Saturday 27 January 2018

How To Write Marketing Copy That Sells - online training

A Business Is Only A Business If It Can Sell So you have a great product or a fantastic service. Unfortunately in today’s attention seeking world that by itself is not enough. The truth is that it’s not the best product that wins; it’s the one with the best marketing. Of course, if you want repeat business, you also need a great product! But how do you get that new customer to just try you out? Direct marketing still works; it’s just that people seem to have forgotten how to do it – or perhaps they never knew. Nowadays though, you are more likely to send out an email than a letter in the post. What you want is a marketing piece that gets prospects to pick up the phone or visit your website and buy from you. This copywriting course is for every small business owner that has struggled to put together a flyer, sales letter, email marketing piece or copy for their website. The answer is of course with great marketing material. And that’s why I put this course together. Don’t get me wrong, it isn’t going to turn you into a marketing genius. But what it could do is give you a structure around which to work for and some big “Ah Ha” moments as you look at your marketing material differently. The concepts it explains on how to write copy are applicable to:Direct mail Email marketing Flyers Brochures Web Site Copy Sales Video Scripts Advertisements Sales PresentationsSo do you want to build a brand or sell some products? Hopefully you want to do both! But too many college educated marketers focus on “Brand Building” rather than selling. The truth is a successful brand develops as a result of lots of sales to happy customers. So you need to focus on winning sales not marketing awards! And that’s what this copywriting course is all about – showing you the 20 components that goes into any sales oriented marketing material. Not every marketing piece contains all 20 though. But if you don’t know what should be in there, how are you going to decide what to leave out? 12 components relate to the structure and 8 to the content and how it should flow. By understanding how they fit together and support each other you can create any size of marketing material. The core content on how to write copy is in video format and lasts for an hour and a quarter. It is easy to follow because it is broken down into 9 separate videos: Video 1: Introduction To Copy Writing In this video we start by looking at what it is you are selling. Remember you don’t sell a product or service; you sell a solution to a customer’s problem. To get to the core of the problem you are going to create a couple of lists. From these you will be able to write copy that directly targets the core desire of your target market – you do have a target market don’t you? Video 2: The Ultimate Sales Formula All sales messages need to be wrapped around a simple 4 step sequence. Even though you can’t put the same amount of information into a newspaper advertisement as a direct mail piece, both still need to follow the formula if you are going to get results. In this video we will look at what the 20 components of great copy are. Knowing the formula and the purpose of the 20 components helps you to decide which bits you need to include for different marketing pieces. Video 3: Grabbing Their Attention Attention spans are getting ever shorter, so you need to grab your audience's attention straight away. This video explains the parts of your sales message that does just that. You need to get this bit right if you want your target audience to pay attention to the rest of your sales message. Just choosing the right type of headline could make a huge difference in your conversion rates, but it has to work with the elements that surround it. Video 4: The Body Copy Once you have their attention, then they are more likely to read the rest of your copy. This video takes you through the components that should be in your main body text and why they are there! Every great story has a beginning, middle and end. Well, the Body Text is the middle of your story! This is where you add information about the benefits your prospect will get and how your solution is their best option. Video 5: Social Proof Your Offer Imagine you are the first person to take this course. What do you look for? Customer reviews obviously. They are everywhere on-line these days. People want to know that they are making the right decision when they buy, so naturally they want to know who else thinks this is good. This video shows you how to embed social proof into your marketing. So once you have taken this course, why not write a review of it for me! Video 6: The Call To Action Having an effective “Call To Action” is the difference between sales and branding. Every marketing piece that you create has to pay for itself by getting a prospect to do something. That might be to buy straight away, or it may be to get them to visit your website or call you, so that you can continue the sales process. This video shows you how to create an effective call to action. Video 7: Story Time The best marketing campaigns have stories and characters that you can relate to. The story is about how someone just like your target customer had exactly the same problem and how they fixed that problem using your solution. By creating an effective character you actually build social proof and third party testimonials right there into your copy. Stories bypass our critical filters and let you get your message in at the unconscious level. This video will show you how. Video 8: Value and Risk You have to demonstrate through your copy why your customers should swap their money for what you have to offer. You begin by building up your value proposition, but that may not be enough. So you also have to assure them that their money is safe and that they are not taking any risks when they put their trust in you to deliver. Effective risk reversal could be the key to getting them to say yes, so this video explains how you build that into your copy. Video 9: Credibility And Framing This is the final part of the jigsaw. In this video we will explore how to create credibility in print and the importance of creating a contrast frame for your value proposition. The truth is that your customers don't care about you, they care about what you can do for them. But they need to be able to trust that you will deliver what you say you will; especially if this is the first time they have bought something from you. Get Started Today! I hope you will find the videos in this copywriting course informative and entertaining – after all it is much easier to learn something if it’s fun! At the end of each video you will have some homework to do! After all, you are learning this so that you can apply it to your business. Even if you pay someone else to create your marketing materials for you, this course will give you the information you need to have a professional discussion with them. And of course it comes with a full money back guarantee – I explain why in video 8 by the way! So why not get started today and start to make more sales by using better marketing copy? That way the course will have paid for itself in no time at all. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Write Marketing Copy That Sells - online training

Platform Yourself: How To Make It Big Using Social Media - online training

This day in age there are
so many social media sites and so many people on them that it becomes
overwhelming, to say the least. Have you ever looked at the average user? Most
are trying to make a social media presence for themselves, or have
tried, and barely succeeded, even after years of work. Have you seen a few with
such a massive presence that you figured they had to cheat to get there?
Well with Platform
Yourself, you will see that they didn't cheat, they just used what few people
consider, or even know about, to get them to where they are today.
That is my goal with
Platform Yourself. To give back everything I know and learned along the way, so
you too can get out of the average users wasteland and rise up among the ranks
of the social media world.
This social
media management course will work for anything, from social media to your
website. Heck, it works for basically any business. There are many things
people over look when starting to build their platform. Whether you want to
sell books, products, your services or you are just looking to make a splash
online. Platform Yourself will teach you all the tools to get your there.
Through the 8 P's of
Platform Yourself you will learn how to create a massive social
media presence and continue to do so for years to come. While others teach you
the basics of creating a Twitter of Blog account, which is about as hard as
signing up for this course. I set out to teach you how to not just create a
simple Twitter account, but how to expand it and use the 8 P's to breathe a
whole new sense of life into it.
The social
media management course is structured so you can start building your platform
from the very beginning, wasting no time and adding each P along the way. The
course itself you can complete in two hours max, but to implement everything
into your platform will take some time.
Why take this course?
You should take this course
if you are looking to:
Get in front of a larger
Want to sell anything from
a book to yourself
Create an online presence
Learn more about the
business world
Or if you are looking to go
into the business of helping people create social media anything.
When combined the 8 P's of Platform Yourself: Presentation, Perception, Promotion, Participation, Plantation, Performance, Proven and Planning will come together to give you a platform you never thought possible of creating, until now. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Platform Yourself: How To Make It Big Using Social Media - online training

How To Start Podcasting - Free Best Podcast Hosting Systems - online training

Course Up To Date As Of August, 2015. JOIN OVER 3600+ SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN THIS COURSE AND ARE LEARNING DIRECTLY FROM THE ONE AND ONLY DEAN OF BLOGONOMICS AND PODOLOGY! Discover how to make a Podcast – Fast, Easy and FREE! Join over 3600 students using Power Podcasting to position themselves as THE Expert, build relationships, grow their influence, increase sales, and change the world. What is a Podcast? It is audio or video shows, that when you subscribe to them, are automatically updated on your Computer, Smartphones, iPads, Tablets, and/or iPods. Think of them as radio or TV shows which you deliver Spam-Free! directly to your audience every time you produce one. Podcasting is bigger than you think. When we survey people who listen to audio Podcasts at least once a month: we discover a Power Podcasters fact: Podcasts beat AM/FM Radio, streaming audio, CD’s, TV Music channels, & Sirius! “Power Podcasting Rocks!” “Scott is friendly and easy to follow. He clearly knows Podcasting. All the tools are here, and laid out in easy way. I think it is a great course! I was shocked at how popular Podcasting is. Great marketing tool that I overlooked. Great education.” ~ Dan Kobelt If you look at the number of people listening to Podcasts monthly, Podcasts are as popular as Twitter with 39 mIllion listeners, even if it doesn’t get the same ‘Love’. But instead of communicating in impersonal 150 character Tweets, with Power Podcasting, you get right into the head of your target market for as long as they let you. Podcasts are portable — and because of this, they are more personal. Imagine whispering into the ears of your ideal customers every week… building strong relationships, trust and connections. But instead of One-to-One, Power Podcasting is One-to-Many! Power Podcasters know that Podcasting is relationship building in the sales process, and not the time to go for the hard close. Podcast listeners are higher income earners. They listen daily to an hour and forty minutes more audio than the average American consumer. They are dedicated to continual learning, so just imagine what happens when your Podcast is available on new cars all over the world… Power Podcasting “allows you to convey your personality in a much stronger way than is possible through the written word. That clarity in your message is seen and felt through your actions (on video) and the tone of your voice…” according to Chris Ducker, Author of #1 Bestseller ‘Virtual Freedom’. When you claim your seat in the Power Podcasters course, you’ll have permanent online access to watch the course 24/7, and there’s a Q&A discussion section by each lecture, where you can post questions – and I’ll answer them personally! By following the short, simple, easy-to-follow lectures, you will be able to work through the process of setting up your Podcast and publishing your first episode quickly. The course was designed to accomplish one goal: Making Power Podcasters as fast as possible. I recommend watching the first 6 sections in their entirety. There are PDF workbooks included for you to use to clarify your topic, title, descriptions, intro and extros. For ‘Type A’ personalities, there is a “Fast Track” Lecture (Section One, Lecture #6), in which if you already have a finished MP3 or MP4 file, reveals which lectures to watch so that after following only 33 minutes of video, you will have your podcast live and into iTunes. In other words, you can be up and running in under an hour. The technical processes of Power Podcasting are only one aspect of successful Podcasting. Walk through real life examples of producing a Podcast, discover how to use your voice effectively to move your audience, uncover how to repurpose content for your podcast that you may already be doing, and how to do it FAST! Power Podcasting “will grow your email list, your audience, your influence and your bank account.” Amy Porterfield of “Tweet This” and former Social Media Maven for social media for the likes of Harley Davidson & Tony Robbins. Podcasting is growing rapidly, and thanks to CarPlay and Podcast Apps, continue strong growth for years to come. It is just past the ‘Early Adopter’ stage and has huge potential moving forward. Don’t miss out on the low-competition, high-demand opportunities that your fellow Power Podcasters are enjoying. “Great content that kept my attention” “Scott is obviously very knowledgeable, experienced and shares great content. I am a beginner and he has inspired me to believe that even I can do this. Also, I find some of the other courses very boring and they lose me. This one doesn’t. Scott makes it entertaining, easy and fun to learn.” ~ Marion Baker – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Start Podcasting - Free Best Podcast Hosting Systems - online training

Running successful Webinars on a Shoestring - online training

Running successful Webinars on a Shoestring- while making a residual income If you run any kind of business, webinars are a great way to build your credibility and customer rapport. Even if you do not presently run a business, you can still do webinars. Then you would be doing it just for fun. Whatever your intention is in running webinars, they are a great resource to earning additional income by showing and/or telling others about something you know and love. Whichever way you look at it, it's all about giving and sharing information with your audience. Helping them to get answers to problems they may have, or learning something of value to them. While webinars are often used as a sales promotion tool, ultimately it is about giving value. In this course, I am taking you through the whole process from beginning to end, thus enabling you to run your own webinars afterwards. And I am giving you tips and ideas of how to do this 'on a shoestring', for free or at very minimal outlay to you. The course consists of: 13 video sessions in varying lengths 13 handouts for note-taking 4 additional bonus PDF's – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Running successful Webinars on a Shoestring - online training

Personal Development: 10 Power Elements For Success - online training

This is a basic personal development training course that highlight's 10 power elements anyone can use to overcome difficult situations, and go on to succeed in their chosen career path or business endeavor.Success comes when one is ready for it, and this course is geared to prepare you for it. Without being prepared, success will not come close to you, because if it does, it will overwhelm you, and you might end up misusing it.Personal development is unending, and as the days progress, we all need to carry on learning new things in order for us to stay on track. This course will also explain further on this.The course comprises of 8 sections, and the first 6 sections have two videos each. The 7th section is the bonus section with 4 videos, and the 8th section has articles on Goal Setting.Here's a breakdown of the elements…Elements of Self AssessmentThe Power of BeliefThe Power of ConfidenceElements of Spoken WordsThe Power of SpeechThe Power A StoryElements of ActionThe Power of PlanningThe Power of ActionElements of UnionThe Power of RelationshipThe Power of GivingElements of PurposeThe Power of OriginalityThe Power of ConsistencyThe Bonus videos are add on power elements the one above, and they are:The Power of PeopleThe Power of VisionThe Power of WisdomThe last video will be a recap of everything you have learnt on this course.If you are looking to succeed, breakout from negativity, excel in your career, surpass trials and tribulations… then you need to get started on this course right away, and build yourself to achieve greatness.See you on the inside,Otoabasi Umonting – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Personal Development: 10 Power Elements For Success - online training

Film your TV show or movie for theater, television, DVD - online training

If you ever wanted to get your film or movie in theaters, television, DVD, or streaming online, then this Filming Techniques & Tips course is for you.  You will learn the movie making techniques for lighting, sound, and editing.  There are lots of free tools you'll discover that will get your project ready for film festivals, air on television, produced on DVD, and available for online streaming. You'll become a professional by being listed in IMDb with your credits, trailers, clips, posters, and photos with your production company summary.  You'll have access to submit your project to over 800 film festivals, exhibitions, and competitions across the U.S. You don't have to worry about expensive lighting and sound equipment or editing software.  This Filming Techniques & Tips course gives you the solution to avoiding huge expenses to making a film.  In addition to producing your screenplay, you'll learn all the marketing and publicity techniques that will separate your project from others and place you at the top.  Your project will be clearly recognized with the buzz being made with interviews on radio, TV, and social media. This filming techniques & tips course also teaches important business aspects of film production.  You'll learn how to be smart with copyright protection to ensure your intellectual property does not land in the wrong hands.  Need money?  Don't worry.  This filming techniques & tips course teaches basic fundraising tips to help ensure you don't end financially.  In less than three hours, you can complete this course that will provide you step-by-step video instruction that delivers all the tips, tricks, and techniques to get your project out in the public. Do you want your project on television, theater, DVD, or streaming online?  Do you want to make some money selling your movie or TV show?  Take this Filming Techniques & Tips course and learn how today.
– >> Click for More details…

Read more: Film your TV show or movie for theater, television, DVD - online training

Mastering Breakout sessions: Policy and Procedure workshops - online training

Outstanding reviews from real students! “I like your style!  I have been in way too many boring classes… It's refreshing to try something new!” – Qaz Ingham, trainer “The quality is fantastic! Really good: confident, professional, calm.” – Mark Truman, founder of Omniac Education “I'm in! – John Lore, teacher Trainings Rule. If your organization skimps on trainings, you're missing an opportunity to empower and retain your valuable people. Trainings are an easy and dynamic way of focusing people and sharing valuable experience.  They can mean the difference between a merely competent worker and a dedicated powerhouse who drives growth. No more Death by Powerpoint.  Unfortunately, many organizations settle for tedious lectures and slides during their orientations, killing a new hire's momentum and turning them off before they even start work. Keep those awesome people!  You work hard to find the best new talent and passionate people to join your organization.  Why put them to sleep on the first day with boring trainings and tedious orientations?   Train them the “WOW” way.  As dynamic and powerful as trainings can be, bad trainings can be just as effective – in a totally negative way – giving your hard-won new employees a lackluster attitude toward your mission. Rather than orienting them with poor quality training, you're probably better off not training them at all. “It's the opposite approach to the useless, time wasting, infuriating trainings I've had to endure. With your approach I think people would actually want to have training and it would actually *gasp* train people” -Nancy Gough, online tutor “An excellent course about becoming a successful teacher… I highly recommend this course!” – Laurel Lampella, professor of education at UNM Win on Day One.  Now your company can deliver the high-energy kickstart that new hires crave on their first day, and you don't need to spend $10K in order to have a professional trainer. Are you ready for this? You can start enjoying the benefits of exciting, engaging orientation workshops now with the help of this awesome video series that teaches you everything you need to know. Start right away.  Unlike other courses, this course is quick, complete, and to the point.  Other courses boost their price by shoveling endless hours of videos and complexity at you.  Instead, this course gives you exactly the info you need to complete the course, right on time, with no filler.  We figure you're paying to get things done, not sit and watch!  This course is lean for high performance at record speed.  Start learning with us today to save time instead of wasting it!  Get the outcomes you want right away! Read what our clients have to say: “See Yourself Teaching helped us develop and enhance our new volunteer training program. Now we have volunteers doing great work to make a difference in our community.” -Robert Nelson, program director “When I talk about curriculum to people, I speak highly to people about See Yourself Teaching. You do an amazing job!” -Farra Fong, deputy director You can get these results too.  Sign up and start today! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Mastering Breakout sessions: Policy and Procedure workshops - online training

Sunday 21 January 2018

How To Become a Bestselling Author on Amazon Kindle - online training

Learn How To Become a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author By Publishing Your Book On Kindle Who else wants to know… How To Become a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author By Publishing Your Book On Kindle? Do you have a #1 Best Seller in you? Would you love to get your book out into the world and make passive income? There are countless benefits to being a #1 Best Selling Author – from receiving regular cash flow to your bank account, to getting paid for speaking gigs and consulting, the opportunities are endless for bestselling authors… This course is designed to help you write, publish and market your books on Kindle and become a bestselling author on Amazon in as little as one month. This Course Will Teach You Everything You Need To Know To Become a Bestselling Author: The Four-Step System for How To Write Your Book In 28 Days and Overcome Writer's Block For Good! How I Got Over 22,372 Free Downloads of My Ebook Using Amazon's KDP Select Free Promotion The Marketing Strategies I Used To Earn Over $12,174 In Kindle Royalties In a Single Month How To Save Thousands of Dollars on Cover Designs, Professional Editing, Formatting and Publishing Your Kindle Books …and much more! Who Else Wants To Become a Bestselling Author? Here's a picture of me next to Robert Kiyosaki on the Top #100 Business & Investing Authors on Amazon Kindle. I had no idea when I first read Rich Dad Poor Dad at age 19 that I would soon be on the bestsellers list next to my mentor! Do You Want To Be The Next #1 Bestselling Author on Amazon? Your Complete Kindle Publishing Course includes 8+ hours of easy-to-follow video instructions, including detailed tutorials on the following topics: This easy-to-use course, highly effective training… Completely Destroys writers block forever Unleashes your full potential as an author Removes all the confusion about publishing on kindle and makes it easy, fast and FUN to implement Turns you from an amateur author into a pro overnight Gets your sales in 30 days or less Takes your book from as little as 10 sales to 10,000 sales Here's What You'll Learn in Getting Started (Module 1) Why Readers Are Buying 130+ Ebooks for Every 100 Physical Books – and How You Can Profit From This Massive Ebook Growth Trend How To Do Market Research Before You Write Your Book So That You're Virtually Guaranteed To Make You a Profit From Your Ebooks! The Rules To Abide By To Make Sure Amazon Will Always Sell Your Ebooks In Their Store Without Having Your Book Removed For Violating a Simple Rule You Didn't Know About Here's What You'll Learn in The Ultimate Writing Guide (Module 2) The Four-Step System for How To Write Your Book In 28 Days 3 Easy Solutions for Overcoming Writer's Block Once and For All How To Write a Book That Readers Want to Buy (so you get paid every day, even in your sleep) How To Find a Professional Editor To Perfect Your Manuscript For Less Than $250 Here's What You'll Learn in Cover Design Mastery (Module 3) How To Get Your Book Cover Designed By a Professional for less than $50 (so your cover looks amazing and gets more sales) Here's What You'll Learn in Formatting for Kindle (Module 4) The 15-Minute System for Formatting Your Books for Kindle – for FREE – (and avoid paying someone hundreds of dollars unnecessarily) Here's What You'll Learn in Publishing on Kindle (Module 5) The Super Simple 10-Minute System For Publishing Your Ebooks on Amazon Kindle The Kindle Pricing Strategy That Will Help You Become a Bestselling Author Twice as Fast Here's What You'll Learn in Everything You Need To Know About Marketing Books (Module 6) How To Get Reviews From Top 1000 Amazon Reviewers So That You Get Detailed, Helpful Book Reviews From the Influencers In Your Genre or Niche Learn Kindle Marketing Best Practices From Several #1 Bestselling Authors Who Know How To Sell Thousands of Books Every Single Month How To Price Your Kindle Ebook to Maximize Your Royalties and Income (This System for Price Testing Ebooks Has Helped Me More Than Double My Kindle Royalties) How To Make Money From Your Book Beyond Just Book Sales – Including Affiliate Marketing, Sponsorships, Lead Generation, Paid Speaking Gigs, and Much More! How I Got Over 22,372 Free Downloads of My Ebook Using Amazon's KDP Select Free Promotion How To Turn Your KDP Select Free Promotion Into Hundreds or Thousands of Sales In One Week Following Your Book Launch How To Become a Bestselling Author on The Amazon Kindle Bestsellers Lists So That You'll Always Be Known as a Bestselling Author How To Choose The Right Book Categories To Maximize Sales and Attract Thousands of Avid Readers Every Month To Your Book Page How To Choose The Right Keywords for Your Ebook to Maximize Sales (So That Readers Find Your Book Instead of the Competition) How To Choose a Bestselling Title That Will Increase Your Sales Dramatically A Proven System for Building a Full-Time Income as a Kindle Ebook Author (That's Worked for Me and Dozens of My Publishing Clients and Students) How To Market Your Book For The Long Term To Maximize Your Lifetime Income (So That You Can Retire Early On Your Ebook Royalties and Be Completely Financially Secure) Here's What You'll Learn in Financial Management for Authors (Module 7) How To Reduce Your Expenses By 80%%%% or More as a Self-Published Author So That You Can Keep More of Your Cash How To Protect Yourself From Financial Disasters That Can Strike Authors Who Don't Understand These Fundamentals of Financial Protection for Authors Here's What You'll Learn in Bonus Videos and Interviews (Module 8) The Strategies, Ideas and Habits These #1 Bestselling Authors Who Have Collectively Sold Millions of Books Use to Earn a Full-Time Income as Authors Here's What You'll Learn in Affiliate Marketing Mastery (Module 9) How To Earn an Extra few Hundred or Even a Thousand Dollars a Month With Affiliate Marketing Are You Ready To Become a Bestselling Author Right Now? Sign Up For The Complete Kindle Publishing Course Today To Get Started! Most students find it takes about 30 days to complete the course and become a bestseller on Amazon. It might take a little longer if you're a brand new author and still working on completing your first book than it would if you've already published books on Kindle and are just looking for help in the marketing and sales department. Get Hands On Training From a #1 Bestselling Author Who Walks The Talk and Earns a Full-Time Income from Ebook Royalties Alone “I will personally be available to answer all your questions that come up while you progress through the course and on your journey to becoming a bestselling author!” – Tom Corson-Knowles It's Time To Make a Choice About Your Career as an Author… Of the two roads before you, the one on the left is the road you’ve been traveling already… it’s rough, uphill, rocky, and full of pain, struggle and rejection as an author. On the right, there is the road less traveled. It’s been smoothed by the skilled hands of numerous bestselling authors who have come before you, and it's proven to be the easiest way to becoming a bestselling author! Choose the right road. Let’s walk that road together. To your success, Tom Corson-Knowles P.S. Just scroll up and click “Take This Course” now to start on your journey to becoming a bestselling author. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Become a Bestselling Author on Amazon Kindle - online training

Wildlife Photography: How To Get Close - online training

Wildlife photography is among filming's greatest challenges. At its best, it occurs in wild places and conditions, deals with shy subjects, offers no possibility for shooter-subject communication or direction, and seldom allows “scheduling” for best conditions. Even so, it's not simply random; proper knowledge helps you achieve consistent success in this highly-rewarding pursuit.This course shows both still photographers and videographers how to get close to living, wild subjects in their natural habitats. The author's 35 years of professional wildlife photography experience are broken into simple and inexpensive ways to help you jump-start your own exciting portfolio. You'll learn to find wildlife “hotspots”; how to build and use natural or portable blinds; how to use animals' senses and behaviors to photographic advantage; game calling techniques; and how to use animal migrations and life cycles for better pictures. You'll learn tricks that produce immediate and stunning results.This is not a camera class, though equipment considerations are discussed as needed. This class is unique in providing real tips for engaging the natural world on its own terms. You'll quickly discover that such knowledge is far more valuable than owning expensive gear. In fact, using this information may allow surprisingly good imagery with even point-and-shoot cameras.Whether your interest is making money through publication, sharing through programs, or simply to satisfy your favorite hobby, this wildlife course pays for itself many times over. Take it and make your own great wildlife pictures! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Wildlife Photography: How To Get Close - online training

How To Lose 19.8 lbs In 21 Days - online training

 I Lost 100 lbs in 106 DaysCan you do that too?  Maybe, but even if you do a fraction of what I did you'd be pretty happy wouldn't you?  This is a detailed day by day guide showing you exactly:What to eatWhen to eat itWhat to do for strength trainingWhen to do strength trainingWhat to do for cardio trainingWhen to do cardio trainingHow to keep focusedHow to stay motivatedThis 21 day program is a proven system that I used to lose my weight.  I started at 340 lbs and finished at 240 lbs.  It took me 106 days to do this.  But this is a shorter version so that you can see results quickly and experience what it's like to finally lose weight and keep it off. Weight loss is a mindset and a lifestyle change.  You can do it all on your own, but it's not easy.  We go through the 4 pillars of weight loss and you get accountability to the group on our Facebook Page too.3 Levels To Choose FromWe offer 3 levels for you since we understand that everyone is different, has a different situation and different comfort levels.  Not to mention some have never lifted a weight in their lives so showing them a program where they have to go into a gym and “pump iron” would be not be a good idea!  So we set out 3 levels as follows, you get to pick which one suits you best:Beginner:  This is for people who have never been in a gym, have no interest in lifting weights and want to take it a bit slower to get started.  There is nothing wrong with this level, a lot of people will choose this.Intermediate:  This is for people who might have a gym membership, may have taken a step class or aerobics class in the past and are keen to move a little faster then the beginner level.Advanced:  This is the level that was done to achieve 100 lbs lost in 106 days.  It involves jogging and free weight training.  If you have experience in the gym or want to experience the gym, this is for you.  (We do suggest purchasing a book by Arnold Schwarzenegger at this level, it is available in book stores and on, it's optional to buy as well but explains free weight exercises better then we could ever do).The videos walk you through each level and how to choose the one for you.  You can switch levels at anytime too, so if you start at the beginner level and are feeling motivated, you jump to the other levels at anytime.The First “Online Trainer”Think of the class as your own online trainer.  If you can follow simple instructions you can do this.  You don't need to pay someone big bucks to lose weight.  Don't bother following expensive programs that are just out to empty your wallet.  This works and is proven by me.Do It With A BuddyIt's been proven that when you lose weight with a buddy you tend to have more success.  So we do encourage you to do the program with a buddy.  HOWEVER you can think of the group as your online weight loss support buddies.Ready to finally get off the weight loss and gain rollercoaster?Take the program now. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Lose 19.8 lbs In 21 Days - online training

How learning The 12 Universal Laws will change your life - online training

How to become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own life. Our Universe is run by Universal Laws. These laws are as real as the laws of physics. Once you know how these laws work you will know “The rules to the Game of Life”. Most people are ignorent of these laws and as such they are unconscious creators of their own reality. This course will help you become a CONSCIOUS CREATOR of your own reality. Anything is possible once you know these laws.  1. This course will show you how the Universe is set up and how The 12 Universal Laws work. You will be given actions steps you need to take for each law helping you become a conscious creator of your own reality.2. The course is video based.3. You will learn by watching the videos and follow the actions steps for each law.4. The course material contains background video, introductory videos, videos for each of the 12 laws as well as a summary video for the whole course. 5. You will also get access to a free e-book supporting the course content. The e-book is all about subconscious programming: Unlock The Power of Your SubConscious Mind.6. Some of the video sessions are also available as audio files – mp3 files.7. Taking this cours will change your life for the better since you will “know the rules to the game”. Most people don´t know about these laws so taking this course will help become a conscious creator of your own reality and a conscious co-creator of the world. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How learning The 12 Universal Laws will change your life - online training

How To Motivate And Persuade With Great Presentations - online training

OVER 800 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE Whether you are making a pitch to venture capitalists to fund your project, your boss to let you lead the next project, a prospective client to close a sale, or the local government officials about recycling, you want to make a presentation that is persuasive, inspiring, and motivating. Why is it that some presentations are boring and others are riveting? That's what you are going to learn in this course. Whether you are new to presenting or an experienced speaker, this course will teach you how to go to the next level and beyond. Examples of what is in this course: What you need to know about how people think learn, listen and see The latest brain science on what grabs people's attention and how people learn The psychology of how people react to you — your voice, hand gestures, body posture The “Magic Formula” to use when putting together a talk Whether or not to use slides, and if you do, what to put on them What motivates people to take action Whether, when, and how to do a Q&A How to decide on a call to action for your particular audience Quizzes to test what you are learning Exercises to practice what you are learning and much, much more! About This Course: Over 800 very happy students Unconditional 30 day money back guarantee from Udemy All future upgrades and lectures are included for FREE Includes a free evaluation of your presentation video Click the “Take This Course” button at the top right of this page now and get started right away. You don't want to delay learning how to create and deliver persuasive, motivating and inspiring presentations. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Motivate And Persuade With Great Presentations - online training

Public Speaking Secrets 101-Overcome Fear of Public Speaking - online training

How To Get Started This multi-media course, The Secrets of Successful Speech Making for the first time presenter, offers a comprehensive, flexible set of course materials. You may wish to watch the entire videos first, and then watch it again with your online Workbook. Wear comfortable clothes, and have paper and pencil ready, so that you can pause the video and work on the exercises at your own pace. Each topic is clearly explained and demonstrated on the videos, and accompanied in the online Workbook with suggested exercises, practice tips, and checklists. The course is filled with practical information about conducting a sound check, voice warm-ups, and reminders that will help you avoid common public-speaking missteps. As you gain more experience, jot down observations about what worked, what didn’t, and what ideas you may have for future presentations. As you look at your earlier notes, you’ll be amazed at the obstacles you’ve overcome! Designed so you can study at your own pace, implementing these methods and practices will help you achieve a more confident level of speaking. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Public Speaking Secrets 101-Overcome Fear of Public Speaking - online training

How To Promote Your Udemy Course Using Google Adwords - online training

 IntroductionSo your course is done, you hit publish and now the money rolls in while you sleep right?  NOPE, now comes the hardest part!  You have to get people to view your course and then hopefully they'll buy it.  This is called “traffic”.  We're going to show you how to get this traffic from Google.  They've got an advertising program, completely controlled online called Google Adwords.I'm Not Affiliated With Google Adwords or UdemyI don't work for them, I'm not endorsed by them in any way, (although it would be awesome if I were).  I'm just a guy who's done this before and trained over 10,000 pay per click marketers since 2004.Google AdwordsGoogle Adwords is a HUGE source of traffic for your course.  It's “paid” traffic meaning you have to buy it but it's an awesome way to get virtually instant traffic to your course only limited by the amount of money you want to give to Google.Google makes the bulk of their money through advertising from people like you, me and several large corporations.  Google’s total revenues for 2012 were $50 billion.   Adwords consistently accounts for approximately 97% of Google’s revenues.  Why do people continue to pay Google these outrageous sums?  Because they make a lot more than they spend and so can you, (with the right training).  They operate on a “pay per click” basis.  Meaning you only pay when someone clicks your ad.  Pretty nifty isn't it?If this is all greek to you at this point, no worries, you'll be a Google Adwords master by the time you're done & your course will be getting all the traffic you want!Ready to get a lot of people looking at your Udemy course?Let's get going… – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Promote Your Udemy Course Using Google Adwords - online training

Learn to be an Animator. Part 1. "Good habits" - online training

  During this course, by repeating exercises, explained in the Videos, Students will learn Animation Work Flow by using:Projects.Incremental save.Graph Editor as their main Animation tool, working with splines and tangents.Time Slider and Copy/Past/Delete functions.Drag and Drop ToolExtremes and Breakdowns  When Students will be required to download Animation models (rigs), they will be provided with direct links to those models.  It should take from 1 to 2 weeks to complete the course.”Learn to be an Animator” is 100%video, easy to follow, step by step instructions of gradually increasing complexity. students are required to repeat the manipulations while they watch the video, and then practice on their own several times before taking another video. It consists of two sections. Preparatory procedures: making projects, learning to Save, undo, delete/copy/paste etc.Animation Exercises with pendulums of increasing complexity.This Course is a no-nonsense approach to Animation technique, taught at deliberately slow pace. All the tools are introduced one by one, giving Students plenty of opportunity to practice them. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Learn to be an Animator. Part 1. "Good habits" - online training

Learn How To Master Dropshipping Fast and Easily - online training

Have to ever considered eCommerce & Drop-Shipping?Do you want to make a full-time income and only want to work part time?Do you want to work from anywhere in the world?Do you want to work whenever you want?Do you want to be your own BOSS?…no more working for the man!If so, then this course is for you!This is a complete step by step video tutorial course on how to build and design your own fully functional eCommerce website.Sam England, who is an A+ rated eCommerce Expert will teach you how to properly build your very own eCommerce website in only a few days using WordPress and free plugins to help you maximize your stores profits.Sam takes you through the configuration and installation of some of the most
popular WordPress plugins to add to your E-Commerce website. He also covers
topics ranging from how to find reliable drop-shippers quickly, taking payments, calculating taxes and shipping methods, returns of physical products, picking the best domain names and so much more…By the time you finish this course you will be able to setup your very own eCommerce store and have your products available to the world to see and buy from you….now that's cool isn't it 🙂 – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Learn How To Master Dropshipping Fast and Easily - online training

How To Start A T Shirt Transfer Printing Business From Home - online training

 In this course we'll be taking you through the whole procedure on what you need to start a home business in the t shirt transfer printing business. We'll show you exactly the things we do and show you the equipment and the different procedures you'll need to know including the correct materials and equipment you'll need to produce successful decorated t shirts.We cover the following:SECTION 1Introuction – A bit about how we started in the T Shirt Transfer Printing Business including the mistakes we made and why Transfer Printing is the most cost effective way to get into the T Shirt Printing Business.The Different Types of T Shirt Printing – In this section, we look at the other ways to print onto T Shirts and explain the pro's and con's with each method.The Equipment Needed – In this section we look at the equipment required and share the quipment we use and are still using.SECTION 2The Transfer Paper – In this section we reveal the transfer papers we use and the differences between the papers for printing on different color garments.Creating Your Designs – In this section we show how we use the cutter software and actually get an image onto transfer paper and produce the cut lines for the cutter to automate the job.SECTION 3Using The Heat Press – In this section we show you how to use the heat press to produce the finished garment including some important pre press procedures to ensure there is no moisture present when pressing images onto T shirts.Black T Shirt Transfer Application – In this section we take you through the differences when printing on a black or colored T shirt compared to printing on a White T shirt.Conclusion, Marketing And Resources – In this section we give you some tips that we used when we started off by generating local customers on a limited budget.SECTION 4Heat Hress Facts – In this section we show you why you shouldn't buy an inferior heat press and what to check for when you buy this important piece of equipment.SECTION 5We finish off with some course notes and additional material. Don't skip this. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Start A T Shirt Transfer Printing Business From Home - online training

Happy Relationships: What Are Twin Flames & Soul Mates? - online training

Are you tired of mediocre relationships?Is your soul longing for more depth and meaning in your relationships?Then this course is for you!This course is not for you if you are looking to collect phone numbers or want to find sexual partners.When you're done with this course, you will know exactly what you want from a relationship and what you can offer (it's not what you think). **********************************************************“Your words have removed a veil.” Estelita**********************************************************You will know what's realistic and what's pure fantasy. You will get grounded and practical advice so you can be a deliberate creator of a divine relationship that will be the example for all your friends to follow.**********************************************************“I love all your scientific explanations about this topic.” LisMarys**********************************************************You will learn about the importance of your chakra system and receive 'aha' inspiring insights as to why you've been attracting the partners you've been attracting until now.You will also learn about male DNA ending up in women's brains – how to stop taking on other people's karma and what true, divine and sacred sexuality is.We are on an evolutionary path and each of us are called to higher ground, more purity, more purpose, transparency and more integrity in our relationships. Why then is it so hard to find a truly compatible partner?This course will examine the difference between twin flames (twin souls), soul mates, and divine relationships.**********************************************************“You just saved me from repeating the same mistakes in falling for the wrong person. This is indeed a time of acceleration of evolution.” Olivia X.**********************************************************There are four reasons and types of relationships, with the last one being the most coveted and most sought-after and most desired. But do you have what it takes to create such a divine relationship that will stand the test of time?Find out by taking this jam-packed course right now.This course features videos, audios, PowerPoint presentations, slide shows and several bonuses featuring other experts on the topic.I have a huge following on my YouTube channel with 15,000 subscribers and over 2 million views, hundreds of videos and podcasts, all about creating divine relationships. I also wrote the book, Quantum Love: Twin Flames – Myth or Reality? – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Happy Relationships: What Are Twin Flames & Soul Mates? - online training

How To Run Your Business On Cloud Systems - online training

Learn the principles and 'blueprint' to running a lean, cost-effective company on Internet-based business systems and tools, from a working entrepreneur, former CIO and professional 'explainer.'”Cloud Computing” is more than a buzzword. All of the systems required to run a company are available now.  The huge time-and-cost roadblock of old fashioned IT is gone – for the companies that grab the opportunity.  This course will teach you how.My aim in this course is to give business owners a blueprint for building and running their business on SaaS (“Software as a Service”) solutions. It's not a technical course for cloud-computing IT professionals. It's a pragmatic approach to evaluating, selecting and running cloud systems for business use.Some technical terms are unavoidable, so by design, the course materials are all visual, to help grasp the concepts and connections even if the terms are unfamiliar.  When I mention specific companies and services, it's not a 'commercial endorsement' – it's my opinion, based on firsthand use.You won't find this approach to business cloud-computing spelled out in any single book, because I haven't written it yet.  I run two successful businesses this way, with a business partner and employees.  We've made mistakes, refined, evaluated and learned the hard way.  Watching these lessons will, I hope, save you a few years of the same challenges and let you focus on your business!This is just a better way to get systems that support running and growing business.  If you don't agree, or if it doesn't work for your specific business, contact me within 30 days and I'll happily refund your course fee.   – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Run Your Business On Cloud Systems - online training

How To Start An Online eBook Business To Replace Your Income - online training

Discover how to tap into the $2Billon river of money that is available online this year for eBooks.
…and how to turn your eBook publishing business into a
ongoing business that can be grown to 5 and even 6 figures and beyond.
Imagine being able to write your book once yet get paid for it an autopilot over and over again for years to come…
Imagine being able to find hungry markets of desperate buyers who are ready and waiting to buy the books you create, tell their friends and become ready fans for your second and third book as well.
How would it be if you could completely replace your normal income and even increase it working only a few hours a week from anywhere in the world you choose?
Well now you can with eBook publishing empire.
Written by the team at and… (a $10 Million education business) they reveal some of their power tactics for finding hot markets, researching trends and creating hot, fast selling content that people are desperate for.
You will also discover highly advanced strategies for scientific title and cover design to ensure that your book sells like the last 10 tins of baked beans at the end of the world sale.
· For beginners and advanced alike we walk you through finding the right niche for your book
· or tweaking your knowledge to target it at a hungry market.
· How to quickly and cheaply find all the information you need to create your eBook.
· How to write it in a single weekend (and where to find the right people to write it for you if you can't be bothered to write it yourself)
· Secret tricks to naming your book and designing the perfect cover
· How to market your book
· create buzz
· get people to help you spread the word
· finding free bonuses to incentivize people to buy
· building your own website and blog to sell from and build interest
· using social media to create interest in your book
· how to publish to Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble and other big players
· Our secret tricks to rank inside of Amazon to get your book more eyeballs and sales
· Siphoning traffic from Amazon to your website (and getting paid for it)
· The one thing you need to create ongoing cash injections at the push of a button
· How to get paid
· how to maximize what you get paid
· how to get paid for other people's products
· how to turn your eBook business into a 6 figure ongoing business
· How to turn your business into a 7 figure business…
· How to quickly create other products which you can sell to your fans
· How to master virtual staffing so that other people run most of your business giving you all the free time you want.
· how to avoid legal complications with the inclusion of effective disclaimers and legal templates.
· How to cheaply drive traffic to your website, book or offer to tap new audiences.
· How to drive thousands of targeted buyers to your offer with Google for the loose change in your pocket.
and much, much more…
This course is not designed as “nice” or “useful information”…
Ebook Publishing empire is designed as a comprehensive training program that you follow along with step by step…
…So that at the end of the training you will have…
· a book written
· in a hot selling niche,
· a website,
· a social media presence,
· or self published book ranking in Amazon and…
· your first sales and
· cash in the bank.
Plus you will have a template to create your next project, and your next one…
…each of will have the infrastructure around it to create passive income for years to come!
Aside from the manual you are also getting around 5 hours of comprehensive video training which walks you through each step and demonstrates live examples which you can use to set up your own eBook Publishing Empire.
If you are ready to replace your income and start living life on your own terms then enroll for this training now download the manual and working your way through the videos – taking each step yourself toward your very own profitable and successful eBook Publishing Empire.
Click the Yellow “take this course button” now to get instant access – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Start An Online eBook Business To Replace Your Income - online training

How To Create Your Own Website (eCommerce) - online training

If you've always wanted to build an E-commerce website for your business, this course is going to teach you exactly what you need to know from start to finish. The Quick Start Website is a step-by-step video tutorial course to help you get your first WordPress website up and running. Who Is This Course For? If you've always wanted to get a E-commerce website for your business then this is going to be the course for you. If you already have a WordPress website and you have some features which you would like to add, but you don't know how to, then this course will help you – I am also happy to make extra tutorials for anything not covered in the course! Beginners who want to get their off-line business on-line It Is Probably Not For You If: You are very proficient with WordPress already, though there is a chance that may learn something new! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Create Your Own Website (eCommerce) - online training

Relationship Mind Mastery: The Essentials - online training

What’s the secret to having great relationships?It’s simple really. Most people look at the other person – whether that be a life partner, relative, friend, colleague, etc. – and they think, “If only this person would change, our relationship would be awesome.”But the secret to having great relationships has nothing to do with changing the other person. The secret is basically this… be the change you wish to see when you’re with the other person.(Yes, we know, we stole that one right out of Gandhi’s playbook. To paraphrase another great thinker, Isaac Newton, we gladly acknowledge that we’re standing on the shoulders of giants!)Choose “Easy”Changing the other person? That’s really hard work and not much in your control. Some would say it’s pretty impossible. Changing yourself so that you attract the response and the relationships you want? That’s much easier. And we’re all for choosing easy!This course guides you along the easier path because it’s about what YOU can do to be awesome in your relationships. We've taken knowledge that has been accumulated by great minds over eons of observing human interactions and condensed it all into several essential principles that you can implement using minimum willpower through the 13×4 System.Here’s what you can expect to get from this course:Increase your awareness of how to be great in your relationships with profoundly easy-to-use thought & action algorithms.Create a vision for each of your most important relationships and imagine best possible outcomes for the challenging ones.Increase your ability to communicate effectively, including becoming a better listener.Use the 13×4 System to put your relationship improvement plan on auto-pilot.  You will have to do the work, but it will take minimum will.Join us to learn and apply the wisdom of some of the greatest minds in the field of self-development to improve, nurture and develop mutually-beneficial and loving relationships with friends, family and professional colleagues. They’ll love you for it!_______________________________________________________________________Feedback about the simplicity and usefulness of the 13×4 System:***** This 13×4 is a roadmap that breaks a big concept down to small, doable pieces…  A lot of people have theory, but not everyone can show you how to actually do something and how to do it your own way.***** Simplicity indeed, just notice what you would have done:  A very well presented method for improving your situation, self and finances or business.  It gives a methodology that can be used by anyone to improve their situation now with minimal effort.  It shows/proves that you are not the sum of your past, but the limitless possibilities of your future.***** Amazing mind mastery that is simple and fun to apply:  The 13 x 4 tool is a practical and simple tool that is applicable to anyone who wants to master a number of things (in this case 13) in a manageable way by focusing on each area for a week. Tom Cassidy and Angela Loeb explain this in a very clear and natural way that keeps you interested and amused! ***** Useful Tool! Highly Recommended:  Thanks!!***** Simple concept, great speaker:The concept 13×4 is very simple. I will review my goals and fit them in this format.   – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Relationship Mind Mastery: The Essentials - online training

How To Do More, Faster - Set And Reach Any Goal You Wish - online training

Master The Skill Of Goal Setting To Achieve Results Like Never Before Goals are very important part of anyone’s life. Especially if you're just starting out a new part of your life : new school, new job, new city … Then, setting the right goal and pursuing it is crucial part of your life. People who live their life without any goals often fail to get what they have always dreamed of, without even really trying to get it. Some people have this philosophy of being contented with what they have, which is good to some extent, but it does not work for you in the long run. You always need a purpose to move on and get a better life, and this purpose is provided to you by goals. In this whole course, I will show you the whole process of identifying goals, pursuing those goals and finally reaching them, making them part of your life. Goals can make your life far easier and better. If you take your goals seriously, and follow the steps and strategies in this course, then I am 100 percent sure that it will not only make your life better, but it will also help you in resolving all of your problems more easily. If all of the above is not making sense to you, then you should still start this course, because in it you will come across all the details. Wow, this is too good to be true! Will this cost me an arm? Here’s the good news, NO.I want everybody to be able to have access to these great goal setting tools . So how much will this cost you? REAL WORLD VALUE = $199 But hey, like I said. I want EVERYBODY to be able to afford this amazing Goal Setting Course: So, I’ve decided to lower the costs of this product. Hence, your total investment in “How To Set And Reach Any Goal You Wish” Is: 99$ BUT, I'm making a special price for the first 300 early birds here : I'm giving it away for the first people getting this offer, for : $29 only (launch price) for the first 300 fast action takers! I don’t want you to miss out on this amazing opportunity! Take action before it's too late and the price goes up again! P.S Remember, It’s not how much you stand to gain, but how much you stand to lose out by not taking action. P.P.S If you’re sick of others telling you that you can’t succeed in your life, It’s high time you showed them who is the boss! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Do More, Faster - Set And Reach Any Goal You Wish - online training

Public Speaking: How To Think & Speak More Clearly - online training

Your career success greatly if not solely depends on your ability to THINK and SPEAK clearly.  Do people pay attention when you speak?  Do they understand what you're saying?  Are you able to present yourself and your ideas in a manner such that people are persuaded by what you say?  You have great potential.  But people will not recognize it IF you're not able to organize your thoughts clearly, and then present those thoughts in a way that virtually anyone can understand them. Take this course, put into practice what you learn, and you'll find that more people will…Maintain eye contact with you while you speak,Nod in agreement when you're presenting,Seek you out for advice,More readily accept your ideas,By from you,Hire you, andPromote you!Companies are requiring that you have the ability to communicate well in English, work well with teams and be able to present information in such a way that you engage the audience and not bore the heck out of them.  I know you have the ability to present your ideas intelligently.  THIS course will give you the exact tools you need start thinking and speaking with such great clarity that more and more people will instantly recognize your intelligence.  Take this course, equip yourself and watch the doors of opportunity fly open for you. This course contains not only downloadable videos, but also the complete program in mp3 format so that you can listen on the go! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Public Speaking: How To Think & Speak More Clearly - online training

Create a WordPress website for your creative business - online training

Create your own website for your small business using WordPress! This course focuses on creating a simple website–from the ground up. Before we even get started designing the site, we'll go over the details of your business, content creation, and basic branding. After that, we'll set up hosting, a domain name, and install WordPress–then we'll get to designing, installing plugins, and getting everything up and running! Oh, and there's NO coding! Note: This course is very NON-technical and focuses more on the “why” behind making a website than the “how” of the technical aspects. This way you create a website that is geared toward your dream client and that sells your products and services–not just a pretty website that does nothing for you. If you're looking for a technical course on how to create a website, this course is NOT for you. If you're looking for an easy-to-follow course on how to create a simple website that sells your products and services, sign up! This course includes: A resource list of websites, products, and services that I use and love Worksheets to help keep your website and business on track and focused around your goal–selling products and services Short videos that cover one topic at a time–so you can find exactly what you need and work at your own pace This course is designed for: Busy entrepreneurs and indie business owners who can't afford to hire out website design and development–or who just want to learn to do it themselves without investing a huge amount of time or money Small business owners who already have a website, but find it's not selling their products or services as well as it could be And it's mostly geared towards ladies, as there's a lot of pink, but men will find the content useful too! Note: This course relies heavily on the Genesis Framework and the Gravity Forms plugin. These are premium WordPress themes and plugins. Other options are mentioned, but the videos and instructions will feature these premium options. While it's possible to get a lot out of this course without making these investments, I highly recommend them if you want to create a professional website. Links to these resources are included in the course material. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Create a WordPress website for your creative business - online training

How To Stay Relevant Online - online training

Sometimes staying relevant online is a challenge within itself. In this course we're going to talk about how to stay relevant and stay ahead of the game. The only materials that you would need to master this course will be an Internet connection from any type of device. I've done everything in my power to keep the course shortest possible, my main objective is to make sure that you get through it within 1 to 2 sessions. This course is mainly set up behind a screen share to show you real-life daily interactions. All the events that you see within the course are live and gear towards myself as a web developer. From my examples it will be very easy for you to tailored towards your niche. However you're able to obtain the resources you will be able to utilize your iPad your phone your tablet or desktop computer to take the skills to staying relevant online. Enjoy =) – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Stay Relevant Online - online training

How To Discover and Fulfill Your Destiny - online training

Is it possible that there are no accidents and coincidences in the universe? That you're given just what you need…right when you need it? This course is for you if you have experienced or are experiencing any of the following: -You feel a longing within you to serve in a significant way -You are unsatisfied with your current job or career path -You want closer more fulfilling relationships -Your ready for a change in your current lifestyle -You have goals and dreams but don't know how to make them a reality -You feel stuck where you are and aren't sure how to break through the obstacles -You don't have as much money as you would like to accomplish what you desire -You feel overworked, undervalued, and are ready to experience a profound change According to a scientific study conducted at the Rush University Medical Center, discovering and following a greater purpose in life is associated with lower mortality rates. This is just one study amongst thousands of others that show how knowing and participating in your purpose/destiny can eliminate depression, anxiety, and an unsatisfactory lifestyle. In this course you will learn how to easily and effortlessly discover and fulfill your destiny. You will be taught specific tools and techniques to discover and align with your purpose, manifest your desires, and become at peace with who you truly are –an amazing spiritual being. The course includes integrative meditations which bring together relaxing visuals, affirmations, and on screen guidance. These meditations give you the opportunity to relax very deeply and helps to alter negative subconscious beliefs. The back bone of this course incorporates a spiritual outlook on The Law of Attraction that guides you to attract and bring about what you truly want. This course is recommended to be taken as a 12 week course, with each lesson taking about a week to complete. However, it is only a recommendation and the course can be completed at your own pace. Each lesson contains: -A 10-20 minute spoken lesson designed to introduce and simplify the main topic. -A creative workbook to enhance your experience of the lessons topic. The workbook gives you the opportunity to experience the lesson firsthand with powerful questions and activities. -An Integrative Meditation to guide you into relaxation and inner calm. While in a relaxed state, you will affirm the information you learned so your subconscious can begin to change it's negative belief patterns. I invite you to consider how this course could change your experience of life and the understanding of who you truly are. Why Is It Important To Discover and Fulfill My Destiny? All we ever have is the present moment. We no longer have yesterday and the future is but a glimmer of maybes and what if's. There is more to life than the everyday routines and the conditioned behavior patterns within you. There are powerful aspects of yourself that give you the opportunity to express your role as a creator in your own life. By taking the first step to discover and fulfill your destiny you are making a statement to the universe that your ready for a change. This one step can make a substantial difference in your lifelong happiness levels, the kind of happiness that comes from within and is unlimited and infinite. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Discover and Fulfill Your Destiny - online training

Unreal Development Kit Level Dressing - Essential skills 1 - online training

This is a comprehensive guide for the UDK (Unreal Development Kit) that shows you, the developer, how to create a realistic game level that is both professional looking and also “Fit for purpose”.  What this means is that your levels will be intuitive, correctly move the player from one area to another without allowing them to stray off course and will still allow the player to feel like they have freedom, while at the same time immersing the player in a more detailed experience.  Creating game levels should be an interesting and fun experience and in this set of lectures I will focus on showing you everything, from cradle to grave, in an interesting and informative manner that will teach you how to create a meaningful and interesting game area.  Using the skills I will teach you, you will then be able to apply this knowledge to your own game levels and show a level of skill and professional output above your peers.  By pushing you into the deep end and making you get your “hands dirty” by actually following along, you will learn way more than by reading and trying to digest endless dull information and at the end there is no reason that you should not be able to make a great looking level!Take this course if you really want to improve your UDK skills while at the same time learning the importance of aesthetics in video game levels and of course getting a hands on practical approach from a teacher who explains every step carefully and clearly.  I am available to answer questions and will check in daily in case anyone is needing help on the course and to answer questions! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Unreal Development Kit Level Dressing - Essential skills 1 - online training

Saturday 20 January 2018

Develop your CRITICAL THINKING skills - easily! - online training

Are you one of the 9 out of 10 people out there who could do with a brain boost? Falling behind at college because you don't seem to learn as effectively as your peers? Not getting that promotion at work because someone else seems a lot smarter than you? Find yourself making the wrong decisions all the time? Find it difficult to solve problems? Have problems persuading other people? Don't worry. A lot of the above problems really boil down to you being able to think more logically and rationally and being able to present your point across in a clear and convincing way. That's where improving your critical thinking skills is important. Simply put, critical thinking skills help you think better and smarter. Developing your critical thinking skills is not as hard as you might think. In this, one of the comprehensively structured courses in critical thinking, we provide you with a simple and fun way to do just that. Warning – this is not your typical dry academic course in logic and philosophy! We take some elements of logic and philosophy, but are more interested in getting people to apply those ideas in in the real-world. Boost your brainpower in just a few days! How? I explain in very simple terms each key step in the critical thinking process that is designed to build up your confidence as a critical thinker. You'll learn quickly and effectively with easy-to-digest videos that cover basic concepts along with practical examples. What can be better than spending less than 5 minutes each day picking up a new critical thinking concept or idea? You will be using your portfolio of critical skills in no time! And because the videos are small digestible chunks and easily indexed, you can quickly review and remind yourself of what you have learned. I've specifically designed the course in this way so it's like having your own personal library on tap at any time – and remember, you get lifetime access for only US$49! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Develop your CRITICAL THINKING skills - easily! - online training

Stress Management - online training

Say goodbye to Stress forever How would you like to be Stress Free in 7 days? Are you always worrying about life, money, family, or even your health? Do you wake up at around 4am in the morning and then struggle to get back to sleep? Is the merry-go-round of thought in your head, seemingly non-stop? Is your stress affecting your health, your relationships, your career or even your loved ones? Why won’t any of the ‘other’ stress remedies out there help you? What can be done to stop you feeling stressed forever? My name is Damian Mark Smyth, and I am a stress management coach. I am also a teacher and trainer in a field of modern psychology called the ‘Three Principles’. This area of prevention has been proven to work with even the most extreme cases (including in maximum security prisons) and it will give you the freedom you require from stress forever. I should know. I recently went through a divorce and custody battle and came through it completely unscathed. In fact, people were often saying to me how impossibly calm I was throughout the whole thing. You too can learn the secrets about stress that will change your life around so you will no longer have to live with the constant fear, worry and anxiety. You too will be stress-free in 7 days. This course is designed to give you the understanding behind the human operating system and to show you how the process works. As with anything else, once you have an understanding of how a system works, it’s a darn sight easier to then correct it. Think about your car. If you know how it’s put together and functions, it’s a lot easier to fix it when it goes haywire. There are no catches, no tricks, no hidden surprises… all of the ideas in this course are simple to follow and even easier to put into practice. In fact, there is a great deal of ‘doing nothing’ involved. And there’s a very good reason for this: When we listen through what we know, we limit ourselves to what we already know. So I will be asking you to leave what you already know ‘at the door’ before you enter. The reason this programme works and is life changing is BECAUSE it’s different to what you already know. That’s got you to where you are right now – without a solution. This programme IS the solution. So get ready for a life changing seven days, as we get you stress free forever! All the modules in this programme come with an audio download, along with the written version, which means you have the choice of how to use the material. Either way, the course is interactive, so please provide answers to the questions at the bottom of the module. This will help me tailor the understanding that you will be getting to your personal requirements and answer any queries you may have. It will also help me to get a better idea of who you are and how to achieve stress free success quickly and efficiently. The approach outlined within this course is very different to other, more traditional 'stress management' programs. Therefore it is likely that you will have insights and queries that may well need addressing by me – this is an online coaching course as much as an instructional process. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: Stress Management - online training

How To Make A Magazine - Create an Apple Newsstand Magazine - online training

You can now join 200+ digital publishers in this course showing you step by step how to publish a magazine on the Apple iOS Newsstand. Great changes are happening in the digital publishing world. People are changing their reading habits; they are consuming information in different ways and when it comes to magazines, readers want the latest issues delivered instantly to their digital devices. They also want a wider choice and realize they can access magazines from around the globe, instantly. These changes are just the beginning of a new world in publishing, content creation and distribution, and this course will ensure you are in the right place to be at the forefront with publishing to mobile devices and tablets. Digital Publishing Made Easy This digital magazine publishing course is a one of a kind complete step by step solution for companies or individuals who want to publish their own magazines on the Apple Newsstand. This course makes it a simple process to take an existing magazine and produce a complete digital magazine that can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes Newsstand. All you need to get started is a PDF of your magazine. You can then follow the course videos to turn your PDF's into digital magazines. If you can create MS Word, MS Powerpoint, Pages or Keynote files…. you can save those as PDF files and get started right away. The creation process has been broken down into simple steps so that anyone can follow the video tutorials, download the template app and produce a magazine within in less than a day. Once you have a place to store your digital files online (Website, Amazon S3 account etc..) there is ZERO cost going forward. Everything you need is free! A stark contrast to services like PageSuite, Magcast, Mag+ and Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Let's answer a few Digital Magazine questions … I am not a Magazine Publisher. Can I benefit from this course? The playing fields have been levelled. No longer do you need to have an existing magazine and a mountain of cash to develop a magazine and get it published. If you have a website, Blog or produce a newsletter… in fact, if you publish just about any content at all you can build your own magazine and get it published on iPhones and iPads. Take a look on the newsstand right now and you will see there are new magazines focused on the tiniest of niches that are gaining huge readership numbers. You can do the same. Does This Mean I Have To Create Lots Of Content? No! A great feature of making a digital magazine is that there are no limitations on what you can publish. Forget duplicate content penalties! You can repurpose all of your own existing material in you magazine(s). Think about it… Your magazine sits behing Apple's iTune store… You are not producing a website here, you are producing a magazine. You can publish what ever you like. Why would I want to publish a magazine on the iPad or iPhone? You no doubt know that being able to write and publish a digital book (think Kindle) is a fantastic way to help boost your own credibility and establish yourself as a leader in your field. Well what do you think owning a magazine will do? You build yourself a platform from which you can not only reach your audience on a regular basis (Daily, Weekly or Monthly) but also have the opportunity to bring in other experts to produce content for you. Who controls the magazine? One of the beauties of publishing a magazine using the processes highlight in this course will mean you own the complete end to end solution. There are many digital magazine solutions out there for you to choose from, but what they don't tell you is that once you start using their platform, you are stuck with them going forward and they often take a cut of you magazine profits. Not to mention the ongoing high fees they charge. This course leave you in full control of your own digital magazine solution. You own it and you get to keep 100%% of the income. Do I need to purchase any software to create the Digital Magazine? Absolutely not. There are some costs involved but these are for things like joining the Apple Developer Program ($99 per year – everyone has to do this to be able to sell app's and magazines on iTunes) and hosting you magazine files online (from as little as $3 per month). This course will show you step by step how to use existing software tools that nearly everyone already own to create the Newsstand files. One of the key goals when creating this course was to make sure you don't have to spend any money on software tools to get started. Do I have to have any programming experience? Absolutely not. All you need is to produce a PDF. From there just follow along with the video instructions. Can I ask for Support? Most definitely. You can ask as many questions as you wish and Pete will answer. Do I need a Mac to do the course? Ideally yes, but it is not absolutely necessarily. The course also includes a section on how you can rent a virtual Mac online for just a few dollars. Can I add interactivity to the magazine? Yes you can. If you know anything about HTML or are able to create HTML5 web pages, you will love this course. Anything you can do on a web page you can add into your magazines…. Videos, Audio, Interactive elements, javascript, transitions, social integration…. this list just goes on and on. ********************************************** You'll Learn How to design your magazine so it fit perfectly on the iPad. How to structure your magazine pages to take advantage of the Barker Framework magazine Index navigation functionality. How to make simple tweak to your pages for dramatic effects. How to store your magazine issues online for easy downline by your magazine app. How easy it is for you to add as many back issues of your magazine as you wish. Fast magazine creation techniques and what pitfalls to look out for. The easy way to create you apps on iTunesConnect. How to setup free magazine subscriptions. Important testing techniques to makes sure you magazine looks awesome on the iPad before releasing it live. How to track down bugs and test out changes super super fast. The various Baker Framework configurations options to make you magazines work in lanscape and portrait modes. Learn how to turn on page zooming SPECIAL BONUSES As a special bonus, you will get access to Pete's very own magazine issue creation software that lets you create your magazine issues in under 2 minute! Saving hours and hours of time. This app is currently in development and will be release as soon as the final bugs are ironed out. If you want a pre-release, just ask once you have signed up! Once enough people are on-board, you will get access to a special Publishers online community where you can share ideas, tricks and techniques to make the most out of you magazines. So what are you waiting for? If you have any questions you need answered before signing-up, send Pete a message here on Udemy or on facebook – I want you to feel 100%% confident in this course so you are assured that you will get the best results you can get. I look forward to seeing you inside the course. Get Started Today! – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Make A Magazine - Create an Apple Newsstand Magazine - online training

How To Conquer The Excuses That Keep You From Finishing - online training

You’re sick of being scared. You’re tired of feeling overwhelmed. You’re dying to finish something. But you can’t expect to finish something if don’t know what’s keeping you from doing so. I’d like to share with you the psychological foundations and the tested methods of those people who get stuff done. Because if you can’t finish, it doesn’t count. What would you get done if nothing could stop you? Welcome to Ready. Set. Finish. – The Course Your Excuses Don’t Want You To Take. Hi. I'm Bassam Tarazi I created Colipera, am author of The Accountability Effect, co-founded The Nomading Film Festival & The Ignition Lab and was recently the Director of Operations of Omnibuild. I have a mechanical engineering degree and a green MBA. I’ve been fortunate enough to have visited 47 countries. In short, I’m not afraid to try and I’m hell bent on finishing. Why Some People Finish And Others Don't History talks about the people who finished. All-time greats are defined on how they close games out. Developers and inventors are judged on what they produce. Bullet points on a resume are completion’s currency. Framed degrees on a wall prove to the world that you finished something you started. The people you admire, finish. You have food on your table, clothes on your back and toothpaste in the tube because someone somewhere finished something. Ideas and projects are easy to start but it’s the finishing that counts. The shoes are either tied or they are untied. The ship either floats or it doesn’t. Your website is either completed or it’s not. So many of us sit in the unfinished business part of life. Unfinished conversations destroy relationships. Unfinished projects take up space on your computer or in your garage. Unfinished dreams lie wasting away, marooned on Shoulda-Coulda Beach as we wonder what might have been. So why do some people finish and others don’t? Why are some goals reached, while others aren’t? Why do some projects persevere while others fizzle out? What I’ve found out in my own life and in my research of others is that: It’s mindsets, not tactics. Finishing something is all about completing the circle. Most of us get lost along the journey towards our goals because excuses and impediments suffocate us, we start feeling overwhelmed before we can finish. We say we want to do something, we say we should do something but we’re still not doing it. We’ve read enough books and how-to’s when it comes to getting things done. We’ve read the top 10 lists, we’ve done the research and yet, we’re still sitting there, idling. Believe me, I know. I still deal with excuses everyday. We have to understand that our excuses are savvy. They don’t want us to finish. They are betting against us. If we don’t know how they work, if we don’t know their tendencies, they are going to continue to defeat us. It’s time to finish. What Exactly IS Ready. Set. Finish.? Ready. Set. Finish. is the private, 4-week, 4-module course that was created for you so you can prepare for, plan for and react to the inevitable psychological roadblocks that will appear along your path to reaching your goals so that before you even start, you can be quite certain that you’ll finish what you start. It is a course focused on the mindset and behavior needed to finish. This course insight is brought to you through: – 2 hours of video lessons from me – Over 3 hours of interviews with 4 extremely successful professionals all who are adept at overcoming excuses in their lives and careers – 10 game-changing worksheets which will fortify your goal-setting strategy This course is not just about tested productivity tactics, because a tactic on its own is worthless if you don’t understand the strategy it rests upon. Rest assured, your excuses will come out to derail you, in the beginning, the middle or right at the end of whatever it is you’re reaching for. But you can’t navigate the hurdles in front of you if you don’t understand the excuses your brain transforms them into. – >> Click for More details…

Read more: How To Conquer The Excuses That Keep You From Finishing - online training