Tuesday 29 March 2022

Mind-calming & Heart-expanding Benefits of a Daily Chanting Practice

Find confidence, calm & inspiration inside a daily practice of kirtan & mantra.

Do you find it easy to lose yourself in meaningless distractions, when what you really long for is adding greater meaning to your life?

Beloved seeker and chantress Nina Rao believes that we’re all longing for sanctuary, a place of refuge. This place, she says, lives within each of us, and we can access it through the daily discipline of a devotional chanting practice.

Just knowing that this sanctuary exists can soften anxiety and clear a more open path as you walk through life. And, when you enter this practice intentionally — day after day — the transformations become that much greater.

The confidence and calm you find are the sanctuary, and become yours to carry through the day. The divine influence of this sacred place permeates your being. You trust that you will continue saying yes to life no matter what it delivers to your door.

On Tuesday, March 29, Nina will share how traditional kirtan evolved in India — before it became known and practiced in the West for its psychological and emotional impacts.

>> Join here for Open Your Inner Sanctuary With the Power of Devotional Chanting: Find Empowerment & Inspiration Inside a Daily Practice of Kirtan & Mantra <<

Discover traditional kirtan India mind-calming and heart-expanding benefits of a daily chanting practice

In this highly experiential event, you’ll:

  • Be led in the chant Antaryaami: Knower of All Hearts, and experience its heart-opening qualities for yourself

  • Take a virtual tour of sacred places in India to understand the roots of kirtan, how it evolved, and what the West has contributed to this sacred practice

  • Discover how traditional chanting is folded into the celebration of Indian deities to evoke various aspects of our divinity within  

  • Be introduced to the mind-calming and heart-expanding benefits of a daily chanting practice — and receive guidance on creating and committing to one of your own

This is your opportunity to discover your inner sanctuary by answering the call to chant.

Nina will share how a daily practice of kirtan and prayer can help you discover whatever’s resonating in your heart.

Join her for this hour to experience for yourself the exhilarating truth that chanting is love made visible through song.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live event (get recording) <<

In Open Your Inner Sanctuary With the Power of Devotional Chanting: Find Empowerment & Inspiration Inside a Daily Practice of Kirtan & Mantra with beloved seeker and chantress Nina Rao

… you’ll discover a loving, empowering place that already exists within you through the practice of devotional chanting — an experience made richer as you learn about the roots and tradition of kirtan.

Read more: Mind-calming & Heart-expanding Benefits of a Daily Chanting Practice

Monday 28 March 2022

5 Stages of Healing to Reclaim Trust, Confidence & Happiness After Betrayal

Discover how betrayal may be negatively impacting your health, even years later.

Have you healed or have you been hardened by life? Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell.

Especially when faced with a betrayal that drags you deep into survival mode — and feeling as if a tough and resolute exterior is the only thing that’s holding you together. 

True, nothing else can touch you then. But read that again: Nothing can touch you. Not even the goodness, the joy, the healing, or the light that is trying to break through the pain… inspiring you to finally have a long-deserved breakthrough.   

There are stages we all go through as we experience the shattering effects of betrayal, just as there are stages of grief. Unlike grief, however, we don’t always know that we’re stuck in the aftermath of betrayal… 

… or that with the right guidancewe can move through this painful process and actually allow ourselves to be positively transformed by it.

On Thursday, March 31, with Dr. Debi Silber, holistic psychologist and founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation Institute, you’ll discover the 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough — and how they can be leveraged to catalyze self-healing, transformation, and a new way forward… from breakdown to breakthrough.

>> Join here for From Betrayal to Breakthrough: Reclaiming Trust, Confidence & Happiness Through 5 Stages of Healing <<

Dr. Debi Silber, holistic psychologist and founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation Institute - 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough

In this illuminating online event, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough — and how they can be leveraged to catalyze self-healing and transformation

  • The symptoms of Post-Betrayal Syndrome and how they may be negatively impacting your health — even if the betrayal happened decades ago

  • The point at which betrayal begins to shift toward Post-Betrayal Transformation

  • How even micro-betrayals can keep you stranded in unhealthy mental and emotional patterns

  • When it is and isn’t in your best interest to attempt to heal through interacting with the person who betrayed you

Whether macro- or micro-betrayals, all betrayals pose the challenge of reinforcing unhealthy emotional and mental patterns that keep you stranded in fear, limiting your sense of self and what’s possible for your life.

Join Dr. Debi for this eye-opening event on how to recognize the stage of betrayal that you are in — so you can begin your Post-Betrayal Transformation now.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording later) <<

In From Betrayal to Breakthrough: Reclaiming Trust, Confidence & Happiness Through 5 Stages of Healing with Dr. Debi Silber 

… you’ll begin your post-betrayal transformation now by understanding where you are in the 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough, how betrayal may be negatively impacting your health — and how this newfound awareness can heal you and inspire a new way forward.

Read more: 5 Stages of Healing to Reclaim Trust, Confidence & Happiness After Betrayal

Saturday 26 March 2022

Here's How to Help Others Heal by Awakening Your Innate Medical Intuition

Connect with your innate medical intuition to help others lead more fulfilling lives.

What if you could have a powerful influence on the wellbeing of your loved ones… or anyone facing a health issue?

How would you feel if you could love and serve others by tuning in to what’s ailing them — physically or emotionally — and then actively participate in helping them heal?

Though you may not realize it, you already have this ability. The skill of medical intuition is within you, right now.

According to Tina Zion, medical intuitive and psychic medium, medical intuition is part of everyone’s innate intuitive sense 

On Saturday, March 26, Tina will guide you through a meditation that can help you awaken your medical intuitive skills and receive continued guidance as you learn to help others heal… 

>> Join free here for Answer the Call to Be a Medical Intuitive for Others <<

Learn how to help others heal by awakening your innate medical intuition

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The difference between intuition and medical intuition, how we all have access to both, and ways you may be blocking your intuitive senses

  • meaningful and healing gift from the unseen realms — through a guided meditation — to awaken your medical intuitive skills

  • The importance of asking for permission to help others when working as a medical intuitive — and how to approach those discussions

  • The benefits of learning from medical intuitive “specialists” to elevate your own work

  • How to use astral projection (a type of intentional out-of-body experience) and remote viewing (the ability to perceptually acquire accurate information about a distant place, person, or event) in conjunction with your medical intuition

Healing begins at the energetic, nonphysical level — the right tools can unlock your healing power and help you release stuck energy and liberate those around you from their deep-seated pain.

Tina will illuminate what it means to be a medical intuitive — and provide guidance on how to perceive energy fields, life patterns, and the origins of one to three health struggles.

>> Register for free here to watch live (get recording later) << 

In Answer the Call to Be a Medical Intuitive for Others with medical intuitive and psychic medium Tina Zion

… you’ll explore how to connect with your innate medical intuition so you can help others heal and live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.

Read more: Here's How to Help Others Heal by Awakening Your Innate Medical Intuition

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Join Guided Energy Medicine Exercise to tap into Your Miracle Body & "God Spot"

What if you could repeat healing miracles on demand?

Preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale believes that a miracle occurs when something you innately know is supposed to be, actually manifests in your life. 

It’s a clearing away of whatever’s preventing you from being able to see — and create — whatever is for your highest good and that of others. 

Cyndi notes that everything we need can be found on the Divine Pathway, one of the four levels of reality where you exist all the time

… and on which you can most easily explore and embody your divine self, your truest self, the self that can connect with Oneness – and instinctively knows your innate value and that you are loved.

The Divine Pathway is known through a feeling, through awareness. It’s the sense of heaven on earth. It’s a profound experience of being in the presence of love. It’s a space that provides the grace through which you can connect and partner with your own divinity and your spiritual guides, and actively invite change.

On Thursday, March 24, Cyndi will explore the Divine Pathway and guide you through a powerful energy medicine exercise into the miracle body. There, you’ll connect with your “God Spot” — a sacred space within that holds an actual cell of the Divine.

>> Join here for What If You Could Repeat Healing Miracles on Demand?: How Energy Healing Through the Divine Pathway Can Reconnect You to the Transformative Power of Your Soul <<

Experience Radiant Kundalini and the Absolute Scalar Waves to connect to all parts of yourself and all the goodness in the world

In this powerfully healing free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover your God Spot, where a cell of the Divine resides inside your body, and how it enables you to create lasting cellular, physiological, and psychological transformation — and experience the joy of spiritual amplification

  • Be guided through the 2-sided Miracle Body exercise, an experiential practice to help you clear a limiting stumbling block

  • Uncover a significant challenge in your life that’s holding you back from pursuing your destiny

  • Experience Radiant Kundalini and the Absolute Scalar Waves to connect to all parts of yourself and all the goodness in the world 

  • Have a direct, embodied experience of the divinity within you

When you recognize that a miracle is nothing more than a shift in perception, and you practice Cyndi’s simple yet life-expanding techniques, you become open to the miracle of changing yourself at a cellular level.  

>> RSVP for free hereto watch live (get free recording later) <<

In What If You Could Repeat Healing Miracles on Demand?: How Energy Healing Through the Divine Pathway Can Reconnect You to the Transformative Power of Your Soul with preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale…

… you’ll experience powerful energy medicine techniques to tap into the Divine Pathway, an energetic field of grace and love, where you can release blocks and start actively creating profound positive shifts in your life.

Read more: Join Guided Energy Medicine Exercise to tap into Your Miracle Body & "God Spot"

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Combine Energy Medicine & Spiritual Psychology + Frequency-Boosting Practices

Experience a powerful guided visualization to gain clarity about your soul’s true calling.

Many of us are feeling edgy lately due to the state of the world and mounting uncertainties — not to mention past traumas and betrayals, fear, anxiety, shame, anger, judgment, jealousy, doubt, and other inner obstacles.

The vitality-zapping energies of outside stressors and difficult inner emotions often remain stuck in our systems, hampering us from recognizing, accessing, and embodying our true essence — and from manifesting the full expression of our soul.

Finding and landing in this sweet spot of life is mandatory for optimal health and emotional wellbeing. It can dictate the difference between a life lived in “survival mode” and a life that is embraced and rejoiced, and that synergistically intertwines our humanity with the divinity of our soul.

On Tuesday, March 22, with energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise, you’ll discover how an understanding of spiritual psychology — combined with the application of powerful energy medicine practices — can help you become an unsinkable vessel, able to stay afloat and centered in the midst of life’s storms.

>> Join here to Discover the Power of Energy Medicine & Spiritual Psychology: Frequency-Boosting Practices to Release Fear and Manifest Your Soul’s Desire <<

Learn frequency-boosting practices to release fear and manifest your soul’s desire

During this remarkable hour-long event, you’ll:

  • Discover how to recognize obstacles to your soul’s full expression, including people-pleasing, playing the “wrong role,” making stealthy judgments, and more

  • Learn how to clear fear so you can create and maintain the coherent energy field necessary for powerful manifestation

  • Experience a profound guided visualization to instantly activate your power to transmute any lower-frequency energy, cultivate wellbeing, and gain insight into your soul’s true calling

  • Learn how your “survival” brain limits your capacity to hear the voice of your intuition

  • Discover how to detect when your intuition is tuned in to angelic realms — ready to help you transform feelings of doubt into faith, judgment into compassion, and betrayal into trust

When you join Mary for this complimentary online event, you’ll discover energy medicine practices that can help you consistently sustain your inner light and the healthy, high-frequency vibration your energy field requires to reveal and manifest your soul’s desires.

You’ll find out that loyalty to your soul is also a choice to love… yourself and others. 

And, you’ll experience a powerful guided visualization to activate your ability to transmute any lower-frequency energy, setting you on the path to  increased wellbeing and clarity about your soul’s true calling.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording to replay it later) <<

In Discover the Power of Energy Medicine & Spiritual Psychology: Frequency-Boosting Practices to Release Fear and Manifest Your Soul’s Desire with energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise

… you’ll learn how to clear fear so you can create and maintain the coherent energy field necessary for powerful manifestation.

Read more: Combine Energy Medicine & Spiritual Psychology + Frequency-Boosting Practices

Sunday 20 March 2022

Combined Spiritual Practices to Stimulate & Regulate Your Brain & Nervous System

Start seeding the world with hope and goodness by reconnecting to your sacred purpose.

What can ancient wisdom traditions teach us today about how to live a sacred life and embody the radiant being you inherently are? 

More often than not, it’s the mental, emotional, and physical wounds of the past that land as debris along the journey of becoming…

These wounds block you from achieving your goals, optimal wellbeing, and the harmonious relationships you seek — and diminish the glow of your light-filled self. 

On Sunday, March 20, with beloved psychotherapist Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone, you’ll discover how the enlightened teachings and sacred technologies of Judaism and Buddhism can serve to help you transmute the challenges of today into the solutions of tomorrow… 

… and illuminate your path to becoming an agent of blessing in the world. 

>> Register here for Applying Radical Presence to Become an Agent of Blessing: How to Transmute Darkness Into Light With Jewish & Buddhist Wisdom Practices <<

Under Rabbi Tirzah’s guidance, you’ll explore how connecting with these ancestral wisdom traditions can connect you with your higher self — and help you build the foundation you need to cultivate clarity and deepened awareness.

In this soul-stirring online event, you’ll discover:

  • An embodied spiritual practice derived from an ancient Jewish ritual to help stimulate and regulate your brain and nervous system — and reconnect you to your innate goodness

  • That old wounds can be positively repurposed and used to break through obstacles on the path to living a sacred, light-filled life and building yourself anew

  • How ancient traditions are being renewed for a post-patriarchal world and relevance for our times

  • The power that ancient sacred technologies still have to positively transform your life and the lives of others

  • Why so many sacred teachers are weaving ancient teachings of Judaism and Buddhism together for personal and collective healing 

Under Rabbi Tirzah’s guidance, you’ll explore how connecting with these ancestral wisdom traditions can connect you with your higher self — and help you build the foundation you need to cultivate clarity and deepened awareness.

You’ll start seeding the world with hope and goodness by reconnecting to your sacred purpose and self through ancestral healing and timely ancient spiritual teachings — that positively repurpose the wounds of the past and pave a new way forward.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live <<

In Applying Radical Presence to Become an Agent of Blessing: How to Transmute Darkness Into Light With Jewish & Buddhist Wisdom Practices with beloved psychotherapist Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone…

… you’ll experience an embodied spiritual practice derived from an ancient Jewish ritual to help stimulate and regulate your brain and nervous system — and reconnect you to your innate goodness.

Read more: Combined Spiritual Practices to Stimulate & Regulate Your Brain & Nervous System

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Rekindle Your Vital Energy with Vinyasa Yoga to Cultivate Balance in Changing Times

Discover how to embody the totality of vinyasa yoga as meditation-in-motion.

According to Shiva Rea, one of the world’s leading vinyasa yoga teachers and founder of the Samudra Global School for Living Yoga, it’s our “inner fire” that guides us to transform and create a positive impact in the world. Yet, many of us have forgotten to tend this creative energy within us. 

Vinyasa yoga is widely viewed as a physical workout and a way to strengthen the body. “Living Vinyasa” is a soulful practice that connects your life force to nature, a meditation-in-motion, and a way to activate soulful connection, so you can contribute to positive global changes for the benefit of all.

On Thursday, March 17, Shiva will share practices of to help cultivate more vibrant energy in your life and harmonize your body with the sun and the moon.

Putting these principles into practice can help you discover hidden reserves of energy — and how to breathe, listen, and navigate from your cellular intelligence. 

>> Join here for Rekindle Your Vital Energy With Vinyasa Yoga to Cultivate Balance in Changing Times <<

Discover how to embody the totality of vinyasa yoga as a philosophy of life and as meditation-in-motion — to ignite and sustain your creative inner fire and rediscover your soul’s true purpose

In this experiential online event, you’ll discover:

  • rejuvenating vinyasa practice to help you find balance between the life-giving energy of the Sun and the restful cycle of the Moon

  • How to tend your inner fire and find balance through meditative movement

  • Ways to identify which vinyasa practice you may need in any given situation, depending on your energy level

  • How to use yoga to see beyond your daily challenges and envision your soul’s true purpose

  • The elemental map that is connected to your chakras — and how to work with your energy system to feel less stuck and more whole

Yoga means “union.” It reconnects you with nature’s cycles, restoring balance and harmony in your body.

During this highly experiential event, Shiva will guide you in lunar and solar practicesThe lunar practice will help you attune to the natural cycles of meditative flow, reinvigorating your body and mind for optimal  flow off the yoga mat. 

The solar practice will help you cultivate the life-giving energy of the sun for rejuvenation. Together, these actions will lead you in a movement meditation journey, fertilizing your sacred ground so you can emerge this spring with a revitalized energy body.

>> RSVP here to watch Live & Free (get recording later) <<

In Rekindle Your Vital Energy With Vinyasa Yoga to Cultivate Balance in Changing Times with Shiva Rea…

… you’ll discover how to embody the totality of vinyasa yoga as a philosophy of life and as meditation-in-motion — to ignite and sustain your creative inner fire and rediscover your soul’s true purpose.

Read more: Rekindle Your Vital Energy with Vinyasa Yoga to Cultivate Balance in Changing Times

Monday 14 March 2022

Attain a Higher Perspective of Life & More Profound Understanding of Yourself

Discover how to access your soul’s unique healing story and activate embodied wisdom.

These days, even seasoned spiritual seekers are longing for a new way to feel more grounded and improve their understanding of their own inherent divinity.

Shamanic astrology may hold the answers you’re looking for. This revolutionary approach combines two ancient wisdom systems by using shamanic journeying to access astrological energies.

As shamanic astrologer Terry Morgan teaches, shamanic journeying can open up receptors to Spirit through direct revelation.

This means that you can become your own astrologer — by exploring your astrological energies, experiencing them deeply, and integrating their wisdom into your daily life.

Through the lens of your astrological blueprint, you can deepen your awareness of your essential self and experience the direct revelations of shamanic sages and astrologers throughout history.

Terry will share how her signature process of shamanic astrology can help you access your true essence — perhaps for the first time ever.

>> Register here for Discover Shamanic Astrology: A Wellspring of Self-Knowledge & Healing <<

learn how to attain a higher perspective of life and a more profound understanding of yourself — so you can feel unconditionally loved, centered, and whole

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover how:

  • Shamanic astrology can help you thrive in these challenging times as you understand your own shamanic astrological journey

  • A guided shamanic journey to the heart and spirit of the Sun will help you download planetary information about yourself, and return with revitalized life-force energy

  • You can become your own teacher and astrologist so you can discover transformative insights into your own life path and take more control of your future

  • You have a journey spelled out in the stars that’s unique to you — that depends on your time of birth, the Sun, and planetary alignment

  • You can feel a new sense of home within you — one of purpose, wholeness, love, and centeredness that empowers you to move through the world with peace and confidence

Terry and Robert Rand, her guest teacher and partner who will provide musical accompaniment, will be your guides on a shamanic journey (visualization) to the heart and spirit of the Sun — where you’ll download planetary information about your life.

As you’ll discover, you have a planetary path unlike anyone else’s, offering wisdom and guidance that can revitalize your life force and add greater energy and vitality to your daily life.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording later) <<

In Discover Shamanic Astrology: A Wellspring of Self-Knowledge & Healing with Terry Morgan…

… you’ll learn how to attain a higher perspective of life and a more profound understanding of yourself — so you can feel unconditionally loved, centered, and whole.

Read more: Attain a Higher Perspective of Life & More Profound Understanding of Yourself

Join Event w/ 30 Top Qigong Teachers - Boost Longevity, Vitality, Emotional Balance

Activate Your Limitless Qi - Life-force Energy, increase longevity, emotional equanimity, and spiritual serenity using simple energy practices.

Need an energy boost?

Here’s a secret that Qigong practitioners have known for centuries: When your bio-batteries run low, you can recharge by moving and channeling Qi, the life force vibrating through the universe. 

Using a combination of gentle movement, breathwork, and meditation, you can cultivate QI to tonify your organs, shore up your immune system, increase vitality, and integrate difficult emotions.

The free online Qigong Global Summit is an opportunity to energize your Qigong practice under the guidance of masters and pioneers from around the world. They will guide you through Qigong techniques that harmonize anger, depression, and frustration… promote longevity for pandemic times…  strengthen your physical and emotional body… and use your breath as medicine, among other benefits. 

You’ll have unparalleled access to a variety of ancient and emerging Qigong wisdom streams — including White Tiger, Magic Square, Mu-i Taiji, 8 Brocades, Four Seasons Medical Qigong, and Wuji Hundun. Each session will be an opportunity to activate quick shifts in your body, regardless of your skill level. 

Free Online Event
Qigong Global Summit
March 14–18, 2022

>> Join us now for the Qigong Global Summit

- Activate Your Life-force energy today <<

You’ll be able to kickstart or deepen your practice with more than 30 leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors in this year’s Qigong Global Summit, including Master Mantak Chia, Deng Ming-DaoTevia Feng, Kathryn Davis, Robert Peng, Daisy Lee, Master Chunyi Lin, Lee Holden, Faye Li Yip, Violet Li, Dr. Roger JahnkeMaster Mingtong Gu, and many others. 

You’ll be able to use Qigong for a wide array of healing and practical applications, including purging stress, exploring flow, changing with the season, and connecting to your natural surroundings with greater serenity and ease.

This 5-day Qigong Global Summit comes at the perfect time, as spring offers an invitation to re-energize your wellness practices.

During this online Qigong event, you’ll discover:

  • Why Year of the Water Tiger 2022 presents a profound opportunity for healing deep physical, emotional, and mental wounds utilizing Magic Square Qi

  • Four Qigong movement patterns to be practiced during the spring season to help harmonize intrinsic Qi with nature’s energy

  • Qigong practices to harmonize your liver Qi, soothe anger, release depression, and manage frustration

  • Techniques for combining simple Qigong movements with intention to create inner strength and stability, leading to physical and emotional balance 

  • Ways to refocus your life for nourishment and longevity using the concept of Xin Zhai

  • How to invigorate every cell with the life energy of heaven and earth

  • Current scientific research supporting the prescription of Qigong and Tai Chi as medical interventions 

  • How a regular Qigong/Tai Chi practice can increasing bone density by improving the skeletal-muscular and connective tissue systems 

  • The vulnerabilities of your elements or energy type and how you can protect yourself

  • Specific practices that allow kidney Qi to activate ajna chakra responsiveness allowing greater levels of extrasensory perception

  • And much more!

There’s never been a more pressing need to clear stagnant Qi, counter extreme physical and emotional imbalances, and release that nagging languishing feeling from your system.

In this experiential summit, you’ll discover simple practices for taking better energetic care of your body, mind, and emotions — generating harmony, equanimity, and reconnection with yourself and nature.

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Sharon Smithwho’s been practicing Qigong, Tai Chi, and other Taoist spiritual and healing arts for more than 40 years, and teaching them for nearly as long…

As well as with special guest hosts Daisy Lee, the founder and principal teacher of Radiant Lotus Qigong… and Lee Holden, a celebrated Qigong, meditation, and Tai Chi instructor.

>> Register here to watch Qigong Global Summit

Live sessions starting March 14 << 

Here’s some of what these Qigong luminaries will be sharing with you…

  • Learn how you can increase longevity by combining Qigong with other healthy lifestyle practices, as explained by Deng Ming-Dao.

  • Grandmaster Mantak Chia will demonstrate how to strengthen your physical and emotional body, increase your power, and improve health with Tai Chi.

  • Master Chunyi Lin will explore how internal refinement strongly enhances and accelerates the effects of Qigong for your physical and spiritual health.

  • Recognize chaos as a necessary teacher and experience key movements from Wuji Hundun Qigong with Daisy Lee.

  • Robert Peng will introduce Jieqi Qigong, which is associated with your vertebrae, and offer a simple movement and meditation to improve your spinal health.

  • Emptying the mind is one of the key requirements to entering the “Qigong Zone,” allowing you to access the healing Qi within, as Faye Li Yip will explain.

  • Transform stuck, negative energy into positive, flowing energy with a simple, easy-to-follow Qigong routine from Lee Holden.

  • Kathryn Davis will talk about the ways a Qigong lifestyle allows you to embrace life with love, tranquility, and grace.

  • With Tevia Feng, you’ll learn how fusing Taoist White Tiger Qigong with leading-edge neuroscience helps you relieve pain while increasing flexibility. 

  • Discover the 4 most important Tai Chi movements   Peng, Lu, Ji, and An —  with Violet Li. 

  • Understand how breath can be used as medicine and as a Qigong power engine with Dr. Roger Jahnke.

  • Use your voice to awaken your essence with Master Mingtong Gu.

  • And much more!

>> Join here - it's Free! Catch the Opportunity to Learn even More by Getting special discounted training courses from Qigong Practitioners & Teachers
offered exclusively for this Event members with bonuses & all event recordings <<

Upgrade 50% Off & Electrify Your Entire Being With a Daily Qi Elixir

Qigong is one of the great tools for powering up, strengthening, calming down, and clarifying.

— Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD

When you practice Qigong regularly, you’re energizing your entire being. Meditation and movement routines dating back centuries help detoxify and strengthen your organs… release tension and anxiety… increase agility… and alleviate the physical impact of long-term stress. These time-honored techniques also create new synaptic connections, fostering longevity in mind, body, and spirit.

You always have the power to cultivate Qi — from within your body, your natural surroundings, and the cosmos. Qigong’s breathing exercises, gentle movements, and intentional forms forge a gateway to superior health. But it’s only through regular daily practice that you can realize the transformational benefits of Qigong.

If you’re seeking inspiration to kickstart or expand your Qigong routine, look no further than the masters, pioneers, and experts gathered for the Qigong Global Summit. They’ll provide an array of teachings, practices, and insights you can use for a lifetime, including suggestions for morning and self-care routines.

With the Qigong Wisdom Library 2022, you can refer back to these invigorating practices as often as you like. You’ll own a collection of dynamic healing exercises, guided movements for grounding, forms for cultivating growth, and easy-to-follow explanations of the science and philosophy behind these teachings. Through guided visualizations of natural imagery, you’ll also be able to make sense of elemental concepts like the changing dynamic of life and your connection to the cosmos.

And, as David J. Coon explains in his bonus meditation for inner peace, you can use Qigong to shift your sense of security from the outside world to your innermost self. In doing so, you’ll find that external security does not bring peace. Rather, peace brings internal security, which renders external security superfluous.

The world-renowned masters, teachers, and doctors featured in this collection will help you establish your Qigong practice on a foundation of simple energizing exercises and grounding meditations that activate your body’s innate healing powers.

Friday 11 March 2022

Combine Energy Medicine Practices & Sound Healing to Enhance Wellbeing

Experience 3 easy energy medicine exercises to restore you in mind, body, and spirit.

In times of stress or upheaval, is it difficult for you to find a soft place to land? To tap into any sense of peace and relief as you navigate anxiety-provoking circumstances?

Many of us are working so hard to maintain, that all our energy is spent on just getting through the day. We’re locked into survival mode, our nervous system overtaxed, with no way to nourish or replenish ourselves, or consider how we might actually thrive.  

According to Dr. Melanie Smith, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, you can rewrite the imprinted patterns that trauma and stress leave on your nervous system — to reclaim your health and take back your personal power.

It all starts with a deeper understanding of the vagus nerve — which transmits sensory signals from the brain to the gut, liver, heart, and lungs, and then back to your brain — and learning how to harness its power to unlock radiant health and emotional wellbeing

On Saturday, March 12, Dr. Melanie will show you how to combine energy medicine practices with sound healing to tone your vagus nerve and relieve anxiety, enhance self-love, and boost your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

>> Register here for The Vagus Nerve’s Pathway to Power: Ease Stress, Improve Sleep & Balance Your Nervous System <<

combine energy medicine practices with sound healing to tone your vagus nerve and relieve anxiety, enhance self-love, and boost your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The power of the vagus nerve — how it functions, and why it’s essential to your health and wellbeing 

  • The Peace Maker, a potent self-care practice that focuses on your vagus nerve to reduce stress and anxiety  

  • The Melatonin Booster, an energy medicine technique to improve your sleep

  • The Autonomic Reset Hold exercise to balance your sympathetic nervous system with the parasympathetic nervous system

  • How sound healing and toning can calm and support your vagus nerve

If you’re suffering from trauma, PTSD, heart rate variability, or other stress-related symptoms, it’s likely that your vagus nerve has been compromised — resulting in imbalances in your system. 

To restore good vagal tone, Dr. Melanie will lead you through three self-care techniques you can use anytime, anywhere to reduce stress, calm your nervous system, improve sleep, and ameliorate your digestion — the Peace Maker, the Melatonin Booster, and the Autonomic Reset Hold exercise.

You’ll not only be able to continue these practices on your own, you can easily share them with others in your life, both personally and professionally.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (or get recording) <<

In The Vagus Nerve’s Pathway to Power: Ease Stress, Improve Sleep & Balance Your Nervous System with Dr. Melanie Smith…

… you’ll combine energy medicine practices with sound healing to tone your vagus nerve and relieve anxiety, enhance self-love, and boost your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Read more: Combine Energy Medicine Practices & Sound Healing to Enhance Wellbeing

Thursday 10 March 2022

Learn 43 things You NEVER knew about Medicinal Mushrooms & Psychedelics + Free eBooks

Learn about medicinal mushrooms & psychedelics from expert talks & eBooks

This week, enjoy learning from these must see expert talks about medicinal mushrooms and psychedelics from Dr. Terry Wahls, G. William Barnard, Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta, Dr. Hyla Cass, Louie Schwartzberg and Dr. Maya Shetreat (topics below)!

Dr. Maya Shetreat has put some amazing work into The New Science of Ancient Medicines: Heal Trauma & Build Resilience, which starts this Monday with 43 experts and luminaries in the field of mushrooms, psychedelics and chronic illness –> Join us when you register now!

Tens of thousands will learn from the expert wisdom so important to understanding the transformative power mushrooms and psychedelics can have on your mental and physical health!

You should be there. Here’s why. At The New Science of Ancient Medicines you’ll learn how scientific research is showing that mushrooms and psychedelics can help reverse difficult-to-treat issues of immunity, autoimmunity and cancer and help us work through our underlying trauma and resulting anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD and addictions that even pharmaceuticals can’t touch.

43 things you NEVER knew about medicinal mushrooms & psychedelics

Lean on the wisdom of our experts to guide you in understanding…

  • Synergistic benefits of treating addiction with cannabis & psychedelics

  • How cannabis, mushrooms & psychedelics can help heal trauma

  • Psilocybin microdosing benefits for depression

  • Medicinal mushroom uses for addressing complex & chronic illness

  • Ways psychedelics shift consciousness & boost neuroplasticity

  • Ancient relationships we have with plant medicines

  • Cultivating a respectful relationship with plant medicine

  • And so much more!

Join me to explore scientific and traditional perspectives on these earth-based medicines and the power they have to help you, your pets, your garden and the planet to be healthy, balanced and deeply resilient.

Enjoy learning from these medicinal mushrooms and psychedelics experts on Monday:
+ Fascinating Connection between Psychedelics and the Microbiome, Kiran Krishnan
+ Using Psychedelics to Harmonize Your Brain and Recover from Mental Illness, Selen Atasoy, PhD
+ Psychedelics for Fear of Death and End of Life, Anthony P. Bossis, PhD
+ Ayahuasca, Iboga and Medicine that Heals Community, Ricard Faura, PhD
+ Is DMT the Spirit Molecule?, Rick Strassman, MD
+ Why We All Need Medicinal Mushrooms, Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc
+ Reversing Addictions and Chronic Illness with Psilocybin, Albert Garcia-Romeu, PhD

Your host, Dr. Maya Shetreat, works and studies with indigenous communities and healers from around the world and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing and the sacred.

She’s here to help you understand what these medicines are, what they do, whether they’re safe, and who may or may not be a good candidate for their benefits.

Plus, when you register now, you’ll also unlock these complimentary gifts (see direct access links below):

  1. Psychedelics 101: An Introduction to Psychedelics eBook from Maya Shetreat, MD

  2. Meet the Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms that Can Transform Your Health eGuide from Maya Shetreat, MD

  3. Interview Transcripts from The New Science of Ancient Medicines from HealthMeans

  4. 8 Surprising Ways Beliefs Impact Our Health eBook from HealthMeans

Download your complimentary 8 Surprising Ways Beliefs Impact Our Health eBook from HealthMeans!

Download your complimentary 8 Surprising Ways Beliefs Impact Our Health eBook from HealthMeans! (Limited time free download!)

AND, when you browse these talks, you also unlock exclusive eBooks, like Psychedelics 101: An Introduction to Psychedelics eBook, Meet the Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms that Can Transform Your Health eGuide, 8 Surprising Ways Beliefs Impact Our Health eBook PLUS 2 Interview Transcripts from The New Science of Ancient Medicines.

These complimentary talks (and eBooks) will help you understand why psychedelics are making a comeback and some powerful facts about how they can help us. You’ll also learn the secret to making mushrooms that anyone will eat and love!

Enjoy learning from these expert talks (starting each day at 10am U.S. Eastern):
—>>Wednesday, March 9

Terry Wahls, MD
Healing Autoimmunity with Mushrooms

—>>Thursday, March 10
G. William Barnard, PhD
Religion and Psychedelics

—>>Friday, March 11
Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta
An Indigenous Approach to Plant Medicine: Ancestry, Acceptance and Integration

—>>Saturday, March 12
Hyla Cass, MD
How Cannabis and Psychedelics Can Transform Addictive Behavior

—>>Sunday, March 13
Louie Schwartzberg
Fantastic Fungi: Combining Mushrooms and Art for Healing

Maya Shetreat, MD
Microdosing Plant Medicines: Big Benefits from Tiny Doses

These experts will teach you a full spectrum of wisdom on the broad therapeutic potential mushrooms and psychedelics have to help you, your pets, your garden and the planet to be healthy, balanced and deeply resilient.

9 medicinal mushrooms that can transform your health

For many, mushrooms can at first seem quite intimidating. Or unappetizing.

Yet once you become more familiar with these fungi, you’ll find many mushrooms not only taste great, but they also have a number of health benefits.

Meet the Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms That Can Transform Your Health eGuide Gift

(Limited time free download until the end of March 2022, get it now)

Download your complimentary Meet the Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms That Can Transform Your Health eGuide to learn more!

There are varieties of mushrooms that have been found to stimulate the immune system; some have anti-cancer and cholesterol-lowering properties. There is even a mushroom that has been used for over 3000 years as an anti-aging herb.

Discover the wide range of health benefits of these amazing mushrooms:

  • Cordyceps

  • Lion’s Mane

  • Hen-of-the-Woods

  • White Button, Cremini & Portobello

  • Shitake

  • Oyster

  • Reishi

  • Turkey Tail

  • Chaga

Along with preparation tips for delicious tasting mushrooms, you’ll learn about the varied medicinal and culinary uses of nine top mushrooms as well as their potential to positively impact your mental and physical health.

—>>Gain immediate access to the Meet the Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms That Can Transform Your Health eGuide now!

Additionally Learn about  8 most common psychedelics + promising clinical research

The psychedelic renaissance is now in full bloom.

We’ve seen decriminalization or legalization of psilocybin mushrooms in some U.S. cities, and prestigious academic institutions across the globe are dedicating departments to psychedelic research.

Discover why psychedelics are making a comeback and some powerful facts about how they can help us, when you…

Download your complimentary eGuide,
Psychedelics 101: An Introduction to Psychedelics!

(Limited time free download until the end of March 2022, get it now)

Meet the Mushrooms: Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms That Can Transform Your Health eGuide Gift

Psychedelics are substances that induce a heightened state of consciousness and brain connectivity, in part by way of the serotonin 5HT2a receptor.

In clinical research settings around the world, renewed research is taking place on the benefits of psychedelic substances for treating addiction, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through their ability to work on a deep emotional as well as biological level.

Discover how psychedelics are being explored as treatments for dementia, migraines, cluster headaches, traumatic brain injuries and other chronic conditions as well.

In this eGuide, you’ll learn about:

  • Safety considerations

  • Why psychedelics have been illegal to possess

  • 8 most commonly used psychedelics & their properties

  • How psychedelics affect the brain

  • Facts on microdosing

  • And more!

Gain immediate access to the Psychedelics 101:
An Introduction to Psychedelics

This COMPLIMENTARY access goes away when the event ends (that’s soon), so take advantage today, especially the featured talks above!

Save for later study by getting all summit recordings and gifts below.

Use of Psychedelics and mushrooms for rapid healing buy expert talks summit recordings with all bonuses

Read more: Learn 43 things You NEVER knew about Medicinal Mushrooms & Psychedelics + Free eBooks

Wednesday 9 March 2022

Discover the Connection Between How You Breathe & Your Quality of Life

Learn how to clear resistance to what you desire by breathing into your energy centers.

How often have you tried to get something new going in your life only to be met with an array of new obstacles?

What if these perpetual roadblocks weren’t really about disruptive outside forces at all, but rather the relationship that you have with the flow of your own life force?

On Thursday, March 10, with Dr. Judith Kravitz, founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation, you’ll discover how the way that you breathe reflects the life that you’re living… and learn easy and effective tools for aligning your breath with a more fulfilled, healthy, and abundant life. 

Judith’s breathwork techniques combine metaphysics, breath analysis, sound healing, body mapping, and other healing and spiritual principles for an integrated blueprint of healing and wholeness.

The foundation of her teachings is built on the idea that wealth — in all of its forms — is an inside job. Any lack in your reality is actually a lack in your consciousness. During your time with her, you’ll discover that to permanently remove the obstacles that are looming over your wellbeing and dreams, you must first change how you breathe.

>> Register here for Breathe & Live Abundantly: How to Transform Subconscious Blocks With Intentional Breathing <<

With Dr. Judith Kravitz, founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation, you’ll discover how the way that you breathe reflects the life that you’re living

In this enlightening online event, you’ll discover how:

  • Your relationship with breathing reflects your relationship with your own life force — and All That Is

  • Expanding your breath expands your ability to receive the good things that you desire — which are patiently waiting for you

  • Changing your breathing pattern can also break unconscious behavioral patterns

  • Combining breath with spiritual law and metaphysical principles increases your manifesting power

If you’re like most, you’re using just a third of your respiratory system on average — the rest has been shut down to repress difficult emotions and experiences, and create a sense of safety within yourself and your interactions with the world. 

This physical restriction cuts you off from the life-force flow that your body needs to remain open, healthy, and balanced — while also creating layers of resistance to the very things you desire most.  

With Judith, you’ll begin to clear this resistance by breathing fully into your energy centers, reinvigorating your mind and heart with clarity and focus… and use the power of attraction to magnetize your intentions to you.

>> Join for free here to watch Live (get recordings later) <<

In Breathe & Live Abundantly: How to Transform Subconscious Blocks With Intentional Breathing with Dr. Judith Kravitz

… you’ll discover the connection between how you breathe and your quality of life and ability to manifest… and learn about tools you can use to break through self-imposed limitations, catalyze intention, restore inner balance, and open to infinite possibilities for your life. 

Read more: Discover the Connection Between How You Breathe & Your Quality of Life

HEALTHY HEART: 4 Major Heart Disease Myths & 10 Recent Breakthroughs - You Must Know!

If you want to discover the ten most recent scientific breakthroughs in heart health, then don’t miss this week’s mind-blowing Masterclass.

Whether you want to end the confusion about which type of fats can reduce your risk of heart disease (and which cause inflammation and high cholesterol)…

Or to discover the seemingly random link between the amount of time you brush your teeth and decreasing your odds of heart disease by a whopping 30%…

This Masterclass will open your eyes to the 10 latest scientific discoveries that could save your life and give you more energy today.

You’ll learn how to separate fads from facts and discover proven, all-natural ways to lower your risk of disease — without medication or invasive surgeries.

Most importantly, you’ll learn how to think differently so you can make small shifts that could add decades of healthy years to your life.

The Healthy Heart Masterclass will open your eyes and could save your life — or the life of a loved one.

>> Sign up for the free Healthy Heart Masterclass now.

Watch the FREE Healthy Heart Masterclass with Dr. Mimi Guarneri and Food Revolution Network CEO, Ocean Robbins today. Discover the free and natural ways to prevent heart disease and feel amazing doing it! Reserve your spot here

Our good friend Ocean Robbins from Food Revolution Network has teamed up with top holistic cardiologist Dr. Mimi Guarneri (as seen on TEDx, PBS, and at the Vatican) to bring you this Masterclass.

Here are some fast facts about this program:

  • Why heart disease is often a silent killer. Most of its victims don’t even know they have cause for concern until it’s too late.

  • At least 90% of all heart disease can be prevented and even reversed — without drugs, surgeries, or stents. (Genetics aren’t the main driver like we once thought.)

  • With the ten recent scientific breakthroughs revealed in the Healthy Heart Masterclass, you can slash your risk of heart disease (and even reverse it).

  • Find out about the four biggest heart disease myths that even your doctor might not know in the Healthy Heart Masterclass.

  • Your heart is more than a pump. It needs love and connection! In fact, research has shown that stress, depression, anger, grief, and loneliness can all increase your chances of developing or dying from a heart condition. And love has been proven to heal! Find out more in this fantastic Masterclass with the cardiologist who’s not afraid to talk about love.

  • Is your heart the real reason you can’t lose weight or find the energy to do the things you love? Ignoring your heart health can zap your energy, make you overweight, wreck your sexual function, and ruin your sleep.

  • Discover what you’re doing right (and what you’re missing) when it comes to preventing heart disease and what the latest science says about reversing symptoms… No matter what your age and even if you have heart disease now.

  • Understand how to switch off the genes that cause heart disease — using natural, delicious, and wholesome foods — and why pills and surgeries are not the “miracle cure” we once thought.

  • Hear the little-known truth about why extra weight around your belly impacts more than just your pants size — it’s also a dangerous red flag for heart disease. This information can save your life.

  • Learn what NEVER to eat if you want to avoid or reverse dangerous cholesterol and high blood pressure — and why some ingredients found in common “health” foods (like omega-6 oils) are worse than we thought.

This might sound dramatic, but I want to share something that might just change your life. In fact, if everyone knew about this, millions of lives could be spared.

That’s because heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the entire world.

The truth is that most people (including many super health-conscious people) are still eating, exercising, and living according to outdated — and dangerous — heart health myths.

These mistakes could be:

  • Draining your energy. (Too tired to do the things you love, anyone?)

  • Wrecking your sleep — yes, it’s connected to your heart health.

  • Impacting your sexual function.

  • Keeping you overweight, especially around the stomach… This is more than just vanity. Belly weight can be a warning sign of something gravely serious.

  • Putting you at high risk for heart disease. (Even if your cholesterol is normal!)

>> This week, you can catch Dr. Mimi Guarneri’s Masterclass — Healthy Heart: 4 Major Heart Disease Myths & 10 Recent Breakthroughs.

You’ll learn how to separate fads from facts and discover proven, all-natural ways to lower your risk of disease, without medication or risky and debilitating surgeries.

The sad reality is that many of us have experienced deep pain, either personally or in our families, due to heart disease.

But Dr. Mimi is here to show you that prevention — and even reversal — are possible when you take the right steps.

Please make time to watch this today. The Healthy Heart Masterclass could make all the difference. And it’s available for a limited time — for free!

>> Claim your spot in the Healthy Heart Masterclass right here.

Read more: HEALTHY HEART: 4 Major Heart Disease Myths & 10 Recent Breakthroughs - You Must Know!

Monday 7 March 2022

4 Longevity Factors that People 100 Years+ Share for Long & Radiant Living

Experience a guided process to live longer by changing your perception about aging.

It may surprise you to know that people who live to be 100 (and beyond!) have four factors in common that have nothing to do with their genetic makeup, family history, lifestyle choices, diet, environment, or socioeconomic status.

In fact, according to clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez, your genes have only a 20 percent impact on your health and longevity. The rest is attributed to what you hold in your consciousness — how you view yourself and the experience of aging.

What would it take for you to not only live past 100… but to thrive past 100, with good health, mental acuity, vibrant relationships, and joyful vitality? 

On Tuesday, March 8 (replay on Saturday), Mario will share how your biological age can actually be reversed and your longevity dramatically extended… not by changing your behavior, but by transforming the way you view yourself and the world.

>> Register here to Learn 4 Factors People 100 Years & Older Share for Longevity & Radiant Living joining 60 min Live Event & consider extra training to learn even more! <<

Explore the four fundamental factors found in the consciousness of centenarians (people 100 years or older) and experience a guided process to embody a new perception about aging that can increase your longevity

In this empowering free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Why culture has more influence on your health and healing than your genes do

  • How to embody a different perspective through an experiential visit to “Theatre of Change,” where you can alter the script about a challenge you’re facing 

  • How to ignite your personal agency and perceive and act in a way that shapes your fate into destiny

  • That your brain and immune system are culturally formed and have a moral compass 

  • How “causes of health” are inherited, while longevity is a culturally learned consciousness that may biologically prevent physical illness and disease

Through his 25 years of ethnographic research with healthy centenarians around the world, Mario discovered that the body responds to cultural stimuli and the way your community treats you based on your age and the assumptions about it. And as you know, aging in our North American culture is typically associated with frailty, helplessness, physiological breakdown, and the diminishment of cognitive faculties.

Although we do inherit our genetic predispositions for health, illness, and longevity, Dr. Martinez asserts that disease is triggered by physiological responses to our culture’s beliefs about how we’re supposed to experience both our internal and external worlds.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to begin to make the biocognitive perceptual changes necessary for living a longer, happier, and healthier life.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording later) <<

In 4 Factors People 100 Years & Older Share for Longevity & Radiant Living with Dr. Mario Martinez… 

… you’ll explore the four fundamental factors found in the consciousness of centenarians (people 100 years or older) and experience a guided process to embody a new perception about aging that can increase your longevity.

Read more: 4 Longevity Factors that People 100 Years+ Share for Long & Radiant Living