Saturday 25 April 2020

Lee Holden Qigong Practices for Boosting Immune System & Clear Stress

Discover how to access your own inner power from a master QIgong teacher.

With so much out of our control during this time of collective challenge, there’s never been a better time to take your health and vitality into your own hands.

Now is the perfect time to look within and master the ancient practice of Qigong, the Chinese system of self-cultivation developed over 3,000 years ago…

To this day, it’s rewarded around the world as a powerful method for preventing illness, healing dis-ease — and prolonging your life.

On Wednesday, April 29, internationally renowned meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong teacher Lee Holden will share how Qigong — which he calls the art of effortless power — can elevate your energy, reduce stress, and help you enter into a potentially life-changing flow state…

>> Join us for Discover Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Supercharged Immune System, here <<

Learn Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Supercharged Immune System

During this one-hour special video event, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 key Qigong exercises for building a supercharged immune system

  • 3-minute breathing exercise to clear stress and induce the relaxation response

  • The history of Chinese medicine, and why it’s considered “true healthcare”

  • How to discover the root cause of disease and transform it before it manifests in the body

  • How to activate Qi and the electrical system in your body/mind system

  • The Healing Sound for the lungs and a way to power up your respiratory system

With Lee as your guide, you’ll explore how to harness your own internal energy — and feel a sense of connection with your health, nature, and the universe… a connection we all need now more than ever. 

The gift of Qigong is that you come back into your own body to boost your health and vitality — uncovering powerful healing effects you’ll see today and over the course of your lifetime.

>> It’s FREE to attend — simply register here <<

In Discover Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Supercharged Immune System, you’ll unlock your own inner power to discover the root cause of disease and transform it — as you receive practices to boost your vitality, rejuvenate your Qi, and build a powerful immune system.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Next Level of Energy Medicine to Manifest Your Dreams & Intentions

Create the future you desire by applying next-level energy medicine…

Many of us find ourselves deep in the unknown during this time of collective challenge.

Yet, as we make the smart choices to keep ourselves safe and sane, we can still choose to be a powerful co-creator of our lives — not merely a survivor or victim.

That’s where the Energy Codes® come in…

Based on decades of research into the human body, biofield, and higher-level energy systems, they offer a spiritually grounded way to tap into the deeper currents of energy that can shift anything in your life.

During a complimentary hour with bioenergetic medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morter, you’ll discover insights and practices to help you tap into your energetic potential — at a time in your life when you’re needing powerful healing energies that serve your highest good.

>> Register for Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown: Restabilize Your System, Re-Source Your Power & Metabolize Difficult Feelings, here <<

Experience the next level of energy medicine to manifest your dreams and intentions

During this self-empowering hour, you’ll experience:

  • A breathing practice to instantly tap into what you’re feeling right now, discover where that emotion settles in your body, and help you move its energy for a sustainable sense of wellbeing

  • A bioenergetic body positioning practice that resets the nervous system to help integrate this breathwork practice into your neurocircuitry for results that last

  • How to work with chaotic energies in your system by finding your deeper truth — to transcend “the story” your mind is telling you and allow in healing energy

  • Ways to interpret even very difficult situations as occurring for your benefit — and turn them into energies that serve and empower

  • How to increase your health, vitality, and power working with the very emotional states you’ve been trying to avoid — and claim your creatorship vs. remaining a victim

Most important, the Energy Codes allow you to become a steward of your raw energy flow — with healing occurring as a by-product.

Instead of treating or analyzing symptoms (internal and external), you can experience healing by embodying and sustaining your life force.

You begin to see chronic health conditions, difficult relationships, or trauma simply as patterns of energy… that can be shifted.

Please join us to learn how to harness your energetic potential — your raw life-force energy — to grow your capacity to heal and create your life in each moment.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown: Restabilize Your System, Re-Source Your Power & Metabolize Difficult Feelings, you’ll discover how to transmute chaotic energies and emotions, and become an empowered, intentional co-creator of your life, no matter your current circumstances.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 24 April 2020

Discover Ancient Medicine of Celtic Shamanism & Reclaim Your Sovereignty

Discover how to be in right standing with the earth, the heavens, and your own soul.

Do the lush, green lands of Ireland call to you with their healing energies of the ancestors… ancient Gods and Goddesses… and the Bards, Druids, and fairies of Celtic history and lore?

These energies, the stories of these lands, and the practices inspired by Celtic shamanism offer us a medicine to bring us back home… to our true Self.

They help us reach beyond the mundane and overwhelm of our stressful modern lives and be more attentive, present, and receptive to the beauty and wisdom of the land…

On Wednesday, August 7, shamanic teacher and healer Jane Burns will help you discover myth and ritual to evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and open to the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of the natural world and your own inner landscape  during a FREE video event, The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder.

>> You can reserve your free spot here <<

Celtic Medicine, Celtic Shamanism archetypes, journey to the Otherworld with Brigid, reclaim your sovereignty authentic Self daily practices of gratitude, reciprocity, and self-protection

During this profound hour, you’ll discover:

  • The Celtic way of seeing and being, and the importance of daily practices of gratitude, reciprocity, and self-protection.

  • Key archetypes of Celtic shamanism — including Ban Feasa and Ban Leighis, the Woman of Knowledge and Woman of Healing with ties to the fairy realm — and their roles in guiding and healing us.

  • An experiential journey to the otherworld with the Celtic Goddess Brigid, the great mother goddess of fertility and creation, to help you reshape your life.

  • How Celtic wisdom can guide you to reclaim your sovereignty — your destiny and authentic Self, often lost in the overwhelm of everyday life.

  • Shamanic principles and practices from the Celtic medicine wheel for grounding you in who you truly are.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to draw from the wisdom of Celtic shamanism to connect more deeply with the natural world and the healing archetypal energies of this numinous land.

You’ll discover tips for how to become a conduit for these healing energies, and how to transform what you learn into the knowledge your soul seeks…

>> Join us now free and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

During The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder, you’ll embark on a profound journey to the Otherworld with the Celtic Goddess Brigid — the Great Mother Goddess of healing and creation.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Thursday 23 April 2020

Join Qigong Practices to Rejuvenate Your Qi & Boost Your Immune System

Discover how to access the inner medicine that expert healers call true healthcare.

With so much out of our control during this time of collective challenge, there’s never been a better time to take your health and vitality into your own hands.

Now is the perfect time to look within and master the ancient practice of Qigong, the Chinese system of self-cultivation developed over 3,000 years ago…

To this day, it’s rewarded around the world as a powerful method for preventing illness, healing dis-ease — and prolonging your life.

On Wednesday, April 29, internationally renowned meditation, Tai Chi, and Qigong teacher Lee Holden will share how Qigong — which he calls the art of effortless power — can elevate your energy, reduce stress, and help you enter into a potentially life-changing flow state…

>> Join us for Discover Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Supercharged Immune System, here <<

Learn Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Supercharged Immune System with Lee Holden

During this one-hour special video event, you’ll discover:

  • The 3 key Qigong exercises for building a supercharged immune system

  • 3-minute breathing exercise to clear stress and induce the relaxation response

  • The history of Chinese medicine, and why it’s considered “true healthcare”

  • How to discover the root cause of disease and transform it before it manifests in the body

  • How to activate Qi and the electrical system in your body/mind system

  • The Healing Sound for the lungs and a way to power up your respiratory system

With Lee as your guide, you’ll explore how to harness your own internal energy — and feel a sense of connection with your health, nature, and the universe… a connection we all need now more than ever. 

The gift of Qigong is that you come back into your own body to boost your health and vitality — uncovering powerful healing effects you’ll see today and over the course of your lifetime.

>> It’s FREE to attend — simply register here <<

In Discover Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Supercharged Immune System, you’ll unlock your own inner power to discover the root cause of disease and transform it — as you receive practices to boost your vitality, rejuvenate your Qi, and build a powerful immune system.

Read more: Join Qigong Practices to Rejuvenate Your Qi & Boost Your Immune System

Tuesday 21 April 2020

Learn Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown with Dr. Sue Morter

Expand your perception of who you are – and step into your full power!

Many of us find ourselves deep in the unknown during this time of collective challenge.

Yet, as we make the smart choices to keep ourselves safe and sane, we can still choose to be a powerful co-creator of our lives — not merely a survivor or victim.

That’s where the Energy Codes® come in…

Based on decades of research into the human body, biofield, and higher-level energy systems, they offer a spiritually grounded way to tap into the deeper currents of energy that can shift anything in your life.

During a complimentary hour with bioenergetic medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morter, you’ll discover insights and practices to help you tap into your energetic potential — at a time in your life when you’re needing powerful healing energies that serve your highest good.

>> Register for Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown: Restabilize Your System, Re-Source Your Power & Metabolize Difficult Feelings, here <<

Experience the next level of energy medicine to manifest your dreams and intentions

During this self-empowering hour, you’ll experience:

  • A breathing practice to instantly tap into what you’re feeling right now, discover where that emotion settles in your body, and help you move its energy for a sustainable sense of wellbeing

  • A bioenergetic body positioning practice that resets the nervous system to help integrate this breathwork practice into your neurocircuitry for results that last

  • How to work with chaotic energies in your system by finding your deeper truth — to transcend “the story” your mind is telling you and allow in healing energy

  • Ways to interpret even very difficult situations as occurring for your benefit — and turn them into energies that serve and empower

  • How to increase your health, vitality, and power working with the very emotional states you’ve been trying to avoid — and claim your creatorship vs. remaining a victim

Most important, the Energy Codes allow you to become a steward of your raw energy flow — with healing occurring as a by-product.

Instead of treating or analyzing symptoms (internal and external), you can experience healing by embodying and sustaining your life force.

You begin to see chronic health conditions, difficult relationships, or trauma simply as patterns of energy… that can be shifted.

Please join us to learn how to harness your energetic potential — your raw life-force energy — to grow your capacity to heal and create your life in each moment.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown: Restabilize Your System, Re-Source Your Power & Metabolize Difficult Feelings, you’ll discover how to transmute chaotic energies and emotions, and become an empowered, intentional co-creator of your life, no matter your current circumstances.

Read more: Learn Energy Codes for Mastering the Unknown with Dr. Sue Morter

Friday 17 April 2020

Get David Crow’s Guidance on Safely Treating Viral Conditions with Antiviral Herbs

Learn how to take full ownership of your health as a natural medicine clinician.

With world events unfolding rapidly, there’s never been a more critical time to become your own clinical herbalist…

By educating yourself and taking your health into your own hands, you can create the best line of defense possible — now and in the future.

According to world-renowned plant medicine pioneer David Crow, the current environment requires that we take a holistic approach to our immunity, health, and wellbeing.

On Saturday, April 25, David will share specific herbal formulas and lesser-known herbs to address common viral conditions such as Epstein-Barr, herpes, and respiratory viruses — including how to combine these herbs in a way that’s biocompatible with the digestive system.

>> You can register for Discover Potent Antiviral Herbs & Formulas to Protect Your Body From Viral Conditions, here <<

Potent Antiviral Herbs & Formulas to Protect Your Body From Viral Conditions with David Crow

In this powerful free video event, you’ll discover: 

  • The secrets for combining immune-boosting and antiviral herbs — for holistic treatment and protection

  • The ways classical Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine have been used to treat viral conditions for hundreds of years — including clinical insights on major viral families and how best to treat common viral conditions such as Epstein-Barr and herpes 

  • Three powerful herbal formulas — and how to apply them safely and effectively

  • Tried-and-true sources for powerful antiviral herbs — from your own garden to the local grocery store and beyond

  • How to begin practicing clinical-level self-care during this pandemic (and the next one)

David will also share specific antiviral herbs that every home pharmacy should have — and how to source them. Many of these herbs may already be in your kitchen, easily grown in your garden, stocked at your local grocery store, or found in nature nearby.

More than anything, you’ll learn how to take full ownership of your health… advocating for yourself and your family as a natural medicine clinician — both now and beyond the current crisis.  

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Potent Antiviral Herbs & Formulas to Protect Your Body From Viral Conditions you’ll explore three botanical antiviral formulas to strengthen your immune system.

Natural medicine, once considered “alternative” treatment, is being highly sought after, as people scramble to find solutions to the current crisis and other viral conditions.

A master herbalist, aromatherapist, and acupuncturist with over 30 years of experience, David Crow is also an expert in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical systems — and one of the world’s foremost experts and sought-after speakers in the field of botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Antiviral Herbal Remedies to Protect Your Body From Viral Conditions

Discover 3 botanical antiviral formulas for strengthening your immune system.

With world events unfolding rapidly, there’s never been a more critical time to become your own clinical herbalist…

By educating yourself and taking your health into your own hands, you can create the best line of defense possible — now and in the future.

According to world-renowned plant medicine pioneer David Crow, the current environment requires that we take a holistic approach to our immunity, health, and wellbeing.

On Saturday, April 25, David will share specific herbal formulas and lesser-known herbs to address common viral conditions such as Epstein-Barr, herpes, and respiratory viruses — including how to combine these herbs in a way that’s biocompatible with the digestive system.

>> You can register for Discover Potent Antiviral Herbs & Formulas to Protect Your Body From Viral Conditions, here <<

Discover Potent Antiviral Herbs & Formulas to Protect Your Body From Viral Conditions with David Crow

In this powerful free video event, you’ll discover: 

  • The secrets for combining immune-boosting and antiviral herbs — for holistic treatment and protection

  • The ways classical Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine have been used to treat viral conditions for hundreds of years — including clinical insights on major viral families and how best to treat common viral conditions such as Epstein-Barr and herpes 

  • Three powerful herbal formulas — and how to apply them safely and effectively

  • Tried-and-true sources for powerful antiviral herbs — from your own garden to the local grocery store and beyond

  • How to begin practicing clinical-level self-care during this pandemic (and the next one)

David will also share specific antiviral herbs that every home pharmacy should have — and how to source them. Many of these herbs may already be in your kitchen, easily grown in your garden, stocked at your local grocery store, or found in nature nearby.

More than anything, you’ll learn how to take full ownership of your health… advocating for yourself and your family as a natural medicine clinician — both now and beyond the current crisis.  

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Potent Antiviral Herbs & Formulas to Protect Your Body From Viral Conditions you’ll explore three botanical antiviral formulas to strengthen your immune system.

Natural medicine, once considered “alternative” treatment, is being highly sought after, as people scramble to find solutions to the current crisis and other viral conditions.

A master herbalist, aromatherapist, and acupuncturist with over 30 years of experience, David Crow is also an expert in the Ayurvedic and Chinese medical systems — and one of the world’s foremost experts and sought-after speakers in the field of botanical medicine and grassroots healthcare.

Read more: Antiviral Herbal Remedies to Protect Your Body From Viral Conditions

Thursday 16 April 2020

Empath or Highly Sensitive Person Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience

Now more than ever, it’s time to open to your inner gift of crystal-clear knowing.

If you’re an empath or HSP (highly sensitive person), you may be feeling especially overwhelmed these days…

Perhaps you’re struggling to deal with your own fears and anxieties, while also consciously or unconsciously tuning in energetically to those of others.

The good news is that you’re stronger than you think

It’s just that when the going gets tougher, sometimes empaths and HSPs can use a little reminder about their often-disowned “evolutionary advantage,” as well as support and encouragement for stepping into their own strength.

On Saturday, April 18, Bevin Niemann, writer, life purpose coach, and co-founder of 1 Million Empaths, will share hard-earned insights and proven practices for navigating life as an empath or HSP during these uncertain times. 

>> Register for Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, here <<

Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person

During this special free hour, you’ll discover:

  • Why being sensitive is actually an evolutionary advantage

  • How being self-focused is not selfish, it’s necessary for your health and vitality

  • How being in defensive and self-protective mode constantly stresses your sensitive nervous system

  • An easy exercise for releasing fear and anxiety — and holding your energetic space

  • Ways to practice sensing and listening to what you’re feeling without trying to “fix” or rescue others

When you can strike a balance — trusting and owning your gifts as an empath or HSP, and allowing them to guide and ground you during tumultuous times (without giving too much of your emotional energies to others) — you’ll mine the many benefits that come with successfully navigating your challenges…

You won’t want to miss this complimentary hour filled with insights and practices for empaths and HSPs that can help you cultivate inner peace, harmonize heightened emotions, and trust and tap into your unique capacity for cultivating inner strength and resilience.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, you’ll learn self-care and self-empowerment practices for easing heightened anxieties and emotional intensity — while cultivating your unique powers of inner strength and resilience as an empath or HSP.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person

Discover how to cultivate your inner strength and resilience as an empath or HSP.

If you’re an empath or HSP (highly sensitive person), you may be feeling especially overwhelmed these days…

Perhaps you’re struggling to deal with your own fears and anxieties, while also consciously or unconsciously tuning in energetically to those of others.

The good news is that you’re stronger than you think

It’s just that when the going gets tougher, sometimes empaths and HSPs can use a little reminder about their often-disowned “evolutionary advantage,” as well as support and encouragement for stepping into their own strength.

On Saturday, April 18, Bevin Niemann, writer, life purpose coach, and co-founder of 1 Million Empaths, will share hard-earned insights and proven practices for navigating life as an empath or HSP during these uncertain times. 

>> Register for Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, here <<

Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person

During this special free hour, you’ll discover:

  • Why being sensitive is actually an evolutionary advantage

  • How being self-focused is not selfish, it’s necessary for your health and vitality

  • How being in defensive and self-protective mode constantly stresses your sensitive nervous system

  • An easy exercise for releasing fear and anxiety — and holding your energetic space

  • Ways to practice sensing and listening to what you’re feeling without trying to “fix” or rescue others

When you can strike a balance — trusting and owning your gifts as an empath or HSP, and allowing them to guide and ground you during tumultuous times (without giving too much of your emotional energies to others) — you’ll mine the many benefits that come with successfully navigating your challenges…

You won’t want to miss this complimentary hour filled with insights and practices for empaths and HSPs that can help you cultivate inner peace, harmonize heightened emotions, and trust and tap into your unique capacity for cultivating inner strength and resilience.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, you’ll learn self-care and self-empowerment practices for easing heightened anxieties and emotional intensity — while cultivating your unique powers of inner strength and resilience as an empath or HSP.

Read more: Release Fear & Access Your Inner Strength & Resilience as an Empath or Highly Sensitive Person

Tuesday 14 April 2020

Learn Somatic Movements Methods: Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais Method, Rolfing, Dance & More

Discover Somatic Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Somatic Psychology, martial arts, and Continuum Movement.

Explore Your Innate Body Intelligence: The Gateway to Resilience, Health & Wholeness.

The realities of life in these times mean most of us will spend a LOT more time inside, stagnant, and only rarely putting our bodies in motion — if we’re not intentional.

Movement is not just a nice thing to do; it’s imperative for health and wellbeing. 

How are you engaging with movement these days? Do you have a daily movement practice? 

More than rote exercise, somatic movement is a call to return to embodiment, the wisdom of your body’s capacity to self-regulate — a timely answer to our modern world’s shifting landscape. 

Both subtle and profound, somatic movement modalities — such as Alexander Technique, Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais, Body-Mind Centering, and others — gently foster an abiding sense of wellbeing and fortitude over time. 

These methods can assist you in moving from rigidity to fluidity… enabling you to make choices from your body’s wise, grounded intelligence, while at the same time preserving your body from the long-term effects of stress. 

Especially now, as many of us are feeling more immobilized than ever — movement is our friend.

So many of us can be tempted to spend most of the day sitting or remaining motionless while looking at screens… which can result in significant health problems of a whole different order — such as increased risk of heart disease, obesity, restricted range of motion, and other challenges. 

That’s why I’m honored to invite you to join the Somatic Movement Summit — an experiential online gathering of seasoned leaders in this growing and evolutionary field. 

In this one-of-a-kind summit, you’ll not only receive abundant knowledge from world-renowned somatic movement experts… you’ll also gain first-hand, in-the-moment experiences of these disciplines.

You’ll have the opportunity to slow down and embody the richness of what our brilliant speakers and practitioners have to offer.

Free Online Event
Somatic Movement Summit

April 27 – May 1, 2020

Learn Somatic movements methods including Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais Method, Rolfing, dance, Somatic Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Somatic Psychology, martial arts, and Continuum Movement

This powerful gathering will feature more than 40 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers — including Sondra Fraleigh, Paul Linden, Lavinia Plonka, Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Dr. Stephen Porges, Dr. Martha Eddy, Bernadette Pleasant, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, and Jeong Myung Gim.

They’ll be sharing simple somatic practices to move you from stress, anxiety, fatigue, or depletion into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness. 

This groundbreaking Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the medicinal art and power of embodied motion. We hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

During this healing 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to nourish your nervous system through centering and connective movement

  • How embodied movement can help dissipate stress, anxiety, fear, and trauma

  • Pathways to strengthen immunity, improve heart rate variability, and natural breathing 

  • The connection between movement and personal power

  • How somatic education transcends old notions of the body as a machine, liberating movement as a holistic discipline

  • Embodied movement for social change

  • Somatic movement to reverse the effects of aging, and experience a sense of openness and spaciousness

  • Ways you can apply conscious motion on a daily basis to provide ease around challenging and stressful situations

  • Somatic strategies to address pain

  • Somatic methods including Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais Method, Rolfing, dance, Somatic Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Somatic Psychology, martial arts, and Continuum Movement

  • How somatic movement enhances resilience, wellbeing and happiness

  • And much more...

We aren’t doomed to inertia or stagnation or disease… and life has a way of compelling us to stay in motion! 

Join this unique gathering of exceptional teachers in the field of conscious motion, and start the rest of your divine, delicious movement journey today. 

Join us on a journey of somatic awakening!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s a small taste of what our distinguished speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Sondra Fraleigh will discuss “somatic focusing” as a way of paying attention to what’s going on within and outside of yourself… and as a primary vehicle of perception.

  • Tap into the technology of body awareness with Paul Linden — a technique which enables you to move beyond your perceived limits and become stronger and kinder.

  • Join Lavinia Plonka as she reveals how pain is the body’s response to disorganization — every tension, every injury, every trauma affects how you walk, stand, love, and move through life.

  • From Dr. Stephen Porges you’ll discover how Polyvagal theory can help you with the current challenges of COVID-19… and how to enhance vagal tone for a healthy, balanced nervous system. 

  • Join Dr. Martha Eddy as she explores how the physiology of consciousness interfaces with the struggle for justice, and helps us recognize our interdependence on this planet.

  • Eleanor Criswell Hanna, long considered a foremother of the somatics field, illuminates how somatic movement can alleviate suffering and invigorate you for years to come.

  • As Bernadette Pleasant says, Grief is love with nowhere to go.” Receive her tools for navigating grief and reawakening your innate capacity for JOY and aliveness through movement.

  • Jeong Myung Gim will provide the crucial distinction between traditional physical education — which is based on the mind-body split — and somatic education, which is based on their unity.  

And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Explore Your Innate Body Intelligence: The Gateway to Resilience, Health & Wholeness

Discover Somatic dance, Somatic Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Somatic Psychology, martial arts, and Continuum Movement.

The realities of life in these times mean most of us will spend a LOT more time inside, stagnant, and only rarely putting our bodies in motion — if we’re not intentional.

Movement is not just a nice thing to do; it’s imperative for health and wellbeing. 

How are you engaging with movement these days? Do you have a daily movement practice? 

More than rote exercise, somatic movement is a call to return to embodiment, the wisdom of your body’s capacity to self-regulate — a timely answer to our modern world’s shifting landscape. 

Both subtle and profound, somatic movement modalities — such as Alexander Technique, Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais, Body-Mind Centering, and others — gently foster an abiding sense of wellbeing and fortitude over time. 

These methods can assist you in moving from rigidity to fluidity… enabling you to make choices from your body’s wise, grounded intelligence, while at the same time preserving your body from the long-term effects of stress. 

Especially now, as many of us are feeling more immobilized than ever — movement is our friend.

So many of us can be tempted to spend most of the day sitting or remaining motionless while looking at screens… which can result in significant health problems of a whole different order — such as increased risk of heart disease, obesity, restricted range of motion, and other challenges. 

That’s why I’m honored to invite you to join the Somatic Movement Summit — an experiential online gathering of seasoned leaders in this growing and evolutionary field. 

In this one-of-a-kind summit, you’ll not only receive abundant knowledge from world-renowned somatic movement experts… you’ll also gain first-hand, in-the-moment experiences of these disciplines.

You’ll have the opportunity to slow down and embody the richness of what our brilliant speakers and practitioners have to offer.

Free Online Event
Somatic Movement Summit
April 27 – May 1, 2020

Learn Somatic movements methods including Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais Method, Rolfing, dance, Somatic Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Somatic Psychology, martial arts, and Continuum Movement

This powerful gathering will feature more than 40 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers — including Sondra Fraleigh, Paul Linden, Lavinia Plonka, Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Dr. Stephen Porges, Dr. Martha Eddy, Bernadette Pleasant, Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, and Jeong Myung Gim.

They’ll be sharing simple somatic practices to move you from stress, anxiety, fatigue, or depletion into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness. 

This groundbreaking Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the medicinal art and power of embodied motion. We hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

During this healing 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to nourish your nervous system through centering and connective movement

  • How embodied movement can help dissipate stress, anxiety, fear, and trauma

  • Pathways to strengthen immunity, improve heart rate variability, and natural breathing 

  • The connection between movement and personal power

  • How somatic education transcends old notions of the body as a machine, liberating movement as a holistic discipline

  • Embodied movement for social change

  • Somatic movement to reverse the effects of aging, and experience a sense of openness and spaciousness

  • Ways you can apply conscious motion on a daily basis to provide ease around challenging and stressful situations

  • Somatic strategies to address pain

  • Somatic methods including Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais Method, Rolfing, dance, Somatic Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Somatic Psychology, martial arts, and Continuum Movement

  • How somatic movement enhances resilience, wellbeing and happiness

  • And much more...

We aren’t doomed to inertia or stagnation or disease… and life has a way of compelling us to stay in motion! 

Join this unique gathering of exceptional teachers in the field of conscious motion, and start the rest of your divine, delicious movement journey today. 

Join us on a journey of somatic awakening!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s a small taste of what our distinguished speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Sondra Fraleigh will discuss “somatic focusing” as a way of paying attention to what’s going on within and outside of yourself… and as a primary vehicle of perception.

  • Tap into the technology of body awareness with Paul Linden — a technique which enables you to move beyond your perceived limits and become stronger and kinder.

  • Join Lavinia Plonka as she reveals how pain is the body’s response to disorganization — every tension, every injury, every trauma affects how you walk, stand, love, and move through life.

  • From Dr. Stephen Porges you’ll discover how Polyvagal theory can help you with the current challenges of COVID-19… and how to enhance vagal tone for a healthy, balanced nervous system. 

  • Join Dr. Martha Eddy as she explores how the physiology of consciousness interfaces with the struggle for justice, and helps us recognize our interdependence on this planet.

  • Eleanor Criswell Hanna, long considered a foremother of the somatics field, illuminates how somatic movement can alleviate suffering and invigorate you for years to come.

  • As Bernadette Pleasant says, Grief is love with nowhere to go.” Receive her tools for navigating grief and reawakening your innate capacity for JOY and aliveness through movement.

  • Jeong Myung Gim will provide the crucial distinction between traditional physical education — which is based on the mind-body split — and somatic education, which is based on their unity.  

And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Explore Your Innate Body Intelligence: The Gateway to Resilience, Health & Wholeness

Sufi Breath Practices for Staying Calm and Peaceful in Stressful Times

Create a rhythmic breath practice and experience more freedom and resilience.

Did you know that the root cause of every disease can be traced to the loss of the rhythm of your breath?

That’s because breath is life — and absolutely essential to the health and vitality of our bodies on the journey to fulfill the divine purpose of our lives.

Proper breathing is especially important in uncertain times like these, when so many of us feel anxious, helpless, frustrated, and angry…

Pir Shabda Kahn, a devoted disciple of Sufism for more than 50 years, will share a Sufi practice to help you set your breath to the perfect rhythm — keeping your will strong and powerful, and your feelings calm and “normal” — during a free video event, Find Inner Peace & Resilient Vitality Through Sufi Breathwork & Healing Mantras.

>> Register here to watch Live (get replay) <<

Sound Healing Sufi Breathing Practice & Mantras

During this powerful hour, you’ll: 

  • Discover the sound healing practice of placing a sacred sound on the breath — and why these sacred sounds (mostly in the root languages of Sanskrit, Tibetan, Aramaic, Arabic, and Hebrew) are so transformative when chanted with an open heart 

  • Explore the many applicable lessons from Sufi mystics about keeping your thoughts in order, your will strong and powerful, your memory sharp, and your feelings calm and “normal” — even when you’re dealing with the very serious pandemic we’re facing

  • Learn the essential process of transcending your limited self (ego) so you merge with the greater Self — the divine presence

  • Explore how your breath goes on rhythmically whether you’re asleep or awake, keeping all pulsations in rhythm — and understand why your whole-body health depends on it

  • Be treated to a spirited song Shabda will perform for you and your fellow participants: “Drink With the Beloved”

Across the ages, mystics understood disease and suffering from the point of view of breath — and mastered ways to remedy the causes and conditions through rhythmic and refined breath work.

With more tumultuous events unfolding by the day, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover why creating a rhythmic breath practice can help you create a calm, peaceful inner life, no matter what’s happening around you.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get Recording later <<

When we experience disturbing emotions, the flow of our breath is interrupted, disorganizing our thoughts, tapping our strength and inner will, and stealing our peace.

In Find Inner Peace & Resilient Vitality Through Sufi Breathwork & Healing Mantras, Pir Shabda Kahn will share a ryazat (spiritual exercise) called Fikr, a combination of breath and rhythm, in which a holy word is repeated in silence as you breathe rhythmically. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Create a Rhythmic Breath Practice & Experience More Freedom & Resilience

Sufi Breath Practices for Staying Calm and Peaceful in Stressful Times.

Did you know that the root cause of every disease can be traced to the loss of the rhythm of your breath?

That’s because breath is life — and absolutely essential to the health and vitality of our bodies on the journey to fulfill the divine purpose of our lives.

Proper breathing is especially important in uncertain times like these, when so many of us feel anxious, helpless, frustrated, and angry…

Pir Shabda Kahn, a devoted disciple of Sufism for more than 50 years, will share a Sufi practice to help you set your breath to the perfect rhythm — keeping your will strong and powerful, and your feelings calm and “normal” — during a free video event, Find Inner Peace & Resilient Vitality Through Sufi Breathwork & Healing Mantras.

>> Register here to watch Live (get replay) <<

Sufi conscious breathing practice and healing mantras

During this powerful hour, you’ll: 

  • Discover the sound healing practice of placing a sacred sound on the breath — and why these sacred sounds (mostly in the root languages of Sanskrit, Tibetan, Aramaic, Arabic, and Hebrew) are so transformative when chanted with an open heart 

  • Explore the many applicable lessons from Sufi mystics about keeping your thoughts in order, your will strong and powerful, your memory sharp, and your feelings calm and “normal” — even when you’re dealing with the very serious pandemic we’re facing

  • Learn the essential process of transcending your limited self (ego) so you merge with the greater Self — the divine presence

  • Explore how your breath goes on rhythmically whether you’re asleep or awake, keeping all pulsations in rhythm — and understand why your whole-body health depends on it

  • Be treated to a spirited song Shabda will perform for you and your fellow participants: “Drink With the Beloved”

Across the ages, mystics understood disease and suffering from the point of view of breath — and mastered ways to remedy the causes and conditions through rhythmic and refined breath work.

With more tumultuous events unfolding by the day, you won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover why creating a rhythmic breath practice can help you create a calm, peaceful inner life, no matter what’s happening around you.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live or get Recording later <<

When we experience disturbing emotions, the flow of our breath is interrupted, disorganizing our thoughts, tapping our strength and inner will, and stealing our peace.

In Find Inner Peace & Resilient Vitality Through Sufi Breathwork & Healing Mantras, Pir Shabda Kahn will share a ryazat (spiritual exercise) called Fikr, a combination of breath and rhythm, in which a holy word is repeated in silence as you breathe rhythmically. 

Read more: Create a Rhythmic Breath Practice & Experience More Freedom & Resilience

Monday 6 April 2020

Stop Sugar Cravings Hacks Free eGuides + 42 Expert Talks this Weekend Last Chance!

Learn how you can eliminate sugar… in ONE weekend

26,000 downloads and growing — there are a number of complimentary eBooks and guides available from The Get Off Your Sugar Summit — talking about how to eliminate sugar from your diet (and why!) — that go offline on Tuesday!

Whether you attended the event or not, you’ll find some incredible wisdom in these

healthy assets written by some of the top minds in natural health.

For instance, just these 3 resources could dramatically improve your health:

  • 7 Sugar Hacks to Crush Cravings eGuide

  • 10 Plant-Based Keto Recipes eGuide

  • 10 Keto Fat Bombs to Burn Fat, Not Sugar! eGuide

—>> Click here to grab these COMPLIMENTARY eBooks now!

Get 7 Sugar Hacks to Crush Cravings

(The other gifts are on the “thank you” page after you register!)

Like I said, even if you didn’t attend the event, you can still grab these resources!

Once you grab the above gifts, there are a ton of OTHER complimentary eBooks, as well:

  • Vitamins & Supplements for Sugar Issues eBook from Synergy Science

  • Let’s “Talk” About SUGAR eBook from HealthMeans

  • 4 Daily Habits That Give Your Body No Choice But to Lose Weight

  • Last Resort Sugar Detox Guide eBook from Michael Collins

  • Coronavirus: What You Need to Know Now eGuide from Live Longer! Feel Better!

  • Mama Z’s Recipe Makeover eGuide from Dr. Eric Zielinski

  • Keto-Adapted eBook from Maria Emmerich

  • Autoimmune Secrets: Transcriptions and Q&A Sessions from Jonathan Otto

  • 5 Steps to a Healthy, Happy Child! eBook from Dr. Elisa Song

  • 7-Day Liver Cleanse & Gallbladder Flush eBook from Dr. David Jockers

  • Sneaky Cancer Symptoms Most Doctors Miss eBook from The Truth About Cancer

  • 7 Steps to Healing Emotional Trauma eBook from Niki Gratrix

Here’s how BEST to take advantage of this expert health information:
—>> Grab your complimentary eBooks to unlock the other gifts!

(The other gifts are on the “thank you” page after you register!)

10 Plant-based Keto Recipes free guide

We encourage you to find time in your schedule to download these eBooks ASAP, since they disappear ON TUESDAY!

Do not miss to get 42 expert talks on eliminating sugar unlocked all weekend…

The Get Off Your Sugar Summit encore weekend is underway — all talks are unlocked NOW through Monday at 10am U.S. Eastern (New York time)!

At this amazing health event, we learned that sugar alters brain chemistry and hijacks your health — causing cravings, withdrawal symptoms, binging and weight gain, and compromising your ability to fight off disease.

But it’s possible to overcome grain and sugar addiction — which is MORE important now that we need the strongest immune system we can manage!

—> Click here to listen to the encore

of The Get Off Your Sugar Summit for FREE now!

(start with ANY of the talks below).

Get Off Your Sugar Summit

Find a few minutes to learn from the “FAN FAVORITE” talks:

  1. Mineral to Help You Get Off Sugar!, Dr. Carolyn Dean

  2. Superfoods to Crush Cravings, Detoxify and Live Longer, David Wolfe

  3. Self-Healing through Fasting and Detoxification, Dr. Edward F. Group

  4. There’s NOTHING Free About Gluten-Free!, Dr. Peter Osborne

  5. Are Lectins Destroying Your Gut and Health?, Dr. Steven Gundry

  6. And more!

Here’s how BEST to take advantage of this expert health information:

—>> Start learning immediately when you join me for Encore Weekend!

I hope you take advantage of this tremendous opportunity to learn… for free!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.