Thursday 28 April 2022

Women Must Know Immune Boosting Guided Practice to Unlock Your Feminine Intuition

Reclaim your innate gift of female intuition using technique called “Emptying the Womb” .

As women, we’re being called on to respond more boldly than ever before to unprecedented changes.

According to mystical physician Dr. Christine Page, as global institutions become less reliable, the world is in desperate need of strong, insightful women to create a sustainable future for humanity.

That begins with how we relate to our own powerful female bodies.

Christine teaches that to safely surf these waves of shifting consciousness, women must stop relying solely on our intellectual minds, which can only confirm what we already know — and instead listen to and trust our heart-centered intuition. 

Discover three ways to reclaim your innate gift of female intuition. Christine will share how only your intuition can lovingly take you into the mystery of this era of change, where you can discover the fullness of who you are as a multidimensional being of light — for yourself, your family, your community, and the world.

>> Register here for Beyond the Womb: Reclaiming Your Feminine Energy to Amplify Your Intuition <<

This event is for women who feel called to seek change in their inner worlds, families, friendships, work, or simply in how they show up in the world

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A self-empowering, immune-boosting guided practice, “Emptying the Womb,” to rid yourself of old energies and emotions, especially from the last two years, and ask the Great Mother to remove old, unserving energies from your womb, allowing you to regenerate your cells (every woman has an esoteric womb even after a hysterectomy)

  • How the physiological connection between your intuition and estrogen makes the way women love a unifying energy

  • Why it’s so important for women of all ages to remain sensitive to the menstrual cycle’s moon phases

  • The devastating consequences of a competitive mindset among women (that manifests as gossip, manipulation, and more), including stifled intuition and never becoming a vision bearer within your own life and the world

  • The true meaning of healing from the heart — and how it’s different from simply fixing a problem

This event is for women who feel called to seek change in their inner worlds, families, friendships, work, or simply in how they show up in the world.

Join us and become spiritually inspired to connect with your innate feminine intuition — so you can step away from old patterns and behaviors as you walk your soul’s path… and use your intuitive gifts with true wisdom and love.

>> RSVP for free here to watch recording & get extra training <<


In Beyond the Womb: Reclaiming Your Feminine Energy to Amplify Your Intuition with mystical physician Dr. Christine Page 

… you’ll reconnect with your embodied feminine intuition to reclaim your divine light, synchronize with nature’s rhythms, and empty your womb of energies that no longer serve you. 

Read more: Women Must Know Immune Boosting Guided Practice to Unlock Your Feminine Intuition

Sunday 24 April 2022

Simple Regenerative Movements to Gently & Lovingly Regenerate Your Body

Access your inner landscape and experience less stress, greater joy, and true serenity.

When we push our bodies hard without compassion — using, abusing, exploiting, or unconsciously depleting our inner resources — we are mirroring a larger pattern of dysfunctional relationship with Mother Earth. 

This destructive pattern has become so commonplace in Western culture that we think of it as normal. 

We degrade our bodies in the name of accomplishment, productivity, money, or success — to prove our worthiness.

This toxic approach can put you in a degenerative cycle of high stress, tension, and bodily pain that keeps you feeling out of balance and unable to stay present with people you love — and blocks your ability to authentically express yourself.

All it takes to step out of this unhealthy rhythm is a conscious decision to gently and lovingly regenerate your body by reconnecting it with its own intuitive ways of moving (like a baby moves) and the naturally restorative rhythms of nature.

On Tuesday, April 26, you can begin to create a stimulating and nourishing schedule by embracing a variety of body intelligence practices, somatic awareness, movement, meditation, breathwork, and body-centered psychology with body intelligence expert Lamara Heartwell.

>> Register here for How Simple Regenerative Movements Can Reconnect Your Essence With the Earth: Destress, Nourish & Vitalize Through Daily Somatic Practice <<

Here is how you can gently and lovingly regenerate your body by reconnecting it with its own intuitive ways of moving (like a baby moves) and the naturally restorative rhythms of nature

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the language of the body and its cues — to access a healthier, more balanced and joyful life

  • Engage in nonlinear movements to help you regenerate at a cellular level

  • Learn how to open to a wider proprioception — so you can sense the space around your body in all directions

  • Connect with the Earth as a source of support for more grounded energy, emotional regulation, and nervous-system downregulation

  • Discover how learning to be aware of and connected to your body is key to healing any disconnection you feel from yourself or the Earth 

  • Experience the Gratitude Bath, a guided meditation where you’ll saturate your whole body with appreciation as a way to refresh all your systems — and deepen in gratitude for the gift of this life and the exquisite planet we live on

Learning to ground your body with the earth in daily practice helps regulate your emotions and nervous system, and gives you a solid foundation to experience greater peace, stability, and mental clarity. 

You won’t want to miss discovering how exquisite it feels when joy and peace seep into your cells as you learn to fully inhabit your body and engage it with curiosity, compassion, and care — so you can finally come home to yourself.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording <<

In How Simple Regenerative Movements Can Reconnect Your Essence With the Earth: Destress, Nourish & Vitalize Through Daily Somatic Practice with body intelligence expert Lamara Heartwell 

… you’ll access your inner landscape, deepen your connection to yourself and the earth, and experience less stress, greater joy, and true serenity.

Read more: Simple Regenerative Movements to Gently & Lovingly Regenerate Your Body

Saturday 23 April 2022

How Enneagram Trityping Can Give You a More Nuanced Picture of Yourself

Take your ability to accurately type people using the Enneagram to a new level.

Enneagram expert and Tritype pioneer Katherine Chernick Fauvre teaches that more than half of all who use the Enneagram to self-type are mistyped

That’s because we’re typing ourselves using the same projections that we’re trying to free ourselves from.

Basically, we’re stuck in a hall of mirrors that makes it hard to see ourselves (and others) accurately.

We start to see ourselves through the lens of the projection of other people’s wants, needs, and expectations.

Even the most authentic people struggle with being 100% themselves all of the time. In fact, we’re programmed from an early age to follow the rules and meet the expectations of others before meeting our own needs.

On Saturday, April 23, you’ll begin to learn how to type with improved accuracy using advanced Enneagram typing tools that capture the nuances that motivate behavior, creating deeper coherence between you and your life… and lifting the veil on your authentic self to leverage all that you are.

>> Register here for Have You Mistyped Yourself? How Enneagram Trityping Can Give You a More Nuanced and Accurate Picture of Yourself and Others <<

Enneagram can help you understand and take charge of the projections and inherent qualities that are governing every area of your life… from your career and life goals to your relationships and spiritual evolution

During this FREE online event on advanced Enneagram typing, you’ll:

  • Discover advanced Enneagram typing tools that capture the nuances that motivate behavior, creating deeper coherence between you and your life

  • Watch a typing pioneer utilize powerful Enneagram typing tools during a real-time demonstration

  • Explore Katherine’s Tritype typing system that integrates the intelligence of the head, heart, and gut

  • Learn why more than half of all who self-type using the Enneagram may be mistyped

  • Add micro-expressions, body language, and talk style to your typing toolbox to reveal deeper layers of different types

As one of the most multidimensional psychological typing tools available to us, the Enneagram can help you understand and take charge of the projections and inherent qualities that are governing every area of your life… from your career and life goals to your relationships and spiritual evolution.

Katherine will share how much of the original Enneagram teachings were lost in its popularization, and reveal how getting back into the depths of the system is crucial to uncovering subtle energies of typing.

Ultimately, you’ll experience how blissful life can be when you’re grounded in your correct type. Your confidence increases, codependency decreases, and your ability to collaborate and create sustained relationships with others comes with a greater sense of ease.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Have You Mistyped Yourself? How Enneagram Trityping Can Give You a More Nuanced and Accurate Picture of Yourself and Others with Enneagram expert and Tritype pioneer Katherine Chernick Fauvre

… you’ll take your ability to recognize and accurately type people using the Enneagram to a new level with advanced typing tools that capture the nuances that motivate behavior.

Read more: How Enneagram Trityping Can Give You a More Nuanced Picture of Yourself

Thursday 21 April 2022

How to Heal & Reverse Autoimmune Issues - Freedom Framework Approach

Learn how to root out traumas, toxins & other imbalances to heal autoimmune conditions.

Have you been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease? If so, you’re among the nearly 360 million people worldwide who have — 80 percent of whom are women.

According to health experts, if you have one autoimmune disease, you’re 25 percent more likely to develop another over time.

As bleak as this may sound, research and insights from an array of modern and ancient healing traditions are finding common ground to explain the root causes of autoimmunity… and how to reverse them.

With Dr. Keesha Ewers, founder of the Academy for Integrative Medicine, you’ll discover how her Freedom Framework model can help you get to the root causes of your autoimmune disease — so you can engage with yourself in a holistic way to catalyze healing and create a life of greater health, joy, and inspired intention.

>> You can register here to discover 4 Keys to Liberating Yourself From Autoimmune Challenges: Discover the Power of the Freedom Framework Approach <<

Learn how to root out traumas, toxins & other imbalances to heal autoimmune conditions

In this hope-inspiring free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the Freedom Framework model for reversing autoimmunity and other chronic physical and emotional imbalances

  • Learn how solving your autoimmune puzzle is only possible when you heal from your trauma

  • Discover the 4 “Ps” of autoimmunity and begin identifying and releasing any outdated coping mechanisms that are sabotaging your health and happiness

  • Experience a “Mouse to Eagle” guided meditation to shift your perspective of powerless child to empowered adult — and move from fear and anxiety into peace and self-sovereignty

  • Begin to reverse your systems’ imbalances with a deeper understanding of your pancha koshasthe energetic layers of your subtle body — and their influence on your genetic expression, immune system, aging process, brain health, and more

Dr. Keesha has been helping people reverse “irreversible” medical conditions for 30 years — including her own diagnoses of breast cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.

During your time with her, you’ll discover how solving your autoimmune disease puzzle is only possible when you heal your trauma. She’ll share the four main pieces of that autoimmune puzzle to help you begin creating your personal framework for uncovering the root causes of your autoimmunity… and restoring your health.

>> Join here to watch recording and/or extra training offered <<

In 4 Keys to Liberating Yourself From Autoimmune Challenges: Discover the Power of the Freedom Framework Approach with integrative medicine expert Dr. Keesha Ewers

… you’ll reclaim your health with an integrative system for solving your autoimmune puzzle that targets the four “P’s” of autoimmunity to root out traumas, toxins, and other deep-seated imbalances.

Read more: How to Heal & Reverse Autoimmune Issues - Freedom Framework Approach

Learn Rituals & Recipes to Nourish & Enlighten You in Mind, Body & Spirit

Combine the Art of Cooking, Spicery & Knife Skills with the Wisdom of Spiritual Traditions.

Whether cooking for yourself and others is your passion, or you see cooking as a tedious yet necessary chore…

… wouldn’t it be wonderful if cooking could become a powerful spiritual practice to center yourself, foster inner peace, and transcend the mundane?

According to Karen Wang Diggs, a certified nutritionist and celebrated chef, you can turn the daily task of cooking into a mindful, meditative practice that transforms your kitchen into a sacred place of enlightenment — all while improving your overall mental, physical, and spiritual health.

On Thursday, April 21, Karen will explain how you can combine the everyday task of preparing meals with awareness training — and equip yourself with the tools to elevate your spiritual awakening — all while improving your physical wellbeing through nutrition-packed, gluten-free, low-glycemic recipes.

>> Register here for How to Create a Sacred Kitchen: Rituals & Recipes to Nourish & Enlighten the Mind, Body & Spirit <<

Learn steps you can do at home to elevate every meal into an act of enlightenment

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • An opening guided meditation to tap into your primary sense of touch, focusing on your skin from head-to-toe — your largest organ that’s constantly connected to everything around you, including the food you cook and eat

  • Karen’s fresh, spiritual, enlightened view of the kitchen, the heart(h) of your home — and why healthy and sustainable cooking is a path to having a grounded, centered, and vibrant  life 

  • The symbiotic relationship between digestion, health, and meditation — and how our gut microbiome affects our mood, cognition, energy, and even longevity

  • Why fermented foods and the process of fermentation  can elevate our spirituality — and why what we put in our bodies can change the very fabric of who we are

  • A unique herbal tea recipe to enjoy along with a morning meditation — and the 3 best foods to have for dinner to elevate serotonin for nightime meditation and restful sleep

When you embark on what Karen calls an edible journey to realization, you can potentially enter states of higher consciousness while preparing meals…

Join us for this powerful hour and learn how you can gain the skills and tools you need to turn your kitchen into a sacred space as you cook your way to greater enlightenment… while feeding your body, spirit, and soul. 

>> RSVP for free here to watch live & get recording <<

In How to Create a Sacred Kitchen: Rituals & Recipes to Nourish & Enlighten the Mind, Body & Spirit with certified nutritionist Karen Wang Diggs 

… you’ll learn soul-nourishing steps anyone can do at home, combining the art of cooking, spicery, and knife skills with the wisdom of spiritual traditions and mindful meditation practices — elevating each and every meal into an act of enlightenment.

Read more: Learn Rituals & Recipes to Nourish & Enlighten You in Mind, Body & Spirit

Saturday 16 April 2022

How to Raise Your Vibration… in ONE weekend + 6 Guides Free Download

Download 6 vibrational healing eBooks and guides only available until Tuesday

With 36,550 downloads and growing — there are a number of complimentary eBooks and guides available from Healing with Vibration 2.0 talking about your energetic health — until Tuesday.

Whether you attended the event or not, you’ll find some incredible wisdom in these healthy assets written by some of the top minds in natural health.

For instance, just these 6 resources could dramatically improve your health:

  • Power of Intention: Heal Yourself, Heal the World eGuide from Lloyd Burrell

  • Healing Power of Energy eGuide from Lloyd Burrell

  • 9 Breakthrough Strategies to Heal with Vibration eBook from Lloyd Burrell

  • Shungite: A Natural Way to Protect Your Home & Body from EMFs eGuide from Lloyd Burrell

  • 3 Interview Transcripts from Healing with Vibration 2.0 from HealthMeans

  • Healing with Vibration Summit eWorkbook from Lloyd Burrell

Healing Power of Energy eGuide

>> Unlock these healthy eBooks now!

The other gifts are on the “thank you” page after you register!

Like I said, even if you didn’t attend the event, you can still access these resources!

Once you’ve taken advantage of the above resources, there are a ton of OTHER complimentary eBooks available:

  • 25 Happiness-Boosting Tips eBook from HealthMeans

  • Top 26 Herbal Supplements You’re Not Taking (but should be) from Jason Prall

  • Power Foods for Daily Health and Vitality eBook from 365 Daily Health

  • 25 Surprisingly TOXIC Everyday Products to Stop Feeding Your Body eReport from Brian Vaszily

  • Essential Oils for 5G & EMF Protection eGuide from Dr. Eric Zielinski

  • 13 Step Formula to Balancing Your Brain Chemistry eBook from Dr. Elena Villanueva

  • Sound & Immunity: The Power of the Hum eBook from Jonathan Goldman

  • How to Use Amino Acids like GABA and Tryptophan to End Sugar Cravings and Ease Anxiety eGuide from Trudy Scott

  • The Biofield Checklist from Dr. Eva Detko

  • The Energetic, Detoxifying Power of Houseplants to Heal the Home (and Body!) from Dr. Tom O’Bryan

  • Energy Hygiene Practical eGuide & Healing Checklists from Dr. Christine Schaffner

Take advantage of this health information by clicking the link below:

> Unlock your complimentary ebooks to access the other gifts!
(The other gifts are on the “thank you” page after you register!)

9 Breakthrough Strategies to Heal with Vibration eBook

Healing with Vibration 2.0 encore weekend is underway — the “top-voted” talks are listed below — all talks are unlocked today through Monday at 10am U.S. Eastern (New York time)!

At this health event, we learned that it’s critically important that we look at the energetic nature of our bodies, particularly in a time when our exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields is growing at such an incredible rate.

There is an energy to life and healing, and there is an energy to illness as well that goes beyond the obvious lifestyle choices and medical solutions.

Explore the powerful vibrational medicine tools and modalities you can utilize to promote your body’s natural ability to heal itself today.

43 vibrational healing expert talks

Listen to the encore of Healing with Vibration 2.0 now! (start with ANY of the talks below)

Find a few minutes to learn from the “FAN FAVORITE” talks:

  • The Vibration of Spirit: Healing the Four P’s of Dis-Ease, Dr. Keesha Ewers

  • Blood-Brain Barrier: Protecting Your Gateway to Consciousness, Dr. Tom O’Bryan

  • Hum Your Way to Health: The Surprising Effects of Vibrational Humming, Jonathan Goldman

  • The Power of 8: Heal Yourself – Heal The World, Lynne McTaggart

  • The Vibration of Healing the Physical Body, Dr. Keesha Ewers

  • And more!

Reminder: encore weekend ends on Monday, April 18 morning (as does the sale to keep these talks on hand), so be sure to check out the featured talks above to see if this is a topic that could help you along the path to improved health and happiness!

Missed Live Event and Encore? You still can access all expert talks and bonuses here!

Start your journey alongside our Healing with Vibration 2.0 Summit experts today...

Read more: How to Raise Your Vibration… in ONE weekend + 6 Guides Free Download

Friday 15 April 2022

Psychedelics Ancient Plant Medicines - Latest science & modern practices

Explore pathways to higher consciousness to improve your mental wellness & manifest your greatest gifts.

Are you eager to co-create a new normal that feels alive, healthy, and joy-filled?

As recent clinical studies have shown, psychedelic medicines have high levels of efficacy when paired with treatments like therapy in treating depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), addiction, and a range of other challenges.

While psychedelic healing is an emerging frontier of modern Western mental health and wellness, it has been an integral part of many Indigenous cultures worldwide for thousands of years, which have used psychedelics to receive wisdom and offer healing to their communities. 

Many people worldwide are exploring bridging therapeutic modalities and treatments with expanded states of consciousness to clear shame and heal personal, ancestral, and collective trauma.

The Psychedelic Healing Summit is more than just the latest clinical research — this is a 4-day experiential journey into the wisdom, intelligence, and embodiment of psychedelics and plant medicine.

You’ll experience full days dedicated to the history and science behind psychedelic healingfundamentals for the responsible use of sacred plants and psychedelics across traditions, a range of deep transformational practices and sacred rituals across lineages and ancestral heritages, and an exploration of the role of sacred plants and psychedelics in dreams, breathwork, meditation, movement, and more as you discover tools for integrating your experiences into your daily life. 

Join this Free Online Event
Psychedelic Healing Summit
April 28 – May 1, 2022

explore the role of sacred plants and psychedelics in dreams, breathwork, meditation, movement, and more as you discover tools for integrating your experiences into your daily life

This event features more than 30 of today’s highly sought-after medicine men and women, clinical psychologists, healers, musicians, and pioneering researchers, educators, and authors, including Dennis McKenna, Rick DoblinMarcela Ot’alora G., Charles Eisenstein, Claudia Cuentas, Anthony P. BossisMary Cosimano, Dr. Elias Dakwar, Hannah McLane, Laura DawnXochitl Ashe, Puma Fredy Quispe SingonaManari Ushigua, and East Forest. 

Together we’ll be weaving a safe and knowledgeable foundation to empower you to tap into your innate healing intelligence and expand your consciousness.

This transformative event invites you to expand your consciousness, discover ways to deepen your inner healing, and connect authentically with others on the collective healing path.  

>> Join here for the Psychedelic Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this immersive 4-day event, you’ll:

 Safely explore psychedelics as a healing modality for challenges such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and burnout

 Connect with the healing intelligence of sacred plants and honor their wisdom keepers

 Integrate powerful ceremonies, rituals, and at-home practices into your daily life to experience a deeper sense of belonging, wholeness, and community

 Spark your creative essence, explore your gifts, and access love more fully

 Reconnect with your purpose and joy as an interconnected part of a larger ecosystem

 Bring healing modalities such as breathwork, movement, music, and energy medicine into your life to develop a relationship with the spirits of the medicines – even without ingesting them 

>> Join here for the Psychedelic Healing Summit — at no charge <<

With leading psychedelic experts and healers, you’ll explore:

  • How modern and traditional psychedelic practices foster our understanding of nature, consciousness, and the cosmos with Dennis McKenna

  • The visions Rick Doblin and Marcela Ot’alora G., M.A., L.P.C. have for the future of psychedelic-assisted therapy — and MDMA’s role in healing trauma.

  • The latest efforts to “decapitalize the sacred” and reimagine our future when we embrace the healing power of ceremony and sound with Charles Eisenstein  and Claudia Cuentas.

  • How death and psychedelics are pathways to love and liberation, especially as you approach the “end” of life, with Anthony P. Bossis and Mary Cosimano.

  • The frontline experiences of Dr. Elias Dakwar and Hannah McLane, who are working with Ketamine and psychedelic therapy to treat addiction in underserved populations.

  • Ways to safely embrace creativity, ceremony, and ancestral wisdom within a microdosing practice with Laura Dawn and Xochitl Ashe, a fifth-generation Peruvian medicine woman.

  • Connecting with the sacred plant spirits of Ayahuasca and Huachuma (San Pedro) through guided ritual, song, prayer, and visualization as offered by Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona.

  • How the power of dreams and sacred plant allies can support reconnection with spirits with Ecuadorian Amazonian medicine man Manari Ushigua.

  • A Saturday evening musical journey into extraordinary states of consciousness — without medicine — through music widely used in psychedelic therapy from East Forest. 

  • And much more! 

>> Join here for the Psychedelic Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Psychedelics Ancient Plant Medicines - Latest science & modern practices

Thursday 14 April 2022

Discover How Dreaming with Bees can Uniquely Affect Your Dream State

Welcome Honeybee as Your Guide to Develop a Deeper Relationship with Yourself

You may already know that dream shamanism reveals how your dreams are an entire world that you can cultivate as you wish…

Yet, did you know that welcoming the honeybee as your guide through your intentional dreaming practices can help you develop a deeper, more profound relationship with yourself, Spirit, and the Earth?

European bee shamanism, an ancient branch of shamanism, is revered throughout the world — wherever the honeybee is found.

Especially in this current historical moment of profound change and imbalance with the Earth, bee shamanism continues to reveal powerful truths and insights we can apply to our daily lives.

Ariella Daly, shamanic practitioner, writer, and bee guardian, will introduce you to the bee shamanism tradition, the Path of Pollen, in a fascinating 60-minute event:

>> Join here for Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth <<

Learn Dreamwork Practices of Bee Shamanism Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth

In this free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How the ancient tradition of bee shamanism connects you more deeply to your body — and unlocks profound wisdom about everything from the cosmos to the personal inner work you’re being called to do

  • The history and potentially life-changing significance of the Melissae, the bee priestesses — also known as the womb shamans

  • The dream incubation practices of ancient Greece — and the long-ago revelation that bees are intimately connected to dreams

  • The fascinating story of why the honeybee is sacred, the role of the figure eight in bee shamanism as the primary symbol of the bee tradition, and more

  • How to infuse your dreams with a guided Fire-Sipping practice, a technique for bringing the energy of fire in the form of a beeswax candle into the body as a sacred temple, focusing on a part of your body that needs attention

Ariella will share how dreaming with bees can uniquely affect your dream state, the importance of honeybees as sacred beings in the ancient world and folklore — and why bees are so important to humankind today. 

You’ll discover how, just as the honeybee tends to its garden, you can tend to your own interior garden — and learn more about the world and who you truly are through bee shamanism and intentional dreaming.

>> RSVP for free here to watch this event or get extended training to learn more <<

In Approach Dreamwork Through the Practices of Bee Shamanism: Techniques from the Bee Priestess Lineage of Ancient Greece to Deepen Your Relationship With Yourself, Spirit & the Earth

… bee guardian Ariella Daly will guide you to explore the hidden depths of your interior garden through the ancient tradition of bee shamanism — of which Dreamwork is an integral part — to deepen into your own truth, intuition, and healing. 

Read more: Discover How Dreaming with Bees can Uniquely Affect Your Dream State

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Qigong’s 8 Cycles + 312 Meridian Healing Protocol Secret Weapon

See How Qigong can uncover hidden connections between your movement & health.

What if growing older didn’t have to be synonymous with a decline in physical health or mental acuity? 

What if there was an ancient wisdom system that’s just as impactful today  — full of practices that provide the path to a meaningful, disease-free, graceful life?

As celebrated Qigong master Robert Peng teaches his students around the world, Qigong’s 8 Cycles movement series and 312 Meridian Healing Protocol (a set of Qigong practices to strengthen the body and legs and activate all the meridians) can have powerful health-boosting effects.

Together, these two modalities can improve your sense of balance, prevent illness, and cultivate a clear mind and flexible body — blessing you with a longer, more fulfilling life.

On Saturday, April 16, Robert will explain how combining Qigong’s 8 Cycles Movement and the practice of acupressure can clear out meridian blockages and reinvigorate the flow of energy throughout your mind and body.

>> Register here for Live Long Qigong: Uncovering Hidden Connections Between Your Movement, Health & Longevity (+ Extra training offered at the end of event) <<

Qigong’s 8 Cycles Movement and the practice of acupressure can support you in feeling more balanced, vibrant, and at peace. These modalities can help you feel more connected to others and the world around you, more content with yourself, and more hopeful for the future.

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Be guided in the movement practice of Playing the Tai Chi Ball (one of the 8 Cycles Movements), to improve balance between your brain and body, harmonize your yin and yang energy, ease inner emotional turmoil in times of crisis — and nourish your body, mind, and spirit

  • Explore the physical, mental, and energetic disconnections that result when the left and right brain hemispheres are out of balance — and how Qigong can empower you to restore this balance

  • Discover the Hegu acupressure, part of the 312 Meridian Healing Protocol — and explore how a simple acupressure exercise can ease pain in your head, face, neck, and shoulders

  • Learn Qigong’s secret for easing stress, cultivating inner joy, and experiencing contentment, calm, and peace

  • Discover how to cultivate and nourish your Qi to achieve balance in your 3 energy centers (or dantians) and your central meridian — the “Four Golden Wheels” that represent the wisdom, love, vitality, and harmony in your life

Qigong’s 8 Cycles Movement is a series of gentle exercises you can safely practice to energize your body, calm your mind, activate your energy centers, and massage your internal organs — leaving you feeling nourished and invigorated so you can live a healthier, more vibrant life.

Robert will also explain the practice of acupressure, using the powerful example of the Hegu acupressure point — the single most important point for treating disorders of the face, sense organs, head, and neck.

Qigong’s 8 Cycles Movement and the practice of acupressure can support you in feeling more balanced, vibrant, and at peace. These modalities can help you feel more connected to others and the world around you, more content with yourself, and more hopeful for the future. 

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event (get recording later) <<

In Live Long Qigong: Uncovering Hidden Connections Between Your Movement, Health & Longevity with Qigong master Robert Peng

… you’ll discover how Qigong’s 8 Cycles + 312 Meridian Healing Protocol can become your secret weapon, helping you age with energy, strength, clarity, and grace — and unlocking your own fountain of youth. 

Read more: Qigong’s 8 Cycles + 312 Meridian Healing Protocol Secret Weapon

Sunday 10 April 2022

How Therapeutic Breathwork & Applied Bioenergetics Can Transform Lifelong Fears

Discover how breathwork can dissolve unconscious childhood patterns.

We’d all love to go through life with fulfilling and loving relationships, feeling safe and free as we flow through our days.

For many of us, however, our sense of safety was compromised in early childhood, and we’ve had to learn to cope with trauma that can be easily triggered in adulthood — preventing us from feeling loved, nurtured, and accepted. 

As pioneering breathwork psychotherapist Jim Morningstar explains, your identity was either nurtured and supported or diminished and discouraged within the first six years of life.

What if gentle breathwork could open the door to healing? 

On Tuesday, April 12, Jim will take you through an experiential bioenergetic breathwork practice to call in your younger self, and be guided toward a real sense of safety.

Bioenergetic breathwork is a form of psychotherapy that combines rapid breathing techniques and gentle somatic movements to help you resolve emotional problems and realize your true potential.

>> Register here for How Therapeutic Breathwork & Applied Bioenergetics Can Transform Lifelong Fears <<

Breathwork and bioenergetics are effective modalities for uncovering which of these themes may be triggering for you and holding you back from the life you long to live.

In this healing online event, you’ll:

  • Be guided through an experiential breathwork practice to call in your younger self and uncover what your inner child needs to feel safe

  • Learn about the 6 major body themes so you can identify them in yourself and others

  • Explore ways to process your childhood fears without letting them deplete you physically or emotionally

  • Pinpoint the places within you that feel safe, so you can revisit them when you’re triggered by lifelong fears

  • Create a respectful and nurturing relationship with your child self, i.e., your emotional body, so you can extend those feelings of acceptance to others

As Jim will share, each stage of early human development is associated with a body theme — an enduring constellation of structural and characterological positions a person takes toward their life. The six main body themes we develop in the first six years are safety, abundance, control, freedom of expression, sexual identity, and intimacy. 

Breathwork and bioenergetics are effective modalities for uncovering which of these themes may be triggering for you and holding you back from the life you long to live.

When you practice breathwork and biogenetics, you uncover the events or circumstances that overwhelmed you as a young child  so you can process that trauma and go back into your body feeling safe and alive, rather than triggered and afraid.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event (get recording later) <<

In How Therapeutic Breathwork & Applied Bioenergetics Can Transform Lifelong Fears with pioneering breathwork psychotherapist Jim Morningstar

… you’ll discover how breathwork can dissolve unconscious childhood patterns that prevent you from feeling safe, accepted, and loved.

Read more: How Therapeutic Breathwork & Applied Bioenergetics Can Transform Lifelong Fears

Friday 8 April 2022

Access Your Psychic Abilities to Contact Spirit World by Evidential Mediumship

Learn step-by-step instructions for connecting with loved ones in the spirit world.

You already know the spirit world exists.

You’ve witnessed undeniable signs and even received direct guidance.

But have you learned how to make the connection as reliable and tangible as communicating with others in this world?

When you learn the fundamentals of evidential mediumship, you can begin to develop a repeatable pathway of communication you can return to whenever you desire guidance or exchange with the other side.

The practice of evidential mediumship brings the spirit world into your present world, empowering you to resolve old wounds, gain wider perspectives on challenges, and ease your fear of dying.

Join us on Saturday, April 9, with psychic medium Michael Mayo, whose mission is sharing his evidential approach to mediumship. His proven techniques break mediumship down into a step-by-step process so you can distinguish any energy coming from spirit and differentiate it from what’s coming through your own mind — and then back it up with evidence such as dates, names, and details no one else could know.

>> Join here for What If You Had the Ability to Communicate “Across the Veil”? Practical Steps to Unlock Your Ability to Connect With Loved Ones in the Spirit World <<

discover how to access your hidden abilities to establish real, evidence-based relationships with departed loved ones for ongoing guidance

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The true meaning of mediumship, how anyone can become a medium — and how your life changes when you learn to harness its power

  • Why mediumship is the by-product of surrender — and why you’re merely the vessel that mediumship passes through

  • Specific examples of the physical proof and experiences that can confirm your mediumship skills, the reality of the spirit world, and the divine energy of Source that inspires you as a medium — from spirit lights appearing in the room to tables levitating, and more 

  • The truth behind why more mediums don’t practice evidential mediumship — including how it doesn’t produce instant gratification, poor teaching gets passed along to others, and more

  • A guided Loving Compassion practice from the Metta Buddhist tradition, set to music — you’ll send love to yourself, the world, and the people who need it the most as you begin (or refine) your mediumship journey

During this illuminating event, you’ll be given specific examples of the physical proof and experiences that can confirm that your mediumship is accurate — as you establish the reality of the spirit world and create an ongoing channel of communication.

Michael will share how the discipline of evidential mediumship can help you understand more about who you are in the world, your role in the universal plan, and the concrete skills you can bring to your own mediumship experience.

>> RSVP for free to watch live event here (get recording later) <<

In What If You Had the Ability to Communicate “Across the Veil”?: Practical Steps to Unlock Your Ability to Connect With Loved Ones in the Spirit World with psychic medium Michael Mayo

… you’ll discover how to access your hidden abilities to establish real, evidence-based relationships with departed loved ones for ongoing guidance. 

Read more: Access Your Psychic Abilities to Contact Spirit World by Evidential Mediumship

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Activate Your Chakras by Whirling in Sufi Dance - Healing Meditative Practice

Discover how sacred dance empowers you to be fully connected to your body and soul.

Do you feel fully at home in your body?

Do you feel spontaneous upwellings of pleasure during the day?

If your answer is no — or you’re not quite sure what this might look like — you’re certainly not alone.

The body is a vital sacred temple, the vessel through which we experience all of life — yet, sadly, many of us feel profoundly disconnected from it.

According to Banafsheh Sayyad, celebrated dancer, choreographer, and teacher, you can reclaim your body as the material part of the soul that it truly is — the gateway to the infinite, and the vessel through which your life unfolds. As Rumi wrote, “The entire universe is inside you.”

Through the practice of sacred dance, an ancient art and science designed to bring mind, body, and heart into balance, you can finally come home to your body. By reclaiming your divine femininity, you’ll harmonize with the earth and the cosmos as you transmit blessing into the world — and experience profound inner balance and joy. 

On Thursday, April 7, Banafsheh, the founder of Dance of Oneness, will lead us on the path to radiant embodiment through sacred dance and conscious movement — and act as a guide in activating, opening, and balancing the chakras, discovering Sufi teachings, and exploring the mystical poetry of Rumi. 

>> Register here for Embodying the Divine Through Sacred Sufi Dance <<

Learn sacred Sufi dance with Banafsheh Sayyad, celebrated dancer, choreographer, and teacher. Become fully connected to your body and soul.

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How the flow of sacred dance can help your flow in life, shifting you out of perceptions of lack or limitation, and into a deep embodiment of your potential

  • The healing, ease, and bliss that emerges when your soul and body become one through sacred dance

  • How sacred dance can activate and purify your chakras — helping you feel empowered and unlimited, while also helping the collective evolve  

  • How the powerful Sufi whirling dance meditation mirrors the findings of physics — that all life forms come into coherence through the spin 

  • The joyful, healing, and sensual spiritual art form of sacred dance through a guided demonstration — drawing in higher states of being and wholeness as you prepare for the upcoming mystical conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune

You’ll learn how sacred dance empowers you to become fully connected to your body and soul. You’ll soak in the beauty of dance with Banafsheh and experience the resulting ease, grace, joy, sensuality, strength, and loving awareness.

Banafsheh will share how sacred dance can also help you activate the power and resilience to not just survive, but thrive as you endure individual and collective challenges — so you can become a radiant, divine human who can help heal our traumatized world.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live event (get recording later) <<

In Embodying the Divine Through Sacred Sufi Dance with Banafsheh Sayyad 

… you’ll savor the wisdom of your body and the Divine Feminine within by using sacred dance as a pathway into your higher energies, allowing the poetry of the mystics like Rumi to be expressed in liberating ways.

Read more: Activate Your Chakras by Whirling in Sufi Dance - Healing Meditative Practice

Monday 4 April 2022

Connect to the Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-realization & Healing

Discover the healing energies in mind-altering and heart-expanding ancestral plants.

The call of sacred plant medicine is inspiring people around the world to discover the powerful healing energies held in mind-altering and heart-expanding ancestral plants.

As you know, people have been working with the vibrations and energies of these medicinal offerings in ceremony for thousands of years. 

In the Amazon, for example, shamans brew and drink the visionary curative ayahuasca — composed of the ayahuasca vine and chacruna leaves — to enter a deeply altered state of consciousness and travel to the spirit world. When they return to everyday consciousness, they recount their visions and share them with others. This transformative ritual has been going on for millenia.

Are you eager to find a new way to explore your own consciousness more deeply, or at least curious to learn more about how these ancient sacred plants can help you discover the infinite possibilities of healing and transformation?

With so much in disarray in the world around us, it’s time to become more intimate with our own consciousness, the spirit world, and the potential for healing and transformation that’s available and profoundly needed right now.

On Tuesday, April 5, Andean spiritual leader Puma Fredy Quispe Singona — a remarkably warm and loving teacher, speaker, and facilitator of plant ceremonies — will share what it means to commune — and heal — with the spirit world. 

>> Join here for Connect With Reverence & Ceremony to the Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-Realization, Integration & Healing <<

connect with the plant spirits on an everyday basis for wellbeing and health

In this mind-expanding free online event, you’ll:

  • Receive an introduction to the magical world of ancestral sacred plants

  • Participate in a breath exercise, connecting energetically with Ayahuasca and San Pedro, and learn about the activation processes that take place in your heart, body, and mind when you breathe in their spirits 

  • Learn how communing with master plant teachers will help you safely integrate your experiences

  • Explore potent ways to manifest the teachings of the spirits — at the right time and with integrity 

  • Discover how to create clear intentions as you approach and call in the sacred plant spirits

Whether you’ve already experienced the impact of conscious-altering plant medicine… you wish to become better acquainted with this mystical realm… you want to take your current spiritual practice even deeper, or you yearn to connect with the plant spirits on an everyday basis for wellbeing and health

… Puma will walk you through loving ways to approach and invite these ancient medicinal plants into your life, as you deepen your lifelong journey into your inner self.

>> Register free here to watch live event (get recording later) <<

In Connect With Reverence & Ceremony to the Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-Realization, Integration & Healing with Andean spiritual leader Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

… you’ll go beyond casual experimentation to long-term intentional practices of healing.

Read more: Connect to the Spirit Wisdom of Plant Medicine for Self-realization & Healing

Saturday 2 April 2022

Harness Full Power of Your Dreams for Insight, Guidance & Life Purpose (April 18-22)

Become fluent in the language of your subconscious for insight, creativity & renewed purpose.

Have you been experiencing more intense, vivid, or wondrous dreams lately?

Dreams can offer a glimpse into deeper states of consciousness and core desires, and provide prophetic guidance on what lies ahead during your waking life.

Not only is this an unprecedented time for dreaming, there’s a collective shift toward looking at dreamwork differently. 

Dreamwork explores how to tap into the intelligence of your subconscious and harness that wisdom with practical application.

The Dreamwork Summit will support you in developing a more profound relationship with sleeping, dreaming, and decoding the soul-aligned guidance you receive at night. By diving deeper into the psychology and techniques of dreamwork, you can activate emotional healing, practice lucid dreaming, and access new cognitive states. 

During this 5-day free online event, you’ll explore a variety of creative dreamwork methods that can help you:

  • Develop routines for better-quality sleep and expanded vitality during the day

  • Enrich your psychic gifts through shamanic journeys, prophetic dreams, and Indigenous dream practices

  • Expand receptivity to signs, symbols, and synchronicities so you can decode their wisdom and apply their practical guidance

  • Interpret your dream themes to extract wisdom, regulate emotions, reduce stress, and increase joy and creativity in everyday life

Join us at this Free Online Event
Creative Dreamwork Summit 2022
5 Inspirational days - April 18 – 22

Dreamwork explores how to tap into the intelligence of your subconscious and harness that wisdom with practical application

>> Join here to watch Live Event: Dreamwork Summit 2022 <<

This event, presented by The Shift Network, features more than 40 master dream teachers and psychology experts — including Robert Moss, Don Alejandro Apaza, Sandra Ingerman, Dr. Clare Johnson, Dinesh Ghodke, Robert Hoss, and Khurshed Batliwala

… each of whom will be offering effective practices, tools, and techniques for tapping into the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration within your dreams. 

 During this ground-breaking 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Connect to your spirit guides and the spiritual dimension through lucid dreaming

  • Practice identifying and accessing psychic dreams and precognitive states

  • Understand how Jungian analysts and psychiatrists approach dreamwork and psychic elements in dreams

  • Discover why after-death-communication experiences (ADCs) are a natural part of grieving

  • Animate a living image of your nightmares through Dream Tending to heal trauma

  • Take a shamanic journey to deepen your understanding on different kinds of dreams and see into the future

  • Engage in Indigenous dream practices to create a new blueprint for your reality

  • Apply methods for inducing lucid dreaming and find safety in lucid nightmares

  • Explore European bee shamanism to create profound changes in your life that are aligned with nature

  • And much more…

Dreamwork is an invitation to gently uncover your psyche’s rich repository of symbols, colors, sensations, and images… and discover limitless resources for alchemizing life’s “nightmares” into intuitive guidance, prophecy, and joy.

Dreamwork can help you cultivate courage and enrich and enliven your everyday life in amazing and surprising ways…

Exploring your dreams opens the door to a new connection with yourself, and your powerful capability for inner knowing. 

Dreamwork brings your soul’s wisdom into the light of day — and enriches and enlivens your everyday life in amazing and surprising ways.

>> Join here to watch Live Event: Dreamwork Summit - (upgrade 50% Off to get recordings & bunch of bonuses) <<

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Get better-quality sleep with Dinesh Ghodke and Khurshed Batliwala, plus a sleep ritual to boost energy, vitality, and zeal to power your dreams.

  • With Robert Moss, you’ll explore how to time travel in your dreams  … connect with your past lives, parallel lives, and possible future selves… and track their relevance to your current life.

  • Take a shamanic journey, guided by Sandra Ingerman, to deepen your understanding on different kinds of dreams, how to use dreams to predict the future, and how to use daydreams to change your inner and outer world.

  • Tap into the fabulously creative alpha-theta brainwave state known as hypnagogia with Dr. Clare Johnson, by playing with symbolic portals including colors and animals.

  • Honor the Indigenous Andean cosmovision with don Alejandro Apaza and Beti Tuero to interpret your dreams and transform nightmares.

  • Incubate your dreams with Dr. Gayle Delaney to liberate yourself from restricting inhibitions and experience more profound exuberance.

  • Explore the neuroscience of narrative dream myths with Dr. Sharon Blackie, mythologist and psychologist.

  • With Charlie Morley, you’ll discover how to heal trauma affected by sleep through practicing breathwork, yoga nidra, and sleep awareness.

>> Join Now to Harness the essential wisdom of your intuitive, prophetic subconscious <<

Read more: Harness Full Power of Your Dreams for Insight, Guidance & Life Purpose (April 18-22)

Discover how to Open to the Inner Guidance of Your Team of Unseen Helpers

Witness in real time as a Soul Painter creates a painting that inspires hope and healing.

Many of us have a troublesome inner voice, an inner-doubter that holds us captive and prevents us from trying new things… primarily in an effort to protect us from failing or looking foolish. 

Your soul, however, wants you to know that it doesn’t care what anyone thinks. It simply wants to express itself. And, when you allow yourself to express freely, you open yourself to the possibility of profound joy.

Lovitude master Soul Painter Anne Pryor and after-death-communication speaker Risë Severson Kasmirski have teamed up to help individuals connect with their creative essence and honour their soul’s authentic calling.

Their core message is clear: When you’re guided by Spirit, in any kind of creative endeavour, you’ll be infinitely supported.

When you join them on Saturday, April 2, you’ll have an opportunity to watch as Anne creates a Lovitude Soul Painting, in real time, in her distinctly, innovative style. Anne will channel the energies of Spirit and those who join the call to create a one-of-a-kind work of art that embodies both unique healing energies and insightful messages. 

>> Join free here to see if Soul Painting Could Connect You With a Beloved on the Other Side? Find Joy, Freedom & Fulfillment Accessing Your Soul’s Truest Expression <<

Could Soul Painting Connect You With a Beloved on the Other Side? Find Joy, Freedom & Fulfillment Accessing Your Soul’s Truest Expression

In this evocative free online event, you’ll:

  • Witness a joyous and moving demonstration of a Lovitude Soul Painting created by channelling the energies of Spirit and those who are watching

  • Discover ways to access the guidance of unseen helpers (spirit guides or departed loved ones) through an experiential guided meditation — to   connect you to your soul’s longing to create (in any form) and open new possibilities for your life

  • Learn how sharing your unique gifts with the world serves others in many ways — as information they may need to grow or heal, or as inspiration to say Yes! to new opportunities

  • Explore the 5 A’s Methodology — Asking, Allowing, Accepting, Appreciating, and Acting  

  • Learn how to recognize messages from unseen allies… and why it’s so important to follow their guidance verbatim to receive the surprising gift you’re being invited to bring forth into the world

Following messages from unseen allies exactly as you receive them will help you transcend your ego and limiting beliefs — and connect with your spiritual support team so you can express your soul’s authentic voice no matter what the medium.

When you do what makes your soul sing with joy, life transforms — and opportunities open up that you never could have imagined. Your life expands because joy serves not only you, but the entire world 

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording later) <<

In Could Soul Painting Connect You With a Beloved on the Other Side? Find Joy, Freedom & Fulfillment Accessing Your Soul’s Truest Expression with Lovitude master Soul Painter Anne Pryor and after-death-communication speaker Risë Severson Kasmirski

… you’ll witness in real time as a master Soul Painter connects with the spirit world and the energy of the audience to create a painting that delivers unique messages of healing, hope, and love for those watching.

Read more: Discover how to Open to the Inner Guidance of Your Team of Unseen Helpers