Friday 28 May 2021

Learn how to repair your own DNA and cultivate the most uplifting brainwaves

Scientific research that has ground-breaking implications for your health and life.

Science has proven that there’s a strong link between your mind and the world around you… and that you can align your mind with creating greater health, happiness, fulfilment, and more.

As we navigate the uncertainties of life, now more than ever, this capacity to shift our thinking, boost our wellbeing, and manifest our desired future can be a powerful tool….

Yet, it can take some mental reframing to access this skill. Like many, you may be in dire need of a positivity boost, perhaps having recently experienced unexpected changes, loss, or a forced transition.

On Wednesday, June 2, Dawson Church, PhD, one of the most brilliant researchers at the leading edge of consciousness science, will distil the results of hundreds of eye-opening studies into a powerful synthesis with ground-breaking implications for your health and life.

>> Join us here to Discover Mind-to-Matter Science: Train Your Brainwaves to Transform Your Health & Create Your Own Reality <<

Experience an EFT exercise to promote the brainwave frequency of positive emotions

In this 60-minute mini-workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover how to use mental framing to align yourself with the natural abundance of the universe

  • Discover the power of positive emotions and how they can boost immunity, telomeres, and stem cell production

  • Explore how particular brain waves stimulate cell regeneration and increase your overall cognitive ability

  • Understand how thoughts and emotions can change cortisol levels, heart rate, anxiety, and pain

  • Experience the power of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping in a 10-minute exercise to reduce stress and promote beneficial alpha brain waves

Dawson has a knack for making leading-edge science accessible and practical, particularly for transforming our lives…

Whether he’s talking about cultivating the most uplifting brainwaves… or achieving optimal heart-brain coherence… or how your body can repair its own DNA… you come away with a profound understanding and practical tools for meaningful change.

>> RSVP for free here for Live Event or get Recording <<

In Discover Mind-to-Matter Science: Train Your Brainwaves to Transform Your Health & Create Your Own Reality, you’ll experience an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) exercise for quickly releasing the chemical charge of negative thinking to promote the beneficial brainwave frequency of positive emotions.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover mind-to-matter science that can help you transform your health

Experience an EFT exercise to promote the brainwave frequency of positive emotions.

Science has proven that there’s a strong link between your mind and the world around you… and that you can align your mind with creating greater health, happiness, fulfillment, and more.

As we navigate the uncertainties of life, now more than ever, this capacity to shift our thinking, boost our wellbeing, and manifest our desired future can be a powerful tool….

Yet, it can take some mental reframing to access this skill. Like many, you may be in dire need of a positivity boost, perhaps having recently experienced unexpected changes, loss, or a forced transition.

On Wednesday, June 2, Dawson Church, PhD, one of the most brilliant researchers at the leading edge of consciousness science, will distill the results of hundreds of eye-opening studies into a powerful synthesis with groundbreaking implications for your health and life.

>> Join us here to Discover Mind-to-Matter Science: Train Your Brainwaves to Transform Your Health & Create Your Own Reality <<

Experience an EFT exercise to promote the brainwave frequency of positive emotions

In this 60-minute mini-workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover how to use mental framing to align yourself with the natural abundance of the universe

  • Discover the power of positive emotions and how they can boost immunity, telomeres, and stem cell production

  • Explore how particular brain waves stimulate cell regeneration and increase your overall cognitive ability

  • Understand how thoughts and emotions can change cortisol levels, heart rate, anxiety, and pain

  • Experience the power of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) tapping in a 10-minute exercise to reduce stress and promote beneficial alpha brain waves

Dawson has a knack for making leading-edge science accessible and practical, particularly for transforming our lives…

Whether he’s talking about cultivating the most uplifting brainwaves… or achieving optimal heart-brain coherence… or how your body can repair its own DNA… you come away with a profound understanding and practical tools for meaningful change.

>> RSVP for free here for Live Event or get Recording <<

In Discover Mind-to-Matter Science: Train Your Brainwaves to Transform Your Health & Create Your Own Reality, you’ll experience an EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) exercise for quickly releasing the chemical charge of negative thinking to promote the beneficial brainwave frequency of positive emotions.

Read more: Discover mind-to-matter science that can help you transform your health

Thursday 27 May 2021

Awaken the love that lives within you thru a powerful practice, Chanting of the Name

Remember your divine essence thru a powerful practice, Chanting of the Name.

This last year has forced us all to deal with our own suffering.

With our “safe spaces” taken away, we couldn’t just busy ourselves to escape.

But the truth is, this kind of adversity is an essential part of the spiritual path

As worldwide icon and chant artist Krishna Das has been reminding his many students, especially recently, it’s why a grounded, healing spiritual practice is so important.

It helps you consciously deal with life’s inescapable issues and cultivate a worldview to help you deal with whatever the world brings to your door…

Krishna Das will share how devotional chanting can help you move out of reaction mode — without getting your buttons pushed, which only creates more suffering…

>> Join here for Become a Pilgrim on the Path of Love Through Devotional Chanting With Krishna Das <<

Experience a guided practice, Chanting of the Name, to deepen into your heart space

In this 60-minute free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • What you can learn about your true nature when you tap into compassion and the heart

  • The many ways a spiritual practice can support you through life, changing the way you experience the world and yourself — and even softening your own judgmental voice over time

  • How to soften the way you feel about what’s happening, because most of the time you can’t change the event itself; you’ll learn how to be more at ease in the moment, making you more at ease in the next moment, and the next…

  • The wisdom of the great masters and saints who influenced Krishna Das’ life

  • A guided practice, Chanting of the Name, to deepen into the Heart Space and discover why repetition is so important in your practice

As you’ll discover, you can lean on your practice to calm you and give you a graceful way to respond to whatever happens — so you don’t wind up adding to the fire by tossing on the kindling of your emotional reactions.

Krishna Das will also lead you through a powerful practice, Chanting of the Name, to help you find the Love that lives within us all.

You’ll see how it’s actually more possible than ever to live an open-hearted life without fear — one that’s full of kindness, compassion, and inner strength… qualities that can’t be destroyed by outside forces.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording <<

In Become a Pilgrim on the Path of Love Through Devotional Chanting With Krishna Das, you’ll discover a powerful practice, Chanting of the Name, to help you remember your divine essence — and awaken the love that lives within you.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience a guided practice, Chanting of the Name, to deepen into your heart space

Become a pilgrim on the path of love through devotional chanting with Krishna Das.

This last year has forced us all to deal with our own suffering.

With our “safe spaces” taken away, we couldn’t just busy ourselves to escape.

But the truth is, this kind of adversity is an essential part of the spiritual path

As worldwide icon and chant artist Krishna Das has been reminding his many students, especially recently, it’s why a grounded, healing spiritual practice is so important.

It helps you consciously deal with life’s inescapable issues and cultivate a worldview to help you deal with whatever the world brings to your door…

Krishna Das will share how devotional chanting can help you move out of reaction mode — without getting your buttons pushed, which only creates more suffering…

>> Join here for Become a Pilgrim on the Path of Love Through Devotional Chanting With Krishna Das <<

Experience a guided practice, Chanting of the Name, to deepen into your heart space

In this 60-minute free mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • What you can learn about your true nature when you tap into compassion and the heart

  • The many ways a spiritual practice can support you through life, changing the way you experience the world and yourself — and even softening your own judgmental voice over time

  • How to soften the way you feel about what’s happening, because most of the time you can’t change the event itself; you’ll learn how to be more at ease in the moment, making you more at ease in the next moment, and the next…

  • The wisdom of the great masters and saints who influenced Krishna Das’ life

  • A guided practice, Chanting of the Name, to deepen into the Heart Space and discover why repetition is so important in your practice

As you’ll discover, you can lean on your practice to calm you and give you a graceful way to respond to whatever happens — so you don’t wind up adding to the fire by tossing on the kindling of your emotional reactions.

Krishna Das will also lead you through a powerful practice, Chanting of the Name, to help you find the Love that lives within us all.

You’ll see how it’s actually more possible than ever to live an open-hearted life without fear — one that’s full of kindness, compassion, and inner strength… qualities that can’t be destroyed by outside forces.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording <<

In Become a Pilgrim on the Path of Love Through Devotional Chanting With Krishna Das, you’ll discover a powerful practice, Chanting of the Name, to help you remember your divine essence — and awaken the love that lives within you.

Read more: Experience a guided practice, Chanting of the Name, to deepen into your heart space

Saturday 22 May 2021

How to Connect to Your Spirit Guides. Discover Evidence-based Mediumship

The step-by-step process to Clearly & confidently connect with loved ones & the spirit world.

When done correctly, the practice of mediumship makes the spirit world real.

It empowers you to cultivate compassion, feel connected to your spirit guides, and even ease your fear of death.

Understandably, many aspiring mediums become frustrated as they explore the craft.

They never receive a clear understanding of the required skills, they feel skeptical of the results they do get, and they don’t find the tangible evidence they long for.

If you’ve explored mediumship before, you may have been thrown into the experience without first being grounded in the proper foundations — including detailed explanations of what to expect, how to manage your awareness so you can become attuned to the spirit world, and how to stop unintentionally getting in your own way.

Psychic medium Michael Mayo will share his proven techniques to break mediumship down into a step-by-step process so you can distinguish the energy coming from spirit from what’s coming in your own mind — then back it up with evidence like dates, names, and details no one else could know.

>> Join here to Discover Evidence-Based Mediumship: How to Connect Clearly & Confidently With Loved Ones & the Spirit World <<

Evidence-Based Mediumship with Michael Mayo

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover: 

  • The true meaning of mediumship, how anyone can become a medium — and how your life changes when you learn to harness its power

  • Why mediumship is the byproduct of surrender, not additional powers only some people possess — in fact, you’re merely the vessel mediumship passes through!

  • Rarely heard stories and results from skilled mediums of the past — and what’s possible for you in your mediumship journey

  • The truth behind why more mediums don’t practice evidential mediumship — including how it doesn’t produce instant gratification, poor teaching gets passed along to others, and more

  • Michael’s Sitting in the Power exercise, a practice that allows you to quiet your mind while expecting and doing nothing — so your imagination is less likely to (unintentionally) create false “spiritual” or “psychic” impressions

Michael’s celebrated teachings will remind you of the powerful truth that you’re never separate from others, in this world or the next.

He’ll share how the discipline of evidential mediumship can help you understand more about who you are in the world, your role in the scope of the universe — and the concrete skills you can bring to your mediumship journey.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Discover Evidence-Based Mediumship: How to Connect Clearly & Confidently With Loved Ones & the Spirit World, you’ll develop or refine your mediumship mastery through time-tested, grounded, and practical skills everyone possesses — so you can confidently connect to your spirit guides, release self-doubt, and find clear direction in your spiritual journey.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Mediumship - Step-by-Step Process Contacting the Spirit World

When done correctly, the practice of mediumship makes the spirit world real.

It empowers you to cultivate compassion, feel connected to your spirit guides, and even ease your fear of death.

Understandably, many aspiring mediums become frustrated as they explore the craft.

They never receive a clear understanding of the required skills, they feel skeptical of the results they do get, and they don’t find the tangible evidence they long for.

If you’ve explored mediumship before, you may have been thrown into the experience without first being grounded in the proper foundations — including detailed explanations of what to expect, how to manage your awareness so you can become attuned to the spirit world, and how to stop unintentionally getting in your own way.

On Saturday, May 22, psychic medium Michael Mayo will share his proven techniques to break mediumship down into a step-by-step process so you can distinguish the energy coming from spirit from what’s coming in your own mind — then back it up with evidence like dates, names, and details no one else could know.

>> Join here to Discover Evidence-Based Mediumship: How to Connect Clearly & Confidently With Loved Ones & the Spirit World <<

Mediumship with Michael Mayo

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover: 

  • The true meaning of mediumship, how anyone can become a medium — and how your life changes when you learn to harness its power

  • Why mediumship is the byproduct of surrender, not additional powers only some people possess — in fact, you’re merely the vessel mediumship passes through!

  • Rarely heard stories and results from skilled mediums of the past — and what’s possible for you in your mediumship journey

  • The truth behind why more mediums don’t practice evidential mediumship — including how it doesn’t produce instant gratification, poor teaching gets passed along to others, and more

  • Michael’s Sitting in the Power exercise, a practice that allows you to quiet your mind while expecting and doing nothing — so your imagination is less likely to (unintentionally) create false “spiritual” or “psychic” impressions

Michael’s celebrated teachings will remind you of the powerful truth that you’re never separate from others, in this world or the next.

He’ll share how the discipline of evidential mediumship can help you understand more about who you are in the world, your role in the scope of the universe — and the concrete skills you can bring to your mediumship journey.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Discover Evidence-Based Mediumship: How to Connect Clearly & Confidently With Loved Ones & the Spirit World, you’ll develop or refine your mediumship mastery through time-tested, grounded, and practical skills everyone possesses — so you can confidently connect to your spirit guides, release self-doubt, and find clear direction in your spiritual journey.

Read more: Mediumship - Step-by-Step Process Contacting the Spirit World

Saturday 15 May 2021

Guided Body Scan to Tune in to How Your Medical Intuitive Skills Arise

Discover an easy-to-learn healing technique and become your own medical intuitive.

Imagine that you can tune in to what’s ailing you — physically or emotionally — and even actively participate in helping yourself to heal.

We all have this ability. It’s part of our innate intuitive sense, and it can be easily developed. 

It’s a matter of learning how to listen to your body to discover how intuition arises for you — and how you may be blocking your access to it.

If you’re like many, you may also need some help learning how to trust this seemingly magical skill. You might even be a little afraid of it.

On Saturday, May 15, in a fascinating hour with medical intuitive and psychic medium Tina Zion, you’ll experience an awareness-building body scan and an easy-to-learn healing technique that can help you begin developing this life-enhancing skill yourself.

>> RSVP here for Tap Into Your Medical Intuitive Powers: How to Access Your Innate Capacity to Sense Your Body’s Ailments & Enhance Your Wellbeing <<

Easy-to-learn Healing Technique to Become Your Own Medical Intuitive

During this fascinating 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Learn the difference between intuition and medical intuition, how we all have access to both, and ways you may be blocking your intuitive senses

  • Discover the power of your thoughts, emotions, and words, including vows and curses, when it comes to working with your medical intuition

  • Understand how to trust what you sense really IS your intuition and not your mind rationalizing

  • Find out which unseen allies to call on when seeking guidance through intuitive means — and determine which are the most helpful

  • Experience a Guided Body Scan to tune in to how your medical intuitive skills arise, understand how to trust them, and discover how to use these skills to enhance your health

Learning how to be your own medical intuitive allows you to grow your self-awareness, monitor and help sustain your wellbeing, and gain important insights about your physical and emotional health.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to become a much more empowered self-advocate and shepherd of your wellbeing so that you can enjoy a healthier, happier, more conscious life.

>> Join for free here to watch Live or get Recording later <<

In Tap Into Your Medical Intuitive Powers: How to Access Your Innate Capacity to Sense Your Body’s Ailments & Enhance Your Wellbeing, you’ll gain insight into how to access your medical intuition, start to trust this innate capacity, and tune in to an area of your body that needs attention with a Guided Body Scan.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

An Easy-to-learn Healing Technique to Become Your Own Medical Intuitive

Discover the powerful ways your thoughts, emotions & words can impact your health.

Imagine that you can tune in to what’s ailing you — physically or emotionally — and even actively participate in helping yourself to heal.

We all have this ability. It’s part of our innate intuitive sense, and it can be easily developed. 

It’s a matter of learning how to listen to your body to discover how intuition arises for you — and how you may be blocking your access to it.

If you’re like many, you may also need some help learning how to trust this seemingly magical skill. You might even be a little afraid of it.

On Saturday, May 15, in a fascinating hour with medical intuitive and psychic medium Tina Zion, you’ll experience an awareness-building body scan and an easy-to-learn healing technique that can help you begin developing this life-enhancing skill yourself.

>> RSVP here for Tap Into Your Medical Intuitive Powers: How to Access Your Innate Capacity to Sense Your Body’s Ailments & Enhance Your Wellbeing <<

Access Your Medical Intuitive Powers: How to Access Your Innate Capacity to Sense Your Body’s Ailments & Enhance Your Wellbeing

During this fascinating 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Learn the difference between intuition and medical intuition, how we all have access to both, and ways you may be blocking your intuitive senses

  • Discover the power of your thoughts, emotions, and words, including vows and curses, when it comes to working with your medical intuition

  • Understand how to trust what you sense really IS your intuition and not your mind rationalizing

  • Find out which unseen allies to call on when seeking guidance through intuitive means — and determine which are the most helpful

  • Experience a Guided Body Scan to tune in to how your medical intuitive skills arise, understand how to trust them, and discover how to use these skills to enhance your health

Learning how to be your own medical intuitive allows you to grow your self-awareness, monitor and help sustain your wellbeing, and gain important insights about your physical and emotional health.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to become a much more empowered self-advocate and shepherd of your wellbeing so that you can enjoy a healthier, happier, more conscious life.

>> Join for free here to watch Live or get Recording later <<

In Tap Into Your Medical Intuitive Powers: How to Access Your Innate Capacity to Sense Your Body’s Ailments & Enhance Your Wellbeing, you’ll gain insight into how to access your medical intuition, start to trust this innate capacity, and tune in to an area of your body that needs attention with a Guided Body Scan.

Read more: An Easy-to-learn Healing Technique to Become Your Own Medical Intuitive

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Guided Healing Meditation - Release Energetic Patterns Blocking Your Intuitive Guidance

Discover the roles the masculine and feminine are playing in your subconscious patterns.

This past year we were presented with the opportunity to sit with ourselves and get in touch with the shadows of fear, racial injustice, human rights, climate change, healthcare, survival, and our responsibility to our humanity — at a whole new level.

We discovered we can no longer ignore the dynamics of the wounded masculine (which shows up in the world as toxic patriarchy) and the wounded feminine (which manifests in our lives as feeling victimized)… 

Masculine and feminine energy live within each of us. We’ve all been subconsciously embodying both healthy and unhealthy elements of each, which has been feeding into and reinforcing our culture’s harmful dynamics.

Thankfully, we can heal these wounded aspects of ourselves, transforming them into the healthy masculine and healthy feminine, which allows our intuitive Self to emerge 

On Wednesday, May 12, Wendy De Rosa, celebrated teacher and founder of the School of Intuitive Studies, will help you discover the roles the masculine and feminine (both healthy and unhealthy) are playing in our subconscious patterns — and how you unknowingly embody them in your life.

>> Join here for How to Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition: Transform Wounded Masculine & Feminine Imprints to Heal Yourself & Our World <<

How to Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition with Wendy De Rosa

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How the issues that had been stirring long before the pandemic, which came to a head during 2020, have initiated us into a deeper responsibility to show up and heal

  • That the role of the wounded and healthy aspects of the masculine and feminine are key energetic patterns that relate to all imbalances in current times

  • The ways you can contribute to collective healing by balancing and healing the masculine and feminine within you and calling forth your intuitive powers

  • How your intuition grows stronger as you heal the inherited imbalances of the masculine and feminine energies within

  • A healing guided meditation to clear outdated collective and personal energies — and to help you embody your power and reset your boundaries

As Wendy will share, now is the perfect time to fully examine these energetic wounds you’ve been carrying

… because what’s underneath these wounds is the light of your true being, which has purpose and legacy on this planet.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get a recording + extra training <<

In How to Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition: Transform Wounded Masculine & Feminine Imprints to Heal Yourself & Our World, you’ll discover how to heal outdated imprints of the wounded masculine and feminine — and integrate healthy energetic boundaries.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

How To Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition

Transform wounded masculine and feminine imprints to heal yourself & our world.

This past year we were presented with the opportunity to sit with ourselves and get in touch with the shadows of fear, racial injustice, human rights, climate change, healthcare, survival, and our responsibility to our humanity — at a whole new level.

We discovered we can no longer ignore the dynamics of the wounded masculine (which shows up in the world as toxic patriarchy) and the wounded feminine (which manifests in our lives as feeling victimized)… 

Masculine and feminine energy live within each of us. We’ve all been subconsciously embodying both healthy and unhealthy elements of each, which has been feeding into and reinforcing our culture’s harmful dynamics.

Thankfully, we can heal these wounded aspects of ourselves, transforming them into the healthy masculine and healthy feminine, which allows our intuitive Self to emerge 

On Wednesday, May 12, Wendy De Rosa, celebrated teacher and founder of the School of Intuitive Studies, will help you discover the roles the masculine and feminine (both healthy and unhealthy) are playing in our subconscious patterns — and how you unknowingly embody them in your life.

>> Join here for How to Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition: Transform Wounded Masculine & Feminine Imprints to Heal Yourself & Our World <<

How to Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition with Wendy De Rosa

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How the issues that had been stirring long before the pandemic, which came to a head during 2020, have initiated us into a deeper responsibility to show up and heal

  • That the role of the wounded and healthy aspects of the masculine and feminine are key energetic patterns that relate to all imbalances in current times

  • The ways you can contribute to collective healing by balancing and healing the masculine and feminine within you and calling forth your intuitive powers

  • How your intuition grows stronger as you heal the inherited imbalances of the masculine and feminine energies within

  • A healing guided meditation to clear outdated collective and personal energies — and to help you embody your power and reset your boundaries

As Wendy will share, now is the perfect time to fully examine these energetic wounds you’ve been carrying

… because what’s underneath these wounds is the light of your true being, which has purpose and legacy on this planet.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get a recording + extra training <<

In How to Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition: Transform Wounded Masculine & Feminine Imprints to Heal Yourself & Our World, you’ll discover how to heal outdated imprints of the wounded masculine and feminine — and integrate healthy energetic boundaries.

Read more: How To Clear Energetic Patterns Suppressing Your Intuition

Monday 10 May 2021

Qigong Subtle Movement Meditation Practices to Restore Vitality & Regain Balance

Cultivate your life-force energy for greater vitality, peace & personal power.

Looking to clear out a year’s worth of stagnant energy and emotional malaise?

Would you like to boost your physical and emotional flexibility with nourishing low-impact routines?

Are you eager to cultivate health and longevity from curative traditions grounded in nature and the cosmos?

Qigong is the foundation for a life lived with more flow, bliss, and balance.

The ancient Chinese tradition combines the word Qi, which means subtle breath or life-force energy, with “gong,” meaning cultivation or skill.

Embark on a journey with highly respected Qigong teachers and learn timeless techniques to calm your nervous system, address chronic illness, improve your bone health, spring-clean the energy in your organs, and much more! 

The Qigong Global Summit brings deep learnings from a wide range of wisdom streams within the realm of Qigong… including Wujigong & Wuji Quan, Tai Chi and Zuowang meditation, Qigong-based sound healing, and Da Zi Ran (following nature)… from the world’s most prestigious living masters.

Free Online Event
Qigong Global Summit

May 24-28, 2021

Qigong is the foundation for a life lived with more flow, bliss, and balance.

You’ll go on an adventure with over 35 leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors in this year’s Qigong Global Summit, including Master Li Junfeng, Master Mantak Chia, Daisy Lee, Faye Li Yip, Kathryn Davis, Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, Robert Peng, Master Helen Liang, Master Mingtong Gu, Deng Ming-Dao, and many others. 

During this summit you’ll experience a rare convergence of Qigong masters from all across the world — some of whom are making their first-ever appearance in an online event. 

You’ll also gain insight into the wide array of healing and practical applications of Qigong — and even hear an NBA basketball players account of how Qigong aided his professional and personal wellbeing.

>> RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

This 5-day summit comes at the perfect time, as we individually and collectively look for enjoyable ways to keep healthy and active.

During this online Qigong event, you’ll discover:

  • That practicing Qigong can enliven, maintain, and grow your bones; build electromagnetic conductivity; and increase density

  • An embodied way to approach Zuowang meditation beyond intellectualization

  • Possibilities for using Qigong to change how you live with and heal aspects of Parkinson’s Disease and other chronic illnesses

  • The yin way of using sexual energy to heal your wounds and those of your full ancestry line

  • How to transform the trauma stored in your body’s cellular memory using movement, meditation, and sound healing

  • How to express and safely exercise the yin and yang in Tai Chi practice

  • The potential of Taoism to unify your mind and spirit and connect you with nature through meditation, alchemy, and consciousness

  • The power of time and how to maximize its positive impact by being intentional about the timing of your daily meditations and exercise routines

  • How to tame your experience of pain in your mind and body through restorative Qigong and Tai Chi

  • Essential exercises to guide and direct your life-force energy through your energy body for health, healing, and vitality

  • The experiential applications of all these transformational modalities, allowing you to put them into practice right away

  • How science is now showing that Qigong techniques are an effective complement to allopathic medicine

There’s never been a more pressing need to clear stagnant Qi, counter extreme physical and emotional imbalances, and release that nagging languishing feeling from your system.

After being trapped in the trenches of a global pandemic for a full year, people around the world are finding solace and revitalization in the centuries-old Chinese tradition of Qigong.

>> RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

During this free online event, you’ll discover simple practices that will help you take better energetic care of your body, mind, and emotions — generating harmony, serenity, and reconnection with yourself and nature.

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Sharon Smithwho’s been practicing Qigong, Tai Chi, and other Taoist spiritual and healing arts for more than 40 years, and teaching them for nearly as long.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Join Qigong Global Summit May 24-28 - Start Living in More Flow, Bliss, and Balance

Engage the power of Qi to restore vitality and balance in your body & mind.

Looking to clear out a year’s worth of stagnant energy and emotional malaise?

Would you like to boost your physical and emotional flexibility with nourishing low-impact routines?

Are you eager to cultivate health and longevity from curative traditions grounded in nature and the cosmos?

Qigong is the foundation for a life lived with more flow, bliss, and balance.

The ancient Chinese tradition combines the word Qi, which means subtle breath or life-force energy, with “gong,” meaning cultivation or skill.

Embark on a journey with highly respected Qigong teachers and learn timeless techniques to calm your nervous system, address chronic illness, improve your bone health, spring-clean the energy in your organs, and much more! 

The Qigong Global Summit brings deep learnings from a wide range of wisdom streams within the realm of Qigong… including Wujigong & Wuji Quan, Tai Chi and Zuowang meditation, Qigong-based sound healing, and Da Zi Ran (following nature)… from the world’s most prestigious living masters.

Free Online Event
Qigong Global Summit
May 24-28, 2021

Qigong is the foundation for a life lived with more flow, bliss, and balance.

You’ll go on an adventure with over 35 leading Qigong teachers, masters, and doctors in this year’s Qigong Global Summit, including Master Li Junfeng, Master Mantak Chia, Daisy Lee, Faye Li Yip, Kathryn Davis, Qigong Master Chunyi Lin, Robert Peng, Master Helen Liang, Master Mingtong Gu, Deng Ming-Dao, and many others. 

During this summit you’ll experience a rare convergence of Qigong masters from all across the world — some of whom are making their first-ever appearance in an online event. 

You’ll also gain insight into the wide array of healing and practical applications of Qigong — and even hear an NBA basketball players account of how Qigong aided his professional and personal wellbeing.

>> RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

This 5-day summit comes at the perfect time, as we individually and collectively look for enjoyable ways to keep healthy and active.

During this online Qigong event, you’ll discover:

  • That practicing Qigong can enliven, maintain, and grow your bones; build electromagnetic conductivity; and increase density

  • An embodied way to approach Zuowang meditation beyond intellectualization

  • Possibilities for using Qigong to change how you live with and heal aspects of Parkinson’s Disease and other chronic illnesses

  • The yin way of using sexual energy to heal your wounds and those of your full ancestry line

  • How to transform the trauma stored in your body’s cellular memory using movement, meditation, and sound healing

  • How to express and safely exercise the yin and yang in Tai Chi practice

  • The potential of Taoism to unify your mind and spirit and connect you with nature through meditation, alchemy, and consciousness

  • The power of time and how to maximize its positive impact by being intentional about the timing of your daily meditations and exercise routines

  • How to tame your experience of pain in your mind and body through restorative Qigong and Tai Chi

  • Essential exercises to guide and direct your life-force energy through your energy body for health, healing, and vitality

  • The experiential applications of all these transformational modalities, allowing you to put them into practice right away

  • How science is now showing that Qigong techniques are an effective complement to allopathic medicine

There’s never been a more pressing need to clear stagnant Qi, counter extreme physical and emotional imbalances, and release that nagging languishing feeling from your system.

After being trapped in the trenches of a global pandemic for a full year, people around the world are finding solace and revitalization in the centuries-old Chinese tradition of Qigong.

>> RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

During this free online event, you’ll discover simple practices that will help you take better energetic care of your body, mind, and emotions — generating harmony, serenity, and reconnection with yourself and nature.

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Sharon Smithwho’s been practicing Qigong, Tai Chi, and other Taoist spiritual and healing arts for more than 40 years, and teaching them for nearly as long.

Here’s some of what our foremost Qigong elders and luminaries will be sharing with you…

  • Move into greater health and happiness with Master Li Junfeng, a true living legend, as you open your heart and relax your mind using the restorative powers of Sheng Zhen.

  • Combine color healing with the five elements of nature to boost your organ health as Master Mantak Chia reveals how you can draw Qi from the earth and the cosmos.

  • Understand the importance of emotional energy in athletic performance with Emeka OkaforNBA basketball player.

  • Stabilize your fight-or-flight response and reconnect with the greater wisdom of the universe with Daisy Lee, recipient of the 2020 Qigong Master of the Year award from the World Qigong Congress.

  • Use Tai Chi meditation (Zhan Zhuang) to awaken your innate healing energy and respond wisely to challenges with Faye Li Yip.

  • Understand how to remove Qi blockages with Qigong Master Chunyi Lin as he focuses on your natural ability to accelerate healing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, for yourself and for others.

  • Experience somatic spring cleaning as you learn special mantras and meditations that clear the stressful energy from each organ in your body with Robert Peng, a prominent Qigong master and healer.

  • Immerse yourself in Wuji Qigong, an internal style of Chinese martial arts that can be used for exercise or as a profound Taoist meditation in motion, with distinguished Master Helen Liang.

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Join Qigong Global Summit May 24-28 - Start Living in More Flow, Bliss, and Balance

Saturday 8 May 2021

Experience a Powerful Visualization & Movement Practice to Nourish Deep Gratitude

Discover how powerful somatic movement can be in helping you liberate your emotions.

This past year our lives have been rocked to the core by all we’ve lost, the isolation we’ve endured, and the fear we’ve collectively experienced.

Many of us have tried to keep ourselves busy, spinning our proverbial wheels, trying not to focus or dwell on the craziness playing out on a daily basis.

Others have rolled over and pulled up the covers, wanting only to awaken when the nightmare is over.

Whatever your coping mechanisms, you must be wondering if this is the “new normal.” 

As we go forward and pick up the pieces of our lives, uncertainty seems to be our only certainty.

On Saturday, May 8, Bernadette Pleasant, known throughout the world for somatic healing, will show you how you can move beyond your fear and grief with dance-like movements — releasing them and learning the lessons your pain holds — so you can regain your footing in this changing world.

>> Join here for Somatic Movement to Nurture Your Vibrant Heart & Experience Compassion, Healing & Joy <<

Somatic Movement to Nurture Your Vibrant Heart & Experience Compassion, Healing & Joy

In this free movement-based mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How to define the “new normal” for yourself

  • Ways to release and learn from the pain your body holds onto

  • Why developing deep empathy can help you bravely navigate your place, position, identity, and impact in the world

  • How to look at your heartache and grief so you can move through it to a place of hope, possibility, and expansion

  • A sound bath and movement practice celebrating that joy is your birthright

Most importantly, you’ll discover how powerful somatic movement can be in helping you discern, feel, and liberate your emotions.

Bernadette will guide you in developing a deeper compassion for yourself and others, while also finding safety, acceptance, and trust that will empower you during challenging times.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Somatic Movement to Nurture Your Vibrant Heart & Experience Compassion, Healing & Joy, you’ll explore how somatic movement can help you find healing, deep empathy and compassion, and a new illuminated way of being in the world by releasing the stressors that have negatively affected your body in the last year.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience Somatic Movement to Nurture your Vibrant Heart & Foster Healing & Joy

Discover how you can move beyond your fear and grief with dance-like movements.

This past year our lives have been rocked to the core by all we’ve lost, the isolation we’ve endured, and the fear we’ve collectively experienced.

Many of us have tried to keep ourselves busy, spinning our proverbial wheels, trying not to focus or dwell on the craziness playing out on a daily basis.

Others have rolled over and pulled up the covers, wanting only to awaken when the nightmare is over.

Whatever your coping mechanisms, you must be wondering if this is the “new normal.” 

As we go forward and pick up the pieces of our lives, uncertainty seems to be our only certainty.

On Saturday, May 8, Bernadette Pleasant, known throughout the world for somatic healing, will show you how you can move beyond your fear and grief with dance-like movements — releasing them and learning the lessons your pain holds — so you can regain your footing in this changing world.

>> Join here for Somatic Movement to Nurture Your Vibrant Heart & Experience Compassion, Healing & Joy <<

Somatic Movement to Nurture Your Vibrant Heart & Experience Compassion, Healing & Joy

In this free movement-based mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • How to define the “new normal” for yourself

  • Ways to release and learn from the pain your body holds onto

  • Why developing deep empathy can help you bravely navigate your place, position, identity, and impact in the world

  • How to look at your heartache and grief so you can move through it to a place of hope, possibility, and expansion

  • A sound bath and movement practice celebrating that joy is your birthright

Most importantly, you’ll discover how powerful somatic movement can be in helping you discern, feel, and liberate your emotions.

Bernadette will guide you in developing a deeper compassion for yourself and others, while also finding safety, acceptance, and trust that will empower you during challenging times.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Somatic Movement to Nurture Your Vibrant Heart & Experience Compassion, Healing & Joy, you’ll explore how somatic movement can help you find healing, deep empathy and compassion, and a new illuminated way of being in the world by releasing the stressors that have negatively affected your body in the last year.

Read more: Experience Somatic Movement to Nurture your Vibrant Heart & Foster Healing & Joy

Thursday 6 May 2021

Discover the wisdom and untold stories of Mary Magdalene’s teachings

Discover which of Mary Magdalene’s 6 Sacred Faces is most alive within you.

Mary Magdalene holds the potent, all-encompassing, life-affirming, and life-evolving archetypal energies of the Divine Feminine.

She has the power to influence our hearts and imaginations, no matter our faith or spiritual path.

Yet we know little about her historically and there are few references to her in scripture, even though over the centuries she’s inspired thousands of paintings and a diverse array of storylines.

She’s been portrayed as a Jewish princess, a high priestess of Isis, the Feminine Christ, the Divine Sophia, a sacred/or secular prostitute, a teacher of the Way of Love, wife or sacred consort of Yeshua, and even the wife of John the Baptist or John the Evangelist. 

During a fascinating hour with psychotherapist Elayne Kalila Doughty, the founder of the Priestess Presence Temple, you’ll have the opportunity to touch into which face of Mary Magdalene is calling to you…

… and discover what quality and empowerment of the Divine Feminine is seeking to emerge from within to help you nourish, expand, and truly honor your life.

>> Join here for Experience the Healing Alchemy of Mary Magdalene’s Teachings: Wisdom & Untold Stories to Catalyze Self-Empowerment, Divinity & Wholeness <<

Experience the Healing Alchemy of Mary Magdalene’s Teachings with Elayne Doughty

During this life-enriching hour, you’ll:

  • Learn why Mary Magdalene is so relevant to our lives now through fascinating stories of her power, intellect, and compassion — some not often told 

  • Discover the 6 Faces of Mary Magdalene (Red Maven, High Priestess (teacher and oracle), Sovereign Queen, Rosa Mystica, Ecstatic Alchemist, and Death Maiden)

  • Learn how Mary Magdalene leads us to our inner temple — instead of looking outside ourselves — to embrace our wholeness and empower others to do the same

  • Discover a little-known story about Mary Magdalene and her anointing of Jesus — and how the healing power of the anointing oils in self-blessing connects us with the Divine 

  • Meet the Mary Magdalene guiding you in this moment through a powerful visualization practice to discover which of her 6 faces are most alive within you — and gain wisdom about how to embody this divinity 

Mary Magdalene inspires us to look within to our own inner temple to fully embody our divine human sovereignty as women.

In these times, her archetypal energies can be catalyzed to help you find your way through uncertainty, fear, anxiety, trauma, grief, physical or emotional imbalances, spiritual depletion, or a lost sense of Self.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to begin to open to Mary Magdalene’s potent ways of integrating love and compassion so you can step into the boldness of your place in the world.

>> RSVP for free here to replay and get extra training <<

In Experience the Healing Alchemy of Mary Magdalene’s Teachings: Wisdom & Untold Stories to Catalyze Self-Empowerment, Divinity & Wholeness, you’ll experience a powerful visualization practice to discover which of Mary Magdalene’s 6 Sacred Faces is most alive within you — and gain wisdom about how to embody this

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience the Healing Alchemy of Mary Magdalene’s Teachings

Discover the potent, life-affirming archetypal energies of the Divine Feminine.

Mary Magdalene holds the potent, all-encompassing, life-affirming, and life-evolving archetypal energies of the Divine Feminine.

She has the power to influence our hearts and imaginations, no matter our faith or spiritual path.

Yet we know little about her historically and there are few references to her in scripture, even though over the centuries she’s inspired thousands of paintings and a diverse array of storylines.

She’s been portrayed as a Jewish princess, a high priestess of Isis, the Feminine Christ, the Divine Sophia, a sacred/or secular prostitute, a teacher of the Way of Love, wife or sacred consort of Yeshua, and even the wife of John the Baptist or John the Evangelist. 

During a fascinating hour with psychotherapist Elayne Kalila Doughty, the founder of the Priestess Presence Temple, you’ll have the opportunity to touch into which face of Mary Magdalene is calling to you…

… and discover what quality and empowerment of the Divine Feminine is seeking to emerge from within to help you nourish, expand, and truly honor your life.

>> Join here for Experience the Healing Alchemy of Mary Magdalene’s Teachings: Wisdom & Untold Stories to Catalyze Self-Empowerment, Divinity & Wholeness <<

Experience the Healing Alchemy of Mary Magdalene’s Teachings with Elayne Doughty

During this life-enriching hour, you’ll:

  • Learn why Mary Magdalene is so relevant to our lives now through fascinating stories of her power, intellect, and compassion — some not often told 

  • Discover the 6 Faces of Mary Magdalene (Red Maven, High Priestess (teacher and oracle), Sovereign Queen, Rosa Mystica, Ecstatic Alchemist, and Death Maiden)

  • Learn how Mary Magdalene leads us to our inner temple — instead of looking outside ourselves — to embrace our wholeness and empower others to do the same

  • Discover a little-known story about Mary Magdalene and her anointing of Jesus — and how the healing power of the anointing oils in self-blessing connects us with the Divine 

  • Meet the Mary Magdalene guiding you in this moment through a powerful visualization practice to discover which of her 6 faces are most alive within you — and gain wisdom about how to embody this divinity 

Mary Magdalene inspires us to look within to our own inner temple to fully embody our divine human sovereignty as women.

In these times, her archetypal energies can be catalyzed to help you find your way through uncertainty, fear, anxiety, trauma, grief, physical or emotional imbalances, spiritual depletion, or a lost sense of Self.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to begin to open to Mary Magdalene’s potent ways of integrating love and compassion so you can step into the boldness of your place in the world.

>> RSVP for free here to replay and get extra training <<

In Experience the Healing Alchemy of Mary Magdalene’s Teachings: Wisdom & Untold Stories to Catalyze Self-Empowerment, Divinity & Wholeness, you’ll experience a powerful visualization practice to discover which of Mary Magdalene’s 6 Sacred Faces is most alive within you — and gain wisdom about how to embody this

Read more: Experience the Healing Alchemy of Mary Magdalene’s Teachings