Friday 15 June 2018

How To Make a Soul Shift into More Wisdom, Power & Peace - Join (June 16) live event

Do you have a mental list of things about your life, your relationships, and yourself that you’d like to change?

Would you like to stop getting stuck in the same self-sabotaging patterns — and experience more steadiness, confidence, and peace, no matter what’s happening around you?

There are times in our life when we feel like we’re at a turning point…

… like we’re standing at the threshold of attaining greater success, wisdom, and purpose, but either don’t know the next step to take or are too uncertain to take it…

What we do know is that how we’ve been living, working, and loving just isn’t enough anymore. We’re being called to something more significant, more authentic, and more meaningful.

If you’re ready not just for more change, but for profound transformation, then I have a very special invitation for you…

On Saturday, June 16, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Barbara De Angelis will show you how to transform yourself and your life from the inside out during a FREE virtual event: How to Make a Soul Shift: 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment.

>> Register here for Live event or get a recording later <<

How to Make a Soul Shift: 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment

Barbara is one of the most renowned teachers of our time in the field of personal and spiritual developmentShe’s known for her eloquent yet down-to-earth guidance, and passionate, inspirational presentations.

For over four decades, she’s helped millions of people live with more fulfillment and freedom by showing them how to operate from true mastery at the deepest level of who they are… the Soul level.

During this uplifting and illuminating free hour with Barbara, you’ll discover:

  • A transformative practice you can use to stay clear, conscious, and centered — even in the most challenging of times

  • The surprising ways you may be sabotaging your success and happiness and how to start experiencing true soul accomplishments

  • How to get off of your emotional roller coaster and shift from micromanaging to life mastery, and from fear-based control to conscious choice

  • How to create more abundance and confidence by shifting from positive thinking to positive vibrating

  • The symptoms of “spiritual homesickness” and how it explains so much about your thoughts and emotions

  • Invaluable tools for experiencing everyday grace and practical spirituality

We’re living in what is undeniably a very unsettling time on our planet. Barbara says that now, more than ever, the world needs each of us to live our highest consciousness and accelerate our own process of transformation.

This online mini-workshop will help you do just that, and give you the life-changing insights and breakthroughs you’ve been hoping for.

Barbara will share her invaluable wisdom and proven techniques to help you make your own soul shift, and live with true emotional and spiritual freedom.

If you’re ready to remove the hidden blocks that keep you from fully connecting with your own wisdom, power, and highest self every daydon’t miss: How to Make a Soul Shift: 3 Keys to Create a Life of Authentic Purpose, Unshakeable Peace & Lasting Fulfillment

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 8 June 2018

Happy Yoga Day (June 21) Summit: Ancient Wisdom for Healing & Transformation

Celebrate the Power of Yoga & Elevate Your Practice

Are you ready to journey to the birthplace of yoga?

Move beyond the poses and off the mat to experience yogis, swamis, swaminis, and world-renowned yoga teachers sharing their wisdom directly from the foothills of the Himalayas on the banks of the Ganges River in celebration of the UN’s International Day of Yoga.

Immerse yourself in a one-of-a-kind experience with a global community of sages, musicians, scientists, and beloved teachers from around the globe — to discover yoga practices, guided meditations, and healing breathwork for restoring, balancing and invigorating your body, mind, and soul.

This day-long Yoga Day Summit is like no other online series — with yoga teachers gathering from diverse traditions, joining together for this one event to expand your knowledge of the world of yoga, from its ancient roots in India to today’s global movement of transformation.

This is why I’m passionate about inviting you to join The Yoga Day Summit — an online event that will offer you an unparalleled opportunity to experience and celebrate the beauty, power, and depth of yoga as a vehicle for living a divine life and creating a world built on Oneness.

Free Online Event
The Yoga Day Summit 
June 21, 2018

Happy Yoga Day Summit 2018

On June 21, 2018 (the UN’s International Day of Yoga!), The Yoga Day Summit will host more than 40 sessions — including exclusive videos with yogis on the banks of the Holy Ganges River.

This special gathering will share more than 50 yogis  — sages, musicians, scientists and beloved teachers from around the globe — including H.H. Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, Shiva Rea, Ana Forrest, Faith Hunter, Kia Miller, Tommy Rosen, Douglas Brooks, Bruce Lipton, Nikki Meyers, Michael A. Singer,  and others — as they tap into the thousands of years of energy, power, and transformation experienced at these holy sites.

I hope you’ll participate in this special online gathering presented by The Shift in association with UPLIFT and Parmarth Niketan.

>> Reserve Your Spot here for The Yoga Day Summit 2018 — at no charge <<


During this inspiring day-long summit, you’ll discover:

  • Interviews from the banks of the holy Ganges River with some of India’s most respected spiritual leaders

  • Viewing of The Power of Mantra, a new film by UPLIFT which highlights the healing and transformative science of sound and chanting.

  • Deep wisdom on the various streams of yoga traditions

  • In-depth conversations with some of the world’s leading yoga teachers demonstrating how the ancient wisdom of yoga is spreading across the globe & addressing modern global challenges, one person, one breath at a time

  • That yoga can help you awaken to your deepest essence — inspiring you to take compassionate & effective meaningful action

  • Exciting ways yoga can help transform culture, societal structures, & business

  • The most hopeful grassroots developments we’re experiencing through yoga today

  • Ways yoga can awaken you to a natural intelligence that will guide your life, moment by moment, & help you contribute to a more peaceful world

  • How yoga is awakening the Sacred Feminine and Conscious Masculine around the world

  • Interviews and musical performances by top kirtan musicians

  • How yoga begins and ends with love and helps you find profound states of love in yourself & in your relationships

  • Four stages of consciousness: Ego, Self, Divine Godhood, & Truth

  • How yoga was intentionally sent to the West (planned centuries in advance) by great saints to help harmonize humanity

And much more!

If you’re ready to live as a beautiful expression of the Divine every day, join the extraordinary presenters to discover complete yogic lifestyle — one that sees the sacred in all things and honors all the world as a divine reflection.

Read more: Happy Yoga Day (June 21) Summit: Ancient Wisdom for Healing & Transformation

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Uncover the GIFTS of your Enneagram Personality Type

Discover 9 Essential Pathways for YOUR Transformation

What if you had a roadmap — a “soul-map” — for understanding who you are and what makes the people around you tick? A time-tested system that integrates your whole being and can be applied to every area of your life?

And what if this map could help you tap into your essential nature, resulting in truly authentic relationships and a deep sense of living “on purpose”?

This map exists, and it’s the Enneagram… a powerful personality typing system that serves as a profound gateway to your inner wisdom. It can shed light on behaviors which might be undermining your ability to access wholeness, true intimacy and fulfilment of your life’s dreams.

During The Enneagram Global Summit, June 11-15, 2018, you’ll discover discover key insights and practices to break free from unhealthy patterns, reconnect with your true Self and realize your highest potential.

We’re honored to invite you to join more than 45 of the world’s top experts — including people like Claudio Naranjo, Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, Cheryl Richardson, Dan Siegel, Katie Hendricks, Robert Holden, A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali), Jessica Dibb, Dr. David Daniels (posthumously)and others — sharing the latest insights and applications to integrate into your own personal growth journey and to take your Enneagram knowledge deeper.

Free Online Event
Enneagram Global Summit
June 11-15, 2018

join enneagram global 2018

>> RSVP here for The Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

During this unparalleled 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Practices for viewing yourself & your life through the lens of the nine types

  • How to use shadow aspects of each type as a catalyst for personal & spiritual growth

  • Ways to transform the fixations (or addictive behaviors) of each Enneagram type

  • Self-love practices that correspond to each of the nine points on the Enneagram

  • The vocations, professions, and careers that are most suited to each Enneagram style

  • Inspiration, insight, and grounding to help you face the most disturbing, toxic, & shameful aspects of your life

  • Each type’s gifts & shadows involving money

  • Strategies for meeting challenges around success, loss, & aging

  • An understanding of the most common triggers for each type and how to consciously respond to them

  • How to use the higher aspects of each type to raise your level of consciousness

  • Differences between the internal & external expressions of the nine Enneagram types

  • Neural pathways… how to create more of the ones you want & fewer of those that don’t serve you

  • How to transform your relationship with the inner critic

And much More!

If you’re new to this powerful system, the 2018 Enneagram Global Summit will guide you to the best tests and practices for determining your individual type — including ways to differentiate between “look-alike” types.

You’ll start working with the core patterns of your type and begin to connect with the parts of yourself that allow you to respond to life spontaneously and creatively.  

If you’re already well-versed in the Enneagram, you’ll take your work with the Enneagram deeper — empowering you to make YOUR contributions to the world! You’ll fine-tune your understanding of how to use the less balanced aspects of each type as catalysts for personal and spiritual growth — and how to use the higher aspects of each type to raise your level of consciousness.

If you want a greater connection with your unique gifts, as well as with more self-acceptance, self-love and compassion for others, join us and the amazing panel of presenters for this life-changing event.

>> RSVP here for The Enneagram Global Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s just a little sampling of what our speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Claudio Naranjo will illuminate the fixations of the various Enneagram types  and offer ways to break out of those addictive behaviors so you can be free to be express your authentic Self.

  • Russ Hudson will highlight the Law of Three (a concept that’s core to the Enneagram), which examines the relationship between practice and intention, and receptivity and letting go — showing how these seemingly contradictory parts of us can come into balance and take us to the next stage of development.

  • Helen Palmer will discuss how the Enneagram field is now ready for collaboration on a unified vision and effort — explaining why this is an important and empowering evolution, and suggesting some steps toward manifesting that vision.

  • Cheryl Richardson will illuminate ways to use the Enneagram for making challenging transitions in your life, especially those around success, loss, and aging.

  • Dr. Dan Siegel will share how the brain science and Mindsight understanding around our inner work with the Enneagram can help open up infinite possibilities for the human species.

  • Katie Hendricks will explore how, beyond the gifts and limitations of your Enneagram type, your essence — the core of your being — will always shine through.

  • Robert Holden will highlight nine spiritual practices on self-love that correspond to each of the nine points of the Enneagram.

  • A.H. Almaas (Hameed Ali) will articulate qualities of nondual consciousness, and how it is can be lived and expressed in a human life.

  • And host Jessica Dibbs will offer a special message honoring David Daniels, who passed away a year ago — sharing about his final book (currently in its completion stages) and how his work still impacts the Enneagram field.

Read more: Uncover the GIFTS of your Enneagram Personality Type

Monday 4 June 2018

Biohacking - Creating Your Own Reality (Join Live event on June 13)

How to use "Mind to Matter" technique or Using your brain waves to repair your body & transform your life.

Would you like to discover how to harness the power of your thoughts to create greater health, happiness, fulfillment, and more?

In Silicon Valley, it’s all the rage to talk about “biohacking.”

However, what renowned teacher and bestselling author Dawson Church offers is a kind of “consciousness-hacking” — rooted in meticulously researched evidence — that can rewire your body and shift your baseline for health and wellbeing.

This is exciting news, and it gets even better…you’re invited to discover how to bring this practice into your life during a free video event Wednesday, June 13, (replay on Saturday) called Mind to Matter Breakthroughs: How to Apply Astonishing New Science to Transform Your Health, Heal Your Body & Create Your Own Reality

>> Reserve your free spot here for Live event or get a recording later <<

Mind to Matter Breakthroughs: How to Apply Astonishing New Science to Transform Your Health, Heal Your Body & Create Your Own Reality

Dawson has a knack for making cutting-edge science accessible and practical, particularly for transforming our lives.

During this informative event, you’ll discover:

  • How training your mind to achieve certain brain waves can increase telomere regeneration by up to 10 times, which can have a dramatic effect on your lifespan

  • How certain brain waves boost the number of stem cells your body is producing, increasing your ability to repair your body quickly

  • Why gamma brain waves can stimulate removal of amyloid plaques, which are associated with Alzheimer’s disease

  • Why certain frequencies increase your ability to repair DNA, which helps prevent bodily decay

  • The power of coherent brain states, which increase the synchronization of the firing of neurons in different parts of the brain, which increases your memory and overall cognitive ability

If you’re fascinated by the interface of science, spirituality, health, and conscious evolution — this will be a mind-expanding adventure at the leading edge of what we know!

Whether Dawson is talking about cultivating the most uplifting brainwaves… or your greatest heart-brain coherence… or how your telomeres can repair your DNA… you’ll come away with a profound understanding and practical tools to create meaningful change.

>> Don’t miss your chance to join Dawson Church so you can, quite literally, discover how to program yourself for a disease-free life filled with abundant energy and passion <<

Read more: Biohacking - Creating Your Own Reality (Join Live event on June 13)

Friday 1 June 2018

Approach your relationship with money in empowering way

Shift self-sabotaging thoughts about money to better your life

If you’re like most people, just thinking about your money issues has you squirming inside.

Yet this doesn’t necessarily need to be…

By changing our relationship with money, including uncovering our self-sabotaging thoughts and feelings about it, we can have a better relationship with this necessary part of our lives AND with ourselves.

We can also start to more fully enjoy life and thrive as who we truly want to be.

If your relationship with money is rooted in fear or shame, or hampered by feelings of lack or scarcity, and you long to break free of the grip your money thoughts have on you — and your life — I have a very special invitation.

On Saturday, June 9, author and therapist Kate Levinson, PhD, will show you how to start uncovering and understanding your relationship with money so that you can open to self-empowering ways of engaging with it.

You can register for 3 Keys to Understanding Your Emotional Currency: Discover a Compassionate Approach to Healing the Way You Think & Feel About Money here <<

3 Keys to Understanding Your Emotional Currency: Discover a Compassionate Approach to Healing the Way You Think & Feel About Money

Kate has spent 20 years studying the interface of money and psychology. She’s helped thousands, including individuals, couples, and groups, uncover and unravel life and financial issues to bring more freedom, creativity, and joy into their lives.

During this insightful, complimentary hour, you’ll discover how to:

  • Slow down and pay more attention to money

  • Break the taboo against talking about money

  • Move out of judgement and into curiosity in your relationship with money

  • Find more freedom in your relationship with money from doing your emotional work around it — without your financial situation changing

  • Understand the cultural imprints around money that may be affecting your perceptions about it

  • Experience unexpected benefits from exploring your relationship with money — perhaps a heightened sense of competency, creativity, or healing in other areas of your life

Your relationship with money is something you deal with every day… and Kate will help you look at that relationship without judgement so you can begin to experience more ease, comfort, and security in your life — no matter your financial situation.

If you want to heal your thoughts and feelings about money so you can enjoy all aspects of your lifedon’t miss: 3 Keys to Understanding Your Emotional Currency: Discover a Compassionate Approach to Healing the Way You Think & Feel About Money

Source: Read more stuff like this.