Tuesday 24 November 2020

Enneagram 9 Essential Pathways for Personal & Collective Transformation - Effective Leadership Tool

Mend personal & relationship wounds through 9 essential pathways to self-understanding.

In this time of heightened division and conflict, are you struggling to understand those whose ways of being differ from your own? 

Do you find that you’re communicating about those differences with more reactivity than you normally would? 

If we want our lives to be peaceful, joyful, and creative — rooted in love and hope — we need effective ways to face disagreements and misunderstandings… so we can transform on a personal level the divisiveness our world is facing.

Now more than ever, it’s important to grasp that peace does begin at home — in the core of your being.  

Truly knowing yourself and how you operate is pivotal in transforming emotional reactivity into poise and power… and realizing how you can get in your own way and, instead, perpetuate disharmony.

The Enneagram — a complex and beautiful system of nine pathways to self-understanding — opens portals to deep and comprehensive knowledge of your own tendencies… and helps you explore how others work through a lens of compassion, non-judgment, and objectivity. 

Instead of seeing differences as wedges, the Enneagram provides a window into why others think, believe, or behave the way they do…

… and, as such, can help you reduce violence and suffering and create a more loving existence — for yourself and others. 

Now in its seventh year, The Enneagram Global Summit is a testament to the power of the Enneagram. Participants all over the world have shared their experience of enormous and sometimes unprecedented shifts in their lives and relationships, enabling them to make valuable contributions to their communities.

Join Free Online Event
Enneagram Global Summit
December 7-11, 2020

Learn 9 Personality Types at Free Online Event Enneagram Global Summit December 7-11, 2020

More than 50 of the world’s top experts — including Dan Siegel, Russ Hudson, Cynthia Bourgeault, Beatrice Chestnut, Robert Holden, Police Chief Mike Alexander, Nhien Vuong, Sarajane Case, and many others — will be sharing the latest insights and applications to take your Enneagram knowledge even deeper.

>> Join us for The Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you:

  • Join Dr. Dan Siegel to explore the interfaces between temperament, behavior, unconscious patterns, “mindsight,” interpersonal neurobiology, and wholeness

  • Experience a renewed search for the real self and awakened ways of living with Russ Hudson, who will convey the original purpose of the Enneagram and its applicability to life today. 

  • Cynthia Bourgeault will share key ways that the “virtues” in this world are actually energy streams in the higher realm — and tools for wielding this energy consciously.

  • Beatrice Chestnut expounds on what has been for centuries called “the vice-to-virtue conversion” — the passion to embody emotional virtue that constitutes a powerful pathway for enabling growth from a lower state of consciousness to a higher state of self-realization.

  • Experience Robert Holden’s teaching on understanding all 9 paths for spiritual growth, and receive 9 “soul meditations” to help you on your spiritual path.

  • Police Chief Mike Alexander will share how the Enneagram is being used to address the dysfunction within law enforcement agencies… help officers in crisis… and provide tools to repair relationships in and outside of police agencies — restoring the dignity of the profession.

  • Alex Senegal, along with distinguished panelists, will discuss the Enneagram Prison Project (EPP), a seminal project that uses the Enneagram to inspire transformation on both sides of the bars, touching on personal freedom, transformation, and justice.

  • Rev Nhien Vuong will guide you in how to use the Enneagram to welcome in all tribes, end violence, and renew the whole Earth through “The Activist’s Enneagram.” 

  • Sarajane Case will help you use your Enneagram knowledge to hack your productivity, while also recognizing your need to rest and find a balance in your life. 

  • Explore the direct experience of your life force with Jessica Dibb, as she delves into working with the Enneagram AND conscious breathing to liberate your temperament and gifts via all nine energies. 

And much more!

The world’s foremost Enneagram teachers will guide you to apply this profound tool to dramatically improve your relationships and be empowered to make your unique contributions to the world. 

You’ll be in good hands with seasoned summit host Jessica Dibb, the founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher at the Inspiration Consciousness School and Community. Jessica is dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. 


>> Join us to follow your path of growth to the next level and to deepen into a more authentic, creative relationship with yourself, others, and the world <<


We’ve divided this year’s summit into five themes… focusing on one each day. Here’s another small sampling of what awaits you…

  • Day 1: The Brilliance, Compassion, and Dynamic Support of the Enneagram Map: Foundations and Principles 

  • Day 2: Real Inner Work Toward the Real Self and Other With the Enneagram

  • Day 3: The Enneagram as Transformer of Collective Life: Applications in Social Justice and Culture (Part 1)

  • DAY 4: The Enneagram as Transformer of Collective Life: Applications in Social Justice and Culture (Part 2)

  • Day 5:  Creating New Pathways of Evolution: The Enneagram in Conversation with other systems such as NLP, Internal Family Systems, Myers-Briggs, somatic practices, empathic types, and more…

>> Join The Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Uncover the manifold gifts of your Enneagram Personality Type

Embrace a compassionate lens to repair personal, interpersonal & global wounds

In this time of heightened division and conflict, are you struggling to understand those whose ways of being differ from your own? 

Do you find that you’re communicating about those differences with more reactivity than you normally would? 

If we want our lives to be peaceful, joyful, and creative — rooted in love and hope — we need effective ways to face disagreements and misunderstandings… so we can transform on a personal level the divisiveness our world is facing.

Now more than ever, it’s important to grasp that peace does begin at home — in the core of your being.  

Truly knowing yourself and how you operate is pivotal in transforming emotional reactivity into poise and power… and realizing how you can get in your own way and, instead, perpetuate disharmony.

The Enneagram — a complex and beautiful system of nine pathways to self-understanding — opens portals to deep and comprehensive knowledge of your own tendencies… and helps you explore how others work through a lens of compassion, non-judgment, and objectivity. 

Instead of seeing differences as wedges, the Enneagram provides a window into why others think, believe, or behave the way they do…

… and, as such, can help you reduce violence and suffering and create a more loving existence — for yourself and others. 

Now in its seventh year, The Enneagram Global Summit is a testament to the power of the Enneagram. Participants all over the world have shared their experience of enormous and sometimes unprecedented shifts in their lives and relationships, enabling them to make valuable contributions to their communities.

Join Free Online Event
Enneagram Global Summit
December 7-11, 2020

[caption id="attachment_3740" align="aligncenter" width="777"]Uncover the manifold gifts of your Enneagram Personality Type More than 50 of the world’s top experts — including Dan Siegel, Russ Hudson, Cynthia Bourgeault, Beatrice Chestnut, Robert Holden, Police Chief Mike Alexander, Nhien Vuong, Sarajane Case, and many others — will be sharing the latest insights and applications to take your Enneagram knowledge even deeper.[/caption]

>> Join here for The Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<


Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you:

  • Join Dr. Dan Siegel to explore the interfaces between temperament, behavior, unconscious patterns, “mindsight,” interpersonal neurobiology, and wholeness

  • Experience a renewed search for the real self and awakened ways of living with Russ Hudson, who will convey the original purpose of the Enneagram and its applicability to life today. 

  • Cynthia Bourgeault will share key ways that the “virtues” in this world are actually energy streams in the higher realm — and tools for wielding this energy consciously.

  • Beatrice Chestnut expounds on what has been for centuries called “the vice-to-virtue conversion” — the passion to embody emotional virtue that constitutes a powerful pathway for enabling growth from a lower state of consciousness to a higher state of self-realization.

  • Experience Robert Holden’s teaching on understanding all 9 paths for spiritual growth, and receive 9 “soul meditations” to help you on your spiritual path.

  • Police Chief Mike Alexander will share how the Enneagram is being used to address the dysfunction within law enforcement agencies… help officers in crisis… and provide tools to repair relationships in and outside of police agencies — restoring the dignity of the profession.

  • Alex Senegal, along with distinguished panelists, will discuss the Enneagram Prison Project (EPP), a seminal project that uses the Enneagram to inspire transformation on both sides of the bars, touching on personal freedom, transformation, and justice.

  • Rev Nhien Vuong will guide you in how to use the Enneagram to welcome in all tribes, end violence, and renew the whole Earth through “The Activist’s Enneagram.” 

  • Sarajane Case will help you use your Enneagram knowledge to hack your productivity, while also recognizing your need to rest and find a balance in your life. 

  • Explore the direct experience of your life force with Jessica Dibb, as she delves into working with the Enneagram AND conscious breathing to liberate your temperament and gifts via all nine energies. 

And much more!

The world’s foremost Enneagram teachers will guide you to apply this profound tool to dramatically improve your relationships and be empowered to make your unique contributions to the world. 

You’ll be in good hands with seasoned summit host Jessica Dibb, the founder, spiritual director, and principal teacher at the Inspiration Consciousness School and Community. Jessica is dedicated to promoting personal, relational, and planetary wellness. 

Join us to follow your path of growth to the next level and to deepen into a more authentic, creative relationship with yourself, others, and the world. 

>> RSVP here for The Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<


We’ve divided this year’s summit into five themes… focusing on one each day. Here’s another small sampling of what awaits you…

  • Day 1: The Brilliance, Compassion, and Dynamic Support of the Enneagram Map: Foundations and Principles 

  • Day 2: Real Inner Work Toward the Real Self and Other With the Enneagram

  • Day 3: The Enneagram as Transformer of Collective Life: Applications in Social Justice and Culture (Part 1)

  • DAY 4: The Enneagram as Transformer of Collective Life: Applications in Social Justice and Culture (Part 2)

  • Day 5:  Creating New Pathways of Evolution: The Enneagram in Conversation with other systems such as NLP, Internal Family Systems, Myers-Briggs, somatic practices, empathic types, and more…

>> Join here for The Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Uncover the manifold gifts of your Enneagram Personality Type

Monday 23 November 2020

Learn Gentle Spine Exercise that Helps You Sit at the Computer with Greater Ease

Discover gentle kinetic practices to reverse stressors, expand mobility & build strength.

Did you know that the effects of years of stress on the body — or compromising conditions, such as arthritis, and even aging — can be lessened?

According to pioneering movement teacher and trainer Judith Aston, the body can be de-compromised and revitalized.

For over 50 years she’s helped Olympic athletes, professional dancers, corporate moguls, the elderly — just about every age group and body type — triumph over physical challenges, including her own injuries from car and skiing accidents.

Judith’s holistic approach, which includes gentle loosening, toning, and stretching, uses the senses to listen to the body, tune in to how it’s being used, and create new ways of moving that allow for optimal mobility and wellbeing.

On Tuesday, November 24, Judith will show you how to replace “auto-pilot” movements that may be causing undue harm with movements that feel good and can give you more strength, an expanded range of motion, and a feeling of lightness and ease.

>> Join us here for Feel-Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body: Gentle Kinetic Practices to Reverse Stressors, Reclaim Mobility, and Build Strength & Tone <<

Feel Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body with Judith Aston

During this physically liberating hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how the way you move and don’t move shapes your body and wellbeing

  • Learn ways to neutralize physical stressors and help lessen the impact from injuries 

  • Discover how to access a new place of strength and resilience through release of unnecessary tension in your body

  • Discover ways to reclaim your range of motion, freedom, and ease

  • Make your daily movements at work and home more helpful than harmful by learning how to work with gravity instead of against it 

  • Experience an exercise to feel how your day-to-day movements can promote strengthening and lengthening for better self-care 

  • Be guided in a gentle arcing exercise for your spine to find your New Neutral for Now, so you can more easily bend and sit at the computer. (You’ll be amazed by the positive difference you feel after this simple lengthening exercise!

Approaching movement in this way can also help reorganize your connective tissues, called fascia, that permeate your entire body. And when you work with one area, you have a positive effect on your entire body, which is inherently a system of seamless networks of tissues rather than a collection of separate parts.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover simple movements designed to help you make immediate, empowering shifts in the way you move in your daily life — for a stronger, more flexible, more toned, and happier you!

>> RSVP free here for Live Event (get recording + extra training) <<

In Feel-Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body: Gentle Kinetic Practices to Reverse Stressors, Reclaim Mobility, and Build Strength & Tone, you’ll be guided in a gentle spine exercise to find your New Neutral for Now — so you can more easily bend and sit at the computer with greater strength, mobility, and ease. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover how Your Emotions Shape how you hold & use Your Body

Experience a gentle spine exercise that helps you sit at the computer with greater ease.

Did you know that the effects of years of stress on the body — or compromising conditions, such as arthritis, and even aging — can be lessened?

According to pioneering movement teacher and trainer Judith Aston, the body can be de-compromised and revitalized.

For over 50 years she’s helped Olympic athletes, professional dancers, corporate moguls, the elderly — just about every age group and body type — triumph over physical challenges, including her own injuries from car and skiing accidents.

Judith’s holistic approach, which includes gentle loosening, toning, and stretching, uses the senses to listen to the body, tune in to how it’s being used, and create new ways of moving that allow for optimal mobility and wellbeing.

On Tuesday, November 24, Judith will show you how to replace “auto-pilot” movements that may be causing undue harm with movements that feel good and can give you more strength, an expanded range of motion, and a feeling of lightness and ease.

>> Join us here for Feel-Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body: Gentle Kinetic Practices to Reverse Stressors, Reclaim Mobility, and Build Strength & Tone <<

Feel Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body with Judith Aston

During this physically liberating hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how the way you move and don’t move shapes your body and wellbeing

  • Learn ways to neutralize physical stressors and help lessen the impact from injuries 

  • Discover how to access a new place of strength and resilience through release of unnecessary tension in your body

  • Discover ways to reclaim your range of motion, freedom, and ease

  • Make your daily movements at work and home more helpful than harmful by learning how to work with gravity instead of against it 

  • Experience an exercise to feel how your day-to-day movements can promote strengthening and lengthening for better self-care 

  • Be guided in a gentle arcing exercise for your spine to find your New Neutral for Now, so you can more easily bend and sit at the computer. (You’ll be amazed by the positive difference you feel after this simple lengthening exercise!

Approaching movement in this way can also help reorganize your connective tissues, called fascia, that permeate your entire body. And when you work with one area, you have a positive effect on your entire body, which is inherently a system of seamless networks of tissues rather than a collection of separate parts.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover simple movements designed to help you make immediate, empowering shifts in the way you move in your daily life — for a stronger, more flexible, more toned, and happier you!

>> RSVP free here for Live Event (get recording + extra training) <<

In Feel-Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body: Gentle Kinetic Practices to Reverse Stressors, Reclaim Mobility, and Build Strength & Tone, you’ll be guided in a gentle spine exercise to find your New Neutral for Now — so you can more easily bend and sit at the computer with greater strength, mobility, and ease. 

Read more: Discover how Your Emotions Shape how you hold & use Your Body

Saturday 21 November 2020

Discover Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy

Learn why your life is meant to be a continuous ritual of love and gratitude.

Do you find yourself in search of greater clarity, meaning, and purpose in these unfamiliar days?

The good news is that these strange times can also inspire us to finally step into our life’s mission.

In times of crisis, you can grow, evolve, and be reborn — as you realize who you truly are, and transcend what you may perceive as limitations.

According to Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, at our core we’re all seeds, planted by none other than the Cosmos — and these times are our invitation to finally go through our powerful sprouting process…

On Saturday, November 21, Puma will share the Andean story of the hummingbird and the condor  — and explain how it illustrates the ways we’re all being called to become part of a new consciousness and new humanity…

… in Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy: Glimpse Your Place in the Cosmos in an Empowering “Legend of the Hummingbird” Meditation.

>> You can register here for Live event (get recording + extra training after) <<

Rituals from Andean Shamanism to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover: 

  • Puma’s powerful and illuminating prayer blessing for these days of uncertainty

  • How ancient Andrean rituals can help you transform heavy energy into light energy, no matter what else is happening in the world

  • How to integrate high-frequency sami energy into your life

  • How your spiritual journey unfolds in sacred time and sacred space, as you’re in constant co-creation with your cosmic family — your timeless ancestral lineage

  • An empowering hummingbird meditation — inspired by the legend of the condor and the hummingbird that Puma will be sharing

As Puma will explain, transformation is unfolding even now, because you’re always in the middle of a sacred ceremony. In fact, your life is meant to be a continuous ritual of love and gratitude. 

It’s time to learn to master the art of transformation and liberation, and the transmission of energy…

During this powerful hour, Puma will share how Andean rituals that once facilitated this process for our ancestors can become part of your life too.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy: Glimpse Your Place in the Cosmos in an Empowering “Legend of the Hummingbird” Meditation, you’ll discover how timeless Andean rituals can reveal your place among the family of the Cosmos — and the transformation we’ve been called to as we witness the powerful shifts on our planet.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover how Timeless Andean Rituals can Reveal Your Place in the Cosmos

Experience an empowering ‘Legend of the Hummingbird’ meditation.

Do you find yourself in search of greater clarity, meaning, and purpose in these unfamiliar days?

The good news is that these strange times can also inspire us to finally step into our life’s mission.

In times of crisis, you can grow, evolve, and be reborn — as you realize who you truly are, and transcend what you may perceive as limitations.

According to Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, at our core we’re all seeds, planted by none other than the Cosmos — and these times are our invitation to finally go through our powerful sprouting process…

On Saturday, November 21, Puma will share the Andean story of the hummingbird and the condor  — and explain how it illustrates the ways we’re all being called to become part of a new consciousness and new humanity…

… in Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy: Glimpse Your Place in the Cosmos in an Empowering “Legend of the Hummingbird” Meditation.

>> You can register here for Live event (get recording + extra training after) <<

Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover: 

  • Puma’s powerful and illuminating prayer blessing for these days of uncertainty

  • How ancient Andrean rituals can help you transform heavy energy into light energy, no matter what else is happening in the world

  • How to integrate high-frequency sami energy into your life

  • How your spiritual journey unfolds in sacred time and sacred space, as you’re in constant co-creation with your cosmic family — your timeless ancestral lineage

  • An empowering hummingbird meditation — inspired by the legend of the condor and the hummingbird that Puma will be sharing

As Puma will explain, transformation is unfolding even now, because you’re always in the middle of a sacred ceremony. In fact, your life is meant to be a continuous ritual of love and gratitude. 

It’s time to learn to master the art of transformation and liberation, and the transmission of energy…

During this powerful hour, Puma will share how Andean rituals that once facilitated this process for our ancestors can become part of your life too.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Andean Shamanic Rituals to Transform Darkness Into Light Energy: Glimpse Your Place in the Cosmos in an Empowering “Legend of the Hummingbird” Meditation, you’ll discover how timeless Andean rituals can reveal your place among the family of the Cosmos — and the transformation we’ve been called to as we witness the powerful shifts on our planet.

Read more: Discover how Timeless Andean Rituals can Reveal Your Place in the Cosmos

Saturday 14 November 2020

Today: Brain Training vs Brain Games - The Difference - The New Psychology of Winning

The Difference Between Brain Games and Brain Training
There are differences between brain games and brain training. It’s very much like doing a couple of sit ups compared to going to the gym and following the regimen specified by your trainer. This doesn’t mean that brain games don’t have their u...

Read more: Today: Brain Training vs Brain Games - The Difference - The New Psychology of Winning

Friday 13 November 2020

Experience a Seated Breathwork Exercise to Help you Find a Peaceful, Safe Place Within

Discover how BioDynamic Breathwork can help you feel happy & hopeful again

Pain and loss are an inescapable fact of life… for all of us.

And the trauma created by this pandemic will reverberate for years to come.

Yet, in spite of personal hardships and our collective uncertainty, you CAN learn how to release the pent-up effects of trauma to lead a more fulfilling life…

BioDynamic Breathwork is designed to open up your heart so you can feel happy and hopeful again. 

On Wednesday, November 18, Giten Tonkov, the founder of the BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System, will help you begin to heal and release core tensions by working through and clearing repressed negative energy stuck within your body.

>> Join us here for Clearing Trauma Through BioDynamic Breathwork: Practices to Open Your Heart, Release Fear & Find Emotional Peace <<

Clearing Trauma Through BioDynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The physical sensation produced by the body when your trauma is released

  • How trauma turns to tension and how it’s stored in the body, accumulating over the years

  • The 7 “Belts” that exist throughout the body — and how tension is distributed in particular patterns

  • The 6 elements of BioDynamic Breathwork and how this modality works differently than ordinary breathwork

  • How the heart, in particular, is taxed during these difficult times

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to experience firsthand how suffering can be released through breath and movement.

More than anything, this practice can help you summon the strength, faith, and courage to live your life happily, openly, and freely.

>> RSVP free here for Live event and/or get recording later <<

In Clearing Trauma Through BioDynamic Breathwork: Practices to Open Your Heart, Release Fear & Find Emotional Peace, you’ll travel into your body, unlocking the armor and releasing the rings constricting your heart, freeing the negative emotions, healing the physical ailments, and soothing the wounded ego. 

This safe space will remain a place you can go to whenever you need to open your heart to let your positivity flow freely.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover how to Clear Trauma through BioDynamic Breathwork

Experience a Seated Breathwork Exercise to Help you Find a Peaceful, Safe Place Within

Pain and loss are an inescapable fact of life… for all of us.

And the trauma created by this pandemic will reverberate for years to come.

Yet, in spite of personal hardships and our collective uncertainty, you CAN learn how to release the pent-up effects of trauma to lead a more fulfilling life…

BioDynamic Breathwork is designed to open up your heart so you can feel happy and hopeful again. 

On Wednesday, November 18, Giten Tonkov, the founder of the BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release System, will help you begin to heal and release core tensions by working through and clearing repressed negative energy stuck within your body.

>> Join us here for Clearing Trauma Through BioDynamic Breathwork: Practices to Open Your Heart, Release Fear & Find Emotional Peace <<

Clearing Trauma Through BioDynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The physical sensation produced by the body when your trauma is released

  • How trauma turns to tension and how it’s stored in the body, accumulating over the years

  • The 7 “Belts” that exist throughout the body — and how tension is distributed in particular patterns

  • The 6 elements of BioDynamic Breathwork and how this modality works differently than ordinary breathwork

  • How the heart, in particular, is taxed during these difficult times

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to experience firsthand how suffering can be released through breath and movement.

More than anything, this practice can help you summon the strength, faith, and courage to live your life happily, openly, and freely.

>> RSVP free here for Live event and/or get recording later <<

In Clearing Trauma Through BioDynamic Breathwork: Practices to Open Your Heart, Release Fear & Find Emotional Peace, you’ll travel into your body, unlocking the armor and releasing the rings constricting your heart, freeing the negative emotions, healing the physical ailments, and soothing the wounded ego. 

This safe space will remain a place you can go to whenever you need to open your heart to let your positivity flow freely.

Read more: Discover how to Clear Trauma through BioDynamic Breathwork

Saturday 7 November 2020

Deepen your inner strength with Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women

Find Inner Strength & Cultivate Resilience With Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women with Daisy Lee

Under normal circumstances, life is difficult enough, but right now, women are taking on responsibilities and experiencing hardships like never before.

What can you do when you’re overwhelmed, unable to rise above the inevitable chaos of this new normal? 

A good first step is taking a deep breath and joining renowned Qigong teacher Daisy Lee on November 14 for Find Inner Strength & Cultivate Resilience With Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women: Experience the Nourishing Kuan Yin Practice & Tibetan Sound Healing for Self-Love & Peace Within.

>> Register for Live event, get recording later & extended training from Daisy Lee <<

Find Inner Strength & Cultivate Resilience With Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women with Daisy Lee

In this 60-minute free online event, Daisy will lead you in two special practices of Radiant Lotus Qigong, Daisy’s signature program that draws on the wisdom of China, Tibet, and the West to empower women in their emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

You’ll experience graceful, meditative movements synchronized with deep, gentle breathing, as well as Tibetan sound healing that supports the body’s return to a harmonious, healthy balance.

You’ll also discover:

  • Why Radiant Lotus Qigong is so powerful for women

  • How fear and vulnerabilities hide in the fabric of the body causing physical and psychological harm

  • The Tibetan healing sound that supports hormone health and circulation

  • How the Kuan Yin movement leaves you feeling stronger, and more stable and present

  • When you’re mindful of how your actions affect others, it positively changes your relationship with yourself, nature, and the planet

  • How to go beyond thoughts of right or wrong and create a safe space for you to observe yourself without judgment

Radiant Lotus Qigong will deepen your inner strength, which may have waned through the trials of 2020.

This healing, rejuvenating Qigong system can help you release physical and emotional stagnation throughout your body — in your joints, organs, and tissues — increasing strength and vitality, and bringing peace and calm to the deepest part of your being.

In the days ahead, you’ll be able to practice these movements at any time, allowing them to soothe and recharge you.

>> Join here to watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Find Inner Strength & Cultivate Resilience With Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women: Experience the Nourishing Kuan Yin Practice & Tibetan Sound Healing for Self-Love & Peace Within, you’ll come home to yourself during this challenging time and relieve tension and stress with a Qigong practice using movement and breath to balance your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover the Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women & Tibetan Sound Healing

Find Inner Strength & Cultivate Resilience With Radiant Lotus with Daisy Lee

Under normal circumstances, life is difficult enough, but right now, women are taking on responsibilities and experiencing hardships like never before.

What can you do when you’re overwhelmed, unable to rise above the inevitable chaos of this new normal? 

A good first step is taking a deep breath and joining renowned Qigong teacher Daisy Lee on November 14 for Find Inner Strength & Cultivate Resilience With Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women: Experience the Nourishing Kuan Yin Practice & Tibetan Sound Healing for Self-Love & Peace Within.

>> Register for Live event, get recording later & extended training from Daisy Lee <<

Find Inner Strength & Cultivate Resilience With Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women with Daisy Lee

In this 60-minute free online event, Daisy will lead you in two special practices of Radiant Lotus Qigong, Daisy’s signature program that draws on the wisdom of China, Tibet, and the West to empower women in their emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

You’ll experience graceful, meditative movements synchronized with deep, gentle breathing, as well as Tibetan sound healing that supports the body’s return to a harmonious, healthy balance.

You’ll also discover:

  • Why Radiant Lotus Qigong is so powerful for women

  • How fear and vulnerabilities hide in the fabric of the body causing physical and psychological harm

  • The Tibetan healing sound that supports hormone health and circulation

  • How the Kuan Yin movement leaves you feeling stronger, and more stable and present

  • When you’re mindful of how your actions affect others, it positively changes your relationship with yourself, nature, and the planet

  • How to go beyond thoughts of right or wrong and create a safe space for you to observe yourself without judgment

Radiant Lotus Qigong will deepen your inner strength, which may have waned through the trials of 2020.

This healing, rejuvenating Qigong system can help you release physical and emotional stagnation throughout your body — in your joints, organs, and tissues — increasing strength and vitality, and bringing peace and calm to the deepest part of your being.

In the days ahead, you’ll be able to practice these movements at any time, allowing them to soothe and recharge you.

>> Join here to watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Find Inner Strength & Cultivate Resilience With Radiant Lotus Qigong for Women: Experience the Nourishing Kuan Yin Practice & Tibetan Sound Healing for Self-Love & Peace Within, you’ll come home to yourself during this challenging time and relieve tension and stress with a Qigong practice using movement and breath to balance your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Read more: Discover the Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women & Tibetan Sound Healing

Friday 6 November 2020

Experience the power of smudging to cleanse your energetic & physical space

Discover practices to purify your physical space, raise your vibration & dispel negativity.

Our ancestors created practices and rituals for times like these…

… to keep us grounded and help us heal on a purely energetic level — before dis-ease and turbulence can manifest physically, within us and around us.

And with the uncertainty we’re all facing, there’s no better time than now to access these powerful practices. As you preserve these ancient rituals, you keep a very sacred part of yourself alive…

Since ancient times, our ancestors have burned sacred herbs, using the smoke to dispel negativity, raise vibrations, and assist with deep spiritual work — the process we know today as smudging.

On Saturday, November 7, renowned clinical herbalist, medicine maker, and educator Adriana Ayales will guide you through a smoke cleansing ritual to clear the bacteria in the air around you… and purify your space energetically.

>> Join us here for Indigenous Plant Medicine Rituals for Purification & Protection: Experience the Power of Smudging & Limpias to Cleanse Your Energetic & Physical Space <<

Discover Indigenous Plant Medicine Rituals for Purification & Protection with Adriana Ayales

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The power of Indigenous plant rituals for protection, immunity, and purification — and how they’ve been used to clear energy, nourish the mind and body, and boost the spirit for thousands of years  

  • How even just the aromatic power of plants can relieve stress by slowing brain wave frequency

  • How purifying herbs from the shaman’s toolkit are used to perform limpias and cleansing rituals 

  • How to create your own smudging bundles using  flowers and herbs you have nearby —  as you’ll see, rosemary, sage, and thyme are examples of common plants with powerful energetic and physical benefits  

  • An opening meditation and guided visualization to cleanse your energetic field – and why it’s essential to go into a meditative state before your smudging practice

  • The origins of disease and healing according to Curanderismo, a diverse healing system of Latin America

Adriana will share how you can be part of preserving Indigenous botanical medicine — many elements of which are on the verge of extinction.

You’ll remember that you have the power to heal yourself from our modern-day ailments… and know how to detox every day, instead of just once a year.

More than anything, you’ll discover how to reconnect with the natural intelligence of plants to help you become fully grounded… and achieve greater physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

>> RSVP free here to watch live or get recording <<

In Indigenous Plant Medicine Rituals for Purification & Protection: Experience the Power of Smudging & Limpias to Cleanse Your Energetic & Physical Space, you’ll purify your physical space, raise your vibration, dispel negativity, and reconnect to your spirit with Adriana’s ancient cleansing ritual, guided visualization, and meditation practice.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Reconnect with the Intelligence of Plants for Physical, Mental & Spiritual Wellbeing

Discover practices to purify your physical space, raise your vibration & dispel negativity.

Our ancestors created practices and rituals for times like these…

… to keep us grounded and help us heal on a purely energetic level — before dis-ease and turbulence can manifest physically, within us and around us.

And with the uncertainty we’re all facing, there’s no better time than now to access these powerful practices. As you preserve these ancient rituals, you keep a very sacred part of yourself alive…

Since ancient times, our ancestors have burned sacred herbs, using the smoke to dispel negativity, raise vibrations, and assist with deep spiritual work — the process we know today as smudging.

On Saturday, November 7, renowned clinical herbalist, medicine maker, and educator Adriana Ayales will guide you through a smoke cleansing ritual to clear the bacteria in the air around you… and purify your space energetically.

>> Join us here for Indigenous Plant Medicine Rituals for Purification & Protection: Experience the Power of Smudging & Limpias to Cleanse Your Energetic & Physical Space <<

Discover Indigenous Plant Medicine Rituals for Purification & Protection with Adriana Ayales

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The power of Indigenous plant rituals for protection, immunity, and purification — and how they’ve been used to clear energy, nourish the mind and body, and boost the spirit for thousands of years  

  • How even just the aromatic power of plants can relieve stress by slowing brain wave frequency

  • How purifying herbs from the shaman’s toolkit are used to perform limpias and cleansing rituals 

  • How to create your own smudging bundles using  flowers and herbs you have nearby —  as you’ll see, rosemary, sage, and thyme are examples of common plants with powerful energetic and physical benefits  

  • An opening meditation and guided visualization to cleanse your energetic field – and why it’s essential to go into a meditative state before your smudging practice

  • The origins of disease and healing according to Curanderismo, a diverse healing system of Latin America

Adriana will share how you can be part of preserving Indigenous botanical medicine — many elements of which are on the verge of extinction.

You’ll remember that you have the power to heal yourself from our modern-day ailments… and know how to detox every day, instead of just once a year.

More than anything, you’ll discover how to reconnect with the natural intelligence of plants to help you become fully grounded… and achieve greater physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

>> RSVP free here to watch live or get recording <<

In Indigenous Plant Medicine Rituals for Purification & Protection: Experience the Power of Smudging & Limpias to Cleanse Your Energetic & Physical Space, you’ll purify your physical space, raise your vibration, dispel negativity, and reconnect to your spirit with Adriana’s ancient cleansing ritual, guided visualization, and meditation practice.

Read more: Reconnect with the Intelligence of Plants for Physical, Mental & Spiritual Wellbeing

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Energy Medicine & Healing Summit Nov. 16-20 Activate & Restore Your Body’s Natural Healing Energies

Discover Meaningful practices to address your physical, mental & emotional needs.

You are an electrical being. Your entire nervous system — an electromagnetic web interweaving every major organ — is interlaced with every other system of your marvelous body. 

Did you know that you can cultivate and groom this diffuse, exquisite web of energy using therapeutic practices… starting right now?

Energy medicine is based on the understanding that any physical, mental, or behavioral problem has a counterpart in the body’s energies, and can be treated at that level. It provides a holistic approach to healing — by addressing not only your body, mind, and spirit… but by working also with your emotions, past trauma, and even your relationships.

You have a keen ability to tap into this potent inner resource at any time — to treat ailments and illnesses, increase vitality, balance emotions, and prevent disease.

For thousands of years, practitioners around the world have activated the body’s natural healing processes — through balancing Qi, healing touch, Ayurvedic medicine, shamanic practices, hands-on healing (such as Reiki and Chinese reflexology), and many other techniques.

In fact, Western medicine and energy medicine can pair beautifully to support and revitalize your WHOLE being.

From reducing anxiety and stress through chakra balancing to enhancing cancer therapies with the wisdom of Qigong, patients everywhere are taking an active role in their own healing processes.

And new science-based research is now showing that different forms of energy medicine promote healing. During The Energy Medicine & Healing Summit, you’ll discover exactly how to take your health into your own hands (literally!) with some of today’s top energy medicine experts, health practitioners, and healers… who will guide you to transform your overall wellbeing from the inside out. 

Free Online Event
Energy Medicine & Healing Summit
November 16-20, 2020

Energy Medicine & Healing Summit November 16-20

I’m thrilled to invite you to join 35 of today’s highly sought-after teachers, doctors and healers — including Dr. Sue Morter, Rollin McCraty, Dr. Marie Mbouni, Robert Peng, Lisseth Makhael, Dr. Judith Orloff, Donna Eden, Jean Haner, and others — bringing to light the curative and evolutionary powers of a wide range of proven energy practices!

Here’s just a small sampling of what we’ll be sharing with you….

  • Dr. Sue Morter will masterfully demonstrate the two energy systems that run the body — and teach you to move them into alignment with simple techniques.

  • Rollin McCraty will share new research revealing that we are far more interconnected with each other and the earth’s field than previously imagined… and that how we “feed the field” in each moment has real impact.

  • Dr. Marie Mbouni will share a new energetic and breathing technique that can help you shift your mental and emotional state in minutes to break out of negative thoughts and into deep flow, creativity, and confidence.

  • Dr. Judith Orloff will explain how intuitive medicine woven with spirituality can help you transform negative emotions — such as depression, anger, worry, and fear — into compassion, courage, and hope.

  • Discover from Donna Eden how the vagus nerve is involved in many health conditions… including a compromised immune system, inflammation, anxiety, and even overeating. 

  • Jean Haner will offer tips and practices from the spiritual side of Chinese medicine to maintain your unique energy in a healthy flow in all aspects of your life!

  • Lynne McTaggart will share insights into her groundbreaking research in global consciousness, and how to create transformational groups to effect change in themselves, each other, and the world. 

Plus, you’re in good hands with your summit hosts: Dondi Dahlin — author of The Five Elements and co-author of The Little Book of Energy Medicine with her mother, Donna Eden — and Kris Ferraro, energy coach, speaker, author, and creator of Spiritual Freedom techniques. 

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. During this special event, you’ll discover:

  • The effect that energy medicine practices can have on gene expression and your health

  • FaThe effect that energy medicine practices can have on gene expression and your health

  • Fast and effective practices to process emotions

  • New tools to create healthy energy flow and daily detoxification in the brain

  • Methods for training your hands to sense the subtle energy field

  • How to “raise your voltage” to open up a whole new world of possibility for improving health, solving problems, and accessing your full potential

  • An introduction to Logosynthesis®, a new simple and effective healing practice for resolving “frozen” energy in your system

  • How to bolster your health baseline and release energy blockages related to stress, sickness, and trauma

  • Three specific types of light you can access to create health, prosperity, and love

  • Ways you can use energy to deepen relationships

  • Remarkable research on the nature of healing intention, and how it can be captured, stored, and reproduced 

  • How your life lessons are reflected through vibrational energy, which shows up through color

  • Methods supporting the health of organs that are particularly vulnerable to stress

  • How to set much-needed boundaries as you delve into the realm of energy exchange with others 

And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Energy Medicine Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Energy Medicine & Healing Summit Nov. 16-20 Activate & Restore Your Body’s Natural Healing Energies

Monday 2 November 2020

Find Hope, Courage & Joy in the Truth-Telling Teachings of Julian of Norwich

Discover how the transformational power of loss can open the gate of your heart.

Seven hundred years ago, a woman named Julian of Norwich lived through circumstances closely resembling what we’re experiencing today…

… a raging, never-ending war, tumultuous social unrest, and, on top of it all, a plague.

During the Black Death, the deadliest pandemic in human history, one in three people died across the globe. Julian endured terrible loss, and it is likely that both her husband and at least one child succumbed to the disease.

Why should we care about Julian in 2020? Because, despite all the sadness and grief she experienced, she was radically optimistic.

Her insights are as relevant today as they were then. And what she discovered can help you live through these difficult times with hope, courage, and a resilient heart.

On Thursday, November 5, mystic scholar Mirabai Starr and spiritual pioneer Matthew Fox will guide you through Julian’s revelations and how they can help you cope today with the illness, greed, corruption, apathy, and racism that permeate our world.

>> Join here to Cultivate a Resilient Heart in Times of Suffering: Finding Hope, Courage & Joy in the Truth-Telling Teachings of Julian of Norwich <<

Cultivate a Resilient Heart in Times of Suffering - Finding Hope, Courage & Joy in the Truth-Telling Teachings of Julian of Norwich

In this special 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • What it means to be “oned” to God and connected to divine love

  •  Julian’s deductive rationale on why God is feminine and is not an avenging, wrathful God

  • The reason a thanksgiving prayer transforms our gratitude into compassionate action

  • How suffering can be a path to finding joy

  • Why the first duty of the soul is to “reverently marvel” and to grow from that awareness to actions of compassion and justice making

Julian learned that it all came down to love. Not the fleeting kind experienced by human beings, but by the divine kind, a supreme power that encompasses everything.

She also maintained that suffering is not punitive, and that while suffering is only “for a time,” joy endures.

You’ll come away knowing that despite our past and present sufferings in a turbulent, violent world in which many are struggling and losing hope, Julian’s wisdom resonates across the ages, as reassuring and as imperative today as it was in 1373: All shall be well.

>> Join us here to Watch Live or Get Recording <<

In Cultivate a Resilient Heart in Times of Suffering: Finding Hope, Courage & Joy in the Truth-Telling Teachings of Julian of Norwich, you’ll delve into the life of Julian of Norwich, a survivor of the “Black Death,” and see how the transformational power of loss and a deep love of nature can open the gates of our hearts and lead us to liberation and redemption.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.