Friday 30 March 2018

Plant Medicine - Feminine Way (April 7 event to Join free)

Women’s way of plant medicine to help heal yourself and the Earth

Perhaps you enjoy gardening and have grown medicinal plants and herbs to support your healing and optimal health.

But did you know there’s a feminine way of plant medicine –– a way of working with the Earth and more deeply connecting with its healing plants –– which can nourish you and these growing “beings”?

It can even help recharge you to better navigate life’s many stressors –– from work to the challenges of aging.

On Saturday, April 7, herbalist, gardener, and author Deb Soule will share some of the medicinal plants and tonic herbs most valued for healing qualities specific to women’s health –– remedies to help women heal and thrive during different cycles of our lives — during a FREE virtual event, Discovering the Feminine Way of Plant Medicine: Healing Through the Wisdom of Natural Remedies, Rhythms & Relationships.

>> Find out more and reserve your place for this insightful virtual event here <<

Discovering the Feminine Way of Plant Medicine: Healing Through the Wisdom of Natural Remedies, Rhythms & Relationships

Sign-up for Saturday, April 7, to hear free as herbalist, gardener, and author Deb Soule will share some of the medicinal plants and tonic herbs most valued for healing qualities specific to women’s health.

Deb has over 30 years experience growing, preparing, and using medicinal herbs, and her approach to herbalism is intimately tied to her view of the Earth as a living being.

During this virtual event, you’ll discover:

  • How dandelion can help to balance women’s hormonal shifts, particularly through menopause

  • Why biodynamic farming tracks the lunar rhythms particularly closely, leading to the best times to plant and harvest for greater vitality

  • How 3 different tonic herbs work in different seasons of a woman’s life

  • Why it’s valuable to use different tonics in summer, fall, winter, or spring (which is especially important when you have distinct local seasons)

  • How you can connect with the spirit of a plant, which can lead to a deeper level of mind-body-spirit healing and realignment that goes beyond the physical level

Throughout the ages, women have called upon medicinal plants to nurture their relationship with the Earth, the cosmos, their spirituality, and their bodies.

If you, too, feel called to create greater harmony and healing of your body, mind, and spirit –– and that of the Earth –– do join Deb for this enriching hour-long event.

If you’d like to open to the feminine way of relating to plant medicine by incorporating reciprocity, lunar and solar rhythms, and plant “spirits” into your approach to herbalism, register now for: Discovering the Feminine Way of Plant Medicine: Healing Through the Wisdom of Natural Remedies, Rhythms & Relationships.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Next Paradigm Shift Seminar announced for June 29th - July 1st (Early Birds discount registration open)

This is Your Chance to Change Your Life for Better!

Take advantage of Early Birds get discounted pricing – for a limited time only.

People have waited decades for this…

When people want to move ahead, they often think about what they’ll have to give up.

Well, Bob Proctor, a man who has gone from down and out to changing the world,says we should be thinking about what’s coming.

Because what’s coming is what we want…

It’s more money, better health, improved relationships, a new business… whatever we have our heart set on.

Of course, it’s easy to want those things. But it’s not so easy to get them. Unless and until you change the thing that is keeping you from your desires.

I’m talking about your paradigm—the mental program that has almost exclusive control over your habitual behavior.

Bob Proctor is a master at showing you how to change your paradigm. It’s how he changed his own life, and it’s what he has been studying for the past 50+ years.

He knows that changing your paradigm is the only way to bridge the gap between how you’re currently living and how you want to live.

And now, for the first time, Bob will teach the entire process during the LIVE Stream of Paradigm Shift on June 29th – July 1st.

People have been waiting for Bob to do an event on this topic for decades, so there will be a huge supportive and interactive online community watching this seminar. If you’d like to move ahead in your life, I encourage you to join us.

>> Go here for more details about the event and register for the LIVE Stream <<

Next Paradigm Shift event 2018 June 29 - July 1 Early Bird Discount Registration open

Next Paradigm Shift Seminar has been announced for June 29th – July 1st. Early Birds get discounted pricing – for a limited time only. Watch LIVE Steam with Bob Proctor at Paradigm Shift anywhere in the world as you discover how to achieve things you never dreamed possible. Register Now!

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity. It can change your life forever.

Don’t worry if you’re busy the weekend of June 29th – July 1st. You’ll receive a link to the replay of the entire seminar within 48 hours after the event ends. Then, you’ll be able to watch every minute of the seminar at your convenience for 14 days. Get all the details here.

Don't Miss This Chance to Change Your Life for Better! >> Join Live Stream NOW!!

Sunday 25 March 2018

Discover Healing Power of Celestial Herbology (Event to join on March 31)

Are you dragged down by stress? Feeling challenged by a less-than-strong immune system?

A uniquely modern synthesis of Ayurvedic herbology and Vedic astrology can help you heal and transform on every level of your being — emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual.

And the creator of this pioneering approach, Brazilian healer, Ayurvedic teacher, and medical astrologer Arjun Das, will be giving a FREE virtual mini-workshop on Saturday, March 31 (replay on Tuesday).

Join us for Applying the Power of Celestial Herbalism: Using Plant Medicine, Ayurveda, and Vedic Astrology for Detoxification, Healing & Spiritual Growth.

>> Join here to Listen this Live event or get a recording <<

Applying the Power of Celestial Herbalism: Using Plant Medicine, Ayurveda, and Vedic Astrology for Detoxification, Healing & Spiritual Growth

During this fascinating free online event, you’ll:

  • Find out how to attune your herbal formulations to lunar phases to strengthen your applications as well as your mind and emotional state

  • Explore how to access the consciousness of herbs through meditation and working with essential oils

  • Examine detoxification from an Ayurvedic perspective, including the importance of cleansing emotional and energetic levels

  • Receive the 5 Senses Ayurvedic Detox Protocol to cleanse your mouth, nose, eyes, ears, and skin.

  • Discover how to restore your vitality (prana), assimilation (agni), and immunity (ojas) with specific herbal formulations

  • Identify the primary 7 gemstones to use for specific constitutional profiles to nourish your subtle body, achieve clarity about your life purpose, and empower you around health issues

Ultimately, this integrated system weaves together constitutional types, healing protocols, celestial cycles, and guided meditations with your personal mantra to give you a precise, individualized way to achieve optimum health.

From enhancing mental clarity and spiritual awareness through mind-body-spirit detoxification to working with herbal formulations, specific gems, and essential oils to restore emotional balance and boost vitality and immunity, Celestial Herbalism offers a valuable new perspective on ancient insights.

This event will expand your mind and your awareness about all the different and surprising dimensions at play in your health… and all for FREE!

If you’re curious about how to elevate your power to heal with plants by harmonizing with celestial influences, Ayurvedic constitutions, and individually tailored remedies, >> RSVP for Arjun Das’ free virtual event, here <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Sunday 18 March 2018

Discover the wisdom of the Mayan calendar (event)

How to Align with Cosmic Forces to Navigate Your Life With Vision, Truth & Love

How might your life change if you were tuned into the sacred meaning of each of your days, as well as the particular energetic forces they bring?

Perhaps you’d feel less out of control or know when the best day is to undertake an important task. You could move in more harmonious ways with the natural energy currents around you.

This knowledge is available to you, and it’s thousands of years old –– it’s the wisdom of the Mayan calendar.

And one of our most beloved teachers of this profound wisdom, Grandmother Flordemayo –– a member of the International Council of 13 Indigenous Grandmothers –– will be sharing insights into how to decipher and work with this ancient wisdom on Wednesday, March 21, (replay on Saturday) in a special online event: Discovering Universal Wisdom From The Mayan Calendar: How to Align with Cosmic Forces to Navigate Your Life With Vision, Truth & Love.

>> Register here for this FREE virtual event <<

How to Align with Cosmic Forces to Navigate Your Life With Vision, Truth & Love

During this blessed hour with Flordemayo, you’ll:

  • Understand the importance of the Mayan “daily calendar,” which has 20 days, each governed by a different daylord, an archetypal force perceived as a “shaft of light”

  • FInd out how to work with both celestial and terrestrial energies on a daily basis to bring more alignment into your life

  • Discover how to use Mayan calendar readings to live in balance with the 4 sacred elements — Earth, Fire, Water, and Air

  • Discover how to use the wisdom of the Mayan calendar to live a life of love and harmony with all of creation

  • Be guided to make the actual day of this online event into a day of forgiveness, offering intentional prayers to the Earth for cleansing and healing

You can look to the Mayan calendar to access when it’s best to undertake particular creative projects, undergo surgery, or when to have a wedding or hold a celebration of life. Or to understand why your life seems out of control on a particular day — and to choose a better day to complete your tasks with greater ease.

On a deeper level, the Mayan calendar offers us a philosophy of life, a way of understanding the universe, our experiences, and our lives.

If you’d like to enter a sacred circle to receive teachings on the Mayan calendar from a wise and beloved wisdom keeper, I can’t recommend this call highly enough…

>> Click here for details and to register (it’s FREE) <<

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover a spiritual path guided by the energies of the universe and filled with profound insights into how you can shift to a more harmonious, healthier, and happier future for all of humanity.

Flordemayo offers a humble, earthy universal wisdom lightened by laughter. She is a remarkable elder committed to bridging the ancient and modern worlds and weaving the human family together again.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Saturday 17 March 2018

Don't let your dentist destroy your health! Join Holistic Oral Health Summit 2018

Oral health is the most overlooked health issue in conventional and integrative medicine!

80% of disease symptoms are caused by problems in the mouth. And, millions are exposed to disease-promoting dental procedures every day!

Don’t let your dentist do this to you!

—>>Be in charge of your oral health when you >> register for The Holistic Oral Health Summit!

When it comes to oral health, it’s IMPORTANT for you to know:

  • It *is* possible to reverse cancer by properly eliminating oral infections

  • Autoimmune disorders CAN be resolved by getting rid of toxic dental materials

  • Reversing gum disease CAN help you get rid of digestive problems

  • Root canal procedures increase your risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases

Jonathan Landsman has gathered the world’s top experts to show you the best ways to improve oral health, prevent and reverse disease symptoms, and save thousands of dollars in unwanted medical expenses.

By attending the Holistic Oral Health Summit, you’ll learn how to identify, prevent and eliminate the roots of disease.

>> Join Holistic Oral Health Summit online & free from March 12-19, 2018! <<

Holistic Oral Health Summit Expert Talks 2018

One uneducated visit to the dentist can have devastating effects on your health! Join us at The Holistic Oral Health Summit to avoid this catastrophe!

Do NOT see your dentist until you read this!

This is jaw dropping…

The legendary doctor, Reinhard Voll, M.D., spent 40 years researching this connection. What he found was nothing short of groundbreaking — a real discovery that explains the exploding rates of chronic disease today.

The root cause is in your mouth.

That’s right, hidden poisons in your mouth can cause cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more.

These poisons can come from common dental practices, through oral infections and from gum disease.

But here’s some great news: you can get rid of or avoid these poisons! And, when you do, it will help heal your body from these diseases so you can return to health, energy and vitality.

Register for the Holistic Oral Health Summit for FREE today, and discover how the world’s leading doctors, scientists and health experts are revealing amazing new advances in oral health — solutions you can use right now.

Discover which infection can cause cancer, what common dental practice is at the root of Alzheimer’s and dementia, and more!

If you or someone you love is suffering from disease, you MUST have a look at the mouth — it MUST be part of your healthy, holistic approach to recovery!

People are getting sick every day and have no idea why. I’m serious; this information can be life-saving. The root cause of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other diseases CAN be in your mouth. Therefore, it’s vital to share this information to your friends and family. Together, I know we can help save their lives!

Why the FDA hides this secret about what’s in your mouth!

The mountains of scientific evidence are all there.

But the FDA will never warn you about it.

At a huge risk to your health. And the health of those you love.

You’ve been told the source of this hidden poison is “safe,” but study after study shows this poison causes damage to your brain, nervous system, digestion, kidneys, lungs, skin and eyes.

Worse, you paid good money for it.

What is it? “Silver” dental fillings.

They’re only partly silver. They’re actually a combination of metals including silver, tin and copper. And mercury. That’s right, one of the most poisonous substances on earth was put into your mouth when you were a child.

If you’re like most of us, you’ve got ~10 of these poison-packed fillings in your mouth. They could be the direct cause of a disease or health problem you suffer from right now.

But there’s something you can do. And it ISN’T running to your local dentist to have your fillings removed. In fact, if you do that wrong it could cause more problems than solutions!

Instead, go here to register for FREE and discover how to fix this health emergency the RIGHT way.

This FREE Holistic Oral Health Summit is a revolutionary health event. You’ll benefit even if you’ve never had fillings. That’s because it turns out 80% of diseases, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and more are caused by problems in your mouth!

This amazing event brings together some of the top doctors, scientists and health experts in the world, giving you unprecedented access to oral health information that could transform your health in a matter of hours.

We urge you to click here and register for FREE today.

Discover the truth, and get back the health and vitality you deserve.

Add these oral health experts to your library! And learn 35 things your dentist won’t tell you!

Right now, you can keep this advice from all 35 experts at your fingertips, starting at $79 (on Tuesday it increases to $99)

This includes the audio, video and transcript files (and I know how much you love to read the transcripts!) accessible online and for download.

> Purchase the expert talks to to keep this expert wisdom on hand! SALE ENDS TUESDAY, March 20! <<

Buy Holistic Oral Health 2018 Expert Talks at Discount until March 20

Buy Holistic Oral Health 2018 All Expert Talks at Discount until March 20

When you order today, you ALSO get access to over $900 in bonuses — eCourses, guides, eBooks and other advice from the expert speakers. The sale prices expire on TUESDAY!

Read more: Don't let your dentist destroy your health! Join Holistic Oral Health Summit 2018

Friday 16 March 2018

Do Brainwave Shots Really Work? Separating Fact From Fiction

Can you imagine being able to listen to a 15-minute MP3 to turn on any mind state you want? 

For example, want to experience razor sharp focus? Just listen to an audio.

Want to feel happier? Listen to that audio. More brain power? Pop in that audio.

That’s what a new “brainwave entrainment” site claims you’ll be able to do. And, apparently, they have the science to back it up.

Today, I’m going to pull back the curtains and see if their claims are the real deal – or nothing but hot air.

My Brainwave Shots Review: A Scientific Answer to Self-Help?

The Premise:  Every one of your mind states or moods is marked by a distinct brainwave pattern.

If you’re feeling happy, there is a particular pattern. Feeling relaxed, that’s another pattern. Experiencing clarity and mental focus, still yet another.

The Promise:  Listen to an MP3 recording for just 15 minutes and you can instantly activate any desired mind state you want.

How It Works:  Brainwave Shots has apparently created a proprietary way to duplicate brainwave patterns using soundwaves.

So, supposedly, all you need to do is listen to one of their MP3s and your brain will automatically begin mimicking or mirroring the brainwave pattern of your desired mind state.

But, The Question Is: Do They Really Work?!

To find out the answer to this question, I had to try it out for myself.

So, I headed over to and got started. Nice site. Easy to navigate. Very professional.

Listen Brainwaves to Activate Any State of Mind

The Pitch.  Before I chose my Brainwave Shots from the 35 currently offered, I watched a brief video presentation that explained the science behind the technology.

After watching the brief video, I selected my Brainwave Shot from the 35 options. These include:

  • Brain power. Learning. Focus.

  • Relaxation. Stress Relief.

  • Confidence. Happiness. Motivation.

  • Peak Performance. Energy. Pain relief. Success.

There’s even have a  party mood  Brainwave Shot!

I have a really full schedule at this time of year, so I went with their signature Energy Brainwave Shot.

Getting Started:  Within minutes, I had my shot and was ready to listen.

It was super relaxing and – if I’m being honest – the music was beautiful. After the 15 minutes were up, I actually didn’t want the session to end.

The Result:  Relaxing or not, I wondered if listening to a 15-minute MP3 could realistically change how I felt.

I opened my eyes after the short session was up and I felt more alive, clearer, and more energized than I had in quite some time.

Really? I don’t even know how to explain it. It was like I’d enjoyed a nice, long deep sleep, then followed it up with a HUGE cup of coffee (without any of the jittery side effects of caffeine).

It might just be placebo, but I actually felt younger too.

All it took was a few short minutes and I felt like a new person. It was actually pretty incredible.

My Conclusion:  I’m no scientist. But I know my own body. I also know the difference between feeling low and feeling fully energized.

The results of listening to a 15-minute MP3 were pretty impressive. 

In reviewing Brainwave Shots, I was ready to expose its faults and flaws, and poke a little fun at something that seemed a little “out there”.

But, honestly? It just didn’t work out that way. Brainwave Shots actually made a difference in the way I felt, exactly as they promised.

These guys managed to turn a skeptic into a fan. Highly recommended.

Disclaimer:  I did only try one shot, so I can’t speak for the other 34 of them.

UPDATE:  In the last week, I’ve used the Energy Shot twice more.  Each time I used the shot, the results were the same: more energy than I had just 15 minutes earlier. So, it does what it’s supposed to do. I can’t argue with that, and am about to start experimenting with more from their range.

Rating: 9.5/10.  Brainwave Shots are inexpensive, transformational, quick, and easy.

Pros:  Low price. Based on proven science. 365-day guarantee. Most importantly, these seem to actually work!

Cons:  No telephone support. Limited to 35 ‘shots’ in total.

Want to try?  You’ve got nothing to loose… >> Go try these brainwaves – $22 value Yours free, click here <<

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Friday 9 March 2018

Finding Treasure in Your Shadow (Saturday live event)

Change Agent! Listen Tim Kelley & Beth Scanzani on Saturday (March 10) or get a recording later.

If you’re like most change agents, your ability to fully actualize your potential can too often feel diminished by ongoing struggles with your shadow.

Unfortunately, most change agents are actually caught up in battling their own shadow rather than changing the world…

Yet, what if instead of feeling restless, dissatisfied, or blocked in your life, you could recover the parts of yourself which you need to truly manifest your purpose?

Renowned global change agent Tim Kelley and leading transformational teacher Beth Scanzani believe that the path to wholeness is through recognizing and integrating the gifts of your shadow.

On Saturday, March 10, (replay next Tuesday) these two highly skilled coaches and change agents will provide you with a new understanding of your shadow aspects and share three powerful methods for embodying the gifts they hold for you — during a FREE video event:  Finding Treasure in the Shadow: How to Unearth the Gifts in Your Unconscious.

>> Join Live video event here or get a recording later <<

Finding Treasure in the Shadow: How to Unearth the Gifts in Your Unconscious

During this transformative hour, you’ll discover:

  • Why working with your shadow has a profound impact on your relationships and ultimately on the collective

  • Why our fixation on the light and the good cuts us off from our greatest power

  • The principle of polarity, which ensures that if you are too attached to one side of a polarity you are creating an equal and opposite energy in the other direction

  • Why all consciousness work is ultimately shadow work

  • The 3 most powerful methods for recognizing and integrating your shadow

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with Tim and Beth and learn how you can recover the hidden aspects of your being that can enrich your life, purpose, and relationships.

If you’re ready to receive powerful methods for recognizing and integrating the gifts of your shadow, then register now for this FREE call with Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Women - Ignite Your Feminine Fire!

Discover Your Feminine Fire that holds the Power to Help you Transform your Life for the Better…

Our primal powers — the energies of the great Goddesses — lie in wait within all of us… and when awakened, they can help us to rediscover, embrace, and ignite the Feminine Fire within.

Your Feminine Fire is your dynamic spark of vitality, your unique brand of creativity and purpose.

Igniting your Feminine Fire gives you the capability to “burn through” and transmute what’s simply NOT working in your life and in the world.

You start to shift outdated personal and cultural beliefs so you can create more meaningful work in the world, deeper relationships, and a happier, more vital you.

On Saturday, March 17, transformational leader, Inspiring Women Summit founder, and Shift Network co-founder Devaa Haley Mitchell will share ways you can enhance YOUR Feminine Fire — and start to break through inner and outer obstacles to accessing your primal powers — by drawing from the Goddess energies of Pele, Isis, and Kali.

>> Register for – Dancing With Your Feminine Fire: Activate Your Primal Powers With Goddesses Pele, Kali & Isis <<

Dancing With Your Feminine Fire: Activate Your Primal Powers With Goddesses Pele, Kali & Isis

During this empowering hour, you’ll:

  • Experience a Pele fire practice to fuel your wild primal side and welcome in more vitality, creativity, and passionate connection

  • Discover the Goddess Isis’ courage and fierceness within you to speak hard truths with fearlessness, clarity, and commitment

  • Open to the energy of Kali to identify and transmute what no longer serves you — breaking the energetic bonds that keep you stuck in old patterns

  • Discover why accessing your primal “wildness” is key to deepening your feelings of love, aliveness, and excitement

  • Learn why activating your Feminine Fire is the first step to being able to speak your truth, stand your ground, set boundaries, and create change — without closing your heart

  • Discover how letting go of being a “well-behaved” woman is often THE key to fulfilling your highest purpose

As a woman, you hold  transformative energies  you need to shift your way of being AND your life…

… and discovering how to embody these energies can be an empowering and liberating first step.

>> Register now for: “Dancing With Your Feminine Fire” <<

Related: Inspiring Women with Soul: Join 80,000+ Women Community! Free event (March 1-8)

If you’d like to step into your own “inner wildness,” enjoy a taste of the liberation it holds, and glimpse what a life lived in the true spirit of the feminine can bring, don’t miss: Dancing With Your Feminine Fire:Activate Your Primal Powers With Goddesses Pele, Kali & Isis.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Truth About Hypnosis + (Get free audio session)

Fact or Fiction: How Reading a Book Can Solve the Hypnosis Controversy

The question of whether hypnosis is real or not has been a hot topic of discussion for over 200 years.
Exciting new research in the field of brain studies is now settling the argument once and for all!

Read a Good Book Lately: Then, Welcome to Hypnosis!
If you’ve ever lost yourself while reading a really good book, you’ve already been :::this::: close to hypnosis.
When you’re really into a book what happens?
  1. a) You feel incredibly relaxed,
  2. b) Have an amplified sense of imagination, and
  3. c) You are highly suggestible (more open to receiving and acting upon the suggestions of others, like the story the author is telling you).
Guess what? This is exactly what happens during hypnosis. It’s known as a trance state.

Going Deep! Your Subconscious Mind in Action
To understand what’s going on in a trance state, we need to first define the difference between conscious and subconscious mind states.
Your conscious mind is associated with the left hemisphere of your brain. It is your “control center,” and it operates on deduction, reasoning and convention. It tells you what’s possible and not possible based on your past experiences.
On the other hand, your subconscious mind is aligned with the right side of your brain, which is responsible for creativity, freedom, and emotion.
It is more holistic, emotive, and universal. It solves Big Picture problems. It allows you to go beyond “reason,” and frees you from convention.
Researchers believe that trance states are activated when you are able to circumvent the inhibitions and walls set up by your conscious mind and begin accessing the subconscious.
More specifically, when you can “short circuit” the inhibitions and “can’ts” that your conscious mind has set up, you can do many of the things that are associated with truly therapeutic hypnosis, e.g., break addictions, overcome phobias, work through deep-seated emotional issues (psychiatric hypnotherapy), ease chronic pain (medical hypnotherapy), and even solve crimes (forensic hypnosis is fascinating field of study being explored by law enforcement agencies now).

Scanning Rhythms: Your Brain Can’t Lie
But, is there science to support this hypothesis?
Using electroencephalographs, or EEGs, experts studying the effects of hypnosis on the cerebral cortex have documented that activity in the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex decreases during hypnosis. At the same time, brain activity in the right hemisphere increases.
Why is this important? It shows that hypnosis is able to pacify the conscious mind and its logical and “limiting” functions.
At the same time, it also shows that the subconscious mind – with its creativity, emotiveness, imagination – takes control.
These findings prove that something researchers long believed to be true about the effects of hypnosis are indeed accurate. 
“A Trance State Sounds Pretty Awesome: How Can You Turn It On?”
Okay, so how does hypnosis activate this trance state?
Researchers believe that hypnosis calms your left brain and conscious mind. With your logical-self taken out of the picture, you’re more able to directly connect with your subconscious mind.
In this state, you are highly suggestible. In other words, you’re able to believe, enact, and go for things that your conscious, logical mind might have kept you from believing you could do.
It allows you to free yourself from convention, from being limited based on the outcomes of your past experiences, and to experience the world and yourself in it in new and powerful ways.
For example, hypnosis can help boost your confidence, increase your brain power, aid in weight loss, increase your money-making potential, and take you to places you never believed you could go (much like that feeling you have when you’re reading a great book).
By short circuiting long-held self-beliefs and deep-seated behavioral patterns, hypnosis can often deliver real-world results that simply cannot be achieved in any other way... all because your brain allows you to believe in yourself in new and empowered ways.
download free hypnosis mp3 session

Sites like Hypnosis Bootcamp offer great resources for anyone looking to learn more about the current benefits and newest applications of hypnosis.
As we are just now discovering, the world of hypnosis is able to unlock doors beyond our comprehension … but still within the reach of science.
To be sure, this is an exciting time to be alive!

Saturday 3 March 2018

Art of Face Reading

5 Facial Features That Hold the Secret to Your True Nature

Did you know that your facial features hold the secrets to your lifes path, gifts, and challenges

and that the faces of your friends, potential romantic partners, and professional connections can tell you a lot about their personality traits and communication styles?

Based on the idea that our facial features reflect our unique inner architecture, or personal blueprint, face reading is an extremely valuable tool for discovering and embodying your true nature and seeing the true natures of those around you.

On Wednesday, March 7, (replay on Saturday)leading author, spiritual teacher, and energy healer Jean Haner will share tips for reading your own and other peoples facial features during a FREE video event:Discover the Art of Face Reading: How Your Features Show Your Personality, Gifts & Calling.

>> You can register here for Live event or get a recording <<

During this fascinating, complimentary hour, youll discover:

  • What the shape of your nose tells you about your tendency to perfectionism and detail

  • The 5 personality types that are expressed in peoples faces and which type you may be

  • What the jaw and eyebrows say about ones natural entrepreneurial talents

  • The facial feature that conveys self-confidence and assertiveness (hint: you may want to stop plucking your eyebrows!)

  • The top 5 features to look for in another persons face and what they tell you about your romantic partner, friends, coworkers, and clients

  • Why certain joy-line wrinkles (often called crows feet) positively influence how people respond to you

According to Jean, The secrets of your inner nature and personal potential are eloquently inscribed in the curve of your cheeks, the shape of your eyes, the contour of your brows, the unique patterns of your original design

Join her to discover how this ancient branch of Chinese medicine can be used to diagnose both your healthandyour personality and the life lessons you came to learn!

>> Learn more & Register here free now <<

If youd like to discoverthe 3,000-year-old art of face reading, which can give you powerful insights about your lifes path, gifts, and challenges (and those of others!)dont miss:Discover the Art of Face Reading: How Your Features Show Your Personality, Gifts & Calling.

Read more: Art of Face Reading