings to help you combat overwhelm and “bad news fatigue”.

An awake heart is like a lighthouse helping others to find a safe way home.
―Rolf van der Wind

join mystics summit to receive gems of wisdom from ancient and present-day mystics, poetry, music, and experiential practices

As the increasing noise, chaos, and distraction presented by the daily global news cycle grow more intense, this unrelenting barrage of negativity can ignite a paralyzing fear response in your brain’s limbic region. 

The ensuing indecision you may feel can make it practically impossible for you to focus, leading to frustration, anger, or depression.  

It’s fight, flight, or freeze… on steroids! 

Thankfully, as we continue to navigate these potentially dangerous and unsettling waters, the reassuring lighthouse of mystical wisdom

… radiates its healing beams of safety to all of us, as we cling to our tiny life rafts while being buffeted by the unrelenting waves of shocking global transformation. 

As “wayshowers” throughout time, mystics encourage us to embrace a deep, still quality of mystical attention that allows us to commune directly with the sacred…

… and teach us to reconnect with truth that is timeless and essential, by harnessing “the mystical art of attention” in an age of total distraction.

Mystics have existed throughout time at “hinge points in history” — think plagues, floods, social upheavals, and wars — and also during growth periods such as the Renaissance…

… spurred on by their exuberant, spiritual hunger and creative, innovative responses to the wildly dramatic changes unfolding around them.

In the soul-stirring Mystics Summit, we’re presenting an all-star cohort of seasoned scholars and mystical seekers who will support you in reconnecting to love as a safe harbor amidst life’s crashing storms.

You’ll encounter celebrated figures like Hadewijch of Antwerp, Thomas Aquinas, Brother Lawrence, Jesus of Nazareth, Plato, Copernicus, da Vinci

… as well as contemporaries like Thomas Merton, Einstein, Tesla, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, and others.

Join Free Online Event:
Mystics Summit - Unveil the Secrets of Mystics Across the Time
August 8-12, 2022

mystics summit to receive gems of wisdom from ancient and present-day mystics, poetry, music, and experiential practices

This timely event features more than 30 scholars, teachers, and contemporary mystics — including Reverend Dr. Heiwa no Bushi, Mirabai Starr, Banafsheh Sayyad, Father Greg Boyle, Alexander John Shaia, Taya Mâ Shere, James Finley, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Rev. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, Matthew Fox, and many others…

… demonstrating ways to embody this sacred knowledge so you can receive soul-nourishing solace from quintessential mystical teachings across time. 

Throughout this landmark summit, you’ll receive not only gems of wisdom from ancient and present-day mystics, but also poetry, music, and experiential practices that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion you carry within your own heart and mind.

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

During this seminal 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to unravel a lifetime of oppressive training — to express hidden gifts as a profound step on the mystic’s path 

  • The 7 qualities of love mirroring the Divine at your core — Receptivity, Delight, Expansiveness, Vulnerability, Acceptance, Mystery, and Gratitude

  • How to perceive the universal practices and concepts that open anyone to mystical experiences

  • The Sufi way as a devotional path of love and intimacy

  • How the reclaimed origins of Christian mysticism reveal the all-but-lost original heart of Christian wisdom — and why it’s making a comeback today

  • And much more… 

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

You’ll feel a deep sense of safety that mysticism can provide you with a sheltered port in a storm, gently guiding you to reawaken to your soul’s own knowledge and intuition

By connecting with these venerated mystics yourself, you can de-mystify mysticism and move into, claim, and sustain this mystical lifeline to your timeless essence.

In fact, you may discover that the great mystics of the past weren’t unapproachable “saints,” but were very human and flawed, and wrestled with the same challenges many of us are dealing with right now.

You’re invited to discover how you, like the mystics, can unlock your own ecstatic internal guidance, satisfying your desire to reconnect in a mystical union with the Divine…

… as you learn to embody “the mystical art of attention” so you can receive soul-nourishing solace from quintessential mystical teachings across time. 

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Alexander John Shaia, PhD, will remind us that everyone is already a mystic, and everything is spiritual, including nature and its embodied sensuality. 

  • Andrew Harvey will discuss the sublime and astounding work of the great 13th-century beguine Christian woman mystic, Hadewijch of Antwerp.

  • His Sacred Humanness, The Venerable Reverend Dr. Heiwa no Bushi, will examine the benefits of propelling ourselves into confusion and doubt, finding Truth in the insightful fear we experience by moving through the chaos.

  • Mirabai Starr will reveal that the great mystical masters of the past are available as beacons of wisdom and compassion to light your way as you navigate the mapless terrain of these tumultuous times.

  • Taya Mâ Shere speaks to the ancient art of prayer and the power of pulsing presence in body and spirit, inviting us to root ourselves in ancestral healing as a path to thrive.

  • Father Greg Boyle opines that to follow the path of the mystic, love is the answer, community is the context, and tenderness is the connective tissue. 

  • Rabbi Rami Shapiro will reveal that the ancient fourfold truth of Perennial Wisdom at the mystic heart of many religions is key to your future thriving.

  • Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, will invite you to explore the mystical path followed by Brother Lawrence, who joyfully expressed Divine Feminine energy while working in a 17th-century monastery kitchen.

  • Rev. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza, PhD, helps us connect the dots between contemplation and action so that an ethical future can emerge.

  • James Finley, PhD, will discuss American Trappist monk and modern-day mystic Thomas Merton’s insights about the true self that contributed to his own mystical awakening. 

  • Matthew Fox ponders whether viewing images of the earliest galaxies and stars now beaming into our living rooms courtesy of the Webb Telescope will awaken us to the sacredness of our 13.8 billion-year journey.

  • Banafsheh Sayyad will show that what you know in and through the wisdom of the body is more concrete than the abstract “knowing” that resides mostly in your head.

You’ll be in good hands with summit hosts Carmen Acevedo Butcher, PhD, and Mike Morrell, who will guide you through five incredible days packed with quality content… 

… allowing you to soak in enlightening conversations with present-day mystics (the wisdom keepers of our times), and also participate in grounding, experiential practices.    

>> RSVP here for the Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Harness “The Mystical Art of Attention” in an Age of Total Distraction

Friday 22 July 2022

Experience a Standing Breathwork Exercise to Release & Unwind Tension

Harness the power of BioDynamic Breathwork to tap into your inner & outer resources.

When we’re navigating lingering traumas (even ones that may seem minor), it can be difficult to know where to turn for healing.

There’s a tendency to get focused on something outside of us to “fix” us.

The truth is, all the resources you’ll ever need for healing are within you and all around you, right this moment, according to Giten Tonkov, founder of the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System®.

The practice of resourcing means calling into play anything or anyone that supports your wellbeing. Each time you take a deep breath to calm down, go for a walk to clear your mind, or hug a friend or partner when you’re sad — you’re resourcing.

And when you turn your attention to tapping into your inner resources, you access a virtually unlimited wellspring for healing.

On Thursday, July 28, Giten will share how to tap into these resources around you, to cultivate a more resilient nervous system so you won’t feel so overwhelmed by outer circumstances.

>> You can register here for Activate Your Inner Healing Resources With BioDynamic Breathwork <<

Learn natural breathing exercise supports conscious movement (connecting your physical body and emotions) — and helps you open up to receive more guidance, empowerment, and attunement in life

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A standing breathwork exercise to help you softly unwind your spine, jaw, oral, and cervical belts — to release and unwind tension, becoming more aware of your felt sense so you can experience a deeper sense of activation within your body, and a greater sense of wellbeing 

  • The 6 elements of BioDynamic Breathwork — breath, movement, sound, touch, emotions, and meditation — that release the effects of past traumatic events in the body

  • How to tap into the resources within and around you, including your own felt sense — to connect more deeply to your inner safe space, because when you follow your own felt senses, difficult emotions lose their charge

  • How deeper natural breathing supports conscious movement (connecting your physical body and emotions) — and helps you open up to receive more guidance, empowerment, and attunement in life

Giten’s BioDynamic Breathwork system opens up your heart so you can experience intuitive healing where it’s needed most — to heal past trauma, connect with your authentic being, and experience joy and peace.

While breath is the main tool for healing on the somatic level, Giten also incorporates supporting elements like movement, touch, sound, conscious emotional expression, and meditation.

Join us to discover how to utilize your resources intentionally, moving one step closer to a trauma-free life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Activate Your Inner Healing Resources With BioDynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov…

… you’ll harness the power of BioDynamic Breathwork to tap into your own inner and outer resources  — to cultivate a sense of safety, a profound sense of wellbeing, and deep inner peace.

Read more: Experience a Standing Breathwork Exercise to Release & Unwind Tension

Thursday 21 July 2022

Connect w/ Your Ancestral Lineage & Explore Ori – Divine Consciousness within

Receive guidance from your familiar and cultural lineage to map your divine purpose.

Have you felt the call to step forward into your personal power and finally release your genius into the world — feeling confident and equipped to make a difference as only you can?

The world certainly needs you! Yet, even as you boldly answer this call, you may have encountered a mysterious form of resistance…

You might feel disconnected, uncertain, and confused as you experience a sense of longing for something that’s still missing.

According to Dr. Velma Love, an ancestral lineage healing practitioner, you’re likely feeling stuck because you haven’t yet connected with your own support team of ancestors in the spiritual realm.

On Tuesday, July 26, Velma will share how you can connect with your ancestors to activate your inner power — by excavating their evolutionary experiences that explain the hard-wired stories that you’re living out right now. 

>> Register here for Evolve Your Ancestral Story to Heal & Create Change: Receive Guidance From Your Familial & Cultural Lineage to Map Your Divine Purpose <<

Shapeshift your ancestral story and map out a new way of being in the world, with consciousness, awareness, and intentionality

In this empowering free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A practice to connect with someone in your supporting cast of ancestors

  • A process to connect with your Ori — your innate divine consciousness that holds your soul’s blueprint… the “godself” within

  • How your personal transformation is related to cultural and global change

  • Confidence that, with the help of wise ancestors, you can change your narrative story — by healing the wounds from the stories you were born into

  • Ways to expand the notion of who your ancestors are, including both blood and cultural relations, and human and non-human beings

Once you connect to your ancestors (both blood and cultural), you’ll discover their stories from long ago — the ones you’ve been unknowingly living out in your life today – that have kept you from fulfilling your destiny. You have an ancestral inheritance from a larger cultural family than you might be aware of, made up of kindred spirits whose life experiences are similar to yours.

You can then heal the trauma within these stories you were born into and uncover the story you were meant to live, courageously bringing it into existence — so your transformation moves beyond you and into our world, becoming part of the global shift in consciousness.

Velma will explain how, by connecting and ultimately dialoguing with wise and well ancestors, you can shapeshift your ancestral story and map out a new way of being in the world, with consciousness, awareness, and intentionality.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Evolve Your Ancestral Story to Heal & Create Change: Receive Guidance From Your Familial & Cultural Lineage to Map Your Divine Purpose with Dr. Velma Love… 

… you’ll connect with your ancestral lineage and explore Ori — the innate and divine consciousness residing within — to heal trauma from the stories you were born into, creating a roadmap for positive social impact and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

Read more: Connect w/ Your Ancestral Lineage & Explore Ori – Divine Consciousness within

Sunday 17 July 2022

Empath Techniques for Filtering Incoming Energy - Avoid being a Sponge

Learn powerful tools that align with your deep empathic nature and sensitivities.

How can you prevent feeling overwhelmed… and protect your energy and emotions?

If you’re an empath or highly sensitive person, you’ve likely experienced this dilemma firsthand.

Empath and intuitive medical practitioner Dave Markowitz teaches that fearfully pulling away from life can insulate you with the very energy you’re trying to protect yourself from…

… leading to further energetic depletion, pain, or illness, and diminishing your ability to uplift who and what you care about — the true intent of your empathic nature.

Thankfully, there is also joy, healing, and goodness to be had — unique to empaths — that will leave you feeling connected, energized, and better equipped to support all you care about… while maintaining your energy and uplifting others.

With Dave you’ll learn techniques for filtering incoming energy — essentially becoming an emotional funnel instead of a sponge. This technique allows you to be fully engaged in life rather than encumbered by the fear of emotional overwhelm.

>> You can register here for The Skilled Empath: Prevent Taking on Unwanted Emotions to Regain Your Health & Energy <<

Empath learn how to authentically and openly connect with others while protecting and maintaining your own emotional energy by learning powerful tools that align with your deep empathic nature and sensitivities to discover the best version of yourself

In this empowering online event, you’ll:

  • Gain traction in your journey to becoming a skilled empath — someone who can consciously tap into energies such as joy, unconditional love, and freedom in any situation, unbound by emotions

  • Learn how to be an emotional funnel, and not a sponge — opening to life from a place of love rather than shielding your energy from a place of fear connects you to the source of all, elevating your vibration and empowering the healing intelligence of your empathic nature

  • Experience an energy exercise that enables you to feel and embrace what is yours and let go of things holding you back

  • Deepen your capacity to uplevel your energy and support the healing of others — while authentically and openly sharing yourself with all those you care about

  • Discover how to use your divine gifts of empathy to heal yourself, others, and the world around you

Ultimately, you’ll gain traction in your journey to becoming a skilled empath.

In doing so, you’ll deepen your capacity to uplevel your energy and support the healing of others… while authentically and openly sharing yourself with all those you care about.

>> You can register to receive a downloadable recording here <<

In The Skilled Empath: Prevent Taking on Unwanted Emotions to Regain Your Health & Energy with Dave Markowitz… 

… you’ll authentically and openly connect with others while protecting and maintaining your own emotional energy by learning powerful tools that align with your deep empathic nature and sensitivities to discover the best version of yourself.

Read more: Empath Techniques for Filtering Incoming Energy - Avoid being a Sponge

Friday 15 July 2022

See How Plants & Trees can be a Path to Your Healing, Balance, and freedom

Discover how plants and trees can expand your consciousness & heal emotional wounds.

Nature was created as a divine matrix, and we’re intrinsically tied to all the ecosystems we live among. We are all connected to all of nature.

But what if there were a reason for your special affinity for certain plants? What if the answers you’ve been seeking, and the emotional healing you’ve longed for, can all be found within your favorite plants and trees? 

You may not be aware that plants can communicate with you to help you flourish — to heal old wounds… release unresolved traumas and old, fixed, limiting beliefs… and assist you in regaining your natural inner balance so you can cultivate a sense of peace and wellbeing. 

On Thursday, July 21, Emma Farrell, healer, author, and plant shaman, will share her expertise about plant communication and healing. 

During this compelling workshop, Emma will share how plant life has a secret language, which you can learn to interpret by transcending the intellect and experiencing the plant world through an open heart. 

>> Register here for How Your Favorite Plants Can Be a Path to Your Healing: Why Certain Plants Attract You & How to Communicate With Their Spirits <<

Discover How Plants & Trees can be a Path to Your Healing, Balance, and freedom

In this online event celebrating nature, you’ll discover:

  • What plant healing is from an entirely new, revolutionary perspective — and why that knowledge is so essential right now

  • A powerful meditation to help you move from your head to your heart — and open you to an expanded world of plants and trees

  • How to work with nature, specifically plants and trees, to heal emotional wounds and unresolved issues through a pathway of expanded consciousness

  • Why you’re drawn to certain plants and trees — and how this may influence where you’ve chosen to live

  • Feelings of empowerment, value, and liberation through the realization of your connectedness to all of nature

An entirely new world is waiting for you to uncover its secrets. Plant spirit healing is a doorway, a path that leads to a deeper understanding of the world around you and your true power.

Join Emma and transform your love of plants and appreciation of nature to a new level, with the wisdom to heal your life and uplift the planet. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In How Your Favorite Plants Can Be a Path to Your Healing: Why Certain Plants Attract You & How to Communicate With Their Spirits with Emma Farrell… 

… you’ll access the innate wisdom of nature through plants and trees — to heal emotional wounds, create balance between your thoughts and feelings, and be empowered to live as your truest self. 

Read more: See How Plants & Trees can be a Path to Your Healing, Balance, and freedom

Monday 11 July 2022

Learn interpreting Your Body’s Signs & Signals, become medical intuitive

Learn from 30+ experts in the field of intuitive medicine.

How well do you understand your body’s subtle, unique communication style? Would you like to feel more confident in listening to, deciphering, and interpreting your body’s messages for optimal health?

Studies show that at least one-third of somatic symptoms presented in primary care are medically unexplainable. Some chronic symptoms may persist despite rigorous testing, lifestyle changes, or ongoing treatment. 

Research is now revealing that some physical conditions can be triggered by emotional and spiritual imbalances. By cultivating self-awareness and applying self-healing techniques, you can practice a more holistic approach to overall wellness. Anyone can learn how to interpret the body’s natural communication style.

Intuitive medicine is a form of alternative healing that you can use alongside traditional medical treatment. You can practice becoming your own medical intuitive by identifying, translating, and transmuting the underlying causes of your body’s symptoms. 

The Intuitive Medicine Summit will illuminate new avenues of healing and tools to address chronic illness. You can explore the healing power of intuitive medicine through daily meditative routines, Eastern and Western medicinal tools, and energy healing techniques.

I’m beyond thrilled to invite you to the Intuitive Medicine Summit! You’ll discover how to reconnect with your body’s inner wisdom — and how to leverage this skill for optimal health and healing.

Free Online Event
Intuitive Medicine Summit
July 25-29, 2022

Attending the Intuitive Medicine Summit will help you gain confidence that you do have the power to impact your own healing — and use this knowledge to address persistent symptoms, chronic conditions, and current challenges.

This summit features over 30 of today’s highly sought-after intuitive healers, doctors, and researchers — including Suzanne Giesemann, mystic, medium, and author… Ellen Meredith, Doctor of Arts and energy medicine practitioner… and Wendie Colter, certified medical intuitive.

They’ll share illuminating conversations about medical intuition, and offer practical exercises and techniques that can help you strengthen this inner connection.

Both novice and experienced medical practitioners can supplement their healing journey by applying divination, intuition, and psychic skills to address persistent illness.

Their remarkable leading-edge research and recovery stories can offer comfort, hope, and support, enabling you to harness the power of your inner wisdom and truly own your health. 

>> RSVP here for the Intuitive Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

This 5-day summit comes at the perfect time, as we individually and collectively are looking for alternative, home-based ways to keep healthy and active.

Our intuitive medicine experts will guide you through a variety of experiences including…

  • Suzanne Giesemann will teach the 3 principles leading to balance and self-healing, plus techniques to tap into your intuition.

  • Dr. Titus Chiu will reveal how to activate your vagus nerve to relieve brain stress — and unlock your intuition, creativity, and healing potential.

  • Wendie Colter will show you how to apply medical intuition to all aspects of healthcare by revealing the underlying causes of illness, imbalance, and disease.

  • Tina Zion will discuss how you can discover illness in your physical body, emotions, energy field, and past lives.

  • Peng Roden Her will share how you can observe common patterns, loops, signs, and symptoms to align with your highest sense of self.

  • Dr. Natasha Fallahi will outline the 6 types of sensitivity — and show you how to embrace your type as a healing superpower.

  • Ellen Meredith will demonstrate how to use energy medicine to build stability — and work from the inside out to awaken your built-in guidance system.

  • Dr. Keesha Ewers will explain how to engage the gifts that can come from trauma — and use them to address habits, relationships, and chronic disease.

  • Dr. Divi Chandna will provide insight on how you can observe, heal, and hold space for pain, love, and subtle patterns in your body.

  • Dr. Mario Martinez will share why intuition is the highest coherence of mind and body – and how you can find meaning in your biological responses.

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Intuitive Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

In this groundbreaking summit hosted by The Shift Network, you’ll receive inspiring, yet practical insights into how to leverage your own inner wisdom to support the natural healing process

You’ll converge with well-respected physicians, educators, medical intuitives, lightworkers, health practitioners, and energy healers — plus knowledge-seekers like you from around the globe. 

Attending the Intuitive Medicine Summit will help you gain confidence that you do have the power to impact your own healing — and use this knowledge to address persistent symptoms, chronic conditions, and current challenges.

>> RSVP here for the Intuitive Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

During this groundbreaking 5-day event with over 30 incredible speakers, you’ll discover:

  • Practice energy-based techniques, philosophies, and wisdom traditions to tap into your intuitive healing capabilities

  • Identify, translate, and transmute the emotional underpinnings of your symptoms 

  • Deepen your relationship with your body and build a trusting friendship with your senses

  • Discover classical divination, intuition, and psychic skills to address persistent illness and mystery symptoms

  • Illuminate new avenues of healing to form an exit plan out of circular symptoms or downward spirals

  • Understand body signals and classical disease symbology 

  • Build confidence in identifying root causes and take powerful action toward healing

  • Hear the latest scientific studies validating medical intuition 

  • And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Intuitive Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Learn interpreting Your Body’s Signs & Signals, become medical intuitive

Healing Tree of Life Meditation with Use of Shamanic Energy Medicine

Reclaim the Benevolent Mothers of Light & Darkness.

Right this moment, the wisdom you need is living within you.

According to shamanic healing teacher Cissi Williams, it’s up to you to awaken this wisdom, that of the Divine Feminine medicine. To make this happen, you’ll need to go through a healing journey… 

On Tuesday, July 19, Cissi will take you on a guided healing journey to connect with your current state, your history, and who you are by tuning in to the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life is a portal into the world of Spirit that aligns with your nervous system. Its roots connect you with the lower world (your unconscious mind and your past), the branches connect you with the upper world (your higher consciousness and your future), and the trunk connects you with the middle world (your conscious mind and your life here now).

During this healing journey, you’ll meet the Divine Mothers of Darkness and Light and learn to dance with them both — just as Mother Earth does.

Many don’t realize that the Dark Mother is actually loving and compassionate — she’s on your side, she wants you to awaken and come home to her, and she’ll even help you heal your relationship to the Divine Mother of the Light.

>> Register here for Reclaim the Benevolent Mothers of Light & Darkness: Shamanic Energy Medicine for Growth, Renewal & Rebirth <<

Reclaim the Benevolent Mothers of Light & Darkness: Shamanic Energy Medicine for Growth, Renewal & Rebirth

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to awaken the wise woman within, tap into your intuition  — and connect with the Divine Mothers of Darkness and Light as they work together to activate your inner wisdom and provide guidance along your sacred path  

  • How you can heal the frozen thought patterns and ancestral programming you may be holding in your nervous system 

  • The ways your body acts as a portal into the world of Spirit  — your nervous system lines up with the Tree of Life, while your blood flowing through the four chambers of your heart mirrors the flow of Mother Earth’s seasons 

  • How you can receive healing from your Spirit team — and Cissi’s story of profound healing after her heart attack in 2019

  • guided journey to tune in to the Tree of Life — you’ll begin with the roots, connect with the divine fire from within the core of the Earth, then bring this fire up through the chakras before drawing the light from the heavens down through the branches and into the heart

In today’s world, it’s easy to become disconnected from your inner wisdom, magic, and power. This magic comes only from embracing both the sacred darkness (that we’ve been programmed to fear) and the light. 

Join us and learn to awaken your intuition, which is waiting to rise up and give birth to new ideas, dreams, beginnings, and awakenings to create a new world. As you connect to your inner feminine divinity, you’ll learn to heal your relationship with your inner power and magic so you can share your most powerful soul gifts.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Reclaim the Benevolent Mothers of Light & Darkness: Shamanic Energy Medicine for Growth, Renewal & Rebirth with Cissi Williams…

… you’ll experience a healing Tree of Life meditation to awaken your inner wisdom, and feel more at peace with yourself and all of creation… as you fully embrace your divine intuition.

Read more: Healing Tree of Life Meditation with Use of Shamanic Energy Medicine

Friday 8 July 2022

Learn Yin & Yang Qigong Mind & Body Triple Energizer Chanting Exercise

Explore how to use your mind and body’s natural interactions for more vitality.

What if you could set yourself up for not only a long life using the practice of Qigong, but go deeper to understand how it all connects within you — your body’s needs for maintaining balance for health and wellness.

Aging with grace requires us to let go of the limitations that society, culture, family, and others all too often ascribe to getting older, and instead embrace the very real option of living a joyously unlimited, self-defined life of vitality.

Qigong master Robert Peng is also a master at helping people age boldly and gracefully, while enjoying radiant health every day on their journey to greater longevity.

Robert blends powerful meridian healing methods with a sequence of flowing meditative movements to activate energy centers, enhancing Qi flow throughout your body and invigorating your internal organs.

On Saturday, July 16, with Robert, you will experience how Yin and Yang Qigong empowers you to connect with your 12 meridians, or energy pathways, so you can cultivate a deep connection with your emotional and mental bodies — finding peace and harmony within yourself, and with the world around you.

>> Register here for Powerful Yin & Yang Qigong: Using the Body & Mind’s Natural Interactions to Increase Your Energy & Vitality <<

Powerful Yin & Yang Qigong: Using the Body & Mind’s Natural Interactions to Increase Your Energy & Vitality with Qigong master Robert Peng

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Robert’s guided Triple Energizer exercise — a chant accompanied by both sound and imagery — to circulate the energy of your 3 centers (or dantians) as you breathe in and out, unlocking newfound vitality

  • How simple exercises can empower and sustain life by expanding the central meridian so you can connect with the Universe’s infinite energy

  • How understanding the ways the 6 natural pairs of Yin and Yang meridians connect to the earth’s elements empowers you to cultivate your healing potential as you organize your own energy pattern using universal laws

  • How to empower and balance your body and mind by embracing the opposite emotions associated with Yin and Yang energy

  • How opening your meridians can unblock unlimited energy, focus, and potential — so you can experience a full circulation of your energy flow, becoming a healthy, holistic, integrative being

Join Robert and explore how to use your mind and body’s natural interactions to increase your energy and vitality, helping you cultivate a more peaceful, balanced emotional state as you move through life. 

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Powerful Yin & Yang Qigong: Using the Body & Mind’s Natural Interactions to Increase Your Energy & Vitality with Qigong master Robert Peng… 

… you’ll continue your Live Long Qigong journey by harnessing your body’s vital power balance for health and wellness using Yin & Yang Qigong — a source of boundless energy to build your legacy of longevity. 

Read more: Learn Yin & Yang Qigong Mind & Body Triple Energizer Chanting Exercise

Thursday 7 July 2022

Discover How You Can Connect with Ascended Masters

Meet spirit guides who can lift you into greater awareness of your own divine nature.

Imagine having divine mentors around you at all times, accessing their otherworldly wisdom so you could know exactly what to do next in your personal, professional, and spiritual lives?

According to energy medicine expert Deborah King, you actually do have access to these always-on-call benefactors and guides, some of whom may have only recently left Earth.

These gifted and supremely wise helpers have all the time in the Universe — they can help a thousand or a million people at the same time, as their consciousness is not limited in the same ways ours is. 

Even now, they are patiently waiting in the wings until they are presented with an opportunity to serve you.

On Thursday, July 14, Deborah will introduce you to four of these spirit guides — Padre Pio, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Mary Baker Eddy, and Hildegaard of Bingen — and give you a practice for making your own direct connections. 

>> Register here for Can You Connect With Ascended Masters? How to Journey to Meet Evolved Guides Waiting to Help You Heal & Realize Your Unique Gifts <<

Connect With Ascended Masters? How to Journey to Meet Evolved Guides Waiting to Help You Heal & Realize Your Unique Gifts

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll:

  • Connect with the profound wisdom of 4 modern-day masters: Padre Pio, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Mary Baker Eddy, and Hildegaard of Bingen

  • Follow along with Deborah’s guided meditation to connect with Padre Pio so you can gain insights into his healing energy and capacity for miracles

  • Implement Padre Pio’s wisdom around letting go of your mistakes and remembering to love who you are

  • Explore the different types of spiritual figures waiting in the wings to help you right now — including ancestral guides, ascended masters, angels, divine figures and saints, and animal guides — and the specific ways their respective areas of expertise can illuminate your life

  • Become more aware of benevolent guides and the malevolent saboteurs in the spirit world who interact with humans — so you’ll never become derailed or distracted from what you have to offer the world

If recent world events have left you feeling lost, distracted, anxious, or overwhelmed, Deborah will share how these ascended masters can help you. For example, they can help you revitalize your meditation or other spiritual practice, process grief, or simply discern the next step in your life’s journey.

Join us and discover how to access evolved beings in the spirit world to help you move further along than ever before in your journey to deep wellbeing, a sense of wholeness, and a life well-lived.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Can You Connect With Ascended Masters? How to Journey to Meet Evolved Guides Waiting to Help You Heal & Realize Your Unique Gifts with energy medicine expert Deborah King… 

… you’ll receive teachings on how to meet guides from the spirit realm who are standing by right this moment, waiting to lift you into greater awareness of your own divine nature and life-changing wisdom.

Read more: Discover How You Can Connect with Ascended Masters

Enter Magic World of Fungi, Get 20 Healthy & Delicious Mushroom Recipes

You’re invited to the free four-day screening of Fantastic Fungi’s Special Event Edition. This special edition is different from what you can see anywhere else — with the heart of the original film and some exciting new material, including scenes that have never been seen before!

A good movie can excite us. But a great movie has the power to change our lives forever.

And if you’re ready to be inspired, entertained, and moved to your core, I want to share a must-see film that you can watch right now for free.

It’s called Fantastic Fungi. And for a limited time, you can watch the special event edition, plus get 20 mouthwatering mushroom recipes (for FREE!).

Fungi Intelligent mycelium network

Be prepared for a thrilling ride with gorgeous time-lapse photography and cutting-edge wisdom that will give you chills, instill you with a newfound sense of wonder, and fill you with hope for the future.

The vast network of fungi could hold keys to human health, happiness, and maybe even the survival of life on our planet.

Not sure how that’s possible? Watch the critically acclaimed film and get ready to be INSPIRED.

>> Catch the special event edition of Fantastic Fungi right now, free for four days.

When you sign up, you’ll also receive 20 delicious (and super healthy!) mushroom recipes, courtesy of the Fantastic Fungi team and my good friends at Food Revolution Network.

Mushrooms are famous for their health benefits because of all the fiber, protein, and antioxidants they contain. And the flavor profile can’t be beaten… You might want to whip up one of these recipes tonight!

Fantastic Fungi - take an immersive journey to the magical world of mushrooms beneath our feet

>> Click here to be inspired, watch the special event edition of Fantastic Fungi, and get all the recipes, now.

Fantastic Fungi has earned 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and received rave reviews from critics, calling this a film you CANNOT miss…

“One of the year’s most mind-blowing, soul-cleansing, and yes, immensely entertaining.” —

“Mushrooms are the new superheroes.” — Los Angeles Times

Most importantly, this film isn’t just entertaining — it will give you hope and tools to make your life and your world better.

>> Claim your free viewing pass for the special event edition of Fantastic Fungi, and get all 20 amazing mushroom recipes, right here.

What if our planet’s greatest hope was living right beneath our feet? Discover for yourself in the Fantastic Fungi FREE 4-day special screening event!

Learn Even More by Watching: Psychedelic Mushrooms’ Benefits - Nootropics, Neurotrophics & Microdosing

Read more: Enter Magic World of Fungi, Get 20 Healthy & Delicious Mushroom Recipes

Monday 4 July 2022

Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance

Receive guidance for living with authenticity, passion & peace in your own body.

At a time when our very survival relies on our determination to care for ourselves, each other, and our planet, sacred dance offers a path to awaken the feminine energies that are needed to usher in a new vision of the sacredness and unity of all life.

Banafsheh Sayyad, an acclaimed teacher of embodiment, affirms that sacred dance anoints us into unlimitedness and oneness with All That Is…

… unifying our innate holiness and sensuality, as well as our masculine and feminine energies, to help us become whole and live life as our sacred selves.

Through the Sama, the sacred whirling dance of Sufis, we remember our true identity by experiencing the quantum field of love

… and receiving divine sustenance for our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls — just as Gaia supports and sustains us.

On Tuesday, July 12, Banafsheh will take you even deeper into the catalyzing connection of sacred dance and the Sacred Feminine when you join her for a powerful online event, which includes a guided sacred dance demonstration to connect with and receive a timely transmission from a Sacred Feminine archetype.

>> Register here for Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance: Live With Authenticity, Passion & Peace in Your Own Body <<

Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance: Live With Authenticity, Passion & Peace in Your Own Body

During this sacred online event, you’ll:

  • Explore how the Sacred Feminine is revealing herself in your body and your life — and how these energies work with your chakras 

  • Be introduced to the path of living love — and why honoring your body is key to revitalizing your life force, attuning to your higher purpose, and igniting inspiration, passion, joy, and healing within you

  • Learn how sacred dance anoints us into limitlessness — and oneness with All That Is

  • Learn how the modern notion of the quantum field mirrors how the ancients understood the Sacred Feminine

  • Experience a guided sacred dance demonstration to connect with and receive a transmission from a Sacred Feminine archetype that is relevant to your life, to the world — and to where we are in this liminal moment in time

You’ll explore how the Sacred Feminine is revealing herself in your body and your life, and how these powerful feminine energies work with your chakras to revitalize your life force, attune you to your higher purpose…

… and ignite inspiration, passion, joy, and healing within you, ultimately guiding you to live a life of embodied love.

>> You can RSVP for free here for Live event, get recording

& check out training course <<

In Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance: Live With Authenticity, Passion & Peace in Your Own Body with Banafsheh Sayyad… 

… you’ll explore the connection between sacred dance and the Sacred Feminine — and experience a guided sacred dance demonstration to connect with and receive a transmission from a Sacred Feminine archetype that is relevant to your life and to the world — and to where we are in this liminal moment in time.

Read more: Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance

Saturday 2 July 2022

Nootropics, Neurotrophics & Microdosing - Psychedelic Mushrooms’ Benefits

Explore the latest psychedelic mushroom science with a world-renowned herbal clinician.

Have you been hearing the buzz around the healing properties of psilocybin — and want to better understand the science of how it works?

An exciting psychedelic renaissance has been gaining traction, with virtually every major media outlet reporting on new science, new startups, and new applications for these ancient healing practices.

The fear-driven reaction to psychedelics that led to misguided attitudes and laws for more than 60 years is starting to ease. Consequently, new avenues have opened up for addressing major mental health issues, from PTSD to depression to anxiety.

This new wave of interest in various psychoactive compounds is firmly grounded in solid scientific research and sober caution about ensuring safety, so that we can truly help better people’s lives.

On Saturday, July 9, highly respected clinical herbalist, scientist, and researcher Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc, will illuminate the opportunities and promise of psilocybin mushrooms — including how they have become widely understood to convey cognition and memory enhancing properties as a nootropic, while also enhancing the growth and survival potential of neurons as a neurotrophic factor.

>> Register here for Nootropics, Neurotrophics & Microdosing: Explore the Fascinating Research About How Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Elevate Your Mind, Body & Spirit <<

Nootropics, Neurotrophics & Microdosing: Explore the Fascinating Research About How Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Elevate Your Mind, Body & Spirit

In this free hour-long online event, you’ll:

  • Begin cultivating a new attitude toward psychedelics, as you more deeply understand the need for psychedelics

  • Appreciate the value of reliable facilitators and mentors on this path

  • Take an important step on your own inner hero’s journey to restore emotional, psychological, and physical wellness — as well as establish a profound connection with your own higher wisdom

  • Explore a brief history of psilocybin mushrooms… where they were found, how they became popular (and then illegal), and what the current landscape looks like

  • Have a better sense of how to prepare for the journey ahead

In addition to the storied “psychedelic journey” that these mushrooms can facilitate, they’ve been shown to untangle neural pathways and strengthen neural connections so they can operate with more efficiency and ease.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live, get recording
or even learn more joining extra training <<

In Nootropics, Neurotrophics & Microdosing: Explore the Fascinating Research About How Psychedelic Mushrooms Can Elevate Your Mind, Body & Spirit with Christopher Hobbs…

… you’ll join an eye-opening exploration of the latest psychedelic mushroom science with a world-renowned herbal clinician, who will illuminate how psilocybin mushrooms can be used for emotional wellness and spiritual sustenance.

Read more: Nootropics, Neurotrophics & Microdosing - Psychedelic Mushrooms’ Benefits

Transform Anxiety-driven Behaviours - Practical Mind, Body & Soul Tools

Experience a color-based anxiety-reducing meditation using visualization.

You know the kind of troubling anxiety that doesn’t seem to have a clear source? 

When you have a free-floating sense of dread and nervousness… your heart is racing… you can’t sleep… and it’s difficult to catch your breath? 

You may be swarmed with frightening thoughts and a whole slew of other physical and emotional symptoms that can sometimes overtake you and feel immobilizing… 

Yet, in the midst of it all, you can’t pinpoint a reason for your level of discomfort? All you want is for the anxiety to stop so you can feel like yourself again. But the more you try to push it away, the more it builds and interrupts your ability to function at a high level. 

Professional anxiety coach Amanda Huggins, an author, speaker, and podcast host, wants you to know that anxiety is not your enemy. On the contrary, she believes that when you can embrace, understand, and dialogue with your anxious mind, you can reframe it as whispers from your inner self… 

… guiding you to explore and heal wounds in your past and present that are keeping you stuck in what Amanda calls the Anxiety Spin Cycle.

On Thursday, July 7, Amanda will share why the nature of anxiety is the physical manifestation of emotional unrest. She’ll introduce you to her holistic anxiety management perspective — which addresses the mind, body, and soul — and show you how to turn inward, listen for, and unlock the hidden messages your anxiety is offering.

>> Register here for Alleviate Anxiety With Grace: Practical Mind, Body & Soul Tools to Unearth Hidden Messages & Transform Anxiety-Driven Narratives & Behaviours <<

color-based anxiety reducing meditation using visualization tools techniques to mange anxiety calming down

In this hope-filled free online event, you’ll:

  • Experience a color-based anxiety-reducing meditation using visualization

  • Feel how box breathing can support you to self-soothe by reducing your body’s fight-or-flight response 

  • Understand the basics of the Anxiety Spin Cycle — and how it manifests in your mind and body

  • Learn new tools for responding to anxiety so you can calm yourself down as it arises, wherever and wherever you are

  • Receive 4 key processing questions to identify and determine the source of your anxiety… and open up a dialogue with your soul to begin transforming those feelings

Amanda will provide you with practical tools to start transforming anxiety-driven narratives and behaviours that have kept you in a state of self-minimization — so you can cultivate compassion for and trust in yourself, and step into a more empowered, authentic, and embodied version of your true being.

>> You can RSVP here to watch live, get recording + extra training <<

In Alleviate Anxiety With Grace: Practical Mind, Body & Soul Tools to Unearth Hidden Messages & Transform Anxiety-Driven Narratives & Behaviours with Amanda Huggins… 

… you’ll experience powerful practices to compassionately reframe your anxiety as a loving message from your soul, beckoning you to heal wounds that are holding you back from expressing your most vibrant and embodied self.

Read more: Transform Anxiety-driven Behaviours - Practical Mind, Body & Soul Tools