Saturday 27 November 2021

Learn how to use the Emotion Code to help yourself, children & animals

Discover how to resolve underlying imbalances that may be causing anxiety or disease.

We all want to feel good, be happy, and enjoy life…

Yet it’s part of being human to suffer physical ailments, emotional upheavals, material depletions such as financial woes, and spiritual and soul-related “droughts” that tap our creative juices and zest for life.

If not addressed, the difficult feelings we generate due to these challenges can get the best of us, escalating over time into chronic illnesses, long-term depression, anxiety disorders, soul loss, and more.

According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, an internationally renowned medical intuitive, healer, and teacher, unfelt, unacknowledged, and unreleased emotions are at the core of most of our body’s imbalances — and in the case of pain, they’re behind 90 percent of symptoms.

Dr. Brad will introduce you to the Emotion Code®, an approach to energy healing that taps into your subconscious to locate and move stuck emotional energies from your body quickly and easily.

>> RSVP here for Introducing the Emotion Code® — A Quick & Simple Method to Address Underlying Health & Life Imbalances <<

Emotion Code® — A Quick & Simple Method to Address Underlying Health & Life Imbalances

During this inspiring hour of hope and healing, you’ll:

  • Discover the Emotion Code — an easy, yet powerful approach to energy medicine — that releases trapped emotions and addresses the underlying causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances 

  • Witness a powerful one-on-one demonstration of how the Emotion Code can be used to catalyze healing and transformation

  • Learn the Sway Test, the simplest method for connecting with your subconscious and zeroing in on blocks to your wellbeing

  • Discover what a Heart-Wall is, ways to find out if you have one, and to dissipate it for optimal health and happiness

  • Learn how the Emotion Code can be used not only to help yourself, but others as well, including children and animals

He’ll share how this powerful process can help you find and resolve underlying imbalances that may be causing disease, anxiety, and other personal challenges, including relationship issues, PTSD, addiction, self-sabotage, and more. You’ll learn how this process can be used to help others, including your children, grandchildren, and even your pets.

You’ll also discover how many of us have formed what Dr. Brad calls a Heart-Wall® — an energetic barrier that prevents us from fully loving ourselves and others and truly enjoying life — and you’ll learn how you can start to break through this barricade to a better life.

>> RSVP Free here to watch recording & witness Powerful Demo <<

In Introducing the Emotion Code® — A Quick & Simple Method to Address Underlying Health & Life Imbalances

… you’ll discover an easy, yet powerful, proven approach to energy healing that quickly releases trapped emotions to resolve underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances for a healthier, happier life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover a proven approach to energy healing that releases trapped emotions

Witness a powerful 1-on-1 demonstration of how the Emotion Code catalyzes healing.

We all want to feel good, be happy, and enjoy life…

Yet it’s part of being human to suffer physical ailments, emotional upheavals, material depletions such as financial woes, and spiritual and soul-related “droughts” that tap our creative juices and zest for life.

If not addressed, the difficult feelings we generate due to these challenges can get the best of us, escalating over time into chronic illnesses, long-term depression, anxiety disorders, soul loss, and more.

According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, an internationally renowned medical intuitive, healer, and teacher, unfelt, unacknowledged, and unreleased emotions are at the core of most of our body’s imbalances — and in the case of pain, they’re behind 90 percent of symptoms.

Dr. Brad will introduce you to the Emotion Code®, an approach to energy healing that taps into your subconscious to locate and move stuck emotional energies from your body quickly and easily.

>> RSVP here for Introducing the Emotion Code® — A Quick & Simple Method to Address Underlying Health & Life Imbalances <<

Learn Powerful energy healing technique, Quick & Simple Method to Address Underlying Health & Life Imbalances

During this inspiring hour of hope and healing, you’ll:

  • Discover the Emotion Code — an easy, yet powerful approach to energy medicine — that releases trapped emotions and addresses the underlying causes of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances 

  • Witness a powerful one-on-one demonstration of how the Emotion Code can be used to catalyze healing and transformation

  • Learn the Sway Test, the simplest method for connecting with your subconscious and zeroing in on blocks to your wellbeing

  • Discover what a Heart-Wall is, ways to find out if you have one, and to dissipate it for optimal health and happiness

  • Learn how the Emotion Code can be used not only to help yourself, but others as well, including children and animals

He’ll share how this powerful process can help you find and resolve underlying imbalances that may be causing disease, anxiety, and other personal challenges, including relationship issues, PTSD, addiction, self-sabotage, and more. You’ll learn how this process can be used to help others, including your children, grandchildren, and even your pets.

You’ll also discover how many of us have formed what Dr. Brad calls a Heart-Wall® — an energetic barrier that prevents us from fully loving ourselves and others and truly enjoying life — and you’ll learn how you can start to break through this barricade to a better life.

>> RSVP Free here to watch recording & witness Powerful Demo <<

In Introducing the Emotion Code® — A Quick & Simple Method to Address Underlying Health & Life Imbalances

… you’ll discover an easy, yet powerful, proven approach to energy healing that quickly releases trapped emotions to resolve underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances for a healthier, happier life.

Read more: Discover a proven approach to energy healing that releases trapped emotions

Thursday 25 November 2021

Experience Movement & Dance to Release Stress & Free Your Emotions

Be guided on an Emotional Tour, a somatic practice to release constricted emotions.

Waiting for you on the other side of this experiential, life-transforming practice is the glorious state of emotional freedom.

According to renowned somatic healer Bernadette Pleasant, truly expressing and feeling your emotions can not only improve your wellbeing, but can be the key to living a juicy, fully experienced, passionate, and sensual life… opening you up to fully being YOU.

Movement, specifically dance, provides a powerful and easy way to help us release feelings that no longer serve us, and to discover and express emotions we were previously unaware of.

Movement and dance can help you rediscover your primal self…

Bernadette will show you how you can perform intuitive, freeform dance movements to the beat of a drum, to get your focus off of your repetitive thoughts and into the wise and healing sensations of your body.

>> Join to Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy: Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life, here <<

Bernadette Pleasant Exercise at home Somatic Dance & Movement Express Your Feelings for Authentic & Healthy Life

During this liberating hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance — to your health and wellbeing — of honouring and expressing your feelings

  • Learn how movement and dance can open you to your full range of emotions and be a powerful means for expressing difficult feelings during these chaotic times

  • Discover how dance can help you reclaim childlike spontaneity, curiosity, playfulness, and joy — and allow for an authentic experience of YOU and your life

  • Discover that you can choose and invite in joy, and learn how movement can help you access this pleasurable feeling — even through pain you may be experiencing

  • Be guided on an Emotional Tour  — a somatic dance practice to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self

In these uncertain and turbulent times, we’re all bound to be holding strong feelings… perhaps some we’re not even aware of. And if you’re like many, you may even be feeling shame about feeling joy — in the midst of all the suffering across the globe.

During this special hour you’ll discover how to use simple dance movements to unlock stuck emotions, express difficult feelings, open to joy, and start feeling the liberating abandon of being who you truly are.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy: Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life, you’ll be guided on an Emotional Tour — a somatic practice to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings & Embody Emotional Freedom

Embark on a journey of self-exploration and healing through movement and dance.

Imagine feeling vibrantly alive, moving your body with joyous abandon as you uncover, express, and move through long-suppressed or hidden emotions.

Waiting for you on the other side of this experiential, life-transforming practice is the glorious state of emotional freedom.

According to renowned somatic healer Bernadette Pleasant, truly expressing and feeling your emotions can not only improve your wellbeing, but can be the key to living a juicy, fully experienced, passionate, and sensual life… opening you up to fully being YOU.

Movement, specifically dance, provides a powerful and easy way to help us release feelings that no longer serve us, and to discover and express emotions we were previously unaware of.

Movement and dance can help you rediscover your primal self…

Bernadette will show you how you can perform intuitive, freeform dance movements to the beat of a drum, to get your focus off of your repetitive thoughts and into the wise and healing sensations of your body.

>> Join to Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy: Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life, here <<

Somatic Healer Bernadette Pleasant will show you how you can perform intuitive, freeform dance movements to the beat of a drum, to get your focus off of your repetitive thoughts and into the wise and healing sensations of your body.

During this liberating hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance — to your health and wellbeing — of honouring and expressing your feelings

  • Learn how movement and dance can open you to your full range of emotions and be a powerful means for expressing difficult feelings during these chaotic times

  • Discover how dance can help you reclaim childlike spontaneity, curiosity, playfulness, and joy — and allow for an authentic experience of YOU and your life

  • Discover that you can choose and invite in joy, and learn how movement can help you access this pleasurable feeling — even through pain you may be experiencing

  • Be guided on an Emotional Tour  — a somatic dance practice to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self

In these uncertain and turbulent times, we’re all bound to be holding strong feelings… perhaps some we’re not even aware of. And if you’re like many, you may even be feeling shame about feeling joy — in the midst of all the suffering across the globe.

During this special hour you’ll discover how to use simple dance movements to unlock stuck emotions, express difficult feelings, open to joy, and start feeling the liberating abandon of being who you truly are.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy: Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life, you’ll be guided on an Emotional Tour — a somatic practice to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self.

Read more: Experience Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings & Embody Emotional Freedom

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Activate your highest potential as you embody the consciousness of the Enneagram

Reclaim lost parts of yourself and elevate interpersonal relationships with the guidance of Enneagram experts.

What if you had a roadmap for understanding who you really are and what motivates the behaviours of the people around you?

What if you could leverage the individual revelations of the Enneagram to help heal broken bonds between others?

How would it feel to move from a fixed point of view to an expansive orientation towards your personal, professional, and community life? 

The Enneagram contains many levels of wisdom. Understanding its potency in action can help you shift your center of gravity, and our collective consciousness, to address the multiple challenges — and opportunities for growth — of our time. 

As you prepare to leave this calendar year behind and meditate upon your intentions for the future, a precious space is opening that could be used to activate your deepest potential. Using the Enneagram, you can better comprehend your role in achieving greater peace, understanding, and collective cooperation. 

In the Enneagram Global Summit, you’ll be given concrete tools for creating individual, relational, and social change. This high-level approach to applying the Enneagram will help you become more whole and present with yourself so you can become an agent of change.

You’ll discover how to embody the consciousness of the Enneagram — a complex and beautiful system of nine pathways to self-understanding and self-actualization — to help move collective consciousness away from marginalization and bias. You can do the work of the Enneagram to reassess assumptions about race and age, for example, or gain inspiration from the ways it can be used to heal the soul of large institutions.

You can do more than embody the gifts of your type; you can heed a higher spiritual calling to help others embrace their true gifts alongside you.

Each Enneagram Global Summit session is a journey — exploring the wounds and growth edges of each type, and offering invitations for wholeness and integration as we embrace the qualities of all nine points of the Enneagram. You’ll be led along a higher path that helps you move beyond “othering” mode, and toward healing personal and collective trauma.

The Enneagram Global Summit takes these ideas to a mastery level, with the largest assemblage of global Enneagram experts in the eight years we’ve been hosting these summits, across an array of types and areas of expertise. These experts will be offering evolved solutions for moving humanity away from polarization, and toward presence, wisdom, love, and empathy.  

Free Online Event
Enneagram Global Summit

December 6
10, 2021

Enneagram Global Summit Dec 6-10 - The Intersection of Embodied Spirituality and Psychology

This event features nearly 70 of the world’s top experts — including Robert Holden, Beatrice Chestnut, Police Chief Mike Alexander, Dr. Dan Siegel, Russ Hudson, Emeka Okorafor, Micky ScottBey Jones, Sandra Maitri, and many others — sharing the latest insights and applications to take your Enneagram knowledge even deeper.

I hope you’ll join us for this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

>> RSVP here for the Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you:

  • Dr. Dan Siegel applies an Interpersonal Neurobiology framework to view how temperament, attachment, and common personality patterns affect personal and collective integration and awareness.

  • Robert Holden guides you through 9 soul meditations — involving stories, poems, and spiritual guidance — for building loving relationships.

  • Beatrice Chestnut offers pathways for growth through integrating the shadow sides of the instinctual subtypes.

  • Sandra Maitri discusses the intersection of embodied psychological growth and spiritual awakening as part of a panel on the Enneagream state of the union.

  •  Katherine Chernick Fauvre reveals growth paths for each Enneagram Instinctual Type, and why the root of your suffering is the key to your enlightenment.

  • Police Chief Mike Alexander shares how applying Enneagram principles to policing practices is healing officer and department behaviors that otherwise could lead to tragic consequences.

  • Explore with A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali) how to increase your spiritual development by recognizing and addressing core fixations based on each key of the Enneagram. 

  • Julia Foster and Suzanne Dion talk about how each Enneagram type expresses love and feels loved, along with specific ways to support the emotional healing and spiritual growth of your partner. 

  • Emeka Okorafor offers a pathway for spiritual growth based on balancing Enneagram Type 8’s instinctual power mechanisms against the excess of the shadow side.

  • Over the course of two in-depth sessions, Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb discuss the Enneagram in relation to inner and outer work.

  • Susan Olesek, Founder of the Enneagram Prison Project, takes us inside a prison to talk to and see how the incarcerated and staff are doing Enneagram work side-by-side.

  • Micky ScottBey Jones advocates for Enneagram for the People, making the power of Enneagram more widely available to all.

And much more!

>> Join here for the Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

The world’s foremost Enneagram teachers will guide you to apply this profound tool to dramatically improve your relationships and be empowered to make your unique contributions to the world. 

You’ll be in good hands with seasoned summit host Jessica Dibb, the founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher at the Inspiration Consciousness School and Community. Jessica is dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. 

Join us to take your path of growth to the next level — by deepening your understanding of the patterns driving you… and the other Enneagram types you interact with.

With the Enneagram Global Summityou’ll experience five extended 90-minute sessions, one at the end of each day, focused on these timely topics:

  • Contributions of the Enneagram to Ending Othering

  • The Enneagram of, and for, Relationships

  • Doing Inner and Outer Work Together: Intergenerational Communication and Collaboration

  • How the Enneagram Can Help Heal Trauma

  • The Enneagram State of the Union: The Intersection of Embodied Spirituality and Psychology


>> Reserve Your Spot at the Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Bring the Wisdom of the Enneagram into Action to Transform Yourself and our World

Let the Enneagram be your guide to heightened awareness of yourself and the world around you.

What if you had a roadmap for understanding who you really are and what motivates the behaviours of the people around you?

What if you could leverage the individual revelations of the Enneagram to help heal broken bonds between others?

How would it feel to move from a fixed point of view to an expansive orientation towards your personal, professional, and community life? 

The Enneagram contains many levels of wisdom. Understanding its potency in action can help you shift your center of gravity, and our collective consciousness, to address the multiple challenges — and opportunities for growth — of our time. 

As you prepare to leave this calendar year behind and meditate upon your intentions for the future, a precious space is opening that could be used to activate your deepest potential. Using the Enneagram, you can better comprehend your role in achieving greater peace, understanding, and collective cooperation. 

In the Enneagram Global Summit, you’ll be given concrete tools for creating individual, relational, and social change. This high-level approach to applying the Enneagram will help you become more whole and present with yourself so you can become an agent of change.

You’ll discover how to embody the consciousness of the Enneagram — a complex and beautiful system of nine pathways to self-understanding and self-actualization — to help move collective consciousness away from marginalization and bias. You can do the work of the Enneagram to reassess assumptions about race and age, for example, or gain inspiration from the ways it can be used to heal the soul of large institutions.

You can do more than embody the gifts of your type; you can heed a higher spiritual calling to help others embrace their true gifts alongside you.

Each Enneagram Global Summit session is a journey — exploring the wounds and growth edges of each type, and offering invitations for wholeness and integration as we embrace the qualities of all nine points of the Enneagram. You’ll be led along a higher path that helps you move beyond “othering” mode, and toward healing personal and collective trauma.

The Enneagram Global Summit takes these ideas to a mastery level, with the largest assemblage of global Enneagram experts in the eight years we’ve been hosting these summits, across an array of types and areas of expertise. These experts will be offering evolved solutions for moving humanity away from polarization, and toward presence, wisdom, love, and empathy.  

Free Online Event
Enneagram Global Summit
December 6
10, 2021

Enneagram Global Summit Dec 6-10 - The Intersection of Embodied Spirituality and Psychology

This event features nearly 70 of the world’s top experts — including Robert Holden, Beatrice Chestnut, Police Chief Mike Alexander, Dr. Dan Siegel, Russ Hudson, Emeka Okorafor, Micky ScottBey Jones, Sandra Maitri, and many others — sharing the latest insights and applications to take your Enneagram knowledge even deeper.

I hope you’ll join us for this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

>> RSVP here for the Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you:

  • Dr. Dan Siegel applies an Interpersonal Neurobiology framework to view how temperament, attachment, and common personality patterns affect personal and collective integration and awareness.

  • Robert Holden guides you through 9 soul meditations — involving stories, poems, and spiritual guidance — for building loving relationships.

  • Beatrice Chestnut offers pathways for growth through integrating the shadow sides of the instinctual subtypes.

  • Sandra Maitri discusses the intersection of embodied psychological growth and spiritual awakening as part of a panel on the Enneagream state of the union.

  •  Katherine Chernick Fauvre reveals growth paths for each Enneagram Instinctual Type, and why the root of your suffering is the key to your enlightenment.

  • Police Chief Mike Alexander shares how applying Enneagram principles to policing practices is healing officer and department behaviors that otherwise could lead to tragic consequences.

  • Explore with A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali) how to increase your spiritual development by recognizing and addressing core fixations based on each key of the Enneagram. 

  • Julia Foster and Suzanne Dion talk about how each Enneagram type expresses love and feels loved, along with specific ways to support the emotional healing and spiritual growth of your partner. 

  • Emeka Okorafor offers a pathway for spiritual growth based on balancing Enneagram Type 8’s instinctual power mechanisms against the excess of the shadow side.

  • Over the course of two in-depth sessions, Russ Hudson and Jessica Dibb discuss the Enneagram in relation to inner and outer work.

  • Susan Olesek, Founder of the Enneagram Prison Project, takes us inside a prison to talk to and see how the incarcerated and staff are doing Enneagram work side-by-side.

  • Micky ScottBey Jones advocates for Enneagram for the People, making the power of Enneagram more widely available to all.

And much more!

>> Join here for the Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

The world’s foremost Enneagram teachers will guide you to apply this profound tool to dramatically improve your relationships and be empowered to make your unique contributions to the world. 

You’ll be in good hands with seasoned summit host Jessica Dibb, the founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher at the Inspiration Consciousness School and Community. Jessica is dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. 

Join us to take your path of growth to the next level — by deepening your understanding of the patterns driving you… and the other Enneagram types you interact with.

Read more: Bring the Wisdom of the Enneagram into Action to Transform Yourself and our World

Sunday 21 November 2021

Feel Power of Music during “Biohack the Brain” Exercise to Quiet Mind & Access Peace

Experience a musical practice to reconnect with your heart, mind & spirit.

These days, more seekers than ever are connecting with the power of music as a vibrational healing tool to shift life’s most difficult situations and create lasting transformation, while becoming more joyful and spiritually alive along the way….

Are you feeling called to explore the science-backed transformations that sound-healing practices can bring — and continue your healing journey as you dive even deeper into your heart? 

Maybe you’re feeling ready to fine-tune your energy so you can share your gifts and ignite your purpose — and reclaim the parts of yourself you’ve put on pause during challenging times.

Barry Goldstein, award-winning producer, composer, author, and “musitarian,” will share how the science and spirituality of music can enhance your power, purpose, and passion.

>> Join here for Experience Inner Coherence Through the Science & Spirituality of Music, Sound & Vibration: A Musical Practice to Reconnect With Your Heart, Mind & Spirit <<

Experience Inner Coherence Through the Science & Spirituality of Music, Sound & Vibration A Musical Practice to Reconnect With Your Heart, Mind & Spirit

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the role of music as a sound tool for improving heart and brain coherence — and how it can help you achieve your goals for wellness, quality of life, and fine-tuning your purpose

  • Learn how you can use the healing aspects of sound as a bridge to upgrade your vibrational and creative state and experience a more fulfilling life

  • Feel yourself transported into a more relaxed and transformed emotional state as you experience a live sound activation composed and performed in the moment by Barry 

  • Explore how a daily music program can empower you to skilfully manage stress, anxiety, life challenges, your energy, and more

  • Identify something you feel you might have given up or put on hold — and use the power of music during Barry’s experiential exercise, “Reclaiming You,” to recommit to it and invite it back into your life… Barry will explain the fascinating science behind the process (Entrainment, Coherence, and Parasympathetic activation)

Researchers and scientists have shown how toning, sounds, tuning, chanting, mantra, breathing techniques, and vibrations can transform internal and external states — and that you can achieve more coherent heart and brain states through techniques and experiential processes.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how music can help you “biohack the brain” to quiet the mind and access more peaceful states. Barry will help you redefine how you think about healing — and empower you to identify and release your subconscious energetic blocks and attune to higher vibrational states.

>> You can register here to watch free recording <<

In Experience Inner Coherence Through the Science & Spirituality of Music, Sound & Vibration: A Musical Practice to Reconnect With Your Heart, Mind & Spirit

… you’ll learn how you can use music, sound, and vibration in alchemystical ways to move out of stress and anxiety, and into states of transformation and inspiration.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience a Musical Practice to Reconnect with Your Heart, Mind & Spirit

Discover how music can help you “biohack the brain” to quiet the mind & access peace.

These days, more seekers than ever are connecting with the power of music as a vibrational healing tool to shift life’s most difficult situations and create lasting transformation, while becoming more joyful and spiritually alive along the way….

Are you feeling called to explore the science-backed transformations that sound-healing practices can bring — and continue your healing journey as you dive even deeper into your heart? 

Maybe you’re feeling ready to fine-tune your energy so you can share your gifts and ignite your purpose — and reclaim the parts of yourself you’ve put on pause during challenging times.

Barry Goldstein, award-winning producer, composer, author, and “musitarian,” will share how the science and spirituality of music can enhance your power, purpose, and passion.

>> Join here for Experience Inner Coherence Through the Science & Spirituality of Music, Sound & Vibration: A Musical Practice to Reconnect With Your Heart, Mind & Spirit <<

Experience Inner Coherence Through the Science & Spirituality of Music, Sound & Vibration A Musical Practice to Reconnect With Your Heart, Mind & Spirit

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover the role of music as a sound tool for improving heart and brain coherence — and how it can help you achieve your goals for wellness, quality of life, and fine-tuning your purpose

  • Learn how you can use the healing aspects of sound as a bridge to upgrade your vibrational and creative state and experience a more fulfilling life

  • Feel yourself transported into a more relaxed and transformed emotional state as you experience a live sound activation composed and performed in the moment by Barry 

  • Explore how a daily music program can empower you to skillfully manage stress, anxiety, life challenges, your energy, and more

  • Identify something you feel you might have given up or put on hold — and use the power of music during Barry’s experiential exercise, “Reclaiming You,” to recommit to it and invite it back into your life… Barry will explain the fascinating science behind the process (Entrainment, Coherence, and Parasympathetic activation)

Researchers and scientists have shown how toning, sounds, tuning, chanting, mantra, breathing techniques, and vibrations can transform internal and external states — and that you can achieve more coherent heart and brain states through techniques and experiential processes.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how music can help you “biohack the brain” to quiet the mind and access more peaceful states. Barry will help you redefine how you think about healing — and empower you to identify and release your subconscious energetic blocks and attune to higher vibrational states.

>> You can register here to watch free recording <<

In Experience Inner Coherence Through the Science & Spirituality of Music, Sound & Vibration: A Musical Practice to Reconnect With Your Heart, Mind & Spirit

… you’ll learn how you can use music, sound, and vibration in alchemystical ways to move out of stress and anxiety, and into states of transformation and inspiration.

Read more: Experience a Musical Practice to Reconnect with Your Heart, Mind & Spirit

Saturday 20 November 2021

Revealed: The Truth about Food, Nutrition & Diets - Little Change to Healthy Thrive

Most of us think about our bodies a bit like cars… It is such a precise definition is even difficult to imagine if you consider yourself just a body.

Human physical body is a biochemical machine for interacting with the 3-D world of physical density, for self-discovery, gaining experience and constructing reality of different density based on the experience gained.


So, our bodies either working, in which case we take them for granted, or they’re broken — in which case we take them to the repair shop and spend whatever it costs to get them working again.

But what if we didn’t wait to feed our bodies the right kind of fuel?

Almost everyone We know trying to eat well, or to eat better (at least most of the time). Yet as a society, we keep getting sicker and sicker, with rates of chronic illness that are off the charts.


A big reason for this global health crisis has to do with the four most dangerous food lies that many people still believe.

Good news, though — more than 10,000 scientific studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals make it clear: Food is the foundation of health.

You can slash your risk of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other chronic illnesses just by eating certain foods (and avoiding others).

>> This week, watch the free Food For Health Masterclass with John Robbins.

John is widely considered one of the leaders of the modern health food movement.

His books have sold millions of copies.

In this must-see Masterclass, you’ll discover the four most dangerous food lies that many people still believe.

You’ll also find out about ten mighty plant-powered breakthroughs that could save millions of lives.

>> Find out how to take advantage of these thrilling health breakthroughs in the Food For Health Masterclass.

If you value health, the Food For Health Masterclass is NOT an event to miss.

Anyone looking to learn how to implement a whole foods, plant-powered diet and optimize their health – Must Watch!

Ever heard of Baskin-Robbins?

John walked away from his family’s multi-million-dollar ice cream empire because he discovered the truth about food.

In this Masterclass, he’ll share his incredible story and give you top tips distilled from decades of scientifically backed research.

Click here to watch the Masterclass this week while it’s available.

Health is your greatest wealth — more important than money, fame, or even reputation.

Certain foods fuel it, and others undermine it.

If you value your health (like I know you do), then this is an opportunity you’re not going to want to miss.

John is one of the world’s most beloved natural health experts. His books have sold millions of copies, and he’s widely considered one of the leaders of the modern health food movement.

In this brilliant Masterclass, you’ll discover the four most dangerous food lies that many people still believe, and you’ll find out about ten mighty plant-powered breakthroughs that could save millions of lives.

>> Join in the free Food For Health Masterclass with John Robbins here.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Importance of Healthy Food & Diet

There’s an old saying that a person with their health has a thousand dreams, but a person without it has just one: to get it back.

Luckily, certain foods are mighty protectors of your health. The right foods can even reverse disease.

Maybe you or your loved ones have struggled with challenges. You might even have faced mortality.

The right food can literally change your life and reduce or eliminate the need for medications or surgeries, but it can be hard to know what to eat because of:
  • Conflicting advice from the media.

  • Unfounded fads and health trends.

  • Misleading information that isn’t based on rigorous scientific findings.

If you want to protect your health (and I know you do), then don’t miss this.

>> This week, watch the free Food For Health Masterclass with John Robbins.

John is widely considered one of the leaders of the modern health food movement.

His books have sold millions of copies.

In this must-see Masterclass, you’ll discover the four most dangerous food lies that many people still believe.

You’ll also find out about ten mighty plant-powered breakthroughs that could save millions of lives.

Most of us think about our bodies a bit like cars... It is such a precise definition is even difficult to imagine if you consider yourself just a body.

>> Get the truth. Grab your seat here for must-see Masterclass to discover the four most dangerous food lies that many people still believe.

Ever heard of Baskin-Robbins?

John walked away from his family’s multi-million-dollar ice cream empire because he discovered the truth about food.

In this Masterclass, he’ll share his incredible story, and he’ll give you top tips distilled from decades of scientifically backed research.

>> Click here to JOIN the Food For Health Masterclass.

Starting at an early age, John was groomed to be the heir to the multi-billion-dollar Baskin-Robbins ice cream empire — but he walked away from this future “paved with gold and ice cream” and devoted his life to educating people about healthy eating.

John is one of my health heroes and an advocate of plant-based eating. Perhaps you’ve heard of him or read his best-selling book, Diet for a New America.

This book awakened the conscience of a nation with its unflinching examination of the food we buy and eat. When it came out, the book was shocking — calling out the dark side of the modern dairy, meat, and sugar industries.

No one was talking about plant-based diets as a key to health like John.

Now, this information has been confirmed by science, and plant-based eating is swiftly rising!

A recent study reported in USA Today told us that 83% of Americans were adding more plant-based foods to their diets — and for good reason!

A study published in a peer-reviewed journal for physicians concluded that whole foods, plant-based diets:
  • Can reduce obesity, lower blood pressure, improve blood sugar control, and drop LDL cholesterol levels.

  • Are cost-effective “medical interventions” — meaning they can be an alternative to medication and surgery.

  • May reduce the number of medications needed to treat chronic disease.

  • Can lower death rates from heart disease.

These foods are even shown to prevent cancer and dementia.

You don’t have to be 100% vegetarian or vegan to reap the rewards from these incredible foods, including a longer life.

John’s mission is to reveal the truth about food, so I wanted to share his Food For Health Masterclass with you.

It’s free to attend this week.

>> This week, watch the free Food For Health Masterclass with John Robbins.

In this Masterclass, you’ll discover ten powerful food breakthroughs that can help you enjoy your healthiest, longest life, as well as four of the most common health myths that many people still believe.

What you’ll discover can slash your risk for deadly diseases.

John and his son Ocean will inspire you to make the healthiest food choices, even if you’ve got a sweet tooth or can’t seem to pass up chips.

They’ll tell you about the dangerous and deadly food lies you’ve been “fed” by the food industry.

You’ll also see how you can help save the planet with what you eat, as well as what you don’t eat. It’s true — your food choices today can leave a better world for your grandkids and loved ones.

If you value your health (like I know you do), then don’t miss this Masterclass.

>> Reserve your spot for the Food For Health Masterclass [FREE]

Read more: Importance of Healthy Food & Diet

Sunday 14 November 2021

Science-Backed Energy Management Practices for HSPs, Empaths & Intuitives

Move past overwhelm & harness your inherent powers to thrive.

Are you a deep-feeling person who is easily affected by the people, energy, and circumstances around you? Do certain situations — like crowds, relationship drama, or work overwhelm — leave you wanting to crawl into bed and sleep for the next hundred years? 

Do you “know” things, pick up on vibes easily, or experience energy more acutely than others do?

If any of this resonates with you, you’re likely an empath, highly sensitive person (HSP), or intuitive.

And there’s a special online event you should know about… that’s absolutely free to attend.

According to Dr. Elaine Aron, a leading expert in this arena, between 15-20% of the population are HSPs.

Sensitive people often feel out of place or like they don’t belong. 

Misunderstood by others, empathic people often grow up labeled as “introverted,” “shy,” or “quiet.” Many HSPs are accused of being “dramatic,” “emotional,”or “overly sensitive.” As an intuitive, you may have felt like there was no one who could help you… so you hid your gift — or even tried to ignore it.

Many sensitives and empaths retreat and contract inward to avoid absorbing the unrelenting “noise” outside themselves…

… or act out because it’s all too much — and nothing seems to help.

Unprocessed energy often leads to dysregulated people. The shadow side of being an empathic person can be to self-attack, if criticisms have been internalized for far too long. 

Sound familiar?

But what if your sensitivity was actually your superpower?

I’m thrilled to invite you to the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit, an inspiring gathering of leading experts, luminaries, doctors, and teachers who will guide you to discover more about your intrinsic gift… and offer healthy, science-backed practices, exercises, and tools to master boundary-setting, hone your empathic gifts, and regain control of your sensitivity superpowers.

Free Online Event
Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit

November 15–19, 2021

Science-backed energy management practices for HSPs, empaths & intuitives

This special gathering features more than 35 speakers and educators — including Matt Kahn,  Dr. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Keesha Ewers, Karyn Kulenovic, Dr. Karen Kan, David Gandelman, Wendy De Rosa, Bevin Niemann, and many more — who will help you unlock your innate abilities to design your dream life and bring your soul’s purpose forward. 

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<

This 5-day summit comes at the perfect time, as the world needs your light… now more than ever.

During this empowering 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Stop seeing being sensitive as a burden — and instead see it as a powerful gift

  • Receive self-care tips to prevent sensory overload and help you deal with overwhelm, which can lead to addictions, overeating, anxiety, and exhaustion

  • See how a little-known scientific discovery has the ability to improve your intuition and increase empathy, without draining your energy

  • Discover the 3 types of boundaries that empaths need to stay centered in today’s world — and receive an energetic practice to implement these boundaries in your life

  • Explore easy strategies to shift into calm by stimulating the vagus nerve

  • Learn the 3 most important things you need to know to stop feeling overwhelmed by outside energy, so you can thrive as an empath, HSP, or intuitive

  • Integrate the skill of Transformational Telepathy™ so you can quickly and easily release conflict and harmonize your relationships with others

  • Witness time-tested and highly effective techniques (intuited for empaths and sensitives) to get off the “hamster wheel” of healing and get the results you’re seeking.

  • Explore the deeper purpose of being an empath — and the role it plays in global leadership and the awakening of consciousness

  • Learn to regulate your nervous system and address the root of self-sabotage, mindset challenges, and caretaking tendencies so you can show up as your best and highest self

  • Realize that making sure your own needs are met instead of always putting others first is not selfish — so you can finally let go of the martyr mentality

  • Discover how to instantly change your energy and take charge of your life!

  • And much more…

Whether you’re newly aware of being an empath, HSP, or intuitive, or you’re already on the path toward wholeness and leadership… you’ll discover the tools and strategies you need to hone your gift and use your loving heart, strong mind, and passionate spirit to really make a difference on this planet.

Join this amazing gathering of presenters as they illuminate the path for you to rise to your full potential and fulfill your highest mission and purpose. 

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<


P.S. Here’s a sampling of what the incredible speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Spiritual teacher Matt Kahn will help you master your empathic abilities and fully embrace your gift of sensitivity.

  • Harness your sensitivity superpower and stop struggling with the constant onslaught of negative emotions and energies with Dr. Karen Kan.

  • Dr. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt share tools and strategies that empaths, sensitives, and intuitives need to improve personal relationships, enhance communication, and experience more fulfillment.

  • From Judith Orloff, MD, you’ll receive centering and replenishing techniques to stop absorbing other people’s stress, deal with burnout, and effectively manage overwhelm.

  • Integrated health physician Dr. Keesha Ewers explains the unexpected connection between HSPs and autoimmune disease — and how to address it with effective mind-body-spirit practices.

  • Dr. Divi Chandna offers you rituals to strengthen your intuitive channels so you can connect authentically, restore your own health and wellbeing, and use your gifts to help others.

  • Empath and empowerment coach Karyn Kulenovic will show you how to fulfill your purpose, attract financial abundance, and realize your cherished dreams without budgeting or burnout.

  • Join David Gandelman to cultivate your intuition through meditation so you can awaken your untapped spiritual potential and live a life full of balance and purpose.

  • Dr. Natasha Fallahi will break down the neuroscience behind being sensitive and why it contributes to your suffering in the form of anxiety, depression, stress, and chronic illness — and offer a step-by-step path to restore and heal yourself.

  • Julie Bjelland will shed light on how highly sensitive people (HSPs) can properly balance their nervous system… by using self-care techniques to move out of survival mode and into thriving so they can live to their fullest potential.

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Ultimate Toolkit for HSPs Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit Nov. 15–19

Step into your calling by leveraging your empathic gifts of sensitivity.

Are you a deep-feeling person who is easily affected by the people, energy, and circumstances around you? Do certain situations — like crowds, relationship drama, or work overwhelm — leave you wanting to crawl into bed and sleep for the next hundred years? 

Do you “know” things, pick up on vibes easily, or experience energy more acutely than others do?

If any of this resonates with you, you’re likely an empath, highly sensitive person (HSP), or intuitive.

And there’s a special online event you should know about… that’s absolutely free to attend.

According to Dr. Elaine Aron, a leading expert in this arena, between 15-20% of the population are HSPs.

Sensitive people often feel out of place or like they don’t belong. 

Misunderstood by others, empathic people often grow up labeled as “introverted,” “shy,” or “quiet.” Many HSPs are accused of being “dramatic,” “emotional,”or “overly sensitive.” As an intuitive, you may have felt like there was no one who could help you… so you hid your gift — or even tried to ignore it.

Many sensitives and empaths retreat and contract inward to avoid absorbing the unrelenting “noise” outside themselves…

… or act out because it’s all too much — and nothing seems to help.

Unprocessed energy often leads to dysregulated people. The shadow side of being an empathic person can be to self-attack, if criticisms have been internalized for far too long. 

Sound familiar?

But what if your sensitivity was actually your superpower?

I’m thrilled to invite you to the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit, an inspiring gathering of leading experts, luminaries, doctors, and teachers who will guide you to discover more about your intrinsic gift… and offer healthy, science-backed practices, exercises, and tools to master boundary-setting, hone your empathic gifts, and regain control of your sensitivity superpowers.

Free Online Event
Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit
November 15–19, 2021

Discover key practices to own your power as an empath, sensitive, or intuitive

This special gathering features more than 35 speakers and educators — including Matt Kahn,  Dr. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Dr. Judith Orloff, Dr. Keesha Ewers, Karyn Kulenovic, Dr. Karen Kan, David Gandelman, Wendy De Rosa, Bevin Niemann, and many more — who will help you unlock your innate abilities to design your dream life and bring your soul’s purpose forward. 

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<

This 5-day summit comes at the perfect time, as the world needs your light… now more than ever.

During this empowering 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Stop seeing being sensitive as a burden — and instead see it as a powerful gift

  • Receive self-care tips to prevent sensory overload and help you deal with overwhelm, which can lead to addictions, overeating, anxiety, and exhaustion

  • See how a little-known scientific discovery has the ability to improve your intuition and increase empathy, without draining your energy

  • Discover the 3 types of boundaries that empaths need to stay centered in today’s world — and receive an energetic practice to implement these boundaries in your life

  • Explore easy strategies to shift into calm by stimulating the vagus nerve

  • Learn the 3 most important things you need to know to stop feeling overwhelmed by outside energy, so you can thrive as an empath, HSP, or intuitive

  • Integrate the skill of Transformational Telepathy™ so you can quickly and easily release conflict and harmonize your relationships with others

  • Witness time-tested and highly effective techniques (intuited for empaths and sensitives) to get off the “hamster wheel” of healing and get the results you’re seeking.

  • Explore the deeper purpose of being an empath — and the role it plays in global leadership and the awakening of consciousness

  • Learn to regulate your nervous system and address the root of self-sabotage, mindset challenges, and caretaking tendencies so you can show up as your best and highest self

  • Realize that making sure your own needs are met instead of always putting others first is not selfish — so you can finally let go of the martyr mentality

  • Discover how to instantly change your energy and take charge of your life!

  • And much more…

Whether you’re newly aware of being an empath, HSP, or intuitive, or you’re already on the path toward wholeness and leadership… you’ll discover the tools and strategies you need to hone your gift and use your loving heart, strong mind, and passionate spirit to really make a difference on this planet.

Join this amazing gathering of presenters as they illuminate the path for you to rise to your full potential and fulfill your highest mission and purpose. 

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<


P.S. Here’s a sampling of what the incredible speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Spiritual teacher Matt Kahn will help you master your empathic abilities and fully embrace your gift of sensitivity.

  • Harness your sensitivity superpower and stop struggling with the constant onslaught of negative emotions and energies with Dr. Karen Kan.

  • Dr. Harville Hendrix and Helen LaKelly Hunt share tools and strategies that empaths, sensitives, and intuitives need to improve personal relationships, enhance communication, and experience more fulfillment.

  • From Judith Orloff, MD, you’ll receive centering and replenishing techniques to stop absorbing other people’s stress, deal with burnout, and effectively manage overwhelm.

  • Integrated health physician Dr. Keesha Ewers explains the unexpected connection between HSPs and autoimmune disease — and how to address it with effective mind-body-spirit practices.

  • Dr. Divi Chandna offers you rituals to strengthen your intuitive channels so you can connect authentically, restore your own health and wellbeing, and use your gifts to help others.

  • Empath and empowerment coach Karyn Kulenovic will show you how to fulfill your purpose, attract financial abundance, and realize your cherished dreams without budgeting or burnout.

  • Join David Gandelman to cultivate your intuition through meditation so you can awaken your untapped spiritual potential and live a life full of balance and purpose.

  • Dr. Natasha Fallahi will break down the neuroscience behind being sensitive and why it contributes to your suffering in the form of anxiety, depression, stress, and chronic illness — and offer a step-by-step path to restore and heal yourself.

  • Julie Bjelland will shed light on how highly sensitive people (HSPs) can properly balance their nervous system… by using self-care techniques to move out of survival mode and into thriving so they can live to their fullest potential.

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Ultimate Toolkit for HSPs Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit Nov. 15–19