Tuesday 28 July 2020

How to Get Over Fear of Death - Near-Death Experience - Where Spirituality & Science Meet

Discover how the lessons of an NDE Can Ease Your Fear of Death & Help You Live Life Fully.

Near-death experiencers have been to realms we can only dream of — or that we fear, terribly. Perhaps you’re one of them.

They’ve seen their lives pass before them for review…

They’ve experienced the comforting presence of deceased loved ones, and other helping spirits, as they teeter on the brink of both worlds…

Many return with a profound understanding that love pervades the entire universe and connects all of consciousness…

Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon, the bestselling author of Proof of Heaven, and a teacher of consciousness exploration, is one of these experiencers. During a rare hour with Eben and his partner and co-teacher, spiritual journey facilitator and co-founder of Sacred Acoustics Karen Newell, you’ll hear the fascinating story of his NDE. 

You’ll also discover insights and practices to cultivate the heightened awareness, deep love, and absence of the fear of death that can result from an NDE — to live more freely and fully, even if you haven’t had such an experience yourself.

>> You can register for The Near-Death Experience –– Where Spirituality & Science Meet: Ease Your Fear of Death, Open to Love & Live Life Fully, here <<

Discover the power of a near-death experience — where spirituality and science meet

During this eye-opening free video event on August 1, you’ll discover:

  • An NDE opens us to the awareness that our consciousness creates our life — and that we have a critical role to play while we’re here

  • We are not alone when we die — and that unconditional love is the binding force of the universe

  • Scientific proof that we can heal ourselves, and how our beliefs can make up 30% of the therapeutic benefit of our healing protocol

  • Our connectedness as One Mind bound by love and unlimited by time, space, the physical body, and this lifetime

  • A sound-healing exercise to experience feeling that all is well and as it should be, and to find peace in this understanding

If you’ve experienced an NDE, you can compare notes with a renowned expert and gain a scientific perspective that may further validate your own discoveries, as well as answer questions you’ve yet to satisfy.

If you haven’t experienced an NDE, you’ll come away with an expanded and comforting view of death and of our lives here on Earth and beyond…

More than anything, you’ll discover that our fundamental state of being is one in which we’re surrounded by unconditional love, and that this infinitely healing force offers an abundance of comfort that can help us never fear the process of death again.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In The Near-Death Experience –– Where Spirituality & Science Meet: Ease Your Fear of Death, Open to Love & Live Life Fully, Dr. Eben Alexander, the bestselling author of Proof of Heaven, will be sharing evidence that we are not alone when we die… and that unconditional love is the binding force of the universe.

Read more: How to Get Over Fear of Death - Near-Death Experience - Where Spirituality & Science Meet

Monday 27 July 2020

Discover Loving Presence in the Eye of the Storm Thru Chanting Practice with Krishna Das

Discover how chanting helps you maintain peace of mind even amidst challenges.

Lately, our buttons are being pushed beyond what many of us have experienced in our lifetime.

And, while you may not be able to alter the external circumstances surrounding you — at least, not on your own — you can transform your thought patterns… the way you feel and respond to what’s happening.

Devotional chanting, which has long been practiced in a wide range of wisdom traditions, has been used for centuries as a way to train people to stay present in the here and now… to be more at ease in THIS moment, and then the next…

On Wednesday, July 29, bestselling Western chant artist Krishna Das (KD), will continue the process of moving more deeply into the Heart space — through the spiritual practice of chanting — in Discover Loving Presence in the Eye of the Storm & Develop Inner Strength Through Chanting Practice.

In this free video event, KD will also offer profound insights on how to gather strength, so that no matter what happens in the outside world, you can summon that place of peace and connection within.

>> Register here for Live Event (get recording later & training at the end of event) <<

Discover Loving Presence in the Eye of the Storm & Develop Inner Strength Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das

During this profound and inspiring hour, you’ll: 

  • Get a taste of the practice of chanting, so you can continue your journey into the authentic love within you

  • Understand that your knee-jerk reactions are based in fear, clinging, craving, or pushing away — and result in more suffering 

  • Learn how to lean on your practice to calm you down and open you to more choice about how you respond to life 

  • Evolve your understanding of your true nature — tapping into compassion and your heart

  • More easily release your judgmental thoughts — and let go of the stories you believe about yourself and your life

  • Experience a chant in which you recite names of the Divine… to magnify your ability to uncover peace in your heart and develop your inner warrior

  • Experience a deeper connection to your Inner Being through chanting with Krishna Das

During this event, Krishna Das, a dynamic and powerful spiritual teacher and world-renowned performer, will engage you in a specific chant — a devotional mantra in which he recites the names of the Divine Presence.

Repeating this mantra with attention and sincerity can help you meet your authentic being… and discover the love that lives within your heart.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Loving Presence in the Eye of the Storm & Develop Inner Strength Through Chanting Practice, Krishna Das will show you how chanting can help you return to your authentic Self, move out of reactivity and into choice, and maintain peace of mind even amidst challenges — both inside and out. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Develop Inner Strength Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das

Experience the sacred process and profound effects of chanting.

Lately, our buttons are being pushed beyond what many of us have experienced in our lifetime.

And, while you may not be able to alter the external circumstances surrounding you — at least, not on your own — you can transform your thought patterns… the way you feel and respond to what’s happening.

Devotional chanting, which has long been practiced in a wide range of wisdom traditions, has been used for centuries as a way to train people to stay present in the here and now… to be more at ease in THIS moment, and then the next…

On Wednesday, July 29, bestselling Western chant artist Krishna Das (KD), will continue the process of moving more deeply into the Heart space — through the spiritual practice of chanting — in Discover Loving Presence in the Eye of the Storm & Develop Inner Strength Through Chanting Practice.

In this free video event, KD will also offer profound insights on how to gather strength, so that no matter what happens in the outside world, you can summon that place of peace and connection within.

>> Register here for Live Event (get recording later & training at the end of event) <<

Discover Loving Presence in the Eye of the Storm & Develop Inner Strength Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das

During this profound and inspiring hour, you’ll: 

  • Get a taste of the practice of chanting, so you can continue your journey into the authentic love within you

  • Understand that your knee-jerk reactions are based in fear, clinging, craving, or pushing away — and result in more suffering 

  • Learn how to lean on your practice to calm you down and open you to more choice about how you respond to life 

  • Evolve your understanding of your true nature — tapping into compassion and your heart

  • More easily release your judgmental thoughts — and let go of the stories you believe about yourself and your life

  • Experience a chant in which you recite names of the Divine… to magnify your ability to uncover peace in your heart and develop your inner warrior

  • Experience a deeper connection to your Inner Being through chanting with Krishna Das

During this event, Krishna Das, a dynamic and powerful spiritual teacher and world-renowned performer, will engage you in a specific chant — a devotional mantra in which he recites the names of the Divine Presence.

Repeating this mantra with attention and sincerity can help you meet your authentic being… and discover the love that lives within your heart.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Loving Presence in the Eye of the Storm & Develop Inner Strength Through Chanting Practice, Krishna Das will show you how chanting can help you return to your authentic Self, move out of reactivity and into choice, and maintain peace of mind even amidst challenges — both inside and out. 

Read more: Develop Inner Strength Through Chanting Practice with Krishna Das

Saturday 25 July 2020

Open to the Shaman’s Light for Balance, Healing & Strength with Sandra Ingerman

Embark on a guided journey to meet Gaia and reshape your destiny.

The world is experiencing a “dark night of the soul” — what shamanic cultures call an initiation.

Collectively and individually, we’re transitioning from one way of life to another…

To ensure meaningful and lasting change, shamanism asks us to face the darkness.

It may seem daunting, but this rich journey will strip you of that which no longer serves you. It will unveil your true identity, power, strength, inner light, and capacity to love.

On Saturday, July 25, world-renowned shamanism teacher Sandra Ingerman will share powerful shamanic insights and tools for moving forward — a lantern in the darkness to guide you to better navigate these times — in Open to the Shaman’s Light for Balance, Healing & Strength: Shamanic Tools for Navigating Darkness & Initiating New Ways of Being.

>> You can register here to Watch Live & Access Recording + Extra Training after Event <<

Open to the Shaman’s Light for Balance, Healing & Strength with Sandra Ingerman

During this free powerful 60 minutes, you’ll discover:

  • How we’re collectively experiencing a Dark Night of the Soul — what the shaman views as an initiation — and ways to open to the changes you’re being called to make

  • Shamanic practices for working with ceremony and nature’s elements for balance, healing, and strength in chaotic times

  • How to touch into Spirit when you’ve lost faith

  • How the shaman traverses from unhealthy energy fields (of pain, trauma, depression, hate, or frustration) into a healthier field

  • A guided journey to meet Gaia and discover what changes you need to make in your life to align with her destiny

Shamanism empowers us, it helps us find our ground amidst chaos and the light on the other side of dark times. It helps us create protection for ourselves and those we love.

And during this special hour with Sandra, who has long been at the forefront of bringing shamanism into the everyday lives of thousands, you’ll glimpse the world — its challenges and yours — through the wise eyes of the shaman.

More than anything, you’ll be reminded of the opportunity we’ve all been presented — to break out of the darkness of our illusions and be initiated into new light-filled ways of being.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Open to the Shaman’s Light for Balance, Healing & Strength: Shamanic Tools for Navigating Darkness & Initiating New Ways of Beingyou’ll discover the growth and transformation that await you as you face life’s darkness — the initiation that shamanic cultures understand as the only path into the light.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 21 July 2020

Must Watch Sound Healing Summit Aug. 3-7 Revitalize Yourself through Vibrational Medicine

Discover the Evolutionary & Curative Power of Sound.

Have you experienced the healing power of sound?  Scientific research shows that even the simple act of humming can be therapeutic! 

Using sound as a healing approach is not new. In fact, for thousands of years, cultures from around the world have used vibrational medicine to treat illness, revitalize the body, and elevate the spirit.  

Every living being (actually, everything in the universe!) is in a state of vibration. And this means every part of you — from your organs, your bones, your tissues, the electromagnetic field of your body… even the fluid in your cells — has an optimal vibrational frequency.

Humming, toning, chanting, and many other sound-healing modalities used as daily self-soothing practices can diminish stress, lower your heart rate, and help you sleep better.  

Particularly now, when so many are experiencing disturbed sleep patterns and anxiety about the intensifying crises in our world, sound healing is a 100% natural tonic that’s been proven effective for inducing calm and down-regulating the nervous system.

Sonic healing methods can also harmonize your biofield — the electromagnetic web of your physical body — and help you transform anxious, depressed states into love and joy. Today’s medical practitioners are using these techniques to treat panic attacks, sleep challenges, and more.  

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the Sound Healing Summit — produced by The Shift Network — where you’ll learn the curative and evolutionary powers of proven sound-healing therapies from some of today’s leading experts in the fascinating field of vibrational medicine.

Join us for this Free Online Event
Sound Healing Summit

August 3-7, 2020

Sound Healing Summit August 3-7,2020

You’ll hear from 37 of today’s highly sought-after experts, sound-healing pioneers, and practitioners — including Eileen McKusick, Jeralyn Glass, Jonathan Goldman, Justin Michael Williams, Gregg Braden, John Beaulieu, Christine Stevens, Chloë Goodchild, Russil Paul, Heather Salmon, and others.

During this evolutionary 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • The healing power of vocal toning and overtones

  • Sonic healing pathways to aid in addiction recovery and assist in healing ancestral trauma

  • How to use your own voice as medicine to down-regulate your nervous system

  • The ways sound healing can create resonance and deeper connection between you and your partner

  • How to create your own sacred sound rituals for personal and global transformation

  • What gorgeous and revealing messages are hidden in water — decipherable with sound

  • The connection between sonic healing methods and neural coherence

  • How to create heart-brain coherence with music and sound

  • The unique curative power of crystal alchemy singing bowls

  • What the latest research is showing about the potency of sound-healing modalities

  • The yoga of sound — healing mantras and their effect on the body

  • And much more…

Whether you’re ready to discover the ideal daily sound-healing practice for you, tap into the acoustical energies of the biofield, or learn how the alchemy of crystal singing bowls can shift your consciousness, you’ll deepen your knowledge of healing practices that address your wellbeing in a truly holistic way, impacting each part of your life.

Join me and the amazing panel of other presenters to equip yourself with the right approaches and techniques in vibrational medicine for YOU — and increase your vibrancy, balance, and restoration in the process. 

>> RSVP here for the Sound Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s how some of our brilliant speakers will illuminate the many dimensions of sound healing: 

  • Eileen McKusick will offer a group biofield tuning to help you mobilize and transform difficult or stuck emotions… rather than habitually suppressing them.

  • Learn potent self-healing and meditative practices with Jonathan Goldman, including psycho-acoustics and vibro-acoustics.

  • Sound pioneer John Beaulieu will convey riveting new scientific discoveries confirming the positive impact of sound healing… and share a daily practice to tune your nervous system.

  • Gregg Braden will share from his new book about the “wisdom codes” and how we can use them to heal our hearts — and will describe the remarkable ways that sound and music have been used in a variety of ancient wisdom traditions.

  • Russill Paul will provide the true meaning of mantra — the art of sacred speech — and show you how to nurture and develop your soul’s voice, rather than the  voice of ego.

  • Experience Jeralyn Glass’ unique work with crystal bowls and find out how crystalline sound can transform pain and grief into joy and purpose.

  • Justin Michael Williams will guide you to find your authentic voice in the world by discovering your unique energy signature and becoming a “good ancestor” to our youth.

  • Heather Salmon will explore different types of sacred sound group experiences, including guided journeys, in which people are more passive and receiving… as well as interactive processes, in which people are actively engaged in sounding and toning.

  • With David Gibson, you’ll learn about new strategies and protocols for bringing sound into the medical field… and how sound can be used to enhance childhood education for improved emotional balance and health.

  • And many more…

>> RSVP here for the Sound Healing Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Sunday 19 July 2020

Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy with Bernadette Pleasant

Experience somatic movement to express your feelings and embody emotional freedom.

Imagine feeling vibrantly alive, moving your body with joyous abandon as you uncover, express, and move through long-suppressed or hidden emotions.

Waiting for you on the other side of this experiential, life-transforming practice is the glorious state of emotional freedom.

According to renowned somatic healer Bernadette Pleasant, truly expressing and feeling your emotions can not only improve your wellbeing, but can be the key to living a juicy, fully experienced, passionate, and sensual life… opening you up to fully being YOU.

Movement, specifically dance, provides a powerful and easy way to help us release feelings that no longer serve us, and to discover and express emotions we were previously unaware of.

Movement and dance can help you rediscover your primal self…

On Wednesday, July 22, Bernadette will show you how you can perform intuitive, free form dance movements to the beat of a drum, to get your focus off of your repetitive thoughts and into the wise and healing sensations of your body.

>> Register for Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy: Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life <<

Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life

During this liberating hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance — to your health and wellbeing — of honoring and expressing your feelings

  • Learn how movement and dance can open you to your full range of emotions and be a powerful means for expressing difficult feelings during these chaotic times

  • Discover how dance can help you reclaim childlike spontaneity, curiosity, playfulness, and joy — and allow for an authentic experience of YOU and your life

  • Discover that you can choose and invite in joy, and learn how movement can help you access this pleasurable feeling — even through pain you may be experiencing

  • Be guided on an Emotional Tour  — a somatic dance practice to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self

In these uncertain and turbulent times, we’re all bound to be holding strong feelings… perhaps some we’re not even aware of. And if you’re like many, you may even be feeling shame about feeling joy — in the midst of all the suffering across the globe.

During this special hour you’ll discover how to use simple dance movements to unlock stuck emotions, express difficult feelings, open to joy, and start feeling the liberating abandon of being who you truly are.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy: Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life, you’ll be guided on an Emotional Tour — a somatic practice to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self.

Read more: Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy with Bernadette Pleasant

Saturday 18 July 2020

Breathing, Meditation & Qigong for Respiratory Infection Prevention & Treatment w/ Master Mingtong Gu

Join us for The Healing Chronic Stress & Disease Summit August 10-16, 2020.

Did you know that your mind and body hold the secrets to longevity, health, healing and happiness?

Millions of people around the world are lacking the energy and vitality they once had, and are feeling more lonely, desperate and spiritually disconnected than ever.

These feelings can increase levels of stress, tension, fear and anxiety — compromising immunity and increasing the risk of chronic health conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and depression.

You can learn to shake off desperation, loneliness and anxiety, and AWAKEN to a life connected to deep meaning and improved health…

…when you join me at an incredible new event called The Healing Chronic Stress & Disease Summit!

Join The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit from August 10-16, 2020

Join us to release, unwind, decompress and tap into the secrets of longevity, health and happiness that lie within you!

Today, most of us are homebound, stressed and worried, but there is hope and action you can take from your own home!

According to a recent clinical review, gentle, low-intensity qigong practices may be useful for the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections, including COVID-19.(1)

Because qigong is easy to learn, can be practiced in the home and is accessible online(4), it’s possible to take up this healthy practice RIGHT NOW to boost your capacity to prevent (and recover from) severe respiratory illness and give yourself simple, effective tools to manage stress and anxiety.

>> Join us to learn more about this ancient, simple and effective practice!

Get free Here Master Mingtong Gu’s guided meditation, Ancient Wisdom and Guided Meditation for Overcoming Fear and Anxiety

Citing past studies on the utilization of qigong in the rehabilitation of patients with respiratory infections, including COPD and bronchitis, the analysis indicates that qigong can improve lung function and shorten the duration of respiratory infections.(2)

And some studies suggest that qigong can:
  • Help prevent respiratory disease

  • Enhance immune function

  • Strengthen respiratory muscles

  • Increase exercise capacity

  • Help with stress management

  • Improve quality of life(3)

>> Join this complimentary and online The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit!

Your hosts for this event, Master Mingtong Gu and Nathan Crane, will be interweaving diverse perspectives on health, healing and conscious awakening.

PLUS, each day of the summit, Master Mingtong Gu will be leading a qigong teaching and healing meditation, including: Qigong Wisdom and Meditation for Reducing Stress and Qigong Wisdom and Meditation for Immune System Health.

They’re here to help you by sharing this ancient healing wisdom.


You can truly get started on better health today!

When you register for The Healing Chronic Stress and Disease Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

  1. Fan Feng, M.D., Ph.D., Sylvie Tuchman, B.A., John W. Denninger, M.D., Ph.D., Gregory L. Fricchione, M.D., and Albert Yeung, M.D., Sc.D. Qigong for the Prevention, Treatment, and Rehabilitation of COVID-19 Infection in Older Adults. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2020 May 15. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7227578/

Read more: Breathing, Meditation & Qigong for Respiratory Infection Prevention & Treatment w/ Master Mingtong Gu

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Strengthen Your Healing Power By Connecting Intuitively With Plants, Animals & Totems

Heal your physical and spiritual immune systems with your innate intuitive powers.

Did you know you have the capacity to read energy as a medical intuitive?

When you learn to tap into these innate powers, you open to greater wisdom, insights, and energetic empowerments in nature and all around you.

There are many powerful tools you can use as a medical intuitive to clear and balance your physical and spiritual immune systems, opening you to the natural “health-promoting” flow of beneficial energies — and effecting deep change at a cellular level.

On Saturday, July 18, quantum healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino will help you discover how to open to your innate capacity for reading energy as a medical intuitive by connecting intuitively with animals, plants, and totems… practices that can boost your health and vitality and deepen your heart connection to the natural world.

Join to watch live: >> Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive: Strengthen Your Healing Power By Connecting Intuitively With Plants, Animals & Totems <<

Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive with Mona Delfino

In this eye-opening 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Boost your spiritual immune system using heart medicine to relax your body and ease the pressure that past traumas are placing on your adrenals

  • Learn how to use crystals as conduits for improving the focus and effectiveness of your healing work and for clearing negative energies

  • Explore the special mission that plants have — and how reading them helps you make healing changes where needed

  • Learn how animals tune in to us at a heart level and can help expand our access to wellbeing and spiritual awareness

  • Experience a sound healing designed to help you surrender to self-acceptance and expand your self-trust, the bedrock of intuition

Your body needs the healthy flow of energy to prevent or heal illness, as well as the focused intent and power of your mind — your intuition — to enhance healing and enable you to thrive.

Mona is highly skilled at reading energy and at helping others understand how to tune in to the energies within and around them to produce self-healing in deep and lasting ways…

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to experience powerful approaches to using elements from the natural world, the balancing resonance of sound, and the intuitive wisdom of your heart to read and work with healing energies as a medical intuitive.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive: Strengthen Your Healing Power By Connecting Intuitively With Plants, Animals & Totems, you’ll learn how to use crystals, animals, and plants as conduits for healing your physical and spiritual immune systems — and deepening your healing work

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive with Mona Delfino

Use your intuitive powers to read the energy of crystals, plants, and animals.

Did you know you have the capacity to read energy as a medical intuitive?

When you learn to tap into these innate powers, you open to greater wisdom, insights, and energetic empowerments in nature and all around you.

There are many powerful tools you can use as a medical intuitive to clear and balance your physical and spiritual immune systems, opening you to the natural “health-promoting” flow of beneficial energies — and effecting deep change at a cellular level.

On Saturday, July 18, quantum healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino will help you discover how to open to your innate capacity for reading energy as a medical intuitive by connecting intuitively with animals, plants, and totems… practices that can boost your health and vitality and deepen your heart connection to the natural world.

Join to watch live: >> Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive: Strengthen Your Healing Power By Connecting Intuitively With Plants, Animals & Totems <<

Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive: Strengthen Your Healing Power By Connecting Intuitively With Plants, Animals & Totems

In this eye-opening 60 minutes, you’ll:

  • Boost your spiritual immune system using heart medicine to relax your body and ease the pressure that past traumas are placing on your adrenals

  • Learn how to use crystals as conduits for improving the focus and effectiveness of your healing work and for clearing negative energies

  • Explore the special mission that plants have — and how reading them helps you make healing changes where needed

  • Learn how animals tune in to us at a heart level and can help expand our access to wellbeing and spiritual awareness

  • Experience a sound healing designed to help you surrender to self-acceptance and expand your self-trust, the bedrock of intuition

Your body needs the healthy flow of energy to prevent or heal illness, as well as the focused intent and power of your mind — your intuition — to enhance healing and enable you to thrive.

Mona is highly skilled at reading energy and at helping others understand how to tune in to the energies within and around them to produce self-healing in deep and lasting ways…

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to experience powerful approaches to using elements from the natural world, the balancing resonance of sound, and the intuitive wisdom of your heart to read and work with healing energies as a medical intuitive.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive: Strengthen Your Healing Power By Connecting Intuitively With Plants, Animals & Totems, you’ll learn how to use crystals, animals, and plants as conduits for healing your physical and spiritual immune systems — and deepening your healing work.

Read more: Reading Energy as a Medical Intuitive with Mona Delfino

Sunday 5 July 2020

Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Accessing Higher Consciousness

Receive ancient, experiential practices for activating this powerful spiritual energy.

From ancient sages to modern-day seekers, many have experienced the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine.

When activated in the right way, there are few things that can accelerate your spiritual awakening faster than tapping into this divine force within you…

On Saturday, July 11, spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will guide you on a deeper exploration of the nature of Kundalini, the ways this sacred divine energy can be experienced more fully, and how it can transform your life, during a FREE online event: Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Accessing Higher Consciousness.

>> You can Join us here to watch this Masterclass Live (get recording) <<

Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Accessing Higher Consciousness

During this complimentary hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the origins of Kundalini Shakti practices in Tantra, Kaula, Krama, Sri Vidya, and other ancient Indian Schools of Wisdom

  • Learn 3 amazing Shakti breathing techniques to help open all your Nadis (subtle energy channels) and clear the path for Kundalini to awaken and rise up in you

  • Receive initiation into an ancient Shakti Mantra that can quickly awaken this powerful energy in you and change the way you engage with the world

  • Discover how to visualize and experience the 3 types of Kundalini Shakti in your body through Raja’s guided Shakti transmission, mantra, and energy 

  • Map your body as a sacred temple that Kundalini can rise through, and discover the essential secrets of the Sri Chakra Yantra as a map of your inner and outer worlds 

Raja will dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway for working with breath, mantras, mudras, and light to help you open to the blessings of Kundalini.

As Raja teaches, Kundalini can clear channels in your body, emotions, mind, and soul, allowing you to receive the divine energy pouring through your cells.

As you open to this evolutionary force of divine power within you, you’ll begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world!

>> Register now to watch live (get recording + extended training) <<

In Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Accessing Higher Consciousness, you’ll discover how to work with Kundalini Shakti — the evolutionary force of sacred feminine power within you — for healing, vitality, success, and true inner peace in a time of unrest and uncertainty.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Join Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Masterclass with Raja Choudhury

Experience the power and potential of awakening your Kundalini energy.

From ancient sages to modern-day seekers, many have experienced the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine.

When activated in the right way, there are few things that can accelerate your spiritual awakening faster than tapping into this divine force within you…

On Saturday, July 11, spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will guide you on a deeper exploration of the nature of Kundalini, the ways this sacred divine energy can be experienced more fully, and how it can transform your life, during a FREE online event: Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Accessing Higher Consciousness.

>> You can Join us here to watch this Masterclass Live (get recording) <<

Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Accessing Higher Consciousness

During this complimentary hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the origins of Kundalini Shakti practices in Tantra, Kaula, Krama, Sri Vidya, and other ancient Indian Schools of Wisdom

  • Learn 3 amazing Shakti breathing techniques to help open all your Nadis (subtle energy channels) and clear the path for Kundalini to awaken and rise up in you

  • Receive initiation into an ancient Shakti Mantra that can quickly awaken this powerful energy in you and change the way you engage with the world

  • Discover how to visualize and experience the 3 types of Kundalini Shakti in your body through Raja’s guided Shakti transmission, mantra, and energy 

  • Map your body as a sacred temple that Kundalini can rise through, and discover the essential secrets of the Sri Chakra Yantra as a map of your inner and outer worlds 

Raja will dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway for working with breath, mantras, mudras, and light to help you open to the blessings of Kundalini.

As Raja teaches, Kundalini can clear channels in your body, emotions, mind, and soul, allowing you to receive the divine energy pouring through your cells.

As you open to this evolutionary force of divine power within you, you’ll begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world!

>> Register now to watch live (get recording + extended training) <<

In Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Accessing Higher Consciousness, you’ll discover how to work with Kundalini Shakti — the evolutionary force of sacred feminine power within you — for healing, vitality, success, and true inner peace in a time of unrest and uncertainty.

Read more: Join Awakening Your Kundalini Advanced Masterclass with Raja Choudhury

Friday 3 July 2020

Discover how Mind Medicine Can Reprogram Your Response to Stress

Right now, you have the ability within yourself to reproduce the healing effects of medicine…

It’s all in the power of your mind.

Your subconscious mind plays a powerful role in your body’s health — in fact, it’s home to symptoms, diseases, stressors, behavior patterns, relationships, and more…

And as many of us have experienced, your mind can become your tormentor, creating poison and toxicity — resulting in a degeneration and breakdown, built around how you perceive yourself and the world in each moment.

The imprinted thought patterns and negative self-perception you carry around absolutely affects your emotional wellbeing.

Dr. Darren Weissman, chiropractic holistic physician and developer of The Lifeline Technique®, will share a new 60-minute workshop all about the nature of your subconscious mind — and the power you’ll unlock once you learn to heal it….

>> Join us for Mind Medicine to Transform Toxic Emotions & Deepen Your Heart Connection: Reprogram Your Response to Life’s Stressors & Ignite Your Highest Potential, here <<

Discover Mind Medicine Chiropractic Holistic Healing Epigenetics Subconscious mind

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to stop perceiving the world based on past trauma that’s still being triggered

  • The many ways your mind is incredibly powerful — and why only your heart can hack it

  • How to dance with the invisible partnership of your subconscious mind as you create a healthy, loving relationship with yourself

  • A special heart-based process you can use anytime to shine a light on the blind spots of your subconscious mind, love them, and release them so they don’t continue to steer your life

  • A powerful practice to help you set an intention for your life — focusing on where you most want to go, rather than what you want to avoid — as you connect to your heart’s desire

Dr. Weissman’s renowned step-by-step mind medicine process, based on noted developmental biologist Bruce Lipton’s work on epigenetics, can uncover your entire subconscious dynamic — and reveal exactly how you’ve been repeating patterns that are actually sabotaging your deepest desires.

More than anything, you’ll realize how mind medicine can change your life and how you move through the world… because at the core of every limiting belief, you’ll find your pure potential.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Mind Medicine to Transform Toxic Emotions & Deepen Your Heart Connection: Reprogram Your Response to Life’s Stressors & Ignite Your Highest Potential, you’ll discover how to create your own mind medicine to heal the harmful effects of stress, degeneration of the body, and toxic relationship dynamics — using a breakthrough process based on the epigenetics work of Bruce Lipton.

Read more: Discover how Mind Medicine Can Reprogram Your Response to Stress

Thursday 2 July 2020

Reclaim Your Connection to The Divine Feminine to Awaken & Transform Your Life

Rediscover the depths, magic, and sacred irreverence of the Goddess in all her splendor.

Have you found yourself feeling unfulfilled in subtle ways… perhaps sensing that something rich, untamed, and multidimensional is being left out of the equation?

You’re not alone. A true connection to the Divine Feminine has been missing for so many of us…

The truth is, for the last few millennia, virtually everything we’ve come to think of as a spiritual practice has been designed by and for masculine consciousness and masculine bodies.

Thankfully, times are changing, and now more than ever, it’s time for the Feminine to take her rightful place of equality in the world.

On Wednesday, July 8, renowned author, priestess, and unconventional initiator Ariel Spilsbury, the founder of the 13 Moon Mystery School, will help you discover how to move away from the masculine approach of fixing your “flaws” — and instead balance out your energy with the feminine approach of befriending your flaws and loving your shadow self into wholeness.

>> Join us for Love Your Shadow Side Into Wholeness Through Feminine Alchemy, here <<

Love Your Shadow Side Into Wholeness Through Feminine Alchemy

During this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Embrace all of your Self in a field of self-love

  • Discover the true meaning of the shadow — your perceived “flaws” and blocks that appear to be  holding you back from true spiritual awakening, and how they actually serve a powerful purpose during this worldwide alchemical  Dark Night of the Soul 

  • Explore 3 powerful examples of how masculine and feminine perspectives diverge — the masciline vs. feminine approach to meditation, time management, and your sense of multidimensionality

  • Move through a transformative guided exercise to help balance the masculine and feminine within you as you gather information about your left brain and right brain — what you discover might surprise you 

  • Receive a meditation to enter your inner heart, identifying anything that’s keeping you off-balance — and create an energetic alchemical crucible to burn it away 

Now is the time to reclaim the full spectrum of your divinity — and savor the wholeness that is your ultimate birthright.

Ariel will walk you through the first steps to balancing out our culture’s default masculine teachings with a feminine sensibility… so you can feel brighter, freer to express who you are, and more tuned in to your gifts.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Love Your Shadow Side Into Wholeness Through Feminine Alchemy, you’ll begin to shed millennia of masculine conditioning — and rediscover the depths, magic, and sacred irreverence of the Goddess in all her splendor.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 1 July 2020

Mind Medicine to Transform Toxic Emotions & Deepen Your Heart Connection

Discover How to Create Your Own Mind Medicine to Heal the Effects of Stress.

Right now, you have the ability within yourself to reproduce the healing effects of medicine…

It’s all in the power of your mind.

Your subconscious mind plays a powerful role in your body’s health — in fact, it’s home to symptoms, diseases, stressors, behavior patterns, relationships, and more…

And as many of us have experienced, your mind can become your tormentor, creating poison and toxicity — resulting in a degeneration and breakdown, built around how you perceive yourself and the world in each moment.

The imprinted thought patterns and negative self-perception you carry around absolutely affects your emotional wellbeing.

On Wednesday, July 1, Dr. Darren Weissman, chiropractic holistic physician and developer of The Lifeline Technique®, will share a new 60-minute workshop all about the nature of your subconscious mind — and the power you’ll unlock once you learn to heal it….

>> Join us for Mind Medicine to Transform Toxic Emotions & Deepen Your Heart Connection: Reprogram Your Response to Life’s Stressors & Ignite Your Highest Potential, here <<

Mind Medicine Chiropractic Holistic Healing Epigenetics Subconscious mind

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to stop perceiving the world based on past trauma that’s still being triggered

  • The many ways your mind is incredibly powerful — and why only your heart can hack it

  • How to dance with the invisible partnership of your subconscious mind as you create a healthy, loving relationship with yourself

  • A special heart-based process you can use anytime to shine a light on the blind spots of your subconscious mind, love them, and release them so they don’t continue to steer your life

  • A powerful practice to help you set an intention for your life — focusing on where you most want to go, rather than what you want to avoid — as you connect to your heart’s desire

Dr. Weissman’s renowned step-by-step mind medicine process, based on noted developmental biologist Bruce Lipton’s work on epigenetics, can uncover your entire subconscious dynamic — and reveal exactly how you’ve been repeating patterns that are actually sabotaging your deepest desires.

More than anything, you’ll realize how mind medicine can change your life and how you move through the world… because at the core of every limiting belief, you’ll find your pure potential.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Mind Medicine to Transform Toxic Emotions & Deepen Your Heart Connection: Reprogram Your Response to Life’s Stressors & Ignite Your Highest Potential, you’ll discover how to create your own mind medicine to heal the harmful effects of stress, degeneration of the body, and toxic relationship dynamics — using a breakthrough process based on the epigenetics work of Bruce Lipton.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

How to Create Your Own Mind Medicine to Heal the Effects of Stress

Discover why your stressors are actually portals to a more evolved you.

Right now, you have the ability within yourself to reproduce the healing effects of medicine…

It’s all in the power of your mind.

Your subconscious mind plays a powerful role in your body’s health — in fact, it’s home to symptoms, diseases, stressors, behavior patterns, relationships, and more…

And as many of us have experienced, your mind can become your tormentor, creating poison and toxicity — resulting in a degeneration and breakdown, built around how you perceive yourself and the world in each moment.

The imprinted thought patterns and negative self-perception you carry around absolutely affects your emotional wellbeing.

On Wednesday, July 1, Dr. Darren Weissman, chiropractic holistic physician and developer of The Lifeline Technique®, will share a new 60-minute workshop all about the nature of your subconscious mind — and the power you’ll unlock once you learn to heal it….

>> Join us for Mind Medicine to Transform Toxic Emotions & Deepen Your Heart Connection: Reprogram Your Response to Life’s Stressors & Ignite Your Highest Potential, here <<

Mind Medicine Chiropractic Holistic Healing Epigenetics Subconscious mind

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to stop perceiving the world based on past trauma that’s still being triggered

  • The many ways your mind is incredibly powerful — and why only your heart can hack it

  • How to dance with the invisible partnership of your subconscious mind as you create a healthy, loving relationship with yourself

  • A special heart-based process you can use anytime to shine a light on the blind spots of your subconscious mind, love them, and release them so they don’t continue to steer your life

  • A powerful practice to help you set an intention for your life — focusing on where you most want to go, rather than what you want to avoid — as you connect to your heart’s desire

Dr. Weissman’s renowned step-by-step mind medicine process, based on noted developmental biologist Bruce Lipton’s work on epigenetics, can uncover your entire subconscious dynamic — and reveal exactly how you’ve been repeating patterns that are actually sabotaging your deepest desires.

More than anything, you’ll realize how mind medicine can change your life and how you move through the world… because at the core of every limiting belief, you’ll find your pure potential.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Mind Medicine to Transform Toxic Emotions & Deepen Your Heart Connection: Reprogram Your Response to Life’s Stressors & Ignite Your Highest Potential, you’ll discover how to create your own mind medicine to heal the harmful effects of stress, degeneration of the body, and toxic relationship dynamics — using a breakthrough process based on the epigenetics work of Bruce Lipton.

Read more: How to Create Your Own Mind Medicine to Heal the Effects of Stress