Tuesday 30 July 2019

Relaxing Into Aging: How to Befriend the Changes with Humor, Grace & Lightness of Being

So much of Western culture views our older years as a time of physical diminishment and waning contribution. Yet these years can actually be the most spiritually meaningful time of your life!

There is no wiser guide for turning the challenges of aging into a spiritual opportunity than beloved teacher Ram Dass!

I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to invite you to a FREE virtual event with one of the preeminent spiritual teachers of our time:

Relaxing Into Aging: How to Befriend the Changes With Humor, Grace and Lightness of Being

>> Find out more and reserve your free seat here <<

Relaxing Aging Awakening How to Befriend the Changes With Humor, Grace and Lightness of Being

Who better to guide us into a new relationship with growing older than a man who, after his stroke in 1997, faced partial paralysis, aphasia and a host of physical challenges — including chronic pain and all manner of inconveniences. Yet, he considers the stroke an act of “fierce grace” that propelled him to a higher level of spiritual growth.

During this special online event with Ram Dass, you’ll:

  • Discover how to make friends with changes that occur as you age — even the most challenging ones!

  • Understand how to release unnecessary suffering by becoming more mindful… even when that seems like an impossible choice

  • Shift the way you relate to the inevitability of death

  • Open to a deeper experience connecting to the universality of the changes you are going through

  • You CAN make your current and future decades a journey of liberation, laughter and lightness of being! Ram Dass will demonstrate for you how to embrace it all as “fierce grace.”

Honestly, I don’t believe there’s anyone better equipped to guide you in your aging journey than Ram Dass, who lives with an effervescent grace, love and beauty.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

Don’t miss Relaxing Into Aging: How to Befriend the Changes With Humor, Grace and Lightness of Being, featuring preeminent spiritual teacher Ram Dass. This is your chance to receive liberating insights that will open you to a journey of aging that is spiritually fulfilling, joy-filled and infused with love!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Relaxing Into Aging: How to Befriend the Changes with Humor, Grace & Lightness of Being

So much of Western culture views our older years as a time of physical diminishment and waning contribution. Yet these years can actually be the most spiritually meaningful time of your life!

There is no wiser guide for turning the challenges of aging into a spiritual opportunity than beloved teacher Ram Dass!

I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to invite you to a FREE virtual event with one of the preeminent spiritual teachers of our time:

Relaxing Into Aging: How to Befriend the Changes With Humor, Grace and Lightness of Being

>> Find out more and reserve your free seat here <<

Relaxing Aging Awakening How to Befriend the Changes With Humor, Grace and Lightness of Being

Who better to guide us into a new relationship with growing older than a man who, after his stroke in 1997, faced partial paralysis, aphasia and a host of physical challenges — including chronic pain and all manner of inconveniences. Yet, he considers the stroke an act of “fierce grace” that propelled him to a higher level of spiritual growth.

During this special online event with Ram Dass, you’ll:

  • Discover how to make friends with changes that occur as you age — even the most challenging ones!

  • Understand how to release unnecessary suffering by becoming more mindful… even when that seems like an impossible choice

  • Shift the way you relate to the inevitability of death

  • Open to a deeper experience connecting to the universality of the changes you are going through

  • You CAN make your current and future decades a journey of liberation, laughter and lightness of being! Ram Dass will demonstrate for you how to embrace it all as “fierce grace.”

Honestly, I don’t believe there’s anyone better equipped to guide you in your aging journey than Ram Dass, who lives with an effervescent grace, love and beauty.

>> You can RSVP for free here << 

Don’t miss Relaxing Into Aging: How to Befriend the Changes With Humor, Grace and Lightness of Being, featuring preeminent spiritual teacher Ram Dass. This is your chance to receive liberating insights that will open you to a journey of aging that is spiritually fulfilling, joy-filled and infused with love!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Sunday 28 July 2019

Ancient Medicine of Celtic Shamanism & Return to Your True Self

Discover how to be in right standing with the earth, the heavens, and your own soul

Do the lush, green lands of Ireland call to you with their healing energies of the ancestors… ancient Gods and Goddesses… and the Bards, Druids, and fairies of Celtic history and lore?

These energies, the stories of these lands, and the practices inspired by Celtic shamanism offer us a medicine to bring us back home… to our true Self.

They help us reach beyond the mundane and overwhelm of our stressful modern lives and be more attentive, present, and receptive to the beauty and wisdom of the land…

On Wednesday, August 7, shamanic teacher and healer Jane Burns will help you discover myth and ritual to evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and open to the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of the natural world and your own inner landscape  during a FREE video event, The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder.

>> You can reserve your free spot here <<

The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder

During this profound hour, you’ll discover:

  • The Celtic way of seeing and being, and the importance of daily practices of gratitude, reciprocity, and self-protection

  • Key archetypes of Celtic shamanism — including Ban Feasa and Ban Leighis, the Woman of Knowledge and Woman of Healing with ties to the fairy realm — and their roles in guiding and healing us

  • An experiential journey to the otherworld with the Celtic Goddess Brigid, the great mother goddess of fertility and creation, to help you reshape your life

  • How Celtic wisdom can guide you to reclaim your sovereignty — your destiny and authentic Self, often lost in the overwhelm of everyday life

  • Shamanic principles and practices from the Celtic medicine wheel for grounding you in who you truly are

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to draw from the wisdom of Celtic shamanism to connect more deeply with the natural world and the healing archetypal energies of this numinous land.

You’ll discover tips for how to become a conduit for these healing energies, and how to transform what you learn into the knowledge your soul seeks…

>> Join us now free and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

During The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder, you’ll embark on a profound journey to the Otherworld with the Celtic Goddess Brigid — the Great Mother Goddess of healing and creation.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Ancient Medicine of Celtic Shamanism & Return to Your True Self

Discover how to be in right standing with the earth, the heavens, and your own soul

Do the lush, green lands of Ireland call to you with their healing energies of the ancestors… ancient Gods and Goddesses… and the Bards, Druids, and fairies of Celtic history and lore?

These energies, the stories of these lands, and the practices inspired by Celtic shamanism offer us a medicine to bring us back home… to our true Self.

They help us reach beyond the mundane and overwhelm of our stressful modern lives and be more attentive, present, and receptive to the beauty and wisdom of the land…

On Wednesday, August 7, shamanic teacher and healer Jane Burns will help you discover myth and ritual to evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and open to the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of the natural world and your own inner landscape  during a FREE video event, The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder.

>> You can reserve your free spot here <<

The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder

During this profound hour, you’ll discover:

  • The Celtic way of seeing and being, and the importance of daily practices of gratitude, reciprocity, and self-protection

  • Key archetypes of Celtic shamanism — including Ban Feasa and Ban Leighis, the Woman of Knowledge and Woman of Healing with ties to the fairy realm — and their roles in guiding and healing us

  • An experiential journey to the otherworld with the Celtic Goddess Brigid, the great mother goddess of fertility and creation, to help you reshape your life

  • How Celtic wisdom can guide you to reclaim your sovereignty — your destiny and authentic Self, often lost in the overwhelm of everyday life

  • Shamanic principles and practices from the Celtic medicine wheel for grounding you in who you truly are

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to draw from the wisdom of Celtic shamanism to connect more deeply with the natural world and the healing archetypal energies of this numinous land.

You’ll discover tips for how to become a conduit for these healing energies, and how to transform what you learn into the knowledge your soul seeks…

>> Join us now free and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

During The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder, you’ll embark on a profound journey to the Otherworld with the Celtic Goddess Brigid — the Great Mother Goddess of healing and creation.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 26 July 2019

Epigenetic Reveals why Pop Food & Healthy Diets May NOT Be Right For You

Take your health into your own hands by influencing your gene expression

DNA testing is all the rage these days… from tracing your ancestral lineage to disease prediction…

While these tests have inspired millions to take their health into their own hands — whether to lose weight or address chronic conditions, depression, and more —they only provide a partial picture of what’s possible for you…

The good news is that your genes are not your destiny… 95% of your gene expression is influenced by YOU!

Epigenetics is the science of the ways your daily activities — from what you eat to how you exercise to your meditation practice — directly influence your genes.

On Saturday, August 3, integrative medicine pioneer and epigenetics expert Dr. Kenneth R. Pelletier will help you not only sort through media misinformation and the barrage of genetic testing services (which often promise more hype than hope) — he’ll show you how you can optimize your unique genetic profile.

>> Register for 7 Keys to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Vibrant Health & Longevity, here <<

7 Keys to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Vibrant Health & Longevity

During this FREE hour, you’ll discover:

  • The real science behind home DNA tests and your epigenetics

  • Leading-edge, yet practical wisdom to empower you to become your healthiest self based on your genetics

  • Why popular food plans and “healthy” diets may NOT be right for you

  • The 7 pathways in the body that translate your genetic expression into the biochemistry of either health or illness

  • Two types of stress which have a direct impact — either negative or positive — on your gene expression

  • A simple spiritual practice that can positively influence your gene expression — in less than 20 minutes

  • How you can create a reliable, accurate, scientifically based “Epigenetic Profile” — with personalized recommendations on stress, diet, meditation, physical activity, and environmental influences

When you begin to understand how to make epigenetics work for YOU, you can improve your memory, increase bone regeneration, enhance your immune system, and revitalize your health and wellbeing at every level.

You won’t want to miss this revelatory hour with Ken so you can move beyond disease prediction — and discover how you can apply your health biomarkers for truly vibrant health!

>> Join us here and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

Your genetics are not locked in! During Keys to Optimize Your Gene Expression for Vibrant Health & Longevity, you’ll discover how to retrain your brain with customized practices (for you!) validated by science — so you can live longer, healthier, and happier.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

How to Bring Your Night Dream “Imaginings” into the Day - Dream Shaman Secrets (Event)

Journey to the Imaginal Realm and ‘grow’ a dream in your waking life & Move from Wishful Thinking to Wish Fulfillment

One of the greatest crises in our lives is a crisis of imagination…

We get stuck and set ourselves up for failure because we buy into a limited or self-defeating version of reality, and refuse to see our situation differently.

Yet, the answer to this dilemma has always been within your reach. It lies within you — in the power of imagination…

We’re ruled by images; they’re the “facts of the mind” that turn us on and turn us off and program our bodies for wellness or disease.

To live a richer and more creative life, bestselling author and world-renowned dreamwork master Robert Moss teaches us to choose the images to which we give energy and belief.

And there’s no better way, Robert’s discovered, to tap into your very own Imaginal Realm than to pay attention to your nighttime dreams, filled with rich images revealing the true desires of your soul — as your rational, waking mind takes a backseat.

On Thursday, July 25, Robert will help you discover exciting ways to move past daydreaming and wishful thinking into true creative imagination and wish fulfillment –– for a life filled with more joy, more possibility, greater wellbeing, and lots of magic –– during a FREE video event, Dream Growing: 9 Secrets to Unlock Imagination & Live Your Soul’s Wildest Imaginings.

 >> You can register here for Live event (get recording later) <<

Dream Growing 9 Secrets to Unlock Imagination & Live Your Soul’s Wildest Imaginings

During this exciting, hour-long mini-workshop, you’ll:

  • Learn the 9 secrets to unlocking your imagination and bringing your soul’s wildest imaginings to life

  • Discover that your greatest imagineer in your life is your inner child, who has all the imagination you’ll ever need

  • Learn that when you can visualize what’s blocking you from living your dreams, you can finally move forward to manifest them

  • Discover powerful ways to bring your dream “imaginings” of the night into the light of day and start to truly live them

  • Experience a guided journey to your own unique Imaginal Realm to discover an inspiring soul image for growing a dream in your waking life

I invite you to join me for this mind-expanding hour — you’ll love Robert Moss, and especially learning how to pay attention to the imagery in your nighttime dreams, which can lead you to your soul’s greatest and wildest imaginings…

There’s no turning back… Once you’ve experienced this path to real magic — and its ability to help you evolve both personally and spiritually — you’ll feel like you’ve “come home.”

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Robert Moss is one of the world’s most respected and beloved teachers of dreaming, shamanism, and imagination. He’s inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his books and workshops during a lifetime of teaching.

During this free virtual event, Robert will show you how to grow the dreams you desire in your waking life by bringing those deep desires into the light of day.

Read more: How to Bring Your Night Dream “Imaginings” into the Day - Dream Shaman Secrets (Event)

Saturday 20 July 2019

Discover Healing Mysteries of Egypt’s Ancient Civilization - July 24 & 27 Event

Heal yourself and your loved ones thru the energies of ancient Egyptian deities

Are you intrigued by the healing magic of ancient Egypt? And by shamanism, with its sacred practices that can transform your life in deep and lasting ways?

There’s a compelling shamanic path you may not know about… Egyptian shamanism, which can bring you powerful alchemical practices for drawing from the wisdom and healing energies of this ancient civilization.

In fact, through the practice of Egyptian shamanism, you can reawaken your connection to the natural rhythms of the world and access the tools you need to help bring back truth, balance, justice, and the order of things for yourself, your family and community, and the world.

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to a free video event on Wednesday, July 24, with celebrated author and teacher of Egyptian mysteries, Nicki ScullyDiscover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You.

>> You can register here to watch Live (access recording later) <<

Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You

Nicki will help you journey across boundaries of time and culture — and draw from Egypt’s deep connection to Source through its deities and rites of passage.

During this fascinating 60 minutes steeped in Egyptian magic and lore, you’ll:

  • Meet and experience some of Egypt’s most powerful deities, who can guide and heal you — and through you, others

  • Learn about potent shamanic rituals practiced by the Pharaohs of Egypt, which can also provide YOU with direct guidance from Source

  • Awaken to the knowledge that the deities live within you — as you remember them, you “re-member” your authentic Self

  • Learn a “Heart Breath” practice that will ignite your soul’s fire and place you at the center point between matter and spirit, between earth and sky

  • Receive leading-edge shamanic interpretations of the Pyramid Texts, and how they’re changing the understanding of modern Egyptology

When you join Nicki for this complimentary mini-workshop, she’ll guide you in aligning with the life-transformative energies of these ancient deities so that you can receive their gifts and knowledge through direct experience.

You’ll begin to experience the life force that emanates through these archetypal energies, which are already inextricably woven into your very being. 

>> Register now to watch live (get recording) <<

If you’d like to be guided on a mini-journey connecting you with the wisdom of ancient Egypt through the potent archetypal energies of four essential deities, don’t miss Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You.

Read more: Discover Healing Mysteries of Egypt’s Ancient Civilization - July 24 & 27 Event

Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Treatments for Whole-Body Healing - Recording + Training

Harmonize your WHOLE electric body to calm your nervous system

Did you know that halfway between each chakra is a powerful energy zone often missed in many energy teachings?

Renowned sound therapy practitioner and author Eileen McKusick discovered the importance of these “half-step” energy zones during her decades of pioneering research on the human biofield (the energy field that surrounds and permeates your body).

Specifically, she’s discovered that sound healing with a tuning fork focused on these areas can help root out unbeneficial subconscious beliefs and stories, habitual reactions — and even ancestral wounds.

Eileen will help you discover and experience the balancing effects that a tuning fork can have on your biofield during a FREE video event: Discover the Electric Body Tuning Experience: Harmonize Your Biofield, Clear Blocked Energy & Raise Your ‘Voltage.’

>> Join us for this healing virtual event (recording) here <<

Discover the Electric Body Tuning Experience: Harmonize Your Biofield, Clear Blocked Energy & Raise Your Voltage

During this experiential hour, you’ll:

  • View your body as electromagnetic to gain important insights into where your vital energy may be stuck 

  • Learn the “half steps” of your biofield anatomy, where the subtle imbalances of your sympathetic nervous system can be detected and harmonized — before they escalate

  • Discover how harmonizing your half steps can raise your “voltage” for more energy, better stress management, more patience, and restful sleep

  • Find out which of your biofield half steps need “tuning” to become more receptive, grounded, playful, lighthearted, and connected to the earth and cosmos

  • Experience a tuning fork treatment through your “High Heart” energy zone to release fears of doing things wrong and about what others think, boosting your immunity, and increasing your capacity for self-love

You won’t want to miss experiencing this whole-body “tuning,” which can free you up to feel more grounded… and open to receiving and creating, lightheartedness, playfulness, and happiness… emotions which are beneficial to your immune system. 

Plus, if you’ve ever experienced sound healing, you know that it can leave you in a delicious state of calm and relaxation!

>> Register here to receive access details <<

In Discover the Electric Body Tuning Experience: Harmonize Your Biofield, Clear Blocked Energy & Raise Your ‘Voltage,’ you’ll discover your “electric body” and biofield, and how to clear energy blocks in your “half-step” energy zones to harmonize your WHOLE electric body, calm your nervous system, and raise your “voltage.”

Read more: Tuning Fork Sound Therapy Treatments for Whole-Body Healing - Recording + Training

A Proven Brain-training Practice to Help You Relieve Stress, Anxiety, & Overwhelm

Learn how to set boundaries and practice self-care… without guilt

Are you compassionate and empathetic to others… but struggle with self-love?

Do you prefer deep conversations instead of small talk?

Has it always been a challenge for you to say no or to create boundaries with family or loved ones?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re likely empathic and a highly sensitive person…

As a highly sensitive person (HSP), you’re uniquely gifted… even if these sensitivities feel like anything but a gift…

 As an HSP, you may suffer intense emotion and overwhelm. 

 You may also struggle to set boundaries or limits, often apologizing for, or hiding your true feelings and needs — unable to create space or alone time, or practice loving self-care.

Yet, being sensitive is a gift… the key is to realize that your sensitivities are actually your greatest strengths.

On Saturday, July 27, leading HSP expert, consultant, and author Julie Bjelland will share the most common patterns and challenges for HSPs — and how to acknowledge and embrace them in yourself –– during a FREE video event, Are You a Highly Sensitive Person: Understand Your Emotional Brain, Navigate Overwhelm & Discover You Are Gifted.

 >> You can register here for Live Event (get recording) <<

 In this complimentary free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The most common patterns and challenges for HSPs — and how to acknowledge and support them in yourself

  • The latest brain science on the HSP “trait” and what your brain is doing to make you feel out of control, scattered, or like you’re in survival mode, just trying to get through the day

  • A proven brain-training practice to signal your brain that you’re actually okay — and relieve stress, anxiety, and overwhelm

  • The profound gifts of being highly sensitive or an empath — and why these gifts are your superpowers

  • Techniques for customized self-care to refuel and nourish you

According to Julie, “Your brain is a supercomputer, taking in 50-100 ‘tubes’ of information, whereas the majority of people take in only a few tubes.” This explains A LOT!

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to receive proven practices for transforming anxiety and overwhelm into calm and confidence, AND learn how to set boundaries and practice self-care… without guilt and remorse.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Navigating modern life and relationships can be complex (even painful) for HSPs — as you’ve likely experienced.

In Saturday’s free online event, HSP expert Julie Bjelland will share why your sensitivities are strengths and your challenges are gifts — superpowers unique to you!

Read more: A Proven Brain-training Practice to Help You Relieve Stress, Anxiety, & Overwhelm

Learn Latest Evidence-based Science & Leading-edge Holistic Techniques Aug 6-8 Summit

Learn how to Heal Yourself and Others – Combine science & spirituality for mind-body health.

Have you experienced the body’s awesome ability to self-heal — through energy medicine, ancestral healing, spiritual practices, and more?

Do you marvel at science’s ability to achieve the impossible?

Science is evidence-based knowledge, while spirituality is experienced as inner knowing and consciousness…  

… yet, accelerated healing is possible when they’re brought together. 

Together, these two wisdom streams form one powerful river of knowledge and possibilities for healing.

Scientists, energy medicine experts, medical doctors, and pioneers in consciousness are now reuniting science and spirituality.

Rigorous, published scientific research in biofield healing approaches have shown effects in reducing PTSD, improving immune function, and even shrinking cancer tumors.

Ancient wisdom has shown for thousands of years that the body-mind is actually increasingly dynamic — and that our state of consciousness can modify our health, instantaneously.

And new discoveries in both science and the field of consciousness are inspiring awe and hope for deeper levels of healing — personally and collectively.  

For example, consciousness-raising practices can dramatically shift your health, neurobiology, and even the genes that affect your lifespan.

That’s why we’re delighted to tell you about the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit — pioneers in evolutionary consciousness sharing a powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge that promises to shift your consciousness, reveal leading-edge research and practices, and unlock your innate capacity to heal body, mind, and spirit.

Free Online Event
Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit
Co-presented by The Shift Network & Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI)

August 6-8, 2019

Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit The Shift Network & Consciousness & Healing Initiative CHI - August 6-8

Presenting in this summit are more than 25 of today’s highly sought-after scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring spiritual teachers — including Dr. Sue Morter, Alberto Villoldo, Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Rollin McCraty, Dr. Kenneth Pelletier, Dr. Kelly Turner, Dr. Lorenzo Cohen, Alison Jefferies, Dr. Melinda Connor, Dr. Joe Tafur, Nonty Charity Sabic, Kim Barta, Terri O’Fallon, Mark Wolynn, Niraj Naik, and others… 

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Dr. Sue Morter will reveal the secrets to unlocking your Energy Codes to shift disease-producing patterns of energy and beliefs 

  • Alberto Villoldo will illuminate how you can prime your brain for enlightenment and “grow a new body” through shamanic energy medicine. 

  • Lynne McTaggart will explain how to harness the energy of a small group to heal your life, others, and the world.

  • Dr. Rollin McCraty will highlight research that’s been done on heart intelligence, and share a technique for accessing our intuitive inner guidance system.

  • Dr. Kenneth Pelletier will explore the emerging science of epigenetics and provide meditation and visualization practices to influence gene expression. 

  • Dr. Kelly Turner will discuss her research on the radical remission of cancer – without Western medicine or after Western medicine has failed.

  • Dr. Lorenzo Cohen & Alison Jefferies will share about the role that family, friends, and community networks play in healthy living… and how love and connection lead to healthy cellular function. 

And much more!

We hope you’ll join this special first-time-ever event to discover how to regulate your own health with experts who will guide you toward transforming your wellbeing — and that of others.

Register for the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit now — where remarkable speakers will reveal the curative and evolutionary powers of science and spirit… to create vibrant health for you, your family, and your clients.

>> Join us here for the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some more of what the esteemed speakers will be sharing during the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit

  • Dr. Melinda Connor will introduce the prospective empirical test suite designed to determine the competence of energy practitioners to improve the accuracy of research.

  • Dr. Joe Tafur will share the role of icaro (sound healingand the emotional body in ayahuasca shamanism.

  • Nonty Charity Sabic will offer practical and effective spiritual practices and healing techniques from Africa.

  • Kim Barta & Terri O’Fallon will illuminate the dynamic, interrelated sacred principles that underlie all religion, spirituality, and relationship dynamics.

  • Mark Wolynn will discuss the scientific research on how trauma is passed down through the generations — including unexplained symptoms we inherit, and how to heal them.

  • Niraj Naik will speak to the relationship between science and yoga and increasing evidence of the complex benefits and physiological effects of yoga on our bodies and brains.

… and more!

>> RSVP here for Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Learn Latest Evidence-based Science & Leading-edge Holistic Techniques Aug 6-8 Summit

Learn how to Heal Yourself and Others – Combine science & spirituality for mind-body health.

Have you experienced the body’s awesome ability to self-heal — through energy medicine, ancestral healing, spiritual practices, and more?

Do you marvel at science’s ability to achieve the impossible?

Science is evidence-based knowledge, while spirituality is experienced as inner knowing and consciousness…  

… yet, accelerated healing is possible when they’re brought together. 

Together, these two wisdom streams form one powerful river of knowledge and possibilities for healing.

Scientists, energy medicine experts, medical doctors, and pioneers in consciousness are now reuniting science and spirituality.

Rigorous, published scientific research in biofield healing approaches have shown effects in reducing PTSD, improving immune function, and even shrinking cancer tumors.

Ancient wisdom has shown for thousands of years that the body-mind is actually increasingly dynamic — and that our state of consciousness can modify our health, instantaneously.

And new discoveries in both science and the field of consciousness are inspiring awe and hope for deeper levels of healing — personally and collectively.  

For example, consciousness-raising practices can dramatically shift your health, neurobiology, and even the genes that affect your lifespan.

That’s why we’re delighted to tell you about the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit — pioneers in evolutionary consciousness sharing a powerful synthesis of inner and outer knowledge that promises to shift your consciousness, reveal leading-edge research and practices, and unlock your innate capacity to heal body, mind, and spirit.

Free Online Event
Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit
Co-presented by The Shift Network & Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI)

August 6-8, 2019

Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit The Shift Network & Consciousness & Healing Initiative CHI - August 6-8

Presenting in this summit are more than 25 of today’s highly sought-after scientists, healers, physicians, researchers, and inspiring spiritual teachers — including Dr. Sue Morter, Alberto Villoldo, Lynne McTaggart, Dr. Rollin McCraty, Dr. Kenneth Pelletier, Dr. Kelly Turner, Dr. Lorenzo Cohen, Alison Jefferies, Dr. Melinda Connor, Dr. Joe Tafur, Nonty Charity Sabic, Kim Barta, Terri O’Fallon, Mark Wolynn, Niraj Naik, and others… 

Here’s some of what the brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Dr. Sue Morter will reveal the secrets to unlocking your Energy Codes to shift disease-producing patterns of energy and beliefs 

  • Alberto Villoldo will illuminate how you can prime your brain for enlightenment and “grow a new body” through shamanic energy medicine. 

  • Lynne McTaggart will explain how to harness the energy of a small group to heal your life, others, and the world.

  • Dr. Rollin McCraty will highlight research that’s been done on heart intelligence, and share a technique for accessing our intuitive inner guidance system.

  • Dr. Kenneth Pelletier will explore the emerging science of epigenetics and provide meditation and visualization practices to influence gene expression. 

  • Dr. Kelly Turner will discuss her research on the radical remission of cancer – without Western medicine or after Western medicine has failed.

  • Dr. Lorenzo Cohen & Alison Jefferies will share about the role that family, friends, and community networks play in healthy living… and how love and connection lead to healthy cellular function. 

And much more!

We hope you’ll join this special first-time-ever event to discover how to regulate your own health with experts who will guide you toward transforming your wellbeing — and that of others.

Register for the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit now — where remarkable speakers will reveal the curative and evolutionary powers of science and spirit… to create vibrant health for you, your family, and your clients.

>> Join us here for the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s some more of what the esteemed speakers will be sharing during the Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit

  • Dr. Melinda Connor will introduce the prospective empirical test suite designed to determine the competence of energy practitioners to improve the accuracy of research.

  • Dr. Joe Tafur will share the role of icaro (sound healingand the emotional body in ayahuasca shamanism.

  • Nonty Charity Sabic will offer practical and effective spiritual practices and healing techniques from Africa.

  • Kim Barta & Terri O’Fallon will illuminate the dynamic, interrelated sacred principles that underlie all religion, spirituality, and relationship dynamics.

  • Mark Wolynn will discuss the scientific research on how trauma is passed down through the generations — including unexplained symptoms we inherit, and how to heal them.

  • Niraj Naik will speak to the relationship between science and yoga and increasing evidence of the complex benefits and physiological effects of yoga on our bodies and brains.

… and more!

>> RSVP here for Reuniting Science & Spirituality Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 19 July 2019

HSPs Discover Why Your Sensitivity is a Gift & Your Greatest Strength

A proven brain-training practice to help you relieve stress, anxiety, and overwhelm

Have you considered or realized you’re a highly sensitive person?

As an (HSP), you may suffer intense anxiety and overwhelm. Chronic health issues, panic attacks, and angry outbursts are also common in HSPs. Decisions and taking action can be difficult due to paralyzing fear.

You may also struggle to set boundaries or limits, often apologizing for, or hiding your true needs — unable to create space, alone time, or engage in loving self-care.

Yet, being sensitive is a GIFT… the key is to realize that your sensitivities are actually your greatest strengths (and your unique superpowers!).

On Saturday, July 27, leading HSP expert, consultant, and author Julie Bjelland will share the most common patterns and challenges for HSPs — and how to acknowledge and embrace them in yourself –– during a FREE video event, Are You a Highly Sensitive Person: Understand Your Emotional Brain, Navigate Overwhelm & Discover You Are Gifted.

>> You can register here for Live event here <<

Highly Sensitive Person: Understand Your Emotional Brain, Navigate Overwhelm & Discover You Are Gifted

In this complimentary free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The most common patterns and challenges for HSPs — and how to acknowledge and embrace them in yourself

  • The latest brain science on the HSP “trait” and what your brain is doing to make you feel out of control, scattered, or like you’re in survival mode, just trying to get through the day

  • A proven brain-training practice to signal your brain that you’re actually okay — and relieve stress, anxiety, and overwhelm

  • The profound gifts of being highly sensitive or an empath — and why these gifts are your superpowers

  • Techniques for self-care to refuel and nourish you

According to Julie, “Your brain is a supercomputer, taking in 50-100 ‘tubes’ of information, whereas the majority of people take in 3 tubes.” This explains A LOT!

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to receive proven practices for transforming anxiety and overwhelm into calm and confidence, AND learn how to set boundaries and practice self-care… without guilt and remorse.

>> You can RSVP for free here (get recording later) <<

Navigating modern life and relationships can be complex (even painful) for HSPs — as you’ve likely experienced.

Let Julie help you make the switch to discovering how your sensitivities are strengths and your challenges are gifts — superpowers unique to you!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 17 July 2019

Move Past Daydreaming & Wishful Thinking into True Creative Imagination

Learn the 9 secrets to unlocking your imagination

One of the greatest crises in our lives is a crisis of imagination…

We get stuck and set ourselves up for failure because we buy into a limited or self-defeating version of reality, and refuse to see our situation differently.

Yet, the answer to this dilemma has always been within your reach. It lies within you — in the power of imagination…

We’re ruled by images; they’re the “facts of the mind” that turn us on and turn us off and program our bodies for wellness or disease.

To live a richer and more creative life, bestselling author and world-renowned dreamwork master Robert Moss teaches us to choose the images to which we give energy and belief.

And there’s no better way, Robert’s discovered, to tap into your very own Imaginal Realm than to pay attention to your nighttime dreams, filled with rich images revealing the true desires of your soul — as your rational, waking mind takes a backseat.

On Thursday, July 25, Robert will help you discover exciting ways to move past daydreaming and wishful thinking into true creative imagination and wish fulfillment –– for a life filled with more joy, more possibility, greater wellbeing, and lots of magic –– during a FREE video event, Dream Growing: 9 Secrets to Unlock Imagination & Live Your Soul’s Wildest Imaginings.

 >> You can register here for Live event (get recording) <<

Dream Growing: 9 Secrets to Unlock Imagination & Live Your Soul’s Wildest Imaginings

During this exciting, hour-long mini-workshop, you’ll:

  • Learn the 9 secrets to unlocking your imagination and bringing your soul’s wildest imaginings to life

  • Discover that your greatest imagineer in your life is your inner child, who has all the imagination you’ll ever need

  • Learn that when you can visualize what’s blocking you from living your dreams, you can finally move forward to manifest them

  • Discover powerful ways to bring your dream “imaginings” of the night into the light of day and start to truly live them

  • Experience a guided journey to your own unique Imaginal Realm to discover an inspiring soul image for growing a dream in your waking life

I invite you to join me for this mind-expanding hour — you’ll love Robert Moss, and especially learning how to pay attention to the imagery in your nighttime dreams, which can lead you to your soul’s greatest and wildest imaginings…

There’s no turning back… Once you’ve experienced this path to real magic — and its ability to help you evolve both personally and spiritually — you’ll feel like you’ve “come home.”

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Robert Moss is one of the world’s most respected and beloved teachers of dreaming, shamanism, and imagination. He’s inspired hundreds of thousands around the world with his books and workshops during a lifetime of teaching.

During this free virtual event, Robert will show you how to grow the dreams you desire in your waking life by bringing those deep desires into the light of day.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Open & Heal Your Chakras - Control the Flow of your Energy - July Free Event

Discover how to light up your energy centers with power and precision

Do you long to feel more alive and comfortable in your body, and more ecstatically connected to the Divine?

The good news is that there’s a “user’s manual” for your energy system that can help you work with it at the deepest level… through your chakras.

The chakra system is a profound map for your journey of awakening. And by aligning and activating key areas in your chakras, you can give your body, mind, and spirit a revitalizing overhaul.

On Wednesday, July 17, Anodea Judith, the #1 bestselling author and expert on the chakra system, will show you how to open, align, and heal your chakras to activate your energy system, nurture your spiritual awakening, and enjoy a vibrant, thriving and full-spectrum life during a FREE video event, Wheels of Life Chakra Workshop: Heal and Awaken Through Your Energy Centers.

>> Reserve your free spot here for Live event (get recording) <<

During Wheels of Life Chakra Workshop: Heal and Awaken Through Your Energy Centers, you’ll discover how to align with the deepest wellspring of energies in your body-mind to awaken your consciousness and optimize your energy system (which affects your emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing)

During this complimentary session, you’ll discover:

  • A comprehensive overview of the chakra system that makes intuitive sense and works with Western psychology

  • The connection between specific health and body challenges within different chakras — and the practices that can address and heal them

  • How to assess if a chakra is either deficient or excessive so you can bring it back into balance

  • The connection between activating your chakras and creating healing in the world

  • Ways to work with energetic blocks, shifting them more gracefully

  • Practices to work with the “demons” that sabotage each chakra, such as fear, guilt, and shame

After nearly 40 years of teaching this work, Anodea knows exactly what works (and what doesn’t) to light up your energy centers with power and precision.

The insights and techniques Anodea will reveal are useful to people who want to harness their energy to enhance their wellbeing, relationships, sex life, power, vitality, and creativity.

>> It’s FREE to attend and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

During Wheels of Life Chakra Workshop: Heal and Awaken Through Your Energy Centers, you’ll discover how to align with the deepest wellspring of energies in your body-mind to awaken your consciousness and optimize your energy system (which affects your emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing).

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Chakra Workshop: Heal and Awaken Through Your Energy Centers

Discover how to light up your energy centers with power and precision

Do you long to feel more alive and comfortable in your body, and more ecstatically connected to the Divine?

The good news is that there’s a “user’s manual” for your energy system that can help you work with it at the deepest level… through your chakras.

The chakra system is a profound map for your journey of awakening. And by aligning and activating key areas in your chakras, you can give your body, mind, and spirit a revitalizing overhaul.

On Wednesday, July 17, Anodea Judith, the #1 bestselling author and expert on the chakra system, will show you how to open, align, and heal your chakras to activate your energy system, nurture your spiritual awakening, and enjoy a vibrant, thriving and full-spectrum life during a FREE video event, Wheels of Life Chakra Workshop: Heal and Awaken Through Your Energy Centers.

>> Reserve your free spot here for Live event (get recording) <<

Wheels of Life Chakra Workshop: Heal and Awaken Through Your Energy Centers

During this complimentary session, you’ll discover:

  • A comprehensive overview of the chakra system that makes intuitive sense and works with Western psychology

  • The connection between specific health and body challenges within different chakras — and the practices that can address and heal them

  • How to assess if a chakra is either deficient or excessive so you can bring it back into balance

  • The connection between activating your chakras and creating healing in the world

  • Ways to work with energetic blocks, shifting them more gracefully

  • Practices to work with the “demons” that sabotage each chakra, such as fear, guilt, and shame

After nearly 40 years of teaching this work, Anodea knows exactly what works (and what doesn’t) to light up your energy centers with power and precision.

The insights and techniques Anodea will reveal are useful to people who want to harness their energy to enhance their wellbeing, relationships, sex life, power, vitality, and creativity.

>> It’s FREE to attend and you’ll receive a recording if you can’t listen live <<

During Wheels of Life Chakra Workshop: Heal and Awaken Through Your Energy Centers, you’ll discover how to align with the deepest wellspring of energies in your body-mind to awaken your consciousness and optimize your energy system (which affects your emotional, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing).

Read more: Chakra Workshop: Heal and Awaken Through Your Energy Centers