Sunday 30 January 2022

Guided Meditation to Discover the Psychic Mind-Virus - Wetiko, within You

Discover why transmuting the psychic mind-virus can ignite your creative powers.

World circumstances are inviting us to undergo an inner alchemical transformation.

We are collectively making a shamanic descent into the darkness of the unconscious, believes spiritual emergence pioneer Paul Levy, and undergoing an archetypal death and rebirth experience.

Yet, the collective madness that appears to have overtaken our world can potentially help us see that there is something within us preventing our full evolutionary potential… something that can also potentially catalyze us to awaken to the dreamlike nature of reality and remember the essence of who we are.

Early Native Americans called this catalyst wetiko, and it’s a concept recognized in all spiritual traditions — a psychospiritual disease of the soul — a mind-virus or mental blindness that works through the blind spots of the unconscious. 

It is what feeds our shadow sides, those parts of ourselves we can’t or don’t want to see. It causes us to form a dualistic perspective — an us-versus-them mentality — and suffer the painful consequences of accepting this perceived sense of separateness.

On Tuesday, February 1, in a profoundly eye-opening and surprisingly inspiring hour with Paul, you’ll discover how, paradoxically, on the flip side of wetiko’s darkness dwells our light, as well as the creative passion and energies we hold — and need — to awaken from its dreamlike nature and see it for the revelation and catalyst for positive change that it is.

>> Register here for How to Transmute Wetiko & Unveil Your Luminosity for Greater Authenticity & Inner Freedom <<

Experience a profound guided meditation to discover the psychic mind-virus, wetiko, within you and how it may be suppressing the true you — AND how learning to transmute it can ignite your creative powers and set you free

During this illusion-shattering 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Discover wetiko — the psychic mind-virus within each of us and the collective — and the soul-empowering benefits of learning how to alchemize it in order to wake up to the dreamlike nature of reality.

  • Experience a profound guided meditation to glimpse behind the veil of your own inner wetiko, and notice your resistance to living authentically, what’s blocking you, and what’s drawing you forward

  • Learn the remedies for wetiko and how they strengthen your innate nature as a creator, cultivate compassion and healthy connection to others, and illuminate the synchronistic nature of life

  • Learn how to differentiate between our neurotic monkey mind, a symptom of wetiko, and the actual downloads from your higher soul-self

  • Discover the counterfeiting spirit within that impersonates us and that we identify with, and how to recognize and dispel it

You’ll learn how wetiko can cause us to fall under the spell of what in the Apocryphal texts of the Bible is called the counterfeiting spirit, where we are hijacked by societal norms that steal our true nature, unique creative gifts, and our ability to perceive and experience the loving nature of Universal Oneness.

And, you’ll come away with powerful remedies for transforming this personal and collective dis-ease.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In How to Transmute Wetiko & Unveil Your Luminosity for Greater Authenticity & Inner Freedom

… you’ll experience a profound guided meditation to discover the psychic mind-virus, wetiko, within you and how it may be suppressing the true you — AND how learning to transmute it can ignite your creative powers and set you free.

Read more: Guided Meditation to Discover the Psychic Mind-Virus - Wetiko, within You

Friday 28 January 2022

Guided Practice to Tap Into the Raw Power of Your Sovereign Voice

Discover how sound can transmute painful experiences into powerful awakenings.

Sound can transmute painful experiences into powerful awakenings.

In the sacred healing space where sound meets silence (yes, silence!), you can open a door to the medicine of your soul. 

Learning how to use the complementary forces of sound and silence liberates what pioneering voice teacher Chloë Goodchild calls your inner music — the wisdom of your soul that lies at the ground of your being, waiting to be unleashed, eager to transform difficult emotions into positive feelings.

When Chloë shows you how to unabashedly sing with your unique voice — and then listen to what happens when the sound stops, you discover that silence isn’t the absence of something. Rather, it’s the missing ingredient in a troubled world. It’s the invisible, all-imbuing force that unifies and connects, enlivening our communication.

The alchemical dance between sound and silence offers an ancient elixir and a spiritual practice that can help you access loving presence… express your highest truth… witness yourself through nonjudgmental listening… and enhance your inner authority.

On Saturday, January 29, you’ll discover the dynamic, medicinal, life-changing role that silence can play in invigorating you and your unique, authentic sovereign voice. You’ll learn how to open yourself more than ever to conscious, compassionate, courageous communication in everything from your everyday speech to ecstatic states of soul.

>> Join here to Discover Your Truest Self in the Sacred Space Between Sound & Silence: Sound Healing to Harmonize Body, Mind & Spirit <<

Explore the oneness where sound meets silence… and experience a profound guided practice to tap into the raw, transformative power that follows the sound of your sovereign voice

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll explore:

  • 3-Step Silent Body Singing — a simple, soul-expanding practice to explore the quality of silence your sacred voice leaves behind

  • Silence as a living presence and an untapped resource for transformation (rather than an awkward pause or an absence of sound!)

  • How to reclaim the dynamic presence of silence — and how doing so restores coherence in your body’s auric field

  • Why grit, gradual revelation, and grace are crucial to personal and global transformation

  • How the Practice of the Witness can help you completely reconsider your relationship with what you think is going on in the world… and usher in a flood of unconditional love for yourself and those around you

As you learn to access your soul’s wisdom in the heart of silence, you’ll relish how embodied experiences of love and unconditional presence can lead you to healthier and happier realms of coherence and harmony.

The best part is that if you think you “can’t sing,” Chloë will show you how to release that culturally imposed illusion — so you can access a direct experience of your eternal self, what Chloë calls “your unique sound of oneness.” 

As you’ll discover, the sheer act of sounding and listening relaxes you, nourishes you with self-acceptance, and helps you transform separateness into connection.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording if late) <<

In Discover Your Truest Self in the Sacred Space Between Sound & Silence: Sound Healing to Harmonize Body, Mind & Spirit with pioneering voice teacher Chloë Goodchild… 

… you’ll explore the oneness where sound meets silence… and experience a profound guided practice to tap into the raw, transformative power that follows the sound of your sovereign voice.

Read more: Guided Practice to Tap Into the Raw Power of Your Sovereign Voice

Wednesday 26 January 2022

Join Guided Energy Practice to Take You from Binary Thinking to Expanded Consciousness

Get Energy medicine tools to transcend “binary thinking” and expand your consciousness.

During your lifetime, has there ever been a period of greater polarity than what we’re facing in today’s world? 

Energy medicine expert Ellen Meredith, a medical intuitive and author, teaches that to skillfully navigate change at this crucial time in our evolution, it’s important to learn how to fully activate the internal guidance systems that are already built into your body-mind-spirit

… and to connect with all the voices of your soul so you can see a deeper truth from a broader perspective, and find your own True North. 

Ellen believes that we can all break through the obstruction of polarizing, or what she calls “binary thinking,” with energy medicine tools that help us cultivate a more spherical consciousness… 

… so we can awaken and thrive as the world transforms, and follow the path of our greatest potential.

You’ll be guided to tap into your inner compass and work with your energies so you can move beyond an either/or way of walking through the world, and ground energetically into wholeness

>> Join here to Evolve Your Ability to Navigate Personal and Global Change With Powerful Energy Medicine <<

discover that you can teach your subtle energies to operate in a synergistic manner that reflects an awareness of interconnection — which allows you to not only cope with change, but to thrive within it and contribute to the healing and transformation of our world

In this remarkable hour, you’ll:

  • Be guided in a powerful energy practice that supports your body, mind, and spirit in the transition from binary thinking to spherical consciousness 

  • Discover how to use energy medicine tools to activate the internal guidance system that already exists within you

  • Learn how to work with your energies to navigate these rapidly changing times so you can emerge transformed and thriving

  • Gain a new perspective on the change that’s happening in our world as part of a larger global evolution in consciousness

  • Understand that constructs fall apart in order to reformulate and make space for a new, more resilient way of being

You’ll discover that you can teach your subtle energies to operate in a synergistic manner that reflects an awareness of interconnection — which allows you to not only cope with change, but to thrive within it and contribute to the healing and transformation of our world. 

Ellen will help you truly feel your interdependence with everyone and All That Is… and build your awareness of what needs to be born now to support change from the inside out.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In Evolve Your Ability to Navigate Personal and Global Change With Powerful Energy Medicine with energy medicine expert Ellen Meredith…

… you’ll activate your inner guidance systems to discover your True North and expand into a spherical, more global consciousness — to navigate our changing world with a sense of purpose, possibility, and interconnection.

Read more: Join Guided Energy Practice to Take You from Binary Thinking to Expanded Consciousness

Tuesday 25 January 2022

Activate your Breath to Fully Integrate Your Psyche, Soul, and Physical Self

Experience the art & science of breathwork to shift your physiology, transform trauma & build resilience.

One of the great gifts of breath is that whenever your mind veers off track, conscious breathing can gently return you to stillness and serenity.

That’s because the breaths you’re taking right now are connected to your nervous system, your immune health, and your ability to live your life to the fullest. They’re the gatekeeper to your mental and emotional states, the release valve for your traumatic experiences, and your portal to a higher state of being.

The body is fluent in breath; it’s the language of metabolizing intensity and change to override negative or limiting mental programs. Explore this vocabulary with practice and intention and you can learn to self-regulate your mental and emotional states regardless of external circumstances. 

Through breath, you can access inner awareness quickly, transcend limitations in consciousness, and expand your capacity to roll with life’s daily stressors. You can widen your window of tolerance, downshifting from states of hyperarousal so you feel more centered, grounded, and empowered

Change seems to be coming faster and more intensely than ever in this world. But that doesn’t mean you’re powerless in the face of instability. You can expand your ability to absorb whatever lies ahead, knowing that each challenge is also an opportunity to exercise the power of breath and develop greater self-awareness. 

Your breath can be focused and channeled in times of need so it shifts from a subconscious action to a powerful ally. It can be your connection to spirit, your tool for facing rapid or radical changes, your pathway forward to joy and prosperity, and your secret for enhancing your physical stamina. 

Like a dedicated healer, the breath is always available to you — accessing it doesn’t require fancy equipment or physical prowess. 

The Shift Network’s Breathwork Summit reveals the science, art, and power of full-spectrum breathing across a number of traditions and techniques. You’ll learn the history and science behind these practices, with time allotted to actually perform them under the guidance of breathwork pioneers and practitioners.

Join us for Free Online Event
Breathwork Summit
February 7
11, 2022

Experience the art & science of breathwork to shift your physiology, transform trauma & build resilience

This timely event features more than 40 of today’s highly sought-after breathwork experts and teachers — including Richard Rudd, Rollin McCraty, PhD, Ayo Handy-Kendi, Professor Stephen W. Porges, Dr. Ela Manga, Giten Tonkov, Kathleen Booker, Dr. Katie Hendricks, Niraj Naik, and many other luminaries.

They’ll be sharing dynamic breathwork practices to help transmute trauma… awaken love and prosperity… energize your brain… and connect you with higher frequencies, helping you experience life as a more unified being.  

This ground-breaking Breathwork Summit will reveal the science, art, and power of full-spectrum breathing across a number of traditions and techniques. You’ll learn the history and science behind these practices, with time allotted to actually perform them under the guidance of experienced breathwork pioneers and practitioners.

This free online gathering is presented by The Shift Network and hosted by master breathwork trainer Dan Brulé, consciousness teacher and coach Lisa De Narvaez, and Integrative Breath co-founder and lead teacher Steph Magenta.

Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<

During this profound 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How to manage your breath in extreme environments

  • Ways to use breathwork as the foundation for starting and sustaining breakthrough changes in your life

  • The future of breathwork in NeuroAcrobatics™ (or tuning the breath/brain/body axis for rapid self-healing)

  • The nature of holographic breathing and a guided holographic breathing exercise from the founder of the technique

  • The key benefits of coherent breathing, as well as a guided coherent breathing exercise from the technique’s founder

  • Methods for using breathwork to access spirit and higher consciousness

  • Practices that use breath to help you access your happiest self

  • Ways to transform your life with a powerful shamanic breathing method

  • The connection between breath and manifestation — and ways to breathe into an abundant life

  • The core root transformation that can be experienced through breathwork to help transmute trauma

And much more!

There’s never been a more opportune moment to make use of the breath’s alchemizing nature than the beginning of a new year… when you can shift from being reactive to the present to being proactive about the future. 

Please join us in this landmark event. We look forward to seeing you there. 

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Professor Stephen W. Porges will explore the polyvagal perspective of breathing as a portal to the autonomic nervous system​.

  • Rollin McCraty, PhD, will discuss the important relationship between heart coherence and the breath​.

  • Optimize your health and wellbeing using SOMA Breath with Niraj Naik​.

  • Understand the importance of relearning how to breathe in the Breathology 101 session with Ayo Handy-Kendi, the Breath Sékou.

  • Use breathwork to quiet the mind with Kathleen Booker.

  • Giten Tonkov will guide you through BioDynamic Breathwork for trauma release​.

  • Richard Rudd will explore breathing in the future human through Gene Keys.

  • Understand how breath is woven into threads of healing with Dr. Ela Manga. 

  • Glean the highlights of Dr. Katie Hendricks’ four decades of breathwork.

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Breathwork Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Activate your Breath to Fully Integrate Your Psyche, Soul, and Physical Self

Monday 24 January 2022

Discover a Portal into Your Identity, Spiritual Awareness & Oneness Consciousness

Experience a profound meditation to perceive your true relationship to consciousness.

You’re no stranger to the spiritual path…

Yet, despite your commitment to expanding your awareness, you may be experiencing a disconnect from your inner life, maybe even an underlying discomfort with how you’re connecting with others or with life in general.

You yearn for greater ease, resiliency, and possibilities… for a fulfilling, flourishing life and for a deeper integration of your spiritual experiences — goals that may have always felt just beyond your reach.

On Thursday, January 27, with author and consciousness explorer Anoop Kumar, MD, you’ll discover a fascinating portal into your identity, spiritual awareness, and Oneness Consciousness through the Three Minds — an enlightening approach to perceiving the imagined boundaries within and around you that can profoundly illuminate how you experience consciousness… and life.

>> RSVP here to Explore the 3 Minds Approach to Consciousness for Greater Ease, Resiliency & Possibility <<

Learn how to “mentally flex” within your perceived boundaries between yourself, the material objects around you, and the collective, gaining important insights into your true relationship with everything and everyone

During this fascinating 60 minutes, you’ll: 

  • Discover the Three Minds — powerful perceptions of consciousness that expand self-awareness, dissolve imagined boundaries, and foster a groundlessness necessary for living with ease, resiliency, and possibility

  • Experience a guided meditation to challenge boundaries you perceive between yourself, objects, and others, and expand your understanding of identity so you can  open to greater consciousness 

  • Discover how perceived boundaries — between ourselves and what we consider inanimate — store all our individual experiences, and how shifting these perceptions allows for a greater sense of connection and expansion

  • Learn how 2nd Mind living takes us beyond our identity, society, and Earth, elevating us to a greater connection with All That Is 

  • View spiritual states through the perspectives of science and philosophy to reveal how our internal experiences fit within the outer world  

You’ll learn how to “mentally flex” within your perceived boundaries between yourself, the material objects around you, and the collective, gaining important insights into your true relationship with everything and everyone.

You’ll understand how such an exploration of consciousness can expand your understanding of spirituality and catalyze greater connection to All That Is, while also evoking a greater sense of freedom in your own beingness

This can help us perceive and experience spirituality — and our lives — in a boundless, freer way. It can provide the answers to what we seek as well as the ability to be comfortable in the necessary groundlessness that can give us the infinite flexibility we need to navigate the future.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording) <<

In Explore the 3 Minds Approach to Consciousness for Greater Ease, Resiliency & Possibility with author and consciousness explorer Anoop Kumar, MD…

… you’ll experience a profound meditation to “mentally flex” within perceived boundaries between yourself, the material world, and the collective — for important insights into your true relationship to consciousness… and the infinite flexibility you need to navigate your future.

Read more: Discover a Portal into Your Identity, Spiritual Awareness & Oneness Consciousness

Friday 21 January 2022

Join Us in Guided inner Journey, meet a Helping Ally, & Explore an Unsettling Dream

Experience Lucid Dreamplay to transcend fear & consciously create your reality.

Our nighttime dreams — whether sweet or scary — come to empower, transform, and heal us.

They’re spiritual gifts from our unconscious, and when we take the time to unwrap them by practicing dreamwork, we receive precious messages from our soul…

… messages that can help us transcend our worst fears, live our lives with fullness and joy, and become more balanced, whole human beings, capable of self-healing and contributing purposefully to the collective wellbeing of humanity. 

Even our unpleasant dreams — those that make us feel unsettled or anxious — as well as the curious images that flash before our eyes when we’re drifting off to sleep, contain the gold of greater self-awareness and the remedy for liberation from the uneasiness or fear they may instill.

When you open to this dream medicine, you discover that its alchemy can also transmute your waking anxieties and fears.

In a free online event on Saturday, January 22, with renowned dreamwork teacher Dr. Clare Johnson, you’ll learn about an amazing dream re-entry practice called Lucid Dreamplay.

>> Join here for Experience Lucid Dreamplay to Transcend Fear & Become a Conscious Creator of Your Reality <<

Discover how to use Lucid Dreamplay to safely and comfortably re-enter a scary dream

In this self-empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Learn how to unveil and welcome the gifts inherent in unpleasant dreams, which can include unsettling or anxiety-provoking dreams, pre-sleep imagery, nightmares, and sleep paralysis

  • Experience a guided inner journey where you’ll meet a helping ally and explore an uncomfortable dream (or waking) image, and feel its energy shift as it transforms, leaving you feeling freer, lighter, and calmer

  • Discover how to use Lucid Dreamplay to safely and comfortably re-enter a scary dream and return with its gifts of self-empowerment, transformation, and healing (a great way to build protection and go back to sleep)

  • Learn about the benefits of  yoga nidra, a relaxation practice (no yoga moves involved) that enables you to “float” on the cusp of sleep and speak directly to your unconscious — a powerful approach to manifesting intentions, catalyzing healing, shamanic journeying, and meeting your soul 

  • Harvest wisdom from discovering who you truly are in your dreams — and the amazing insights that zeroing in on your dream’s “perspective” can illuminate

Clare will guide you safely and comfortably to re-enter an unsettling dream (or any type of dream) to watch it transform before your eyes, uncovering its healing wisdom and nudging you toward the calm core of your soul

You’ll also find that this powerful dreamwork approach can be a highly effective way to build protection while you fall back asleep after awakening from an unsettling dream.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) <<

In Experience Lucid Dreamplay to Transcend Fear & Become a Conscious Creator of Your Reality

… you’ll e-enter an unsettling dream (or any type of dream) with loving guidance, and watch it transform — allowing you to uncover its healing wisdom and connect with the calm core of your soul.

Read more: Join Us in Guided inner Journey, meet a Helping Ally, & Explore an Unsettling Dream

Wednesday 19 January 2022

Experience a Cell Activation & Guided Visualization into a Human Cell

Explore the wisdom of your cellular memory for deeper intuition & self-healing.

The trillions of cells in our bodies know everything about our magnificence, according to Marie Manuchehri, a clairvoyant energy medicine healer and registered nurse.

They hold what she calls cellular memory, and when we learn how to work with our cellular memory to align with our psychic abilities, we can empower and embolden our higher, most authentic self in ways we never thought possible…

We can boost our capacity for self-healing, manifesting abundance, achieving our soul’s desires, connecting with allies on the Otherside, and for living a fuller, happier life.

On Thursday, January 20, in a fascinating hour with Marie, you’ll learn how your cells can provide you with psychic information you’ve accumulated throughout your lifetimes, help connect you with allies from other realms, and help you live your life at a higher vibration…

… which, in turn, attracts situations and people to you necessary to manifest what your soul knows from your many reincarnations — what you truly desire, and need, to step into your true purpose.

>> Join here to Explore the Wisdom of Your Cellular Memory Through a Multisensory Experience for Deeper Intuition, Manifestation & Self-Healing <<

Unlock Cellular Memory Through a Multisensory Experience for Deeper Intuition, Manifestation & Self-Healing with Marie Manuchehri

During this extraordinary hour, you’ll:

  • Learn about cellular memory and how you can boost your energetic vibration and psychic abilities — and have a stronger connection to the spirit world through your cells

  • Experience a cell activation and guided journey into a human cell to tap into your cellular memory, release old energies, and reprogram your cells to help you express the truth of who you are 

  • Explore the impact that negative thinking and talk can have on your cells — and how clearly, positively speaking your truth attracts the opportunities you need to manifest your desires

  • Discover how you can catalyze a reparative energetic effect in your tissues, muscles, and bones through the reprogramming of your cellular memory, releasing past-life trauma, and hastening physical and emotional healing

  • Understand how our cells connect us to our deceased loved ones — a fascinating perspective that goes far beyond the science of DNA 

Learning to work with your cellular memory gives you direct access to experiencing yourself as the powerful being you are. It allows you to draw valuable knowledge from your higher self as you tap into the infinite nature of your soul.

 >> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) <<


In Explore the Wisdom of Your Cellular Memory Through a Multisensory Experience for Deeper Intuition, Manifestation & Self-Healing

… you’ll experience a cell activation and guided visualization with Marie Manuchehri into a human cell for a powerful multisensory experience of your cellular memory, which holds the key to what you need to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience a Powerful Multisensory Journey into Your Cellular Memory

Discover how you can boost your energetic vibration and psychic abilities.

The trillions of cells in our bodies know everything about our magnificence, according to Marie Manuchehri, a clairvoyant energy medicine healer and registered nurse.

They hold what she calls cellular memory, and when we learn how to work with our cellular memory to align with our psychic abilities, we can empower and embolden our higher, most authentic self in ways we never thought possible…

We can boost our capacity for self-healing, manifesting abundance, achieving our soul’s desires, connecting with allies on the Otherside, and for living a fuller, happier life.

On Thursday, January 20, in a fascinating hour with Marie, you’ll learn how your cells can provide you with psychic information you’ve accumulated throughout your lifetimes, help connect you with allies from other realms, and help you live your life at a higher vibration…

… which, in turn, attracts situations and people to you necessary to manifest what your soul knows from your many reincarnations — what you truly desire, and need, to step into your true purpose.

>> RSVP here to Explore the Wisdom of Your Cellular Memory Through a Multisensory Experience for Deeper Intuition, Manifestation & Self-Healing <<

Learn how to work with your cellular memory gives you direct access to experiencing yourself as the powerful being you are. It allows you to draw valuable knowledge from your higher self as you tap into the infinite nature of your soul.

During this extraordinary hour, you’ll:

  • Learn about cellular memory and how you can boost your energetic vibration and psychic abilities — and have a stronger connection to the spirit world through your cells

  • Experience a cell activation and guided journey into a human cell to tap into your cellular memory, release old energies, and reprogram your cells to help you express the truth of who you are 

  • Explore the impact that negative thinking and talk can have on your cells — and how clearly, positively speaking your truth attracts the opportunities you need to manifest your desires

  • Discover how you can catalyze a reparative energetic effect in your tissues, muscles, and bones through the reprogramming of your cellular memory, releasing past-life trauma, and hastening physical and emotional healing

  • Understand how our cells connect us to our deceased loved ones — a fascinating perspective that goes far beyond the science of DNA 

Learning to work with your cellular memory gives you direct access to experiencing yourself as the powerful being you are. It allows you to draw valuable knowledge from your higher self as you tap into the infinite nature of your soul.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) <<


In Explore the Wisdom of Your Cellular Memory Through a Multisensory Experience for Deeper Intuition, Manifestation & Self-Healing

… you’ll experience a cell activation and guided visualization with Marie Manuchehri into a human cell for a powerful multisensory experience of your cellular memory, which holds the key to what you need to be happy, healthy, and fulfilled.

Read more: Experience a Powerful Multisensory Journey into Your Cellular Memory

Tuesday 18 January 2022

How Christianity’s 4-Path Journey can Awaken You to a Deeper Reality

Discover the mystical map to transformation hidden in Christianity’s 4 gospels.

Are you feeling more hopeful these days? 

Or, perhaps you’re in need of hope… 

If you’re a seasoned seeker, you know that beyond hope there is something deeper… a way of being that helps us better navigate life’s difficulties — and welcome its joys.

Even experiencing incredible moments of awakening may not prevent us from slipping back into old patterns — if we don’t know how to embody their powerful transformative energies and weave their gifts into our lives.

To get to that sweet spot beyond hope, we need to learn to trust — our journey, life circumstances, ourselves, and that we will come to see the light in the darkness even in our most difficult moments.

Author and renowned thought leader Alexander John Shaia, PhD, will share the universal 4-path journey — recognized by every major spiritual tradition, from Shamanism to Judaism, and by mythology and psychology —  as a powerful and reassuring guide to transformation for these times.

>> Join here to Discover the Mystical, Feminine Map to Transformation Hidden in Christianity’s 4 Gospels <<

Discover a way to live with a trust that is beyond hope in the face of change, loss, fear, overwhelm, and discontent — that’s available and applicable to everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, orientation, spiritual tradition, or no tradition

In this eye-opening 60-minute program, you’ll:

  • Discover the beauty and power of the 4-Path Journey underlying all great spiritual traditions — and how it awakens us to a deeper reality that liberates fear and cultivates trust

  • Experience a profound guided meditation welcoming you into the rhythm of a 24-hour cycle as you imagine a dark time in your life, yet  arrive at the dawn of a new day, feeling more grounded and at ease

  • Excavate gifts for your transformation from Christianity’s mystical feminine teachings hidden beneath the shadow of patriarchy

  • Learn how the Story of John may have been written by a woman

  • Find out if you’ve been lured by The Dangerous Beautiful, Alexander John’s phrase for spiritual bypass or the inability to properly embody and express the high-voltage energy of awakening

Alexander John reveals uncommon wisdom about these mystical paths — profoundly feminine teachings hidden in Christianity’s gospels, many of which have been “lost” for over a thousand years — that illuminate a vital life map leading us to inner freedom, safety, respect, and a profound connection with God.

You’ll discover a way to live with a trust that is beyond hope in the face of change, loss, fear, overwhelm, and discontent — that’s available and applicable to everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, orientation, spiritual tradition, or no tradition.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) <<

In Discover the Mystical, Feminine Map to Transformation Hidden in Christianity’s 4 Gospels

… you’ll experience a guided meditation to glimpse the beauty and power of Christianity’s 4-Path Journey — and how it can awaken you to a deeper reality, liberate you from fear, and help you cultivate trust in the face of your darkest moments.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Guided Meditation to Glimpse the Beauty of Christianity’s 4-Path Journey

Discover the mystical map to transformation hidden in Christianity’s 4 gospels.

Are you feeling more hopeful these days? 

Or, perhaps you’re in need of hope… 

If you’re a seasoned seeker, you know that beyond hope there is something deeper… a way of being that helps us better navigate life’s difficulties — and welcome its joys.

Even experiencing incredible moments of awakening may not prevent us from slipping back into old patterns — if we don’t know how to embody their powerful transformative energies and weave their gifts into our lives.

To get to that sweet spot beyond hope, we need to learn to trust — our journey, life circumstances, ourselves, and that we will come to see the light in the darkness even in our most difficult moments.

Author and renowned thought leader Alexander John Shaia, PhD, will share the universal 4-path journey — recognized by every major spiritual tradition, from Shamanism to Judaism, and by mythology and psychology —  as a powerful and reassuring guide to transformation for these times.

>> Join here for Discover the Mystical, Feminine Map to Transformation Hidden in Christianity’s 4 Gospels <<

Experience a guided meditation to glimpse the beauty and power of Christianity’s 4-Path Journey — and how it can awaken you to a deeper reality, liberate you from fear, and help you cultivate trust in the face of your darkest moments

In this eye-opening 60-minute program, you’ll:

  • Discover the beauty and power of the 4-Path Journey underlying all great spiritual traditions — and how it awakens us to a deeper reality that liberates fear and cultivates trust

  • Experience a profound guided meditation welcoming you into the rhythm of a 24-hour cycle as you imagine a dark time in your life, yet  arrive at the dawn of a new day, feeling more grounded and at ease

  • Excavate gifts for your transformation from Christianity’s mystical feminine teachings hidden beneath the shadow of patriarchy

  • Learn how the Story of John may have been written by a woman

  • Find out if you’ve been lured by The Dangerous Beautiful, Alexander John’s phrase for spiritual bypass or the inability to properly embody and express the high-voltage energy of awakening

Alexander John reveals uncommon wisdom about these mystical paths — profoundly feminine teachings hidden in Christianity’s gospels, many of which have been “lost” for over a thousand years — that illuminate a vital life map leading us to inner freedom, safety, respect, and a profound connection with God.

You’ll discover a way to live with a trust that is beyond hope in the face of change, loss, fear, overwhelm, and discontent — that’s available and applicable to everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, orientation, spiritual tradition, or no tradition.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) <<

In Discover the Mystical, Feminine Map to Transformation Hidden in Christianity’s 4 Gospels

… you’ll experience a guided meditation to glimpse the beauty and power of Christianity’s 4-Path Journey — and how it can awaken you to a deeper reality, liberate you from fear, and help you cultivate trust in the face of your darkest moments.

Read more: Guided Meditation to Glimpse the Beauty of Christianity’s 4-Path Journey

Wednesday 12 January 2022

5 Ancient Techniques to Open Your Third Eye & Discover Immense Inner Light

Discover immense inner light and unceasing guidance from your higher consciousness.

Imagine being able to access the source of all creativity, intuition, peace, bliss, and light by simply utilizing the abilities you were born with — no matter what else is happening in your life or in our unpredictable world.

For thousands of years, mystics, shamans, seers, and prophets from ancient Egypt to India used the power of the Third Eye to experience a deepened sense of interconnection and higher consciousness

… a state of elevated awareness and perception in which a person has a deeper understanding of the nature of reality, the self, and various spiritual aspects of life that play an important role in one’s personal evolution and psychological development.

These mystics developed paranormal powers (or “siddhis”) that mirrored the abilities of magicians, mentalists, and alchemists. 

If you’re interested in learning how to access your own power, join us on Thursday, January 13, for a free hour-long workshop with Raja Choudhury, a celebrated spiritual teacher and filmmaker, and explore how to open your Third Eye, the seat of your consciousness — and the bridge between ordinary you and “superconscious” you. 

>> Join here for Awaken Your Third Eye to Access Your Intuition, Creativity & Bliss — and Become a Living Light for the World <<

Awaken Your Third Eye to Access Your Intuition, Creativity & Bliss — and Become a Living Light for the World

During this special hour-long event, you’ll: 

  • Discover the essence of your Third Eye as Raja shares his ground-breaking research around how to create a heightened state of consciousness — similar to psychedelics, but without the drugs — and how these new insights  can help you better focus on your inner work at a time when it’s easy to feel overwhelmed

  • Find out how to tether yourself to the Earth and open your lower chakras with Kundalini Shakti, clearing a path for you to become a Sky Walker in the higher regions of consciousness

  • Explore techniques of focusing your outer and inner eyes so you can prepare to see the Star Gate and the beautiful realms beyond

  • Be initiated into the “A Hum” and “Hum Sah” breaths and the Tara Tratak that will activate your Third Eye and reveal the secret Star Gate you have been waiting for

  • Be initiated into a secret Beej Mantra that will activate the power and magic of Shiva meditating and the Shakti energizing inside your Brahma’s Cave

  • Discover the White Monastery within and the secrets of intention, stillness, surrender, and manifestation — and be taken through a short guided meditation with Raja to work with this inner light

When you successfully open and connect to your Third Eye, you’ll function at a higher level. You’ll live more creatively and harmoniously, sleep more soundly, and be able to let go of destructive patterns and habits… and only attract the highest and purest energies into your life. 

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn how to open your Third Eye in a gentle, safe, tested, and painless way to discover true inner illumination and access vast cosmic intelligence in physical, tangible, and repeatable ways. 

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event <<

In Awaken Your Third Eye to Access Your Intuition, Creativity & Bliss — and Become a Living Light for the World 

… you’ll explore 5 ancient techniques from Tantric, Kriya, and Kundalini Shakti practices to open your Third Eye — and discover immense inner light and unceasing guidance from your higher consciousness.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Practice Awakening Your Third Eye to Access Intuition, Creativity & Bliss

Explore 5 ancient techniques from Tantric, Kriya, and Kundalini Shakti practices.

Imagine being able to access the source of all creativity, intuition, peace, bliss, and light by simply utilizing the abilities you were born with — no matter what else is happening in your life or in our unpredictable world.

For thousands of years, mystics, shamans, seers, and prophets from ancient Egypt to India used the power of the Third Eye to experience a deepened sense of interconnection and higher consciousness

… a state of elevated awareness and perception in which a person has a deeper understanding of the nature of reality, the self, and various spiritual aspects of life that play an important role in one’s personal evolution and psychological development.

These mystics developed paranormal powers (or “siddhis”) that mirrored the abilities of magicians, mentalists, and alchemists. 

If you’re interested in learning how to access your own power, join us on Thursday, January 13, for a free hour-long workshop with Raja Choudhury, a celebrated spiritual teacher and filmmaker, and explore how to open your Third Eye, the seat of your consciousness — and the bridge between ordinary you and “superconscious” you. 

>> Join here for Awaken Your Third Eye to Access Your Intuition, Creativity & Bliss — and Become a Living Light for the World <<

Awaken Your Third Eye to Access Your Intuition, Creativity & Bliss — and Become a Living Light for the World

During this special hour-long event, you’ll: 

  • Discover the essence of your Third Eye as Raja shares his ground-breaking research around how to create a heightened state of consciousness — similar to psychedelics, but without the drugs — and how these new insights  can help you better focus on your inner work at a time when it’s easy to feel overwhelmed

  • Find out how to tether yourself to the Earth and open your lower chakras with Kundalini Shakti, clearing a path for you to become a Sky Walker in the higher regions of consciousness

  • Explore techniques of focusing your outer and inner eyes so you can prepare to see the Star Gate and the beautiful realms beyond

  • Be initiated into the “A Hum” and “Hum Sah” breaths and the Tara Tratak that will activate your Third Eye and reveal the secret Star Gate you have been waiting for

  • Be initiated into a secret Beej Mantra that will activate the power and magic of Shiva meditating and the Shakti energizing inside your Brahma’s Cave

  • Discover the White Monastery within and the secrets of intention, stillness, surrender, and manifestation — and be taken through a short guided meditation with Raja to work with this inner light

When you successfully open and connect to your Third Eye, you’ll function at a higher level. You’ll live more creatively and harmoniously, sleep more soundly, and be able to let go of destructive patterns and habits… and only attract the highest and purest energies into your life. 

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn how to open your Third Eye in a gentle, safe, tested, and painless way to discover true inner illumination and access vast cosmic intelligence in physical, tangible, and repeatable ways. 

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event <<

In Awaken Your Third Eye to Access Your Intuition, Creativity & Bliss — and Become a Living Light for the World 

… you’ll explore 5 ancient techniques from Tantric, Kriya, and Kundalini Shakti practices to open your Third Eye — and discover immense inner light and unceasing guidance from your higher consciousness.

Read more: Practice Awakening Your Third Eye to Access Intuition, Creativity & Bliss

Friday 7 January 2022

Experience a guided meditation with Dr. Judith Orloff to deal with a difficult emotion

Empower your emotional life with the 4 components of healing your emotions.

Right this moment, you have the ability to achieve emotional freedom. It’s closer than you might think, even in these unfamiliar times… 

As an empath, or an otherwise caring and sensitive person, you likely tend to soak up stress from those around you —  and you might find yourself particularly challenged by your emotions in today’s world.

You may even unknowingly carry around emotions that aren’t yours, without knowing how to identify or release them. 

The good news is, there is a solution — you can shift your unproductive emotional patterns and begin viewing yourself and others through the lens of the heart. You can learn how to be an empowered empath without taking on the emotions of others.

On Tuesday, January 11, Judith Orloff, MD, psychiatrist, empath, and bestselling author, will share the foundation of emotional healing — the four components that empower your emotional life: biology, spirituality, energetic power, and psychology

>> You can register here for 4 Secrets for Empaths & Sensitives to Transform Anxiety and Fear, Ignite Healing & Heighten Intuition <<

In this powerful hour, you’ll discover how your emotions are the greatest teachers for enabling you to listen to your deepest intuition, access the emotional healing energy of the heart, and awaken your body’s empathic healing wisdom.

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore how to empower your emotional life with the 4 major components of healing your emotions — biology, spirituality, energetic power, and psychology — to impact your emotional experience as an empath, or an otherwise sensitive, caring person

  • Participate in Judith’s guided meditation to experience one of your emotions from a fresh perspective — to feel the emotion and bring it into an expanded awareness 

  • Discover how you can liberate yourself from negative emotions and transform your life

  • Learn ways to discern the difference between your energy and other people’s energy — so you can stop taking on the suffering of the world by reprogramming your beliefs and shifting your energy

  • Understand how to reinvent the way you think about your emotions — embracing them as your teachers, not tormentors

In this powerful hour, you’ll discover how your emotions are the greatest teachers for enabling you to listen to your deepest intuition, access the emotional healing energy of the heart, and awaken your body’s empathic healing wisdom.

No matter how stressed you may be, and no matter what’s happening in your immediate environment or in the larger world, the time for positive change is always now.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event (get recording) <<

In 4 Secrets for Empaths & Sensitives to Transform Anxiety and Fear, Ignite Healing & Heighten Intuition

… you’ll experience a powerful guided meditation with Dr. Orloff to embrace a difficult emotion from an expanded perspective — so you can listen to your deep intuition, experience your emotions as powerful teachers, and access your heart’s healing energy.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Learn how to access your heart’s healing energy and access your deep intuition

Experience a guided meditation with Dr. Judith Orloff to deal with a difficult emotion.

Right this moment, you have the ability to achieve emotional freedom. It’s closer than you might think, even in these unfamiliar times… 

As an empath, or an otherwise caring and sensitive person, you likely tend to soak up stress from those around you —  and you might find yourself particularly challenged by your emotions in today’s world.

You may even unknowingly carry around emotions that aren’t yours, without knowing how to identify or release them. 

The good news is, there is a solution — you can shift your unproductive emotional patterns and begin viewing yourself and others through the lens of the heart. You can learn how to be an empowered empath without taking on the emotions of others.

On Tuesday, January 11, Judith Orloff, MD, psychiatrist, empath, and bestselling author, will share the foundation of emotional healing — the four components that empower your emotional life: biology, spirituality, energetic power, and psychology

>> You can register here for 4 Secrets for Empaths & Sensitives to Transform Anxiety and Fear, Ignite Healing & Heighten Intuition <<

In this powerful hour, you’ll discover how your emotions are the greatest teachers for enabling you to listen to your deepest intuition, access the emotional healing energy of the heart, and awaken your body’s empathic healing wisdom.

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Explore how to empower your emotional life with the 4 major components of healing your emotions — biology, spirituality, energetic power, and psychology — to impact your emotional experience as an empath, or an otherwise sensitive, caring person

  • Participate in Judith’s guided meditation to experience one of your emotions from a fresh perspective — to feel the emotion and bring it into an expanded awareness 

  • Discover how you can liberate yourself from negative emotions and transform your life

  • Learn ways to discern the difference between your energy and other people’s energy — so you can stop taking on the suffering of the world by reprogramming your beliefs and shifting your energy

  • Understand how to reinvent the way you think about your emotions — embracing them as your teachers, not tormentors

In this powerful hour, you’ll discover how your emotions are the greatest teachers for enabling you to listen to your deepest intuition, access the emotional healing energy of the heart, and awaken your body’s empathic healing wisdom.

No matter how stressed you may be, and no matter what’s happening in your immediate environment or in the larger world, the time for positive change is always now.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event (get recording) <<

In 4 Secrets for Empaths & Sensitives to Transform Anxiety and Fear, Ignite Healing & Heighten Intuition

… you’ll experience a powerful guided meditation with Dr. Orloff to embrace a difficult emotion from an expanded perspective — so you can listen to your deep intuition, experience your emotions as powerful teachers, and access your heart’s healing energy.

Read more: Learn how to access your heart’s healing energy and access your deep intuition