Friday 22 January 2021

Participate in a guided visualization to replace sorrow and fear with safety and solace

Experience how adding rituals to your life can bring the sacred into any situation.

The last several months have been intense for many. The isolation, sorrow, and fear have been overwhelming at times.

It’s cathartic to acknowledge our grief and loss during this time. But how can we move beyond the separation we’re feeling to fill ourselves once again with purpose and connection? 

On Saturday, January 23, Suzanne Sterling, an accomplished composer, yogi, activist, teacher, and invoker of the sacred, will demonstrate the power of rituals and show you how creating your own can help you move beyond grief and detachment so you’re ready to reconnect — reestablishing your voice, and grounding yourself with the nourishing elements of this precious life.

>> Join us for Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals: Practices that Recognize the Sacredness of Life’s Joys and Sorrows to Find Steady Ground, Connection & Resilience <<

Discover how rituals can reconnect you to hope, courage, and other people

In this 60-minute online ritual mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A simple chant as part of the ritual of hope

  • Ways to cultivate courage so you can heal from the isolation and pain you’ve been experiencing

  • Spiritual nourishment derived through grounding and calling in the sacred

  • How to establish yourself as your own spiritual authority

  • The “ritual recipe” that gives you the framework for creating your own sacred practices

When you practice a ritual, it drops you into a sacred place — grounding you, shifting your consciousness down to the very cellular level, releasing stuck emotions and healing trauma, providing you with resilience, and empowering your connection to the world.

You’ll discover there are many ways to incorporate rituals into your everyday life that will help you appreciate and treasure the divinity in all things.

And when we are free to move about again, you can take the rituals you’ve created and bring them into our collective world, where they can be amplified and elevated into the realm of the sacred.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Free Recording & Extra Training later <<

In Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals: Practices that Recognize the Sacredness of Life’s Joys and Sorrows to Find Steady Ground, Connection & Resilience, you’ll discover how the power of rituals and creating your own can help you move beyond grief and detachment, allowing you to reconnect and ground yourself with the nourishing elements of this precious life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals

Discover how rituals can reconnect you to the nourishing elements of this precious life.

The last several months have been intense for many. The isolation, sorrow, and fear have been overwhelming at times.

It’s cathartic to acknowledge our grief and loss during this time. But how can we move beyond the separation we’re feeling to fill ourselves once again with purpose and connection? 

On Saturday, January 23, Suzanne Sterling, an accomplished composer, yogi, activist, teacher, and invoker of the sacred, will demonstrate the power of rituals and show you how creating your own can help you move beyond grief and detachment so you’re ready to reconnect — reestablishing your voice, and grounding yourself with the nourishing elements of this precious life.

>> Join us for Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals: Practices that Recognize the Sacredness of Life’s Joys and Sorrows to Find Steady Ground, Connection & Resilience <<

Join free guided visualization to replace sorrow and fear with safety and solace

In this 60-minute online ritual mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A simple chant as part of the ritual of hope

  • Ways to cultivate courage so you can heal from the isolation and pain you’ve been experiencing

  • Spiritual nourishment derived through grounding and calling in the sacred

  • How to establish yourself as your own spiritual authority

  • The “ritual recipe” that gives you the framework for creating your own sacred practices

When you practice a ritual, it drops you into a sacred place — grounding you, shifting your consciousness down to the very cellular level, releasing stuck emotions and healing trauma, providing you with resilience, and empowering your connection to the world.

You’ll discover there are many ways to incorporate rituals into your everyday life that will help you appreciate and treasure the divinity in all things.

And when we are free to move about again, you can take the rituals you’ve created and bring them into our collective world, where they can be amplified and elevated into the realm of the sacred.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Free Recording & Extra Training later <<

In Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals: Practices that Recognize the Sacredness of Life’s Joys and Sorrows to Find Steady Ground, Connection & Resilience, you’ll discover how the power of rituals and creating your own can help you move beyond grief and detachment, allowing you to reconnect and ground yourself with the nourishing elements of this precious life.

Read more: Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals

Shamanic Journey to Connect With the Earth’s Elements & Other Nature Allies with Sandra Ingerman

Discover how to find healing and wisdom in relationship with spirits of the Middle World.

There is a higher dimension of consciousness beyond our human suffering that we can step into at any time…

Nature is our greatest teacher and healer, and by learning her language, we learn how to survive and even thrive.

In all her beauty and knowledge of renewal, death, and rebirth, she holds what we need to know in order to navigate these difficult times — and to be filled with awe at the healing she provides. 

World-renowned shamanism teacher Sandra Ingerman will help you discover how to cultivate deep, truly reciprocal relationships with the beings of the natural world… for your healing and theirs.

>> Join us here for Shamanic Journeying to Connect With the Earth’s Elements & Other Nature Allies: Find Healing, Wisdom & Belonging in Reciprocal Relationships With Spirits of the ‘Middle World’ <<

Shamanic Journeying to Connect With the Earth’s Elements & Other Nature Allies with Sandra Ingerman

During this powerful hour with Sandra, you’ll:

  • Discover how to step into a higher dimension of reality and promote healing by being with and talking to nature beings to experience the Middle World in a reciprocal way

  • Learn how a focus on technology versus ecology disconnects us from Nature and creates imbalances within ourselves and the Earth’s ecosystems — how, for example, can we address climate change while we’re disconnected from the elements? 

  • Discover how reconnecting to our soul, our helping spirits, and Source is the key to thriving during these times 

  • Discover how the power of love, along with our beliefs and intentions coupled with a deep connection to the natural world, can create healing results that appear to defy science

  • Join in a guided commitment ceremony — led by Sandra’s shamanism teacher, Isis — to honor your deep relationship with the Earth elements within and around you 

From our wise tree ancestors to nature beings of land, sea, and sky… to the elements, from crystals to water… you’ll discover how simply being with and learning to respectfully communicate with the natural world can teach you how to adapt to the many changes that occur in your own life.

You’ll also learn how the level of dis-ease many of us are experiencing along with the planet’s own imbalance due to climate change are evidence, according to Sandra, that we are not nurturing the Earth or allowing ourselves to be nurtured by it in effective ways.

More than anything, you will find out how you can help effect positive change — within yourself and for all of life’s beings.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Shamanic Journeying to Connect With the Earth’s Elements & Other Nature Allies: Find Healing, Wisdom & Belonging in Reciprocal Relationships With Spirits of the ‘Middle World,’ you’ll experience a shamanic journey to receive healing guidance and discover how you can cultivate truly reciprocal relationships with Nature’s beings to transform suffering and help heal All of Life.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Find Healing, Wisdom & Belonging in Reciprocal Relationships With Spirits of the ‘Middle World’

Experience Shamanic Journeying to Connect With the Earth’s Elements & Other Nature Allies.

There is a higher dimension of consciousness beyond our human suffering that we can step into at any time…

Nature is our greatest teacher and healer, and by learning her language, we learn how to survive and even thrive.

In all her beauty and knowledge of renewal, death, and rebirth, she holds what we need to know in order to navigate these difficult times — and to be filled with awe at the healing she provides. 

World-renowned shamanism teacher Sandra Ingerman will help you discover how to cultivate deep, truly reciprocal relationships with the beings of the natural world… for your healing and theirs.

>> Join us here for Shamanic Journeying to Connect With the Earth’s Elements & Other Nature Allies: Find Healing, Wisdom & Belonging in Reciprocal Relationships With Spirits of the ‘Middle World’ <<

Shamanic Journeying to Connect With the Earth’s Elements & Other Nature Allies with Sandra Ingerman

During this powerful hour with Sandra, you’ll:

  • Discover how to step into a higher dimension of reality and promote healing by being with and talking to nature beings to experience the Middle World in a reciprocal way

  • Learn how a focus on technology versus ecology disconnects us from Nature and creates imbalances within ourselves and the Earth’s ecosystems — how, for example, can we address climate change while we’re disconnected from the elements? 

  • Discover how reconnecting to our soul, our helping spirits, and Source is the key to thriving during these times 

  • Discover how the power of love, along with our beliefs and intentions coupled with a deep connection to the natural world, can create healing results that appear to defy science

  • Join in a guided commitment ceremony — led by Sandra’s shamanism teacher, Isis — to honor your deep relationship with the Earth elements within and around you 

From our wise tree ancestors to nature beings of land, sea, and sky… to the elements, from crystals to water… you’ll discover how simply being with and learning to respectfully communicate with the natural world can teach you how to adapt to the many changes that occur in your own life.

You’ll also learn how the level of dis-ease many of us are experiencing along with the planet’s own imbalance due to climate change are evidence, according to Sandra, that we are not nurturing the Earth or allowing ourselves to be nurtured by it in effective ways.

More than anything, you will find out how you can help effect positive change — within yourself and for all of life’s beings.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Shamanic Journeying to Connect With the Earth’s Elements & Other Nature Allies: Find Healing, Wisdom & Belonging in Reciprocal Relationships With Spirits of the ‘Middle World,’ you’ll experience a shamanic journey to receive healing guidance and discover how you can cultivate truly reciprocal relationships with Nature’s beings to transform suffering and help heal All of Life.

Read more: Find Healing, Wisdom & Belonging in Reciprocal Relationships With Spirits of the ‘Middle World’

Thursday 21 January 2021

Dissolve Stagnation & Fear by Reconnecting to Divine Love

Re-Ignite Your Direct Experience of the Sacred & Reclaim Your Inherent Ecstasy.

I saw that the divine beauty in each heart
is the root of all time
and space…
— Rabia of Basra (c. 717-801)

What does it mean to be a mystic in our time? 

In this modern era brimming with technology, complexity, and noise, have we lost our connection to mystery and mysticism? 

With the chaos of our contemporary world, can we still access poetic states of bliss and the experience of the sublime?

After a year that’s left many feeling bereft, exhausted, and depleted, there’s a strong desire to reconnect with perennial wisdom and replenish the capacity for universal and timeless ecstatic union with the sacred.

Mystics across time have written some of the world’s greatest poetry and scripture during episodes of war, plague, and social upheaval… and they call to us now to reclaim our soul’s longing and commune with the sacred heart of existence — even in the midst of turmoil. 

As we enter a new year and a new era, it’s a perfect time to listen and receive inspiration from the “holy troublemakers” across history — who were both ordinary, flawed people and great mystics — revelling in the sublime while delivering provocative messages of truth and awakening.

I’m thrilled to announce a unique convergence of seasoned scholars, sacred rebels, and mystical seekers, who will support you in restoring your sense of meaning and remembrance of what’s true and lasting… and help you reconnect to love as the harbor amidst life’s crashing storms. 

The Mystics Summit will guide you into the ecstatic wisdom of celebrated figures like Hildegard of Bingen, the Black Madonna, Teilhard de Chardin, Rabia of Basra, Bede Griffiths, Sri Aurobindo… 

… as well as contemporaries like Thomas Merton, Ram Dass, Sri Ma Viddhe, Friar Greg Boyle, Dorothy Day, George Sand, and others.  

Free Online Event
Mystics Summit

February 1-5, 2021

Join Mystics Summit February 1-5, 2021 to Uncover the Ecstatic Wisdom of the Mystics to Reclaim Your Own Connection to the Sacred

This timely event features more than more than 40 scholars, teachers, contemporary mystics — including Krishna Das, Mirabai Starr, Matthew Fox, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Imam Jamal Rahman, Alexander John Shaia, Andrew Harvey, China Galland, and many others — as they lead you through the lives and times of ancient mystics, their “ordinary heroism,” and lessons you can apply in these tumultuous times. 

Throughout this landmark summit, you’ll receive not only gems of wisdom from the ancient mystics, but also poetry, music, and practices that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion… born of a direct revelation of “the Beloved.” 

During this seminal 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Recent stories of a great contemporary Indian mystic, Sri Siddhe Ma, who died in December 2019

  • Inspiration from Thomas Merton, a guide in contemplative living and the mystical traditions

  • Music inspired by many of the mystics Mirabai Starr has translated and written about

  • How a cross-dressing, cigar-smoking female novelist in France served as a catalyst to the Russian Revolution

  • How mystics Teilhard and Bruteau offered a participatory mysticism centered on learning to wield creative ecstasy for personal and social transformation

  • The account of Reb Zalman’s prolific life and the Jewish Renewal movement which bridged the Hassidic and New Age worlds

  • Rich stories and poetry from Rabia of Basra, the Sufi mystic 

  • How “vernacular mystics” like Julian of Norwich and Mechthild of Magdeburg are among us today — and brimming with love for this broken world 

  • The refreshing movement and dance rituals woven throughout various mystical traditions

  • And much more… 

You’ll come away knowing that mysticism isn’t reserved just for those on the pedestals of religious history. It’s everyone’s birthright!

In fact, you may discover that the great mystics of the past weren’t unapproachable “saints,” but, instead, very human, flawed, who wrestled with the same challenges many of us are having right now. 

You’ll learn about their transcendent experiences and embodied insights. As the Dalai Lama has said: “The purpose of life isn’t to transcend the body but to embody the transcendent.” 

Carrying this harvest of inspiration into the future can help you re-enter the social, cultural, or political sphere with greater attunement to the eternal and sacred… bringing passionate devotion into your acts of service to your community and the world. 

>> RSVP here for Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Awash in passion, Andrew Harvey will convey teachings from great evolutionary mystics, such as Bede Griffiths, Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, and Sat Pram — who point us toward a truly embodied humanity.

  • Matthew Fox will bring you pioneering teachings from Hildegard of Bingen, a Benedictine abbess of the 12th century, whose love of the “web of creation” we all inhabit makes her wisdom deeply relevant to our times of climate change.

  • Krishna Das will share stories of remarkable beings in India and elsewhere, who’ve opened his heart and expanded his consciousness — and he’ll treat us to some devotional chanting. 

  • Anthoinette Varner (Gangaji) shares her spiritual lineage, telling stories of the mystics who opened the way for her, and models the holy joy that comes with living a fully embodied, grounded life as a mystic, where everything is imbued with the sacred.

  • Join a loving dialog between soul friends, Anne Lamott & Mirabai Starr, who will talk about the sacred and holy as revealed in nature, in stillness, in song, in dreams, and in worship.

  • Renowned world musician Trevor Hall has a deep love for the Divine Mother and an abiding connection with mother India, which he’ll share in songs and conversation with one of his spiritual “aunties,” Mirabai Starr.

  • Join Elizabeth Lesser’s introduction to the women were the storytellers for the myths and scriptures that most powerfully shape our lives... and explore the world through the lens of feminine wisdom. 

  • Rabbi Rami Shapiro speaks on embracing the heart of all spiritual paths, introducing the Holy One as “non-dual Aliveness” and sharing a chant he composed to offer a direct experience of this aliveness. 

  • China Galland will guide your awareness to the Black Madonna and reveal the bridge between the dark feminine and the healing and reparation our world so desperately needs.

  • Imam Jamal Rahman will focus on Islamic Sufi insights and practices to transform the ego, open the heart, and create sacred community in one’s life. 

  • Imam Adé Mendes will illuminate one of the greatest modern manifestations of sacred non-violent resistance through Muslim scholar and mystical poet Ahmadu Bamba, who led the Senegalese liberation from the French colonial empire

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Mirabai Starr, an award-winning author of creative nonfiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. Mirabai’s newest book, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, was named one of the “Best Books of 2019” by Spirituality & Practice. 

>> RSVP here for Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Reconnect with Divine Love in Midst of Complexity & Turmoil at Mystics Summit Feb 1-5

Uncover the Ecstatic Wisdom of the Mystics to Reclaim Your Own Connection to the Sacred.

I saw that the divine beauty in each heart
is the root of all time
and space…
— Rabia of Basra (c. 717-801)

What does it mean to be a mystic in our time? 

In this modern era brimming with technology, complexity, and noise, have we lost our connection to mystery and mysticism? 

With the chaos of our contemporary world, can we still access poetic states of bliss and the experience of the sublime?

After a year that’s left many feeling bereft, exhausted, and depleted, there’s a strong desire to reconnect with perennial wisdom and replenish the capacity for universal and timeless ecstatic union with the sacred.

Mystics across time have written some of the world’s greatest poetry and scripture during episodes of war, plague, and social upheaval… and they call to us now to reclaim our soul’s longing and commune with the sacred heart of existence — even in the midst of turmoil. 

As we enter a new year and a new era, it’s a perfect time to listen and receive inspiration from the “holy troublemakers” across history — who were both ordinary, flawed people and great mystics — revelling in the sublime while delivering provocative messages of truth and awakening.

I’m thrilled to announce a unique convergence of seasoned scholars, sacred rebels, and mystical seekers, who will support you in restoring your sense of meaning and remembrance of what’s true and lasting… and help you reconnect to love as the harbor amidst life’s crashing storms. 

The Mystics Summit will guide you into the ecstatic wisdom of celebrated figures like Hildegard of Bingen, the Black Madonna, Teilhard de Chardin, Rabia of Basra, Bede Griffiths, Sri Aurobindo… 

… as well as contemporaries like Thomas Merton, Ram Dass, Sri Ma Viddhe, Friar Greg Boyle, Dorothy Day, George Sand, and others.  

Join this Free Online Event
Mystics Summit
February 1-5, 2021

Reconnect with Divine Love in the Midst of Complexity & Turmoil

This timely event features more than more than 40 scholars, teachers, contemporary mystics — including Krishna Das, Mirabai Starr, Matthew Fox, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Imam Jamal Rahman, Alexander John Shaia, Andrew Harvey, China Galland, and many others — as they lead you through the lives and times of ancient mystics, their “ordinary heroism,” and lessons you can apply in these tumultuous times. 

Throughout this landmark summit, you’ll receive not only gems of wisdom from the ancient mystics, but also poetry, music, and practices that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion… born of a direct revelation of “the Beloved.” 

During this seminal 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Recent stories of a great contemporary Indian mystic, Sri Siddhe Ma, who died in December 2019

  • Inspiration from Thomas Merton, a guide in contemplative living and the mystical traditions

  • Music inspired by many of the mystics Mirabai Starr has translated and written about

  • How a cross-dressing, cigar-smoking female novelist in France served as a catalyst to the Russian Revolution

  • How mystics Teilhard and Bruteau offered a participatory mysticism centered on learning to wield creative ecstasy for personal and social transformation

  • The account of Reb Zalman’s prolific life and the Jewish Renewal movement which bridged the Hassidic and New Age worlds

  • Rich stories and poetry from Rabia of Basra, the Sufi mystic 

  • How “vernacular mystics” like Julian of Norwich and Mechthild of Magdeburg are among us today — and brimming with love for this broken world 

  • The refreshing movement and dance rituals woven throughout various mystical traditions

  • And much more… 

You’ll come away knowing that mysticism isn’t reserved just for those on the pedestals of religious history. It’s everyone’s birthright!

In fact, you may discover that the great mystics of the past weren’t unapproachable “saints,” but, instead, very human, flawed, who wrestled with the same challenges many of us are having right now. 

You’ll learn about their transcendent experiences and embodied insights. As the Dalai Lama has said: “The purpose of life isn’t to transcend the body but to embody the transcendent.” 

Carrying this harvest of inspiration into the future can help you re-enter the social, cultural, or political sphere with greater attunement to the eternal and sacred… bringing passionate devotion into your acts of service to your community and the world. 

>> RSVP here for Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Awash in passion, Andrew Harvey will convey teachings from great evolutionary mystics, such as Bede Griffiths, Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, and Sat Pram — who point us toward a truly embodied humanity.

  • Matthew Fox will bring you pioneering teachings from Hildegard of Bingen, a Benedictine abbess of the 12th century, whose love of the “web of creation” we all inhabit makes her wisdom deeply relevant to our times of climate change.

  • Krishna Das will share stories of remarkable beings in India and elsewhere, who’ve opened his heart and expanded his consciousness — and he’ll treat us to some devotional chanting. 

  • Anthoinette Varner (Gangaji) shares her spiritual lineage, telling stories of the mystics who opened the way for her, and models the holy joy that comes with living a fully embodied, grounded life as a mystic, where everything is imbued with the sacred.

  • Join a loving dialog between soul friends, Anne Lamott & Mirabai Starr, who will talk about the sacred and holy as revealed in nature, in stillness, in song, in dreams, and in worship.

  • Renowned world musician Trevor Hall has a deep love for the Divine Mother and an abiding connection with mother India, which he’ll share in songs and conversation with one of his spiritual “aunties,” Mirabai Starr.

  • Join Elizabeth Lesser’s introduction to the women were the storytellers for the myths and scriptures that most powerfully shape our lives... and explore the world through the lens of feminine wisdom. 

  • Rabbi Rami Shapiro speaks on embracing the heart of all spiritual paths, introducing the Holy One as “non-dual Aliveness” and sharing a chant he composed to offer a direct experience of this aliveness. 

  • China Galland will guide your awareness to the Black Madonna and reveal the bridge between the dark feminine and the healing and reparation our world so desperately needs.

  • Imam Jamal Rahman will focus on Islamic Sufi insights and practices to transform the ego, open the heart, and create sacred community in one’s life. 

  • Imam Adé Mendes will illuminate one of the greatest modern manifestations of sacred non-violent resistance through Muslim scholar and mystical poet Ahmadu Bamba, who led the Senegalese liberation from the French colonial empire

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Mirabai Starr, an award-winning author of creative nonfiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. Mirabai’s newest book, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, was named one of the “Best Books of 2019” by Spirituality & Practice. 

>> RSVP here for Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Reconnect with Divine Love in Midst of Complexity & Turmoil at Mystics Summit Feb 1-5

Sunday 17 January 2021

Mixing Power of Ayurveda & Modern Science for Living a Longer, Healthier, Happier

Discover how listening to your body and nature’s rhythms can improve your longevity.

In the Ayurvedic philosophies of ancient India, it’s understood that living your truth eases stress levels and is vitally important for living a conscious, loving, healthy, and long life.

The good news is that there are practical steps you can take now to identify and shift the factors contributing to your current health challenges — providing you with a clear understanding of the “storyboard” for how your health has unfolded.

There are also simple ways to boost your longevity and age gracefully, no matter your circumstances, to feel more energetic, healthier, and happier.

On Wednesday, January 27, Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, a recognized leader in the fields of natural health and Ayurveda, will share how this ancient approach to medicine can help you shift physical and emotional patterns that can lead to weak digestion, shallow breathing, poor sleep, chronic pain, and degenerative disease — all obstacles to graceful aging and longevity.

>> Join here for Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science for Living a Long, Healthy, Conscious Life: Shift Physical and Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health <<

Mixing Ayurveda & Modern Science for Living a Long, Healthy, Conscious Life with John Douillard

During this mind- and body-nourishing hour, you’ll discover:

  • Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity as simple practices and protocols for conscious aging and vibrant health

  • The Ayurvedic philosophy of  “letting the truth out” as a way to mitigate stress

  • How stress is stored in the body and how to work with your subtle body sheaths to promote balance and longevity

  • The key role your lymphatic system plays in your gut health and immunity and why it’s so important to your digestion to eat seasonal foods 

  • Why the way you breathe throughout the day is key to your wellbeing

  • A simple breathing exercise that strengthens your diaphragm — useful for boosting lung capacity during this time of pandemic

Ayurvedic philosophy shows us how to tap into our most subtle and powerful self, as well as our life’s purpose, or dharma

It helps us shift physical and emotional patterns to find balance, better our health, and connect with the healing power of our own spirituality.

John teaches that Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity can not only boost your immunity and capacity for joy, but provide an approach to your health, and life, that can help you stay calm and rooted in who you truly are…

… even when faced with personal challenges and the tumultuous events of the greater world.

>> RSVP free here to watch Live or get recording + extra training offered later <<

In Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science for Living a Long, Healthy, Conscious Life: Shift Physical and Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health, you’ll discover a simple breathing exercise that strengthens your diaphragm — useful for boosting lung capacity during this time of pandemic.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Learn How Blending Ayurveda with Modern Science can Enhance Your Longevity

Discover why living your truth is vital for living a conscious, loving, healthy, and long life.

In the Ayurvedic philosophies of ancient India, it’s understood that living your truth eases stress levels and is vitally important for living a conscious, loving, healthy, and long life.

The good news is that there are practical steps you can take now to identify and shift the factors contributing to your current health challenges — providing you with a clear understanding of the “storyboard” for how your health has unfolded.

There are also simple ways to boost your longevity and age gracefully, no matter your circumstances, to feel more energetic, healthier, and happier.

On Wednesday, January 27, Dr. John Douillard, DC, CAP, a recognized leader in the fields of natural health and Ayurveda, will share how this ancient approach to medicine can help you shift physical and emotional patterns that can lead to weak digestion, shallow breathing, poor sleep, chronic pain, and degenerative disease — all obstacles to graceful aging and longevity.

>> Join here for Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science for Living a Long, Healthy, Conscious Life: Shift Physical and Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health <<

Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science for Living a Long, Healthy, Conscious Life with John Douillard

During this mind- and body-nourishing hour, you’ll discover:

  • Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity as simple practices and protocols for conscious aging and vibrant health

  • The Ayurvedic philosophy of  “letting the truth out” as a way to mitigate stress

  • How stress is stored in the body and how to work with your subtle body sheaths to promote balance and longevity

  • The key role your lymphatic system plays in your gut health and immunity and why it’s so important to your digestion to eat seasonal foods 

  • Why the way you breathe throughout the day is key to your wellbeing

  • A simple breathing exercise that strengthens your diaphragm — useful for boosting lung capacity during this time of pandemic

Ayurvedic philosophy shows us how to tap into our most subtle and powerful self, as well as our life’s purpose, or dharma

It helps us shift physical and emotional patterns to find balance, better our health, and connect with the healing power of our own spirituality.

John teaches that Ayurvedic principles of conscious longevity can not only boost your immunity and capacity for joy, but provide an approach to your health, and life, that can help you stay calm and rooted in who you truly are…

… even when faced with personal challenges and the tumultuous events of the greater world.

>> RSVP free here to watch Live or get recording + extra training offered later <<

In Ayurvedic Wisdom & Modern Science for Living a Long, Healthy, Conscious Life: Shift Physical and Emotional Obstacles to Your Wellbeing for More Energy, Joy & Vibrant Health, you’ll discover a simple breathing exercise that strengthens your diaphragm — useful for boosting lung capacity during this time of pandemic.

Read more: Learn How Blending Ayurveda with Modern Science can Enhance Your Longevity

Friday 15 January 2021

Practice Tai Chi Exercise That Takes You From Stillness to Motion

Explore the many benefits of Tai Chi, including better balance and boosted immunity.

The power of Tai Chi begins with stillness.

To stand still is to broaden your view of the world. As you breathe slowly, you learn to appreciate life as it comes — without memory or expectation.

As your body releases tense, anxious patterns, your mind becomes quiet. The Qi flows not only within your body, but between you and Nature.

On Saturday, January 16, Ken Cohen, Tai Chi and Qigong Grandmaster and founder of the Qigong Research & Practice Center, will guide you to explore the four hidden energies found throughout the Tai Chi form.

>> Join us here for Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance: Discover an Ancient Movement Practice for Immunity, Stress Relief & Deep Relaxation <<

Experience a Tai Chi sequence that can help you release tension and calm your mind

In this 60-minute free Tai Chi online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the many benefits of Tai Chi — including better balance, boosted immunity, increased power to cope with stress, deeper levels of relaxation, and much more

  • Discover the differences between Tai Chi and Qigong — and how Tai Chi guides you to ask, How can I utilize my body’s entire healing system?

  • Improve your Tai Chi practice by correcting common mistakes that even longtime practitioners make

  • Move through a completely new guided movement practice — one movement that incorporates all of the principles of the entire Tai Chi form as you transition from stillness into motion

As you’ll discover, Tai Chi is a healing art that works on the entire system at once. It resets your whole being — moving the out-of-balance elements back into place.

Ken will help you discern exactly where you are holding tension in your body, so you can let it go, freeing yourself to cultivate stillness.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance: Discover an Ancient Movement Practice for Immunity, Stress Relief & Deep Relaxation, you’ll experience a Tai Chi sequence that takes you from stillness to motion — so you can release tension, calm your mind, reconnect with the natural world, and cultivate joy.

Read more: Practice Tai Chi Exercise That Takes You From Stillness to Motion

Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance

Discover an ancient movement practice for immunity, stress relief & deep relaxation.

The power of Tai Chi begins with stillness.

To stand still is to broaden your view of the world. As you breathe slowly, you learn to appreciate life as it comes — without memory or expectation.

As your body releases tense, anxious patterns, your mind becomes quiet. The Qi flows not only within your body, but between you and Nature.

On Saturday, January 16, Ken Cohen, Tai Chi and Qigong Grandmaster and founder of the Qigong Research & Practice Center, will guide you to explore the four hidden energies found throughout the Tai Chi form.

>> Join us here for Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance: Discover an Ancient Movement Practice for Immunity, Stress Relief & Deep Relaxation <<

Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance with Ken Cohen

In this 60-minute free Tai Chi online event, you’ll:

  • Explore the many benefits of Tai Chi — including better balance, boosted immunity, increased power to cope with stress, deeper levels of relaxation, and much more

  • Discover the differences between Tai Chi and Qigong — and how Tai Chi guides you to ask, How can I utilize my body’s entire healing system?

  • Improve your Tai Chi practice by correcting common mistakes that even longtime practitioners make

  • Move through a completely new guided movement practice — one movement that incorporates all of the principles of the entire Tai Chi form as you transition from stillness into motion

As you’ll discover, Tai Chi is a healing art that works on the entire system at once. It resets your whole being — moving the out-of-balance elements back into place.

Ken will help you discern exactly where you are holding tension in your body, so you can let it go, freeing yourself to cultivate stillness.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Explore the 4 Hidden Energies of Tai Chi for Unwavering Balance: Discover an Ancient Movement Practice for Immunity, Stress Relief & Deep Relaxation, you’ll experience a Tai Chi sequence that takes you from stillness to motion — so you can release tension, calm your mind, reconnect with the natural world, and cultivate joy.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 13 January 2021

Discover why an NDE can Open a Profound Window into Your Journey as a Soul

Receive teachings that can bring comfort, hope, and an understanding of who you are.

Many of us — perhaps now more than at any other time in our lives — are feeling more isolated, lonely, and even a bit lost… 

These feelings are understandable, as we continue to live in what can feel like the eye of a storm, where very real threats to our wellbeing and that of our loved ones, the health of the planet, and maybe even our livelihood loom.

But what if you could find comfort, hope, and an understanding of who you are and where you stand in the cosmos, no matter your circumstances — perspectives and practices that can help ease depression, anxiety, even addiction…

On Wednesday, January 13, bestselling author and academic neurosurgeon Eben Alexander and his partner and co-teacher, sound-journey facilitator Karen Newell, will share powerful teachings to help you expand and deepen your sense of meaning and purpose — in Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness.

>> Join us here to watch Live Event or get recording and extra training later <<

Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness with Eben Alexander and Karen Newell

During this mind- and heart-expanding hour with Eben and Karen, you’ll: 

  • Explore how uniting principles of conventional science (the physical) and spirituality (the nonphysical) can help you better realize your spiritual nature and the comforting concept of Oneness

  • Understand how Hermetic teachings, derived from ancient mystical traditions and validated by the science of consciousness, can provide clarity about your journey as a soul and help you feel more at home in the universe 

  • Discover how the principle of vibration can help you recognize sensations in resonance with sound and nature that provide a visceral recognition of the underlying truth of Oneness

  • Find out how the vast collection of near-death experience reports validate the concept of Oneness, the nature of consciousness, and the eternity of our souls and their connections

  • Participate in a remote viewing session supported by a meditative theta brainwave entrainment audio to acquire information through means beyond your 5 physical senses, gain confidence in your intuitive skills, and sense your connection with the Universe

Eben will also share details about his NDE and how the experience provides a profound window into our journey as a soul and our understanding of Oneness, while also helping alleviate our fears about death and deepening our embrace of the richness and fullness of life.

This inspiring hour with Eben and Karen will open you to the comforting balm of Oneness Consciousness and its flow of infinite love, providing both a cognitive and whole-body feeling sense of connecting to the Universe as the infinite home of your soul.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness, you’ll be guided in a remote viewing session supported by theta sound waves to tap into Universal Consciousness, gain confidence in your intuition, and receive direct evidence of our connection with the cosmos. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Be Guided in a Remote Viewing Session to Tap into Universal Consciousness

Discover how ancient wisdom has been validated by the science of consciousness.

Many of us — perhaps now more than at any other time in our lives — are feeling more isolated, lonely, and even a bit lost… 

These feelings are understandable, as we continue to live in what can feel like the eye of a storm, where very real threats to our wellbeing and that of our loved ones, the health of the planet, and maybe even our livelihood loom.

But what if you could find comfort, hope, and an understanding of who you are and where you stand in the cosmos, no matter your circumstances — perspectives and practices that can help ease depression, anxiety, even addiction…

On Wednesday, January 13, bestselling author and academic neurosurgeon Eben Alexander and his partner and co-teacher, sound-journey facilitator Karen Newell, will share powerful teachings to help you expand and deepen your sense of meaning and purpose — in Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness.

>> Join us here to watch Live Event or get recording and extra training later <<

Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness with Eben Alexander and Karen Newell

During this mind- and heart-expanding hour with Eben and Karen, you’ll: 

  • Explore how uniting principles of conventional science (the physical) and spirituality (the nonphysical) can help you better realize your spiritual nature and the comforting concept of Oneness

  • Understand how Hermetic teachings, derived from ancient mystical traditions and validated by the science of consciousness, can provide clarity about your journey as a soul and help you feel more at home in the universe 

  • Discover how the principle of vibration can help you recognize sensations in resonance with sound and nature that provide a visceral recognition of the underlying truth of Oneness

  • Find out how the vast collection of near-death experience reports validate the concept of Oneness, the nature of consciousness, and the eternity of our souls and their connections

  • Participate in a remote viewing session supported by a meditative theta brainwave entrainment audio to acquire information through means beyond your 5 physical senses, gain confidence in your intuitive skills, and sense your connection with the Universe

Eben will also share details about his NDE and how the experience provides a profound window into our journey as a soul and our understanding of Oneness, while also helping alleviate our fears about death and deepening our embrace of the richness and fullness of life.

This inspiring hour with Eben and Karen will open you to the comforting balm of Oneness Consciousness and its flow of infinite love, providing both a cognitive and whole-body feeling sense of connecting to the Universe as the infinite home of your soul.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness, you’ll be guided in a remote viewing session supported by theta sound waves to tap into Universal Consciousness, gain confidence in your intuition, and receive direct evidence of our connection with the cosmos. 

Read more: Be Guided in a Remote Viewing Session to Tap into Universal Consciousness

Saturday 9 January 2021

Experience How Crystal Singing Bowls Can Ground, Heal & Transform You

Bathe in the Grounding Energies of a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing.

Are you ready to release the pain and heaviness of 2020 and flow into a state of stability and renewal?

The healing power of sound can support you in grounding yourself and opening to what lies ahead in a restorative way.

One of the most profound sonic tools to ground, heal, and transform the way we perceive and live our lives is the calming resonance of crystal singing bowls. 

These bowls hold tremendously potent frequencies to support balance and healing in your energy field.

They even create crystalline cadences in your cells, which help you release stuck energy and awaken new cellular patterns of vibration.

On Saturday, January 9, crystal alchemy sound healer Jeralyn Glass will lead you through a deeply healing crystal alchemy sound bath — for releasing, detoxifying, clearing, and cleansing everything you’ve been through in 2020.

>> Join here for Bathe in the Grounding Energies of a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing: Release Stress & Grief as You Open to New Beginnings <<

Bathe in the Grounding Energies of a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing: Release Stress & Grief as You Open to New Beginnings

In these powerfully healing 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Experience a clearing, cleansing, and detoxifying crystal singing bowl sound healing to release the heavy energies that have been hanging over humanity in 2020

  • Start to develop a renewed sense of hope — and faith that a higher consciousness and new beginnings are available to you and the world

  • Discover how crystal singing bowls can help you transmute difficult emotions and free you to forge ahead with strength and fortitude

  • Come to understand how this type of sound healing works within your system to uplift your mind, body, and spirit — addressing everything from stress and anxiety to serious physical dis-ease, and more

  • Experience a feeling of renewal, grounding, balance, and harmony as you brush 2020 off of you and move into the new year

The pure, pristine sounds of the bowls are easily absorbed by the body… so they also have the capacity to reset your physiological systems — balancing your hormones and nervous system, and enhancing your immunity.

Bathed in these bowls’ beautiful, magical sounds, you can start to let go of fear, negativity, and anxiety — and welcome in a deep sense of hope and wholeness.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording <<

In Bathe in the Grounding Energies of a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing: Release Stress & Grief as You Open to New Beginnings

… you’ll begin to let go of the pain and heaviness of 2020 with a healing sound bath to stabilize, renew, and envision the possibility of a more conscious, authentic, and joyous life — no matter what triumphs and challenges lie ahead. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience the Exquisite Joy of a Soul-Soothing Crystal-Bowl Sound Bath

Receive a big sonic crystal HUG from soul-soothing singing bowls.

Are you ready to release the pain and heaviness of 2020 and flow into a state of stability and renewal?

The healing power of sound can support you in grounding yourself and opening to what lies ahead in a restorative way.

One of the most profound sonic tools to ground, heal, and transform the way we perceive and live our lives is the calming resonance of crystal singing bowls. 

These bowls hold tremendously potent frequencies to support balance and healing in your energy field.

They even create crystalline cadences in your cells, which help you release stuck energy and awaken new cellular patterns of vibration.

On Saturday, January 9, crystal alchemy sound healer Jeralyn Glass will lead you through a deeply healing crystal alchemy sound bath — for releasing, detoxifying, clearing, and cleansing everything you’ve been through in 2020.

>> Join here for Bathe in the Grounding Energies of a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing: Release Stress & Grief as You Open to New Beginnings <<

Bathe in the Grounding Energies of a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing with Jeralyn Glass

In these powerfully healing 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Experience a clearing, cleansing, and detoxifying crystal singing bowl sound healing to release the heavy energies that have been hanging over humanity in 2020

  • Start to develop a renewed sense of hope — and faith that a higher consciousness and new beginnings are available to you and the world

  • Discover how crystal singing bowls can help you transmute difficult emotions and free you to forge ahead with strength and fortitude

  • Come to understand how this type of sound healing works within your system to uplift your mind, body, and spirit — addressing everything from stress and anxiety to serious physical dis-ease, and more

  • Experience a feeling of renewal, grounding, balance, and harmony as you brush 2020 off of you and move into the new year

The pure, pristine sounds of the bowls are easily absorbed by the body… so they also have the capacity to reset your physiological systems — balancing your hormones and nervous system, and enhancing your immunity.

Bathed in these bowls’ beautiful, magical sounds, you can start to let go of fear, negativity, and anxiety — and welcome in a deep sense of hope and wholeness.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live or get recording <<

In Bathe in the Grounding Energies of a Crystal Singing Bowl Sound Healing: Release Stress & Grief as You Open to New Beginnings

… you’ll begin to let go of the pain and heaviness of 2020 with a healing sound bath to stabilize, renew, and envision the possibility of a more conscious, authentic, and joyous life — no matter what triumphs and challenges lie ahead. 

Read more: Experience the Exquisite Joy of a Soul-Soothing Crystal-Bowl Sound Bath