Sunday 22 December 2019

Discover the Deeper Messages in the Christian lineage

How to Embody Sacred Love in Action

If there was ever a time to honor the transcendent truth in every faith tradition and find within it the transformative power to move us towards global unity… NOW is that time!

And, what if one of the most important steps you could take to achieve that end was to discover the deeper messages hidden within the Christian lineage?

I truly believe these hidden messages can help you open your heart wide and walk a path of sacred action in profound connection with the Divine, while also embracing and honoring all global spiritual traditions.

And, that’s why we’re excited to share with you a FREE virtual workshop produced by The Shift Network and featuring renowned, mystic-scholar Andrew Harvey titled, Rediscovering the Christ Path: How to Embody Sacred Love in Action.

Rediscovering the Christ Path How to Embody Sacred Love in Action

During this powerful and illuminating workshop, Andrew will pull back the veil on the radical truths from the heart of the Christian tradition… truths that have been hidden from us for hundreds of years! He will shine the light on the path forward for each of us to more fully embody Christ consciousness, marry sacred masculine and feminine and nourish the divine child in each of us.

As a celebrated scholar of world mystic traditions, Andrew will reveal the deeper, esoteric understandings previously hidden within the Christ lineage that will help you to:
  • See the teachings of Jesus with fresh eyes, as a way-shower, a friend and an ally.

  • Embody more of your innate divinity, and see that divinity embodied in others.

  • Reclaim the sacred feminine that is at the heart of the lineage.

  • And more!

Andrew is passionate about calling us into a real, tangible, action-inducing relationship with the Divine; one that is built on sacred service and ministering to the suffering of the world.

Be prepared for brilliance, provocative insights and passionate words that speak straight into your soul!

>> Reserve your spot here <<

PS – Marianne Williamson says about Andrew:

“Every age has its teachers, who keep the eternal truths alive for all of us. And when a generation is very, very lucky, it encounters a teacher so illumined that the words he delivers must be illumined, as well. In the case of Andrew Harvey, the light he sheds is like a meteor burst across the inner sky.”

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Read more: Discover the Deeper Messages in the Christian lineage

Saturday 21 December 2019

Receive Key Principles to Create Authentic Love in All Your Relationships

Transform Yourself and our World through the Power of Love.

Do you find yourself holding back from truly loving yourself and others?

The truth is, we live in a culture in which the forces of fear, polarization, and even hate constantly swirl around us…

… and the natural reaction is to shut down, defend, and protect ourselves. Sometimes love can feel too vulnerable to deeply express. 

Yet, when we live like this, we don’t shine the way we’re meant to. 

Our capacity for greatness is directly connected to our ability to stand AS love and to truly love everyone — especially those who don’t express love in return. Love empowers us to evolve ourselves and change our world.

Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed lecturer, activist, and bestselling author, has become a living legend of love, having taught the spiritual principles behind a life of love for decades… 

In a revealing hour with the founder of The Shift Network, Marianne will lay out the key principles for living AS love. She’ll reveal how she practices love personally and with others, even in heated national arenas.   

>> You can register here for Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love: Keys to Dissolving Fear & Living Your Soul’s Purpose <<

Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love Keys to Dissolving Fear & Living Your Soul’s Purpose

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Go beyond seeing love as a feeling — to understanding how it’s an operating principle that can guide every one of your decisions

  • Understand how to incorporate fierce, passionate, and intense forms of love into your body so that you’re never held back by a lightweight view of what love truly is

  • Receive transformational insights into how to dispel fear in your life so you can act in bold service of your highest commitments 

  • Key principles to shift your intimate relationships out of negative spirals and into authentic love

  • Get actionable insight from the Course in Miracles about how to see and embrace the miraculous in a way that brings more blessings into your life

  • Receive a powerful prayer practice that empowers you to live your true purpose

Marianne Williamson has blazed an inspiring path for spiritual seekers around the world, showing us all how to put principles into action and truly walk the talk of an awakened life. 

Join us to hear her most profound, intimate insights for creating a conscious, purposeful, and powerful life of love.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed lecturer, activist, and bestselling author, on Saturday, December 28, to explore how to transform yourself and our world through the power of love.  

Marianne not only embodies love in remarkable ways — from founding leading social activist organizations to putting love in the center of how we do democracy — she’s also touched millions of lives through her bestselling books.

>> Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love: Keys to Dissolving Fear & Living Your Soul’s Purpose is free to attend, but you’ll need to RSVP here <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover Keys to Living Your Soul’s Purpose by Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love

Allow yourself to shine by Living as Love – even in challenging times

Do you find yourself holding back from truly loving yourself and others?

The truth is, we live in a culture in which the forces of fear, polarization, and even hate constantly swirl around us…

… and the natural reaction is to shut down, defend, and protect ourselves. Sometimes love can feel too vulnerable to deeply express. 

Yet, when we live like this, we don’t shine the way we’re meant to. 

Our capacity for greatness is directly connected to our ability to stand AS love and to truly love everyone — especially those who don’t express love in return. Love empowers us to evolve ourselves and change our world.

Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed lecturer, activist, and bestselling author, has become a living legend of love, having taught the spiritual principles behind a life of love for decades… 

In a revealing hour with the founder of The Shift Network, Marianne will lay out the key principles for living AS love. She’ll reveal how she practices love personally and with others, even in heated national arenas.   

>> You can register here for Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love: Keys to Dissolving Fear & Living Your Soul’s Purpose <<

Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love Keys to Dissolving Fear & Living Your Soul’s Purpose

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Go beyond seeing love as a feeling — to understanding how it’s an operating principle that can guide every one of your decisions

  • Understand how to incorporate fierce, passionate, and intense forms of love into your body so that you’re never held back by a lightweight view of what love truly is

  • Receive transformational insights into how to dispel fear in your life so you can act in bold service of your highest commitments 

  • Key principles to shift your intimate relationships out of negative spirals and into authentic love

  • Get actionable insight from the Course in Miracles about how to see and embrace the miraculous in a way that brings more blessings into your life

  • Receive a powerful prayer practice that empowers you to live your true purpose

Marianne Williamson has blazed an inspiring path for spiritual seekers around the world, showing us all how to put principles into action and truly walk the talk of an awakened life. 

Join us to hear her most profound, intimate insights for creating a conscious, purposeful, and powerful life of love.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join Marianne Williamson, internationally acclaimed lecturer, activist, and bestselling author, on Saturday, December 28, to explore how to transform yourself and our world through the power of love.  

Marianne not only embodies love in remarkable ways — from founding leading social activist organizations to putting love in the center of how we do democracy — she’s also touched millions of lives through her bestselling books.

>> Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love: Keys to Dissolving Fear & Living Your Soul’s Purpose is free to attend, but you’ll need to RSVP here <<

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Read more: Discover Keys to Living Your Soul’s Purpose by Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love

Friday 20 December 2019

Achieve Great Success in New Year 2020 & New Decade with Our Brand New Guide "Growth Mindset" + X5 Power Bonuses

To Achieve Great Success in New Year 2020 & New Decade Use Our Brand New Guide and Become Your BEST SELF & Change YOUR LIFE - Embrace GROWTH MINDSET

New Year Sale - Embrace the Growth Mindset - Become Your BEST SELF and Change Your Life

Achieve Great Success in New Year 2020 & New Decade with Our Brand New Guide "Growth Mindset" + X5 Power Bonuses

Your mindset controls your behaviors and choices, and the wrong mentality can leave you feeling frustrated, worried, and like you always need to prove yourself to the world. 
But, when you embrace a growth mindset, you will find that your world is full of possibilities, not closed doors. 
Do you believe that you have the power to change your life? 
You should! 
Every person can change and grow and this has nothing to do with your intelligence or education 
Embracing the power of personal growth and development and adopting a growth-oriented approach to life can help you to: 
  • Become more resilient to adversity
  • Improve your relationships with others
  • Adopt healthier habits and routines
  • Realize your personal goals
  • Figure out what you want from life
  • Learn how to take more risks
  • Think more positively about yourself
  • Overcome emotional turmoil
  • Achieve anything you want in life 

Having a growth mindset allows you to assume that your gifts and talents at an early age are a starting point for your evolution, not all you will ever be. 
Each of your essential qualities are things that can be developed and grown throughout your life. 
Because we all have the capacity for change and growth, a growth mindset believes we can learn from circumstances and setbacks and change through the application of intention and exercise. 
If you do not adopt a growth mindset, you have a fixed view of yourself and your capacities, which means you spend your life simply trying to prove yourself to others. 
Those with a fixed mindset face many dangers or drawbacks by welcoming this type of thinking. 
Your attitude and way of thinking influence your other beliefs, behaviors, and choices in life. 
And the more you believe you can’t change or grow, the more that becomes true. 
Do you often look at others’ lives and wonder how they can reach their goals and realize their dreams while you seem to be stuck in the same rut, making the same mistakes? 
This happens because your outlook is holding you back. It is preventing you from learning from your mistakes, from accepting and loving yourself, and from embracing your gifts. It is limiting your life. 
But you can take control. You can learn to embrace a more positive mindset. Imagine a time when you don’t crumble after a failure or disappointment. 
When you can honestly assess your strengths and develop a plan to address your flaws. 
When you are eager to learn from your mistakes and embrace obstacles as opportunities to grow. 
When you look forward to change and trying new things. When you honor the boundaries that keep you healthy and strong. 

This doesn’t have to be a fantasy!

Through intentional focus and practice, you too can embrace a growth mindset, take back control over the direction of your life, and find the desire and ability within you to grow and learn through all life’s many experiences.
When you commit to adopting a growth-oriented approach, you are on your way to realizing your potential and having the life you have always dreamed of having. 


Wednesday 18 December 2019

Access Spirit Allies & other Realms for Healing Wisdom… Personal & Collective

Discover Foundational Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing

Many of us are awakening to messages from the ancient ancestors… 

 …breadcrumbs of wisdom on how to survive (and thrive) during the challenges of today’s world — in our personal lives, communities, and on our planet. 

Compassionate spirits are ready to offer their guidance and healing for ALL life on earth — including YOU and the issues you’re navigating.

Through the practice of shamanic journeying — in which you enter into an altered state of consciousness, traveling outside of time into the hidden, non-ordinary realms — you can access this wisdom, and follow your calling to restore harmony between human beings and the natural world.

On Wednesday, January 8, Sandra Ingerman, one of shamanism’s most respected teachers, will share the foundations of shamanic journeying — including surprisingly simple practices for accessing helping spirits and power animals — for your healing, and the healing of our world.

 >> You can register here for The 3 Hidden Worlds of Shamanic Journeying: Discover Foundational Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing <<

Shamanic Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing

During this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The foundations of ancient shamanism — and how it’s THE path to connecting with your innate wisdom and power, healing the planet, and living in harmony with nature

  • Three hidden worlds shamans journey to “retrieve” guidance for their communities

  • The purpose of drums, rattles, whistling, sticks, bells, didgeridoos, click sticks, and chanting — in shamanic journeying

  • The healing effects of shamanic journeying on human brain waves

  • How shamanic journeying can give us a new perspective on climate change and provides us with ceremonies we can perform for planetary healing

  • powerful guided journey to meet your favorite nature being — whether it be animal, bird, reptile, insect, plant, or tree… you’ll learn about each others’ lives and become good friends

As you’ll discover, shamanic journeying can help you cultivate a rich inner landscape and confidently step into beautiful new possibilities for your life.

And as you master entering altered states of being, you can unlock more joy, empowerment, and appreciation for your life.

You can also gain access to a team of helping spirits, devoted to your healing, growth, and evolution… by offering you advanced knowledge for navigating important areas of your life — from career, to love, to fulfilling your greatest purpose.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman on Wednesday, January 8, to discover how to apply timeless shamanic wisdom and practices to every area of your life and our collective experience here on earth.

In this free event, The 3 Hidden Worlds of Shamanic Journeying: Discover Foundational Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing… 

… you’ll learn how to create a direct connection to your ancestors through shamanic journeying. They’re eager to offer you their blessings and guidance for your daily life… and help you cultivate courage and compassion, empowered by your helping spirit allies.. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing

Access Spirit Allies & other Realms for Healing Wisdom… Personal & Collective

Many of us are awakening to messages from the ancient ancestors… 

 …breadcrumbs of wisdom on how to survive (and thrive) during the challenges of today’s world — in our personal lives, communities, and on our planet. 

Compassionate spirits are ready to offer their guidance and healing for ALL life on earth — including YOU and the issues you’re navigating.

Through the practice of shamanic journeying — in which you enter into an altered state of consciousness, traveling outside of time into the hidden, non-ordinary realms — you can access this wisdom, and follow your calling to restore harmony between human beings and the natural world.

On Wednesday, January 8, Sandra Ingerman, one of shamanism’s most respected teachers, will share the foundations of shamanic journeying — including surprisingly simple practices for accessing helping spirits and power animals — for your healing, and the healing of our world.

 >> You can register here for The 3 Hidden Worlds of Shamanic Journeying: Discover Foundational Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing <<

Shamanic Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing

During this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The foundations of ancient shamanism — and how it’s THE path to connecting with your innate wisdom and power, healing the planet, and living in harmony with nature

  • Three hidden worlds shamans journey to “retrieve” guidance for their communities

  • The purpose of drums, rattles, whistling, sticks, bells, didgeridoos, click sticks, and chanting — in shamanic journeying

  • The healing effects of shamanic journeying on human brain waves

  • How shamanic journeying can give us a new perspective on climate change and provides us with ceremonies we can perform for planetary healing

  • powerful guided journey to meet your favorite nature being — whether it be animal, bird, reptile, insect, plant, or tree… you’ll learn about each others’ lives and become good friends

As you’ll discover, shamanic journeying can help you cultivate a rich inner landscape and confidently step into beautiful new possibilities for your life.

And as you master entering altered states of being, you can unlock more joy, empowerment, and appreciation for your life.

You can also gain access to a team of helping spirits, devoted to your healing, growth, and evolution… by offering you advanced knowledge for navigating important areas of your life — from career, to love, to fulfilling your greatest purpose.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman on Wednesday, January 8, to discover how to apply timeless shamanic wisdom and practices to every area of your life and our collective experience here on earth.

In this free event, The 3 Hidden Worlds of Shamanic Journeying: Discover Foundational Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing… 

… you’ll learn how to create a direct connection to your ancestors through shamanic journeying. They’re eager to offer you their blessings and guidance for your daily life… and help you cultivate courage and compassion, empowered by your helping spirit allies.. 

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Read more: Practices to Access Helping Spirits & Power Animals for Personal & Collective Healing

Thursday 12 December 2019

Mediumship Classes - How to Communicate with Loved Ones & Others in the Spirit World

Diminish your fear of death by developing your mediumship powers

Would you like to be able to connect with loved ones who have passed — to give and receive love, forgiveness, and guidance…

Or even communicate beyond the veil to provide these special connections for others?

We each have these capacities… which can be uncovered, accessed, and strengthened through the age-old practice of mediumship.

With the right belief, intention, and shift in our perception of reality, you can access these innate powers — and learn to connect with the Other Side deeply and easily. 

On Thursday, December 12, mystic, medium, and author Suzanne Giesemann will share fascinating insights into her powerful approach to mediumship, along with an easy practice to help you open to your own mediumship capabilities during a FREE video event, Deepen Your Connection With Loved Ones Through Sacred Mediumship.

>> You can register here to watch Live & get recording later <<

Medium Communication Advanced Practices to Deepen Your Connection With Loved Ones Through Sacred Mediumship

During this special hour, you’ll explore:

  • Evidential mediumship, why it’s sacred, and how to begin communicating with your loved ones on the Other Side

  • The key to moving beyond individual pieces of factual information — to access in-depth, evidence-filled stories from across the veil

  • Why a “miracle mindset” is essential for trusting yourself and the Spirit World — and for receiving the abundant guidance that’s always there

  • Where the Spirit World is — and what’s actually happening when you connect with a guide

  • A guided, experiential practice to instantly clear and refresh your energetic field to support strong spirit connections and deeper readings

Suzanne’s approach to the age-old practice of mediumship has been tested and verified, and her work is recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers and organizations.

Honing your mediumship powers through her “evidence-based” mediumship can help diminish your fear of death — by validating the belief that there’s life beyond the veil and that we’re all part of something so much greater than the visible world.

Anyone can learn to connect with the Spirit World, says Suzanne, because we all have the same “equipment” — a soul.

Suzanne’s teachings and practices can nourish both your spiritual life and your daily life, by expanding your understanding of soul and bringing greater peace, healing, and love into your life and our world.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In this special hour with Suzanne Giesemann, you’ll discover an “evidence-based” approach to mediumship to make reliable connections with the Spirit World  — and validate the authenticity of information received.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Unlock your Mediumship Powers to Communicate with Loved Ones in Spirit World

Diminish your fear of death by developing your mediumship powers

Would you like to be able to connect with loved ones who have passed — to give and receive love, forgiveness, and guidance…

Or even communicate beyond the veil to provide these special connections for others?

We each have these capacities… which can be uncovered, accessed, and strengthened through the age-old practice of mediumship.

With the right belief, intention, and shift in our perception of reality, you can access these innate powers — and learn to connect with the Other Side deeply and easily. 

On Thursday, December 12, mystic, medium, and author Suzanne Giesemann will share fascinating insights into her powerful approach to mediumship, along with an easy practice to help you open to your own mediumship capabilities during a FREE video event, Deepen Your Connection With Loved Ones Through Sacred Mediumship.

>> You can register here to watch Live & get recording later <<

Medium Communication Advanced Practices to Deepen Your Connection With Loved Ones Through Sacred Mediumship

During this special hour, you’ll explore:

  • Evidential mediumship, why it’s sacred, and how to begin communicating with your loved ones on the Other Side

  • The key to moving beyond individual pieces of factual information — to access in-depth, evidence-filled stories from across the veil

  • Why a “miracle mindset” is essential for trusting yourself and the Spirit World — and for receiving the abundant guidance that’s always there

  • Where the Spirit World is — and what’s actually happening when you connect with a guide

  • A guided, experiential practice to instantly clear and refresh your energetic field to support strong spirit connections and deeper readings

Suzanne’s approach to the age-old practice of mediumship has been tested and verified, and her work is recognized as highly credible by noted afterlife researchers and organizations.

Honing your mediumship powers through her “evidence-based” mediumship can help diminish your fear of death — by validating the belief that there’s life beyond the veil and that we’re all part of something so much greater than the visible world.

Anyone can learn to connect with the Spirit World, says Suzanne, because we all have the same “equipment” — a soul.

Suzanne’s teachings and practices can nourish both your spiritual life and your daily life, by expanding your understanding of soul and bringing greater peace, healing, and love into your life and our world.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In this special hour with Suzanne Giesemann, you’ll discover an “evidence-based” approach to mediumship to make reliable connections with the Spirit World  — and validate the authenticity of information received.

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Read more: Unlock your Mediumship Powers to Communicate with Loved Ones in Spirit World

Tuesday 10 December 2019

Receive a Singing Bowls Practice to Guide You into a Healing Ritual Space

Explore and participate in your own healing process through the power of sound

Have you felt as though you’re on a merry-go-round of treating the same old symptoms — fatigue, stress, depression, and other chronic conditions — without making any real progress?

Have you sensed that going to a doctor may not be your only hope for a healthy life — yet, you’re not sure where else to turn?

It’s time to turn the corner into a clear understanding of your health — and open the door to new possibilities for healing… 

In fact, with the proper sound-healing techniques and intention, you can not only bring about profound healing, you can also attain a sense of “oneness” and live a more joyful and authentic life. 

Part of using sound healing as medicine is creating new perceptions around your emotions, bringing reality into a new focus, and clearing the way for deep healing — even for your most persistent health concerns…

On Saturday, December 14, you can discover the power of sound as medicine — and how to move into a space of true healing using deep breathing practices, sound bowls, and more  — when you join healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino for a FREE video event, Discover Sound as Medicine: How to Clear Emotional Blocks & Heal Common Illnesses & Chronic Conditions Through the Power of Your Own Voice.

>> Register here to watch Live event & receive recording later  <<

Discover Sound as Medicine: How to Clear Emotional Blocks & Heal Common Illnesses & Chronic Conditions Through the Power of Your Own Voice

During this special hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to create your own regular sound medicine practice at home

  • How to care for your own spiritual immune system by placing a tone in your crown chakra that will run through your whole body

  • Why meditative sound healing often works for people who insist they aren’t able to meditate effectively

  • An experiential journey with 3 singing bowls that will lead you to a new understanding of how they resonate sympathetically with your body’s field

  • An ancient shamanic sound practice to help connect with the tone of your heart, which can feed your energy field and shift your emotional, physical, and mental state

  • muscle testing practice to find the “vital tone” for yourself, which can strengthen your energy system and be directed to specific areas of your body that need healing

You’ll discover how your body has its own signature frequencies that match with each sound — and why learning how your body responds to sound is essential for your healing journey..

Mona brings an entire new dimension to the growing field of sound healing — she’s highly skilled at reading energy, and at helping you understand how to engage with yourself and the world around you in deeply healing ways as you grow into the healthy, vibrant person you’re meant to be.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to better understand and heal your persistent health issues through the power of sound!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Discover Sound as Medicine, you’ll begin to understand how healing works within YOUR body — and start to explore and participate in your own healing process — through the healing power of sound.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Power of Sound as Medicine – Moving into a Space of True Healing

Receive a singing bowls practice to guide you into a healing ritual space

Have you felt as though you’re on a merry-go-round of treating the same old symptoms — fatigue, stress, depression, and other chronic conditions — without making any real progress?

Have you sensed that going to a doctor may not be your only hope for a healthy life — yet, you’re not sure where else to turn?

It’s time to turn the corner into a clear understanding of your health — and open the door to new possibilities for healing… 

In fact, with the proper sound-healing techniques and intention, you can not only bring about profound healing, you can also attain a sense of “oneness” and live a more joyful and authentic life. 

Part of using sound healing as medicine is creating new perceptions around your emotions, bringing reality into a new focus, and clearing the way for deep healing — even for your most persistent health concerns…

On Saturday, December 14, you can discover the power of sound as medicine — and how to move into a space of true healing using deep breathing practices, sound bowls, and more  — when you join healer, teacher, and author Mona Delfino for a FREE video event, Discover Sound as Medicine: How to Clear Emotional Blocks & Heal Common Illnesses & Chronic Conditions Through the Power of Your Own Voice.

>> Register here to watch Live event & receive recording later  <<

Discover Sound as Medicine: How to Clear Emotional Blocks & Heal Common Illnesses & Chronic Conditions Through the Power of Your Own Voice

During this special hour, you’ll discover:

  • How to create your own regular sound medicine practice at home

  • How to care for your own spiritual immune system by placing a tone in your crown chakra that will run through your whole body

  • Why meditative sound healing often works for people who insist they aren’t able to meditate effectively

  • An experiential journey with 3 singing bowls that will lead you to a new understanding of how they resonate sympathetically with your body’s field

  • An ancient shamanic sound practice to help connect with the tone of your heart, which can feed your energy field and shift your emotional, physical, and mental state

  • muscle testing practice to find the “vital tone” for yourself, which can strengthen your energy system and be directed to specific areas of your body that need healing

You’ll discover how your body has its own signature frequencies that match with each sound — and why learning how your body responds to sound is essential for your healing journey..

Mona brings an entire new dimension to the growing field of sound healing — she’s highly skilled at reading energy, and at helping you understand how to engage with yourself and the world around you in deeply healing ways as you grow into the healthy, vibrant person you’re meant to be.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to better understand and heal your persistent health issues through the power of sound!

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

During Discover Sound as Medicine, you’ll begin to understand how healing works within YOUR body — and start to explore and participate in your own healing process — through the healing power of sound.

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Read more: Power of Sound as Medicine – Moving into a Space of True Healing

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Harness the Power of Safe, Subtle Movements for Better Flexibility & Less Pain

Discover how the Feldenkrais Method can help you release trauma and reduce pain

What if, by simply changing the way you literally MOVE through the world…

… you could free yourself of everything from chronic pain to self-sabotaging habits to unhealthy emotional patterns and more? 

The Feldenkrais Method can help you do all that and more…

Its revolutionary practices harness the power of safe, subtle, sophisticated movements to teach you how to literally reorganize yourself — resulting in improved range of motion, reduced pain, and a fuller life.

If you feel like your world is getting smaller and your limitations are getting larger, please join us on Wednesday, December 11, for a free video event with body language expert and certified Feldenkrais Method® teacher Lavinia Plonka called Experience Feldenkrais: 3 Somatic Movements to Rewire Your Brain, Heal Chronic Pain & Increase Your Flexibility.

>> You can register here for Live event (get recording) <<

Experience Feldenkrais: 3 Somatic Movements to Rewire Your Brain, Heal Chronic Pain & Increase Your Flexibility

During this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Unlock “emotional postures” that reinforce physical and emotional pain and negative self-image

  • Discover how to rewire your brain, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system so you can move through life with less pain and more confidence

  • Recognize the direct link between your inner and outer worlds — and how you move your physical body mirrors your feelings of self-worth, creative capacities, and worldview

  • Develop awareness through movement to align your pelvis, ribcage, lungs, and heart for optimal health and healthy relationships

  • Receive 3 healing Feldenkrais sequences to reduce tension in your body and improve your balance and vision — literally and figuratively

As you’ll discover, your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and movements are closely interrelated — and influence each other in powerful ways.

The subtle, yet powerful Feldenkrais movements can help you heal emotional patterns, trauma, and chronic pain.

You’ll find that when your whole body cooperates in movement, achieving maximum efficiency with minimum effort, you unleash your powers of creativity, intuition, healthy sexuality, and more…

Welcome to the relationship you’ve been waiting for — your relationship with yourself.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join body language expert Lavinia Plonka on Wednesday, December 11, to discover how the Feldenkrais Method can help you live a more enjoyable, pain-free life without drugs or surgery, and with greater flexibility and better balance…

In this free event, Experience Feldenkrais: 3 Somatic Movements to Rewire Your Brain, Heal Chronic Pain & Increase Your Flexibility… 

… you’ll learn how to transform habitual physical and emotional postures to help you heal from illness and injury, improve range of motion, and reduce pain. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover how the Feldenkrais Method can help you release trauma and reduce pain

Harness the power of safe, subtle movements for greater range of motion and less pain

What if, by simply changing the way you literally MOVE through the world…

… you could free yourself of everything from chronic pain to self-sabotaging habits to unhealthy emotional patterns and more? 

The Feldenkrais Method can help you do all that and more…

Its revolutionary practices harness the power of safe, subtle, sophisticated movements to teach you how to literally reorganize yourself — resulting in improved range of motion, reduced pain, and a fuller life.

If you feel like your world is getting smaller and your limitations are getting larger, please join us on Wednesday, December 11, for a free video event with body language expert and certified Feldenkrais Method® teacher Lavinia Plonka called Experience Feldenkrais: 3 Somatic Movements to Rewire Your Brain, Heal Chronic Pain & Increase Your Flexibility.

>> You can register here for Live event (get recording) <<

Experience Feldenkrais 3 Somatic Movements to Rewire Your Brain, Heal Chronic Pain & Increase Your Flexibility

During this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Unlock “emotional postures” that reinforce physical and emotional pain and negative self-image

  • Discover how to rewire your brain, musculoskeletal system, and nervous system so you can move through life with less pain and more confidence

  • Recognize the direct link between your inner and outer worlds — and how you move your physical body mirrors your feelings of self-worth, creative capacities, and worldview

  • Develop awareness through movement to align your pelvis, ribcage, lungs, and heart for optimal health and healthy relationships

  • Receive 3 healing Feldenkrais sequences to reduce tension in your body and improve your balance and vision — literally and figuratively

As you’ll discover, your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and movements are closely interrelated — and influence each other in powerful ways.

The subtle, yet powerful Feldenkrais movements can help you heal emotional patterns, trauma, and chronic pain.

You’ll find that when your whole body cooperates in movement, achieving maximum efficiency with minimum effort, you unleash your powers of creativity, intuition, healthy sexuality, and more…

Welcome to the relationship you’ve been waiting for — your relationship with yourself.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

Join body language expert Lavinia Plonka on Wednesday, December 11, to discover how the Feldenkrais Method can help you live a more enjoyable, pain-free life without drugs or surgery, and with greater flexibility and better balance…

In this free event, Experience Feldenkrais: 3 Somatic Movements to Rewire Your Brain, Heal Chronic Pain & Increase Your Flexibility… 

… you’ll learn how to transform habitual physical and emotional postures to help you heal from illness and injury, improve range of motion, and reduce pain. 

Read more: Discover how the Feldenkrais Method can help you release trauma and reduce pain

How to Separate Valid Health Advice from Aggressive Marketing Claims - December 7 Event

Learn how to integrate medical treatments with natural medicine to reduce risk

Have you had trouble sorting out valid health advice from questionable marketing claims?

Have you consulted with doctors and practitioners and received multiple — and sometimes conflicting — diagnoses, medications, herbal remedies, and supplements?

In seeking healing for yourself and your loved ones, it’s no surprise that you might feel confused and frustrated — and tired of spending money on products that promise dubious benefits.

Yet, how do you separate misleading or irrelevant information from genuine proven and time-tested knowledge and wisdom? How do you create an individualized program with the right herbs at the right doses when you’re told that everything will be beneficial? 

And for those of us who are under the care of allopathic physicians, how do we safely integrate their treatments with natural medicine to reduce risk and maximize therapeutic benefits?

Celebrated plant medicine pioneer David Crow can show you how to think like a clinical herbalist to help heal autoimmune illness, digestive issues, cancer treatment side effects, and other modern epidemics.

On Saturday, December 7, David will share state-of-the-art natural healing treatments — including specific, highly effective herbs for chronic conditions — during a FREE video event, Healing Modern Epidemics with Plant Medicine: How to Avoid Pop Medicine & Trendy Diagnoses to Find Real Solutions.

>> You can register here for Live Event (get recording) <<

Healing Modern Epidemics with Plant Medicine: How to Avoid Pop Medicine & Trendy Diagnoses to Find Real Solutions

During this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • State-of-the art principles of self-care using plant medicine to help you heal illness, prevent relapse, support allopathic treatments, and “think like a clinician”

  • How to avoid trendy diagnoses and treatments for today’s epidemic health challenges — and find real solutions

  • False marketing claims you need to watch out for — from essential oil products to the “boosts” you add to your smoothies

  • Expert advice to help you reorganize or start your family’s plant medicine pharmacy — without filling it with costly, ineffective, and potentially unsafe products

  • Little-known herbs that are highly effective for specific conditions — to add to your plant medicine pharmacy

As David has demonstrated, the therapeutic benefits of medicinal plants have been validated through evidence-based research. But for the average person, knowing how to apply specific herbs to specific health challenges remains a mystery.

However, there are universal principles and guidelines for using herbs, which can greatly reduce the confusion in your search for remedies for both simple and complex conditions.

Discover more about how YOU can make true progress in healing yourself and others…

>> RSVP for this free event here <<

If you want to feel secure that you’ve received an accurate diagnosis and treatment for a health challenge, master herbalist David Crow can guide you to think like a clinical herbalist.

In this free online event, David will share with you myths, common misdiagnoses, and questionable treatments — and show you how to apply plant medicine sanely, safely, and affordably.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Discover How to use Nature’s Pharmacy to Progress on Your Healing Journey

Discover How to Separate Valid Health Advice from Aggressive Marketing Claims

Have you had trouble sorting out valid health advice from questionable marketing claims?

Have you consulted with doctors and practitioners and received multiple — and sometimes conflicting — diagnoses, medications, herbal remedies, and supplements?

In seeking healing for yourself and your loved ones, it’s no surprise that you might feel confused and frustrated — and tired of spending money on products that promise dubious benefits.

Yet, how do you separate misleading or irrelevant information from genuine proven and time-tested knowledge and wisdom? How do you create an individualized program with the right herbs at the right doses when you’re told that everything will be beneficial? 

And for those of us who are under the care of allopathic physicians, how do we safely integrate their treatments with natural medicine to reduce risk and maximize therapeutic benefits?

Celebrated plant medicine pioneer David Crow can show you how to think like a clinical herbalist to help heal autoimmune illness, digestive issues, cancer treatment side effects, and other modern epidemics.

On Saturday, December 7, David will share state-of-the-art natural healing treatments — including specific, highly effective herbs for chronic conditions — during a FREE video event, Healing Modern Epidemics with Plant Medicine: How to Avoid Pop Medicine & Trendy Diagnoses to Find Real Solutions.

>> You can register here for Live Event (get recording) <<

Healing Modern Epidemics with Plant Medicine: How to Avoid Pop Medicine & Trendy Diagnoses to Find Real Solutions

During this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • State-of-the art principles of self-care using plant medicine to help you heal illness, prevent relapse, support allopathic treatments, and “think like a clinician”

  • How to avoid trendy diagnoses and treatments for today’s epidemic health challenges — and find real solutions

  • False marketing claims you need to watch out for — from essential oil products to the “boosts” you add to your smoothies

  • Expert advice to help you reorganize or start your family’s plant medicine pharmacy — without filling it with costly, ineffective, and potentially unsafe products

  • Little-known herbs that are highly effective for specific conditions — to add to your plant medicine pharmacy

As David has demonstrated, the therapeutic benefits of medicinal plants have been validated through evidence-based research. But for the average person, knowing how to apply specific herbs to specific health challenges remains a mystery.

However, there are universal principles and guidelines for using herbs, which can greatly reduce the confusion in your search for remedies for both simple and complex conditions.

Discover more about how YOU can make true progress in healing yourself and others…

>> RSVP for this free event here <<

If you want to feel secure that you’ve received an accurate diagnosis and treatment for a health challenge, master herbalist David Crow can guide you to think like a clinical herbalist.

In this free online event, David will share with you myths, common misdiagnoses, and questionable treatments — and show you how to apply plant medicine sanely, safely, and affordably.

Read more: Discover How to use Nature’s Pharmacy to Progress on Your Healing Journey

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Discover 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony

Learn Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power

Ancient Chinese medicine tells us we’re each born with an inner vibration that’s aligned with one or two of the Chinese Five Elements — Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal…

And when you know which element (or elements) you’re aligned with, you’re a step closer to breaking through painful thought patterns and stuck energies that can cause depression, anxiety, fatigue, and other imbalances that may be zapping you of your wellbeing and happiness.

On Wednesday, December 4, you can discover how to tune into your unique elemental rhythms, and how gentle movement — in the form of belly dancing — as well as sacred ceremony can ignite incredible healing shifts in your life and relationships.

>> Register here for The 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power with highly experienced energy medicine and dance teachers — and sisters — Dondi Dahlin and Titanya Monique Dahlin <<

The 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Power

In this experiential hour, you’ll: 

  • Discover how to uncover your unique personality characteristics — through the Chinese Five Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal

  • Discover belly dancing as “energy medicine” that can give you more energy and a stronger body

  • Learn how sacred ceremony — tailored to balance your dominant elemental energy — can awaken your true essence and help you learn how to easily work with fear, anger, panic, worry, and grief

  • Learn to do a “shimmy,” a belly dance movement that quickly connects you to the feminine power of the fire element, which is about passion and fun!

  • Be guided in a simple, hip “figure 8” belly dance to embody the water element — aligning the left and right hemispheres of your brain to balance your energies and bring calm

Viewing your personality characteristics — and those of others — through the Chinese Five Elements enables you to better understand your temperament, emotions, and stuck places — and honor and break through them.

The sacredness and sheer bliss of belly dancing can help you embody your truest essence, and experience the joy and liberation of living on your own terms.

This is NOT Las Vegas-style belly dancing, performed in scant, navel-exposing, see-through, and sequined costumes choreographed to be alluring to men — the incorrect perception many have of this ancient dance form.

This is belly dancing in its most traditional form… Traced back to the Middle East, the Mediterranean, and Africa, this ancient dance form was originally performed by women for women — during fertility and pre-marriage ceremonies, as well as to celebrate each other’s beauty, femininity, and stages of womanhood.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Discover the 5 Elements Through Belly Dance & Ceremony: Ancient Wisdom & Healing Movements to Reclaim Your Poweryou’ll discover how to dissipate old thought patterns and stuck energies through the Chinese Five Elements AND belly dancing as energy medicine to activate your physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.