Saturday 31 August 2019

Discover Sacred Shamanic Practices - Medicine of Ayni

The Medicine of Ayni with don Oscar Miro-Quesada

Is your heart breaking over the state of the world?

If so, and you’d like to discover how to reconnect to the qualities of love, forgiveness, and reverence for the great web of life — and how to put these qualities into practical action — I have a very special invitation for you.

Peruvian psychologist and shamanic teacher don Oscar Miro-Quesada will guide you in a discovery of The Medicine of Ayni: The Shamanic Healing Art of Living in Sacred Reciprocity With All Our Relations.

>> Join us FREE here to Discover Sacred Shamanic Medicine of Ayni <<

The Medicine of Ayni The Shamanic Healing Art of Living in Sacred Reciprocity With All Our Relations

In this virtual event, you’ll discover:

  • The universal, restorative powers of Ayni of the Andean shamanic lineage 

  • How the principle of “sacred reciprocity” and reverence of the Earth is essential to the future of all of life on the planet 

  • The 5 types of earth offerings (despachos) to rock, tree, and other spirits for planetary healing and regeneration 

  • Insights into the ways you can align your shamanic ceremonial practices with the rhythms of the Earth and the seasons 

Don Oscar Miro-Quesada is a lineage holder who straddles ancient shamanic pathways, modern psychology, and a global worldview. Through teachings, ritual, and stories, he will support you in expanding your consciousness to allow a heartfelt communion and loving exchange with all of life!

Join us and receive don Oscar’s tools and practices, which can help heal you and our precious planet.

>> You can register here to watch at any time here <<

During The Medicine of Ayni, you’ll learn about different types of offerings (despachos) you can make to rock, tree, and other spirits for planetary healing and regeneration. Don Oscar will also share ways you can align shamanic ceremonial practices with the rhythms of the Earth and the seasons…

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 30 August 2019

Embrace Your Gifts as an Empath and Live more Freely, Fully, and Joyfully

Discover how your difficult emotions can help you become stronger

Do your emotions easily overwhelm you — maybe even for days — and sometimes you even feel others’ emotions as if they’re your own? 

Are you often drained energetically, with your strong feelings a seeming deterrent to living your life freely, fully, and joyfully?

Empaths feel deeply and strongly — and you know if you’re one of these sensitive souls…

Yet, experiencing life as a constant struggle needn’t be your fate… In fact, you can even learn to transmute your overpowering and uncomfortable feelings into potent energies to be used for “good.”

On Saturday, September 14, bestselling author, coach, and self-proclaimed sensitive soul Tree Franklyn will share an easy 4-step process to help you identify your difficult emotions, understand them as energies, and allow them to flow through, and even strengthen, you — so you can experience your sensitive soul as the amazing gift it truly is.

You can register here for Finding Freedom as an Empath: 4 Stages of Emotional Awakening for Sensitive Souls

Finding Freedom as an Empath - 4 Stages of Emotional Awakening for Sensitive Souls

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • Your emotions are energy flowing through you… and you don’t need to allow them to control your life

  • The 4 stages of awakening for sensitive souls – the Identifier, the Survivor, the Observer, and the Alchemist — to gain valuable insights for living a freer, happier, more expansive life

  • The 3 Infinite Truths that can help you navigate life’s challenges as a sensitive soul

  • An energy-shifting practice for transforming your emotions from painful to powerful

  • Common struggles and gifts of sensitive souls

  • An energetic visualization to help you transmute stuck energies — for more peace and freedom

Tree’s practical hands-on approach to using your daily struggles, thoughts, and emotions as guides to greater self-awareness and spiritual evolution are easily accessible and provide a “lifeboat” in the sea of overwhelm for empaths and sensitive souls.

You’ll also be reminded that there are wonderful benefits to being a “feeler.” For one, you get to feel pleasant emotions strongly, too! 

>> Join us free here for Live event (get recording) <<

In this special hour with Tree Franklyn, you’ll discover which stage of awakening you’re in as a sensitive soul, so you have a better understanding of why you’re the way you are, can better identify the patterns holding you back, and gain encouraging insights into how you can move forward.

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing hour!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover How to Intuit the Healing Information Your Body is Sending You

Discover how and why to live in right relationship with your body

So many of us are facing widespread health issues these days –– from high stress levels to  anxiety, fatigue, depression, food cravings, and many other addictions.

Even the most common health complaints aren’t easily explained by Western medicine. However, Dr. Rachel Carlton Abrams views these conditions as puzzles that can be solved — through the body’s wisdom…

In fact, your body can communicate and then guide you in healing many common disorders, and even holds wisdom that can help you transform your genetic expression.

On Thursday, September 12, Dr. Rachel will help you begin to hear your body’s wise “YES” (or “no”) so the health decisions you make bring you healing, balance, and radiant vitality, during a FREE video event, Accessing Your Body’s ‘Yes’ as a Path to Healing: How to Align With Your Body-Health-Nature Intelligence for Total Wellbeing.

>> Join us here to watch it Live <<

Accessing Your Body’s ‘Yes’ as a Path to Healing: How to Align With Your Body-Health-Nature Intelligence for Total Wellbeing

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover: 

  • Your body’s ability to communicate and guide you in healing fatigue, body pain, digestive disturbances, anxiety, depression, brain fog, and other common health challenges

  • The connection between the earth microbiome and your body’s microbial rainforest, including your “Earth belly”

  • Fascinating insights into the neurology of human relationships, and why we need each other to heal and flourish

  • A new understanding of “right relationship,” which is expressed in nature (and in YOU) as integrity, beauty, and resilience

  • A powerful exercise in which you’ll ask your body, “Yes or No?” in order to develop body wisdom for your healing and life

  • How practical, medically grounded practices can help you heal your ancestral line and current relationships — and harness your epigenetics

An award-winning primary care medical doctor for more than 20 years, Dr. Rachel is convinced that most illness — including diseases which we may genetically “inherit” and forms of emotional suffering — can be alleviated when we are in right relationship with our bodies, our community, and the natural world.

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover how to make intuitive, healthy choices about everything from what you eat to the people you spend time with — and restore your body’s natural ecosystem in the process!

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live (get recording) <<

In this powerful hour with Dr. Rachel, you’ll discover how to intuit the healing information your body is sending you and live in ‘right relationship’ with your body, other people, and nature.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Must Join Sound Healing Global Summit September 9-13

Restore Your Healthy Vibratory Frequency With Sound Healing

Nada Brahma…

This concept from ancient India means that the whole universe was created from the energy of sound…

Have you experienced the healing power of sound

From Tibetan singing bowls for meditation and chakra balancing… to the energy-clearing and harmonizing power of tuning forks… 

… to the sacred vibrations of your own voice… sounding your soul through humming, singing, even speaking…

These therapeutic tools are deeply transformative and the keys to a healthier and more peaceful, grounded, resonant life… 

And are you aware that your vocal sounds can provide a holographic picture of your body’s nutritional needs? Or that ancient sound symbols combined with advanced sound technology can regenerate unhealthy cells? 

Sound-healing approaches can also harmonize your energy body and biofield — and help you transmute anxiety and depression into higher frequencies of love and joy!

These approaches are not new, or new age… in fact, for thousands of years, cultures from around the world have used vibrational medicine to treat illness, revitalize the body, and elevate the spirit.

Every living being (in fact, everything in the universe!) is in a state of vibration. And this means every part of you — from your organs to your bones to your tissues to the fluid in your cells and the electromagnetic field around your body — has a healthy vibrational frequency.

When you’re out of harmony with a part of yourself or your environment, the resonance of your vibratory frequency is low. This dissonance causes dis-ease and stress — and, over time, chronic illness and other imbalances.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the Sound Healing Global Summit — where you’ll discover the curative and evolutionary powers of proven sound-healing therapies with some of today’s leading experts in the fascinating field of vibrational medicine.

Free Online Event
Sound Healing Global Summit
Open to the Power of Vibrational Medicine
September 9-13, 2019

Join free to learn about Different Vibrational Medicine Practices from Sound Healing Global Summit September 9-13

I’m passionate about inviting you to join me for the Sound Healing Global Summit, produced by The Shift Network, where you’ll discover 35 of today’s highly sought-after experts, sound-healing pioneers, and practitioners — including Eileen McKusick, Jonathan Goldman, John Beaulieu, Christine Stevens, Chloë Goodchild, Deva Premal and Miten, Barbara Borden, Steve Halpern, Mona Delfino, John Stuart Reid, and others — sharing the latest science and leading-edge techniques in sound healing.

During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Sacred healing chants, breathing, mantras, and sonic meditations to empower you and balance your mind

  • The nature and inter-relationship of sound, healing, and consciousness

  • The role of tone, tempo, and pattern as primary components of therapeutic music and sound

  • The intersection between stillness and sound — for heart coherence and resonance with the field

  • How simple sound and meditation techniques can help you reset your nervous system, boost your immunity, and cultivate compassionate relationships

  • The power of drum-sing-dance… how to de-stress in 15 minutes or less and bring more joy into your life

  • Exactly how sound and vibration work — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually

  • Practical tips for expanding your personal sound practice and sharing it with others

  • New science and research uncovering the true potential of music in integrative medicine

  • Conscious listening as a bridge to creativity and connectivity

  • Acoustical bridges to your spiritual self, essential nature, and highest purpose

… and so much more.

Whether you’re ready to discover the ideal daily sound-healing practice for you, or learn how the alchemy of crystal singing bowls can shift your consciousness, you’ll deepen your knowledge of healing practices that address your wellbeing in a truly holistic way, impacting each part of your life.

Join this amazing panel of other presenters to equip yourself with the right approaches and techniques in vibrational medicine for YOU — and increase your vibrancy, balance, and restoration in the process. 

>> RSVP here for the Sound Healing Global Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing on the many dimensions of sound healing: 

  • Eileen McKusick will share exactly how vibrational medicine can clear energy blocks and revitalize your whole being, by tuning your biofield.

  • Jonathan Goldman will reveal the fascinating principles of sound healing — and powerful ways that sound can transform your health and your life.

  • Sound pioneer John Beaulieu will illuminate the science and practice of sound healing, and share a daily practice to tune your nervous system.

  • Christine Stevens will help you awaken your own healing rhythms through drumming.

  • Chloë Goodchild will show you how to tune into the 7 sounds of love in your own voice.

  • Deva Premal and Miten will voice essential mantras to activate the sacred medicine of sound in your mind and body.

  • Barbara Borden will guide you to commune with the great heartbeat of life, for deeper healing and spiritual awareness. 

  • Jump on the sound wave of consciousness with Steve Halpern — and explore acoustic archaeology and cross-cultural approaches to sound healing.

  • Phyllis Douglass will unlock new, acoustical gateways to your creativity and life transitions

  • Connect to your soul through Mona Delfino’s proven humming techniques.

  • John Stuart Reid will reveal leading-edge insights about music medicine and sound therapy, and how sound can trigger healing at the cellular level.

And more!

>> RSVP here for the Sound Healing Global Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Must Join Sound Healing Global Summit September 9-13

Monday 26 August 2019

Feel the Power of Vibrational Medicine at Sound Healing Global Summit [Sept. 9-13]

Activate Your Optimal Wellbeing Through Sound Healing

Nada Brahma…

This concept from ancient India means that the whole universe was created from the energy of sound…

Have you experienced the healing power of sound

From Tibetan singing bowls for meditation and chakra balancing… to the energy-clearing and harmonizing power of tuning forks… 

… to the sacred vibrations of your own voice… sounding your soul through humming, singing, even speaking…

These therapeutic tools are deeply transformative and the keys to a healthier and more peaceful, grounded, resonant life… 

And are you aware that your vocal sounds can provide a holographic picture of your body’s nutritional needs? Or that ancient sound symbols combined with advanced sound technology can regenerate unhealthy cells? 

Sound-healing approaches can also harmonize your energy body and biofield — and help you transmute anxiety and depression into higher frequencies of love and joy!

These approaches are not new, or new age… in fact, for thousands of years, cultures from around the world have used vibrational medicine to treat illness, revitalize the body, and elevate the spirit.

Every living being (in fact, everything in the universe!) is in a state of vibration. And this means every part of you — from your organs to your bones to your tissues to the fluid in your cells and the electromagnetic field around your body — has a healthy vibrational frequency.

When you’re out of harmony with a part of yourself or your environment, the resonance of your vibratory frequency is low. This dissonance causes dis-ease and stress — and, over time, chronic illness and other imbalances.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the Sound Healing Global Summit — where you’ll discover the curative and evolutionary powers of proven sound-healing therapies with some of today’s leading experts in the fascinating field of vibrational medicine.

Free Online Event
Sound Healing Global Summit
Open to the Power of Vibrational Medicine

Join us September 9-13, 2019Feel the Power of Vibrational Medicine at Sound Healing global Summit

P.S. Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing on the many dimensions of sound healing: 

  • Eileen McKusick will share exactly how vibrational medicine can clear energy blocks and revitalize your whole being, by tuning your biofield.

  • Jonathan Goldman will reveal the fascinating principles of sound healing — and powerful ways that sound can transform your health and your life.

  • Sound pioneer John Beaulieu will illuminate the science and practice of sound healing, and share a daily practice to tune your nervous system.

  • Christine Stevens will help you awaken your own healing rhythms through drumming.

  • Chloë Goodchild will show you how to tune into the 7 sounds of love in your own voice.

  • Deva Premal and Miten will voice essential mantras to activate the sacred medicine of sound in your mind and body.

  • Barbara Borden will guide you to commune with the great heartbeat of life, for deeper healing and spiritual awareness. 

  • Jump on the sound wave of consciousness with Steve Halpern — and explore acoustic archaeology and cross-cultural approaches to sound healing.

  • Phyllis Douglass will unlock new, acoustical gateways to your creativity and life transitions

  • Connect to your soul through Mona Delfino’s proven humming techniques.

  • John Stuart Reid will reveal leading-edge insights about music medicine and sound therapy, and how sound can trigger healing at the cellular level.

And more!

RSVP here for the Sound Healing Global Summit — at no charge

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 24 August 2019

How to Create New Neural Pathways Through Energy Medicine Practices

Experience how to quickly release negative beliefs and heal old emotional patterns

You’ve likely experienced powerful healing through gifted practitioners and modalities like EMDR, cranial sacral work, and Reiki.

But what if YOU could spontaneously transform emotional patterns that have wielded tremendous influence over your life — warping your beliefs, laying the groundwork for dis-ease, and limiting your capacity to access your authenticity, soul gifts, and joy?

On Wednesday, September 4, internationally acclaimed healer and author Jennifer McLean will share specific energy-healing practices designed to help you directly address and dissolve energy blocks — at the moment you’re feeling triggered and reactive…

Join us here for Energy Healing Practices for Spontaneous Transformation: Discover How to Release Negative Beliefs & Heal Emotional Patterns (in the Moment!)

Energy Healing Practices for Spontaneous Transformation - How to Release Negative Beliefs & Heal Emotional Patterns

In this powerful FREE video event, you’ll discover:

  • Breakthrough insights into the role that energy healing plays in shifting your neuro-pathways, and into the warped beliefs and perceptions we hold about ourselves and the world

  • A powerful energy healing to transform a lifelong pattern held in your body and subconscious mind 

  • How unblocked energy can liberate your authentic nature, create vibrant health, and give you a deeper connection with your soul 

  • The key to unwinding old patterns in the moment they’re activated — and shifting into a higher frequency of consciousness 

  • How to clear your channel to Divine guidance so you can make clear, empowered decisions   

As Jennifer says, “Fear, obsessive thinking, and judgement are your soul’s way of telling you, It’s time to heal.”

So don’t miss the opportunity to discover how shifting these old patterns held in your neural physiology can create new neural pathways, and move traumatic memories that are still causing you upset into a new part of the brain, where they no longer stimulate reactivity and stress.

>> You can RSVP for free here to this Live event (get recording) <<

In this special hour with Jennifer McLean, you’ll discover how you can create new neural pathways — through proven energy-medicine practices that connect you with your authentic nature and soul gifts — so you can experience profound shifts in your health AND spontaneous transformation.

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing hour!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

How to Release Negative Beliefs & Heal Emotional Patterns through Energy Medicine

Discover Energy Healing Practices for Spontaneous Transformation

You’ve likely experienced powerful healing through gifted practitioners and modalities like EMDR, cranial sacral work, and Reiki.

But what if YOU could spontaneously transform emotional patterns that have wielded tremendous influence over your life — warping your beliefs, laying the groundwork for dis-ease, and limiting your capacity to access your authenticity, soul gifts, and joy?

On Wednesday, September 4, internationally acclaimed healer and author Jennifer McLean will share specific energy-healing practices designed to help you directly address and dissolve energy blocks — at the moment you’re feeling triggered and reactive…

Join us here for Energy Healing Practices for Spontaneous Transformation: Discover How to Release Negative Beliefs & Heal Emotional Patterns (in the Moment!)

Energy Healing Practices for Spontaneous Transformation - How to Release Negative Beliefs & Heal Emotional Patterns

In this powerful FREE video event, you’ll discover:

  • Breakthrough insights into the role that energy healing plays in shifting your neuro-pathways, and into the warped beliefs and perceptions we hold about ourselves and the world

  • A powerful energy healing to transform a lifelong pattern held in your body and subconscious mind 

  • How unblocked energy can liberate your authentic nature, create vibrant health, and give you a deeper connection with your soul 

  • The key to unwinding old patterns in the moment they’re activated — and shifting into a higher frequency of consciousness 

  • How to clear your channel to Divine guidance so you can make clear, empowered decisions   

As Jennifer says, “Fear, obsessive thinking, and judgement are your soul’s way of telling you, It’s time to heal.”

So don’t miss the opportunity to discover how shifting these old patterns held in your neural physiology can create new neural pathways, and move traumatic memories that are still causing you upset into a new part of the brain, where they no longer stimulate reactivity and stress.

>> You can RSVP for free here to this Live event (get recording) <<

In this special hour with Jennifer McLean, you’ll discover how you can create new neural pathways — through proven energy-medicine practices that connect you with your authentic nature and soul gifts — so you can experience profound shifts in your health AND spontaneous transformation.

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing hour!

Read more: How to Release Negative Beliefs & Heal Emotional Patterns through Energy Medicine

Friday 23 August 2019

Discover Your Biofield Healing Energies & Vedic Chakra Triads

Accelerate your body’s natural ability to self-heal through science AND spirituality

Which comes first, health or wellbeing?

The answer may surprise you…

Science and spirituality agree that it’s wellbeing that creates health, not the other way around. 

Let’s start with spirituality…

Both modern science and ancient healing perspectives are teaching us that wellbeing is a multifaceted, embodied experience, which directly creates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. 

As for science, research from an exciting field called psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) shows that our beliefs, emotions, behaviors, relationships, and spiritual practices all influence our nervous and immune systems. 

In other words, science and spirituality are not opposites, but complementary, which opens up a huge potential for human evolution…

On Saturday, August 24, psychologist and scientist Dr. Shamini Jain will bridge the fascinating science of psychoneuroimmunology, the Vedic chakras and elements, and the biofield (the “electric body” that surrounds and permeates your body) in a free online event…

3 Keys to Embody The Healing Energies of Your Biofield: Cultivate Vital Dimensions of Wellbeing for Health, Happiness & Longevity 

>> You can register here for Live event (get recording later) <<

3 Keys to Embody The Healing Energies of Your Biofield: Cultivate Vital Dimensions of Wellbeing for Health, Happiness & Longevity

During this free online event with Dr. Shamini Jain, you’ll discover: 

  • The “Chakra Triads” and how to cultivate these dimensions of wellbeing for health, happiness, and longevity

  • The 3 facets of wellbeing activated through your body and the biofield: Hedonic, Eudaimonic, and Nondual — and what the scientific data shows about these states of wellbeing

  • Insights into the Vedic Elements and how they promote healing, health, and wellbeing

  • A guided, visceral experience to anchor you in your authentic power and creativity

This groundbreaking event promises to revolutionize your view of health and wellbeing…

For example, just by feeling and working with the energies of your chakras through meditations and sound practices, you can positively influence your emotional health, facilitate your authentic expression and self-mastery, and deepen your attunement to your inner guidance. 

In this impactful hour with Dr. Shamini Jain, you’ll learn about practices that can help you embody the energies of your chakras and biofield — to create emotional, relational, and spiritual wellbeing.

>> Join us here for Live event (get recording) <<

You won’t want to miss this life-enhancing hour!

Read more: Discover Your Biofield Healing Energies & Vedic Chakra Triads

Drumming - Sound Healing Therapy - Simple & Powerful “Vibrational Medicine”

Discover Your Healing Rhythms with Christine Stevens

A drum is so much more than an instrument for performance —  it’s a simple, yet powerful form of “vibrational medicine,” used since ancient times.    

Drumming can lower stress, help you relax, ground you in the present moment, and even boost your  immune system. You can also “drum” painful emotions such as  fear and grief, organically transforming them into acceptance, gratitude, and love…

And you don’t need any musical experience — just your willingness to open to spontaneous feelings of liberation, joy, and self-expression.  

On Saturday Encore, August 24, speaker, author, and music therapist Christine Stevens will help you discover how drumming can help you uncover and shift your difficult emotions AND “tap into” your true essence, during a FREE virtual event, Discover Your Healing Rhythms: Drumming to Transform Emotions & Embody Radiance.

>> Find out more and reserve your place for this uplifting virtual event here <<

Drumming to Transform Emotions & Embody Radiance - Discover Your Healing Rhythms

During this highly experiential hour, you’ll:

  • Experience the healing sounds of drums used in several world traditions

  • Discover how drumming can move you from trauma-induced feelings and pain towards healing

  • Learn to drum — beyond the consistent beats used in shamanic journeying — to embody and express your inner radiance

  • Discover rhythms to shift from the mind to the heart

  • Experience a drumming journey from fear to love

  • Join a global blessing for the Earth through rhythm 

Christine’s passion for drumming is infectious — so don’t miss this healing hour.  She’ll guide you to feel into the ways drumming can shift difficult feelings, evoke deep joy, and bring out your true radiance.   

>> Join us free here to Listen Live or Get recording <<

Christine will take you on a drumming journey from fear to love… so be sure you register now for: Discover Your Healing Rhythms: Drumming to Transform Emotions & Embody Radiance.

Read more: Drumming - Sound Healing Therapy - Simple & Powerful “Vibrational Medicine”

Ancient Healing Techniques from Druids Medicine & Celtic Shamanism

How to be in Right Standing with the Earth, Heavens & own Soul

Do the lush, green lands of Ireland call to you with their healing energies of the ancestors… ancient Gods and Goddesses… and the Bards, Druids, and fairies of Celtic history and lore?

These energies, the stories of these lands, and the practices inspired by Celtic shamanism offer us a medicine to bring us back home… to our true Self.

They help us reach beyond the mundane and overwhelm of our stressful modern lives and be more attentive, present, and receptive to the beauty and wisdom of the land…

On Wednesday, August 7, shamanic teacher and healer Jane Burns will help you discover myth and ritual to evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and open to the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of the natural world and your own inner landscape  during a FREE video event, The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder.

>> You can watch replay (get recording) here now <<

The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder

During this profound hour, you’ll discover:

  • The Celtic way of seeing and being, and the importance of daily practices of gratitude, reciprocity, and self-protection

  • Key archetypes of Celtic shamanism — including Ban Feasa and Ban Leighis, the Woman of Knowledge and Woman of Healing with ties to the fairy realm — and their roles in guiding and healing us

  • An experiential journey to the otherworld with the Celtic Goddess Brigid, the great mother goddess of fertility and creation, to help you reshape your life

  • How Celtic wisdom can guide you to reclaim your sovereignty — your destiny and authentic Self, often lost in the overwhelm of everyday life

  • Shamanic principles and practices from the Celtic medicine wheel for grounding you in who you truly are

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to draw from the wisdom of Celtic shamanism to connect more deeply with the natural world and the healing archetypal energies of this numinous land.

You’ll discover tips for how to become a conduit for these healing energies, and how to transform what you learn into the knowledge your soul seeks…

>> Join here for recording & training course (while available) now <<

During The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder, you’ll embark on a profound journey to the Otherworld with the Celtic Goddess Brigid — the Great Mother Goddess of healing and creation.

Read more: Ancient Healing Techniques from Druids Medicine & Celtic Shamanism

Why Pop Food & Healthy Diets May NOT Be Right For You - Epigenetics & DNA

Take your health into your own hands by influencing your gene expression

DNA testing is all the rage these days… from tracing your ancestral lineage to disease prediction…

While these tests have inspired millions to take their health into their own hands — whether to lose weight or address chronic conditions, depression, and more —they only provide a partial picture of what’s possible for you…

The good news is that your genes are not your destiny… 95% of your gene expression is influenced by YOU!

Epigenetics is the science of the ways your daily activities — from what you eat to how you exercise to your meditation practice — directly influence your genes.

On Saturday, August 3, integrative medicine pioneer and epigenetics expert Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier will help you not only sort through media misinformation and the barrage of genetic testing services (which often promise more hype than hope) — he’ll show you how you can optimize your unique genetic profile.

>> Register for 7 Keys to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Vibrant Health & Longevity, here <<

7 Keys to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Vibrant Health & Longevity

During this FREE hour, you’ll discover:

  • The real science behind home DNA tests and your epigenetics

  • Leading-edge, yet practical wisdom to empower you to become your healthiest self based on your genetics

  • Why popular food plans and “healthy” diets may NOT be right for you

  • The 7 pathways in the body that translate your genetic expression into the biochemistry of either health or illness

  • Two types of stress which have a direct impact — either negative or positive — on your gene expression

  • A simple spiritual practice that can positively influence your gene expression — in less than 20 minutes

  • How you can create a reliable, accurate, scientifically based “Epigenetic Profile” — with personalized recommendations on stress, diet, meditation, physical activity, and environmental influences 

When you begin to understand how to make epigenetics work for YOU, you can improve your memory, increase bone regeneration, enhance your immune system, and revitalize your health and wellbeing at every level.

You won’t want to miss this revelatory hour with Ken so you can move beyond disease prediction — and discover how you can apply your health biomarkers for truly vibrant health!

>> Join us here for free recording access <<

Your genetics are not locked in! During Keys to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Vibrant Health & Longevity, you’ll discover how to retrain your brain with customized practices (for you!) validated by science — so you can live longer, healthier, and happier.

Read more: Why Pop Food & Healthy Diets May NOT Be Right For You - Epigenetics & DNA

Explore a more Expansive Experience of God, the Soul, Reality, and our Humanity

How to Wake up To our Oneness & Celebrate our Individuality

What if  “waking up” isn’t what you think it is…

For example, do you practice being present by trying not to dwell on the past or future?

Do you believe that surrender and having no attachments will bring you a spiritual awakening… or that enlightenment happens when you eliminate your ego?

There’s undoubtedly wisdom in these teachings, yet they might be holding you back from experiencing deep soul evolution…

According to Tim Freke, a leading spiritual teacher and author, spirituality itself urgently needs to evolve.
He’s a passionate advocate for a new “both/and” spirituality that encourages us to be present and engage with the process of time… 

On Wednesday, August 28, Tim will guide you to the WOW of awakening — and introduce you to a new understanding of your life journey that promises to bring deep meaning and genuine hope to your daily challenges and adventures.

You can register here for Discover the WOW of Soul Transformation: ‘Waking Up’ is not what you think it is…

Discover the WOW of Soul Transformation: ‘Waking Up’ is not what you think it is

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll: 

  • Question old ideas and understand how they can get in the way of you making the next evolutionary jump

  • Understand what words such as “soul” and “spirit” really mean, so it becomes much easier to experience soul transformation

  • Clearly understand the deepest mystical teaching about awakening that’s at the heart of all the great spiritual traditions of the world … in only a few minutes!

  • Experience a practice to activate the WOW of soul transformation

Many current paradigms and teachings (from both religious and non-traditional lineages) are outdated or mistaken. Your self-will, ego, and attachments are not the problem. The belief that spirituality is an either/or path, is the problem.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how you can break free of these old spiritual ideas and make the next evolutionary jump in your life, so that you can open to the WOW of soul transformation. 

>> You can RSVP to Listen Live here or Get Recording  <<

In this impactful hour with Tim Freke, you’ll discover the keys to evolutionary spirituality — and understand why time, ego, and the rational mind are not villains, but essential to “waking up.”

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Explore a more Expansive Experience of God, the Soul, Reality, and our Humanity

How to Wake up To our Oneness & Celebrate our Individuality

What if  “waking up” isn’t what you think it is…

For example, do you practice being present by trying not to dwell on the past or future?

Do you believe that surrender and having no attachments will bring you a spiritual awakening… or that enlightenment happens when you eliminate your ego?

There’s undoubtedly wisdom in these teachings, yet they might be holding you back from experiencing deep soul evolution…

According to Tim Freke, a leading spiritual teacher and author, spirituality itself urgently needs to evolve.
He’s a passionate advocate for a new “both/and” spirituality that encourages us to be present and engage with the process of time… 

On Wednesday, August 28, Tim will guide you to the WOW of awakening — and introduce you to a new understanding of your life journey that promises to bring deep meaning and genuine hope to your daily challenges and adventures.

You can register here for Discover the WOW of Soul Transformation: ‘Waking Up’ is not what you think it is…

Discover the WOW of Soul Transformation: ‘Waking Up’ is not what you think it is

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll: 

  • Question old ideas and understand how they can get in the way of you making the next evolutionary jump

  • Understand what words such as “soul” and “spirit” really mean, so it becomes much easier to experience soul transformation

  • Clearly understand the deepest mystical teaching about awakening that’s at the heart of all the great spiritual traditions of the world … in only a few minutes!

  • Experience a practice to activate the WOW of soul transformation

Many current paradigms and teachings (from both religious and non-traditional lineages) are outdated or mistaken. Your self-will, ego, and attachments are not the problem. The belief that spirituality is an either/or path, is the problem.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how you can break free of these old spiritual ideas and make the next evolutionary jump in your life, so that you can open to the WOW of soul transformation. 

>> You can RSVP to Listen Live here or Get Recording  <<

In this impactful hour with Tim Freke, you’ll discover the keys to evolutionary spirituality — and understand why time, ego, and the rational mind are not villains, but essential to “waking up.”

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

How to Wake up To our Oneness & Celebrate our Individuality

Explore a more Expansive Experience of God, the Soul, Reality, and our Humanity

What if  “waking up” isn’t what you think it is…

For example, do you practice being present by trying not to dwell on the past or future?

Do you believe that surrender and having no attachments will bring you a spiritual awakening… or that enlightenment happens when you eliminate your ego?

There’s undoubtedly wisdom in these teachings, yet they might be holding you back from experiencing deep soul evolution…

According to Tim Freke, a leading spiritual teacher and author, spirituality itself urgently needs to evolve. He’s a passionate advocate for a new “both/and” spirituality that encourages us to be present and engage with the process of time… 

On Wednesday, August 28, Tim will guide you to the WOW of awakening — and introduce you to a new understanding of your life journey that promises to bring deep meaning and genuine hope to your daily challenges and adventures.

You can register here for Discover the WOW of Soul Transformation: ‘Waking Up’ is not what you think it is…

Register free to Discover the WOW of Soul Transformation: ‘Waking Up’ is not what you think it is…

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll: 

  • Question old ideas and understand how they can get in the way of you making the next evolutionary jump

  • Understand what words such as “soul” and “spirit” really mean, so it becomes much easier to experience soul transformation

  • Clearly understand the deepest mystical teaching about awakening that’s at the heart of all the great spiritual traditions of the world … in only a few minutes!

  • Experience a practice to activate the WOW of soul transformation

Many current paradigms and teachings (from both religious and non-traditional lineages) are outdated or mistaken. Your self-will, ego, and attachments are not the problem. The belief that spirituality is an either/or path, is the problem.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how you can break free of these old spiritual ideas and make the next evolutionary jump in your life, so that you can open to the WOW of soul transformation. 

>> You can RSVP for Live Event here (get recording later) <<

In this impactful hour with Tim Freke, you’ll discover the keys to evolutionary spirituality — and understand why time, ego, and the rational mind are not villains, but essential to “waking up.”

Read more: How to Wake up To our Oneness & Celebrate our Individuality

Saturday 17 August 2019

Receive Guidance & Wisdom from 4 Beloved Mystics & Prophets

Discover how to open to the mystic in you – and stand up for what you love

Would you like to tap into the wisdom and power of the great mystics and prophets…

… to more easily bridge the distance between you and the sacred within and around you?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these wise souls could serve as profound mentors, offering inspiration and solace as you navigate your own spiritual journey… 

… and helping you shift your mind, open your heart, and inspire change in the world, while also creating an unshakeable connection to the Divine?

On Thursday, August 22, bestselling author, theologian, and spiritual pioneer Matthew Fox will introduce you to four of the most beloved mystics of our time in a free online event, Awaken Modern Mystics & Prophets.

>> You can register here for Live Event (or watch recording later) <<

Awaken Modern Mystics & Prophets

These brave catalysts for profound change — Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Merton, and Mary Oliver — perfectly embody the archetypes of the mystic and prophet, lover and warrior…

… and with Matthew’s expert guidance, you’ll discover the profound teachings that their lives can offer you on your own path.

In this extraordinary hour with Matthew, you’ll discover:

  • How to open to the mystic in you — a lover charged by the glory of things and deeply touched by wonder at existence itself

  • A prophet as a warrior, and how to draw from this energy the courage to stand up for what you love

  • How the archetype of the Divine is undergoing an awakening, and how it can connect you with the qualities of its many “names,” including Love; Goodness; Flow; Energy; Breath; Cause of Wonder; Life; Joy; the Self of the Universe

  • An ancient healing chant that invokes names for the Divine from around the world to bring you closer to the sacred within and around you

In order to navigate the separation and challenges we’re facing today — in ourselves, in humanity, and on the planet — looking to the great mystics and prophets of the past for guidance and wisdom may be one of the most effective practices we can engage in.

So mark your calendar — and join Matthew to explore how to bring more love, peace, compassion, courage, and joy into your life and the lives of others.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join acclaimed theologian Matthew Fox and “meet” four people who fell so deeply in love with creation and existence that they fought fiercely to awaken others to this same capacity for love. 

You’ll also be one of the first to hear about a brand new 7-week online training with Matthew that will take you much deeper into an exploration of the lives of mystics and prophets Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Merton, and Mary Oliver… 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Receive Guidance & Wisdom from 4 Beloved Mystics & Prophets

Discover how to open to the mystic in you – and stand up for what you love

Would you like to tap into the wisdom and power of the great mystics and prophets…

… to more easily bridge the distance between you and the sacred within and around you?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these wise souls could serve as profound mentors, offering inspiration and solace as you navigate your own spiritual journey… 

… and helping you shift your mind, open your heart, and inspire change in the world, while also creating an unshakeable connection to the Divine?

On Thursday, August 22, bestselling author, theologian, and spiritual pioneer Matthew Fox will introduce you to four of the most beloved mystics of our time in a free online event, Awaken Modern Mystics & Prophets.

>> You can register here for Live Event (or watch recording later) <<

Awaken Modern Mystics & Prophets

These brave catalysts for profound change — Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Merton, and Mary Oliver — perfectly embody the archetypes of the mystic and prophet, lover and warrior…

… and with Matthew’s expert guidance, you’ll discover the profound teachings that their lives can offer you on your own path.

In this extraordinary hour with Matthew, you’ll discover:

  • How to open to the mystic in you — a lover charged by the glory of things and deeply touched by wonder at existence itself

  • A prophet as a warrior, and how to draw from this energy the courage to stand up for what you love

  • How the archetype of the Divine is undergoing an awakening, and how it can connect you with the qualities of its many “names,” including Love; Goodness; Flow; Energy; Breath; Cause of Wonder; Life; Joy; the Self of the Universe

  • An ancient healing chant that invokes names for the Divine from around the world to bring you closer to the sacred within and around you

In order to navigate the separation and challenges we’re facing today — in ourselves, in humanity, and on the planet — looking to the great mystics and prophets of the past for guidance and wisdom may be one of the most effective practices we can engage in.

So mark your calendar — and join Matthew to explore how to bring more love, peace, compassion, courage, and joy into your life and the lives of others.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join acclaimed theologian Matthew Fox and “meet” four people who fell so deeply in love with creation and existence that they fought fiercely to awaken others to this same capacity for love. 

You’ll also be one of the first to hear about a brand new 7-week online training with Matthew that will take you much deeper into an exploration of the lives of mystics and prophets Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Merton, and Mary Oliver… 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.