Saturday 28 August 2021

Activate Your Psychophysical Immunity with 3 Subtle Essences of Ayurveda

Discover your body’s amazing metabolizing power from spiritual and scientific views.

Did you know that your body has an amazing built-in ability to metabolize everything that you experience in life?

Whether it’s the foods you eat, the thoughts you think, the emotions you feel, or what you take in from the world around you…

… your body is always digesting life as you experience it — and then using that energy to inform and power your overall wellbeing, and guide your steps out into the world.

As ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and now modern science attests, the quality of your health is largely governed by your ability to metabolize life in a way that positively nurtures your entire being. 

On Saturday, August 28, bestselling Ayurveda author Katie Silcox will help you discover the spiritual and scientific crossroads of your body’s amazing metabolizing power through the three subtle essences of Ayurveda — prana, tejas, and ojas — and enriching science-based practices that connect you more deeply to them.

>> Join here for Experience the 3 Subtle Ayurvedic Essences to Radiate Love & Find Safety & Belonging <<

Experience the 3 Subtle Ayurvedic Essences to Radiate Love & Find Safety & Belonging with Katie Silcox

In this health-enriching online event, you’ll explore: 

  • The science and spirituality of the 3 subtle essences of Ayurveda (prana, tejas, and ojas) and how they support all facets of your life and wellbeing

  • How to shift out of the “trauma vortex” of habitual thoughts, past memories, and mental negativity, and into the “healing vortex” of health, resource, and positivity

  • How to tonify the vagus nerve and bolster the parasympathetic nervous system to instill a sense of love, safety, and belonging — and the psychophysical immunity these feelings activate

  • Guided practices that harness the power of these essences to calm your nervous system and physiology — while creating deeper mind-body-spirit synergy and soul alignment throughout your life

  • The full extent of your body’s metabolizing power — including its amazing ability to digest, transmute, and positively disseminate everything that life throws your way

You won’t want to miss this unique experiential workshop on how to metabolize anything that life throws your way by activating the three subtle essences of Ayurveda and the science-based health benefits they inspire.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live, get recording and extra training <<

In Experience the 3 Subtle Ayurvedic Essences to Radiate Love & Find Safety & Belonging

… you’ll discover how to forge a path toward extraordinary living by activating the life-giving aspects of your own nature through the spirituality of Ayurveda — and the modern-day science that now supports its ancient healing wisdom.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover 3 Subtle Essences of Ayurveda that Activate Your Psychophysical Immunity

Experience a guided practice that  bolsters your parasympathetic nervous system.

Did you know that your body has an amazing built-in ability to metabolize everything that you experience in life?

Whether it’s the foods you eat, the thoughts you think, the emotions you feel, or what you take in from the world around you…

… your body is always digesting life as you experience it — and then using that energy to inform and power your overall wellbeing, and guide your steps out into the world.

As ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and now modern science attests, the quality of your health is largely governed by your ability to metabolize life in a way that positively nurtures your entire being. 

On Saturday, August 28, bestselling Ayurveda author Katie Silcox will help you discover the spiritual and scientific crossroads of your body’s amazing metabolizing power through the three subtle essences of Ayurveda — prana, tejas, and ojas — and enriching science-based practices that connect you more deeply to them.

>> Join here for Experience the 3 Subtle Ayurvedic Essences to Radiate Love & Find Safety & Belonging <<

Experience the 3 Subtle Ayurvedic Essences to Radiate Love & Find Safety & Belonging with Katie Silcox

In this health-enriching online event, you’ll explore: 

  • The science and spirituality of the 3 subtle essences of Ayurveda (prana, tejas, and ojas) and how they support all facets of your life and wellbeing

  • How to shift out of the “trauma vortex” of habitual thoughts, past memories, and mental negativity, and into the “healing vortex” of health, resource, and positivity

  • How to tonify the vagus nerve and bolster the parasympathetic nervous system to instill a sense of love, safety, and belonging — and the psychophysical immunity these feelings activate

  • Guided practices that harness the power of these essences to calm your nervous system and physiology — while creating deeper mind-body-spirit synergy and soul alignment throughout your life

  • The full extent of your body’s metabolizing power — including its amazing ability to digest, transmute, and positively disseminate everything that life throws your way

You won’t want to miss this unique experiential workshop on how to metabolize anything that life throws your way by activating the three subtle essences of Ayurveda and the science-based health benefits they inspire.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live, get recording and extra training <<

In Experience the 3 Subtle Ayurvedic Essences to Radiate Love & Find Safety & Belonging

… you’ll discover how to forge a path toward extraordinary living by activating the life-giving aspects of your own nature through the spirituality of Ayurveda — and the modern-day science that now supports its ancient healing wisdom.

Read more: Discover 3 Subtle Essences of Ayurveda that Activate Your Psychophysical Immunity

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Reprogram your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation

Experience a Sensory Interrupt Technique to feel the upliftment of positive energy.

While we go about our lives setting good intentions, making plans, mapping out our goals, and determinedly stepping in directions we desire, obstacles inevitably appear in our path.

We find ourselves in yet another unsuitable job or relationship, we get sick, gain back the weight we lost, reexperience financial trouble, or despite attempts to “be positive,” slip back into depression and anxiety.

That’s because despite our best efforts, our subconscious mind holds the imprints of past traumas and unbeneficial beliefs and behavioral patterns, which have created well-worn neural pathways — like the grooves in a railroad track — and keep us unconsciously riding a train we’ve consciously disembarked.

The good news is that you have the power to reprogram your subconscious mind to create new neural pathways as well as generate beneficial biophotons (subtle energy carriers) that can help you arrive at your desired “destination” — a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.

On Wednesday, August 25, in a truly eye-opening hour with world-renowned mind/body energy expert Brandy Gillmore, you’ll discover how simple yet powerful practices that interrupt or redirect negative thoughts can liberate you from their undesired trickle-down effects.

>> Join us here to Learn How You Can Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation: How to Form New Neural Pathways That Override Self-Limiting Patterns & Create Lasting Change <<

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation: How to Form New Neural Pathways That Override Self-Limiting Patterns & Create Lasting Change

In this profound online workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover how to reprogram your subconscious mind by changing your thoughts to break out of behavioral patterns preventing you from manifesting your desires

  • Learn how intensifying positive emotions generates beneficial biophotons (subtle energy carriers) that help form new neural pathways

  • Discover how you can manifest without trying by shifting the core energy generated by your subconscious instead of relying on the transmission energy created by your conscious mind

  • Learn tips for assessing your Mind-Body-Soul Needs Profile — and how understanding it can provide life-changing insights into how to move forward in life

  • Experience a Sensory Interrupt Technique to shift a negative thought and the difficult emotion it carries and liberate yourself from its negative energy — to feel the calm and ease possible in reprogramming your subconscious

This is an opportunity to begin to learn simple, yet highly transformative techniques to change the nature of your subconscious mind — and life — in profound and lasting ways.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording and/or special extra training <<

In Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation: How to Form New Neural Pathways That Override Self-Limiting Patterns & Create Lasting Change

… you’ll reprogram your subconscious mind with a Sensory Interrupt Technique to shift a negative thought and liberate yourself from its difficult emotion — to feel the calm, ease, and upliftment of positive energy.

Read more: Reprogram your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation

Learn the Secret to Programming Positivity into Your Subconscious Mind

Discover how to manifest by shifting the core energy generated by your subconscious.

While we go about our lives setting good intentions, making plans, mapping out our goals, and determinedly stepping in directions we desire, obstacles inevitably appear in our path.

We find ourselves in yet another unsuitable job or relationship, we get sick, gain back the weight we lost, reexperience financial trouble, or despite attempts to “be positive,” slip back into depression and anxiety.

That’s because despite our best efforts, our subconscious mind holds the imprints of past traumas and unbeneficial beliefs and behavioral patterns, which have created well-worn neural pathways — like the grooves in a railroad track — and keep us unconsciously riding a train we’ve consciously disembarked.

The good news is that you have the power to reprogram your subconscious mind to create new neural pathways as well as generate beneficial biophotons (subtle energy carriers) that can help you arrive at your desired “destination” — a happy, healthy, fulfilling life.

On Wednesday, August 25 + Encore on Saturday, August 28, in a truly eye-opening hour with world-renowned mind/body energy expert Brandy Gillmore, you’ll discover how simple yet powerful practices that interrupt or redirect negative thoughts can liberate you from their undesired trickle-down effects.

>> Join us here to Learn How You Can Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation: How to Form New Neural Pathways That Override Self-Limiting Patterns & Create Lasting Change <<

Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation: How to Form New Neural Pathways That Override Self-Limiting Patterns & Create Lasting Change

In this profound online workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover how to reprogram your subconscious mind by changing your thoughts to break out of behavioral patterns preventing you from manifesting your desires

  • Learn how intensifying positive emotions generates beneficial biophotons (subtle energy carriers) that help form new neural pathways

  • Discover how you can manifest without trying by shifting the core energy generated by your subconscious instead of relying on the transmission energy created by your conscious mind

  • Learn tips for assessing your Mind-Body-Soul Needs Profile — and how understanding it can provide life-changing insights into how to move forward in life

  • Experience a Sensory Interrupt Technique to shift a negative thought and the difficult emotion it carries and liberate yourself from its negative energy — to feel the calm and ease possible in reprogramming your subconscious

This is an opportunity to begin to learn simple, yet highly transformative techniques to change the nature of your subconscious mind — and life — in profound and lasting ways.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording and/or special extra training <<

In Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind for Positivity, Healing & Successful Manifestation: How to Form New Neural Pathways That Override Self-Limiting Patterns & Create Lasting Change

… you’ll reprogram your subconscious mind with a Sensory Interrupt Technique to shift a negative thought and liberate yourself from its difficult emotion — to feel the calm, ease, and upliftment of positive energy.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Sunday 22 August 2021

Tap into an Andean Shamanic Portal to Connect more Deeply with Mother Earth

Experience a communion with Mother Earth atop an Andean mountain!

To become wholly human and connect with the inherent unconditional love at our core, we need to care for our physical body, mind, and spiritual self

… which readies us to help co-create a new, vital, and nourishing life for our family, community, and planet… what the world is so sorely in need of at this time. 

For the Andean people, the key to caring for what they refer to as our physical, mental, and spiritual “temples” is held within a sacred 1,000-year-old symbol called the Chakana. 

This ancient “map,” representing all cosmic and ancestral forces, provides a portal to our sacred origins — a bridge between our human life and the greater universe.

The Chakana connects us to our divine light and the healer within to help us manifest a healthy, fulfilling, and happy life, so we, in turn, can help and serve others.

Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, broadcasting from the Andean Highlands, will help you discover how to use the wisdom of the Chakana to connect more deeply with Pachamama, our Mother Earth…

… at a time when so many are in need of, yet disconnected from, her nurturing, healing energies — and she is so in need of our blessings and care.

>> Join to Discover the Chakana: An Andean Shamanic Portal to Awakening the Healer Within <<

tap into your sacred origins in a guided journey connecting you to the 4 Directions and the animal spirits aligned with each of them — as you access cosmic forces of love and awaken the healer within

During this richly transformative hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how mountains are healing spirit allies, and experience a communion with Mother Earth atop an Andean mountain after asking permission to receive blessings from this powerful guardian

  • Be introduced to the Chakana, an ancient symbol of the Andean people and portal that connects us to our sacred origins and the healing energies of cosmic and ancestral forces

  • Explore the transformative energies inherent in the 4 Directions and how they connect us to Mother Earth and her nourishing elements

  • Understand the core principle of love — and how accessing this innate quality opens us more deeply to the miracles of life

  • Experience a 15-minute guided journey to connect to the 4 Directions and the animal spirits aligned with them (Puma, Hummingbird, Condor, and Serpent) to heighten your awareness and access love, lightness of heart, and healing from Mother Earth

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover healing Andean ways for becoming stronger, more resilient, and more loving, as you learn to access the wisdom and power of cosmic and ancestral forces, preparing you to take on life’s challenges and opportunities. 

>> RSVP for free here to watch recording (get special training) <<

In Discover the Chakana: An Andean Shamanic Portal to Awakening the Healer Within

… you’ll tap into your sacred origins in a guided journey connecting you to the 4 Directions and the animal spirits aligned with each of them — as you access cosmic forces of love and awaken the healer within. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover the Chakana: an Andean shamanic portal to awakening the healer within

Tap into your sacred origins in a guided journey connecting you to the 4 Directions.

To become wholly human and connect with the inherent unconditional love at our core, we need to care for our physical body, mind, and spiritual self

… which readies us to help co-create a new, vital, and nourishing life for our family, community, and planet… what the world is so sorely in need of at this time. 

For the Andean people, the key to caring for what they refer to as our physical, mental, and spiritual “temples” is held within a sacred 1,000-year-old symbol called the Chakana. 

This ancient “map,” representing all cosmic and ancestral forces, provides a portal to our sacred origins — a bridge between our human life and the greater universe.

The Chakana connects us to our divine light and the healer within to help us manifest a healthy, fulfilling, and happy life, so we, in turn, can help and serve others.

Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, broadcasting from the Andean Highlands, will help you discover how to use the wisdom of the Chakana to connect more deeply with Pachamama, our Mother Earth…

… at a time when so many are in need of, yet disconnected from, her nurturing, healing energies — and she is so in need of our blessings and care.

>> Join to Discover the Chakana: An Andean Shamanic Portal to Awakening the Healer Within <<

tap into your sacred origins in a guided journey connecting you to the 4 Directions and the animal spirits aligned with each of them — as you access cosmic forces of love and awaken the healer within

During this richly transformative hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how mountains are healing spirit allies, and experience a communion with Mother Earth atop an Andean mountain after asking permission to receive blessings from this powerful guardian

  • Be introduced to the Chakana, an ancient symbol of the Andean people and portal that connects us to our sacred origins and the healing energies of cosmic and ancestral forces

  • Explore the transformative energies inherent in the 4 Directions and how they connect us to Mother Earth and her nourishing elements

  • Understand the core principle of love — and how accessing this innate quality opens us more deeply to the miracles of life

  • Experience a 15-minute guided journey to connect to the 4 Directions and the animal spirits aligned with them (Puma, Hummingbird, Condor, and Serpent) to heighten your awareness and access love, lightness of heart, and healing from Mother Earth

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover healing Andean ways for becoming stronger, more resilient, and more loving, as you learn to access the wisdom and power of cosmic and ancestral forces, preparing you to take on life’s challenges and opportunities. 

>> RSVP for free here to watch recording (get special training) <<

In Discover the Chakana: An Andean Shamanic Portal to Awakening the Healer Within

… you’ll tap into your sacred origins in a guided journey connecting you to the 4 Directions and the animal spirits aligned with each of them — as you access cosmic forces of love and awaken the healer within. 

Read more: Discover the Chakana: an Andean shamanic portal to awakening the healer within

Thursday 19 August 2021

How Soul-to-Soul Communication Can Help You Live More Love-filled, Joyous Life

Learn how you can elevate your consciousness mind opening it to guidance from other realms.

Did you know that anyone can learn to seek guidance and comforting reassurance from loved ones who have crossed to the Other Side?

This is because everyone has what it takes… a soul. 

Soul-to-soul communication is the key to effectively connecting with the Spirit World and more easily conducting accurate and powerful readings through the age-old practice of mediumship.

It’s available to you all the time, according to mystic, medium, and author Suzanne Giesemann, and it’s at the heart of living a more conscious, love-filled, joyous life. 

Suzanne will share about how you can access clear and accurate guidance from other realms — and from which you can best serve others — in Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World: The Key to Accessing Your Innate Mediumship Skills & a Life of Love & Joy.

>> Register for here to watch this event now

to learn more about soul-to-soul communication <<

Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World with Suzanne Giesemann

During this life-enriching 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Discover how to surrender your mind’s “story” of you and open to your body’s soul awareness — to deepen connection to your Higher Self and better access guidance from beyond the veil

  • Gain an understanding of the perception of Oneness and its ability to help you receive guidance from the “reading field” to sharpen and broaden your mediumship skills 

  • Learn how with focused intention you can shapeshift, merging into others’ fields to more easily do readings — as a medium and in your everyday life

  • Discover the many levels of soul-to-soul communication from beloved ancestors to beings in the Astral Realm to loved ones and pets still living 

  • Be guided to tune in to your own soul awareness to experience soul-to-soul communication and seek the answer to an important question in your life

You’ll also discover how soul-to-soul communication naturally expands your access to guidance from other realms… so you can connect not only with ancestors, but with well-known historical figures, pets who have passed, spirit animals, archetypes, archangels, and beings you may have glimpsed in a dream or in your own near-death experience.

More than anything, you’ll begin to sharpen and expand your mediumship skills and your everyday awareness — and experience life at the higher vibration of love and joy. 

>> RSVP for here to watch anytime this free event and/or get extra training <<

In Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World: The Key to Accessing Your Innate Mediumship Skills & a Life of Love & Joy, you’ll experience soul-to-soul communication with your Higher Self in a guided exercise that heightens your soul awareness to answer an important question in your life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover how to Communicate with the Spirit World through Mediumship

Experience a guided exercise to reveal your soul’s answer to a burning question.

Did you know that anyone can learn to seek guidance and comforting reassurance from loved ones who have crossed to the Other Side?

This is because everyone has what it takes… a soul. 

Soul-to-soul communication is the key to effectively connecting with the Spirit World and more easily conducting accurate and powerful readings through the age-old practice of mediumship.

It’s available to you all the time, according to mystic, medium, and author Suzanne Giesemann, and it’s at the heart of living a more conscious, love-filled, joyous life. 

Suzanne will share about how you can access clear and accurate guidance from other realms — and from which you can best serve others — in Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World: The Key to Accessing Your Innate Mediumship Skills & a Life of Love & Joy.

>> Register for here to watch this event now
to learn more about soul-to-soul communication <<

Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World with Suzanne Giesemann

During this life-enriching 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Discover how to surrender your mind’s “story” of you and open to your body’s soul awareness — to deepen connection to your Higher Self and better access guidance from beyond the veil

  • Gain an understanding of the perception of Oneness and its ability to help you receive guidance from the “reading field” to sharpen and broaden your mediumship skills 

  • Learn how with focused intention you can shapeshift, merging into others’ fields to more easily do readings — as a medium and in your everyday life

  • Discover the many levels of soul-to-soul communication from beloved ancestors to beings in the Astral Realm to loved ones and pets still living 

  • Be guided to tune in to your own soul awareness to experience soul-to-soul communication and seek the answer to an important question in your life

You’ll also discover how soul-to-soul communication naturally expands your access to guidance from other realms… so you can connect not only with ancestors, but with well-known historical figures, pets who have passed, spirit animals, archetypes, archangels, and beings you may have glimpsed in a dream or in your own near-death experience.

More than anything, you’ll begin to sharpen and expand your mediumship skills and your everyday awareness — and experience life at the higher vibration of love and joy. 

>> RSVP for here to watch anytime this free event and/or get extra training <<

In Communicate Soul to Soul With the Spirit World: The Key to Accessing Your Innate Mediumship Skills & a Life of Love & Joy, you’ll experience soul-to-soul communication with your Higher Self in a guided exercise that heightens your soul awareness to answer an important question in your life.

Read more: Discover how to Communicate with the Spirit World through Mediumship

Wednesday 18 August 2021

How to deepen, nourish & Sustain your Spiritual Awakening

Join us for Awakening With Spirit Summit – free online Aug 31 – Sept 2.

Receive transmissions & sustainable tools to evolve your spiritual awakening.

Do you long to connect with Spirit to discover your calling, step into your next evolution, and show up daily as your highest and best self? 

Would you like to learn techniques to fortify your inner resilience, overcome obstacles and challenges with greater ease, and experience profound joy on a soul-deep level?

You are being called to bring more to this life. Spirit is alive within you… will you answer the summons?

I’m delighted to tell you about the Awakening With Spirit Summit — a free online event produced by The Shift Network.

Free Online Event
Awakening With Spirit Summit

August 31 – September 2, 2021

I’m honored to invite you to join 20 esteemed spiritual teachers and luminaries speaking at this event — along with Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deepak ChopraMarianne WilliamsonJean HoustonBishop Carlton PearsonBershan ShawSadvhi Bhagawati SaraswatiRhonda Magee, and Sister Shivani.

In this transformational 3-day summit, you’ll receive valuable insights and transmissions from these renowned influencers and up-and-coming changemakers about how they overcame obstacles on their spiritual journeys, and discovered how to move through life with greater ease.

Each soul-healing session will offer you practices, tools, and advice to deepen and sustain your own spiritual awakening.  

During this illustrious online event, you’ll discover:

  • Why spiritual awakening doesn’t have to take a lifetime

  • The practice of ego relaxation as a tool to access the grace you need to stay calm amidst chaos

  • How to create a deep connection to your spirit guides

  • Practices to bridge the spirit and the soul, especially during times of change and uncertainty

  • Principles from the path of Sannyasa that can assist you on the inward journey

  • Ways that your past lives directly influence your present life

  • That your soul has a blueprint for each stage of life, and is connected to your purpose

  • How to train your mind to tap into your inner “knowingness”

  • The concept of “spiritual relocation” and an empowering view on aging

  • How to create love that transcends trauma

  • The signs and signals that you’re connected to your soul’s purpose

  • Tools to ensure that you’re truly “awake” in your spiritual awakening

  • Secrets for getting out of the habit of focusing on enticing short-term results

  • Ways to experience the light of your inner being

  • What Raja Yoga is and how to unite with the source of love, light, peace, purity, joy, and truth

  • How to be present in love in any given moment

  • Pathways to connect with your divine self… to heal, expand, and thrive beyond anything you’ve ever experienced

  • Practices for aligning with the greatest vision you have for your life

… and much more!

>> RSVP here for the Awakening With Spirit Summit — at no charge <<

Awakening With Spirit Summit – free online Aug 31 – Sept 2

I hope you’ll join this special event to receive teachings, techniques, and practices that can help you sustain your spiritual awakening, release limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles, and step into your authentic power.…

In a world where many people rely on external devices for pleasure and fulfillment, walking a spiritual path can feel difficult at times. It can be lonely, full of temptations to fall back to old habits and choices, and emotional as you leave your old way of being behind.

You are likely to encounter stumbling blocks and moments of doubt along the way.

Yet, spiritual life offers unparallelled expressions of joy, peace, and deep contentment.

>> Register for the Awakening With Spirit Summit now — and tap into a community of like-minded people — leaders and experts who understand the spiritual path and are here to encourage your continued evolution.

Join this amazing gathering of presenters — and be prepared to feel empowered, inspired, and confident that you can deepen and sustain your spiritual awakening all the days of your life.

Through the power of storytelling, you’ll see how great spiritual leaders have evolved their inner spiritual landscape, sustained it through specific practices… and how you can do the same.

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Sister Jenna — a beautiful luminary, spiritual leader, and advocate for meditation and mindfulness.  

Register for this life-enhancing event to re-inspire your vigor for your spiritual awakening, overcome challenges along your path, cultivate soul-deep resilience to honor your purpose, and answer your higher calling.

>> RSVP here for the Awakening With Spirit Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Awakening With Spirit Overcome Fear & Build Lifelong Peace, Centeredness & Resilience

Receive transmissions & sustainable tools to evolve your spiritual awakening.

Do you long to connect with Spirit to discover your calling, step into your next evolution, and show up daily as your highest and best self? 

Would you like to learn techniques to fortify your inner resilience, overcome obstacles and challenges with greater ease, and experience profound joy on a soul-deep level?

You are being called to bring more to this life. Spirit is alive within you… will you answer the summons?

I’m delighted to tell you about the Awakening With Spirit Summit — a free online event produced by The Shift Network.

Join Free Online Event
Awakening With Spirit Summit
August 31 – September 2, 2021

I’m honored to invite you to join 20 esteemed spiritual teachers and luminaries speaking at this event — along with Dr. Joe Dispenza, Deepak ChopraMarianne WilliamsonJean HoustonBishop Carlton PearsonBershan ShawSadvhi Bhagawati SaraswatiRhonda Magee, and Sister Shivani.

In this transformational 3-day summit, you’ll receive valuable insights and transmissions from these renowned influencers and up-and-coming changemakers about how they overcame obstacles on their spiritual journeys, and discovered how to move through life with greater ease.

Each soul-healing session will offer you practices, tools, and advice to deepen and sustain your own spiritual awakening.  

During this illustrious online event, you’ll discover:

  • Why spiritual awakening doesn’t have to take a lifetime

  • The practice of ego relaxation as a tool to access the grace you need to stay calm amidst chaos

  • How to create a deep connection to your spirit guides

  • Practices to bridge the spirit and the soul, especially during times of change and uncertainty

  • Principles from the path of Sannyasa that can assist you on the inward journey

  • Ways that your past lives directly influence your present life

  • That your soul has a blueprint for each stage of life, and is connected to your purpose

  • How to train your mind to tap into your inner “knowingness”

  • The concept of “spiritual relocation” and an empowering view on aging

  • How to create love that transcends trauma

  • The signs and signals that you’re connected to your soul’s purpose

  • Tools to ensure that you’re truly “awake” in your spiritual awakening

  • Secrets for getting out of the habit of focusing on enticing short-term results

  • Ways to experience the light of your inner being

  • What Raja Yoga is and how to unite with the source of love, light, peace, purity, joy, and truth

  • How to be present in love in any given moment

  • Pathways to connect with your divine self… to heal, expand, and thrive beyond anything you’ve ever experienced

  • Practices for aligning with the greatest vision you have for your life

… and much more!

>> RSVP here for the Awakening With Spirit Summit — at no charge <<

Awakening With Spirit Summit – free online Aug 31 – Sept 2

I hope you’ll join this special event to receive teachings, techniques, and practices that can help you sustain your spiritual awakening, release limiting beliefs, overcome obstacles, and step into your authentic power.…

In a world where many people rely on external devices for pleasure and fulfillment, walking a spiritual path can feel difficult at times. It can be lonely, full of temptations to fall back to old habits and choices, and emotional as you leave your old way of being behind.

You are likely to encounter stumbling blocks and moments of doubt along the way.

Yet, spiritual life offers unparallelled expressions of joy, peace, and deep contentment.

>> Register for the Awakening With Spirit Summit now — and tap into a community of like-minded people — leaders and experts who understand the spiritual path and are here to encourage your continued evolution.

Join this amazing gathering of presenters — and be prepared to feel empowered, inspired, and confident that you can deepen and sustain your spiritual awakening all the days of your life.

Through the power of storytelling, you’ll see how great spiritual leaders have evolved their inner spiritual landscape, sustained it through specific practices… and how you can do the same.

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Sister Jenna — a beautiful luminary, spiritual leader, and advocate for meditation and mindfulness.  

Register for this life-enhancing event to re-inspire your vigor for your spiritual awakening, overcome challenges along your path, cultivate soul-deep resilience to honor your purpose, and answer your higher calling.

>> RSVP here for the Awakening With Spirit Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you during the Awakening With Spirit Summit

  • Globally renowned author, thought leader, and speaker Dr. Joe Dispenza will share the secrets behind consciously changing your thoughts and using them as the catalyst to inspire radical change in your life.

  • Deepak Chopra,  a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation, will share how the principle of “love in action” can help you shake off the disillusionment you may feel about today’s world and rediscover the depth of your inherent beauty and divinity. 

  • Marianne Williamson will guide you through a process to release fear and accept your role as a powerful being of light — so you can unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

  • Prepare to bask in the beautiful glow of Jean Houston as she offers inspiration and practical steps for turning your latent gifts into spiritual action for personal and societal betterment.

  • Join Sadvhi Bhagawati Saraswati in a guided practice to tap into your inner consciousness and learn important tools that can help you navigate and deepen your awakening.

  • Experience what it’s like to let go of always having to be in the driver’s seat as award-winning actor Louis Gossett Jr. guides you through a process to find a connection to a higher power every day.

  • With Bishop Carlton Pearson, you’ll explore the depths of your soul by examining what you believe, why you believe it, and how those beliefs add to or subtract from the quality of your life.

  • Transformational coach Bershan Shaw will help you unleash your inner warrior, overcome what’s holding you back from your greatness, and become your most authentic self.

  • Rhonda Magee will show you the path to integrating mindfulness as a tool for spiritual awakening — and creating societal change in the areas of higher education, law, and racial justice.

  • A spiritual leader and teacher for over 50 years, Sister Jayanti will guide you to draw power from Source to initiate transformation to a higher level of consciousness.

  • Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes will take you through a mystical process to open your heart, train your mind, and trust in a greater design so you can access the wellspring of your own knowingness.

  • Past-life psychic, author, and spiritual teacher Ainslie MacLeod will share how to create a deep connection to your spirit guides in order to discover your soul’s life plan — the blueprint for your current incarnation.

>> RSVP here for the Awakening With Spirit Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Awakening With Spirit Overcome Fear & Build Lifelong Peace, Centeredness & Resilience

Combined Tuning Forks with Energy Medicine Yoga to Heal Your Body, Mind & Spirit

In the last year and a half, we’ve experienced a multitude of things to be anxious about.

Where does it end? How can we sit at peace in the world and not be consumed by fear and anxiety?

The onslaught of stressors has created a chronic problem. Many of us are caught in a perpetual cycle of fight, flight, or freeze responses and it’s wreaking havoc on our physical and mental health.

This steady stream of stressful events may be beyond our control, but there are ways to soothe and settle our own anxiety. We can learn to step out of the emotional chaos we’re feeling and find a gentle, tranquil place within that nurtures and carries us through difficult times.

On Saturday, August 21, Lauren Walker, creator of Energy Medicine Yoga (EMYoga), will show you how to quell your inner noise and release and heal your fears and traumas so you can cultivate inner peace, joy, and resilience.

>> Join for Energy Medicine Yoga & Sound Healing Tunings to Reduce Stress & Find Peace, Joy & Healing <<

EMYoga — which combines energy medicine with a traditional yoga practice

During this experiential, healing hour, you’ll discover:

  • How resetting your quantum blueprint resets your original, true essence

  • How using EMYoga together with sound-healing tuning forks can double-turbocharge your self-healing

  • A practice using gentle movements and sound healing to relax your nervous system

  • How being perpetually anxious impacts your overall health

  • The importance of learning how to ground yourself for healing and stress relief

EMYoga — which combines energy medicine with a traditional yoga practice — can influence the trajectory of your body’s energy patterns to heal and increase vitality, while balancing your immune, hormonal, and nervous systems.

To help you go even deeper, Lauren will add the power of tuning forks, the sound-therapy method employed by Shift faculty member Eileen McKusick, targeting its vibrational sounds to relax your nervous system, while clearing and resetting your adrenals and rebalancing the cortisol levels in your body.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how balancing your energy systems using energy medicine, coupled with an easy, gentle form of yoga, can heal you on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording <<

Energy Medicine Yoga & Sound Healing Tunings to Reduce Stress & Find Peace, Joy & Healing

… you’ll incorporate sound-healing tuning forks with Energy Medicine Yoga to balance your energy systems, helping you to stress less, clear your fear, and heal your body, mind, and spirit.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience Energy Medicine Yoga & Sound-Healing Tunings to Reduce Stress

Discover how EMYoga with tuning forks can double-turbocharge your self-healing.

In the last year and a half, we’ve experienced a multitude of things to be anxious about.

Where does it end? How can we sit at peace in the world and not be consumed by fear and anxiety?

The onslaught of stressors has created a chronic problem. Many of us are caught in a perpetual cycle of fight, flight, or freeze responses and it’s wreaking havoc on our physical and mental health.

This steady stream of stressful events may be beyond our control, but there are ways to soothe and settle our own anxiety. We can learn to step out of the emotional chaos we’re feeling and find a gentle, tranquil place within that nurtures and carries us through difficult times.

On Saturday, August 21, Lauren Walker, creator of Energy Medicine Yoga (EMYoga), will show you how to quell your inner noise and release and heal your fears and traumas so you can cultivate inner peace, joy, and resilience.

>> Join for Energy Medicine Yoga & Sound Healing Tunings to Reduce Stress & Find Peace, Joy & Healing <<

Discover Energy Medicine Yoga & Sound Healing Tunings to Reduce Stress & Find Peace, Joy & Healing with Lauren Walker

During this experiential, healing hour, you’ll discover:

  • How resetting your quantum blueprint resets your original, true essence

  • How using EMYoga together with sound-healing tuning forks can double-turbocharge your self-healing

  • A practice using gentle movements and sound healing to relax your nervous system

  • How being perpetually anxious impacts your overall health

  • The importance of learning how to ground yourself for healing and stress relief

EMYoga — which combines energy medicine with a traditional yoga practice — can influence the trajectory of your body’s energy patterns to heal and increase vitality, while balancing your immune, hormonal, and nervous systems.

To help you go even deeper, Lauren will add the power of tuning forks, the sound-therapy method employed by Shift faculty member Eileen McKusick, targeting its vibrational sounds to relax your nervous system, while clearing and resetting your adrenals and rebalancing the cortisol levels in your body.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how balancing your energy systems using energy medicine, coupled with an easy, gentle form of yoga, can heal you on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording <<

Energy Medicine Yoga & Sound Healing Tunings to Reduce Stress & Find Peace, Joy & Healing

… you’ll incorporate sound-healing tuning forks with Energy Medicine Yoga to balance your energy systems, helping you to stress less, clear your fear, and heal your body, mind, and spirit.

Read more: Experience Energy Medicine Yoga & Sound-Healing Tunings to Reduce Stress

Sunday 15 August 2021

Physiological Approach to Healing that Alleviates Stress, Tension & Trauma

Discover how to access your inner ‘safe zone’ to feel at ease in any circumstance.

Are you ready to live life from a heightened state of wellbeing, ease, and joy? Your body’s natural reflexes may hold the key.

Unlike many healing modalities that focus primarily on the mental or emotional causes of trauma — and may reactivate the associated stress and pain as a means to overcome it…

… the effectiveness of Tension Releasing Exercises, or TRE, relies on your primitive reflexes to reveal where trauma is residing in your body — and then “shakes” it out.

Bodyworker and TRE expert Steve Haines will share how harnessing the power of your reflexes can release trauma and neutralize your own fear-based patterns while calming your nervous system and easing your body back into a state of balance.

>> Join here to Discover the Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®): How Primitive Reflexes Shake You Out of Fight-or-Flight Patterns & Into Your Natural Joyous State <<

Explore a physiological approach to healing that alleviates stress, tension & trauma

In this empowering free online event, you’ll explore:

  • TRE as a simple and effective somatic practice that harnesses the power of your primitive reflexes to release stress, tension, and trauma in all levels of your being

  • How overactive fight-or-flight responses hijack mental, emotional, and physical functions — and how you can begin to disrupt this unhealthy pattern

  • How to access your inner “safe zone” within the structures and systems of your physiology to feel at ease in any circumstance

  • The role of safety in your ability to live a life of sustained wellness, joy, freedom, and limitlessness

  • Why experiencing feelings as sensations rather than emotions neutralizes fear-based patterns while amplifying your built-in ability to regulate your own wellbeing

Using a series of exercises that target specific muscles throughout your body, TRE rouses deeply held trauma to the surface where it is released through your natural reflexes…

… while also assisting in rebooting the brain patterns that trigger fear and pain responses, providing a sense of mental and emotional safety within you as you move through the world.

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing event to explore how your body can help you shift out of mental- and emotional-based cascades of fear, trauma, and pain so you can experience confident, empowered living.

Just imagine what an unstoppable force for good you will be in the world once you feel connected, free, and safe in your own skin!

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording <<

In Discover the Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®): How Primitive Reflexes Shake You Out of Fight-or-Flight Patterns & Into Your Natural Joyous State, you’ll explore a simple physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity to regulate your own wellbeing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Natural Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) Somatic Practice

Discover how your primitive reflexes can shake you out of fight-or-flight pattern.

Are you ready to live life from a heightened state of wellbeing, ease, and joy? Your body’s natural reflexes may hold the key.

Unlike many healing modalities that focus primarily on the mental or emotional causes of trauma — and may reactivate the associated stress and pain as a means to overcome it…

… the effectiveness of Tension Releasing Exercises, or TRE, relies on your primitive reflexes to reveal where trauma is residing in your body — and then “shakes” it out.

Bodyworker and TRE expert Steve Haines will share how harnessing the power of your reflexes can release trauma and neutralize your own fear-based patterns while calming your nervous system and easing your body back into a state of balance.

>> Join here to Discover the Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®): How Primitive Reflexes Shake You Out of Fight-or-Flight Patterns & Into Your Natural Joyous State <<

Explore a physiological approach to healing that alleviates stress, tension & trauma

In this empowering free online event, you’ll explore:

  • TRE as a simple and effective somatic practice that harnesses the power of your primitive reflexes to release stress, tension, and trauma in all levels of your being

  • How overactive fight-or-flight responses hijack mental, emotional, and physical functions — and how you can begin to disrupt this unhealthy pattern

  • How to access your inner “safe zone” within the structures and systems of your physiology to feel at ease in any circumstance

  • The role of safety in your ability to live a life of sustained wellness, joy, freedom, and limitlessness

  • Why experiencing feelings as sensations rather than emotions neutralizes fear-based patterns while amplifying your built-in ability to regulate your own wellbeing

Using a series of exercises that target specific muscles throughout your body, TRE rouses deeply held trauma to the surface where it is released through your natural reflexes…

… while also assisting in rebooting the brain patterns that trigger fear and pain responses, providing a sense of mental and emotional safety within you as you move through the world.

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing event to explore how your body can help you shift out of mental- and emotional-based cascades of fear, trauma, and pain so you can experience confident, empowered living.

Just imagine what an unstoppable force for good you will be in the world once you feel connected, free, and safe in your own skin!

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording <<

In Discover the Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE®): How Primitive Reflexes Shake You Out of Fight-or-Flight Patterns & Into Your Natural Joyous State, you’ll explore a simple physiological approach to healing that activates your body’s natural reflexes to alleviate deeply held stress, tension, and trauma — while bolstering your built-in capacity to regulate your own wellbeing.

Read more: Natural Healing Power of Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE) Somatic Practice