Monday 21 December 2020

Powerful Teachings that Meld the Feldenkrais Method with 4 key Archetypes

Discover how to explore your inner landscape through intentional and gentle movement.

We each hold incredible archetypal strengths within us… whether we’re aware of them or not… 

A Warrior who grounds and centers us, and helps us to show up and stand in our power. 

A Teacher who is listening with every breath, and responding instead of reacting.

A Healer connecting our attention to the power in our hands and how we nourish ourselves and others.

And a Visionary able to focus, find clarity, and see what is needed to live a balanced life.

On Tuesday, December 22, body language expert and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher Lavinia Plonka will share her powerful teachings that meld the Feldenkrais Method® and its subtle, sophisticated movements with an inner exploration of these four key archetypes that can awaken and strengthen us… particularly in these unsettling times.

>> Join us for Using the Feldenkrais Method® to Unlock Transformative Archetypes Within You: Mindful Somatic Practices to Connect With the Unrealized Parts of Yourself to Heal, Evolve & Better Navigate Life <<

Using the Feldenkrais Method® to Unlock Transformative Archetypes Within You with Lavinia Plonka

During this highly experiential 60 minutes with Lavinia, you’ll: 

  • Learn about a powerful approach to emotional and physical healing that melds the gentle, mindful movements of the Feldenkrais Method with awareness of archetypal energies within you

  • Discover 4 key archetypes — the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary — where their energies constellate in your body, and how they can help you release painful patterns and embody new, empowering ways of being 

  • Discover how subtle movements and awareness of the body’s somatic cues  can awaken archetypal powers to release physical and emotional blocks to self-love, wellbeing, and living life fully

  • Experience a breathing exercise focused on contraction and expansion to connect with the Teacher energies within you and liberate your ability to be flexible and responsive

  • Experience a gentle jaw-releasing exercise to connect with your inner Warrior and ability to navigate stressful challenges (you’ll be surprised at how jaw tension connects to movement of the lower back and pelvis)

You’ll learn how moving in new ways can not only alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and build resilience but can liberate parts of your personality so you can become more fully alive and the person you’re meant to be — while also boosting your overall emotional and physical wellbeing.

You’ll also discover how subtle movements can help you “retell” your story, calm your nervous system, come into heightened self-awareness, and expand your repertoire of movement… for a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.

Ultimately, how you move is how you move through life. Lavinia will show you how accessing the somatic wisdom of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary archetypes within can move you to the life you want.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Using the Feldenkrais Method® to Unlock Transformative Archetypes Within You: Mindful Somatic Practices to Connect With the Unrealized Parts of Yourself to Heal, Evolve & Better Navigate Life, you’ll discover how the gentle movements of the Feldenkrais Method can unlock transformative archetypal energies within you… to build resilience, address emotional and physical pain, and liberate your truest Self.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

How the Feldenkrais Method can Diminish Emotional and Physical Pain

Discover how mindful somatic practices can help you heal and better navigate life.

We each hold incredible archetypal strengths within us… whether we’re aware of them or not… 

A Warrior who grounds and centers us, and helps us to show up and stand in our power. 

A Teacher who is listening with every breath, and responding instead of reacting.

A Healer connecting our attention to the power in our hands and how we nourish ourselves and others.

And a Visionary able to focus, find clarity, and see what is needed to live a balanced life.

On Tuesday, December 22, body language expert and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher Lavinia Plonka will share her powerful teachings that meld the Feldenkrais Method® and its subtle, sophisticated movements with an inner exploration of these four key archetypes that can awaken and strengthen us… particularly in these unsettling times.

>> Join us for Using the Feldenkrais Method® to Unlock Transformative Archetypes Within You: Mindful Somatic Practices to Connect With the Unrealized Parts of Yourself to Heal, Evolve & Better Navigate Life <<

Using the Feldenkrais Method® to Unlock Transformative Archetypes Within You with Lavinia Plonka

During this highly experiential 60 minutes with Lavinia, you’ll: 

  • Learn about a powerful approach to emotional and physical healing that melds the gentle, mindful movements of the Feldenkrais Method with awareness of archetypal energies within you

  • Discover 4 key archetypes — the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary — where their energies constellate in your body, and how they can help you release painful patterns and embody new, empowering ways of being 

  • Discover how subtle movements and awareness of the body’s somatic  cues  can awaken archetypal powers to release physical and emotional blocks to self-love, wellbeing, and living life fully

  • Experience a breathing exercise focused on contraction and expansion to connect with the Teacher energies within you and liberate your ability to be flexible and responsive

  • Experience a gentle jaw-releasing exercise to connect with your inner Warrior and ability to navigate stressful challenges (you’ll be surprised at how jaw tension connects to movement of the lower back and pelvis)

You’ll learn how moving in new ways can not only alleviate pain, improve range of motion, and build resilience but can liberate parts of your personality so you can become more fully alive and the person you’re meant to be — while also boosting your overall emotional and physical wellbeing.

You’ll also discover how subtle movements can help you “retell” your story, calm your nervous system, come into heightened self-awareness, and expand your repertoire of movement… for a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.

Ultimately, how you move is how you move through life. Lavinia will show you how accessing the somatic wisdom of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer, and Visionary archetypes within can move you to the life you want.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Using the Feldenkrais Method® to Unlock Transformative Archetypes Within You: Mindful Somatic Practices to Connect With the Unrealized Parts of Yourself to Heal, Evolve & Better Navigate Life, you’ll discover how the gentle movements of the Feldenkrais Method can unlock transformative archetypal energies within you… to build resilience, address emotional and physical pain, and liberate your truest Self.

Read more: How the Feldenkrais Method can Diminish Emotional and Physical Pain

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Celebrate Winter Solstice! Release 2020 & Make a Ritual of Prosperity in 2021

Enjoy exclusive musical performances, ritual, and prayer to uplift and re-energize.

It’s time to release, ground, and manifest. 

Since ancient times communities across the world have gathered to honor and celebrate the changing of the seasons.

These celebratory moments played a vital role in revitalizing community spirit and affirming vital health for the coming year.

In the spirit of honoring these ancient traditions, I’m excited to invite you to the Winter Solstice Fest, presented by The Shift Network, happening on December 18, 19, and 20.

This dynamic online festival will present an international lineup of musicians, artists, visionary speakers, Indigenous elders, and more.

>> Reserve your place here free of charge <<

Release 2020 to begin anew in 2021 with the Winter Solstice Fest!

The 3-day event will also include special ceremonies, workshops, and live “link ups” to other Solstice events across the world. Woven throughout the event will be sacred prayers offered by first nation elders and spiritual teachers from many nations.

You’ll hear exclusive performances by favorites such as Trevor Hall, Zap Mama, Rob Garza of Thievery Corporation, Ayla Nereo, Michael Franti, Shpongle, and many more! 

Savor nourishing and enlivening ritual and prayer with elders and ritualists from around the globe, including Sahara Rose, Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook, Jeralyn Glass, Rutendo Ngongo, Druid elder Chris Park, Achintya Devi, and many others. 

In these unprecedented times of division and social change, the Winter Solstice Fest is a welcome invitation to join together as a global community and reconnect with our hearts.

Let’s come together and honor the ancient traditions as we set a powerful collective intention to manifest a new year of peace, health, and unity.

Join us on the longest night of the year (for those in the Northern hemisphere… and the shortest for those in the Southern hemisphere) as we collectively bring back the light. 

>> Reserve your place here free of charge <<

Join Free Online Event to Celebrate Winter Solstice 2020

Here’s what people say about Shift festivals:

This is absolutely the most beautiful soulful event! What a blessing to the world! To us all who are present!
— Dorie Pride

What a wonderful global festival this is. First of its kind to the best of my knowledge. Almost like a 2020 online Woodstock.
— Summer Craig

The Shift Network has assembled a treasure trove of interesting, diverse speakers for this wonderful online summit. I found every interview so positive and interesting that at the end of each interview I was rushing to find out more about each speaker. Every aspect of this summit seemed suffused with joy.
— Andrea Ayers, Los Angeles, California

EPIC event! Thank you Shift Network! You and the team are a blessing! Love. Peace. Blessings. Unity.
— Gwen

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Join Winter Solstice Fest! Release 2020 to Begin anew in 2021

Celebrate the winter solstice with music, ritual, and ceremony for renewal.

It’s time to release, ground, and manifest. 

Since ancient times communities across the world have gathered to honor and celebrate the changing of the seasons.

These celebratory moments played a vital role in revitalizing community spirit and affirming vital health for the coming year.

In the spirit of honoring these ancient traditions, I’m excited to invite you to the Winter Solstice Fest, presented by The Shift Network, happening on December 18, 19, and 20.

This dynamic online festival will present an international lineup of musicians, artists, visionary speakers, Indigenous elders, and more.

>> Reserve your place here free of charge <<

Celebrate the winter solstice with music, ritual, and ceremony for renewal

The 3-day event will also include special ceremonies, workshops, and live “link ups” to other Solstice events across the world. Woven throughout the event will be sacred prayers offered by first nation elders and spiritual teachers from many nations.

You’ll hear exclusive performances by favorites such as Trevor Hall, Zap Mama, Rob Garza of Thievery Corporation, Ayla Nereo, Michael Franti, Shpongle, and many more! 

Savor nourishing and enlivening ritual and prayer with elders and ritualists from around the globe, including Sahara Rose, Loretta Afraid of Bear Cook, Jeralyn Glass, Rutendo Ngongo, Druid elder Chris Park, Achintya Devi, and many others. 

In these unprecedented times of division and social change, the Winter Solstice Fest is a welcome invitation to join together as a global community and reconnect with our hearts.

Let’s come together and honor the ancient traditions as we set a powerful collective intention to manifest a new year of peace, health, and unity.

>> Join us on the longest night of the year (for those in the Northern hemisphere… and the shortest for those in the Southern hemisphere) as we collectively bring back the light. <<

Join us in Music Ritual & Manifesting at online Winter Solstice Fest 2020

Here’s what people say about Shift festivals:

This is absolutely the most beautiful soulful event! What a blessing to the world! To us all who are present!
— Dorie Pride

What a wonderful global festival this is. First of its kind to the best of my knowledge. Almost like a 2020 online Woodstock.
— Summer Craig

The Shift Network has assembled a treasure trove of interesting, diverse speakers for this wonderful online summit. I found every interview so positive and interesting that at the end of each interview I was rushing to find out more about each speaker. Every aspect of this summit seemed suffused with joy.
— Andrea Ayers, Los Angeles, California

EPIC event! Thank you Shift Network! You and the team are a blessing! Love. Peace. Blessings. Unity.
— Gwen

Read more: Join Winter Solstice Fest! Release 2020 to Begin anew in 2021

Discover Powerful Vibrational Energy of Your Voice as Sound Medicine

Experience a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul Experience a guided visualization to shift from feeling separate to a state of oneness.

Your voice is your original presence, your eternal identity.

Accessing the powerful vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine can elevate your emotions and boost your self-confidence…

… which in turn stabilizes your autonomic nervous system, empowering you to release fear, trauma, shame, and narratives that no longer serve you.

It can also relieve us of the bewildering loss of identity we can experience in times of transition… opening a portal to our soul and most authentic self.

On Saturday, December 12, international teacher, voice pioneer, and author Chloë Goodchild will share her conscious, confidence-building vocal practices to help you discover your voice as a natural healing medicine that transforms difficult emotions into spontaneous musical expressions inspired by deeper feelings that open you to the stream of love and gratitude beneath. 

>> Join us to Find Your Soul’s Voice & the Joy of Oneness: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions & Reveal Your Eternal Identity <<

Find Your Soul’s Voice & the Joy of Oneness: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions & Reveal Your Eternal Identity

During this uplifting hour with Chloë, you’ll: 

  • Discover your voice as one of your most untapped resources for awakening and transforming yourself and the world at this unique time in history

  • Discover the vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine that can help you release difficult emotions, such as fear, trauma, and shame

  • Learn how simple vocal sounding practices can open you to a new quality of awareness that connects you to Spirit and your eternal identity as a soul 

  • Experience your voice as sound medicine that can transform feelings of loneliness into a felt sense of the spiritual nurturance of solitude 

  • Hear, receive, and embody your own unique voice in a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul to shift feelings of separateness into a state of Oneness

Spontaneous, nonverbal “sound” enables you to hear yourself with new ears and express your emotions, without analysis or interpretation, or the need to get attached to outworn thinking.

It awakens a new storehouse of energy and resilience from deep within you, inspiring courage, especially during these uncertain times.

And Chloë guides us in using our voices to express, not to impress.

So if you think you “can’t sing,” you’re invited to let go of this culturally imposed illusion to open to your unique, authentic sound.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Recording and Extra Training <<

In Find Your Soul’s Voice & the Joy of Oneness: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions & Reveal Your Eternal Identity, you’ll experience a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul to access the raw power of your true sound — and shift feelings of separateness into a comforting state of Oneness.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions

Experience a guided visualization and sound-healing journey to access your true sound.

Your voice is your original presence, your eternal identity.

Accessing the powerful vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine can elevate your emotions and boost your self-confidence…

… which in turn stabilizes your autonomic nervous system, empowering you to release fear, trauma, shame, and narratives that no longer serve you.

It can also relieve us of the bewildering loss of identity we can experience in times of transition… opening a portal to our soul and most authentic self.

On Saturday, December 12, international teacher, voice pioneer, and author Chloë Goodchild will share her conscious, confidence-building vocal practices to help you discover your voice as a natural healing medicine that transforms difficult emotions into spontaneous musical expressions inspired by deeper feelings that open you to the stream of love and gratitude beneath. 

>> Join us to Find Your Soul’s Voice & the Joy of Oneness: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions & Reveal Your Eternal Identity <<

Find Your Soul’s Voice & the Joy of Oneness: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions & Reveal Your Eternal Identity

During this uplifting hour with Chloë, you’ll: 

  • Discover your voice as one of your most untapped resources for awakening and transforming yourself and the world at this unique time in history

  • Discover the vibrational energy of your voice as sound medicine that can help you release difficult emotions, such as fear, trauma, and shame

  • Learn how simple vocal sounding practices can open you to a new quality of awareness that connects you to Spirit and your eternal identity as a soul 

  • Experience your voice as sound medicine that can transform feelings of loneliness into a felt sense of the spiritual nurturance of solitude 

  • Hear, receive, and embody your own unique voice in a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul to shift feelings of separateness into a state of Oneness

Spontaneous, nonverbal “sound” enables you to hear yourself with new ears and express your emotions, without analysis or interpretation, or the need to get attached to outworn thinking.

It awakens a new storehouse of energy and resilience from deep within you, inspiring courage, especially during these uncertain times.

And Chloë guides us in using our voices to express, not to impress.

So if you think you “can’t sing,” you’re invited to let go of this culturally imposed illusion to open to your unique, authentic sound.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Recording and Extra Training <<

In Find Your Soul’s Voice & the Joy of Oneness: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions & Reveal Your Eternal Identity, you’ll experience a guided visualization and sound-healing journey into the Cave of Your Soul to access the raw power of your true sound — and shift feelings of separateness into a comforting state of Oneness.

Read more: Explore Your Voice’s Vibrational Energy to Transform Difficult Emotions

Tuesday 1 December 2020

Learn How to Attune to Your Intuition & Tap into Healing Energy All Around You

Experience a Quantum Shifting exercise to shift your conscious belief system.

Even in these chaotic times, you have a choice… no matter your circumstances.

Even if your thoughts and feelings have been hijacked by the tumultuous state of the world…

… you can feel better, live as your best self, and bring more of what you desire into your life.

We all have the innate capacity to live at a higher vibration, attuned to our intuition and the healing energy all around us… including our soul’s eternal energy and our natural connections to the guides and helpers in other realms.

On Wednesday, December 2, quantum healer and author Mona Defino will show you how to more easily tap into your intuitive powers and the transformative and healing energies on this plane and in astral realms.

>> Join us here for Tune in to the Energetic Powers of Your Higher Self: Shift Your Conscious Beliefs to Access Your Soul’s Eternal Healing Energies & True Purpose <<

Learn How to Attune to Your Intuition & Tap into Healing Energy All Around You

During these fascinating 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Discover the shamanic perception and how it can open you to divine guidance, a more soul-aligned life, and the power of your intuition

  • Learn the power your heart has to teach you what you’re capable of — and how you take these teachings with you throughout your lifetimes

  • Discover what your soul’s journey means physically, emotionally, and spiritually — and how understanding it can help you live as energy, connect more readily with ethereal allies, and manifest more easily

  • Discover how you can rewire your epigenetics at a cellular level by shifting from the limitation of victimhood to the liberation of soul-aligned thinking

  • Experience a Quantum Shifting exercise that uses the breath to shift your conscious belief system, release a challenging emotion, and touch into the dynamic of cellular memory

Even in times of duress you can begin to reclaim your love of life — the passion your soul knows.

You can more easily release stuck emotions and self-sabotaging thought patterns, and you can embrace and begin to live an expanded version of yourself… as your Higher Self.

This is a choice you can make despite the chaos that surrounds you — or because of it

And when you do, says Mona, you can begin to feel your way through your life. You can more easily access the healing energies available to you… 

Your adrenals can rejuvenate, boosting your immunity and helping you ward off dis-ease. You can also more easily manifest what you desire.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Tune in to the Energetic Powers of Your Higher Self: Shift Your Conscious Beliefs to Access Your Soul’s Eternal Healing Energies & True Purpose, you’ll experience a Quantum Shifting exercise to shift your conscious belief system, release a challenging emotion, and understand the dynamic of cellular memory.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience Quantum Shifting, Intuitive Energy Healing Exercise & Shift Your Conscious Belief System

Discover how to Shift Your Conscious Beliefs to Access Your Soul’s Healing Energies.

Even in these chaotic times, you have a choice… no matter your circumstances.

Even if your thoughts and feelings have been hijacked by the tumultuous state of the world…

… you can feel better, live as your best self, and bring more of what you desire into your life.

We all have the innate capacity to live at a higher vibration, attuned to our intuition and the healing energy all around us… including our soul’s eternal energy and our natural connections to the guides and helpers in other realms.

On Wednesday, December 2, quantum healer and author Mona Defino will show you how to more easily tap into your intuitive powers and the transformative and healing energies on this plane and in astral realms.

>> Join us here for Tune in to the Energetic Powers of Your Higher Self: Shift Your Conscious Beliefs to Access Your Soul’s Eternal Healing Energies & True Purpose <<

Experience Quantum Shifting, Intuitive Energy Healing Exercise & Shift Your Conscious Belief System

During these fascinating 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Discover the shamanic perception and how it can open you to divine guidance, a more soul-aligned life, and the power of your intuition

  • Learn the power your heart has to teach you what you’re capable of — and how you take these teachings with you throughout your lifetimes

  • Discover what your soul’s journey means physically, emotionally, and spiritually — and how understanding it can help you live as energy, connect more readily with ethereal allies, and manifest more easily

  • Discover how you can rewire your epigenetics at a cellular level by shifting from the limitation of victimhood to the liberation of soul-aligned thinking

  • Experience a Quantum Shifting exercise that uses the breath to shift your conscious belief system, release a challenging emotion, and touch into the dynamic of cellular memory

Even in times of duress you can begin to reclaim your love of life — the passion your soul knows.

You can more easily release stuck emotions and self-sabotaging thought patterns, and you can embrace and begin to live an expanded version of yourself… as your Higher Self.

This is a choice you can make despite the chaos that surrounds you — or because of it

And when you do, says Mona, you can begin to feel your way through your life. You can more easily access the healing energies available to you… 

Your adrenals can rejuvenate, boosting your immunity and helping you ward off dis-ease. You can also more easily manifest what you desire.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Tune in to the Energetic Powers of Your Higher Self: Shift Your Conscious Beliefs to Access Your Soul’s Eternal Healing Energies & True Purpose, you’ll experience a Quantum Shifting exercise to shift your conscious belief system, release a challenging emotion, and understand the dynamic of cellular memory.

Read more: Experience Quantum Shifting, Intuitive Energy Healing Exercise & Shift Your Conscious Belief System