Wednesday 31 October 2018

Join 4 day Dreamwork Summit Nov. 13 - Start Exploring Messages From Your Soul

Become Reality bending superhuman

Receive Guidance, Healing & Inspiration from Your Soul’s Deepest Wisdom

What if you could access all the wisdom you need for living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life… from your nighttime dreams?

Imagine if your dreamtime could provide you with the necessary insights to integrate your soul’s deep knowledge and create the life you desire.  

Well… it actually does.

Paying attention to your dreams and deciphering the messages living in the images, symbols, characters, and landscapes that appear can be a magical experience. And today, anyone can practice dreamwork… and reap its many benefits.

Dreamwork can help you gain insights into how to heal an illness, mend a difficult relationship, jumpstart a creative projector make a big life decision.

This is why I’m excited to invite you to join The Dreamwork Summit where a global gathering of leading dreamwork experts, renowned psychology professionals, and inspiring authors — including Robert Moss, Jean Shinoda-Bolen, Sandra Ingerman, Lynne McTaggart, Grace Cheptu, Grandmother Flordemayo, Toko-pa Turner, Andrew Holecek, and more — will be sharing a unique variety of dreamwork approaches and ways to open to your inner guidance.

Join us to discover how you can access the soul-guided wisdom, healing power, and creative inspiration emerging nightly in your dreams!

Free Online Event
The Dreamwork Summit
November 13-16, 2018

Dreamwork can help you gain insights into how to heal an illness, mend a difficult relationship, jumpstart a creative project, or make a big life decision

Your dreams can give you a glimpse into your future –– helping you better navigate what lies ahead. Some dreamers find themselves visiting other realms — even past or parallel lives — in their dreams.

This powerful event will feature 20+ leading teachers in the first-ever Dreamwork Summit, who will guide you in transforming your relationship to your dreams (and to yourself) — as well as help you to heal, enliven, and expand your life.

We hope you’ll participate in this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

>> RSVP here for The Dreamwork Summit — at no charge <<

Here are some more highlights from this revelatory summit:

  • How the ancient practice of shamanism views dreams, and ways you can experience shamanic dreaming

  • Dreams as inspiration for bringing your creative self forward

  • Ways that dreams can show you the future to help you better navigate your life

  • The potency inherent in symbols and images and how they can help you discover new insights about yourself to heal & transform

  • Collective dreams and how they can help validate our connection to ALL & promote profound healing

Join us here! RSVP here for The Dreamwork Summit — at no charge

During this groundbreaking four-day event, you’ll discover:

  • How important, easy, and fun it is to keep a dream journal, and the amazing healing & life-fulfilling insights this simple practice can bring

  • That clues about a yet-to-be discovered health challenge can show up in dreams… and ways to work with them to help yourself heal

  • Somatic approaches to dreamwork that look to the body and our feelings for interpretation, healing & transformation

  • Dream yoga, a form of lucid dreaming that allows you to practice a skill you’d like to improve while you’re sleeping

  • How you can courageously face and work with nightmares, which can actually be in service to your healing & growth

  • Possibilities for healing & forgiveness when you’re visited by deceased loved ones in your dreams

  • The magic and power in accessing and illuminating your mythic imagination sourced from the world of dreams, myths & archetypes

…and much more!

By looking to your dreams for guidance, healing, and inspiration, you open to a higher source of knowledge… to wisdom aligned with your Soul.

And by learning how to bring this wisdom out into the light of day through dreamwork, you’re empowered to live a happier, healthier, more creative and fulfilling life.  

We hope you’ll join us for this first-ever online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

>> RSVP here for The Dreamwork Summit — at no charge <<

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Thursday 25 October 2018

New Enneagram Teachings to Balance Your Instinctual Drives - Nov. 3 Live event

Become Reality bending superhuman

Deeper into the ‘Subtypes’ of the Enneagram

In your work with the Enneagram, you’ve likely discovered your basic type and have worked with (or at least heard of) the three subtypes.

Yet deeper levels of transformation are available through discovering, uncovering, or recovering your instinctual drives

According to Russ Hudson, a leading innovator of the modern Enneagram and the co-founder of the Enneagram Institute, your instinctual energies — including the behaviors they create, the pain they cause, and the limiting beliefs they perpetuate — are the exact guides you need to create the change you most want in your life.

On Saturday, November 3, Russ will illuminate an essential part of your journey as an awakened human being — through NEW Enneagram teachings on the instincts — during a FREE video event, New Instincts Teachings From the Enneagram Trenches: Getting Real About ‘Enlightenment’ & Your Basic Human Drives.

>> Find out more and reserve your place for this complimentary virtual event here <<

New Instincts Teachings From the Enneagram Trenches: Getting Real About ‘Enlightenment’ & Your Basic Human Drives

You’ll discover:

  • A powerful perspective on the instincts and the Enneagram subtypes that allows you to come into direct awareness of human drives and loosen the control of these fear-based patterns 

  • A visceral understanding of how your instinctual drives rule you — and what you can do about it 

  • How the instincts relate to your first, second, and third chakras, and what you can do to clear these “energy centers” for more life balance 

  • How the instincts are essential to the development of your soul and your spiritual awakening 

  • Why your weakest (least dominant) instinct causes your greatest suffering, and is also the path to balance

When you take a deeper dive into understanding and embracing your powerful instinctual energies, you can heal lifelong patterns and take authentic ownership in every area of your life — from fulfilling your calling… to enjoying intimacy in your relationships… to expressing your creativity… to embodying your unique gifts!

>> Join us for this illuminating, hour-long event <<

When you register for New Instincts Teachings From the Enneagram Trenches — featuring renowned Enneagram teacher Russ Hudson — you’ll also receive the recording of the event.

Russ will share an edgy and practical look at the instincts, what it means to be an “enlightened” human being, and how the Enneagram can guide you.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Monday 22 October 2018

Qigong for Women - powerful practices - October Live event

Become Reality bending superhuman

3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily

Your body is designed to heal and re-balance itself… to feel grounded and powerful, vital, and graceful.

Simple, yet powerful Qigong movements allow you to harness your body’s innate healing ability — to dissolve stress, clear energy blocks, and improve your overall wellbeing.  

That’s why we’re excited to invite you to a free video event on Wednesday, October 24, (replay on Saturday) with renowned Qigong teacher and author Daisy Lee: Discover the Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women: 3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily.

>> You can reserve your complimentary space here <<

Discover the Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women: 3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily

Daisy Lee’s Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women offers dynamic (yet gentle) techniques to support you in renewing and revitalizing your life-force energy — so it can move smoothly and radiate out into all aspects of your daily life.

During this one-hour special event with Daisy, you’ll discover:

  • A unique Qigong system for women who are prone to overdoing and over-caretaking, yet yearn for true balance and peace of mind

  • How Qigong can help you heal illness, prevent disease, and nourish your spirit

  • Lotus Meditation — a guided visualization to align you with the greater forces of Earth & Sky, returning you to a sense of grace and groundedness

  • Showering Qi — a stress-relieving movement that helps decompress built-up tensions in the body, mind, and spirit

  • Keys to “neutral compassion” that you can integrate into your daily life — even when you’re immersed in chaos or feelings of disempowerment — with startling results

Whether you’re experiencing a health challenge or you want to increase your energy, reduce stress, and improve your mental focus — Daisy’s Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice will help you find new levels of healing and wellbeing.  

>> It’s FREE to attend — simply register, here <<

Qigong can help you open and blossom while releasing stress, breaking old patterns, grounding you in your natural grace and presence, and allowing your authentic gifts to flourish.

Don’t miss your chance to discover how you can actively participate in your own self-care and renewal during this free video event: Discover the Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women: 3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily.


Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 19 October 2018

Receive Awakened Feminine Wisdom from the Female Buddha

Discover the full spectrum of the sacred feminine within you

As a women, do you feel a constant inner pull between being the person society wants you to be, and who you truly are?

If so, you’re not alone. The pure nature of our being can be easily muddied by cultural conditioning — and jumbled about by the turbulence of current world affairs.

This is why I’m inviting you to join us for The Healing Blessing of Tara: Receiving Awakened Feminine Wisdom from the Female Buddha, an October 27 FREE video event with Lama Palden Drolma, one of the first Western women to be authorized as a Lama.

>> You can register here for Live event (get recording later) <<

The Healing Blessing of Tara: Receiving Awakened Feminine Wisdom from the Female Buddha

Revered by Tibetans as the most beloved of all female awakened beings, this fully enlightened deity (Tara) is known as the Savioress… the one who “ferries beings across the ocean of samsara (the cycle of death and rebirth).”

Tara can specifically help you release the narratives, woundings, and shame that binds or limits you — so you can uncover and allow who you truly are to emerge.

During this enlightening hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the fascinating origin of the story of Tara, originally from Nagarjuna, which was first received through the nagas or water serpents 

  • Find out how opening to and receiving the blessing of Tara can awaken the full spectrum of the sacred feminine within you (and how awakening your masculine counterpart within is just as important) 

  • Know Tara as a mirror of who you truly are — an awakened, pure being, replete with many beneficial qualities (and polarities), all welcome 

  • Experience a guided meditation, dedicated to all beings, to feel the healing power and presence of Tara, your inseparability with her divine presence, and the embodiment of your own innate goodness

Most importantly, Tara provides a reflection of your pure being — free of the narratives that may be controlling your life, and complete with the sacred feminine in her entirety.

Let Lama Palden show you how to open to Tara’s potent energies so you can awaken her peacefulness, wisdom, fierce clarity, compassion, and healing powers already within you… empowering and liberating you to step into the fullness of yourself and your life!

If you’d like to discover the healing blessing of Tara and receive a transmission of the sacred feminine so that you can begin to actualize who you truly are, don’t miss: The Healing Blessing of Tara: Receiving Awakened Feminine Wisdom from the Female Buddha.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Activate Charge in Your Chakras for Deep & Transformative Healing - Saturday Oct. 20 Live!

Discover the inner psychology of working with your life-force energy

We’re excited to invite you to join world-renowned chakra expert and leading somatic therapist Anodea Judith as she shares her considerable wisdom about how “charge” relates to our chakras.

What exactly is “charge?”  

It’s your core life force, which powers everything you do.

According to Anodea, understanding how your life-force energy, or charge, works and interfaces with your mind and body is the missing ingredient in the field of mind-body healing.

You can discover how to activate and harmonize your charge to heal and transform your life during a FREE October 20 video event with her: Charge & the Chakras: The Inner Psychology of Activating & Harmonizing Your Life Force.

>> Get all the details and Join us here for Live event <<

Charge & the Chakras: The Inner Psychology of Activating & Harmonizing Your Life Force

When your charge is blocked or diminished, you can feel off balance, out of control, and stuck in victim consciousness. When your charge is activated and harmonized, your life simply works better, with better health, energy, and more positive emotions.

During this complimentary workshop, you’ll discover:

  • The essence of what chakras are made of, and how it’s related to your own essence

  • Why understanding chakras without mastering charge is like trying to cook without food (or breathe without air)

  • The reasons why working with charge offers a powerful key to navigating intense emotions

  • How to use your breathing to activate or calm your energy at will

  • How one 5-minute technique in the morning can lead to sustained energy throughout the day

Anodea’s powerful approach to working with charge helps you resolve trauma and clear energy blocks… and harness your life force in service of your spiritual evolution. Her teachings combine principles of energy theory, psychology, and practical exercises.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to receive wisdom and energy psychology practices from this world-renowned expert to help you unlock your ability to manage your charge…so you can heal and transform your life!

Anodea Judith will reveal techniques that elevate understanding of energy, consciousness, and personal evolution and build your capacity for more charge.

>> This event is free — all you need to do is register <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Monday 15 October 2018

Discover Alchemical Practices & Healing Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

Become Reality bending superhuman

Experience Egyptian shamanism thru its powerful deities…

Are you intrigued by the healing magic of ancient Egypt? And by shamanism, with its sacred practices that can transform your life in deep and lasting ways?

There’s a compelling shamanic path you may not know about… Egyptian shamanism, which brings us powerful alchemical practices for drawing from the wisdom and healing energies of this ancient civilization.

In fact, through the practice of Egyptian shamanism, you can remember your true nature as a divine human with sacred purpose… and so much more.

On Wednesday, October 17, (replay Oct. 20) renowned author and teacher of Egyptian mysteries, Nicki Scully, will help you dip into the alchemical ways of the Egyptian mysteries to help you remember and reactivate your vital life force during a FREE video event: Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You.

>> Register here for  Live event (get recording if missed) <<

Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You

During this fascinating 60 minutes steeped in Egyptian magic and lore, you’ll:

  • Learn a Heart Breath practice, which ignites your soul’s fire and places you at the center point between matter and spirit, between Earth and Sky

  • Experience the love and joy of Hathor within you, and learn how it can radiate from you to help heal others

  • Receive the compassion of Isis as you experience merging with her and gestating the mysterious, magical egg that is part of a shamanic rite of passage

  • Receive cleansing and purification from Sekhmet to help transform your inner conflicts in a shamanic alchemical process

  • Participate in your evolution as Thoth creates a new blueprint for your future renewed body for transforming and creating new DNA

When you join Nicki for this complimentary mini-workshop, she will guide you in aligning with the life-transformative energies of these ancient deities so that you can receive their gifts and knowledge through direct experience.

You’ll discover how you can access their wisdom in your daily life to transform challenges — from health to work to relationships and more!

If you’d like to be guided on a mini-journey connecting you with the wisdom of ancient Egypt through the potent archetypal energies of deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis, and Thoth, don’t miss: Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 12 October 2018

Join us October 23-26 for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit

Discover why not all essential oils are created equal (and why not all advice is trustworthy)

Are you intrigued by the healing powers of essential oils?

Maybe you’ve applied aromatherapy to find relief from a health condition or to uplift you emotionally or spiritually?

Essential oils are one of the trendiest, fastest growing modalities of natural medicine — and one of the most misunderstood, misused, and potentially abused.

Yet, not all of essential oils are created equal — and not all advice is trustworthy.

Low quality, false marketing claims, and myths about safe production can be detrimental to your healing…

Used correctly, however, essential oils can be a very powerful and safe way to revitalize and balance your body, emotions, mind, and spirit.  

This is why I’m passionate about inviting you to join me for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit, where you’ll discover exactly how to apply nature’s most potent medicine for everything from a common cold to inflammation-related illnesses to anxiety and stress, from depression to migraines to everyday first aid — and more!

Free Online Event
The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit
with Botanical Medicine Expert David Crow

October 23-26, 2018

Free Online Event The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit with Botanical Medicine Expert David Crow October 23-26, 2018

This first-ever gathering of today’s top distillers, botanical medicine experts, acupuncturists, doctors, educators, clinicians, scientific researchers — including Rosita Arvigo, Kurt Schnaubelt, Arjun Das, Acharya Shunya, Nyssa Hanger, Eric Scott, Jessie Hawkins, Florian Birkmayer, Kelly Ablard, Cha Roberts, Michael Scholes, Kailash Dixit, and others — will be hosted by botanical medicine expert, David Crow.

This special event will feature 25+ leading experts who are sharing with you insights, practices, and teachings for experiencing the profound benefits of essential oils for your health, wellbeing, longevity, and spiritual transformation.

We hope you’ll participate in this special online gathering presented by The Shift Network.

>> RSVP here for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit — at no charge <<

During this inspiring 4-day summit, you’ll discover:

  • How to use essential oils easily and effectively for healing and vitality

  • A holistic understanding of essential oils and aromatherapy

  • Key Ayurveda aromatherapy essential and base oils

  • Confidence in creating essential oil blends from scratch

  • How to use oils with specific applications for integration & healing

  • The use of essential oils & the power of sacred aromas to unblock the channels of intuition

And much more!

Plus, you’ll quickly see that working with essential oils and aromatherapy can complement any existing practice and help you achieve greater fulfillment and success in life — for you and (if you’re a health care professional) your clients.

P.S. Here’s what just a few of the speakers from this incredible lineup will be sharing with you:

  • Rosita Arvigo will explain how to use common aromatic plants like basil, marigold, and rosemary to relieve emotional disturbances such as fright, grief, and fear.

  • Kurt Schnaubelt will reveal why essential oils are effective remedies to fight bacteria, yeasts, and viruses.

  • Arjun Das will explore ways use essential oils to promote a vibrational protection for yourself when caring for your clients… so you don’t absorb their energy.

  • Acharya Shunya will highlight how aromatherapy has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.

  • Nyssa Hanger and Sylla Sheppard-Hanger will reveal grassroots data they collected, clearly showing that there are injuries and adverse effects occurring from improper use of essential oils… and they’ll share key points for helping prevent future damage.

  • Jessie Hawkins will discuss pediatric toxicology, aromatherapy, and how to safely use essential oils to heal your little ones (even the 4-legged, furry types!)

  • Eric Scott will share insights on artisan essential oil distillation and the value of domestic and regional distillation.

  • Florian Birkmayer will introduce ways you can connect with the wisdom of  aromatic plants to transform life’s obstacles into opportunities.

>> RSVP here for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Join us October 23-26 for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit

Thursday 11 October 2018

Healing childhood wounds & lead a purpose-driven life - Listen Live October 13

Become Reality bending superhuman

Are you ready to shift from old patterns to new achievements?

Most of us feel held back from genuinely expressing ourselves and fully living our higher purpose and greatest joy…

Have you thought about what might be holding YOU back?

If you could dissolve whatever that is for you… the fears… the resistance… the old wounds… would you?

If your answer is “yes,” I invite you to join me on Saturday, October 13, to discover how you can completely transform your relationship with your wounds — and shift from wound-driven patterns to purpose-driven motivation.

Respected change agents Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani will show you how to free yourself from the core wound-driven patterns that hold you back –– especially when what you desire is really important to you –– during Getting Your Wounds Out of Your Way: How to Heal Your Deepest Patterns & Liberate Your Purpose.

>> You can register for this FREE video event here <<

Getting Your Wounds Out of Your Way: How to Heal Your Deepest Patterns & Liberate Your PurposeTim and Beth have helped thousands of people break free of their deepest, most persistent mental and emotional patterns to increase their experience of freedom, purpose, and true joy in their lives and livelihood.

During this powerful hour with them, you’ll:

  • Understand how your childhood wounds affect and compromise your day-to-day decision making 

  • See how emotional reactions seeded in your childhood continue to block your ability to succeed in your relationships, goals, and purpose 

  • Understand the relationship between your wounds and your purpose 

  • Decode the gifts of your wounds — and recognize how they’ve prepared you for your mission and purpose, and have actually helped you succeed in life 

  • Know how to tell when a wound has “expired” and is ready to be transformed, and how to identify the most efficient healing path forward for you

You CAN move beyond your wounds and limiting patterns, finally step into your higher purpose, and experience much more love and freedom…

>> It’s free to attend, but you’ll need to register here <<

Don’t miss your chance to discover Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani’s simple process for moving beyond your earliest and deepest woundings so you can evolve into the very best version of yourself!

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

October 10 & 13 Discover Next Level of Energy Medicine w/ Dr. Sue Morter - Live event

Become Reality bending superhuman

Discover Energy Codes Advanced Teachings…

You’ve likely already worked on clearing blocks, improving your flow, and grounding in your energy body to promote healing.

But have you discovered how to activate high-frequency energy streams that are so powerful they exist beyond your physical body?

Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field visionary Dr. Sue Morter will teach you how to work with these unique energies — specifically chakras 8-12 (yes you have more than 7!) — to powerfully manifest in alignment with your soul’s divine mission and your life purpose.

You can register for Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Advanced Teachings to Deepen Your Healing & Intuitive Mastery and Activate Higher Frequencies of Consciousness

Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Advanced Teachings to Deepen Your Healing & Intuitive Mastery and Activate Higher Frequencies of Consciousness

During this FREE live video event on Wednesday, October 10 (replay on Saturday October 13), you’ll:

  • Discover you can become a “steward” of your own energy… for healing and fulfilling the contracts your soul made

  • Receive insights about “off-the-body” energy streams (chakras 8-12), which you can activate to manifest life purpose and your soul’s purpose (yes, they’re different)

  • Explore how building new neurocircuitry can transform patterns of trial and error, stimulus-response, and survivorship

  • Gain insights into the way subtle energy influences your biochemistry and genetics

  • Experience an advanced Energy Codes practice known as the “Elevator.” 

In Dr. Sue’s words, “We are multidimensional human beings; there is more to us than meets the eye, even more to us than meets the mind.”

If you’re ready to take full ownership of the multidimensional energy that you ARE…

You’ll see how Dr. Sue’s advanced Energy Codes teachings can ignite an entirely new approach to living in your creative genius and personal freedom!

Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Advanced Teachings to Deepen Your Healing & Intuitive Mastery and Activate Higher Frequencies of Consciousness.

  • Receive a downloadable recording after the event (whether or not you attend the live session) so you can listen again or at a time that’s best for you

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 9 October 2018

Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer is like Using Napalm On A Pest Problem...

Is Chemotherapy The Biggest Medical Lie Of Our Time?

Right now, we have a huge medical problem in our country that is being ignored by the medical industry. But it might surprise you to know it’s not cancer.

It’s the way we treat cancer. Especially when it comes to the use of chemotherapy.

Part of the problem with the way cancer is treated, is because it has always been and will always be a highly emotional topic.

And here’s why.

Traditionally, a medical diagnosis of cancer meant the person was given a death sentence. Now, this is important to know, because as soon as death is attached to any disease, if anyone dares to go against the standard medical treatment regimen – they’re instantly seen as “preying on the dying.”

But the person is only “dying” because they have been told by their doctor. Before their diagnosis, they were very much alive. They already had cancer, but it hadn’t been detected yet.

The fact is, if anyone suggested an alternative way to be healthy and stay healthy before the diagnosis of cancer, no one would have batted an eyelid. But as soon as cancer is attached to a person, they seem to become the property of the medical fraternity. And anything outside their “trio of treatments” — chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, is seen as quackery and dangerous.

Using Napalm On A Pest Problem is Ridiculous… And So Is Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer

Using Napalm On A Pest Problem is Ridiculous… And So Is Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer

So, the medical answer to cancer is to pump highly toxic chemicals into an already compromised, fragile body.  

The irony of chemotherapy is, the level of personal protective equipment the person giving it needs to wear. And the reason they need to wear double chemotherapy tested gloves, protective gowns and protective eyewear is because there is no known minimum safe exposure to chemotherapy.1 (Now, people will say the medical person needs the protection because they handle chemotherapy repeatedly, and of course, that makes sense. But the fact that there is no known minimum safe exposure makes it unsafe for all humans in all circumstances… especially the patient.)

Now, what does that say about what they are pumping into their unprotected patients?

When the chemotherapy is used to treat cancer, it indiscriminately kills cells that are in the process of splitting into 2 new cells.2 The chemotherapy also damages or kills cells in our hair, nails, digestive tract, bone marrow and our precious stem cells.

Chemotherapy devastates the body’s immunity by stopping bone marrow production. This popular treatment often makes people sicker, and in some cases, it kills them.

Researchers in the U.K. found that cancer drugs kill up to 50 percent of patients in some hospitals. These researchers looked at the number of cancer patients who died within 30 days of starting chemotherapy, which indicates that the medication was the cause of death, not cancer.

So, Who’s Really Preying On The Dying?

The fact is, cancer is not a death sentence.

And the medical fraternity needs to stop scaring people and start caring for them.

People all around the world are healing and recovering from cancer every day, without the “help” of these harmful drugs.

What’s disappointing is, you’ll never hear about these remarkable people and their doctors in the mainstream media or from your doctor.

But the good news is, now you can get access to the most cutting-edge information in alternative cancer treatment.

Ty and Charlene Bollinger, and their team at The Truth About Cancer have interviewed over 100 of the top cancer experts in the world. These remarkable experts are treating cancer naturally every day and without the use of indiscriminate, cell-destroying toxic “medication.”

You can see all these experts plus inspirational cancer survivors on The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest docu-series. And the best part is, now you can watch it for free.

The medical establishment has had control of cancer for too long. If what they are doing worked, then no one would still be dying of cancer. But people are still dying, and they are dying from the chemotherapy. You and your loved ones deserve better.

So, join Ty and Charlene, and the experts as they share the truth about cancer.

Click here to watch for FREE >>





Read more: Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer is like Using Napalm On A Pest Problem...

Saturday 6 October 2018

Don't Miss!! Once a Year Event: Paradigm Shift Seminar > October 5th - 7th. < Must Watch!

This is Your Chance to Change Your Life for Better!

People have waited decades for this…

When people want to move ahead, they often think about what they’ll have to give up.

Well, Bob Proctor, a man who has gone from down and out to changing the world,says we should be thinking about what’s coming.

Because what’s coming is what we want…

It’s more money, better health, improved relationships, a new business… whatever we have our heart set on.

Of course, it’s easy to want those things. But it’s not so easy to get them. Unless and until you change the thing that is keeping you from your desires.

We’re talking about your paradigm — the mental program that has almost exclusive control over your habitual behavior.

Bob Proctor is a master at showing you how to change your paradigm. It’s how he changed his own life, and it’s what he has been studying for the past 50+ years.

He knows that changing your paradigm is the only way to bridge the gap between how you’re currently living and how you want to live.

And now, for the first time, Bob will teach the entire process during the LIVE Stream of Paradigm Shift on October 5th – 7thEarly Birds get discounted price for limited time only!

People have been waiting for Bob to do an event on this topic for decades, so there will be a huge supportive and interactive online community watching this seminar. If you’d like to move ahead in your life, we encourage you to join us.

>> Go here for more details about the event and register for the LIVE Stream <<

Next Paradigm Shift event 2018 June 29 - July 1 Early Bird Discount Registration open

Next Paradigm Shift Seminar has been announced for October 5th – 7th. Watch LIVE Stream with Bob Proctor at Paradigm Shift anywhere in the world as you discover how to achieve things you never dreamed possible. Register Now!

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity. It can change your life forever.

Don’t worry if you’re busy the weekend of October 5th – 7th. You’ll receive a link to the replay of the entire seminar within 48 hours after the event ends. Then, you’ll be able to watch every minute of the seminar at your convenience for 14 days. Get all the details here.

Don't Miss This Chance to Change Your Life for Better! >> Join Live Stream NOW!!

Friday 5 October 2018

Once a Year - Live Training: Unlock your brain for greater wealth & success!

Here’s what brain scientists say make some people wealthy and successful

This Saturday John Assaraf (New York Times Best Selling Author and founder of NeuroGym) has gathered six of the world’s top brain science and success experts to help you unlock and ignite your brain’s fullest potential on …

The All New 7th Annual Live Brain-A-Thon (click here to register)

Over the past seven years, well over 1,000,000 people have flocked to this amazing live online training event to discover the latest, cutting edge research on how to eliminate limiting beliefs and habits. How to recognize and squash subconscious fears and how to upgrade your self image and self worth so you take more inspired action.

Here’s why you should attend:

The world’s top brain science and success experts have found a series of “invisible processes” that happen in the human brain that either lead you toward success in life… or hold you back from getting where you want.

Unlock Your Brain for Success - all new breakthroughs in neuroscience

You’ll discover how to:

  1. Tap into your subconscious mind so you can rewire it for greater success

  2. Unlock the genius potential within you

But thanks to their latest findings, we now know exactly how to… Unlock Your Brain For Success!

John and his team of experts are going to help you remove all these mental and emotional obstacles that are standing in your way of success. And you’ll learn how you can change your brain and your life and start earning the kind of income you’re truly capable of.

All you have to do is show up and you’ll learn how the latest brain science can help you get over your limiting beliefs and any other mindset or emotional obstacle that may be holding you back from earning more money and living the life of your dreams.

This live event only takes place live once a year. And it’s happening tomorrow.

So click the link below and grab your seat right now so you don’t miss out:

Register for The All New 7th Annual Live Brain-A-Thon

If you’ve ever felt like you were capable of more in life but felt like something was holding you back… then The All New 7th Annual Live Brain-A-Thon might be the event that changes everything for you.

Save your seat right now for The All New 7th Annual Live Brain-A-Thon (it’s happening tomorrow!)

Read more: Once a Year - Live Training: Unlock your brain for greater wealth & success!

Experience Kundalini Activation - evolutionary force of divine power within you

Become Reality bending superhuman

Awaken the vast intelligence of the entire universe within you…

Spiritual seekers have long heard the lore about the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine.

The awakening of Kundalini is a subject surrounded by hype, myth, and tales of caution; however, it is possible to connect with this primal force in a way that is grounded, gentle, and powerfully liberating — opening you to mystical awareness and a vast field of blissful energy.

On Saturday, October 6, spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will offer you potent, practical insights for working with this powerful energy safely and harmoniously to deepen and enrich your life during a FREE online event: 7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within.

>> You can register here for Live event or get a recording <<

7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within

During this complimentary hour, you’ll:

  • Understand what true Kundalini is in both spiritual and mystical terms and how it can be explained by science, neuroscience, and modern psychology

  • Explore how to awaken Kundalini safely and why you must begin at your root chakra rather than first attempt to activate your higher centers

  • Discover the 3 regions and 7 centers in your body through which Kundalini works — and the key practices for awakening them

  • Understand the esoteric power of your heart chakra and how to activate a golden sheath around your body that protects you from harmful energies

  • Connect with your deepest self and inner bliss — and glimpse how Kundalini can help you become an evolved soul and a beacon of light in the world

  • Access a secret sacred mantra that opens the 3 spheres of your body and gives you a taste of pure Ananda or Bliss

In this hour-long mini-workshop, Raja will dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway to work with breath, mudras, and light to open to this extraordinary blessing in your body.

As you open your Kundalini, you’ll begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world!

If you’d like to discover ancient, experiential practices for opening, expanding, and aligning the most powerful spiritual energy in your body in a gentle, grounded way, don’t miss: 7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Discover 7 Healing Sounds Hidden in Your Voice with Chloe Goodchild

Become Reality bending superhuman

Reduce stress & foster emotional healing through the music of your chakras

Did you know that the sounds of your voice have the power to transform negative emotions, release blocked energy, and dissolve stress in your body?

Yes, you can use your voice to awaken areas that may have been blocked for years, empowering you to express yourself freely and embody true compassion.

In fact, through a direct experience of your authentic voice, you can discover your innate capacity to heal from limited emotional states, and move into love, forgiveness, and presence.

On Wednesday, October 3 international singer, educator, and author Chloë Goodchild will share a potent, heart-centered approach to using sound to heal –– so you can feel more self-empowered and creative –– in a complimentary virtual event, Discover 7 Healing Sounds Hidden in Your Voice: Liberating the ‘Tonal Energies’ of Your Soul for Healing, Love & Creativity.

>> Registration for this mini-workshop is free here  <<

Discover 7 Healing Sounds Hidden in Your Voice: Liberating the ‘Tonal Energies’ of Your Soul for Healing, Love & Creativity

In this audibly exciting one-hour virtual event, you’ll experience:

  • The nourishing, vibrational power of seven healing sounds — from your root sound to those of your pelvis, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown

  • The healing alchemy of your voice — as it shifts between three interdependent groups of sound and energy centers within you

  • How to use your voice to explore your deeper emotions and transform trauma and other wounds

  • Insights into the 7 tonal energies of your soul, allowing you to express yourself freely and embody true compassion

  • A powerful healing sound practice you can make with your voice, which you can use whenever you’re feeling blocked, emotionally down, or stressed

Chloë, a master voice teacher, has created a breakthrough method to help you access the healing tonal energies associated with each chakra, which have long been studied by yogis and healers.

As Chloë explains, your voice is as unique as your fingerprint, bringing forth your words and your exquisite vulnerability — and liberating your soul’s intention.

During Discover 7 Healing Sounds Hidden in Your Voice: Liberating the ‘Tonal Energies’ of Your Soul for Healing, Love & Creativity, you’ll discover the seven primary “soul sounds” that are connected with each “musical chakra,” along with specific healing practices to open them.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.