Saturday 5 November 2016

Alternate States of Consciousness Access

Discover the Way of the Psychonaut
Are you called to adventure beyond your ordinary mind to pioneer a new understanding of life one more deeply connected to the cosmos?
Have you been intrigued by, or perhaps even experienced firsthand, how the power of altered states, including shamanic...

Read more: Alternate States of Consciousness Access

Friday 7 October 2016

Woman Relationship Advice

Why a good man is easy to find
Are you a woman who, despite years of personal growth, is still perplexed by men and the ways they think and behave?
Do you fear that the right man who will honor your strength, wisdom and beauty may not exist?
Or that the man youre with now just doesnt get...

Read more: Woman Relationship Advice

Sunday 18 September 2016

Discover How to Write, Publish & Promote Your Book

Do you have a book inside you? An important message to share with the world?
Your story has the power to transform lives…
However, writing a book is no small task! (Let alone publishing and promoting it!)
Whether you…

Dream of becoming an author, but are stuck in the process of...

Read more: Discover How to Write, Publish & Promote Your Book


Liberate Your Highest Purpose!
How to change your life? What is the purpose of life?To Answer these questions you have to determine what holds you back…
Most of us hold ourselves back from FULLY living our highest purpose
If you could dissolve whatever that is for you the fears the...


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Feminine Life Force Sacred Power

Are you longing to liberate a more deeply feminine YOU?
The truth is that when you fully embrace the passionate feminine energy within your Shakti the result is a more fulfilling life! You can begin to tap this sacred power that courses through your veins, expands your heart, and enhances your...

Read more: Feminine Life Force Sacred Power

Sunday 4 September 2016

Medium or Psychic like Shamanic Practice - Journey to afterlife

Access other realms or afterlife – Shamanic Journeying practice
Communicating with the departed (dead) &Make Death your Ally!
Did you know that through the practice of shamanic journeying in your dreams, you can receive higher guidance from the other side thats precisely attuned to...

Read more: Medium or Psychic like Shamanic Practice - Journey to afterlife

Sunday 28 August 2016

Productive Writing Practice

Get the scoop on more joy-filled writing straight from SARK
Do you long toliberate your authentic writing voice and develop a more joyful and productive writing practice? If so, Ive got good news.
We know someone who knows thesecrets to liberating this truest voice with ease and joy. Its Susan...

Read more: Productive Writing Practice

Monday 22 August 2016

Power of Group Subtle Fields

Tap into group energy fields for personal and social healing
If youve been on a spiritual path for some time, youve probably come across the concept of the subtle body, which refers to the existence of various layers of energy that underlie the physical body.
While most of us have been exposed...

Read more: Power of Group Subtle Fields

Saturday 13 August 2016

Simple Energy Practices for vibrant health and wholeness

Dr. Sue Morter shares the secrets of Energy Codes
Would you like to learn how to effectively work with your bodys subtle energy tolive a healthier, more joyful and enlightened life?
If so, youre in luck because today, bioenergetic medicine pioneer Dr. Sue Morterpresents a FREE virtual workshop...

Read more: Simple Energy Practices for vibrant health and wholeness

Tuesday 9 August 2016

Buddha & Jesus - Brothers in Light (replay)

Evolve Your Spirituality with Andrew Harvey & Bob Thurman
The Buddha and Jesus began their journeys on Earth at vastly different times, and came out of vastly different circumstances and cultural challenges.
While the spiritual traditions that emerged from the work of these two seminal...

Read more: Buddha & Jesus - Brothers in Light (replay)

Friday 29 July 2016

Loving Yourself

The ability to receive (and give) unconditional love is one of the great blessings of life. And yet, our attempts to find asource of lovethat isnt dependent on outer circumstances often prove fruitless.
Thats why Im excited about world-renowned psychologist Margaret Pauls proven method for fully...

Read more: Loving Yourself

Saturday 16 July 2016

Deeper Meditation Practices

Join – Deepening Your Journey of Yogic Meditation with Richard Miller
Science has unequivocally confirmed it: a consistent daily meditation practice leads to better results for body, mind and soul.
Meditation can lower your stress, enhance your can-do capacity, improve your sleep, make you...

Read more: Deeper Meditation Practices

Sunday 10 July 2016

How to Improve Your Memory Loss Solutions

Those first signs of slipping memory can be a little alarming especially if you know the dreariness of that route. You may first see it in your 40s, or even younger, with memory loss symptoms like slower facial recall or where you left your keys.
What groceries were you supposed to buy? Wait ...

Read more: How to Improve Your Memory Loss Solutions

Friday 8 July 2016

Plant Medicine - Use of Herbs for Spiritual Awakening

Join Global Pioneer & Teacher David Crow
Did you know that certain plants can lower your stress, deepen your spiritual life and even improve your sex life? Still others can help you detox, rejuvenate your body and even curb the effects of aging… The capacity of plants to support ALL...

Read more: Plant Medicine - Use of Herbs for Spiritual Awakening

Saturday 2 July 2016

Awakening Shakti - the Heart of the Sacred Feminine

Shakti Summit: heart, sensuality & spirit…
As a woman, you have access to a wellspring of boundless love, spiritual wisdom and sensual vitality.When we draw from from this deep source, we are powerful and passionate, and our lives are filled with possibilityHowever, our cultural...

Read more: Awakening Shakti - the Heart of the Sacred Feminine

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Yoga Day International

From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Science
Creating the beautiful future our hearts know is possible requires us to make positive changes in our lives that support us in becoming more radiantly healthy, spiritually awake and passionately engaged.
Yoga is a powerful path to do ALL of these.
On June...

Read more: Yoga Day International

Sunday 19 June 2016

WRITING for HEALING Your Shadows

Are there darker parts of yourself that you feel deeply ashamed of?
Do you have secrets that youve never shared with anyone?
Sometimes it can be challenging to accept our shadow. But, its equally true that your shadow holds profound gifts for you (and the world), once you can surrender into what...

Read more: WRITING for HEALING Your Shadows

Thursday 16 June 2016

SUFI & Sufism: Mystical Teachings of Islam

Could the teachings of the Sufi Mystics hold the key to ecstatic surrender into true love?
Theres a reason why Rumi, one of the most important Sufi mystics, is the most beloved poet in America. It comes down to one word: love.
Andrew Harvey, mystic, scholar, founder of the Institute of Sacred...

Read more: SUFI & Sufism: Mystical Teachings of Islam

Sunday 12 June 2016

BELIEFS Holding You Back from Change in Your Life?

Do you have a big vision for your life, yet struggle with making it happen?
Do you find yourself subtly undermining your relationships, even when everything should be going well?
If youre like many people, you attribute these failures to circumstances, bad timing or just plain bad luck.
But the...

Read more: BELIEFS Holding You Back from Change in Your Life?

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Discover the Power of Enneagram

Break Free of Your Unconscious Patterns
What if you had a roadmap a “soul-map” for understanding who you are and what makes the people around you tick?
A time-tested system that integrates your whole being and can be applied to every area of your life?
And what if this map could...

Read more: Discover the Power of Enneagram

Thursday 2 June 2016

Shamanic Journeying for Healing our World with Sandra Ingerman - P2

Even if you avoid television and news sources, you undoubtedly still feel the pain of the world.
And because youre so sensitive to the suffering of others, its easy to feel sad and even depressed about the terror, oppression and poverty occurring all around the globe..
What if you could access...

Read more: Shamanic Journeying for Healing our World with Sandra Ingerman - P2

Feminine way to Awakening via Ego Relaxation

Have your efforts to awaken spiritually left you feeling at odds with parts of your normal humanity and stuck in the struggle?
What if there was a more feminine approach to awakening that was kinder, more embracing of your humanity and more effective?
If you want to stop battling with your ego...

Read more: Feminine way to Awakening via Ego Relaxation

Tuesday 24 May 2016

What is Creativity? It is Intelligence Having Fun!

Creativity! Its truly the key for creating an amazing and exceptional life!
When you tap into your creative intelligence, you tap into a higher octave of who you truly are, unleashing an exhilarating flow of vitality and creative energy that assures the best possible outcome for whatever youve...

Read more: What is Creativity? It is Intelligence Having Fun!

Saturday 14 May 2016

Christian Mysticism: Christ Path Advanced

Christ Consciousness –Secrets of Transfiguration
What if Jesus was serious when he said we would do greater works than him?That says remarkable things about our potential…
If you’ve ever been drawn to the idea that ALL of us have the potential to live into Christ Consciousness,...

Read more: Christian Mysticism: Christ Path Advanced

Tuesday 10 May 2016

Mindfulness Meditation for Healing

Mindfulness meditation is a hot topic these days
And now, with increasing research supporting its claims, isnt it time you discovered what millions of mindfulness meditation practitioners already know
Regular mindfulness meditation can have positive effects on your wellbeing, supporting your...

Read more: Mindfulness Meditation for Healing

Friday 6 May 2016

Shapeshifting - Ancient Shamanic Practices - Modern way

Changing your reality with John Perkins
Many indigenous elders have said that the most important thing we can do is shift the dream of the West from consumerism to a Dream that is more life-affirming, spiritually fulfilling, and sustainable.
I’m sure you agree this is vital for our...

Read more: Shapeshifting - Ancient Shamanic Practices - Modern way

Saturday 30 April 2016

Inspiring Women with Soul: Unique Gathering

Join 30+ Inspiring Visionary Women
What does living your most inspired life look like?
Does it include connecting with other amazing women who motivate you?
Sharing your unique gifts with the world… bringing the change you know is possible?
What about waking up each morning, feeling deeply...

Read more: Inspiring Women with Soul: Unique Gathering

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Ayurvedic Aromatherapy - Essential Oils for Your Healing

David Crows Ayurvedic Secrets
You have probably heard of Ayurveda, an ancient healing tradition in India, but what you may not know is that essential oils are some of the most powerful tools in the Ayurvedic practitioners toolbox for restoring health, balancing energetic types (doshas) and...

Read more: Ayurvedic Aromatherapy - Essential Oils for Your Healing

Friday 15 April 2016

Discover Your Most Empowering - True Colors

What color is your essence?
We want to share about something that you probably dont consider to be a tool for transformation, but it can affect your life profoundly
…And that is Color!
Yes, the colors you wear and around you have been proven to deeply affect your emotions, moods,...

Read more: Discover Your Most Empowering - True Colors

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Become an embodied expression of Higher Consciousness in day-to-day life

Discover the soul-embodying path of the true evolutionary…
Your soul is on a journey and so is our shared world.
Its speeding up now; its game time on the planet. Some of us are feeling called tobethe change we want to see in the world, to become a real force for healthy, conscious...

Read more: Become an embodied expression of Higher Consciousness in day-to-day life

Sunday 3 April 2016

Qigong healing power

A remarkable number of popular and effective modern holistic modalities are based on Qigong, a set of ancient practices developed in China. Qigong literally means “Life Energy Cultivation.”
Over the millennia, Qigong masters have honed practices involving intention, energy and...

Read more: Qigong healing power

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Laughter Medicine: Karma Talk - event

Are you giving up hope that the world will ever change?
If so, Im excited to invite you to a special enlightening up event on Friday, April 1 (yep, April Fools Day!) called: Karma Talk: An April Fools Day Cosmic Comedy Special, with Cosmic Comic Swami Beyondananda!
>RSVP here forLive Event or...

Read more: Laughter Medicine: Karma Talk - event

Sunday 27 March 2016

Simple Energy Medicine Practices to Stay Out of the Doctor’s Office

Energy Medicine Expert insights from Donna Eden
Energy medicine is an exciting new field that brings together the best of Eastern healing disciplines with Western science to cultivate greater health and vitality.
As you learn basic self-care practices from energy medicine, you receive tools to...

Read more: Simple Energy Medicine Practices to Stay Out of the Doctor’s Office

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Trickster Medicine & Astrological Magic - Virtual Frolick

Are you disheartened by the current state of the world, including nasty politics, signs of eco-collapse, and relentless culture wars?
Well, if so… theres actually some good news Id like to share with you today.
Its about an archetype called the Trickster. When we animate the Trickster, we...

Read more: Trickster Medicine & Astrological Magic - Virtual Frolick

Friday 18 March 2016

Elevate Writing into a Transformative Spiritual Practice

Discover a powerful practice to boost creativity & shed the past
I know from personal experience that the tasks I write down get done more consistently than those I dont, and bigger things such as goals for my life tend to manifest more easily when I commit to writing them down.
But while...

Read more: Elevate Writing into a Transformative Spiritual Practice

Sunday 13 March 2016

Plant Medicine to Restore Balance & Experience Deep Healing

Revitalize your health with nature
What if the power to heal was all around you in the natural world?
Since the dawn of humanity, people from across the globe have used what was in natures pharmacy to heal themselves botanical treatments, healing tinctures and medicinal remedies from the herbs,...

Read more: Plant Medicine to Restore Balance & Experience Deep Healing

Discover Quantum Dreaming & the secrets of time travel

A Must Attend free event with dream shaman Robert Moss
For centuries, shamans around the world have reported using dreams as portals for accessing information from the past and future to apply in the present.
They have learned to dream consciously, which can open them to amazing adventures in...

Read more: Discover Quantum Dreaming & the secrets of time travel

Wednesday 9 March 2016

The path of feminine mysticism unveiled - live event & replay

Discover Your True Beloved
So often we spend our lives chasing an experience of being loved in the outer world and forget that a sublime and even ecstatic relationship with the True Beloved is available within us.
Embracing the Divine as our ultimate Beloved is a time-honored spiritual...

Read more: The path of feminine mysticism unveiled - live event & replay

Friday 4 March 2016

Change your old story to a new empowered one

Free virtual event with myth-making genius Luisah Teish
Have you ever taken stock of the stories you tell about yourself and your life?
Are they stories that empower you to new possibilities, or ones that drain your energy and undermine your ability to express your souls full...

Read more: Change your old story to a new empowered one

Sunday 28 February 2016

Discover a new paradigm for aging consciously

Transform Your journey of Aging, making later years your best years
Aging is part of the cycle of life and contains many blessings…
Yet our society not only attempts to resist this natural process; it also fails to provide any kind of viable model for helping people see all the potential...

Read more: Discover a new paradigm for aging consciously

Friday 26 February 2016

Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying

Access Inner Guidance from Helping Spirits
How to get higher guidance from shamanic journeying
What if you could enter into a parallel world of consciousness and receive accurate guidance on whatever life situations you face?
Well, Ive got good news… you can! Through a practice called...

Read more: Healing Power of Shamanic Journeying

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Embodied Shamanism to Live more of your soul’s potential

Harness the Power of Shamanism to Rescript Your Life!
 The secrets to shapeshifting into a new life
You probably realize that much of your current life experience is actually running from a subconscious “script” that is, in effect, either “setting you up” for success...

Read more: Embodied Shamanism to Live more of your soul’s potential

Awaken and embody Christ Consciousness

RSVP: The Secrets of Mystical Christianity: Opening to Your Next Level of Divine Embodiment
 Discover the secret, hidden truths of the Christ Path (webcast)
So many of us have a deep connection to Jesus and the Christian tradition but may have grown disillusioned with churches or...

Read more: Awaken and embody Christ Consciousness

Monday 15 February 2016

Enneagram for Awakening - Test Figuring out Your Types

Find out How to Use the Enneagram for Awakening: Balancing Instinctual Drives in Your Soul’s Evolution
 Find out How the Enneagram illuminates your Instincts and your Soul
What if you could find an accurate and reliable “blueprint” for understanding yourself, your...

Read more: Enneagram for Awakening - Test Figuring out Your Types

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Heart Intelligence Opening the Gateway to Your Soul's Grace

Open the Gateway to Your Soul’s Grace, Beauty & Power Through your Heart Intelligence
 Your heart holds the keys to your soul’s truth and power…
Have you long understood that your heart has vast, hidden capacities and powers––IF only you could awaken them?...

Read more: Heart Intelligence Opening the Gateway to Your Soul's Grace

Wednesday 3 February 2016

What’s Body Intelligence or BQ for short

Join Body Intelligence Summit: Thriving Bodies – Thriving World
The Body Intelligence Summit: Join 25+ Top Experts
We’ve all been raised in a disembodied world… Sitting endless hours at our desks, staring at screens and disconnected from ALL of our senses in a culture that...

Read more: What’s Body Intelligence or BQ for short

Chakra Expert Event - Powering Up Your Charge

Power Up Your Charge – The Vital Key to Healing and Awakening your Life Force
The Vital Key to Healing and awakening your Life Force (replay if missed)
I’m excited to invite you to join the #1 best-selling expert on the chakra system, Anodea Judith, as she shares how you can:...

Read more: Chakra Expert Event - Powering Up Your Charge

Your Heartmath Solution for well-being and intuition boosting

Learn How To Reduce Emotional Turbulence, optimize your Well-Being & Open to Intuitive Guidance
Scientifically validated methods to boost well-being and intuition
I’m excited to bring you a very special invitation to join one of the HeartMath pioneers, Howard Martin as he shares...

Read more: Your Heartmath Solution for well-being and intuition boosting

Tuesday 2 February 2016

Trickster Medicine for your liberation - Caroline Casey event

Using the Power of Unpredictability to Liberate Your Soul & our World
Shape-shift your way into wild creativity & world-changing solutions
Are you ready to break out of stagnant old realities and shape-shift your way into ever-more freedom and wild creativity? Well, then it’s time...

Read more: Trickster Medicine for your liberation - Caroline Casey event

Friday 29 January 2016

Need a Dose of the Divine Feminine?

Align your New Year’s intentions with the manifesting power of the Universe and experience more ease, greater flow and truly delightful results.
Fortify Your New Year’s Resolutions Birthing Your Best Year Yet
Each year the New Year brings with it the opportunity to set goals, make...

Read more: Need a Dose of the Divine Feminine?