Monday 28 February 2022

Everyday Mediumship – How to Holistically Connect w/the Spirit World Daily

Embrace your role as a soul who’s already connected to those beyond the veil.

Like all of us, you were born with the ability to reach out to those beyond the veil through the power of mediumship.

You can create and maintain a profound ongoing connection with those in the unseen dimensions… and receive closure and feel less alone when you experience for yourself how they’re already part of your very being…

After all, your very soul, your divine essence, is part of one interconnected whole.

Mediumship powerfully affirms this truth — that there’s life beyond our earthly embodiment, and that we’re all part of something much greater than the visible world.

According to celebrated medium Suzanne Giesemannyou intrinsically are blessed with your own style of what she calls Holistic Mediumship — a way of living that brings what you practice in your mediumship sessions into every facet of your daily life. 

On Tuesday, March 1, Suzanne will share practical and tangible ways to explore your personal brand of holistic mediumship… and acknowledge the presence of spirit throughout your day. 

>> Join here for Everyday Mediumship: How to Holistically Connect With the Spirit World in Your Daily Life <<

Discover tangible practices and activities that help you acknowledge the presence of the spirit world throughout your day — and embrace your role as a soul who’s already connected to those beyond the veil… as part of a much larger whole

During this transformative 60 minutes, you’ll discover:

  • How you can make spirit connections a way of life through the power of holistic mediumship — your individualized style of mediumship based on the specifics of your life and who you are

  • Five fun, tangible practices, and activities that help you recognize and acknowledge the presence of spirits throughout your day

  • A guided exercise to heal self-criticism through a new understanding of wholeness — and transform an incident you deeply regret by reframing it from a higher perspective

  • How to feel the underlying peace and joy that comes from recognizing your innate wholeness 

  • Why your soul is part of a much larger whole — and how that realization can help you access information and interact with those across the veil anytime, anywhere

Holistic Mediumship is your individualized style of mediumship that draws from your specific life experiences, personality, interests, lifestyle, and spiritual journey…

It’s an extension of who you are, making your mediumship more personal and meaningful, both for you and your sitters (the people you perform readings for). 

Join us for this illuminating hour and explore how to embrace your sense of wholeness — and make your unique, innate ability to communicate with the spirit world a natural part of your daily life. 

>> Join free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In Everyday Mediumship: How to Holistically Connect With the Spirit World in Your Daily Life with Suzanne Giesemann…

… you’ll discover tangible practices and activities that help you acknowledge the presence of the spirit world throughout your day — and embrace your role as a soul who’s already connected to those beyond the veil… as part of a much larger whole.

Read more: Everyday Mediumship – How to Holistically Connect w/the Spirit World Daily

Thursday 24 February 2022

Experience a Soul-expanding Activation to Get Guidance from the Present Moment

Discover how your body can attune to the vital feminine energy of the world.

What are your mental blind spots? We all have them.

As a conscientious human being, you’ve likely tried to assuage many of your biases by becoming more thoughtful…  and more mindful. Herein lies the challenge.

On Saturday, February 26, with Philip Shepherd, a leader in the global embodiment movement, you’ll discover how the pursuit of mindfulness too often reinforces the same mental habits that you’re trying to move beyond… disconnecting you from the vast intelligence of your body — and the untold wisdom of the present moment.

You’ll experience a guided practice that gets you out of your head and the usual embodiment approach of “listening to your body,” and into a softer receptive state of awareness that enables you to listen to the world through your body 

In doing so, you’ll begin to feel safer within yourself, less isolated and alone, more comfortable in being rather than doing… and more receptive to the love, compassion, and guidance that is always available to you in the present moment.

>> Join here for How to Radically Embody Your Humanity & True Potential: Practices to Guide You Home to the Wisdom of the Present Moment <<

How to Radically Embody Your Humanity & True Potential: Practices to Guide You Home to the Wisdom of the Present Moment with Philip Shepherd

In this life-transforming hour, you’ll:

  • Explore how to move beyond mindfulness — to shift out of your head and into the intelligence of your body to radically embody your humanity and wholeness

  • Discover your sacred second mind — the mind that exists at the center of your pelvic bowl and rests on the pelvic floor 

  • Experience a guided practice where your head and body will be brought into a revelatory coherence — an experience in singularity you didn’t realize was possible 

  • Challenge a six-thousand-year-old concept that disconnects us all by promoting division and isolation 

  • Learn the secret to never feeling alone — and feeling compassion and companionship everywhere you go

Philip teaches that merging fully with your body opens you to the majestic elegance of your true nature — that of unending grace, connection, compassion, aliveness, and possibility.

As your body is literally made of the Earth, it has a built-in sense of kinship with the collective and the cosmos… and unlimited access to the wisdom, gifts, healing acumen, and higher insights that live in both. This is the energy of the feminine.

Join us for this inspiring hour to begin to draw this transformative energy directly into your body to awaken your authentic self, heal, and mend your heart… and in doing so, help to heal the heart of the world as well.  

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In How to Radically Embody Your Humanity & True Potential: Practices to Guide You Home to the Wisdom of the Present Moment with Philip Shepherd…

… you’ll discover how your body can attune to the vital feminine energy of the world through a soul-expanding activation to receive tangible and enlightened guidance from the present moment… and renewed connection with ourselves and each other. 

Read more: Experience a Soul-expanding Activation to Get Guidance from the Present Moment

Wednesday 23 February 2022

EMF Protection Free Guide Download & Microbiome EMF Shield Solution Revealed

This eReport can help you guard against EMF damage

In today’s world, surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EMFs), it has become impossible to place shields between them and our bodies.

Learn how you can protect yourself from the inside with an innovative supplement based on microbiome science designed to support the body against the harmful effects of EMFs.

Download your complimentary eReport, Advanced Microbiome Science to Shield Against EMF Damage!

Discover a new, cutting-edge development in the field of EMF protection that utilizes human biological quantum entanglement to provide radiation protection at the human cellular level.

EMFs are characterized by frequency and wavelength; some of them, such as ionizing radiation, are extremely dangerous for living beings, as they cause damage to DNA, RNA, proteins and essentially all macromolecules.

Forms of non-ionizing radiation, such as ultraviolet radiation, are also dangerous, as they can cause mutations and are known to increase the probability of skin cancer.

In this report, medical doctor and molecular biologist Dr. Marco Ruggiero shares the secrets and science behind Praesidium’s remarkable ability to transfer resistance to electromagnetic fields to human cells while also increasing the ability to support DNA repair.

Praesidium users report:

  • Improved sleep patterns

  • Regular REM sleep where it previously was absent

  • Higher energy levels

  • Significant reduction in severe migraines

  • Marked improvement in sleeping

  • Sustained heart rate variability

  • Improvement in skin appearance on their face

  • Increased regularity & ease of bowel movements

  • And more!

Discover a new, cutting-edge development in the field of EMF protection that utilizes human biological quantum entanglement to provide radiation protection at the human cellular level.

Also Get Free: Let’s “talk” about EMFs & 5G with Drs. Klinghardt, Gittleman & Davidson - Most downloaded EMF & 5G interview transcripts

HealthMeans has unlocked some of their most influential interviews about EMFs and 5G — gain insights from 3 well-known health experts in this full-length transcripts eBook!

There is a lot to be learned from these 3 interview transcripts.

Download your complimentary let’s “talk” about EMFs and 5G transcripts from HealthMeans!

In this 37-page document, you’ll learn about:

  • “EMF, 5G Cell Towers, Geoengineering & Retroviruses” with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

  • “A Danger We Can’t See” with Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman

  • “The Connection Between Headaches & Chronic Disease” with Dr. Jay Davidson

Here are some snippets from these incredible interviews:

Deitrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
“There are two factors that drive the epitome of chronic illness: one is the Wi-Fi environment and the other is agrochemicals, the chemicals used to grow our food. If you could control those two factors, there would virtually be no chronic illness. We would have succeeded in eradicating cancer and eradicating pretty much all chronic illnesses.”

Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS
“The electromagnetic fields which are highly biologically active — they don’t actually heat the body the way an ionizing radiation or X-rays do — but the cells in your body really react to these EMFs as potentially harmful. And they shut down.”

Jay Davidson, DC, PScD
“Viruses, parasites, bacteria, these different stressors can cause coagulation
of the blood. Even EMFs — electromagnetic fields — or what’s technically called EMRs now, electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, they can also change. Cell phones right to your head can change the coagulation of blood.”

You’ll also reserve a seat for the free, online Microbiome Magic webinar taking place on February 23, 2022. Learn more about this exciting innovation based on radiation resistant microbial cells that is designed to act as an inner shield to protect against and repair the damage exerted by EMF radiation on the microbiome’s cells.

Dr. Marco Rugggiero’s EMF protection webinar is a must-see

Dr. Marco Ruggiero’s vitally important Microbiome Magic webinar took place earlier this week.

In this powerful conversation, we learned about a natural solution to the harmful effects of the invisible electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) we are involuntarily exposed to every day.

Dr. Marco Ruggiero shared his life’s research and the amazing science behind Praesidium’s ability to transfer resistance to electromagnetic fields to human cells while also increasing the ability to support DNA repair.

This event was such an incredible educational experience, which means it’s totally worth watching the replay (it’s only up for a few more days!).

Your link to the Microbiome Magic on-demand webinar replay!

Whether you have EMF sensitivity that is disrupting your daily life or are simply interested in learning how to protect yourself from the effects of electromagnetic radiation, you’ll benefit from the free Microbiome Magic Webinar.

Dr. Marco Ruggiero’s new, cutting-edge development in the field of EMF protection is designed to act as an inner shield that not only offers a beneficial remedy for multiple health problems and symptoms of EMF sensitivity, but also promotes protection against further damage to your body on a cellular level.

Watch the on-demand replay and learn about EMF protection, as well as:

  • What EMFs are & what they do

  • Biological & health impacts of exposure to EMFs & 5G

  • Why microbes are essential for our health

  • How silica & silicates repair & increase DNA longevity & stability

  • How quantum processes are the basis of life

  • Important factors in protection against EMFs

  • How to alleviate the symptoms of EMF sensitivity

  • And more!

It’s okay if you couldn’t make the live event (or if you just want to watch it again)…

Watch Dr. Marco Ruggiero’s webinar to get started on the path to protecting yourself from EMFs — from the inside!

Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!

Read more: EMF Protection Free Guide Download & Microbiome EMF Shield Solution Revealed

Monday 21 February 2022

Simple Yet Powerful Qigong Exercises to Remove Blocks & Release Stress

Discover how to direct your body’s natural energy to promote health and healing.

For over 4,000 years, practitioners have benefited enormously from traditional Qigong, a powerful healing modality in which you align breath, movement, and present-moment awareness to direct the body’s natural energy to promote health and healing. 

Dis-ease in the body can feel like being trapped in a never-ending cycle of mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bondage. Qigong can set you free. 

When you organically stimulate the flow of Qi (pronounced “chi”), blockages in your system that keep you from experiencing complete wellbeing release, and your body resets.  

You are far more powerful than you think. Through the unique practice of Qigong, you can learn to heal yourself and others, while extending your longevity and quality of life.

On Thursday, February 24, with Master Chunyi Lin, the creator and founder of Spring Forest Qigong and a gifted Qigong teacher and practitioner, you’ll discover how to tap into your body’s vast reservoir of energy and direct it to facilitate healing where it’s needed most.

>> Register here for Spark the Healer Within Using the Power of Qigong: Simple Yet Powerful Exercises to Harness Your Energy, Remove Blocks & Release Stress <<

Master Lin will offer a conceptual overview of how Qi moves through the body, and then guide you in two powerful exercises — the sword finger and finger growing techniques… so you can experience firsthand your ability to direct your Yi (your mind) to unblock stagnant energy and bring about whole-body health

In this complimentary online event with one of the most beloved Qigong masters worldwide, you’ll: 

  • Discover and begin to awaken the healer within you

  • Be guided in 2 Qigong techniques — the finger growing and sword finger exercises — to harness and focus your Qi through your fingers, creating an energy wand that breaks up blockages in your body

  • Develop a deeper understanding of how blockages in your Qi are created, and learn effective techniques to release them from your energy body

  • Experience a Qigong breathing exercise to strengthen your Qi 

  • Learn the vital importance of cultivating your body’s Qi to move and unblock your energy — and mastering your Yi to direct your mind toward optimal mental, emotional, and physical health

In this enlightening hour, Master Lin will offer a conceptual overview of how Qi moves through the body, and then guide you in two powerful exercises — the sword finger and finger growing techniques… so you can experience firsthand your ability to direct your Yi (your mind) to unblock stagnant energy and bring about whole-body health.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) <<

In Spark the Healer Within Using the Power of Qigong: Simple Yet Powerful Exercises to Harness Your Energy, Remove Blocks & Release Stress

… you’ll experience two powerful yet simple Qigong exercises that will help you tap into your inner healer… to release blockages in your system and live a healthier, more joyful, more balanced life.

Read more: Simple Yet Powerful Qigong Exercises to Remove Blocks & Release Stress

Saturday 19 February 2022

Genealogical Regression Guided Journey Healing Past, Present, Future, Raising Vibrations

Discover how to send healing energy to your family and dissolve distressing patterns.

No matter who you are, you walk through life carrying ancestral ripples of energy — the burdens and blessings of your lineages — within you.

Research shows that our very DNA can hold the traumas of our ancestors. Unresolved inherited pain can play a prominent role in anxiety, depression, hereditary diseases, and a range of physical and emotional challenges.

The good news is that there is something you can do to mitigate inherited patterns and ease ancestral traumas that are affecting your life now. You can bring peace to painful relationships, legacies, and events, and live a happier, healthier life with a deeper sense of belonging and connection.

Through the practice of Genealogical Regression, you can meet with your ancestors, send healing energy to everyone in your family (whether they’re living or they’ve passed on — even if you were adopted), and dissolve distressing patterns that have been carried in your lineages for lifetimes.

For a soul-nourishing event, as the creator of Genealogical Regression, Dr. Shelley Kaehr — a world-renowned past-life regressionist and a pioneer in mind-body wellness — introduces you to her unique healing modality.

>> Join here for Discover the Transformative Power of Genealogical Regression to Heal Your Lineage — Past, Present & Future <<

experience a powerful guided journey to send your ancestors healing light and raise the vibration of your entire family — past, present, and future

During this powerful hour, you’ll: 

  • Explore what Genealogical Regression is — and how it can help you heal family trauma, break free from deep-seated burdens, and send healing blessings up and down your lineage

  • Be guided through a powerful visualization journey to connect with your ancestors and send them healing light… to raise the vibration of your entire family — past, present, and future 

  • Understand the difference between Genealogical Regression and past-life regression

  • Discover why it’s key to connect with your ancestors at the level of their higher selves, transcending difficult patterns and talking soul-to-soul

  • Find out why healing your inner child is the first step to gently resolving suffering from past events, lingering pain, and difficult emotions

Raising the vibration of your lineage can benefit not only you and all those in your family’s past, present, and future — but everyone who comes across your kin in daily life. As your positive intentions ripple outward, you become part of the solution that all of humanity needs so much right now. 

When you start breaking free from painful legacies, you’ll feel lighter, be better able to fully express the gifts you’re here to share, and be empowered to make enormous positive transformations in your life and the world.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In Discover the Transformative Power of Genealogical Regression to Heal Your Lineage — Past, Present & Future with Dr. Shelley Kaehr…

… you’ll experience a powerful guided journey to send your ancestors healing light and raise the vibration of your entire family — past, present, and future..

Read more: Genealogical Regression Guided Journey Healing Past, Present, Future, Raising Vibrations

Unsinkable Movie Watch Free Online, Bounce Back Big Webclass + Free Kit, Books, Bonuses

Join Free to Watch this Life-Changing MOVIE 2022 - You'll LOVE it!

We have something for you today that so many of you have been anxiously waiting for! 

You are going to absolutely love this!

It’s a VIP free ticket to the new inspirational feature film being released online titled “Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back”.

Many of the top bounce back experts, teachers, scientists and leaders have come together to share their life-changing messages to show you exactly HOW to bounce back quickly from difficult times, turn your life around fast and achieve your wildest dreams!

It's an incredible film starring Sonia Ricotti, Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, John Assaraf, Marci Shimoff and so many more experts!

This life-changing film will shock you, inspire you and you’ll walk away with a new lease on life! In fact, you’ll discover how you can be happy right now (even if your life isn’t perfect)!

Unsinkable Movie Watch Free Online

>> Simply go here to Reserve your Seat for chosen Day & Time to watch the Movie 2022 <<

If there is a waiting list for the movie you can join webclass where you can learn exactly how to do that by attending Sonia Ricotti’s free “Eliminate Limiting Beliefs” webclass.

We know that life isn’t always easy. In fact, it seems like everyone has something in their lives that isn’t working these days.

So many people are experiencing financial distress, health issues, relationship struggles, career frustration, and more.

If there’s an area of your life that has been a constant struggle, and no matter how hard you try to fix it, or change the situation, it just doesn’t work…

Chances are you have some deep-rooted subconscious limiting beliefs and abundance blocks that are sabotaging your success.

It’s important that you uncover and eliminate those limiting beliefs (and abundance blocks) that have been holding you back, so you can clear the path to create a life beyond your wildest dreams.

The good news is that you can learn exactly how to do that by attending Sonia Ricotti’s free “Eliminate Limiting Beliefs” webclass.

>> Must Watch - Eliminate Limiting Beliefs Webclass <<



Here is what you’ll learn in this webclass:

  • The critical mistake (most people make) that repels what you want, and attracts what you don’t want

  •  The latest scientific evidence that reveals what's really going on in your brain that’s sabotaging your success and blocking you from achieving what you really want in life

  •  The easiest way to instantly reprogram your brain to manifest financial abundance, great relationships, optimal health, happiness, and inner peace (anyone can do this!)

  •  The one simple thing you can do right now to completely transform your life (it works every time). …and so much more!

The Unsinkable SUPER Conference was one of the most inspirational events of the year! It was magical and life-changing!

I just heard that the full ENCORE of the event is being streamed TODAY. So, if you missed it (or want to attend it again), make sure you reserve your spot now.

This is truly a wonderful opportunity to learn from Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, John Assaraf, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and Rhonda Britten. You’ll also experience a beautiful “Sound Healing” concert from the wonderful Mark Romero.

There will be a beautiful tribute to the legendary [Bob Proctor] too.

Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. So, you don't have to get anything. It is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess.

  1. Develop the Magic in Your Mind for your BEST life

  2. You can Discover the Secret to Having Good Luck from America's Greatest Prosperity Teacher Here

In fact, they will be airing never-before-seen footage (and teachings) from Bob's full interview from the Unsinkable movie.

This will be a moving, inspirational, and life-changing event.

Get ready to let go of all negativity, end all suffering, heal the past, be happy now, and bounce back higher than ever!

>> Go here to watch while available <<


With a front-row seat to this all-day event, here's a sneak peek at the life-changing sessions you'll experience:

Sonia Ricotti: How to Bounce Back BIG in 2022!

Dr. Joe Dispenza: How to Heal Your Body with Your Mind

Bob Proctor (Tribute): Honoring this legendary man and his life-changing teachings.

Lisa Nichols: Winners Never Quit: Rising Above the Impossible

Dr. John Gray: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus (Especially During Difficult Times!)

John Assaraf: The New Science to Unlock Your Brain's Hidden Power

Les Brown: Mind Over Health: The Secret to Living a Long and Happy Life

Marci Shimoff: The 3 Steps to Being Happy NOW (Even When Life Isn’t Perfect)

Rhonda Britten: The Power of Forgiveness to Set YOURSELF Free!

Mark Romero: “Sound Healing” Concert

Sonia Ricotti: 6 Steps to Manifesting Money in 2022!

…and LOTS more!

Another incredible free gift for you today that will show you how to reprogram your subconscious mind and eliminate all your abundance blocks, so you can achieve great wealth, health, peace and happiness!

It’s a meditation from “bounce back” expert, Sonia Ricotti, that helps you quickly clear all the limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your success in various areas of your life.

>> Get your free meditation here <<

Unsinkable Bounce Back Eliminate Limiting Beliefs Meditation

Here’s what you’ll experience when you listen to this life-changing meditation:

  • You’ll reprogram your subconscious mind so you can let go of all your limiting and abundance blocks — FAST.

  • You'll break free from all self-sabotaging behavior that is blocking your success.

    So, if you've been spinning your wheels in certain parts of your life where you're trying and trying to change things, but nothing seems to be working (i.e. with your finances, relationships, health, or general happiness), then definitely download this free meditation now.

That's is not all... Now You Can Get the eBook below...

I have something for you today that is brand NEW, truly life-changing, and extremely helpful during these difficult and unprecedented times.

With all that's going on these days, I think we can all use a dose of inspiration and help to “bounce back” quickly from these difficult times.

So today, I have a “must-read” book for you that you will absolutely love.

It's Sonia Ricotti’s latest book“Bounce Back BIG in 2022".

This life-changing book will teach you the 3-step miracle blueprint to turn your life around fast and achieve your wildest dreams in 2022.

In this book, you'll learn:

  • The easiest and fastest way to manifest miracles into your life during these troubling times

  • The #1 most critical and important thing you must do first that will turbo-charge your results

  • How to reprogram and re-wire your brain to manifest massive success, wealth, peace and happiness

  • How to easily let go of the pain, suffering, stress and fear—and move forward with confidence, peace, joy and ease

  • How to create the blueprint for YOUR dream life – the one you love and really deserve!
    ... And lots more!

>> Go here to grab your free copy now <<

Back Big New Book free download

Another great book today that will teach you how to quickly eliminate your limiting beliefs and clear your abundance blocks so that you can achieve great wealth, health, relationships, inner peace, and happiness!

Go here to get your copy of “Eliminate Limiting Beliefs”

Sonia Ricotti eBook - Eliminate Limiting Beliefs—A Must-Read

This one is from the world’s leading “bounce back” expert, Sonia Ricotti. It’s hot off the press, and it’s truly life-changing!

So, if you've been spinning your wheels in certain parts of your life where you've been trying and trying to change things but nothing seems to be working, then definitely make sure you read this book.

Here are just a few things you’ll learn in this book:

- The real reason why you’ve been struggling in certain areas of your life (money, relationships, career, health).

- A simple (yet effective) way to uncover your limiting beliefs that have been sabotaging your success—and eliminate them forever

- How to easily reprogram your subconscious mind in seconds, so you can quickly attract the life you love and deserve

+ “Bounce Back BIG” KIT that includes a video training, a workbook, and a powerful “inner peace” meditation.

It’s from the world’s leading “bounce back” expert and #1 bestselling author, Sonia Ricotti.

This kit is a crash-course that teaches you how to easily overcome any life challenge (big or small) and quickly bounce back bigger and higher than ever—so you can live your greatest life!

With this kit, you will:

  • Learn the exact 3-Step formula to bouncing back quickly from ANY situation so that you can get a fresh new start for 2022!

  • Immediately feel good and become the most positive person you know.

  • Experience true inner peace, calm, and clarity (even in the midst of stress, overwhelm, and chaos).…and lots more!This free kit will be available for just a short time, so make sure you take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and get it now. 

>> Download Your Free Bounce Back KIT 2022 here <<

download bounce back big in 2021 free kit with inner peace meditation class

What a great way to Bounce Back in Any Global or Personal Crisis!


The feedback has been phenomenal, including:

"Congratulations Sonia! Just watched the UNSINKABLE movie and I just want to tell you, it was beyond amazing! So many great lessons and takeaways! God bless you my dear! Here’s to bigger & better! Thank you for this film! I’ll watch it again & refer my contacts to watch it!" - Joanne Muturi

"I just watched your incredible movie. Thank you! Your story of bouncing back from all the things you shared from your past, ten years ago, and then the really touching moments during the making of this very film, about losing your mother… what a gift. I am uplifted and also motivated to make a change for myself. Thank you so much for creating this movie! With Love and Respect, Joe"

 "I absolutely LOVED the Unsinkable Movie, WOW! I've been working on my own blocks for many years and even though I have come so far already, just within the 90 minutes of your movie I broke down into tears as deeper blocks were revealed and released. I am so very grateful." - Cheers , Amanda van der Gulik

P.S. Got audience and want to recommend/promote Unsinkable movie? You can Apply here.

 Check Out Unsinkable Bounce Back System 2.0 Exclusive VIP Edition

This once-in-a-lifetime special offer not only includes her world-renowned life-changing program, but it also includes a special Unsinkable Movie VIP Film Package, and thousands of dollars in life-changing bonuses too!


>> Go here to get it now (before the doors close) <<


The Unsinkable Bounce Back System 2.0 is a foolproof, proven system to help you easily overcome any of life’s challenges and begin living a happy life that you love; a life filled with great wealth, health, relationships, inner peace, and happiness!

Some of the top experts on the planet have highly endorsed this program (including Bob Proctor, Les Brown, Mary Morrissey, and many more).

If you’re going through a difficult time in your life right now, and you’d love to turn things around quickly and begin living your greatest life in 2022, then take advantage of this phenomenal opportunity. Don’t even think twice about it.

We highly recommend that you get the Unsinkable Bounce Back System 2.0 Exclusive VIP Edition.

Sonia will be closing this incredible one-time offer in just a few hours, so make sure you get it now. You’ll be so happy you did.


More Bonuses for Bounce Back VIP Package below...


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You'd also love to "Reprogram Your Brain for Wealth" Free Gift!

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Must Watch Manifesting Movie Free

Watch manifesting movie for free here

Your Energy Flows where Attention Goes & Your Thoughts Create Your Reality! Make Self-awareness & Self-improvement Go Viral! 

Read more: Unsinkable Movie Watch Free Online, Bounce Back Big Webclass + Free Kit, Books, Bonuses

Friday 18 February 2022

New Science Behind Healing Your Mind, Body, Spirit… and Biofield

Discover the latest evidence behind integrative mental health, psychedelics, biofield devices & more.

How empowering would it feel to take a proactive approach to your health, incorporating ground-breaking science into your life in a meaningful way?

Imagine the inner power you could unleash by integrating the latest evidence-based tools for whole-body healing into your preventive routine!

After two years of persistent strain on your immune system, nervous system, and spirit, now is the time to tap into the energy and inspiration of a global scientific community as it unveils life-changing, evidence-based treatments and practices based on the healing power of the mind-body connection.

Just in the last few years, exciting research has come to light on body-based therapies — particularly around trauma resolution, integration practices, biofield devices, the use of psychedelics, and psychoneuroimmunology.

We now better understand the internal systems that contribute to optimal mental and physical ease. The newest studies on sound healing, energetic healing, quantum healing, and biofield science are rich with immediate takeaways, including revelations on measuring the biofield, biofield tuning, and biofield therapies. 

And fascinating bodies of research point to similarities between ancient and modern whole-system approaches to health in fields such as Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and omics (biological science technologies). 

In the Science of Healing Summit, you’ll join a global gathering of pioneers in evolutionary consciousness — including scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring teachers — and discover the latest developments in whole-body healing from spiritual, embodied, mental, physical, and biofield perspectives.

Be prepared for this powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge and wisdom to shift your perspective on the potential and the very meaning of healing.

Join us at this Free Online Event
Science of Healing Summit
February 28 – March 4, 2022

This is a rare opportunity to not only understand the future of holistic healing from an intellectual perspective, but also from an experiential embodied place. Guided by leaders from around the globe, you’ll be able to integrate the latest proven techniques into your daily life.

You’ll hear from more than 40 of today’s highly sought-after scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring spiritual teachers — including Deepak Chopra, MD, Cyndi Dale, Dr. Sheila Patel, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, PhD, Dawson Church, PhD, Dr. Maya Shetreat, Dr. Mario Martinez, and Charles Eisenstein — exploring evidence-based breakthroughs in:

  • Biofield science

  • Energy medicine

  • Psychedelics-assisted therapy  

  • Quantum science

  • Sound healing

  • Emerging mental health therapies

  • And more

This is a rare opportunity to not only understand the future of holistic healing from an intellectual perspective, but also from an experiential embodied place. Guided by leaders from around the globe, you’ll be able to integrate the latest proven techniques into your daily life.

>> RSVP here for the Science of Healing Summit — at no charge <<


During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How your heart rhythms can synchronize with others and the resonant frequencies in the Earth’s magnetic fields 

  • The nature of the biofield and how to best feed and care for it

  • Ground-breaking plant medicine studies that could help in treating modern diseases

  • How to screen your drainage pathways to gauge illness

  • Ways to improve your body’s detoxification process using the new science of the lymphatic system

  • How neuroplasticity, intention, and specific acupuncture points can work together to reduce the effects of stress

  • The awakening potential in trauma and a calling to self-actualize

  • The evidence behind the science of channeling, according to 150 years of research

  • How energy psychology is a tool for healing during catastrophic events

  • How the use of sound and intention are able to shift patterns of thoughts and behaviors

  • How sound can identify and localize imbalances within the body — and then identify the best resources for resolution

  • How to nurture your ability to see and sense energy

  • And much more!

Leading voices in biofield science, energy medicine, sound healing, psychedelics, and integrative mental health are among the global pioneers gathering to share their work with you. They will guide you through the latest in healing trauma, connecting through coherence, strengthening your intuition, working with the biofield, understanding the future of mental health, and more. 

From interviews and panels to brand-new Shift Talks — 20-minute presentations on ground-breaking work — and the screening of a documentary about miracle recoveries, you’ll have access to the latest research and theories on the science of healing. 

>> RSVP here for the Science of Healing Summit — at no charge <<


Here’s just a sample of what the enlightening speakers will share with you… 

  • Deepak Chopra, MD, and Anoop Kumar, MD, will illuminate the fundamental theories and perspectives on how quantum phenomena governs health and wellbeing.

  • Discover exciting research developments around psychedelic therapy and mental health with Dr. Maya Shetreat, Dr. Joe Tafur, and Dr. Gita Vaid.

  • Understand how to use Ayurveda to connect to your inner wisdom with Dr. Sheila Patel.

  • Dr. Alberto Villoldo will explore the fascinating synergy between ancient shamanic wisdom and modern science with regard to healing our bodies through detoxification.

  • Deepen your knowledge of the science of divinity for increasing miracles with Cyndi Dale.

  • Gain new perspectives on deep healing and drawing wisdom from our ancestors with Gregg Braden. 

  • Dr. Mario Martinez will explore how your cultural beliefs can affect gene expression of health or illness in a session on developing your epigenetic self.

  • Understand how negative thinking can trigger gene expression related to Alzheimer’s disease and aging — and how you can counter its effects with Dawson Church, PhD.

  • Donna Eden will share how transforming fear energetically brings out radiant joy — and why everyone has the ability to see and perceive energy.

  • Learn what the Honeymoon Effect is and how it influences your life with Bruce Lipton, PhD, during a deep dive into the functions of your conscious and unconscious mind.

And many more… 

>> RSVP here for the Science of Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: New Science Behind Healing Your Mind, Body, Spirit… and Biofield

Monday 14 February 2022

Use of Vedic Sutras to Clear Energy Blocks & Reveal Your Divine Gifts

Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras With NYT Bestselling Author Deborah King.

Are you ready to transform and release stories that no longer serve you — and access your intuitive and psychic abilities like never before?

Simple, yet powerful sutra practices can help

These mystical scriptures carry potent spiritual vibrations and divine frequencies that can lift you to your next level of healing and transformation.

One teacher who can distill this knowledge for you is leading Energy Medicine teacher and bestselling author Deborah King — renowned for her ability to make ancient teachings more accessible to modern seekers.

Deborah will show you how to receive the wisdom and healing power of the sutras so you can clear blocked energy, emotions, and limiting beliefs — and reveal your highest gifts — during a FREE video event.

>> Reserve your space here to Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts <<

Deborah King will show you how to use the Vedic sutras to heal your deepest pain and allow your highest gifts to fully blossom

You’ll discover:

  • How the Vedic Sutras can help clear energy blocks and dissolve painful emotions and experiences stored within you and your personal energy field

  • Why the sutras in particular are so powerful in working with energy blocks and opening to our deeper gifts

  • An experiential journey to visit an Ascended Master, St. Germain, at the Temple of the Violet Flame

  • Key insights from Deborah’s personal journey from an abusive childhood and an addiction to drugs and alcohol — to a New York Times bestselling author and renowned teacher

  • Wisdom from the healers, sages, and shamans around the globe Deborah has studied with — on her path of seeking to master ancient and modern techniques

The Vedic sutras, seen as revelations by Indian theologians, were received by ancient sages after intense meditations, preserved and passed on for thousands of years.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how this combination of wisdom and potent practices can help YOU clear energy blocks in your mind-body and transform your entire energy field!

>> Register for this FREE event here <<

During Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts, Deborah King will show you how to use the Vedic sutras to heal your deepest pain and allow your highest gifts to fully blossom.

Read more: Use of Vedic Sutras to Clear Energy Blocks & Reveal Your Divine Gifts

Sunday 13 February 2022

See How to Use Chakras’ Guidance System & Enjoy Guided Practice

Explore a new and exciting understanding of the chakras as a single integrated system.

Even for the most devoted spiritual seeker, life can feel overwhelming these days.

Many are finding solace in re-examining spiritual principles, finding something new and transformative as they come to understand them in a whole new way…

Russill Paul, pioneering teacher and founder of Yogic Mystery School, guides students around the world to rediscover the transformative power of the chakras.

While many of us were taught to spend time with each individual chakra, and think of them as the body’s separate energy centers that correspond to specific nerve bundles and internal organs…

… Russill invites us to instead think of them as a single, integrated chakra system that’s not linear at all. 

Drawing from the larger tradition of Tantra, which is closely associated with the development of the chakra system, Russill teaches that the chakras function together — and a deep understanding of this powerful truth brings us to the next step in the evolutionary process, and in our daily lives…

On Thursday, February 17, Russill will take you through the life journey each soul takes — and explains how your chakra system has developed along your journey since before you were born…

>> Join here for Finding a Sense of Joy & Wholeness Using Chakras as Your GPS: Powerful Healing Practices Inspired by Ancient Wisdom Traditions <<

A guided practice to help you reorganize your body, mind, and spirit — enabling you to live with greater flow and grace

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to use your chakras as your inner GPS system for your journey through life

  • How Tantra can liberate you from pain and limitation through a shift in perception

  • The middle path between healing and enlightenment that allows you to journey through them both

  • How you can learn to significantly lessen the pain in your life

  • A guided practice to help you reorganize your body, mind, and spirit — enabling you to live with greater flow and grace

Russill’s students from around the world have reported that his teachings have helped them feel calmer, less afraid of the unknown, more patient with themselves, and less anxious about life and making decisions.

Even if you’re familiar with other chakra work, please join us for this powerful hour and prepare to expand and deepen your knowledge in exciting new ways that will challenge your previous knowledge and practices — as you learn how to rely on your chakras’ guidance system on your journey through life.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live February 17 or get recording if missed... <<

In Finding a Sense of Joy & Wholeness Using Chakras as Your GPS: Powerful Healing Practices Inspired by Ancient Wisdom Traditions with Russill Paul… 

… you’ll explore a new and exciting understanding of the chakras as a single integrated system rather than seven separate energy centers — as you discover how to use your chakras’ guidance system on your spiritual and evolutionary journey through life.

Read more: See How to Use Chakras’ Guidance System & Enjoy Guided Practice

Saturday 12 February 2022

Learn Healing Art of Sexual Kung Fu (Jing Qi) Branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Explore the healing energy of your hormonal system with a Qigong Grandmaster.

Did you know that 25 percent of your life-force energy or Qi resides in your sexual organs? 

More than 5,000 years ago, potent Taoist practices for unleashing the raw healing and transformative potential of this energy were taught in secret to the emperor of China by three women… remembered by history as the Plain Girl, the Select Girl and the Dark Girl.

These teachings were originally reserved for rulers and Taoist monks and nuns, but were later refined and made available to all as revitalizing techniques that integrated the healing intelligence of sexual and spiritual Qi… 

… a unification of yin and yang energy and the convergence of Heaven and Earth in the human body.    

On Tuesday, February 15, with Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia, you’ll explore these ancient teachings of the Tao on how to access, leverage, and generate positive creation cycles of Jing (sexual) Qi… and begin alchemizing this powerful primordial energy for heightened consciousness and wellbeing.

>> Join here for Explore the Healing Energy of Your Hormonal System With Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia: How Sexual & Spiritual Health Intersect to Heighten Wellbeing <<

Explore the Healing art of Sexual Kung Fu, a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In this illuminating online event, you’ll discover:

  • The history of healing Sexual Kung Fu practices, originally a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine and considered a potent healing tool for luminous body, mind, and spirit health

  • How improving the health of your hormonal and reproductive systems enhances the wellbeing of your entire physiology — and catalyzes spiritual evolution 

  • Your body’s “love vibration” as a microcosm of the Earth’s frequency, capable of rewiring your DNA for higher states of health and consciousness

  • A powerful breathing practice for generating Jing Qi and drawing this energy up into your entire being through the lower-abdomen Moon Orbit

  • The science of sexual reflexology  how your organs orgasm and gain spiritual vitality when the Taoist points of love are activated

During the hour, you’ll explore the healing art of Sexual Kung Fu  the ancient branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine that first began integrating sexual and spiritual energy…

… and learn a powerful breathing practice that draws Jing Qi upward from the ovaries or testicles through the lower-abdomen Moon Orbit and into your entire being for optimized hormonal health. 

Join us for this invigorating event with Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia and discover a revelatory approach to wellbeing that alchemizes all of your energy to bolster your health, happiness, and spiritual evolution.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In Explore the Healing Energy of Your Hormonal System With Qigong Grandmaster Mantak Chia: How Sexual & Spiritual Health Intersect to Heighten Wellbeing

… you’ll discover a powerful exercise for generating healing Jing (sexual) Qi… and a revelatory approach to wellbeing that alchemizes the primordial and higher consciousness of Qi to bolster your health and spiritual evolution.

Read more: Learn Healing Art of Sexual Kung Fu (Jing Qi) Branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Friday 11 February 2022

6 Sensitivity Types to Better Nourish and Heal Your Body as an Empath

Experience a relaxing head-and-neck lymphatic drainage technique to clear toxins.

If you’re an empath, highly sensitive person, intuitive, creative… or simply feel things, emotionally and physically, more than others do, you may find that you tend to suffer more as well.

This can include everything from feeling out of place in the world, like you just don’t fit in, to dealing with more severe anxiety, depression, fatigue, chronic pain, and autoimmune disorders or illnesses, which may be presenting “mystery symptoms.”

Yet, your sensitivity is also your strength, your gift, your superpower. It’s what gives you heightened intuition, a strong sense of the feelings of those around you, and a strong propensity for compassion and nurturing and healing others.

So, how do you strike a balance? How do you nurture and heal yourself so you can better access and enjoy your special powers as a sensitive

On Saturday, February 12, with Dr. Natasha Fallahi, a mind-body health expert and functional medicine practitioner, you’ll discover how the 6 Sensitivity Types — mental, emotional, physical, chemical, social, and energetic — can provide the clues you need to better understand, empower, and nourish your sensitive self…

… so you can live a healthier, happier, more fulfilling life that allows your sensitivity to shine through as the gift it truly is.   

>> Join here for Thrive as a Sensitive Person In an Insensitive World: Discover the 6 Sensitivity Types to Better Know, Nourish & Heal Your Own Body as an Empath <<

Join free hour event and discover an evidence-based, mind-body approach to nourishing and healing yourself as an empath — AND experience it firsthand with a relaxing head-and-neck lymphatic drainage technique to clear toxins, fine-tune immunity, alleviate stress

During this eye-opening 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Learn the 6 Sensitivity Types — components that make up your being and hold important clues to physical, emotional, and spiritual healing for empaths and sensitives

  • Be guided in a head and neck lymphatic drainage technique to clear toxins from the brain, optimize relaxation, finetune immunity, alleviate stress and headaches, and clear brain fog, nasal congestion, and puffiness around the eyes

  • Discover how symptoms are messengers of deeper wisdom — and how to shift from allowing your symptoms to put you in “victim” mode to perceiving them as empowering knowledge for better self-understanding

  • Discover why sensitive people are more prone to chronic pain, fatigue, depression, and illness — and why and how natural therapies and remedies can free you from this experience

  • Understand that as an empath you will always be sensitive — it’s your superpower — so it’s imperative to learn your system’s cues to curb physical and emotional overwhelm before imbalance becomes illness

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to take back your agency as the naturally sensitive and insightful being you are…

…  so you can feel more at home in your body, live with more peace, clarity, and energy, and better experience life as a sensitive… in mind, body, and spirit. 

>> RSVP for free here to Watch Live (get recording) <<

In Thrive as a Sensitive Person In an Insensitive World: Discover the 6 Sensitivity Types to Better Know, Nourish & Heal Your Own Body as an Empath with Dr. Natasha Fallahi…

… you’ll discover an evidence-based, mind-body approach to nourishing and healing yourself as an empath — AND experience it firsthand with a relaxing head-and-neck lymphatic drainage technique to clear toxins, fine-tune immunity, alleviate stress, and more. 

Read more: 6 Sensitivity Types to Better Nourish and Heal Your Body as an Empath

Thursday 10 February 2022

Enjoy a Kirtan Musical Experience with the Legendary Krishna Das

Experience how a devotional chanting practice can help you release negative stories.

The last couple of years have presented a series of challenges beyond anything we’ve experienced before. Yet, whether your world is disrupted internally or externally, chanting is always an exquisite path that leads to greater peace.

Chanting can help you train yourself to meet everything that arises in your life with greater ease, resilience, compassion, and even love — and understand that everything you want is completely available and possible.

World-renowned devotional chant master Krishna Das will share how his chanting practice saves his life on a daily basis, and how it can do the same for you. Because when you take on a consistent practice, you start to free yourself from the constant barrage of obsessive self-defeating thoughts and stories you tell yourself about yourself

Over time, as you learn to focus and then refocus your attention on the music and syllables, again and again, the suffering produced by a rushing river of self-loathing begins to diminish.

>> Join here for A Kirtan Musical Experience With Krishna Das: How to Transform Your Everyday Life Through Chanting & Devotional Love <<

Experience how a dedicated devotional chanting practice can help you release negative stories you believe about yourself — and give you a higher perspective on your life and the world

In this complimentary online event, you’ll: 

  • Discover the essence of chanting practice — you sing, you notice when you’re not paying attention, you go back to singing — and how it loosens your attachment to negative self-talk

  • Be guided in a foundational chant from KD’s lineage

  • Recognize how deeply ensconced you may be in self-judgment, and how limiting that state of being is… and get a glimpse into a different possibility of freedom 

  • Understand that there’s a way to deal with anything that happens in your life — you just have to discover it

  • Hear how Krishna Das’ relationship with his guru, Maharaj-ji, transformed and continues to transform everything about his life

In this heart-opening hour, KD will guide you in a simple and accessible chant, one that was sung in his much-beloved guru Majaraj-ji’s temple where he lived in India — Sri Ram, Jai Ram, Jai Jai Ram — so you can experience for yourself how chanting can profoundly ground you, even as it sweeps you into a blissful state. 

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In A Kirtan Musical Experience With Krishna Das: How to Transform Your Everyday Life Through Chanting & Devotional Love with world-renowned devotional chant master Krishna Das…

… you’ll experience how a dedicated devotional chanting practice can help you release negative stories you believe about yourself — and give you a higher perspective on your life and the world.

Read more: Enjoy a Kirtan Musical Experience with the Legendary Krishna Das

Tuesday 8 February 2022

Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-filled Life

Explore your pre-birth plan, your ability to alter it & how your soul helps you evolve.

There is a powerful perspective we can embrace to find solace, acceptance, peace, self-compassion, and even liberation as we travel through life’s peaks and valleys.

This perspective is that we planned our own life — the parents we were born to, the relationships we engage in, even the challenges we face — to evolve as a soul and embody admirable Divine Virtues.

The pre-birth plan perspective also helps us to know that we never journey alone. Our soul, our guides and angels, as well as countless light beings are always accompanying us, eager to guide us to summits of joy if we simply trust and follow their lead.

In this context, we understand that we can raise our consciousness and vibration to influence our life’s trajectory. We can even shift out of victim consciousness — our biggest impediment to moving forward.

On Tuesday, February 8, with celebrated Between Lives Soul Regression certified hypnotist Rob Schwartz and his wife, Liesel Fricke, a prolific channeler of Light Being energies and wisdom…

… you’ll discover the powerful healing shift you can make by viewing your life with the understanding that you not only planned it, you’re empowered to change that plan by virtue of evolving consciously.

>> Join for your  Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life: Explore Your Pre-Birth Plan, Your Ability to Alter It & How Your Soul Helps You Evolve <<

Explore your pre-birth plan, your ability to alter it & how your soul helps you evolve

During this life-enhancing hour, you’ll: 

  • Explore the perspective that you created your own pre-birth plans, including your life challenges, and how opening to and embracing this frame of reference can bring more peace, comfort, gratitude, and love into your life 

  • Glimpse your life through the eyes of your soul in a powerful guided meditation where you’ll learn how all your experiences are deeply meaningful AND serve as catalysts for the expression of your fundamental nature of love.

  • Discover the Divine Virtues (such as patience, compassion, forgiveness, and self-love) as fruits of your agreement to work through the challenges in your life — and why some souls choose to inhabit Earth in tumultuous times

  • Learn how soul regression (a hypnosis-induced inner journey) and deep immersive meditation can help you connect, communicate, and commune with your soul, angels, guides, loving light beings, AND the love that you are

  • Discover the Beings of Light who dwell in Unity Consciousness — and how their wisdom can support you in your soul’s highest goals

This is an opportunity for you to receive fascinating insights into why a soul chooses to incarnate on Earth during particularly challenging times, such as the past couple of years — a period Rob refers to as a time of Ascension.

These are times of heightened anxiety and fear in which the perceived chaos actually contains the potential jolt that can serve as a catalyst for transformation, enabling you to surrender to the true safety of the Oneness within.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) <<

In Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-Filled Life: Explore Your Pre-Birth Plan, Your Ability to Alter It & How Your Soul Helps You Evolve 

… you’ll glimpse your pre-birth plan through the eyes of your soul in a powerful guided meditation — channeled from the Beings of Light — to understand how all your experiences are deeply meaningful… and serve as catalysts for living and expressing your fundamental nature of love.

Read more: Soul Regression & Channeled Wisdom for a Peaceful, Meaningful & Love-filled Life