Tuesday 29 September 2020

Enter the Magical Realms of Dreams, Imagination & Intuition for Healing Wisdom

Join us for Free Online Event The Dreamwork Summit October 13-16

Beholding our world in a state of upheaval, it may seem like we’re descending into a collective nightmare.  

With worsening environmental disasters, continued health and economic uncertainty rippling across the globe… and mounting social unrest and political turmoil… many are disoriented and mourning the loss of normalcy.

In the realm of dreamwork, nightmares serve as important messengers, prompting the sleeper to awaken — not only from the dream, but spiritually and personally as well. Learning to unlock the deeper meaning of your dreams, especially the frightening ones, can illuminate a pathway through the confusion into clarity, peace, and renewed vision.

As a collective, we can choose to view these challenging times as an invitation to dive deep… to uncover and work with our shadow side and the things we need to wake up from. Exploring your dreams can help you unveil inner wisdom that’s been clouded by the stressors of your waking life. And it can help you access your intuition — a source of clarity, guidance, transformation, and the key to manifesting what you need to navigate these difficult times.

Dreamwork can help you imagine and live a new story for your life. It can help you transmute fear into self-compassion, courage, and better understanding of yourself and others.

The Dreamwork Summit is here to help you develop a healing relationship with your dreams. When you befriend your subconscious mind, it can provide you with clues for your next steps… and unique insight into the state of our world.

You’ll discover ways to hone your discernment — while sifting through excess “psychic noise” — and sharpen your intuition.

During this 4-day free online event, you’ll discover a variety of dreamwork methods that can help you reframe and work through painful experiences, ease stress, and provide new perspectives on your challenges — and even break through lifelong blocks to start living the life your soul intended for you.

Free Online Event
The Dreamwork Summit

October 13-16, 2020

Enter the magical realms of dreams, imagination & intuition for healing wisdom, creative fire & soul-led purpose

This event, presented by The Shift Network, will feature more than 20 of today’s leading master dream teachers, psychology professionals, and celebrated authors — including Sandra Ingerman, Robert Moss, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Paul Levy, Dr. Clare Johnson, Adriana Ayales, Sharon Blackie, and Sergio Magaña…

… each of whom will be offering effective practices, tools, and techniques for tapping into the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration within your nighttime dreams. 

During this groundbreaking 4-day event, you’ll discover:

  • The latent power of daydreams, visions, and synchronicities as sources of spiritual development

  • The richness of active imagination and hypnotic dreamwork when facing crucial life transitions and transformations

  • How Gestalt psychology, dream psychodrama, and improvisational dream theater can intersect to help dreamers find insight, health, healing, and wholeness

  • Ways to craft a shrine in a loved one’s memory as a way to process, honor, and continue the relationship

  • Four lucid states and how we can tap into them for deep healing

  • How your dreaming mind wants you to heal and will do everything in its power to guide you to transformative solutions

  • Qualities of visitation dreams, and how shrines can be used as a portal to meaningfully connect with deceased loved ones

  • How images of gems, jewelry, and other talismans can bring gifts to a dreamer who values them

  • A poetic dream synthesis technique

  • The “levels of dreaming” from Toltec and Aztec wisdom

  • And much more!

Dreamwork is an invitation to gently uncover your psyche’s rich repository of symbols, colors, sensations, and images… discovering limitless resources for alchemizing life’s “nightmares” into gold, and uncovering who you really are — and can become — beneath your waking mind.

Dreamwork can help you cultivate courage and enrich and enliven your everyday life in amazing and surprising ways…

Exploring your dreams opens the door to a new connection with yourself, and your powerful capability for inner knowing. It’s the work you need to do to bring your soul’s wisdom into the light of day.

>> RSVP here for The Dreamwork Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • With Sandra Ingerman, you’ll learn to decode prophetic dreams and understand how you can ask for guidance in a dream by working in “The Land of Dreams.”

  • Learn the 9 keys to understanding your dreams, taking action to apply their guidance and embody their healing creative energy, with Robert Moss.

  • Sharpen your ability to discern true vision from false messages with Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, who’ll share ways to live your dream messages and fulfill the visions you receive.

  • Sharon Blackie will introduce the practice of “dream-weaving,” her unique active imagination process — and the ways it can help you connect with the spirit of a specific place.

  • With rainforest herbalist Adriana Ayales, you’ll experience a deep immersion into the powers of the pineal gland… and discover which teas, elixirs, and smudging plants to use before sleep.

  • Dr. Enjolie Lafaurie & Cihuapactli Collective will discuss dreams from a Latinx and Indigenous perspective, focusing on the cultural interpretations and implications of visitation dreams.

  • Andrew Holecek will offer wisdom about liminal dreaming, lucid dreaming, dream yoga, sleep yoga, and bardo yoga… which together create a unique form of “night school” — offering huge transformative potential.

  • Join world-renowned healer Sergio Magaña as he describes the transition to a new time according to Toltec and Aztec wisdom, and explains why this is THE time to learn to create your life through dreams.

>> RSVP here for The Dreamwork Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience Lucid Dreaming to Harness Essential Wisdom of Intuitive, Visionary Imagination

Enter the magical realms of dreams, imagination & intuition for healing wisdom, creative fire & soul-led purpose.

Beholding our world in a state of upheaval, it may seem like we’re descending into a collective nightmare.  

With worsening environmental disasters, continued health and economic uncertainty rippling across the globe… and mounting social unrest and political turmoil… many are disoriented and mourning the loss of normalcy.

In the realm of dreamwork, nightmares serve as important messengers, prompting the sleeper to awaken — not only from the dream, but spiritually and personally as well. Learning to unlock the deeper meaning of your dreams, especially the frightening ones, can illuminate a pathway through the confusion into clarity, peace, and renewed vision.

As a collective, we can choose to view these challenging times as an invitation to dive deep… to uncover and work with our shadow side and the things we need to wake up from. Exploring your dreams can help you unveil inner wisdom that’s been clouded by the stressors of your waking life. And it can help you access your intuition — a source of clarity, guidance, transformation, and the key to manifesting what you need to navigate these difficult times.

Dreamwork can help you imagine and live a new story for your life. It can help you transmute fear into self-compassion, courage, and better understanding of yourself and others.

The Dreamwork Summit is here to help you develop a healing relationship with your dreams. When you befriend your subconscious mind, it can provide you with clues for your next steps… and unique insight into the state of our world.

You’ll discover ways to hone your discernment — while sifting through excess “psychic noise” — and sharpen your intuition.

During this 4-day free online event, you’ll discover a variety of dreamwork methods that can help you reframe and work through painful experiences, ease stress, and provide new perspectives on your challenges — and even break through lifelong blocks to start living the life your soul intended for you.

Free Online Event
The Dreamwork Summit
October 13-16, 2020

Enter the magical realms of dreams, imagination & intuition for healing wisdom, creative fire & soul-led purpose

This event, presented by The Shift Network, will feature more than 20 of today’s leading master dream teachers, psychology professionals, and celebrated authors — including Sandra Ingerman, Robert Moss, Jean Shinoda Bolen, Paul Levy, Dr. Clare Johnson, Adriana Ayales, Sharon Blackie, and Sergio Magaña…

… each of whom will be offering effective practices, tools, and techniques for tapping into the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration within your nighttime dreams. 

During this groundbreaking 4-day event, you’ll discover:

  • The latent power of daydreams, visions, and synchronicities as sources of spiritual development

  • The richness of active imagination and hypnotic dreamwork when facing crucial life transitions and transformations

  • How Gestalt psychology, dream psychodrama, and improvisational dream theater can intersect to help dreamers find insight, health, healing, and wholeness

  • Ways to craft a shrine in a loved one’s memory as a way to process, honor, and continue the relationship

  • Four lucid states and how we can tap into them for deep healing

  • How your dreaming mind wants you to heal and will do everything in its power to guide you to transformative solutions

  • Qualities of visitation dreams, and how shrines can be used as a portal to meaningfully connect with deceased loved ones

  • How images of gems, jewelry, and other talismans can bring gifts to a dreamer who values them

  • A poetic dream synthesis technique

  • The “levels of dreaming” from Toltec and Aztec wisdom

  • And much more!

Dreamwork is an invitation to gently uncover your psyche’s rich repository of symbols, colors, sensations, and images… discovering limitless resources for alchemizing life’s “nightmares” into gold, and uncovering who you really are — and can become — beneath your waking mind.

Dreamwork can help you cultivate courage and enrich and enliven your everyday life in amazing and surprising ways…

Exploring your dreams opens the door to a new connection with yourself, and your powerful capability for inner knowing. It’s the work you need to do to bring your soul’s wisdom into the light of day.

>> RSVP here for The Dreamwork Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • With Sandra Ingerman, you’ll learn to decode prophetic dreams and understand how you can ask for guidance in a dream by working in “The Land of Dreams.”

  • Learn the 9 keys to understanding your dreams, taking action to apply their guidance and embody their healing creative energy, with Robert Moss.

  • Sharpen your ability to discern true vision from false messages with Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, who’ll share ways to live your dream messages and fulfill the visions you receive.

  • Sharon Blackie will introduce the practice of “dream-weaving,” her unique active imagination process — and the ways it can help you connect with the spirit of a specific place.

  • With rainforest herbalist Adriana Ayales, you’ll experience a deep immersion into the powers of the pineal gland… and discover which teas, elixirs, and smudging plants to use before sleep.

  • Dr. Enjolie Lafaurie & Cihuapactli Collective will discuss dreams from a Latinx and Indigenous perspective, focusing on the cultural interpretations and implications of visitation dreams.

  • Andrew Holecek will offer wisdom about liminal dreaming, lucid dreaming, dream yoga, sleep yoga, and bardo yoga… which together create a unique form of “night school” — offering huge transformative potential.

  • Join world-renowned healer Sergio Magaña as he describes the transition to a new time according to Toltec and Aztec wisdom, and explains why this is THE time to learn to create your life through dreams.

>> RSVP here for The Dreamwork Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Experience Lucid Dreaming to Harness Essential Wisdom of Intuitive, Visionary Imagination

Wednesday 23 September 2020

Experience a Soul-Soothing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath for Harmony, Balance & Relaxation

Awaken New Cellular Patterns of Vibration & Release the Pain You’ve Been Holding Onto.

Would you like to experience for yourself how the exquisite and powerful sounds of crystal alchemy singing bowls can ground you, nourish you, balance and heal your energy field, and fill your entire being with vibrant joy? 

As the potent frequencies of these transformative singing bowls create crystalline cadences in your cells, you release stuck energy and awaken new cellular patterns of vibration.

You let go of fear, negativity, and anxiety — and welcome in a deep sense of inner peace, harmony, and compassion. 

On Wednesday, September 30, crystal alchemy sound healer Jeralyn Glass will lead you through a crystal alchemy soul-soothing sound bath — and hold space for you to tap into your higher self — in Experience a Soul-Soothing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath: Awaken New Cellular Patterns of Vibration & Release the Pain You’ve Been Holding Onto.

>> You can register here to watch Live or get recording later plus special extended training offer <<

Experience a Soul-Soothing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath - Awaken New Cellular Patterns of Vibration & Release the Pain You’ve Been Holding Onto

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How crystal singing bowls transmute emotions, help you release negativity and dis-ease, and free you to ground into health and wholeness

  • Why your personal alchemy receives and uses the bowls’ sound differently from anyone else

  • The surprising history behind crystal sound bowl healing, and what makes this powerful approach such an effective and impactful sound-healing modality

  • Examples of different sound bowls, including what each one does for your system

  • How this type of sound healing works within your system to benefit your mind, body, and spirit — addressing everything from stress and anxiety, to cancer and dis-ease, and more

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to sit back, relax, and experience the rejuvenating sounds of Jeralyn’s heart-opening sound bath, which includes the infused alchemies of rose quartz, as well as a pair of powerful Hathor bowls in precious tanzanite, platinum, turquoise, and mother of platinum… to align you with your infinite capacity for pure love. 

You’ll awaken refreshed, remembering how it feels to come home to yourself and be whole once again.

>> Join us to witness the connection of heaven and earth through vibrational frequency — and to call in radiant, healing light <<

In Experience a Soul-Soothing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath: Awaken New Cellular Patterns of Vibration & Release the Pain You’ve Been Holding Onto, you’ll find joy, passion, and an authentic expression of who you really are as you receive the healing frequencies of crystal alchemy singing bowls — what Jeralyn calls “the big, sonic crystal hug we all need.” 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Receive a ‘big, Sonic Crystal Hug’ from Soul-Soothing Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls

Experience How Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls Can Balance & Heal Your Energy Field.

Would you like to experience for yourself how the exquisite and powerful sounds of crystal alchemy singing bowls can ground you, nourish you, balance and heal your energy field, and fill your entire being with vibrant joy? 

As the potent frequencies of these transformative singing bowls create crystalline cadences in your cells, you release stuck energy and awaken new cellular patterns of vibration.

You let go of fear, negativity, and anxiety — and welcome in a deep sense of inner peace, harmony, and compassion. 

On Wednesday, September 30, crystal alchemy sound healer Jeralyn Glass will lead you through a crystal alchemy soul-soothing sound bath — and hold space for you to tap into your higher self — in Experience a Soul-Soothing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath: Awaken New Cellular Patterns of Vibration & Release the Pain You’ve Been Holding Onto.

>> You can register here to watch Live or get recording later plus special extended training offer <<

crystal alchemy sound healer Jeralyn Glass will lead you through a crystal alchemy soul-soothing sound bath

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • How crystal singing bowls transmute emotions, help you release negativity and dis-ease, and free you to ground into health and wholeness

  • Why your personal alchemy receives and uses the bowls’ sound differently from anyone else

  • The surprising history behind crystal sound bowl healing, and what makes this powerful approach such an effective and impactful sound-healing modality

  • Examples of different sound bowls, including what each one does for your system

  • How this type of sound healing works within your system to benefit your mind, body, and spirit — addressing everything from stress and anxiety, to cancer and dis-ease, and more

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to sit back, relax, and experience the rejuvenating sounds of Jeralyn’s heart-opening sound bath, which includes the infused alchemies of rose quartz, as well as a pair of powerful Hathor bowls in precious tanzanite, platinum, turquoise, and mother of platinum… to align you with your infinite capacity for pure love. 

You’ll awaken refreshed, remembering how it feels to come home to yourself and be whole once again.

>> Join us to witness the connection of heaven and earth through vibrational frequency — and to call in radiant, healing light <<

In Experience a Soul-Soothing Crystal Bowl Sound Bath: Awaken New Cellular Patterns of Vibration & Release the Pain You’ve Been Holding Onto, you’ll find joy, passion, and an authentic expression of who you really are as you receive the healing frequencies of crystal alchemy singing bowls — what Jeralyn calls “the big, sonic crystal hug we all need.” 

Read more: Receive a ‘big, Sonic Crystal Hug’ from Soul-Soothing Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls

Monday 21 September 2020

Experience Powerful Toltec Dreaming Practices to Heal, Manifest, and Release the Past

Discover ancient Toltec prophecies about the transformation of the Earth and humanity.

Did you know that your nighttime dreams can provide powerful insights for healing your body, mind, and spirit… overcoming your life challenges… and evolving into wholeness and fulfilment?

The 5,000-year-old Toltec tradition of Mesoamerica, originally the secret knowledge of the Mexican Chichimeca — masters of the dream state — used this power of perception to manifest desired realities, and even transform matter itself.

Their ancient knowledge, passed down to the Aztecs, is rooted in Nahualism, spiritual teachings that use the altered states of the dreamtime — while asleep and awake — to explore other energetic dimensions, connect with ancestral guides, initiate self-healing, and masterfully create the future.

On Saturday, September 26, Mexican mystic, healer, dream teacher, and author Sergio Magaña will share the power of Toltec Dreaming to help you release heavy energies of the past, clear the way for more transformative dream states, use ancient dreaming to manifest your desires — and even change the trajectory of your life.

>> Join us for Toltec Dreaming & the Prophecies of the Suns: Ancient Dreaming Practices to Release the Past, Heighten Intuition, Heal & Manifest, here <<

Experience Toltec Dreaming Practice & the Prophecies of the Suns with Sergio Magaña

In this powerful hour, you’ll:

  • Discover Nahualism, ancient Mexican dream wisdom that uses the “blossom dream” or lucid dream for dreaming at will — and for manifestation while asleep or awake

  • Learn how the night is split into different dreaming cycles to assess your optimal times for lucid dreaming and creating in your dreams

  • Discover the wisdom in the Prophecies of the Suns to help you better understand these transformational times and the ways dreaming can help you navigate them 

  • Discover Toltec Yoga for Dreaming and learn the foundational postures of animals and Gods, as well as a breathing exercise to release heavy energies from the past, free up your energy, and live more fully  

  • Experience a Dream Planting practice to set an intention, transmute the energy of a current challenge, and manifest a more desirable outcome

Sergio will also share about the prophecies of the suns — teachings from the Toltec and Aztec calendars that perceive the movement of the Sun over thousands of years as holding profound wisdom about the transformation of the Earth and humanity.

You’ll discover how these ancient teachings foresaw our present global challenges, and that the Sun’s current movement — from the Fifth to the Sixth Sun — signifies a shift in human consciousness, including our understanding of how we relate to ourselves, each other, the Earth, and the cosmos.

You’ll also learn how Toltec Dreaming can help you navigate these challenging times and manifest a better future using the new energy and opportunities the Sixth Sun brings.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Toltec Dreaming & the Prophecies of the Suns: Ancient Dreaming Practices to Release the Past, Heighten Intuition, Heal & Manifest, you’ll discover the once-secret dream wisdom of the Chichimeca — and experience a powerful dream practice to transmute the energies of a current challenge and manifest a more desirable outcome.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience Toltec Dreaming Practice. Hear the Prophecies of the Suns from Mexican Mystic

Discover ancient Toltec prophecies about the transformation of the Earth and humanity.

Did you know that your nighttime dreams can provide powerful insights for healing your body, mind, and spirit… overcoming your life challenges… and evolving into wholeness and fulfilment?

The 5,000-year-old Toltec tradition of Mesoamerica, originally the secret knowledge of the Mexican Chichimeca — masters of the dream state — used this power of perception to manifest desired realities, and even transform matter itself.

Their ancient knowledge, passed down to the Aztecs, is rooted in Nahualism, spiritual teachings that use the altered states of the dreamtime — while asleep and awake — to explore other energetic dimensions, connect with ancestral guides, initiate self-healing, and masterfully create the future.

On Saturday, September 26, Mexican mystic, healer, dream teacher, and author Sergio Magaña will share the power of Toltec Dreaming to help you release heavy energies of the past, clear the way for more transformative dream states, use ancient dreaming to manifest your desires — and even change the trajectory of your life.

>> Join us for Toltec Dreaming & the Prophecies of the Suns: Ancient Dreaming Practices to Release the Past, Heighten Intuition, Heal & Manifest, here <<

Experience Toltec Dreaming Practice & the Prophecies of the Suns with Sergio Magaña

In this powerful hour, you’ll:

  • Discover Nahualism, ancient Mexican dream wisdom that uses the “blossom dream” or lucid dream for dreaming at will — and for manifestation while asleep or awake

  • Learn how the night is split into different dreaming cycles to assess your optimal times for lucid dreaming and creating in your dreams

  • Discover the wisdom in the Prophecies of the Suns to help you better understand these transformational times and the ways dreaming can help you navigate them 

  • Discover Toltec Yoga for Dreaming and learn the foundational postures of animals and Gods, as well as a breathing exercise to release heavy energies from the past, free up your energy, and live more fully  

  • Experience a Dream Planting practice to set an intention, transmute the energy of a current challenge, and manifest a more desirable outcome

Sergio will also share about the prophecies of the suns — teachings from the Toltec and Aztec calendars that perceive the movement of the Sun over thousands of years as holding profound wisdom about the transformation of the Earth and humanity.

You’ll discover how these ancient teachings foresaw our present global challenges, and that the Sun’s current movement — from the Fifth to the Sixth Sun — signifies a shift in human consciousness, including our understanding of how we relate to ourselves, each other, the Earth, and the cosmos.

You’ll also learn how Toltec Dreaming can help you navigate these challenging times and manifest a better future using the new energy and opportunities the Sixth Sun brings.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Toltec Dreaming & the Prophecies of the Suns: Ancient Dreaming Practices to Release the Past, Heighten Intuition, Heal & Manifest, you’ll discover the once-secret dream wisdom of the Chichimeca — and experience a powerful dream practice to transmute the energies of a current challenge and manifest a more desirable outcome.

Read more: Experience Toltec Dreaming Practice. Hear the Prophecies of the Suns from Mexican Mystic

Saturday 19 September 2020

Discover how Empaths are Being Called to Lead the Way to Co-create a New Way of Being

Experience a guided healing to stay grounded and hold your energetic boundaries.

As an empath, the fear that you’re processing is not just tied to what’s happening in the physical world… 

There’s a deeper layer of fear that underlies the division and devastation that’s happening all around us.

And with that, a deeper level of work is being called for. We’re being invited to step boldly into uncovering and releasing inherent patterns embedded in our energy systems.

These patterns are imprints from this lifetime and beyond. We also carry the societal imprints of our culture — and it‘s the layering of these patterns that contributes to the radical expression of these issues in the collective.

Wendy De Rosa, an internationally renowned intuitive energy healer, will guide you in the steps to take to uncover these patterns and release the fear embedded in your energy body.

>> Join us for Embody Your Empathic Powers: Clear Unprocessed Fear, Find Your True Center & Strengthen Your Intuition, here <<

Embody Your Empathic Powers: Clear Unprocessed Fear, Find Your True Center & Strengthen Your Intuition

In this 60-minute online event for empaths, you’ll discover:

  • The power of your root chakra so you can embody its energy and have your needs met

  • How to connect with your empathic power by detoxifying your first, second, and third chakras

  • How to manage projection as an empath during challenging times, when many people are overwhelmed

  • A simple grounding practice to help you move through unprocessed fear… by bringing it to light and clearing away the negative energy

  • How we internalize the suppression of the patriarchy and negate our feminine side 

Wendy will teach you how to connect with your empathic power by detoxifying your first, second, and third chakras — and your entire energy system.

You’ll discover how to stop projecting by taking on other people’s energy so you can maintain your own energetic boundaries and reset your emotional center. 

More than anything, you’ll receive insight into how to find meaning in difficult times, so you can heal and recapture your vitality while bringing vibrancy to all that you do.

>> If you’re ready to take yourself to the next level of personal transformation and find your greatest strengths in the midst of life’s greatest challenges, register here <<

In Embody Your Empathic Powers: Clear Unprocessed Fear, Find Your True Center & Strengthen Your Intuition, you’ll experience a guided healing to release fear embedded in your energy body and access your intuition — to stay grounded and hold your energetic boundaries.

We hope you’re able to attend the event as scheduled… but if you register and miss it, this special hour with Wendy is so impactful that you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover why Empaths Have the Power to Co-create a New Way of Being in the World

Experience a guided healing to release fear embedded in your energy body.

As an empath, the fear that you’re processing is not just tied to what’s happening in the physical world… 

There’s a deeper layer of fear that underlies the division and devastation that’s happening all around us.

And with that, a deeper level of work is being called for. We’re being invited to step boldly into uncovering and releasing inherent patterns embedded in our energy systems.

These patterns are imprints from this lifetime and beyond. We also carry the societal imprints of our culture — and it‘s the layering of these patterns that contributes to the radical expression of these issues in the collective.

Wendy De Rosa, an internationally renowned intuitive energy healer, will guide you in the steps to take to uncover these patterns and release the fear embedded in your energy body.

>> Join us for Embody Your Empathic Powers: Clear Unprocessed Fear, Find Your True Center & Strengthen Your Intuition, here <<

Embody Your Empathic Powers with Wendy De Rosa

In this 60-minute online event for empaths, you’ll discover:

  • The power of your root chakra so you can embody its energy and have your needs met

  • How to connect with your empathic power by detoxifying your first, second, and third chakras

  • How to manage projection as an empath during challenging times, when many people are overwhelmed

  • A simple grounding practice to help you move through unprocessed fear… by bringing it to light and clearing away the negative energy

  • How we internalize the suppression of the patriarchy and negate our feminine side 

Wendy will teach you how to connect with your empathic power by detoxifying your first, second, and third chakras — and your entire energy system.

You’ll discover how to stop projecting by taking on other people’s energy so you can maintain your own energetic boundaries and reset your emotional center. 

More than anything, you’ll receive insight into how to find meaning in difficult times, so you can heal and recapture your vitality while bringing vibrancy to all that you do.

>> If you’re ready to take yourself to the next level of personal transformation and find your greatest strengths in the midst of life’s greatest challenges, register here <<

In Embody Your Empathic Powers: Clear Unprocessed Fear, Find Your True Center & Strengthen Your Intuition, you’ll experience a guided healing to release fear embedded in your energy body and access your intuition — to stay grounded and hold your energetic boundaries.

We hope you’re able to attend the event as scheduled… but if you register and miss it, this special hour with Wendy is so impactful that you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.

Read more: Discover why Empaths Have the Power to Co-create a New Way of Being in the World

Monday 14 September 2020

Become “A Magnificent New Normal” Begin Your Journey of Transformation!

Right now, you may have the tugging in your heart for something greater…

…this is a time of introspection, reevaluation and transformation, with a lot of positive outcomes. Sheltering-in-place for some has become a blossoming-in-place.

Do you sometimes feel like you’re stuck in your smallness, your fears or some limited definition of who you are, and looking to find your purpose?

Step into the highest version of yourself at A Magnificent New Normal!

Join us for “A Magnificent New Normal” with Jeffrey Smith - NOW it is right time for personal transformation

Let’s put everything on the table: how we eat, think, act, relate and love, how we grow our food, our life’s purpose, what we hold dear. The time to engage our journey of transformation is NOW… not after we’ve settled back into old habits.

Your host of A Magnificent New Normal, Jeffrey Smith, is keenly aware of the principles and dynamics that inspire transformation. As a gifted interviewer and consumer advocate, he has used these principles to help many millions of people make healthier choices. He sees the massive disruption caused by the pandemic as an opportunity to plant the seeds of global transformation into the hearts of millions.

Don’t miss Jeffrey’s inspiring and life-changing interviews with luminaries Bruce Lipton, Jewel, Lynne Twist, Lyne McTaggart, Eben Alexander, David Perlmutter, Allison Armstrong, Nina Simons, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Sue Morter, rising star Zach Bush and so many more awe-inspiring visionaries! Join them at the forefront of manifesting this new paradigm!

It’s not hard to see it. We have stepped out of the deeply etched habits of our lives. We are in unfamiliar territory, often uncomfortable. Things are shifting. It’s a perfect time to insert new information to guide our transformation.

This moment is precious. How can we use it?

We’ll see you online at A Magnificent New Normal when you register today!

This is the Perfect moment to redefine yourself become magnificent new normal

Each day, for 40 days, join to learn and be inspired by life-changing interviews with luminaries and experts at the forefront of manifesting this new paradigm!

Will you be there? You should be. Because the time to engage our journey of transformation is NOW… not after we’ve settled back into old habits. This is your chance to engage with a dedicated online community while answering this urgent call to reinvent yourself and our world!

Always willing to go to unexpected places in his work, Jeffrey has created an event to provide an opportunity for us to come into alignment and envision what a new normal could look like — together.

These are the experts you definitely DO NOT want to miss next week!
  • –>> Monday, September 14
    Nina Simons
    Redefining Yourself

  • –>> Tuesday, September 15
    Sarah McCrum
    Revamping Your Relationship with Money

  • –>> Wednesday, September 16
    Zach Bush, MD
    Rethink Everything

  • –>> Thursday, September 17
    Joan Blades
    Living Room Conversations — A World-Changing Tool

  • –>> Friday, September 18
    Ilarion Merculieff
    Ancient Indigenous Wisdom for this Time of Transformation

  • –>> Saturday, September 19
    Anita Sanchez, PhD
    Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times

  • –>> Sunday, September 20
    Austin Perlmutter, MD and David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM
    Uplevel Your Life, Start with Your Brain

And stay tuned for another incredible lineup of speakers next week, including Dr. Sue Morter on Using Bio-Energetics and Quantum Science and Betty J. Spruill on Mindfulness Practice and Stepping Back from Everything We Think We Are.

When you register now, you’ll also unlock these complimentary gifts:
  1. Jeffrey Smith’s 12-page eBook Summary, Seeds of Deception, and learn about the silence, censorship and corruption surrounding GMOs!

  2. Some of most influential interviews -- gain insights from Jeffrey Smith as he is interviewed by 3 well-known health experts in this full-length transcripts eBook!

  3. Public community event Facebook group access

Register immediately to make sure you’re ready to transform alongside these experts!

Meet inspiring and life-changing interviews with luminaries Bruce Lipton, Jewel, Lynne Twist, Lyne McTaggart, Eben Alexander, David Perlmutter, Allison Armstrong, Nina Simons, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Sue Morter, rising star Zach Bush and so many more awe-inspiring visionaries! Join them at the forefront of manifesting this new paradigm!

See you at this important transformative event!

Be sure not to miss these expert interviews and complimentary gifts — if you’d like to keep these talks, join the Weekend Live Discussion Sessions and receive Exclusive Private Facebook Group membership — take advantage of the pre-event prices before Monday!

In the weeks to come, be sure not to miss Jeffrey’s interviews with luminaries Bruce Lipton, Jewel, Lynne Twist, Lynne McTaggart, Eben Alexander, Allison Armstrong, Katherine Woodward Thomas and so many more awe-inspiring visionaries.

Read more: Become “A Magnificent New Normal” Begin Your Journey of Transformation!

Don’t miss A Magnificent New Normal from September 14 – October 24, 2020

How will you respond to the calling of our collective future?

The global shutdown has shifted our world into a “phase transition.” These are magical windows of opportunity found throughout nature, where profound change is possible. In chemistry, for example, the quality of the drops that you add during a phase transition determines your success. Not before. Not after.

Let’s take advantage of this critical window and initiate our own transformation. If we simply get our old lives back, it will become one of the greatest wasted opportunities in history!

Find support and inspiration to evolve and transform when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Must Join Motivational and Inspirational Event - A Magnificent New Normal with Jeffrey Smith


Host, Jeffrey Smith, is a gifted interviewer who is always willing to go to unexpected places. He created this event to provide an opportunity for us to come into alignment and envision what a new normal could look like – together.

Collectively, you could say we have lifted ourselves out of the deep grooves of our lives and we are now determining what our new grooves will look like. This is the opportune time for wise input. This is the time to embrace vision, empowerment and new choices.

Don’t miss Jeffrey’s inspiring and life-changing interviews with luminaries Bruce Lipton, Jewel, Lynne Twist, Lyne McTaggart, Eben Alexander, David Perlmutter, Allison Armstrong, Nina Simons, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Sue Morter, rising star Zach Bush and so many more awe-inspiring visionaries! Join them at the forefront of manifesting this new paradigm!

A Magnificent New Normal will help you answer questions like:

  • What is your vision for a post-pandemic civilization?

  • What inspires you to stand up and take part?

  • Do you feel a pull to become something magnificent?

  • As you step into full power, how can you bring it into the world?

  • How do you find your authentic voice?

  • Which daily habits do you want to upgrade and redefine?

Each day, for 40 days, you’re invited to join visionary experts sharing tips, exercises and challenges to uplift each other and inspire global transformation — along with a dedicated online community going through the process at the same time!

These are the experts you definitely DO NOT want to miss next week!

–>> Monday, September 14

Nina Simons

Redefining Yourself

–>> Tuesday, September 15

Sarah McCrum

Revamping Your Relationship with Money

–>> Wednesday, September 16

Zach Bush, MD

Rethink Everything

–>> Thursday, September 17

Joan Blades

Living Room Conversations — A World-Changing Tool

–>> Friday, September 18

Ilarion Merculieff

Ancient Indigenous Wisdom for this Time of Transformation

–>> Saturday, September 19

Anita Sanchez, PhD

Indigenous Wisdom for Modern Times

–>> Sunday, September 20

Austin Perlmutter, MD and David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM

Uplevel Your Life, Start with Your Brain

Stay tuned for another incredible lineup of speakers next week, including Dr. Sue Morter on Using Bio-Energetics and Quantum Science and Betty J. Spruill on Mindfulness Practice and Stepping Back from Everything We Think We Are.

Ready to propel yourself (and humanity) forward? Let’s do it together!

Start Your Personal Transformation Journey

Unlock Jeffrey Smith’s 12-page eBook summary, Seeds of Deception, and learn about the silence, censorship and corruption surrounding GMOs!

In 2003, Jeffrey Smith released the book Seeds of Deception, which built a movement and changed the world. Monsanto’s lies were exposed, the FDA’s fraudulent safety assurances were revealed and readers were compelled to demand healthier non-GMO foods.

Download your complimentary eBook summary, Seeds of Deception!

What made the book so popular was its story format. Science is woven into real-life accounts of the independent scientists who were silenced, regulators who were corrupted, research that was rigged and media reports that were censored, bringing the health dangers of GMOs to the forefront of the consumer discussion.

This 12-page eBook summary reveals that it was industry influence, not sound science, which allowed GMO foods onto the market. Moreover, if overwhelming scientific research suggests anything, it is that the foods should never have been approved.

Seeds of Deception not only dismantles the U.S. position that GMO foods are safe, it also outlines the steps you can take to protect yourself and your family.

Gain immediate access to the 12-page Seeds of Deception eBook summary now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online A Magnificent New Normal Speaker Series taking place September 14 – October 24, 2020 — in which more than 40 experts will be teaching practical tips, mindful exercises and daily challenges to enrich your life, uplift society and inspire global transformation.

Join now  and unlock these complimentary gifts:

  1. Some of most influential interviews — gain insights from Jeffrey Smith as he is interviewed by 3 well-known health experts in this full-length transcripts eBook!

  2. Public community event Facebook group access

You can truly get started on better health today!

Be sure not to miss these expert interviews and complimentary gifts — if you’d like to keep these talks, join the Weekend Live Discussion Sessions and receive Exclusive Private Facebook Group membership — take advantage of the pre-event prices before Monday!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Join The Shift Summit & Music Festival September 18-21

An Epic 4-day Gathering of Changemakers Lighting the Way to a Better Future.

In 2020, the world has been disrupted in an unprecedented way. The global pandemic and its cascading effects are leading us towards unprecedented challenges… or could it in fact be leading us to an evolutionary leap forward as we redesign what human civilization looks like? 

How can we pivot from breakdowns into a breakthrough — into a new renaissance built on peace, sustainability, justice, health, and shared prosperity?   

How do we redesign our world to liberate more of humanity’s potential to shine?

How can you make your contribution to a more harmonious, unified world?

The Shift Summit & Music Festival addresses these questions and more by convening a groundbreaking gathering of over 300 visionaries, changemakers, and artists from around the world to offer a much-needed infusion of hope, positivity, and practical strategies for how we can shift our society and ourselves to fulfill the dream of a planet that truly works for all.

>> Get your free or VIP pass now <<

The Shift Summit & Music Festival
September 18-21, 2020

The Shift Summit & Music Festival September 18-21

In this crucial time of both upheaval and the potential for regeneration, you can join forces with some of the most inspiring thought leaders and musical artists leading the way to a peaceful, thriving world. The Shift Summit & Music Festival happens online over 4 days, culminating on Sept 21 for the International Day of Peace. 

If you are here to be part of the team that turns things around in time and shifts our world to the future we know is possible, this is THE online gathering for you. 

The Shift Summit & Music Festival will feature over 300 presenters including: 

Deepak Chopra • Marianne Williamson • Jane Goodall  • Michael Beckwith • Dolores Huerta • Bill McKibben • Lynne Twist • Rep. Dennis Kucinich • Gregg Braden • Grandmother Flordemayo • Paul Stamets • Shiva Rea • Charles Eisenstein • H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati • Rep. Tim Ryan • Jean Houston • Sandra Ingerman • Andrew Harvey • Louis Gossett Jr. • Stephen Dinan • Donna Eden • Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati & many many more. 

With musical performances by:

Deva Premal and Miten  • Krishna Das  • Mike Love  • Beautiful Chorus  • Desert Dwellers  • Ajeet  • Tina Malia  • Mose • Alice DiMicele • Donna De Lory • Porangui  • Brenda McMorrow • Steven Halpern • Ganga Giri  • Stellamara • Kristin Hoffmann  • Elijah Ray • Shamans Dream
& many many more. 

Special appearances by:
Michael Franti & Rising Appalachia 

>> Join us here for The Shift Summit & Music Festival September 18-21, 2020 <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Join Music Festival September 18-21 - Celebrate International Day of Peace!

An Epic 4-day Gathering of Changemakers Lighting the Way to a Better Future.

In 2020, the world has been disrupted in an unprecedented way. The global pandemic and its cascading effects are leading us towards unprecedented challenges… or could it in fact be leading us to an evolutionary leap forward as we redesign what human civilization looks like? 

How can we pivot from breakdowns into a breakthrough — into a new renaissance built on peace, sustainability, justice, health, and shared prosperity?   

How do we redesign our world to liberate more of humanity’s potential to shine?

How can you make your contribution to a more harmonious, unified world?

The Shift Summit & Music Festival addresses these questions and more by convening a groundbreaking gathering of over 300 visionaries, changemakers, and artists from around the world to offer a much-needed infusion of hope, positivity, and practical strategies for how we can shift our society and ourselves to fulfill the dream of a planet that truly works for all.

>> Get your free or VIP pass now <<

The Shift Summit & Music Festival
September 18-21, 2020

The Shift Summit & Music Festival September 18-21

In this crucial time of both upheaval and the potential for regeneration, you can join forces with some of the most inspiring thought leaders and musical artists leading the way to a peaceful, thriving world. The Shift Summit & Music Festival happens online over 4 days, culminating on Sept 21 for the International Day of Peace. 

If you are here to be part of the team that turns things around in time and shifts our world to the future we know is possible, this is THE online gathering for you. 

The Shift Summit & Music Festival will feature over 300 presenters including: 

Deepak Chopra • Marianne Williamson • Jane Goodall  • Michael Beckwith • Dolores Huerta • Bill McKibben • Lynne Twist • Rep. Dennis Kucinich • Gregg Braden • Grandmother Flordemayo • Paul Stamets • Shiva Rea • Charles Eisenstein • H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswati • Rep. Tim Ryan • Jean Houston • Sandra Ingerman • Andrew Harvey • Louis Gossett Jr. • Stephen Dinan • Donna Eden • Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati & many many more. 

With musical performances by:

Deva Premal and Miten  • Krishna Das  • Mike Love  • Beautiful Chorus  • Desert Dwellers  • Ajeet  • Tina Malia  • Mose • Alice DiMicele • Donna De Lory • Porangui  • Brenda McMorrow • Steven Halpern • Ganga Giri  • Stellamara • Kristin Hoffmann  • Elijah Ray • Shamans Dream
& many many more. 

Special appearances by:
Michael Franti & Rising Appalachia 

>> Join us here for The Shift Summit & Music Festival September 18-21, 2020 <<

Read more: Join Music Festival September 18-21 - Celebrate International Day of Peace!

Sunday 6 September 2020

Join Qigong Global Summit for Essential Daily Qigong Practices, Boost Immunity & Longevity

Activate Your Life-Force Energy to Increase Awareness, Deepen Relationships & Decrease Stress with Qigong.

What if there was a low-impact way to move your body and balance your emotions that also slowed aging and boosted your immunity and hormone health?  

An elegant, meditative movement practice that was easy on your joints, made you feel more alive, and suffused your body with blissful vitality? 

Enter Qigong. 

Qi means breath or life force, and gong means cultivation or mastery

Through subtle yet powerful Qigong exercises, meditations, and flow movements, you can direct life-force energy to specific parts of your body — transforming anxiety, stress, and latent disease into potency and health. 

As your body responds by doing what it’s designed to do (self-heal and rebalance), blocks in your energy body dissolve and your radiant Qi flows smoothly into every dimension of your being — emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual.

The Qigong masters, doctors, and practitioners in the Qigong Global Summit will provide you with deep insights into the practices of Qigong, Tai Chi, martial arts, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).  

Join these teachers and masters as they transmit the most salient aspects of how to manage and develop your Qi — offering powerful practices you can use right away.

Join Free Online Event
The Qigong Global Summit

September 22-25, 2020

>> RSVP here for The Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

Join Qigong & Tai Chi Global Summit 2020 September 22-25

You’ll get access to over 20 of the foremost teachers in the field — including Master Mantak Chia, Daisy Lee, Damo Mitchell, Lee Holden, Dr. Roger Jahnke, Master Mingtong Gu, and many others — each sharing essential practices to elevate your flow of Qi for enhanced health and wellbeing.

You’ll discover how to activate your inner healing potential to release stress, and create a sense of flow and groundedness within the challenges of daily life.

This 4-day summit comes at the perfect time, as we individually and collectively look for alternative, home-based ways to keep healthy and active.

During this online Qigong event, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to naturally and fluidly loosen your joints, improve efficiency of movement, and generate whole body power

  • Methods for staying sane and healthy via “Qi dance” and emotional release

  • The profound power of generating The Golden Elixir (refined Qi), for healing, disease prevention, personal power, creativity, and inner peace

  • The art of Taoist touch as an invaluable addition to relationship cultivation

  • Ways to develop Qigong as a way of life… to build patience and fortitude

  • Three Tai Chi moves that address the connection between the spleen, kidney, and liver 

  • How to use Qigong to diminish chronic pain

  • The inspiring story of a Universal Healing Tao practitioner who uses Qigong to support his wellbeing after losing his eyesight

  • Applications of Qigong to help resolve trauma and repair the nervous system

  • An advanced practice that will assist you in moving away from the typical fight or flight reactions of fear, and into empowerment

In the Taoist tradition, different emotions are associated with specific vital organs. Qigong utilizes specific techniques to release dense, difficult emotions that reside in these organs. Science now shows that these techniques are an effective complement to allopathic medicine because they liberate the emotional, energetic, and physical bodies. 

During this free online event, you’ll discover simple practices that will help you take better energetic care of your body, mind, and emotions — generating harmony, serenity, and reconnection with yourself and nature.

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Sharon Smithwho’s been practicing Qigong, Tai Chi, and other Taoist spiritual and healing arts for 42 years, and teaching them for 37. 

>> RSVP here for The Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

Here are some more highlights from this groundbreaking summit!

  • World-renowned expert Master Mantak Chia will teach you how to use direct sexual energy to nourish your endocrine system and brain, enhance creativity, and renew your DNA with orgasmic Qi.

  • Experience the unique vibration of energy in each organ with Master Mingtong Gu, and awaken the aliveness of your whole being by releasing cellular memories and suppressed emotions.

  • Violet Li will share Silk Reeling — one of the foundational practices of Chen-style Tai Chi — teaching you how to move your body continuously in Qi-charged round, spiraling movements.

  • Damo Mitchell will transmit the basis of Nei Gong — development of the energy centers we know as the Dan Tian — which helps recharge the body’s natural battery and build up reserves of Qi.

  • Experience the wisdom of Dr. George Xavier Love as he touches on the Lung Swim practice and addresses common blood constraints that affect the breast and lungs.

  • Get into your flow with Lee Holden, who will share a 15-minute Qigong practice to help enter the “flow state,” whereby your energy is elevated and focused, empowering the mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

  • Explore a profound medicine termed The Golden Elixir, with Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD — accessing the most refined aspects of the essential self through a multidimensional activation that can occur at home. 

  • Daisy Lee will invite you to partake of the power of women coming together in a unified field to pursue self-care with Radiant Lotus Women’s Qigong… creating a refined yin field of mutual support.

  • Join Livia Kohn as she explores Taoist cultivation in its many different forms — including breathwork, mental focus, gentle body movements, qi-guiding, detached observation, and internal alchemy.

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for The Qigong Global Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.