Sunday 28 February 2016

Discover a new paradigm for aging consciously

Transform Your journey of Aging, making later years your best years
Aging is part of the cycle of life and contains many blessings…
Yet our society not only attempts to resist this natural process; it also fails to provide any kind of viable model for helping people see all the potential...

Read more: Discover a new paradigm for aging consciously

Friday 26 February 2016

Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying

Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits
How to get higher guidance from shamanic journeying
What if you could enter into a parallel world of consciousness and receive accurate guidance on whatever life situations you face?
Well, Ive got good news… you can! Through a practice called...

Read more: Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Embodied Shamanism to Live more of your soul’s potential

Harness the Power of Shamanism to Rescript Your Life!
 The secrets to shapeshifting into a new life
You probably realize that much of your current life experience is actually running from a subconscious “script” that is, in effect, either “setting you up” for success...

Read more: Embodied Shamanism to Live more of your soul’s potential

Awaken and embody Christ Consciousness

RSVP: The Secrets of Mystical Christianity: Opening to Your Next Level of Divine Embodiment
 Discover the secret, hidden truths of the Christ Path (webcast)
So many of us have a deep connection to Jesus and the Christian tradition but may have grown disillusioned with churches or...

Read more: Awaken and embody Christ Consciousness

Monday 15 February 2016

Enneagram for Awakening - Test Figuring out Your Types

Find out How to Use the Enneagram for Awakening: Balancing Instinctual Drives in Your Soul’s Evolution
 Find out How the Enneagram illuminates your Instincts and your Soul
What if you could find an accurate and reliable “blueprint” for understanding yourself, your...

Read more: Enneagram for Awakening - Test Figuring out Your Types

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Heart Intelligence Opening the Gateway to Your Soul's Grace

Open the Gateway to Your Soul’s Grace, Beauty & Power Through your Heart Intelligence
 Your heart holds the keys to your soul’s truth and power…
Have you long understood that your heart has vast, hidden capacities and powers––IF only you could awaken them?...

Read more: Heart Intelligence Opening the Gateway to Your Soul's Grace

Wednesday 3 February 2016

What’s Body Intelligence or BQ for short

Join Body Intelligence Summit: Thriving Bodies – Thriving World
The Body Intelligence Summit: Join 25+ Top Experts
We’ve all been raised in a disembodied world… Sitting endless hours at our desks, staring at screens and disconnected from ALL of our senses in a culture that...

Read more: What’s Body Intelligence or BQ for short

Chakra Expert Event - Powering Up Your Charge

Power Up Your Charge – The Vital Key to Healing and Awakening your Life Force
The Vital Key to Healing and awakening your Life Force (replay if missed)
I’m excited to invite you to join the #1 best-selling expert on the chakra system, Anodea Judith, as she shares how you can:...

Read more: Chakra Expert Event - Powering Up Your Charge

Your Heartmath Solution for well-being and intuition boosting

Learn How To Reduce Emotional Turbulence, optimize your Well-Being & Open to Intuitive Guidance
Scientifically validated methods to boost well-being and intuition
I’m excited to bring you a very special invitation to join one of the HeartMath pioneers, Howard Martin as he shares...

Read more: Your Heartmath Solution for well-being and intuition boosting

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Trickster Medicine for your liberation - Caroline Casey event

Using the Power of Unpredictability to Liberate Your Soul & our World
Shape-shift your way into wild creativity & world-changing solutions
Are you ready to break out of stagnant old realities and shape-shift your way into ever-more freedom and wild creativity? Well, then it’s time...

Read more: Trickster Medicine for your liberation - Caroline Casey event