Friday 21 August 2020

Experience Sound Healing, Your Biofield Tuning & Toning with Eileen McKusick

Receive a throat chakra sound healing to harmonize and energize your thyroid.

Have you experienced sound-therapy pioneer Eileen McKusick’s virtual biofield tunings?

If so, you know that they feel really good, generally providing a soothing state of relaxation and calm…

Simply put, this powerful sound-healing method — proven to enhance immunity and optimize overall wellbeing — creates vibrational frequencies that allow the body to “tune” itself.

On Saturday, August 29, Eileen will share an even more potent approach to this healing modality, introducing the voice as a complementary healing “instrument” in tuning fork treatments.

This is NOT singing, but toning, and anyone can do it.

Toning is a form of spontaneous sounding that emanates from deep within you and helps the stuck energy of your heavy emotions arise and be alchemized. 

>> Join us for Discover the Biofield Tuning (& Toning) Experience: Sound Healing Using Tuning Forks & Your Voice to Alchemize Emotions, Boost Immunity & Liberate Your Truest Self, here <<

Sound Healing Using Tuning Forks & Your Voice to Alchemize Emotions, Boost Immunity & Liberate Your Truest Self

In this self-empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how toning with your voice amplifies the healing power of a tuning fork sound-healing treatment

  • Learn how exploring your voice as a sound-healing “instrument” helps you identify heavy emotions, access their antidotes, and speak your truth 

  • Discover that allowing your authentic voice to emerge liberates your truest self and builds integrity — where resilience and true holistic health resides 

  • Learn how clearing our inner “pipes” through toning unlocks the duality of conflicting inner thoughts commonly seen in those with autoimmunity

  • Receive a mini throat-chakra sound healing to harmonize and energize your thyroid and whole system, and understand the power of your voice to help “tune” your biofield 

As Eileen teaches, when we liberate the potential of our voice, we liberate our potential — and we add exponentially to the ease with which we live our lives. 

It’s the medicine within that can ground you in the present moment, heighten self-awareness and self-trust… and even improve blood flow, digestion, immunity, and thyroid health, as well as promote relaxation and boost energy.

>> It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

In Discover the Biofield Tuning (& Toning) Experience: Sound Healing Using Tuning Forks & Your Voice to Alchemize Emotions, Boost Immunity & Liberate Your Truest Self, you’ll receive a throat chakra sound healing to harmonize and energize your thyroid and whole system… and understand the power of your voice to help “tune” your biofield.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Experience the Biofield Tuning & Toning Free Sound Healing with Eileen McKusick

Discover how the power of your voice can help “tune” your biofield.

Have you experienced sound-therapy pioneer Eileen McKusick’s virtual biofield tunings?

If so, you know that they feel really good, generally providing a soothing state of relaxation and calm…

Simply put, this powerful sound-healing method — proven to enhance immunity and optimize overall wellbeing — creates vibrational frequencies that allow the body to “tune” itself.

On Saturday, August 29, Eileen will share an even more potent approach to this healing modality, introducing the voice as a complementary healing “instrument” in tuning fork treatments.

This is NOT singing, but toning, and anyone can do it.

Toning is a form of spontaneous sounding that emanates from deep within you and helps the stuck energy of your heavy emotions arise and be alchemized. 

>> Join us for Discover the Biofield Tuning (& Toning) Experience: Sound Healing Using Tuning Forks & Your Voice to Alchemize Emotions, Boost Immunity & Liberate Your Truest Self, here <<

Experience Sound Healing Biofield Tuning & Toning with Eileen McKusick

In this self-empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how toning with your voice amplifies the healing power of a tuning fork sound-healing treatment

  • Learn how exploring your voice as a sound-healing “instrument” helps you identify heavy emotions, access their antidotes, and speak your truth 

  • Discover that allowing your authentic voice to emerge liberates your truest self and builds integrity — where resilience and true holistic health resides 

  • Learn how clearing our inner “pipes” through toning unlocks the duality of conflicting inner thoughts commonly seen in those with autoimmunity

  • Receive a mini throat-chakra sound healing to harmonize and energize your thyroid and whole system, and understand the power of your voice to help “tune” your biofield 

As Eileen teaches, when we liberate the potential of our voice, we liberate our potential — and we add exponentially to the ease with which we live our lives. 

It’s the medicine within that can ground you in the present moment, heighten self-awareness and self-trust… and even improve blood flow, digestion, immunity, and thyroid health, as well as promote relaxation and boost energy.

>> It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details <<

In Discover the Biofield Tuning (& Toning) Experience: Sound Healing Using Tuning Forks & Your Voice to Alchemize Emotions, Boost Immunity & Liberate Your Truest Self, you’ll receive a throat chakra sound healing to harmonize and energize your thyroid and whole system… and understand the power of your voice to help “tune” your biofield.

Read more: Experience the Biofield Tuning & Toning Free Sound Healing with Eileen McKusick

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Find Courage & Inspiration in the Radical Wisdom of St. Francis of Assisi with James Twyman

Discover how to to resolve conflicts through meaningful acts of kindness and courage.

What do you think St. Francis might make of our current circumstances… shut down, waiting, questioning — and wondering what’s to become of our lives and our world?

Before this crisis, many of us filled our days with societally dictated, yet ultimately trivial activities.

We’ve stressed, fretted, and striven to reach our “goals,” forgetting that the destination is not what will ultimately bring us peace and contentment.

Thankfully, it’s possible to live a simpler, more peaceful, and more satisfying life. And now that many of us have no choice but to slow down, we have an opportunity to realign with that truth.

On Saturday, August 22, bestselling author and peace troubadour James Twyman will show you how to approach life as St. Francis did — and inspire a new renaissance today –– in a free video event, Find Courage & Inspiration in the Radical Wisdom of St. Francis of Assisi: Timeless Teachings for Embodying a More Meaningful, Generous & Action-Led Life.

>> Join us free here to watch Live (get recording & extended training offer later) <<

Find Courage & Inspiration in the Radical Wisdom of St. Francis of Assisi with James Twyman

In this inspiring hour, you’ll:

  • Learn about St. Francis’ early privileged yet empty life, what happened to shake his worldview to the core — and what he ultimately did to influence the people of his time to live more meaningful lives

  • Discover how the move to “shelter in place” creates space for deeply needed contemplation and spiritual rejuvenation

  • Learn a visual meditation to bring you into a deep state of peace

  • Listen to James perform two songs from his musical about St. Francis, receiving a healing blessing and a sense of peace and inspiration

  • Discover how you can participate in the new renaissance through the self-healing practice of contemplative forgiveness — and understanding the specific steps necessary to experiencing universal care for all

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to use your contemplative practices to initiate a new kind of action in the world like St. Francis did, evoking the rich energies of peacefulness, simplicity, wildness, passion, and prayerfulness to do so.

These abilities will carry you through the toughest of times, as they have for millions of others since the time of St. Francis.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Find Courage & Inspiration in the Radical Wisdom of St. Francis of Assisi: Timeless Teachings for Embodying a More Meaningful, Generous & Action-Led Life, you’ll learn from St. Francis how every act in good faith uplifts and restores our world — and why it’s never too late to resolve conflicts through meaningful acts of compassion, kindness, and courage.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover How the Wisdom of St. Francis Can Help You Live with More Meaning & Purpose

Let St. Francis show you how to live a simpler, more peaceful, more satisfying life.

What do you think St. Francis might make of our current circumstances… shut down, waiting, questioning — and wondering what’s to become of our lives and our world?

Before this crisis, many of us filled our days with societally dictated, yet ultimately trivial activities.

We’ve stressed, fretted, and striven to reach our “goals,” forgetting that the destination is not what will ultimately bring us peace and contentment.

Thankfully, it’s possible to live a simpler, more peaceful, and more satisfying life. And now that many of us have no choice but to slow down, we have an opportunity to realign with that truth.

On Saturday, August 22, bestselling author and peace troubadour James Twyman will show you how to approach life as St. Francis did — and inspire a new renaissance today –– in a free video event, Find Courage & Inspiration in the Radical Wisdom of St. Francis of Assisi: Timeless Teachings for Embodying a More Meaningful, Generous & Action-Led Life.

>> Join us free here to watch Live (get recording & extended training offer later) <<

Find Courage & Inspiration in the Radical Wisdom of St. Francis of Assisi with James Twyman

In this inspiring hour, you’ll:

  • Learn about St. Francis’ early privileged yet empty life, what happened to shake his worldview to the core — and what he ultimately did to influence the people of his time to live more meaningful lives

  • Discover how the move to “shelter in place” creates space for deeply needed contemplation and spiritual rejuvenation

  • Learn a visual meditation to bring you into a deep state of peace

  • Listen to James perform two songs from his musical about St. Francis, receiving a healing blessing and a sense of peace and inspiration

  • Discover how you can participate in the new renaissance through the self-healing practice of contemplative forgiveness — and understanding the specific steps necessary to experiencing universal care for all

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to use your contemplative practices to initiate a new kind of action in the world like St. Francis did, evoking the rich energies of peacefulness, simplicity, wildness, passion, and prayerfulness to do so.

These abilities will carry you through the toughest of times, as they have for millions of others since the time of St. Francis.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Find Courage & Inspiration in the Radical Wisdom of St. Francis of Assisi: Timeless Teachings for Embodying a More Meaningful, Generous & Action-Led Life, you’ll learn from St. Francis how every act in good faith uplifts and restores our world — and why it’s never too late to resolve conflicts through meaningful acts of compassion, kindness, and courage.

Read more: Discover How the Wisdom of St. Francis Can Help You Live with More Meaning & Purpose

Monday 17 August 2020

Learn a Simple Daily Practice to Lean into Grief & Difficult Feelings for Deep Healing

Somatic Movement Yoga Therapy Transforming Loss Into Life Re-imagined with Wendy Stern.

Our fear of grief and grieving can often be as strong as our fear of losing the people and things we love…

Yet, honoring and grieving the loss of a loved one, or the loss of anything in our lives — home, job, health, or a way of living — is important to our wellbeing, spiritual growth, and ability to live our lives fully.

We need to feel the full spectrum of emotions that come with grief — the heartbreak, brokenness, even the anger — to prepare for the journey back to wholeness.

On Wednesday, August 19, grief expert and yoga therapist Wendy Stern will share her powerful approach to grieving that uses focused presence, body awareness, and gentle yoga therapy to help you break through the resistance to feeling grief’s difficult emotions and open to the healing balm of self-love beneath.

>> Register for Transform Loss Into Life Reimagined With Somatic Movement: A Gentle, Holistic Approach to Grieving (Any Loss) & Opening to Self-Discovery & Acceptance, here <<

Yoga Therapy to Transform Loss Into Life Reimagined With Somatic Movement with Wendy Stern

In this inspiring hour, you’ll discover:

  • The 4 keys to mindful grieving and how they can help you transmute despair into a deep love of self, Spirit, and your own soul

  • How gentle yoga movements can help you break through your resistance to grief and open to the full spectrum of emotions beneath

  • The importance of having a safe space for grieving — where you’re not judged — so you can touch into the void of your loss and begin healing

  • A short, simple daily practice to lean into your grief — over any type of loss — and move through it

  • A guided practice to uncover stuck emotions in your 4 bodies (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual), discover how they relate to loss, and begin releasing them  

When we learn how to be vulnerable and authentic with our feelings — and find a safe space and effective way to do that — we can start to transmute our difficult emotions, and not only move forward, but become stronger and even more of who we’re meant to be.

During this transformative hour with Wendy, you’ll discover how powerful movement and mindfulness can be in helping you uncover, feel, and transmute overwhelming feelings of loss… 

And how important it is to bring grief and its associated emotions to the surface to be healed and transformed into greater self-understanding, love, and gratitude.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Transform Loss Into Life Reimagined With Somatic Movement: A Gentle, Holistic Approach to Grieving (Any Loss) & Opening to Self-Discovery & Acceptance, you’ll learn a short, simple daily practice to lean into grief and difficult feelings — due to any type of loss — and move toward acceptance, healing, and self-love.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 15 August 2020

QuibitTech - Future of Quantum Technologies Today - Passive Income & Perfect Marketing Plan

Where Swiss Fund Have Invested $37M? Considering Quantum Computing company's Investment Opportunity with 25% ROI Monthly as passive income flow.

Affiliate program available for more binary and direct marketing profits.

Quantum computing takes advantage of curious and often baffling quantum effects that become visible at the subatomic level of the physical world around us.

QubitTech was founded by a group of independent experts in algorithmic and traditional asset management methods.

As of today, cryptocurrency market allows Qubit Tech to generate profit unmatched by the operations on traditional markets through the application of complex traditional and non-traditional methods of market data analysis, algorithmic trading systems and traditional methods of asset management.

The development ideology of Qubit Tech implies creating its own unified ecosystem based on quantum technologies, investing its financial and human resources to support business growth of developing companies offering unique products or technologies, as well as to help accelerate development of the quantum computing industry.

The main mission of Qubit Tech is to provide retail investors with an effective way to invest cryptocurrency assets based on the use of quantum computing technologies and margin trading methods.

[caption id="attachment_3457" align="aligncenter" width="777"]QubitTech Grand Opening in Dubai Partners Promo QubitTech Partners achieving necessary qualification can attend to company Grand Opening event in Dubai that will cover them travel and/or accommodation expenses.[/caption]

The main goal of QubitTech is to reach company's capitalization value of $ 10 billion by 2025, as well as to become an acknowledged leader in applying quantum computing to the various areas of finance and asset management.

QubitTech already uses the advantages of quantum technologies, gaining a serious advantage over the competition by adopting quantum neural networks data processing and applying computing power of quantum algorithms. Such implementation allowed to significantly improve the accuracy of analytical data acquired used for development, set up and adjustments of algorithmic systems, and as well as generally improve the efficiency of asset management departments.

Quibit Tech team is paying a lot of attention to the quickly approaching era of quantum computers. The company is exploring the nuances of post-quantum cryptography and impact that quantum computing can have on the Blockchain and digital asset industries.

TEAM: Among fundamental factors towards achieving the success of any company, the professional team is being one of the main pillars. Only professional experience allows to adequately determine the most effective strategy for the company's development, competent and timely application of advanced technologies, as well as identify the key needs of the market and its customers QubitTech team is paying a lot of attention to the quickly approaching era of quantum computers. The company is exploring the nuances of post-quantum cryptography and the impact that quantum computing can have on the Blockchain and digital asset industries.

Proven to work and rapidly growing. Our results below...

QuibitTech Quantum Investment Opportunity plus Binary & Network Marketing Profits Proven

Join Free now & Discover Opportunity Investing into the Future of Quantum Technologies Today & Get 25% ROI per Month.

Why join?

Some Pros to consider:
  • Swiss fund have invested $37M in QubitTech.

  • Quantum Computing is trending tech niche.

  • Professional star team knowing what they are doing and where to go next.

  • Perfectly done website, membership panel and well thought marketing.

  • Passive and active income plans.

  • Cryptocurrency and usual banking options available including own bank cards.

  • Offline offices supported.

  • Ambitious plans well described in white paper.

  • Transparency in documentation as well as their trading analytics and reports.

  • Team is working hard supporting, educating and inspiring leaders & members.

  • Company is Audited and Insured.

We did not found anything considered as Cons so we would recommend it to your serious consideration as and investment opportunity.

So our review: Show Must Go On!
...This will have Huge Success the way its develops right now!

Watch the CEO of QuibitTech Greg Limon
Quick Info Webinar on latest company news.

Whitepaper excerpt:

Whilst modern-day computers are truly remarkable, there are still some problems that are so complex, that they become impossible to process using traditional technology approaches, despite all the technological progress demonstrated by the industry. Quantum computing can help us change this in our favor, opening new opportunities to solve some of the world's most pressing problems in areas of national security, climate change, forecasting of economic models and asset management, financial and cyber-security and of course learning and education.

Although quantum computing is relatively new in the public eye, the benefits of and principles involved have been discussed in scientific circles for over 30 years. Unlike a traditional computer, which uses information stored in bits as 0's and 1's; a quantum system uses qubits. A qubit can be thought of a little like a closed box, inside which there is a light that is constantly changing color.

When the box is opened the color freezes and you see one color, but when it is closed, the light (although we know it is changing) could be any one of the many possible colors. The chances of seeing a red light or a blue light become a matter of probability governed by multiple factors and is called superposition state. – in which we can say that the light is a superposition of all colors at the same time.

This is the subject of the famous 'Schrodinger's cat'. Scientist Erwin Schrodinger (a Nobel Prize-winning Austrian-Irish physicist who developed a number of fundamental results in quantum theory) stated that a cat in a closed box is both dead 'and' alive until you open the box to find out. Sometimes referred to as the uncertainty principle. When more than one qubit is reliably connected to another, the qubits are said to be entangled.

This makes the qubits a powerful tool in solving extremely difficult mathematical problems that would be normally considered exponential or intractable in nature. Intractable simply means difficult, or that the more variables involved the possible answers increase not by one or two but perhaps by millions and billions. Problems like recognizing faces in digital images, graphic templates and formations, planning routes and modelling the galaxies all have inherent difficulties that quantum computing will help to solve.

>> Whitepaper full (Good quick read)

Read more: QuibitTech - Future of Quantum Technologies Today - Passive Income & Perfect Marketing Plan

Thursday 13 August 2020

Ancient Science of Mantras Connects Your Biofield with Elemental & Planetary Energies

Give Voice to Goddesses Kali & Tripura Sundari to Clear Karma & Bring in Bliss.

Do you find yourself feeling stressed out and weighed down during these tumultuous times?

Perhaps you’re wondering how you can heal your nervous system, enhance your immunity, and welcome beauty back into your life.

Modern science has been validating what ancient yogis have known for ages — that sacred phrases called mantras have remarkable powers to heal, elevate, and enlighten us.

When used with intention and care, the right mantras can help you strengthen your spiritual connection, slow cell aging, release anxiety, focus your mind, and more…

Mantras can also connect us with specific goddesses — archetypal forces that help us access the power to effect positive change in our bodies and our lives…

On Saturday, August 15, psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur Dr. Shamini Jain will help you use sacred mantras to access your Divine Feminine energy, clear stuck energies that need to be released, and align with the spiritual power to manifest beauty, peace, and truth in the world.

>> Register for Mantras of the Divine Feminine for Healing & Liberation: Give Voice to Goddesses Kali & Tripura Sundari to Clear Karma & Bring in Bliss <<

Receive mantras of the Divine Feminine for healing and liberation

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Become empowered to use your voice for inner healing

  • Understand how the ancient science of mantras connects your biofield with elemental and planetary energies (air, fire, earth, water, space, solar and lunar)

  • Identify where elemental energies show up sonically in your life through music and other environmental sounds (nature) — and discern how it makes you feel as you bring those sounds into your body  

  • Explore how the power of Tripura Sundari — the Goddess who connects you with the grace, flow, and bliss of the Divine Feminine — can help you reclaim your natural bliss state 

  • Receive a Kali mantra to clear disease patterns in your biofield

  • Receive a Tripura Sundari mantra that helps open your crown to allow divine healing energy to pour into every cell

Every goddess is connected to a predominant energy that you can bring into your body through the biofield — to help you clear blocks within yourself so you can co-create with spiritual force, and bring in the changes you wish to see in yourself and the world.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to begin to open your body’s subtle circuitry to power, joy, and grace!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Mantras of the Divine Feminine for Healing & Liberation: Give Voice to Goddesses Kali & Tripura Sundari to Clear Karma & Bring in Bliss with Dr. Shamini Jain, you’ll use sacred mantras for the goddesses to release blocks and open to new channels of grace in your biofield — and experience peace, joy, strength, and ease.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Practice Qigong, Guided Meditation & Healing Breathing Practices w/ Master Mingtong Gu

Watch Live The Healing Chronic Stress & Disease Summit August 10-16, 2020.

Did you know that your mind and body hold the secrets to longevity, health, healing and happiness?

Millions of people around the world are lacking the energy and vitality they once had, and are feeling more lonely, desperate and spiritually disconnected than ever.

These feelings can increase levels of stress, tension, fear and anxiety — compromising immunity and increasing the risk of chronic health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and depression.

You can learn to shake off desperation, loneliness and anxiety, and AWAKEN to a life connected to deep meaning and improved health…

…when you join me at an incredible new event called The Healing Chronic Stress & Disease Summit!

MUST SEE expert talks about healing chronic stress and disease this week with Joan Boryshenko, Grandmother Flordemayo, Panache Desai, Ama’Lia Wai-Ching & Tara Brach

Join us to release, unwind, decompress and tap into the secrets of longevity, health and happiness that lie within you!

Today, most of us are homebound, stressed and worried, but there is hope and action you can take from your own home!

According to a recent clinical review, gentle, low-intensity qigong practices may be useful for the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections, including COVID-19.(1)

Because qigong is easy to learn, can be practiced in the home and is accessible online(4), it’s possible to take up this healthy practice RIGHT NOW to boost your capacity to prevent (and recover from) severe respiratory illness and give yourself simple, effective tools to manage stress and anxiety.

>> Join us to learn more about this ancient, simple and effective practice!

Get free Here Master Mingtong Gu’s guided meditation, Ancient Wisdom and Guided Meditation for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Citing past studies on the utilization of qigong in the rehabilitation of patients with respiratory infections, including COPD and bronchitis, the analysis indicates that qigong can improve lung function and shorten the duration of respiratory infections.(2)

And some studies suggest that qigong can:

  • Help prevent respiratory disease

  • Enhance immune function

  • Strengthen respiratory muscles

  • Increase exercise capacity

  • Help with stress management

  • Improve quality of life(3)

>> Join this complimentary and online The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit!

Your hosts for this event, Master Mingtong Gu and Nathan Crane, will be interweaving diverse perspectives on health, healing and conscious awakening.

PLUS, each day of the summit, Master Mingtong Gu will be leading a qigong teaching and healing meditation, including: Qigong Wisdom and Meditation for Reducing Stress and Qigong Wisdom and Meditation for Immune System Health.

They’re here to help you by sharing this ancient healing wisdom.

Don’t miss these expert talks (starting each day at 10am U.S. Eastern):
—>>Wednesday, August 12

Joan Borysenko, PhD

Scientific Power of the Mind to Heal Chronic Disease

—>>Thursday, August 13

Grandmother Flordemayo

Spiritual Healing in Times of Crisis

—>>Friday, August 14

Panache Desai

Discover Your Power, Potential and Possibility

—>>Saturday, August 15

Ama’Lia Wai-Ching, PhD

Benefits of Qigong and Eastern Wisdom

—>>Sunday, August 16

Tara Brach, PhD

Responding to the Global Pandemic with Compassion and Wisdom

These experts will teach you the best ways to shake off desperation, loneliness and anxiety, and AWAKEN to a life connected to deep meaning and improved health.

Tap into the wisdom of your own body and mind to find the answer to renewed connectedness, health and energy!

—>>Listen to these expert talks + Get all these eBooks & meditations now!

Get Nathan Crane’s 196-page eBook, 27 Flavors of Fulfillment: How to Live Life to the Fullest, and learn how to resolve inner conflict, depression and health crises!

Such incredible information, be sure to visit today and plan the rest of your week accordingly!

You can truly get started on better health today!

When you register for The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!


  1. Fan Feng, M.D., Ph.D., Sylvie Tuchman, B.A., John W. Denninger, M.D., Ph.D., Gregory L. Fricchione, M.D., and Albert Yeung, M.D., Sc.D. Qigong for the Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of COVID-19 Infection in Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020 May 15.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Join Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Aug. 24-28 - Boosting Immunity & Longevity

Partner with Mother Nature: Your Open Source Pharmacy & Medicine Cabinet.

Never has it been more important and urgent to regenerate your body and build robust immunity than now, in the midst of our global health crisis.  

To be sure, the advances of modern medicine are amazing, even miraculous. Our ability to treat ailments and cure diseases is an inspiring testament to what we’re capable of.  

And, some of the most simple and overlooked elements of our immediate natural environment also offer remarkable healing power…

Plants contain a myriad of compounds which can nourish, balance, and support immune function, thereby increasing your body’s built-in resistance to disease.

Medicinal botanicals have a wide range of healing properties when properly applied. They can reverse inflammation, renew proper organ function, and tone the endocrine system, for starters. And, they can rebalance your emotions and provide you with clarity and enhanced vigor.  

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit, where you’ll discover how plants can purify, protect, and evolve us — as they sharpen our minds, extend our lives, and deepen our connection with this blessed planet.

Free Online Event
Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit

August 24-28, 2020

Free Online Event Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit August 24-28, 2020

You’ll hear from more than two dozen of today’s highly sought-after experts, natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators — including Dr. Vasant Lad, David Winston, Dr. Marc Halpern, Adriana Ayales, Mark Blumenthal, Karen Wang Diggs, Trupti Gokani, MD, and many others — hosted by plant medicine pioneer David Crow.

They’ll be sharing up-to-date practices and insights for working with medicinal herbs, flowers, mushrooms, aromatic ceremonial plants, and essential oils to revitalize your health, your community, and the Earth.  

I hope you can join us for this exceptional convergence of botanical medicine experts. 

Here’s a sample of what these world-class speakers will be sharing with you…

  • With K.P. Khalsa you’ll learn the role of viral action in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), find out the appropriate tests for these viruses, and hear about several effective treatments.

  • Karen Wang Diggs will illuminate the synergy between our gut microbiome and wellbeing, and why bacteria is your ally in boosting immunity, cognitive function, and energy.

  • Rainforest herbalist Adriana Ayales will share an immersion on the powers of the pineal gland, the subconscious mind, and herbs known to awaken lucid dreaming — along with herbs that tone the organs of perception and awaken the subconscious mind.

  • Join legendary Ayurvedic physician Dr. Vasant Lad as he illuminates the nature of prana — including the functions of the “prana body,” and how to care for it.

  • don Oscar Miro-Quesada will reveal how the sacred use of entheogenic plant allies like the San Pedro cactus can strengthen your overall immunity to modern viral pandemics.

  • Explore new science combined with an ancient understanding of the connection between the human microbiome and the immune system, and discover your unique fingerprint of health to prepare for modern epidemics with Trupti Gokani, MD.

  • Dr. Marc Halpern will explore ways to keep your immune system strong through an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle — supplying you with key herbs to build your immunity and protect your respiratory system.

  • David Winston debunks the common misconception that Kava or any one herb is the anxiety herb, sharing a rigorous understanding of which practices and supplements are beneficial for the chronically anxious.

  • Mark Blumenthal will convey the most current information on quality control of popular immune-boosting herbs, and how the medicinal potency of northern hemisphere herbs is changing in response to global warming. 

  • Join Patricia Kaminski as she transmits important information on flower essence therapy — a tradition founded by Dr. Edward Bach, who addressed the suffering of patients during the 1918 influenza pandemic. 

… and many more!

>> RSVP here for the Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit — at no charge <<

In this enlightening event, you’ll discover that each plant, herb, and flower provides a unique pathway into a more profound relationship with your body, mind, and soul —  opening up opportunities for mental and emotional balance, knowledge of comprehensive immune protection, and physical resilience for the long haul.

Please join us to deepen your wisdom of the healing and evolutionary benefits of the plant kingdom.

During this wisdom-packed and timely event, you’ll discover:

  • How to use ancient wisdom to approach modern epidemics

  • The practical application of herbs for teas, tinctures, poultices, and salves for common health concerns

  • How ancient Tibetan Medicine texts contains predictions and recipes for “the future degenerate times, when environmental degradation and imbalance would rein

  • Ways to maintain personal immunity, a resilient nervous system, and overall homeostasis using common herbs and spices

  • The four methods of disease treatment in Tibetan Medicine

  • Mongolian botanical medicine and herbs — specifically indicated for infections of the urinary tract, respiratory system, intestines, and skin

  • How adaptogens and alterative herbs can be used by everyone to reduce susceptibility to infections

  • Methods for creating a home apothecary for first aid and emergency preparedness

  • How to forage for and prepare antiviral herbs and medicinal mushrooms

  • A practical view on the prevention of respiratory infections

  • How flower essence therapy differs from pharmaceutical and psychiatric medication

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover a Unique Synthesis of Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality August 24-28 Global Event

Join us at Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit.

Never has it been more important and urgent to regenerate your body and build robust immunity than now, in the midst of our global health crisis.  

To be sure, the advances of modern medicine are amazing, even miraculous. Our ability to treat ailments and cure diseases is an inspiring testament to what we’re capable of.  

And, some of the most simple and overlooked elements of our immediate natural environment also offer remarkable healing power…

Plants contain a myriad of compounds which can nourish, balance, and support immune function, thereby increasing your body’s built-in resistance to disease.

Medicinal botanicals have a wide range of healing properties when properly applied. They can reverse inflammation, renew proper organ function, and tone the endocrine system, for starters. And, they can rebalance your emotions and provide you with clarity and enhanced vigor.  

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit, where you’ll discover how plants can purify, protect, and evolve us — as they sharpen our minds, extend our lives, and deepen our connection with this blessed planet.

Free Online Event
Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit
August 24-28, 2020

Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit August 24-28

You’ll hear from more than two dozen of today’s highly sought-after experts, natural medicine experts, health practitioners, and inspiring educators — including Dr. Vasant Lad, David Winston, Dr. Marc Halpern, Adriana Ayales, Mark Blumenthal, Karen Wang Diggs, Trupti Gokani, MD, and many others — hosted by plant medicine pioneer David Crow.

They’ll be sharing up-to-date practices and insights for working with medicinal herbs, flowers, mushrooms, aromatic ceremonial plants, and essential oils to revitalize your health, your community, and the Earth.  

I hope you can join us for this exceptional convergence of botanical medicine experts. 

Here’s a sample of what these world-class speakers will be sharing with you…

  • With K.P. Khalsa you’ll learn the role of viral action in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), find out the appropriate tests for these viruses, and hear about several effective treatments.

  • Karen Wang Diggs will illuminate the synergy between our gut microbiome and wellbeing, and why bacteria is your ally in boosting immunity, cognitive function, and energy.

  • Rainforest herbalist Adriana Ayales will share an immersion on the powers of the pineal gland, the subconscious mind, and herbs known to awaken lucid dreaming — along with herbs that tone the organs of perception and awaken the subconscious mind.

  • Join legendary Ayurvedic physician Dr. Vasant Lad as he illuminates the nature of prana — including the functions of the “prana body,” and how to care for it.

  • don Oscar Miro-Quesada will reveal how the sacred use of entheogenic plant allies like the San Pedro cactus can strengthen your overall immunity to modern viral pandemics.

  • Explore new science combined with an ancient understanding of the connection between the human microbiome and the immune system, and discover your unique fingerprint of health to prepare for modern epidemics with Trupti Gokani, MD.

  • Dr. Marc Halpern will explore ways to keep your immune system strong through an Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle — supplying you with key herbs to build your immunity and protect your respiratory system.

  • David Winston debunks the common misconception that Kava or any one herb is the anxiety herb, sharing a rigorous understanding of which practices and supplements are beneficial for the chronically anxious.

  • Mark Blumenthal will convey the most current information on quality control of popular immune-boosting herbs, and how the medicinal potency of northern hemisphere herbs is changing in response to global warming. 

  • Join Patricia Kaminski as she transmits important information on flower essence therapy — a tradition founded by Dr. Edward Bach, who addressed the suffering of patients during the 1918 influenza pandemic. 

… and many more!

>> RSVP here for the Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit — at no charge <<

In this enlightening event, you’ll discover that each plant, herb, and flower provides a unique pathway into a more profound relationship with your body, mind, and soul —  opening up opportunities for mental and emotional balance, knowledge of comprehensive immune protection, and physical resilience for the long haul.

Please join us to deepen your wisdom of the healing and evolutionary benefits of the plant kingdom.

During this wisdom-packed and timely event, you’ll discover:

  • How to use ancient wisdom to approach modern epidemics

  • The practical application of herbs for teas, tinctures, poultices, and salves for common health concerns

  • How ancient Tibetan Medicine texts contains predictions and recipes for “the future degenerate times, when environmental degradation and imbalance would rein

  • Ways to maintain personal immunity, a resilient nervous system, and overall homeostasis using common herbs and spices

  • The four methods of disease treatment in Tibetan Medicine

  • Mongolian botanical medicine and herbs — specifically indicated for infections of the urinary tract, respiratory system, intestines, and skin

  • How adaptogens and alterative herbs can be used by everyone to reduce susceptibility to infections

  • Methods for creating a home apothecary for first aid and emergency preparedness

  • How to forage for and prepare antiviral herbs and medicinal mushrooms

  • A practical view on the prevention of respiratory infections

  • How flower essence therapy differs from pharmaceutical and psychiatric medication

  • And much more!

>> RSVP here for the Plant Medicine for Modern Epidemics Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Discover a Unique Synthesis of Medicine, Ecology & Spirituality August 24-28 Global Event

Saturday 8 August 2020

Scalar Energy Radical Energy Medicine for Self-Healing & Transformation

Be guided in how to use scalar energy to perform psychic surgery on your own body.

You’re probably familiar with the life-force energy within and around you, but do you know about scalar energy… and its capacity to help us amplify healing and expand consciousness?

This pure energy is within scalar waves, which travel faster than the speed of light, and which physicist and futurist Nikola Tesla discovered could pass through the earth from one side to another with no loss of field strength.

Preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale, the author of 27 books on energy medicine, has mastered the art of harnessing the healing power of these direct-hitting waves — which she calls absolute scalar waves — to effect exponential change and healing.

On Wednesday, August 12, Cyndi will show you how to work with the pure energy inherent in absolute scalar waves to heal, including how it can be used to conduct psychic surgery to remove an unbeneficial energy from your own body.

>> Join for Radical Energy Medicine for Self-Healing & Transformation: How to Awaken & Heal With Scalar Energy, Psychic Surgery & Your Most Potent Chakra, here <<

Learn How to Use Subtle Energy for Radical Energy Medicine for Self-Healing & Transformation How to Awaken & Heal With Scalar Energy, Psychic Surgery & Your Most Potent Chakra

During this fascinating online mini-workshop, you’ll:

  • Understand the science behind absolute scalar waves and how their energetic powers can aid in true healing and successful manifestation

  • Discover what is really happening during psychic surgery

  • Be guided in using the pure energy in absolute scalar waves to perform a simple act of psychic surgery on your own body

  • Understand the energetic causes of dis-ease, including autoimmunity, allergies, and addictions

  • Learn that you have a specific chakra that’s your most potent — the one your soul “lives through” most — that can guide and amplify your healing

When you join Cyndi for this complimentary online event, you’ll launch right into complex and powerful energy-healing methods — which will be easy to understand and accessible.

You’ll also delve more deeply into the practice of psychic surgery, as well as learn how to transmute various forms of environmental toxicity, clear food sensitivities and cravings, cleanse injuries and negativity from nature beings and pets, and much more.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to create your own personalized energy medicine toolkit for these challenging times.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Radical Energy Medicine for Self-Healing & Transformation: How to Awaken & Heal With Scalar Energy, Psychic Surgery & Your Most Potent Chakrayou’ll discover how to use the healing and manifestation powers of scalar energy — plus, be guided in using this pure energy to perform a simple act of psychic surgery on your own body.

Read more: Scalar Energy Radical Energy Medicine for Self-Healing & Transformation

Wednesday 5 August 2020

FORSAGE Community Reviews How it Works - Crowdfunding Your Dreams Made Easy!

Motion... without motion there is no development. Every stage of humanities development as always hinged on two factors:

First being new tools and Second the skill of pushing them to use.

This was the case with the wheel electricity and even fast food. Today we find ourselves in the digital era and we are now only beginning to understand the scope of opportunity these technologies offer.

Today you will see something you have never seen before. We will tell you about the ForSage platform. Why it have over 800,000 registered users in just four months, how is it that the platform capitalization exeeds 2 hundred million dollars.

Forsage is an opportunity, it's a tool available to everyone. It is this tool we are going to talk about today during our first special event. You will see with your own eyes and learn how to apply these tools and the new opportunities they bring.

My name is Jonathan McClain. I'm a member of the Forsage community and I'm glad you joined me to open this door...

"The History of the World is nothing but the development of the Idea of Freedom." ~Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

The History of the World is nothing but the development of the Idea of Freedom

The year is 2020. This year we got to see unprecedented events unfold, we got to feel what it means to be caught in a truly Global event globalization unhinged, world is changing and so are we. We have to adopt, grow and learn how to be in the world, how to treat each other and the environment around us. We have revaluation to the importance of human warmth and mutual support.

We now have a clear understanding that the world will not return to what it used to be and it's not bad. We have to learn from our mistakes and make the right conclusions. That was see that results are what we achieve together.

That's only possible if each and everyone of puts in the effort. This is achievable if all community members believes, follows and respect the rules and principles that underpin the community.

The first thing we'll talk to you about is the code of FORSAGE. At the core of the code are principles from the Declaration of Human Rights, principles of non-violence, freedom, equality and unity where honesty and transparency is a cornerstone that supports the strong and healthy community.

Forsage Code is about Global Financial Transformation Crypto Freedom

The future where everyone of us is happy and free. I believe that we are all worthy people who by their example will pave the way to a better world.

The success of every idea relies on the community which also becomes the main measure of its success its Spirit, unity and actions. It is only recently that we began actually communicating with each other, began both listening and engaging in dialogue, at what has come out of it you'll see on the screen... You Can see actual reviews from the members of the Forsage project from around the World - 11:20

Now I have a question for you:

  1. Would you like to earn living freely?

  2. Would you like to receive the fruits of your labor at the moment you earned it, without waiting for the reward for weeks, months, years...?

  3. Would you like to have an opportunity to help others around you while you're helping yourself?

The great thing about these three points is that they are already available on the FORSAGE platform. There is no any hidden commission fees or taxes. Everything you earn instantly arrives to your own personal wallet that you and no one else hold the keys to. Where part of every platform members profit is automatically shared across the system which means that when you make money so does everyone else... Sounds like a dream but it's real.

On Aug. 05, 2020 Forsage Community Announced
  • Forsage code

  • Brand book

  • Dreams

  • Chat for members

  • Customized ref. link for teams

  • Forsage global bot

  • Sticker pack

  • Forsage Academy

  • Bank cards

>> You Can Learn Quickly How to Join FORSAGE &
Start Utilize the Power of Blockchain Technology here <<

Watch Video Presentation about How the Forsage Project Works

>> Join FORSAGE Directly here <<

Quick Forsage Facts

Forsage ETH Crypto Business Legit Opportunity

German fin tech outlet Kryptowahrung ran an article, that described FORSAGE in details - from the first idea to an end technology.

Русская версия мероприятия от Форсаж

Read more: FORSAGE Community Reviews How it Works - Crowdfunding Your Dreams Made Easy!

Monday 3 August 2020

Receive the Spiritual Nourishment of a Grace-filled Life from Spiritual Teacher Miranda Macpherson

Explore how to live as an awake, grounded, grace-filled human being.

Given the unprecedented uncertainty many of us find ourselves in, it’s understandable that we all just want to feel at ease again.

But what if, no matter what happens in your life and in the world, you had the capacity to embrace it all with courage, curiosity, compassion, and humility?

You absolutely have the power within you right now to move through tough times by staying fully present, discovering what’s at the core of your fear, and discovering what’s always alive in the space underneath it. This liberates the innate clarity you need to make life-sustaining choices…and rise into the noble human being you were born to be and that our world needs.

The good news is, this all happens naturally as you recognize that you already exist within an infinite ground of grace, which enables you to cultivate presence, equanimity, and open-hearted responsivenessno matter what happens in life.

On Wednesday, August 5, spiritual teacher Miranda Macpherson will share actionable ways to embrace life’s most difficult challenges as an intriguing divine invitation that you can meet with openness and curiosity — in a free video event.

>> Register for Living From Grace in Challenging Times: Embrace Life’s Difficulties as your Divine Invitation, here <<

Living From Grace in Challenging Times with Miranda Macpherson

During this powerful hour, you’ll:

  • Explore how to say YES to the divine invitation of life’s challenges by viewing them as something new that wants to emerge — even when your ego so badly wants to resist 

  • Understand the truth that lies beneath anger — and its ability to reveal clarity and strength

  • Learn why compassion is not “fixing” suffering, it’s meeting it — with a natural softness and kindness that emerges from the heart

  • Discover how to transform fear without bypassing it or getting caught up in the mindstream of negative emotions 

  • Experience a guided healing chant, accompanied by Miranda on the harmonium, to unveil exactly what’s limiting the flow of grace in your life, and help you re-connect to the limitless stream of inner nourishment.

Attending this complimentary online event can help you discover how grace is an incredibly practical guide for evolving out of anger, fear, and grief… and into your own most noble innate qualities.

Do join me for this rich and transformative hour with Miranda, who is internationally recognized for her depth of presence — and her refined capacity to guide people into direct experience of the sacred.

>>Register here to receive access details <<

In Living From Grace in Challenging Times: Embrace Life’s Difficulties as your Divine Invitationyou’ll discover how the practice of ego relaxation helps you surrender — which, paradoxically, requires great strength and courage.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.