Saturday 20 February 2021

Learn how Extraordinary People are Defying the Limits of Logic & Possibility

Discover mind & body practices to boost your energy flow, vitality & internal power.

If you were able to unleash your internal power to perform amazing feats like bending steel or seeing with X-ray vision, would you do it?

Stopping short of “leaping tall buildings in a single bound,” there ARE people in the world with such extraordinary abilities. 

These superhumans have used profound self-awareness to tap into their supernatural powers.

Inhabitants of ancient cultures learned how to liberate their minds and use their inner powers to transcend the concept of “self” and accomplish miraculous feats.

Lee Holden, an expert instructor in Qigong, Tai Chi, and meditation, has traveled the world to find people who have mastered these arcane practices for attaining “superhuman” capabilities.

On Saturday, February 27, he will share with you the impossible feats he witnessed people performing with their minds and bodies –– and you’ll learn about different tools and techniques you can put into practice to master your own abilities ––  in >> Unlock Your Superhuman Potential With a Healing Qigong Toolkit: Mind & Body Practices to Boost Your Energy Flow, Vitality & Internal Power <<

Unlock Your Superhuman Potential With a Healing Qigong Toolkit with Lee Holden

During this special free online event, you’ll discover:

  • What your human potential is

  • How energy work activates your natural healing ability

  • Techniques behind some extraordinary human accomplishments

  • How tapping into your greatest potential connects you to your life purpose

  • An exercise that encompasses Qigong and an energy meditation — and leaves you feeling purposeful and empowered

Qigong, breathwork, and meditation can give you the tools to tap into your mental acuity and unlock powerful energies to show you what we’re capable of — both individually and collectively — so you can live with more peace and compassion, and enhance your emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing.

Now is the time to consider what YOU are capable of. 

By grasping your full, true potential, you can move through the world with focus, purpose, and passion, paving the way for a global shift in the emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing of humanity.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Unlock Your Superhuman Potential With a Healing Qigong Toolkit: Mind & Body Practices to Boost Your Energy Flow, Vitality & Internal Power, you’ll discover how to unleash your “superhuman” abilities using Qigong, breathwork, and meditation to live a life of purpose, power, and inner peace. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Unleash Your ‘superhuman’ Abilities using Qigong, Breathwork & Meditation

Discover tools and techniques that can help you realize your full potential.

If you were able to unleash your internal power to perform amazing feats like bending steel or seeing with X-ray vision, would you do it?

Stopping short of “leaping tall buildings in a single bound,” there ARE people in the world with such extraordinary abilities. 

These superhumans have used profound self-awareness to tap into their supernatural powers.

Inhabitants of ancient cultures learned how to liberate their minds and use their inner powers to transcend the concept of “self” and accomplish miraculous feats.

Lee Holden, an expert instructor in Qigong, Tai Chi, and meditation, has traveled the world to find people who have mastered these arcane practices for attaining “superhuman” capabilities.

On Saturday, February 27, he will share with you the impossible feats he witnessed people performing with their minds and bodies –– and you’ll learn about different tools and techniques you can put into practice to master your own abilities ––  in >> Unlock Your Superhuman Potential With a Healing Qigong Toolkit: Mind & Body Practices to Boost Your Energy Flow, Vitality & Internal Power <<

Unlock Your Superhuman Potential With a Healing Qigong Toolkit with Lee Holden

During this special free online event, you’ll discover:

  • What your human potential is

  • How energy work activates your natural healing ability

  • Techniques behind some extraordinary human accomplishments

  • How tapping into your greatest potential connects you to your life purpose

  • An exercise that encompasses Qigong and an energy meditation — and leaves you feeling purposeful and empowered

Qigong, breathwork, and meditation can give you the tools to tap into your mental acuity and unlock powerful energies to show you what we’re capable of — both individually and collectively — so you can live with more peace and compassion, and enhance your emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing.

Now is the time to consider what YOU are capable of. 

By grasping your full, true potential, you can move through the world with focus, purpose, and passion, paving the way for a global shift in the emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing of humanity.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Unlock Your Superhuman Potential With a Healing Qigong Toolkit: Mind & Body Practices to Boost Your Energy Flow, Vitality & Internal Power, you’ll discover how to unleash your “superhuman” abilities using Qigong, breathwork, and meditation to live a life of purpose, power, and inner peace. 

Read more: Unleash Your ‘superhuman’ Abilities using Qigong, Breathwork & Meditation

Monday 15 February 2021

Revitalize your chakras for grounding, resiliency & hope in these unstable times

Experience a guided meditation to harmonize energies in your root and heart chakras.

You’re not alone if you’re feeling thrown off balance by life these days…

The good news is that there’s a proven, age-old diagnostic system you can use to help harmonize your energy flow, emotions, and health.

It’s the chakra system — a profound map for your wellbeing and journey to wholeness — which is based on the seven major energy centers in your body, running from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.

By aligning and activating key aspects of your chakras, you can give your body, mind, and spirit a revitalizing reboot, drawing in needed new energies and releasing old patterns … for grounding, resiliency, and aliveness — qualities we all need in these unstable times.

On Wednesday, February 17, Anodea Judith, author of the #1 bestselling book on chakras, Wheels of Life, will share wisdom and practices for working with your chakras and optimizing your energy system — the foundation of your emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing.

>> Join us to Revitalize Your Chakras for Grounding, Resiliency & Hope in These Unstable Times <<

Revitalize Your Chakras for Grounding, Resiliency & Hope in These Unstable Times with Anodea Judith

In this life-enhancing hour with Anodea, you’ll discover: 

  • Your chakras as a diagnostic system and map that can be aligned and activated to optimize your wellbeing during these challenging times

  • How and where your belief system, emotions, and the collective create energetic imbalances in your chakra system, and how to tune in to whether a chakra holds deficient or excessive energy

  • How each of your 7 chakras holds elemental qualities that reflect a vibrational connection to the natural world 

  • The connection between activating your chakras and creating healing in the world

  • A guided meditation to transform a difficult emotion as you explore how it manifests energetically in your root and heart chakras — and gain a comforting sense of hope and possibility

If you’re like most people, there are imbalances, blockages, or behavioral patterns sabotaging your energy, confidence, or groundedness — which manifest as fatigue, confusion, or fear… even in the best of times.

Now, more than ever, we’re in need of this time-proven map for navigating both the energies and elements within our personal systems and those of the collective and greater environment.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event or get recording later <<

In Revitalize Your Chakras for Grounding, Resiliency & Hope in These Unstable Times, you’ll discover the elemental qualities of your chakras and experience a guided meditation to explore and harmonize energies in your root and heart chakras to gain a comforting sense of hope and possibility.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover why the chakra system is a map for improving every aspect of your wellbeing

Receive practices for working with your chakras and optimizing your energy system.

You’re not alone if you’re feeling thrown off balance by life these days…

The good news is that there’s a proven, age-old diagnostic system you can use to help harmonize your energy flow, emotions, and health.

It’s the chakra system — a profound map for your wellbeing and journey to wholeness — which is based on the seven major energy centers in your body, running from the base of your spine to the crown of your head.

By aligning and activating key aspects of your chakras, you can give your body, mind, and spirit a revitalizing reboot, drawing in needed new energies and releasing old patterns … for grounding, resiliency, and aliveness — qualities we all need in these unstable times.

On Wednesday, February 17, Anodea Judith, author of the #1 bestselling book on chakras, Wheels of Life, will share wisdom and practices for working with your chakras and optimizing your energy system — the foundation of your emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing.

>> Join us to Revitalize Your Chakras for Grounding, Resiliency & Hope in These Unstable Times <<

Revitalize Your Chakras for Grounding, Resiliency & Hope in These Unstable Times with Anodea Judith

In this life-enhancing hour with Anodea, you’ll discover: 

  • Your chakras as a diagnostic system and map that can be aligned and activated to optimize your wellbeing during these challenging times

  • How and where your belief system, emotions, and the collective create energetic imbalances in your chakra system, and how to tune in to whether a chakra holds deficient or excessive energy

  • How each of your 7 chakras holds elemental qualities that reflect a vibrational connection to the natural world 

  • The connection between activating your chakras and creating healing in the world

  • A guided meditation to transform a difficult emotion as you explore how it manifests energetically in your root and heart chakras — and gain a comforting sense of hope and possibility

If you’re like most people, there are imbalances, blockages, or behavioral patterns sabotaging your energy, confidence, or groundedness — which manifest as fatigue, confusion, or fear… even in the best of times.

Now, more than ever, we’re in need of this time-proven map for navigating both the energies and elements within our personal systems and those of the collective and greater environment.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live event or get recording later <<

In Revitalize Your Chakras for Grounding, Resiliency & Hope in These Unstable Times, you’ll discover the elemental qualities of your chakras and experience a guided meditation to explore and harmonize energies in your root and heart chakras to gain a comforting sense of hope and possibility.

Read more: Discover why the chakra system is a map for improving every aspect of your wellbeing

Saturday 13 February 2021

Discover Where We Go When We Die & How Soul Contracts & Karma are Played out

Understand your soul’s journey for a profound sense of meaning, belonging & fulfilment.

Have you ever wondered how and why your soul reincarnates into a human existence… again and again?

How and why it chooses a particular body and family… the influences of individual and group karma… and how “soul contracts’’ are played out?

All of which address the immense question…

Where do we really go when we die?

On Saturday, February 13, you’ll gain new insights, perspectives, and answers to many of these questions when you join William Bloom — a leading metaphysical teacher in the United Kingdom and 40-year faculty member of the world-renowned Findhorn Foundation — for Explore Your Soul’s Journey: Metaphysical Wisdom for Living (and Beyond) With Love, Grace & Meaning.

>> Join us here to  Discover how awareness of your soul’s journey can provide profound meaning <<

Explore Your Soul’s Journey with William Bloom

During this mind- and heart-opening hour, you’ll: 

  • Glimpse the soul’s journey — including its emergence out of the harmony, beauty, and intelligence of the cosmos

  • Find out why souls exist, their purpose, and how they guide and influence our lives in our earthly incarnations

  • Discover an explanation of soul contracts that may surprise you

  • Gain insights into where your soul goes immediately after death, and how — through the ancient practice of path workings — you can help someone transition safely and gracefully 

  • Experience a guided meditation in which you visualize and feel what William calls the soft explosion of light that occurs at birth, death, and spiritual initiation 

You’ll better understand your soul’s immense journey — in its earthbound and cosmic dimensions…

… and how this awareness can provide a profound sense of meaning, belonging, and fulfilment — and impart confidence, compassion, and grace at the end of life and beyond.

This understanding can also greatly ease fears of death and help you better support others in coming to terms with their passing, as you learn to view life — and your own inevitable transition — from a much broader and compassionate perspective. 

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording + extra training later <<

In Explore Your Soul’s Journey: Metaphysical Wisdom for Living (and Beyond) With Love, Grace & Meaning, you’ll understand your soul’s immense journey — and experience a guided meditation to visualize and feel into the “soft explosion of light” that occurs at birth, death, and spiritual initiation.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Explore Your Life Purpose & Soul’s Journey in this Life & Beyond

Receive metaphysical wisdom for living life (and beyond) with love, grace, and meaning.

Have you ever wondered how and why your soul reincarnates into a human existence… again and again?

How and why it chooses a particular body and family… the influences of individual and group karma… and how “soul contracts’’ are played out?

All of which address the immense question…

Where do we really go when we die?

On Saturday, February 13, you’ll gain new insights, perspectives, and answers to many of these questions when you join William Bloom — a leading metaphysical teacher in the United Kingdom and 40-year faculty member of the world-renowned Findhorn Foundation — for Explore Your Soul’s Journey: Metaphysical Wisdom for Living (and Beyond) With Love, Grace & Meaning.

>> Join us here to  Discover how awareness of your soul’s journey can provide profound meaning <<

Experience a guided meditation to visualize and feel into the ‘soft explosion of light’

During this mind- and heart-opening hour, you’ll: 

  • Glimpse the soul’s journey — including its emergence out of the harmony, beauty, and intelligence of the cosmos

  • Find out why souls exist, their purpose, and how they guide and influence our lives in our earthly incarnations

  • Discover an explanation of soul contracts that may surprise you

  • Gain insights into where your soul goes immediately after death, and how — through the ancient practice of path workings — you can help someone transition safely and gracefully 

  • Experience a guided meditation in which you visualize and feel what William calls the soft explosion of light that occurs at birth, death, and spiritual initiation 

You’ll better understand your soul’s immense journey — in its earthbound and cosmic dimensions…

… and how this awareness can provide a profound sense of meaning, belonging, and fulfilment — and impart confidence, compassion, and grace at the end of life and beyond.

This understanding can also greatly ease fears of death and help you better support others in coming to terms with their passing, as you learn to view life — and your own inevitable transition — from a much broader and compassionate perspective. 

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording + extra training later <<

In Explore Your Soul’s Journey: Metaphysical Wisdom for Living (and Beyond) With Love, Grace & Meaning, you’ll understand your soul’s immense journey — and experience a guided meditation to visualize and feel into the “soft explosion of light” that occurs at birth, death, and spiritual initiation.

Read more: Explore Your Life Purpose & Soul’s Journey in this Life & Beyond

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Cultivate inner safety, resiliency, and wellbeing with BioDynamic Breathwork

When you’re living with lingering trauma, it can feel like your own strengths and the tools at your disposal just aren’t enough to help you cope in the moment — let alone grow and thrive. 

Fortunately, the resources you need for healing are within you and all around you, every day.

According to Giten Tonkov’s BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release Systemresourcing means calling into play anything or anyone that supports your wellbeing.

These resources are a natural part of your life, yet the process of calling upon these resources deftly, quickly, and easily must be learned.

On Wednesday, February 10Giten will share how to access the resources around you — so you won’t feel as overwhelmed by outer circumstances, and so your nervous system becomes more resilient…

>> Join here to Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwork <<

Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to tap into the resources within and around you, including your own felt sense — to connect more deeply to your inner safe space

  • Techniques for letting go of tension and deepening your meditation practice

  • How to use body awareness to regulate your system so you don’t feel overwhelmed by external stimulation

  • Powerful ways to scan the body for places that are tight so you can release tension

  • guided practice that begins with the breath to activate sensations in your body, connect to your felt sense, and summon the resources you need

Giten’s BioDynamic Breathwork system opens up your heart so you can experience intuitive healing where it’s needed most — to heal past trauma, connect with your authentic being… and experience joy and peace.

Once you know how to intentionally use these resources, you’ll be one step closer to creating a trauma-free life.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording and extended training <<

In Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwork, you’ll move beyond overwhelm and fight-or-flight responses to trauma with BioDynamic Breathwork — and tap into your inner and outer resources to find safety, wellbeing, and peace.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover how to move toward living a trauma-free life with BioDynamic Breathwork

When you’re living with lingering trauma, it can feel like your own strengths and the tools at your disposal just aren’t enough to help you cope in the moment — let alone grow and thrive. 

Fortunately, the resources you need for healing are within you and all around you, every day.

According to Giten Tonkov’s BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release Systemresourcing means calling into play anything or anyone that supports your wellbeing.

These resources are a natural part of your life, yet the process of calling upon these resources deftly, quickly, and easily must be learned.

On Wednesday, February 10Giten will share how to access the resources around you — so you won’t feel as overwhelmed by outer circumstances, and so your nervous system becomes more resilient…

>> Join here to Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwork <<

Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to tap into the resources within and around you, including your own felt sense — to connect more deeply to your inner safe space

  • Techniques for letting go of tension and deepening your meditation practice

  • How to use body awareness to regulate your system so you don’t feel overwhelmed by external stimulation

  • Powerful ways to scan the body for places that are tight so you can release tension

  • guided practice that begins with the breath to activate sensations in your body, connect to your felt sense, and summon the resources you need

Giten’s BioDynamic Breathwork system opens up your heart so you can experience intuitive healing where it’s needed most — to heal past trauma, connect with your authentic being… and experience joy and peace.

Once you know how to intentionally use these resources, you’ll be one step closer to creating a trauma-free life.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording and extended training <<

In Cultivate Inner Safety, Resiliency & Wellbeing With BioDynamic Breathwork, you’ll move beyond overwhelm and fight-or-flight responses to trauma with BioDynamic Breathwork — and tap into your inner and outer resources to find safety, wellbeing, and peace.

Read more: Discover how to move toward living a trauma-free life with BioDynamic Breathwork

Tuesday 9 February 2021

Discover how to manifest greater abundance, love, and generosity in your life

Awaken prosperity consciousness to activate your most desired life.

Prosperity is not about money or living a life of luxury.

It’s about abundance. 

And abundance is born of the recognition that all our needs are met.

When we feel secure, we can stop projecting ahead to what we want or what we think we need.

We can feel “full” and stop operating out of lack or limitation.

Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, internationally renowned spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, believes acting with prosperity consciousness is the antidote to what ails the world — discontentment, entitlement, and selfishness.

Reverend Michael will share that when you stop living as a reaction to circumstances and respond from the higher place of abundance, you expand and have choices because you have what you need.

>> Join here to Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life: Manifest Greater Abundance, Love & Generosity to Change Your World <<

Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life Manifest Greater Abundance, Love & Generosity to Change Your World

In this 60-minute, life-affirming, free online event, you’ll discover: 

  • How to redefine prosperity and success for yourself

  • Your mandate to participate in your own destiny, not being reliant on others for contentment and happiness

  • That the Universe wants you to be happy, healthy, and prosperous so it can emerge through you and inspire others

  • How prosperity is not about materialism, but about filling yourself with joy, love, beauty, and creativity so you can share these qualities with others

  • How you can redefine prosperity through generosity and making a difference on the planet

When you recognize your abundant heart, you grow and flourish — able to embrace the world with all of its fear and loss, and blessing it with compassion and love.

This free event will help you see that you are abundantly full — that all your needs are met in the here and now — so you can move beyond feeling that you’re owed something — freeing you to “live to give” so you can create positive, lasting change in the world.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording and extra training <<

In Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life: Manifest Greater Abundance, Love & Generosity to Change Your World, you’ll discover how to put aside your fears and realize you have exactly what you need in order to feel joy and to thrive in the life you’ve been given.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life

Discover how to manifest greater abundance, love, and generosity in your life.

Prosperity is not about money or living a life of luxury.

It’s about abundance. 

And abundance is born of the recognition that all our needs are met.

When we feel secure, we can stop projecting ahead to what we want or what we think we need.

We can feel “full” and stop operating out of lack or limitation.

Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, internationally renowned spiritual teacher, award-winning author, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, believes acting with prosperity consciousness is the antidote to what ails the world — discontentment, entitlement, and selfishness.

Reverend Michael will share that when you stop living as a reaction to circumstances and respond from the higher place of abundance, you expand and have choices because you have what you need.

>> Join here to Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life: Manifest Greater Abundance, Love & Generosity to Change Your World <<

Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life Manifest Greater Abundance, Love & Generosity to Change Your World

In this 60-minute, life-affirming, free online event, you’ll discover: 

  • How to redefine prosperity and success for yourself

  • Your mandate to participate in your own destiny, not being reliant on others for contentment and happiness

  • That the Universe wants you to be happy, healthy, and prosperous so it can emerge through you and inspire others

  • How prosperity is not about materialism, but about filling yourself with joy, love, beauty, and creativity so you can share these qualities with others

  • How you can redefine prosperity through generosity and making a difference on the planet

When you recognize your abundant heart, you grow and flourish — able to embrace the world with all of its fear and loss, and blessing it with compassion and love.

This free event will help you see that you are abundantly full — that all your needs are met in the here and now — so you can move beyond feeling that you’re owed something — freeing you to “live to give” so you can create positive, lasting change in the world.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live or get recording and extra training <<

In Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life: Manifest Greater Abundance, Love & Generosity to Change Your World, you’ll discover how to put aside your fears and realize you have exactly what you need in order to feel joy and to thrive in the life you’ve been given.

Read more: Awaken Prosperity Consciousness to Activate Your Most Desired Life

Get Free DIY Detox eGuide & Learn more about Toxins at Free Event February 8-14, 2021

No matter how hard you try, you’re still bound to accumulate toxins in your body.

Many people are suffering from chronic symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, bloating or food intolerances and can’t quite get back to normal despite “doing the right things.”

Toxins may be the culprit.

Even if you know you need to detox, the topic of detox may sound overwhelming and complex but, actually, most of it is under your control and can be done at home.

—>>Learn how to avoid toxins and detoxify them from your body when you attend this complimentary, online event!

DIY Detox Summit 2021

Be sure to mark your calendar for day 1 on February 8-14, 2021!

Why attend this important health event?

Your host, Bridgit Danner, entered the field of natural medicine because she was an environmentalist from a young age. But a few years ago, she experienced how severe environmental illness can be when she was exposed to toxic mold, became very sick and was unsure she’d ever recover.

With patience and perseverance, she learned that simple, day-to-day choices were the most effective in restoring her health. Now, she’s here to share that wisdom and possibility with you!

She’s here to help you by sharing what she learned.

The DIY Detox Summit will help you learn:

  • How to detox the environment of your home

  • Foods that help your liver naturally detox

  • Recommended supplements to assist with detoxification

  • DIY detox techniques and lifestyle habits

  • How to add essential oils to your daily routines

  • How to support your brain health, gut and nervous system

  • And more!

Support your body’s ability to detox in minutes a day

Unlock Bridgit Danner’s 5-Day DIY Detox eGuide, and learn how to identify toxins and rid them from your home and body!

—>>Download your complimentary 5-Day DIY Detox eGuide!

DIY Detox Summit Gift Download

Toxins are ubiquitous! They are in your food, air and water – your couch, your sunscreen and your shower curtain.

This may seem overwhelming, but the good news is there is plenty you can do to reduce your toxic burden!

When the body is overloaded with toxins, the toxins hang around and slow down cellular function. This means your brain is not firing as quickly, and you’re foggy and forgetful. This means you gain weight even though you’re not eating more.

Starting with the first things you do in the morning, you can simplify detoxification by changing your habits to support your body’s natural ability to detoxify!

Bridgit Danner’s morning detox routine focuses on three key things (that take under five minutes!) you can start your day with to help reverse stagnation, energize your body and support detoxification. And if you’re feeling ambitious, Bridgit offers other simple steps you can take throughout your day to get even more dramatic results.

—>>Gain immediate access to the 5-Day DIY Detox eGuide now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online DIY Detox Summit taking place on February 8-14, 2021, where over 35 experts will teach you more about at-home tips, recipes and strategies to help your body remove toxins caused by toxic mold, synthetic chemicals, infections and heavy metals!

You can truly get started on better health today!

When you register for The DIY Detox Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Learn How to Avoid Toxins & Detoxify Them From Your Body + Free Detox eGuide

No matter how hard you try, you’re still bound to accumulate toxins in your body.

Many people are suffering from chronic symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, bloating or food intolerances and can’t quite get back to normal despite “doing the right things.”

Toxins may be the culprit.

Even if you know you need to detox, the topic of detox may sound overwhelming and complex but, actually, most of it is under your control and can be done at home.

—>>Learn how to avoid toxins and detoxify them from your body when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Learn How to Avoid Toxins & Detoxify Them From Your Body

Be sure to mark your calendar for day 1 on February 8-14, 2021!

Why attend this important health event?
Your host, Bridgit Danner, entered the field of natural medicine because she was an environmentalist from a young age. But a few years ago, she experienced how severe environmental illness can be when she was exposed to toxic mold, became very sick and was unsure she’d ever recover.

With patience and perseverance, she learned that simple, day-to-day choices were the most effective in restoring her health. Now, she’s here to share that wisdom and possibility with you!

She’s here to help you by sharing what she learned.

The DIY Detox Summit will help you learn:
  • How to detox the environment of your home

  • Foods that help your liver naturally detox

  • Recommended supplements to assist with detoxification

  • DIY detox techniques and lifestyle habits

  • How to add essential oils to your daily routines

  • How to support your brain health, gut and nervous system

  • And more!

Support your body’s ability to detox in minutes a day

Unlock Bridgit Danner’s 5-Day DIY Detox eGuide, and learn how to identify toxins and rid them from your home and body!

—>>Download your complimentary 5-Day DIY Detox eGuide!

5 Day DIY Detox eGuide Free Download

Toxins are ubiquitous! They are in your food, air and water – your couch, your sunscreen and your shower curtain.

This may seem overwhelming, but the good news is there is plenty you can do to reduce your toxic burden!

When the body is overloaded with toxins, the toxins hang around and slow down cellular function. This means your brain is not firing as quickly, and you’re foggy and forgetful. This means you gain weight even though you’re not eating more.

Starting with the first things you do in the morning, you can simplify detoxification by changing your habits to support your body’s natural ability to detoxify!

Bridgit Danner’s morning detox routine focuses on three key things (that take under five minutes!) you can start your day with to help reverse stagnation, energize your body and support detoxification. And if you’re feeling ambitious, Bridgit offers other simple steps you can take throughout your day to get even more dramatic results.

—>>Gain immediate access to the 5-Day DIY Detox eGuide now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online DIY Detox Summit taking place on February 8-14, 2021, where over 35 experts will teach you more about at-home tips, recipes and strategies to help your body remove toxins caused by toxic mold, synthetic chemicals, infections and heavy metals!

You can truly get started on better health today!

When you register for The DIY Detox Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

Read more: Learn How to Avoid Toxins & Detoxify Them From Your Body + Free Detox eGuide

Must Watch Ancestral Healing Summit, February 22-26

Discover the personal, family & cultural benefits of ancestral healing.

Take a few moments to reflect on the lives of your ancestors and the kind of situations and circumstances they experienced over the generations…

… their adventures, accomplishments, life changes — and especially the traumatic events and oppression they may have endured.

How much do you really know about them?

Did you know that the experiences of our ancestors can be passed down from generation to generation, leaving imprints on those who came after them — including you? Many of us carry our ancestors’ traumas, along with our own, in our body, heart, mind, and soul… even if we’re not aware of it. 

And, at a time like this, with a global pandemic and the layers and layers of loss we’re experiencing… with the outcry to heal grave intolerance and injustices against so many…  

… at a time when collective trauma is at a peak, there can be a re-triggering within us of our ancestors’ suffering, which can then manifest within us in all manner of ailments, including depression, anxiety, somatic and physiological disorders, and more.

What if you could create sacred connections with your ancestors… and tap into their wisdom to heal yourself and your lineage of old wounds?

You can.

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to the Ancestral Healing Summit — a global gathering of leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers who will be sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom and practices from around the world that promises to transform your life and your legacy and ground you into your highest purpose

Join this Free Online Event now

The Ancestral Healing Summit

February 22-26, 2021

Discover practices to connect with your ancestors & open to joyful renewal

This special gathering features today’s leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers — including Suzanne Giesemann, Thomas Huebl, Eileen McKusick, Langston Kahn, Dr. Dawson Church, Bernadette Pleasant, Cherie Aimée, Robert Moss, Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, Mark Anthony, J.D, Sandra Ingerman, Deborah King, and many more — sharing new practices and insights for connecting with the wise and loving among your ancestors.

They’ll show you how your ancestors can help you work through the reparations necessary for you and your family to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives, while also benefiting future generations of your bloodline, the global community, and even our beautiful Earth..

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this fascinating 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Dive deep into the power of personal and intergenerational trauma and the real possibility of collective healing when we address it at the root

  • Receive fascinating information about the epigenetics of trauma… and how to find resolution and peace in this lifetime

  • Draw on the wisdom of Family Constellations work to dissolve unhealthy family loyalty patterns

  • Reconnect to a sense of belonging, healing, completion, and orientation in today’s chaotic and confusing world

  • Explore the ways our ancestral stories manifest in issues of self-confidence, choosing our love partner, career, business, money mindset, and health

  • Receive supportive guidance to heal your family tree of wounding from sexual abuse or other forms of violence

  • Learn about First Nations’ complex wisdom traditions that inspire healing and personal transformation

  • Gain a sense of how racial healing work can act as a salve for both past damage and future healing

  • Transform intergenerational burdens into ancestral blessings

  • Explore African, Jewish, Native American, and many other perspectives on ancestral healing

  • And much more…

Whether you’re new to ancestral repair work or you already incorporate it in your life, the visionary speakers in this summit will bring to light the curative powers of ancestral healing — helping you shift your present and our future.

Join this amazing gathering of presenters to discover the tools you need to cultivate more connection… harmonize your body, mind, and spirit… and heal wounds from the past that can literally change your genetic destiny.

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s a sample of what our illuminating speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Suzanne Giesemann will share how, through spirit communication, the trauma of difficult relationships with relatives who’ve passed can be healed… and transform our lives and the lives of generations to come in remarkable ways.

  • With Thomas Huebl, you’ll discover how the time is ripe for us to work together to heal not just our own wounds, but those of our global family… and that you can begin by addressing your individual ancestral trauma through looking at the places inside where you feel numb or an inability to feel empathy for others

  • Eileen McKusick will reveal that our DNA is more fluid and flowing and easily shifted then we’ve been conditioned to believe… and show us ways that sound can be used to shift the electromagnetic template of our physical bodies.

  • Langston Kahn will explore ways to engage the wisdom of our ancestors to help cut through the static of the delusions and addictions of our time — especially amidst immense collective grief — to restore our connection with our true longing.

  • With Dr. Dawson Church, you’ll find that trauma can be passed down for at least seven generations, keeping us in a perpetually inherited “fight or flight’ mode that can be healed through meditation practices and tapping (EFT)

  • The conversation with Bernadette Pleasant will take you on an emotional tour of the effects of white privilege, internalized racism, and oppression so you can explore ways to unlock and unlearn racism that’s been locked in our bodies from generation to generation.

  • Prepare to experience the world through new eyes and with greater knowledge, insight, and deep reverence for life as Cherie Aimée guides you to remember your true ancestral lineage and origin

  • Robert Moss will share the exciting practice of dream archaeology to reach across time so you can heal ancestral wounds and collective and cultural soul loss… discharge karmic burdens… and reclaim ancient rituals.

… and many more!

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience the Life-Changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing - February 22-26 Summit

Discover practices to connect with your ancestors & open to joyful renewal.

Take a few moments to reflect on the lives of your ancestors and the kind of situations and circumstances they experienced over the generations…

… their adventures, accomplishments, life changes — and especially the traumatic events and oppression they may have endured.

How much do you really know about them?

Did you know that the experiences of our ancestors can be passed down from generation to generation, leaving imprints on those who came after them — including you? Many of us carry our ancestors’ traumas, along with our own, in our body, heart, mind, and soul… even if we’re not aware of it. 

And, at a time like this, with a global pandemic and the layers and layers of loss we’re experiencing… with the outcry to heal grave intolerance and injustices against so many…  

… at a time when collective trauma is at a peak, there can be a re-triggering within us of our ancestors’ suffering, which can then manifest within us in all manner of ailments, including depression, anxiety, somatic and physiological disorders, and more.

What if you could create sacred connections with your ancestors… and tap into their wisdom to heal yourself and your lineage of old wounds?

You can.

That’s why I’m thrilled to invite you to the Ancestral Healing Summit — a global gathering of leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers who will be sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom and practices from around the world that promises to transform your life and your legacy and ground you into your highest purpose

Join this Free Online Event now

The Ancestral Healing Summit
February 22-26, 2021

Experience the Life-Changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing - February 22-26 SummitExperience the Life-Changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing - February 22-26 Summit

This special gathering features today’s leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers — including Suzanne Giesemann, Thomas Huebl, Eileen McKusick, Langston Kahn, Dr. Dawson Church, Bernadette Pleasant, Cherie Aimée, Robert Moss, Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, Mark Anthony, J.D, Sandra Ingerman, Deborah King, and many more — sharing new practices and insights for connecting with the wise and loving among your ancestors.

They’ll show you how your ancestors can help you work through the reparations necessary for you and your family to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives, while also benefiting future generations of your bloodline, the global community, and even our beautiful Earth..

I hope you’ll participate in this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

During this fascinating 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Dive deep into the power of personal and intergenerational trauma and the real possibility of collective healing when we address it at the root

  • Receive fascinating information about the epigenetics of trauma… and how to find resolution and peace in this lifetime

  • Draw on the wisdom of Family Constellations work to dissolve unhealthy family loyalty patterns

  • Reconnect to a sense of belonging, healing, completion, and orientation in today’s chaotic and confusing world

  • Explore the ways our ancestral stories manifest in issues of self-confidence, choosing our love partner, career, business, money mindset, and health

  • Receive supportive guidance to heal your family tree of wounding from sexual abuse or other forms of violence

  • Learn about First Nations’ complex wisdom traditions that inspire healing and personal transformation

  • Gain a sense of how racial healing work can act as a salve for both past damage and future healing

  • Transform intergenerational burdens into ancestral blessings

  • Explore African, Jewish, Native American, and many other perspectives on ancestral healing

  • And much more…

Whether you’re new to ancestral repair work or you already incorporate it in your life, the visionary speakers in this summit will bring to light the curative powers of ancestral healing — helping you shift your present and our future.

Join this amazing gathering of presenters to discover the tools you need to cultivate more connection… harmonize your body, mind, and spirit… and heal wounds from the past that can literally change your genetic destiny.

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<


Here’s a sample of what our illuminating speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Suzanne Giesemann will share how, through spirit communication, the trauma of difficult relationships with relatives who’ve passed can be healed… and transform our lives and the lives of generations to come in remarkable ways.

  • With Thomas Huebl, you’ll discover how the time is ripe for us to work together to heal not just our own wounds, but those of our global family… and that you can begin by addressing your individual ancestral trauma through looking at the places inside where you feel numb or an inability to feel empathy for others

  • Eileen McKusick will reveal that our DNA is more fluid and flowing and easily shifted then we’ve been conditioned to believe… and show us ways that sound can be used to shift the electromagnetic template of our physical bodies.

  • Langston Kahn will explore ways to engage the wisdom of our ancestors to help cut through the static of the delusions and addictions of our time — especially amidst immense collective grief — to restore our connection with our true longing.

  • With Dr. Dawson Church, you’ll find that trauma can be passed down for at least seven generations, keeping us in a perpetually inherited “fight or flight’ mode that can be healed through meditation practices and tapping (EFT)

  • The conversation with Bernadette Pleasant will take you on an emotional tour of the effects of white privilege, internalized racism, and oppression so you can explore ways to unlock and unlearn racism that’s been locked in our bodies from generation to generation.

  • Prepare to experience the world through new eyes and with greater knowledge, insight, and deep reverence for life as Cherie Aimée guides you to remember your true ancestral lineage and origin

  • Robert Moss will share the exciting practice of dream archaeology to reach across time so you can heal ancestral wounds and collective and cultural soul loss… discharge karmic burdens… and reclaim ancient rituals.

… and many more!

>> RSVP here for the Ancestral Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Experience the Life-Changing Benefits of Ancestral Healing - February 22-26 Summit

Wednesday 3 February 2021

Explore the Mind-blowing Concept that our Reality is a Collective Dream

Discover how to step into a more powerful way of being & co-create a better tomorrow.

What would your life be like if you could perceive the challenges you’re facing as holding the very “medicine” you need to heal… to quell anxiety, fear, depression, overwhelm, and powerlessness? 

To better navigate these uncertain times and help shift where we’re at — as individuals and as a planet — spiritual emergence pioneer, teacher, and author Paul Levy believes we need to break out of the unconscious feedback loop we’re caught in…

This collective psychosis or “mind virus” we’re perpetuating is continually and tangibly influencing our lives, culture, society, and future — simply by the way we observe them. 

On Wednesday, February 3, Paul will help you discover how to tap into your creative agency and experience a life-altering shift in perceiving reality as a dream that can be co-created consciously and creatively… for a more mindful, joyous, and fulfilling life.

>> Join us here for Awaken to the Dreamlike Nature of Reality: Engage With Your Perception & Life’s Synchronicities to Develop Your Creative Agency and an Empowered, Fulfilled & Joyous Life <<

Awaken to the Dreamlike Nature of Reality: Engage With Your Perception & Life’s Synchronicities to Develop Your Creative Agency and an Empowered, Fulfilled & Joyous Life

During this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How the power of quantum physics and our observations can help us “dream up” a better reality (if we can stop perpetuating the mind virus of our unconscious distorted perceptions)

  • How to recognize the dreamlike nature of everyday life and its ability to help you catalyze your greatest superpower — the creative spirit within

  • How to view symbols and synchronicities as the Universe acting as a wise Oracle guiding you in co-creating your life

  • How encoded in our personal and global challenges is the very medicine we need to heal — and what that medicine is

  • A guided visualization to unveil an inner obstacle that can act as a portal to your true nature — your expression of creativity that needs to be expressed for your optimal wellbeing

We can either stay stuck in the “loop” of our misperceptions  — in victimhood, blame, judgement, fear, and the illusion that we are separate from others — and continue to perpetuate misperceptions into our reality…

… OR we can step into a more powerful and creative way of being to consciously and intentionally dream up and help co-create a better tomorrow — for ourselves and for the world.

And in igniting our creative passions, we tap into our intrinsic creative genius, the part of us that yearns to be realized and lived…

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live or get a recording + extra training <<

In Awaken to the Dreamlike Nature of Reality: Engage With Your Perception & Life’s Synchronicities to Develop Your Creative Agency and an Empowered, Fulfilled & Joyous Life, you’ll discover that the universe is full of symbols and situations that can be perceived as manifestations of the wisdom of a great and sacred Oracle… 

… illuminating our shadow sides and our creative passions, and guiding us to the healing and growth that wants to actualize through us. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.